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Rob OGorman

& Chris Abbott

September 2013
Remote control war
Unmanned combat air vehicles in China,
India, Israel, Iran, Russia and Turkey

Published by Open Briefing, 20 September 2013
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Rob OGorman is 3 contributing 3n3lyst 3t Open Briefing0 # former !3n3di3n <orces intelligence
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Remote control war

%nm3nned comb3t 3ir 2ehicles in !hin3,
Bndi3, Br3n, Bsr3el, ;ussi3 3nd 'ur:ey

;ob O=Gorm3n 3nd !hris #bbott


List of abbreviations ii
I. Introduction 1
II. China 3
III. India 6
IV. Iran 9
V. Israel 11
VI. Russia 13
VII. Turkey 15
VIII. Bibliography 1
!nne" !# Unmanned aerial vehicles by country $5
!nne" B# Unmanned combat air vehicles by country 5%

List of abbreviations
AA Anti-aircraft
AD Air defence
ASM Air-to-surface missile
ATC Air traffic control
AWACS Airborne warning and control system
BAMS Broad area maritime surveillance
BDA Battle damage assessment
BLOS Beyond line of sigt
C!" Command# control# communications and intelligence
C$"S% Command# control# communications# com&uters# intelligence# surveillance and
C'( Circular error &robable )a measure of missile accuracy*
COM"+T Communications intelligence )one &art of S","+T# non-'L"+T related*
'CM 'lectronic countermeasures )a-a .amming*
'L"+T 'lectronic intelligence )one &art of S","+T# non-COM"+T related*
'O 'lecto-o&tical )i/e/ camera Lens*
'W 'lectronic warfare
0L"% 0orward loo-ing infrared
0M1 0ull-motion video
0O1 0ield of view
,CS ,round control station
,eo"+T ,eos&atial intelligence )"M"+T &lus weater and terrain analysis*
,MT" ,round moving target indication )a radar mode of o&eration used to discriminate a
moving target against stationary clutter*
2AL' 2ig-altitude long-endurance
2' 2ig e3&losive
"M"+T "magery intelligence )e/g/ from satellite# 4A1 full-motion video or and-eld*
"S% "ntelligence# surveillance and reconnaissance
"STA% "ntelligence# surveillance# target ac5uisition and reconnaissance
LOS Line of sigt
MAL' Medium-altitude long-endurance
MA+(ADS Man-&ortable air-defence systems
M"TL62"TL Man in te loo&6uman in te loo&
MOS( Multi-&ur&ose o&tical stabilised &ayload
MTOW Ma3imum ta-e-off weigt
O(1 O&tionally &iloted veicle
O%BAT Order of battle
(O( (lug-in o&tronic &ayload
%CS %adar cross-section
%(A %emotely-&iloted aircraft
%(1 %emotely-&iloted veicle )largely disused term*
%STA %econnaissance# surveillance and target ac5uisition )4S term for "S%*
SA% Syntetic a&erture radar )&rovides loo--troug ca&ability of clouds# obscurants 7 e/g/
smo-e and limited cover*
S'AD Su&&ression of enemy air defences
S","+T Signals intelligence )includes COM"+T and 'L"+T*
TALD Tactical air-launced decoys )used to confuse and saturate enemy air defences*
4AS 4nmanned aircraft system
4A1 4nmanned aerial veicle
4A1S 4nmanned aircraft air system
4CAS 4nmanned combat air system
4CA1 4nmanned combat air veicle
4,1 4nmanned ground veicle
4S1 4nmanned under-sea veicle
41AS 4nmanned veicle air system
1TOL 1ertical ta-e-off and landing
1T4A1 1ertical ta-e-off and landing tactical unmanned air veicle

Remote control war 1
Section I

The introduction and development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned combat air
vehicles (UCAVs) by an increasin number of countries is creatin both new opportunities and
comple! challenes" #rom an Intellience$ Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) perspective$
drones provide a hitherto unimained ability to observe in real%time the terrain over which one may
conduct operations$ plus the location and disposition of enemy troops and e&uipment" 'owever$ we
are on the cusp of employin armed variants in far reater numbers$ with software that is radually
ta(in the human decision%ma(er out of the loop" It is a(in to the )orld )ar I transition of aircraft
from purely observation roles to that of fihters and the revolution in aerial combat systems that
The development of UCAVs has been possible because of three converin trends" #irst$ aircraft
have become increasinly autonomous$ with computers ta(in over more of the taretin and
weapons delivery functions" Second$ missiles have become more sophisticated and capable of
functions$ such as taret selection$ which were previously carried out by the weapons platform"
Third$ new technoloies have made UAVs capable of reater performance levels" Their increasin
use is partly down to a fourth trend* vastly improved ISR capabilities (itself partly than(s to UAVs)$
which allow hih%value tarets to be trac(ed and tareted while potentially reducin civilian
casualties and other collateral damae"
+ot surprisinly$ there are countless challenes associated with this phenomenon" Chief amon
these from a military standpoint is the development of sound operational doctrine in order to
successfully interate these systems, capabilities" The speed with which drones are bein developed
is far surpassin the imainations of military planners" )hen some of these first unmanned systems
were used by US forces on the battlefield$ impressed military decision%ma(ers were criticised for
ac&uirin a -loo(in down the soda straw, perspective$ whereby they favoured the imaes UAVs
were returnin at the e!pense of awareness of the wider battle space" This made them prone to
imbalanced operational decisions" Since then$ commanders have learnt how to better maintain
situational awareness by viewin the capabilities of such platforms from a distance"
There are wider issues to consider thouh" +ow that -drone stri(e, has become a household term$ a
plethora of leal and ethical issues have rihtly surfaced" +ot least of all the fact that UCAVs are
bein used for missions that would not li(ely be approved if more traditional aircraft systems were
bein used" #or e!ample$ it is hard to imaine the continued violation of .a(istani airspace by US
bombers taretin remote villaes in the northwest of the country" Somehow$ the use of remotely%
piloted systems has temporarily sidestepped international law" It is viewed as a rey area when$ in
fact$ no such ambiuity really e!ists" They are weapons platforms" The location of the pilot and the
type of platform used to deliver a missile should have no relevance to the leality of that stri(e"
2 /pen 0riefin
+umerous other &uestions have arisen as the technoloy has outpaced our ability to control its use"
Should we allow fully autonomous armed systems to be deployed1 2o we need a proliferation
control reime specifically for armed drones1 )hat impacts do repeated attac(s have on the psyche
of tareted populations1 Are drone pilots more or less li(ely to suffer from post%traumatic stress
disorder than conventional pilots1 )hile not within the scope of this study to address such wider
issues$ they bear mentionin from the outset"
3uch of the debate over armed drones has focussed on their use by the United States" As the
leadin country in the development and use of UCAVs this is understandable" It has lowered the
threshold for the use of lethal force and pushed bac( the limits of counter%terrorism efforts to
include the tareted (illin of its own citi4ens abroad" 'owever$ 56 other countries are (nown to
have UAVs$ with appro!imately 78 countries possessin armed drones (thouh estimates vary
widely)" 3any of these countries warrant closer attention9 after all$ a ris(y precedent has been set"
This study focusses on si! of these countries* China$ India$ Iran$ Israel$ Russia and Tur(ey" It identifies
the UAVs in use by each state (see Anne! A) and e!amines in more detail the UCAVs they have in
their inventories (see Anne! 0)" In doin so$ /pen 0riefin has identified at least 788 different UAVs
in use or in development by the countries in &uestion$ with 7: of these bein UCAVs" The li(ely
future use of armed drones by each country is also assessed in liht of current military doctrines and
national security realities"
Some eneral findins are worth hihlihtin here" The vast ma;ority of military UAVs in each
country,s inventory are unarmed (used for ISR)$ thouh many of these can ta(e various payload
options$ includin missiles" In fact$ UCAVs are bein used to carry far heavier payloads than
previously possible" China has the most diverse UCAV inventory$ thouh Israel leads the way in
terms of technoloy and e!port" All the countries studied are e!pandin their UCAV industries"
2omestic manufacturers are preferred but countries are purchasin some modern drones from
abroad" The proliferation of drones to state and non%state adversaries is leadin several countries to
see( to develop UAV countermeasures" #inally$ with the development of loiterin munitions and the
retrofittin of leacy aircraft or development of new manned<unmanned systems$ the lines
between missiles and drones at one end and drones and aircraft at the other are increasinly
This study was commissioned by the Remote Control .ro;ect$ a pilot pro;ect initiated by the
+etwor( for Social Chane and hosted in =ondon by /!ford Research >roup" In underta(in this
wor($ /pen 0riefin has drawn on a wide rane of sources$ includin defence e&uipment
e!hibitions$ defence company brochures$ forein media$ defence news$ military reference boo(s$
+>/ databases and military forums"
It is clear that armed drones$ their uses and their proliferation are issues that are widely
misunderstood and surrounded by inaccuracies" This study is offered as one contribution to
addressin that situation"

Remote control war 3
Section II

a) Existing drone inventory
Chinese research into unmanned aerial vehicles bean in the late ?:68s" 3ore recently$ China,s
economic boom has fuelled a substantial proramme of military modernisation" Sinificant
development has occurred in manned and unmanned aircraft$ reconnaissance satellites and
sophisticated round%based infrastructure$ which China will use as the foundation for its emerin
networ(%centric military" There is reportedly a hihly competitive domestic mar(et for drone system
research and development and manufacturin in China" China has developed appro!imately 68
desins to date$ ranin from micro%si4e to much larer UAVs$ thus allowin the overnment and
military to be selective in its choices for further development or operational use"
Althouh much of China,s drone research and development remains classified$ /pen 0riefin has
identified at least @A different UAVs (plus variants) in use or in development by China (see Anne! A)$
with ?? of these bein UCAVs (see Anne! 0)" 3ost of these are tactical$ shorter%rane UAVs" All bar
one of their armed drones are Chinese desined and built" The e!ception is the 'arop$ made by
Israel Aerospace Industries"
b) Future armed drone developments
The US 2efense Science 0oard has called China,s UAV developments -alarmin," These concerns are
lin(ed to the United States, relatively new .acific%centric doctrine of AirSea 0attle and China,s Anti%
Access<Area%2enial (A7<A2) counter%stratey"
'owever$ a second and e&ually noteworthy concern is the matter of Chinese drone proliferation"
China is not a member of either the 3issile Technoloy Control Reime or the )assenaar
Arranement and can therefore provide their products more easily than the United States to
customers in other .acific%rim countries$ Central Asia and the 3iddle Bast and +orth Africa$ and at
considerably reduced cost compared to US models" This ma(es drone technoloy available to poorer
countries" The .=A lac(s combat e!perience with their UCAV systems and e!portin them may be a
way of ac&uirin this needed (and mar(etable) &uality" Any e!ported UCAVs used in reional
conflicts by the operatin country will ive China the much needed -combat proven, seal of
approval$ which will help increase sales abroad"
Any future developments of China,s UCAV capabilities must be seen within the larer framewor( of
their sinificant C@ISR advances" Chief amon these is China,s indienous >.S alternative$ the
0eidou%7 satellite networ($ scheduled to achieve lobal coverae by 7878" If current trends in
China,s technoloical development continue over the ne!t ?6%78 years$ the .=A will reap a vastly
improved eolocation (and thus precision%stri(e) capability$ a more persistent lobal satellite
coverae and a rane of military%related by%products$ not the least of which would be an
enhancement of their e!istin UCAV fleet"
4 /pen 0riefin
Table 1. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by China"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
Shenyan Aircraft
Stealth UAV<UCAV
A&'(22)A Cian AS+ Technical >roup
Reconnaissance and precision attac( 3A=B
China Aerospace Science
and Industry Corporation
Armed tactical 3A=B UAV (UCAV
China Aerospace Science
and Industry Corporation
Armed tactical 3A=B UAV (UCAV
Aerospace =on%3arch
International Trade
Company =td
ISR$ 02A$ meteoroloical survey and
precision attac( UAV<UCAV for special
Aerospace =on%3arch
International Trade
Company =td
ISR and air%to%surface stri(e UAV<UCAV
*arop Israel Aerospace Industries SBA2
'ondu%Shenyan Aircraft
Corporation collaboration
ISR and air%to%surface stri(e UAV<UCAV
Chendu Aircraft Industry
(>roup) Company
Surveillance 3A=B UAV<UCAV
China Aerospace Science
and Industry Corporation
Armed reconnaissance UAV<UCAV
>ui4hou Aviation Industry
>roup Company
Det%powered surveillance UCAV
There are li(ely to be three (ey developments in relation to China,s UCAV proramme in the comin
years" #irst$ an increase in hih%altitude lon%endurance systems$ such as the )in%=oon (@$888 (m
rane)$ is li(ely" Second$ an increase in the number of stealth UCAVs with reduced electronic si4e
(reduced radar cross%section) is li(ely$ possibly to cue lon%rane$ land%based missiles such as the 2#%
7?2 anti%ship ballistic missile (or -carrier (iller,)" (+ote that the An;ian UCAV is an anomaly in this
respect$ as it appears more li(e a fihter ;et or potential -drone (iller,") Third$ China is li(ely to
develop and deploy newer and more potent air%to%surface missiles for use with loner%rane UCAV
It is worth mentionin that a plastic model at an international defence e!hibition does not indicate
an operational UCAV" Intentional disinformation is a well%used item in China,s tool%bo!"
#urthermore$ althouh China,s development of these and other technoloies is worth notin$
hyperbole about such advances causin a reional arms race E particularly with Dapan E is probably
unfounded at present"

Remote control war 2
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
China faces a rane of internal and e!ternal security challenes$ any of which could see drones
deployed in response"
3aintainin sovereinty over China,s autonomous reions is of reat importance to 0ei;in" Reions
such as Tibet are crucial for resource security (oil$ as and water) and force pro;ection" 2rones are an
ideal tool for surveillance and monitorin of these areas" >iven 0ei;in,s consistent characterisation
of the Bast Tur(estan Islamic 3ovement and )orld Uyhur Conress as terrorist oranisations and
its lac( of criticism of US drone stri(es in .a(istan$ the .=A may also be leavin the door open for
use of UCAVs in Cin;ian and Central Asia for counterinsurency aainst such roups"
China is undoubtedly considerin UCAVs for use in other security roles" #or e!ample$ in #ebruary
78?F$ the 3inistry of .ublic Security reported that a drone stri(e was considered to taret a leader
of one of the larest armed ans in the >olden Trianle who was hidin in northeast 0urma
(3yanmar)" The 3inistry reportedly decided aainst the option and the suspect was instead
apprehended alive in =aos"
In eneral$ thouh$ it is more li(ely that UCAVs will be used in maritime and territorial disputes and
form part of China,s A7<A2 arsenal"
/ne of China,s primary mid%term ob;ectives is to push US naval forces out of what it reards as its
bac(yard" .=A planners have not overloo(ed deployin UCAVs as a component of A7<A2 and a
means to limit the effectiveness of the United States, AirSea 0attle stratey" As an e!ample$ China
may be buildin up its drone capacity to underta(e surveillance operations over Taiwan and the
Taiwan Straits in order to monitor US<Taiwan military installations and preparedness" Increasin
numbers of drone systems may also emere as the critical enabler for .=A lon%rane precision
stri(e missions within a F$888 (m radius of Chinese shores" As such$ drones may become a critical
(even (ey) component in the accuracy of the .=A Air #orce,s lon%rane stri(e capability"
A7<A2 is not restricted to China,s western .acific coastline" Their Strin of .earls stratey is aimed
at establishin (ey commercial and military port developments ad;oinin Indian /cean sea lanes of
communication$ which carry 58G of China,s African and 3iddle Bastern oil imports" China is li(ely to
be buildin considerable anti%piracy capabilities in these sea lanes$ which may eventually include a
UCAV fleet"
Surveillance and monitorin of contested maritime space in the South and Bast China Seas is also
li(ely to increase" This could be a sinificant escalatory ris( if both China and Dapan deploy drones
over the disputed Sen(a(u<2iaoyu Islands and the threshold for enain them is deemed lower
than for manned aircraft" The same ris( applies between China and India over the potential use of
drones above the disputed border reions Arunachal .radesh and A(sai Chin and the =ine of Actual
Control between the two countries"

0 /pen 0riefin
Section III

a) Existing drone inventory
The Indian Armed #orces have been operatin UAVs for over a decade" The Indian Army was the first
service to ac&uire drones$ in the late ?::8s from Israel$ and the air force and navy followed" /pen
0riefin has identified at least 7? different UAVs (plus variants) now in use or in development by
India (see Anne! A)$ with four of these bein UCAVs (see Anne! 0)"
Table 2. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by India"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
2efence Research and
2evelopment /ranisation
Attac( stealth UCAV
*arop Israel Aerospace Industries SBA2
*arpy Israel Aerospace Industries =oiterin (anti%radar) attac( UAV<UCAV
2efence Research and
2evelopment /ranisation
/f India,s 7? different UAVs$ ?A are produced by Indian companies and five are ac&uisitions from
Israel" 'owever$ only one domestically%produced UAV E the +ishant short%rane tactical UAV E is
currently operational with India,s armed forces (specifically the army)$ and then only deployed in
small numbers" The Indian Army employs about ?A Israeli 'erons and at least a do4en Searcher I<IIs
for their loner%rane surveillance needs" The Indian +avy,s aviation arm has stood up three
surveillance s&uadrons since 788A$ with a fourth reportedly formin" #or the moment$ the
s&uadrons are composite$ most holdin four 'erons and si! Searcher IIs" The Indian Air #orce now
has at least five UAV s&uadrons" Some of these are mi!ed (composite 'eron<Searcher II)$ while
others appear to be sinle%UAV type" Recent reports indicate that the air force has also ac&uired the
'arpy and 'arop UCAVs to meet their short%term re&uirements" 0oth are loiterin munitions$
intended for SBA2 missions and$ presumably$ hih%value tarets"
Unli(e most )estern militaries$ who increasinly wor( in ;oint (interated service) environments$ it
should be noted that the Indian Armed #orces are very much tri%service E with the army$ navy and air
force vyin with each other for resources" Althouh the overall #H78?F defence budet reflects the
trend in Indian military spendin for the army to receive the lion,s share (spent mostly on salaries
and operatin costs due to the lare number of personnel compared to the other two services)$ it is
the navy and the air force who receive the ma;ority of the procurement budet between them"
Remote control war 4
b) Future armed drone developments
India,s UCAV proramme is in its infancy" In early 788:$ then 2irector >eneral of the 2efence
Research and 2evelopment /ranisation (2R2/)$ VI Saraswat$ announced that they would be
embar(in on the development of an indienous UCAV" /n 7A Auust 78?F$ the new head of the
2R2/$ Avinash Chander$ announced that the oranisation would test fire precision uided
munitions from UAVs within a couple of months"
+ew 2elhi suspects that 0ei;in,s massive drone research and development effort holds unhealthy
implications for India" In particular$ they are concerned about the mountainous 'imalayan reion
ad;acent to the border with China" Such a rued and porous reion miht effect an infiltration by
China usin stealth UCAVs$ which India could neither intercept nor interdict" /ne way to counter
such a threat is for India to develop its own stealth UCAVs with an air%to%air combat capability" In
fact$ India is in the early staes of developin such a UCAV* the Aura"
Some well%orchestrated lea(s to the press have revealed some of the desired capabilities of the
Aura" 'owever$ iven India,s onoin procurement problems$ these have been labelled a -pipe
dream, by some defence analysts" The Aura,s maiden fliht could be as early as 78?@ but it is not
e!pected to be rolled out operationally before 78?:%78" It should be noted that the Aura may have
the payload capacity to carry a stripped%down nuclear device if so desired$ ivin India a powerful
first%stri(e capability"
3ore realistic at present is the Rustom proramme" IndiaJs two larest state%owned defence
roups$ 0harat Blectronics =td (0B=) and 'industan Aeronautics =td ('A=) have been selected by the
Indian 3inistry of 2efence to assist in the development of an indienous medium%altitude lon%
endurance UAV$ the Rustom%?" The Rustom%7 is an armed variant bein developed from a different
desin to the Rustom%?$ bein a near carbon copy of the >eneral Atomics 3K%? .redator" Its first
fliht is scheduled for #ebruary 78?@"
'owever$ as with all India,s best%laid plans to modernise its military$ these pro;ects may run into
difficulties if their procurement processes are not improved" .rocurement is a ma;or problem for
India,s embryonic defence industry and there are several onoin corruption cases$ causin some
defence contracts to be suspended or cancelled" >iven this$ India remains larely dependent on
forein purchases of ma;or combat e&uipment$ notably from Russia and Israel" This includes
e!pensive purchases of UCAVs to fulfil immediate re&uirements"
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
2urin the 788L 3umbai terrorist attac(s$ the attac(ers approached by sea and inressed to their
tarets via the busy port facilities" #ollowin these attac(s$ the navy$ coast uard and civil maritime
police and port security were tas(ed with buildin an enhanced three%tier coastal surveillance rid$
in which naval and coast uard air assets would play a pivotal role" Althouh priority may have been
iven to operational chanes and more effective measures to react to such incidents$ evolvin ;oint
command arranements would be ideal for a concerted use of drones within the country,s coastal
security rid" 'owever$ due to the nature of the sub;ect$ public discussion about such operationally%
sensitive matters has been and will remain minimal"
5 /pen 0riefin
)ith Iashmir in mind$ India has (eenly watched the United States, successful use of UCAVs to
prosecute attac(s in .a(istan,s tribal areas$ such as )a4iristan" )hile the Indian Army conducts
aressive patrollin$ ambushes$ cordon and search$ and other operations related to counter%
insurency in Dammu and Iashmir$ there is no policy of -hot pursuit, (that is trac(in and stri(in
militants in their trainin and supply camps in .a(istan%administered Iashmir)" 2rones ive India
more options in this respect and the army and air force may well carefully consider their use aainst
hih%value tarets and for other missions over the reion" #or now$ UAVs are providin e!cellent
inputs about any intrusions over the =ine of Control and terrain analysis for operational plannin
purposes" Undoubtedly$ they are also used in detection<enain artillery missions from loner%
rane artillery and to aid short%rane ballistic missiles"
2octrinal and operational chanes$ includin those that may relate to the future use of drones$ are
bein hampered by poor cooperation between the armed services and the challenes in defence
procurement already mentioned" Chief amon these chanes is the army,s Cold Start doctrine" The
Indian Army has evolved from a enerally static defensive doctrine to that of offensive%defence$
re&uirin hihly fle!ible mobility" The aim is to form eiht interated battle roups$ combinin air
force and army units under ;oint (in effect$ army) command" )hile the focus is .a(istan$ Cold Start
may also ta(e into account the need for India to fiht a possible two%front war E aainst .a(istan to
the northwest and China to the northeast"
)ithin this doctrine$ what UAVs the army has would be tas(ed with battlefield surveillance and
taret identification for artillery$ missiles or air stri(es" The even fewer UCAVs that are allocated to
the army would be used sparinly$ such as in attac(s on enemy head&uarters$ weapons of mass
destruction (particularly nuclear weapons sites) and hih%value tarets$ but would have little impact
compared to the broader array of lare%scale mechanised operations"
Also of interest is the Indian +avy,s revised maritime doctrine published in Auust 788:" +otably$
the navy is developin three carrier battle roups E reconisin the need for aircraft beyond the
rane and abilities of shore%based maritime patrol aircraft" 'owever$ current plannin discounts
seaborne air superiority because of the ae of their sole aircraft carrier$ the I+S Viraat$ the delay in
delivery of the I+S Vi(ramaditya (the refitted Soviet<Russian 0a(u<Admiral >orsh(ov) and the fact
that the I+S Vi(rant will not be commissioned until 78?L" )hile there will very li(ely be a future role
for drones within this emerin doctrine$ it is too early to say with confidence what that miht be"
It is also worth notin that some state police aencies are deployin UAVs in response to internal
security challenes" #or e!ample$ Andhra .radesh in southeast India reportedly has two drones for
monitorin +a!al activities in the +allamala forests and alon the Andhra%/disha border" /ther
rebel%affected states$ includin Dhar(hand$ Chhattisarh$ /disha and 3aharashtra$ either have or
are plannin to procure UAVs" Reports indicate that the paramilitary Central Reserve .olice #orce is
plannin to ac&uire tactical shoulder%launched mini%UAVs and is demandin that it be allowed to
ac&uire its own fleet of strateic UAVs" These and other developments ma(e it clear that drones will
play an increasinly important role in attempts to monitor and control the +a!alite<3aoist
insurency in India"
Remote control war )
Section IV

a) Existing drone inventory
The international embaroes on Iran ma(e their drone developments primarily reliant on domestic
technoloy and reverse enineerin" Iran possesses a limited$ if rowin$ indienous UAV
production capability behind its fre&uent brea(throuh claims in defence technoloy" /pen 0riefin
has identified at least ?5 different UAVs (plus variants) in use or in development by Iran (see Anne!
A)$ with si! of these bein UCAVs (see Anne! 0)"
Table 3. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by Iran"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
Iran Aircraft 3anufacturin
Iran Aircraft 3anufacturin
#arnas Aerospace
Reconnaissance (UAV) and stri(e (UCAV)
#arnas Aerospace
Reconnaissance (UAV) and stri(e (UCAV)
&arir *(11, Kods Aviation Industries Reconnaissance (UAV) and stri(e (UCAV)
&9a9ed(12) Kods Aviation Industries Reconnaissance (UAV) and stri(e (UCAV)
3uch of IranJs drone development has been driven by the Islamic Revolutionary >uard Corps, own
aerospace division" There is currently an array of models at different staes of production" This
includes reproductions of US and Israeli drones" #or e!ample$ the Sarir '%??8 is based on the Israel
Aerospace Industries 'unter and the Shahed%?7: on the Blbit Systems 'ermes%@68" The Shahed%
?7:$ announced in September 78?7$ is reportedly capable of a missile payload for a non%stop 7@
hour fliht over 7$888 (m" This is twice the rane of the Iarrar$ a first eneration Iranian UCAV
revealed in Auust 78?8" Such technoloical improvements are believed to have been made
possible in part throuh reverse enineerin of intercepted enemy hardware (such as the =oc(heed%
3artin RK%?58 Sentinel that Iran downed in 2ecember 78??)"
Iran,s UAV capabilities are partly reflected in 'e4bollah,s ability to field unmanned reconnaissance
systems over Israeli territory" In 78?8$ a motorised balloon believed to have been dispatched by
'e4bollah came close to Israel,s 2imona nuclear facility before it was shot down$ and in /ctober
78?7 an Iranian%made drone reportedly tarried in Israeli airspace for F8 minutes before finally bein
brouht down" Iranian UAVs are also reportedly in the service of the Syrian overnment$ which
deploys them to monitor rebel movements"
1, /pen 0riefin
b) Future armed drone developments
As most of Iran,s leacy combat aircraft date bac( to the ?:58s$ their main impulse will be to redress
the imbalance in its aerial vulnerabilities" Iran is very proud of its UAV capabilities$ especially of its
well%publicised ability to shadow US ships in the vicinity of the Straits of 'ormu4" 'owever$ it is
(eenly aware of its limited UCAV capabilities"
In the short to medium term$ enhanced taretin capabilities (such as throuh more robust >3TI
software) will be pursued$ thus refinin their e!istin abilities" Also$ the development and fieldin of
larer UCAVs seems in order as the type and si4e of anti%shippin munitions increases" I3I+T
analysts will undoubtedly want to pay close attention to Keshm Island in the Strait of 'ormu4$
where most (if not all) of Iran,s drones are tested before bein operationally deployed"
In 3ay 78?F$ Iran rolled out its new Sarir '%??8 UCAV$ claimed to be capable of air%to%air combat"
Interestinly$ this new drone has an older 3isah%? shoulder%fired surface%to%air missile (SA3)
ried to its underside" The armin of UAVs with man%portable air%defence systems (3A+.A2S) is a
discernible sinificant trend in Iran,s UCAV development" In anticipation of air stri(es aainst its
nuclear facilities$ the Iranians ac&uired several Russian Tor%3? (>auntlet SA%?6) self%propelled SA3
systems in 2ecember 7886$ but were unsuccessful at that time in their attempts to secure any
strateic SA3s (such as the S%F88<SA%?8) from the Russians" Since then$ they have they been mass
producin their own versions of the SA%5 and SA%?@ 3A+.A2S$ desinatin them the 3isah%? or
3isah%7" The fittin of 3A+.A2S to UAVs helps Iran compensate for wea(nesses in its
conventional air force without the need to re%enineer their older combat aircraft"
#inally$ Iran is also interested in developin anti%UAV measures$ includin the use of false >.S
sinals to interfere with US and Israel drones"
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
The primary national security concerns aainst which Tehran miht deploy UCAVs include over the
country,s borders with Tur(ey$ Ira&$ .a(istan and Afhanistan9 over the .ersian >ulf$ Straits of
'ormu4 and Caspian Sea9 to protect nuclear and other enery%related installations and supply
routes9 and aainst Israel (both directly or indirectly$ for e!ample throuh supplyin 'e4bollah)"
/ver recent years$ the standoff and ensuin conflict between Iran and the )est and Israel over the
former,s disputed nuclear proramme has ac&uired a hihly covert$ low%intensity character on
multiple fronts both within and beyond Iran,s borders" The Iranian leadership has responded in (ind
by pri4in asymmetrical over conventional warfare" The increased use of drones fits this evolvin
stratey and theoretically allows Iran (or its pro!ies) to pro;ect lon%distance reconnaissance or
offense capabilities (for e!ample$ over Israel or to taret the US #ifth #leet in the .ersian >ulf)" In
this conte!t$ it is worth notin that armed drones can be used to deliver unconventional munitions"

Remote control war 11
Section V

a) Existing drone inventory
Israel is the world,s leadin e!porter of drones in terms of volume$ variety and number of countries
e!ported to" Israeli companies were responsible for @?G of all UAV e!ports worldwide between
788? and 78??$ accordin to the Stoc(holm International .eace Research Institute" International
consultin company #rost M Sullivan reported that Israeli UAV sales have amounted to N@"A billion
over the past eiht years$ ma(in up nearly ?8G of Israel,s total defence e!ports" This is pro;ected
to row 6%?8G per year until at least 7878"
/pen 0riefin has identified at least 67 different UAVs (plus variants) in use or in development by
Israel (see Anne! A)$ with four of these bein UCAVs (see Anne! 0)$ thouh there are li(ely more
bein developed in this latter cateory"
Table 4. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by Israel"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
*arop Israel Aerospace Industries SBA2
*arpy Israel Aerospace Industries =oiterin (anti%radar) attac( UAV<UCAV
*eron T$ Israel Aerospace Industries 'ih%altitude lon%endurance UAV<UCAV
&parro:(' B3IT Aviation Consult Tactical mini%UAV and UCAV
At least 78 Israeli companies are involved in the UAV mar(et$ producin them both domestically and
via overseas subsidiaries" The two larest sta(eholders are Israel Aerospace Industries and Blbit
Systems =td$ with the former producin three out of the four identified UCAVs" Israeli UAV
companies e!port to customers across Asia$ Africa and =atin America" Searcher%II$ 'eron and 'arpy
UAVs have been sold to India and A4erbai;an has purchased N?"A billion worth of Israeli military
hardware$ includin Searchers$ 'erons and 'ermes" /f the countries studied for this report$ the
'arop and 'arpy UCAVs are in service with India and Tur(ey$ and China uses the 'arop"
b) Future armed drone developments
Israel,s combat doctrine has$ over time$ shifted from conventional warfare characterised by classic
battlefield force concentration$ to one typified by close%&uarter and often low%intensity urban
warfare in hihly built%up civilian centres" The prime thrust of this lihter military footprint now
includes intellience atherin$ surical stri(e capabilities and reater use of aerial assets includin
drones" .art of the e!pected benefit E in theory at least E is a reduction in civilian deaths" 2rones
(both surveillance and armed) will therefore continue to play a crucial role in Israel,s e!istin
theatres of conflict in =ebanon ('e4bollah) and >a4a$ and even potentially aainst Iran in the future"
12 /pen 0riefin
As part of this and over the medium to lon term$ a further refinin of the Israeli 2efence #orce,s
(I2#) e!istin drones can be e!pected" They are li(ely to develop newer$ miniature (nano) UAVs for
use by special forces in hostile urban terrain and confined spaces"
As Israel,s adversaries$ includin 'e4bollah$ e!pand their drone inventories$ Israel will undoubtedly
be enhancin its own anti%UAV capabilities" This currently includes air defence systems$ such as Iron
2ome" In future$ they may (with US assistance) re%visit earlier efforts to deploy a laser defence
system" They may also see( more effective methods of interceptin or bloc(in control sinals to
enemy drones" Conversely$ they are li(ely to develop counter%countermeasures$ includin stealth
technoloy and secure >.S devices to prevent the >.S sinal to their own drones bein ;ammed E
particularly iven Iran,s apparent abilities in this area"
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
0oth UCAVs and dedicated surveillance UAVs will play an increasinly crucial role in Israel,s e!istin
theatres of conflict"
Apart from >a4a and occasional operations over the )est 0an($ Israel,s areas of concern are mainly
around the Sinai .eninsula and the Byptian border to the west9 Syria and =ebanon ('e4bollah) to
the north9 and suspicious movements alon the Dordanian border to the east" 3ovements of
concern include air$ land or sea shipments from Iran to Syria$ 'e4bollah and 'amas (despite the
recently reduced level of support to the latter)" The ma;ority of Israel,s UCAVs are desined for use
aainst such local threats"
#urther afield$ it is Iran that presents the reatest potential threat$ and at least one of Israel,s
UCAVs E the 'eron T. (Bitan) E is capable of reachin tarets in Iran"
In the short to medium term$ an increasin number of e!pendable drones (such as the 'arop) are
li(ely to be used in SBA2 missions and possibly decapitation stri(es at enemy leaderships" Israel is
one of only three countries (toether with the United States and 0ritain) (nown to have successfully
used UCAVs for lethal stri(es" There is nothin to suest that this is not somethin Israel will
continue to do in the future" Coupled with Israel,s robust 'U3I+T and B=I+T capabilities$ the I2#
will continue to be at the forefront of developin new tactical and operational doctrines usin the
latest drone technoloies"

Remote control war 13
Section VI

a) Existing drone inventory
Russia has been buildin UAVs for several decades but has not achieved the (ind of performance
found in Israeli or US models" There have been overt calls by senior military leaders to -buy Russian,
but this all chaned after Russia,s conflict with >eoria in 788L" 2urin that conflict$ Russia was at
pains to even detect >eoria,s Israeli%made UAVs with its e!istin air defence radars$ much less
shoot them down" As a result$ >eorian situational awareness was far superior to the Russians,"
)ith a clearer intellience picture$ they were able to respond more dynamically to Russia,s superior
In e!asperation$ Russia bean to loo( abroad for hih%&uality UAVs" In 788:%?8$ Russia elected to
purchase ?7 drones from Israel" These included two Searcher IIs$ eiht I%Views and two 0ird Bye
@88s" )ith this purchase of Israeli UAVs$ the Russian military ained some hands%on e!perience with
some of the best UAVs available" Their enineers also ot a closer loo( at how competitive UAVs are
desined and built"
Includin these imported items$ /pen 0riefin has identified at least 6@ different UAVs (plus
variants) in use or in development by Russia (see Anne! A)$ with five of these bein UCAVs (see
Anne! 0)" Various press reports have indicated that Russia was also considerin purchasin a
number of United @8 UCAVs from United Arab Bmirates, A2C/3 Systems" 'owever$ at the time of
writin$ this cannot be confirmed or repudiated and so they have not been included in this report"
Table 2. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by Russia"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
Altius So(ol and Tran4as UAV and UCAV
;no<9odyets So(ol and Tran4as UAV and UCAV
$roryv(U Ha(ovlev UCAV
&<at 3I> SBA2 UCAV
oron Ha(ovlev 3ulti%role UAV9 possible UCAV

14 /pen 0riefin
b) Future armed drone developments
Russia,s future with UCAVs will be inconsistent" Althouh senior military commanders echo the
popular importance of -buyin Russian,$ they ac(nowlede (at least tacitly) that they have neither
the e!perience nor an industry sufficiently refined for hih%&uality UCAV production" Thus$
whatever UCAV developments there are will li(ely come from their own reenineerin efforts or
from off%the%shelf purchases from countries that do have the e!pertise"
)hile Russia is li(ely to continue purchasin forein UAVs from mar(et%leadin Israeli companies$
some form of trade areement with China should not be ruled out" (It is worth notin that the 788:
purchases from Israel were only possible because Russia areed not to pass on particular defence
e&uipment to Syria or Iran")
In the meantime$ those UCAVs which Russia does have (for e!ample$ the .roryv%U) may become a
test%bed for further reenineerin of its leacy<fi!ed%win aircraft into armed drones"
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
Russia,s future use of UCAVs will be problematic" They have no tactical<operational doctrine for
their use$ with the possible e!ception of a Cold )ar holdover termed the reconnaissance%stri(e
comple! (the interation of missiles with precision%uided sub%munitions$ area sensors and
automated command and control)" +or is there sufficient evidence that concerted thin(in on the
use of UCAVs is bein underta(en"
The matter is further compounded by the fact that military planners do not have hih confidence in
their own >.S constellation (>=/+ASS) E critical for taret enaement" The future role of UCAVs
in Russian national military stratey will thus li(ely be limited until confidence in these space%based
assets increases"
It therefore is unclear what operational role armed drones will play" 'owever$ those indienous and
forein%purchased UCAVs that are deployed will li(ely appear in reions (such as the Caucasus)
where any conflict over Russia,s territorial interity arises" Another role in which these systems may
be deployed in future is for site security of remote Strateic 3issile #orces bases$ where they are
currently deployin the Taifun (Typhoon) 3 counter%sabotae vehicle in con;unction with small
VT/= UAVs (for e!ample$ the Bleron%F)"
#inally$ it should be noted that Russia has very sinificant economic and military interests in
protectin its northern<Arctic transit route to ensure not only the production and transit of oil and
as$ but also the movement of strateic naval assets" The implications of this for UCAV
development are currently unclear$ but it is possible that Russia will deploy mi!ed
(manned<unmanned) reiments to the reion in future" 'owever$ at present any possible
deployments would be limited to hih%altitude lon%endurance UAVs for surveillance and
reconnaissance only"
Remote control war 12
Section VII

a) Existing drone inventory
Tur(ey considers itself$ rihtly or wronly$ to be one of the top developers of UAVs in the world" In
78?8$ Tur(ey possessed about 768 drones" The army was usin the #alcon A88<#irebee$ the Canadair
C=%7L: and about two do4en of their own indienous 0ayra(tar tactical UAVs" Their air force elected
to use the >nat 568<I%>+AT BR and the 'eron" Their fleet has e!panded reatly since then"
/pen 0riefin has identified at least 7@ different UAVs (plus variants) in use or in development by
Tur(ey (see Anne! A)$ with four of these bein UCAVs (see Anne! 0)"
Table 0. Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by Tur(ey"
UCA designation !anu"a#turer $rimary role
An<a =A
Tur(ish Aerospace
Industries Inc"
Tur(ish Aerospace
Industries Inc"
UCAV<strateic UAV
*arop Israel Aerospace Industries SBA2
*arpy Israel Aerospace Industries =oiterin (anti%radar) attac( UAV<UCAV
Tur(ey operates a special variant of the Israeli 'eron" It uses Tur(ish%desined sub%systems and a
more powerful enine for enhanced performance" They are considered to be the best 'erons
operatin worldwide" 'owever$ Tur(ey has a fractious relationship with Israel and diplomatic
tensions have repeatedly affected their drone ac&uisition$ maintenance and trainin prorammes"
b) Future armed drone developments
Tur(ey,s current UCAV inventory is limited" 'owever$ An(ara has sinalled the seriousness of its
UCAV ambitions throuh the development of a +ational Unmanned Combat Aircraft (3ISU)
proramme$ which will follow on from the Stri(e UAV (SI'A) pro;ect currently bein developed by
Tur(ish Aerospace Industries (usin the An(a platform)" The 3ISU is forecast to be delivered to the
Tur(ish Air #orce by 78F8$ with the first s&uadron stood up by 78F6"
Unli(e other countries$ which have focused on small and medium UCAV desins$ Tur(ey has ta(en a
different route$ with its own armed drones capable of carryin very lare payloads" The An(a OA and
An(a%T. (bein developed from the e!istin An(a 3A=B UAV) are estimated to have payload
capacities of between one and three tons" Their si4e and capacity puts them in the same class as the
0road Area 3aritime Surveillance (0A3S) UAVs (li(e the 3K%@C Triton)"
10 /pen 0riefin
Tur(ey has successfully demonstrated its ability to sell its UAV models to clients in the 3iddle Bast$
such as Katar and Saudi Arabia" As Tur(ey consolidates its position as a reional power$ more
opportunities will li(ely arise for sales of their indienous UAVs to 3iddle Bastern countries"
Closer military and trade cooperation with Russia (includin drone sales) is also very li(ely$ despite
Tur(ey,s +AT/ membership and the recent differences over Syria" It is worth notin that Tur(ey is
now in hih%level discussions with Russia over the purchase of new attac( helicopters (for e!ample$
the IA%67 Alliator)$ the S%F88V (SA%78 >aroyle) air defence system and possibly coastal defence
systems (such as the SS%+%7A)" An(ara will need to tread a careful line with Tel Aviv and )ashinton$
thouh$ as it will li(ely still want to purchase Israeli and US drones as it continues to build up its
domestic drone prorammes"
#) Armed drone deployment #onsiderations
The need for persistent surveillance of border reions will li(ely see Tur(ey usin their new UCAVs
e!tensively" This will include wide%area surveillance of their borders with Armenia$ Iran and Ira&$ the
strateically important 0osphorus Straits$ the eastern 3editerranean (especially Cyprus)$ the
Tur(ish%>ree( aerial and sea borders in the Aeean$ and their coastline alon the 0lac( Sea" Tur(ey
has further onoin border security concerns with the .II$ thouh it is ma(in headway in
resolvin the Iurdish &uestion" The mountainous southeast of the country$ where the .II operates$
demands the use of aerial intellience atherin$ reconnaissance and offensive capabilities$ for
which drones are ideal" Such missions will li(ely be underta(en by their air force$ which carries most
of the burden of strateic and operational surveillance in the reion"
3ore sensitive deployments may occur alon the Tur(ish border with Syria" Tur(ish UAV mission
planners will be monitorin any proress made by Syria in ac&uirin S%F88 series air and ballistic
missile defence systems from Russia" .lanners will ensure that drones maintain a respectable
distance from the border if such systems are eventually obtained" After all$ Tur(ey had one of its
dedicated reconnaissance aircraft (a R#%@B .hantom) shot down by Syrian air defence assets in Dune
78?7$ possibly by a Russian%made .antsir%S?B"
Tur(ey,s deployment of indienous UCAVs alon or into any of the border<coastal areas mentioned
will li(ely be carried out under the stated proviso that Tur(ey is actin in its own national interests
to protect its territorial sovereinty$ and that any use of on%board missiles was purely in self%
defence" In fact$ drones are li(ely to be larely limited to non%lethal mission roles so as to not ris(
further ;eopardisin Tur(ey,s BU ambitions$ which were damaed by .rime 3inister Recep Tayyip
BrdoPan,s heavy%handed response to the 78?F political protests in Istanbul and elsewhere"

Remote control war 14
Section VIII

I'S Dane,s" 78?7" /ane8s All t9e .orld8s Air#ra"t> Unmanned? 2,12(2,13. Bnlewood$ Co*
Dane,s Information >roup"
International Institute for Strateic Studies" 78?7" T9e !ilitary @alan#e 2,12. =ondon* Routlede"
International Institute for Strateic Studies" 78??" T9e !ilitary @alan#e 2,11. =ondon* Routlede"
Von Rosenbach$ Ale!ander and .eacoc($ =indsay" 78?F" /aneAs .orld Air For#es. Bnlewood$ Co*
Dane,s Information >roup"
Von Rosenbach$ Ale!ander and .eacoc($ =indsay" 78?F" /aneAs .orld Armies. Bnlewood$ Co*
Dane,s Information >roup"
Von Rosenbach$ Ale!ander and .eacoc($ =indsay" 78?F" /aneAs .orld 'avies. Bnlewood$ Co*
Dane,s Information >roup"
0ilsborouh$ Shane" C9inaAs Emerging C4;&3 3evolution. The 2iplomat$ ?F Auust 78?F"
Accessed ?6 Auust 78?F" http*<<thediplomat"com<78?F<8L<?F<chinas%emerin%c@isr%revolution<
2efense Science 0oard" 78?7" T9e 3ole o" Autonomy in BoB &ystems. )ashinton$ 2C*
/ffice of the Under Secretary of 2efense for Ac&uisition$ Technoloy and =oistics"
2efense Update" ?L 3ay 78?F" C9inaAs -i%ian UCA C&9arp &:ordD spotted taxiing.
Accessed A Auust 78?F" http*<<defense%update"com<78?F86?LQli;ian%sharp%sword%ta!i"html
Baston$ Ian 3" and 'siao$ ="C" Russell" 78?F" T9e C9inese $eopleAs -iberation ArmyAs Unmanned
Aerial e9i#le $ro%e#t> Ergani7ational Capa#ities and Eperational Capabilities. Arlinton$ VA*
.ro;ect 78@: Institute"
Bshel$ Tamir" 78?F" C9inese Unmanned 9eli#opter -ands in .as9ington BC. 2efense Update$
?F Auust 78?F" Accessed ?@ Auust 78?F"
Bshel$ Tamir" *F(4 Gianglong UA 3eady "or Flig9t. 2efense Update$ F /ctober 78??"
Accessed 6 Auust 78?F" http*<<defense%update"com<78???88FQ!ianlon"html
'su$ Iimberly" 78?F" C9inaAs !ilitary Unmanned Aerial e9i#le ;ndustry. )ashinton$ 2C*
US%China Bconomic and Security Review Commission"
15 /pen 0riefin
3ilitary #actory" 78?7" Hui79ou &oar Eagle+&oar Bragon. *ig9(Altitude? -ong Enduran#e I*A-E)
Unmanned Aerial e9i#le I2,14). Accessed L Auust 78?F"
3oss$ Trefor" 78?F" *ere Comes C9inaAs Brones. The 2iplomat$ 7 3arch 78?F"
Accessed L Auust 78?F" http*<<thediplomat"com<78?F<8F<87<here%comes%chinas%drones<
Unmanned" 78??" An%ian IBar< &:ord) J Unmanned Aerial e9i#le IUA) &pe#i"i#ations.
Accessed L Auust 78?F" http*<<www"unmanned"co"u(<autonomous%unmanned%vehicles<uav%data%
2R2/" Be"en#e 3esear#9 and Bevelopment Erganisation. Accessed F September 78?F"
2omain%b"com" 7A +ovember 788:" ;ndia to Bevelop Unmanned Combat Aerial e9i#le> B3BE.
Accessed F September 78?F"
2rone )ars UI" .9o *as BronesK Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
Bo4i$ Arie" 78?8" ;ndian Air For#e Erders *arop -oitering !unitions. #liht International$
: April 78?8" Accessed F September 78?F"
Iaur Tur$ Datinder" 78?F" B3BE Hi7mos Add !ore $o:er to For#es8 Armoury. The Times of India$
?5 Auust 78?F" Accessed F September 78?F" http*<<timesofindia"indiatimes"com<city<hyderabad<
=ele$ A;ey" 78?7" Unmanned e9i#les and !odern Bay Combat. Indian 2efense Review 7A (?)"
Accessed F September 78?F"
.andit$ Ra;at" 78?F" Air For#e *unts "or Combat Brones. The Times of India$ 6 Duly 78?8"
Accessed F September 78?F" http*<<articles"timesofindia"indiatimes"com<78?8%85%86<india<
The Bconomic Times" @ #ebruary 78?F" First Flig9t o" UA 3ustom(2 &#9eduled in February 2,14.
Accessed F September 78?F" http*<<articles"economictimes"indiatimes"com<78?F%87%8@<news<
The 'indu" 75 Auust 78?F" UAs Capable o" -aun#9ing .eapons &oon> B3BE C9ie".
Accessed F September 78?F" http*<<www"thehindu"com<news<cities<'yderabad<uavs%capable%of%
Remote control war 1)
Tiwary$ AI" 78?F" Unmanned Aerial e9i#les o" C9ina. Indian 2efense Review 7L (?)"
Accessed F September 78?F"
Trimble$ Stephen" 78?8" ;ndia Canvasses Hlobal &uppliers "or &tealt9y UCA. #liht International$
5 Duly 78?8" Accessed F September 78?F"
#ars +ews Aency" ?L Auust 78?8" ;ran to Unveil First -ong(3ange Brone -ate August 2,1,.
Accessed ?8 Auust 78?F" http*<<www"payvand"com<news<?8<au<??57"html
IAS 2aily 2ose" 8&o"re9 !a9i8> T9e 3adar Evading UA "rom ;ran. Accessed 6 Auust 78?F"
Iran 3ilitary Reform" 7F September 78?7" ;ranian experts ma<e -i<o radar(evading drone.
Accessed 7: Auust 78?F"
Iranian 2iplomacy" ?A September 78?7" ;3HC Announ#es $rodu#tion o" Brone :it9 !issile
Capability. Accessed L Auust 78?F"
Dane,s 2efence )ee(ly" ;ran laun#9es ne: sur"a#e(to(air missile produ#tion. Accessed ?? Auust
78?F" http*<<www";anes"com<reionalQnews<africaQmiddleQeast<news<;dw<;dw8A87?FQ?Qn"shtml
RIA +ovosti" L #ebruary 78?8" ;ran @uilds E:n Aerial Brones :it9 &tri<e Capabilities.
Accessed ?8 Auust 78?F" http*<<en"rian"ru<militaryQnews<78?8878L<?65L8:L:6"html
RIA +ovosti" ?L #ebruary 788:" ;ran Bevelops &py Brone Capable o" 3ea#9ing ;srael J E""i#ial.
Accessed : Auust 78?F" http*<<en"rian"ru<world<788:87?L<?7878@568"html
The Aviationist" 76 September 78?7" &9a9ed 12). Accessed ?7 Auust 78?F"
The Iran .ro;ect" 6 3ay 78?F" First ;ranian Air(to(Air Combat Brone. 6 3ay 78?F"
Accessed ?? Auust 78?F"
The )ashinton .ost" ? Dune 78?F" 3ussian(;ranian Te#9nology @oosting AssadAs Assault on
&yrian 3ebels. Accessed ?? Auust 78?F"
)ilner$ Ale!ander and Cordesman$ Anthony '" 78??" ;ran And T9e Hul" !ilitary @alan#e ;;> T9e
!issile and 'u#lear Bimensions. )ashinton$ 2C* Center for Strateic M International Studies"
2, /pen 0riefin
Airforce Technoloy" A /ctober 788:" UAs at t9e Fore"ront o" Future .ar"are.
Accessed A Auust 78?F" http*<<www"airforce%technoloy"com<features<featureA6@:@<
0en%Hosef$ 3oriya" 78?F" @luebird Bevelops 'e: UA. Israel 2efense$ 7 3ay 78?F"
Accessed 5 Auust 78?F" http*<<www"israeldefense"com<1CateoryI2R@57MArticleI2R?:F:
0luebird Aero Systems" .ander @. Accessed 5 Auust 78?F"
2efense Update" ?L 3ay 78?F" *E3E' !A-E &ystem. Accessed A Auust 78?F"
'urley$ 3athew" ?:L:" T9e @E6AA alley Air @attle? /une 1)52> -essons !islearnedK
Airpower Dournal" )inter ?:L:"
Israel Aerospace Industries" Unmanned Air &ystems. Accessed A Auust 78?F"
Israeli )eapons" *eron. Accessed A Auust 78?F"
=oc(heed 3artin C2= Systems" C&(4250 Hround Control Eperator &o"t:are "or Unmanned
e9i#le &ystems. Accessed A Auust 78?F"
Van Alst$ Dill 0ellamy" 78?F" *e7bolla98s UA @iologi#al .eapon Capability> A Hame C9angerK
+ew Bnlish Review$ Dune 78?F" Accessed A Auust 78?F"
)allis$ .aul" 78?8" 'e: ;sraeli UA LEitanA Capable o" 3ea#9ing ;ran. 2iital Dournal$
7? #ebruary 78?8" Accessed A Auust 78?F" http*<<diital;ournal"com<article<7L5:8@
)ilner$ Ale!ander and Cordesman$ Anthony '" 78??" ;ran And T9e Hul" !ilitary @alan#e ;;>
T9e !issile and 'u#lear Bimensions. )ashinton$ 2C* Center for Strateic M International Studies"
Army Reconition" A 2ecember 78?7" ;s<atel -ig9t Unmanned Aerial e9i#le UA is Tested by
3ussian Army Airborne Troops. Accessed ?7 Auust ?7 78?F"
2efense Update" ?@ +ovember 78??" Ad#om Unveils ;nnovative UA at Bubai Air &9o:.
Accessed 5 Auust 78?F"
Remote control war 21
2efense Update" 78 Duly 78?F" 3ussia To @uy Brones From UAE. Accessed A Auust 78?F"
#liht International" 5 +ovember 788A" Ma<ovlev Ma<(13, to -ose $ilot in 3ussian Unmanned
Combat Air e9i#le &tudy. Accessed ?7 Auust 78?F"
I+) +ews" ?@ 2ecember 78?7" &ee<er I;s<atel) *as Finis9ed $assing !ilitary Trials.
Accessed ?7 Auust 78?F"
RIA +ovosti" 77 /ctober 788:" 3ussian $oli#e to @uy T:o ;sraeli Brones 'ext Mear"
Accessed ?7 Auust 78?F" http*<<en"rian"ru<russia<788:?877<?6A665@8?"html
RIA +ovosti" 6 Auust 788:" 3ussian Company Bevelops *eavy UA For !ilitary Use.
Accessed 77 Auust 78?F" http*<<www"defencetal("com<russian%company%develops%heavy%uav%for%
)arfare"be" 78?F" !iH &6AT Unmanned Aerial Fig9ting Air#ra"t. Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
TA=A Aero" 1A-A J *eli&ys. Accessed ?L Auust 78?F" http*<<4ala"aero<ru<uavs<?7L@8???6@"htm
Tudin$ Ale!aner" 78?F" $i#tures> &e#ret 3ussian UA Besign 3evealed. #liht >lobal$
?F #ebruary 78?F" Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
Sabah" ?L Duly 78?7" Tur<ey to arm An<a drone. Accessed 78 Auust 78?F"
A." 78 Dune 78?F" 3ussia8s &(3,, !issiles .ill @e Belivered To &yria. Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
2rone )ars UI" .9o *as BronesK Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
/,Connor$ Sean" 788L" T9e Cypriot !issile Crisis. I3I+T M Analysis$ ? 3ay 788L"
Accessed 78 Auust 78?F" http*<<eimint"blospot"ca<788L<86<cypriot%missile%crisis"html
Russian Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association" !ala7girt Tur<is9 TE- UA.
Accessed ?: Auust 78?F" http*<<en"ruvsa"com<catalo<mala4irtQminiQvtolQsystem<
Shephard" : 3ay 78?F" ;BEF 2,13> Tur<ey laun#9es armed UA pro%e#t. Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
Tur(ish Aerospace Industries$ Inc" UA &ystems. Accessed ?L Auust 78?F"
22 /pen 0riefin

Remote control war 23

UAVs and UCAVs by country

24 /pen 0riefin

Annex A
Unmanned aerial vehicles by country

Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Anjian (Dark Sword)
Senyang Aircraft
Stealt UAV"UCAV #n de$elo!ment%
ian ASN !echnical
$econnaissance and
surveillance UA%s
Can #rovide real-time reconnaissance and surveillance &or u# to t'o
hours( )ayloads consistin* o& an 1+ x 1+ cm #anoramic camera and an
,,!% -lo' li*ht. camera 'ith /oom lens0 the latter can cover an area
o& 11200 3m
-555(4 s6 miles. durin* a ty#ical mission(
ian ASN !echnical
,i*ht'ei*ht1 lo'-cost
reconnaissance and
surveillance UA%
7an #ortable1 hand launched1 'ith CC8 camera 'ith real-time video
do'nlin31 or &ilm camera(
ian ASN !echnical
Short-ran*e multirole
7ilitary and civil a##lications include day and ni*ht reconnaissance1
battle&ield surveillance1 artillery tar*et s#ottin*1 etc(
ian ASN !echnical
7edium-ran*e multirole
A##ears to be an enlar*ed develo#ment o& the ASN-4051 'ith
enhanced ca#ability(
ian ASN !echnical
7ultirole tactical UA%
7ilitary #ayloads can include "7!: radar1 *round tar*et desi*nators1
;,:N!/;< and communications relay( ,i3ely autonomous1 'ith ,=S
and B,=S datalin3s(
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
ian ASN !echnical
Close-ran*e !actical UA%
;vidently aims to address a need &or a close-ran*e
reconnaissance/surveillance system &or use by &ront-line troo#s(
;lectric-#o'ered biomimetic imitation o& insect &li*ht1 includin* short
and/or vertical ta3e-o&& and landin* and ability to hover over a tar*et(
;= and :$ Sensors assumed(
ian ASN !echnical
No #ayload stated1 but #resumably 'ould consist mainly o& test
measurin* e6ui#ment(
ian ASN !echnical
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
Undernose :S$ sensor turret(
ian ASN !echnical
Close-ran*e mini-UA%
!hou*ht to be in use in civil a##lications such as disaster relie&1
'eather monitorin*1 aerial ma##in*1 search and rescue1 and
#o'erline/#i#eline ins#ection(
*ian AS& +ecnical
-econnaissance and
!recision attack MA./
*ian0s largest UAV"UCAV%
A< Series
Bei?in* <ise'ell
Avionics Science and
!echnolo*y Com#any
Small observation and
@and-launched 'ith !% camera and video do'nlin3(
Shenyan* Aircra&t
!ar*et drone
8evelo#ed &rom 7:"-15 B:S -A4. aircra&t &rames( Used &or &i*hter #ilot
and air de&ence trainin*(
Bei?in* University o&
Aeronautics and
7ultirole @A,; UA% ;=/:$ turret under nose1 'ith real-time data transmission(
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
C1'2 (-ain3ow'2)
Cina Aeros!ace
Science and #ndustry
Armed tactical MA./
UAV (UCAV !rototy!e)
C1'2 noted carrying two air'to'ground missiles akin to te A,M'
445 1ellfire in (646%
Cina Aeros!ace
Science and #ndustry
Armed tactical MA./
UAV (UCAV !rototy!e)
Aeros!ace .ong'Marc
#nternational +rade
Com!any .td
#S-7 8DA7
meteorological sur$ey
and !recision attack
UAV"UCAV for s!ecial
#ncludes meteorological7 wind s!eed7 tem!erature and umidity
sensors and an uns!ecified ty!e of waread for use in te
!recision attack role%
Aeros#ace ,on*-7arch
:nternational !rade
Com#any ,td
!actical surveillance UA%
)roduction be*an in 401>( $oles include :S$1 #recision tar*etin* and
artillery &ire correction1 battle dama*e assessment1 "eo*ra#hic
:n&ormation System -":S. data collection1 'ild&ire and #i#eline
monitorin*1 meteorolo*ical measurement and emer*ency
communications establishment(
Aeros!ace .ong'Marc
#nternational +rade
Com!any .td
#S- and air'to'surface
strike UAV
Under de$elo!ment and sceduled for !roduction during (645%
@uahan* Airshi#
8evelo#ment "rou#
$emotely #iloted airshi#s ;x#erimental only(
@A,; UA%
Chen*du Aircra&t
:ndustry -"rou#.
7ultirole @A,; UA%
A model o& this conce#tual @A,; desi*n 'as sho'n at Airsho' China1
Bhuhai1 in =ctober/November 4005( No details 'ere disclosed(
Con&i*uration is closer to the US "lobal @a'3 than "A:CEs Soar
8ra*on -ian*lon*. desi*n(
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
1aro! (1ar!y ()
#srael Aeros!ace
9or attack7 te aircraft carries a ig e:!losi$e fragmentation
@arrier @a'3 A%:C 8e&ence Com#any "eneral #ur#ose UA%
!y#ical1 but uns#eci&ied1 reconnaissance and surveillance sensors &or
civil and/or military a##lications or communications relay( $eal-time
ima*ery do'nlin3(
Nan?in* $esearch
:nstitute on Simulation
$emotely #iloted
Dour-blade rotor0 sim#le &usela*e 'ith short-s#an 'in*s0 elevators on
tail#lane0 no rudder on tail&in( !'in1 &ixed1 main'heels and tail
.ijian (Sar! Sword)
Aircraft Cor!oration
colla3oration ;<=
#S- and air'to'surface
strike UAV
,iaonin* "eneral
Aviation $esearch
Dixed-'in* technolo*y
demonstrator UA%
ChinaEs &irst hydro*en &uel cell #o'ered UA%1 re#orted to have made
its maiden &li*ht &rom an unidenti&ied &acility in Shenyan* on >0 Auly
,! Series
China Aeros#ace
Science and :ndustry
)rototy#es each &itted 'ith video camera allo'in* live transmission
o& ima*ery(
Bei?in* University o&
Aeronautics and
Small remotely-#iloted
No &urther in&ormation(
Ni*ht ;a*le A%:C 8e&ence Com#any Short-ran*e tactical UA% Dirst seen in 4010( No $F8 details( Undernose :S$ sensor turret(
China Aeros#ace
Science and :ndustry
,on*-ran*e miniature
Dirst unveiled at the 400+ Bhuhai Air Sho'( Dlyin* 'in* desi*n( Can
loiter u# to 5 hours( S@-> is scaled do'n version o& S@-11 but 'ith
t'in-boom sha#e(
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Shen Bhou-1/4
Shan*hai Aircra&t
$esearch :nstitute
A develo#ment study &or
these t'o airshi#s
;x#erimental only(
Soar Bird
Nan?in* University o&
Aeronautics and
8i*ital &li*ht control system0 telemetry and telecontrol system 'ith
")S and laser altimeter0 real-time ima*ery dis#lay(
Sunshine A%:C 8e&ence Com#any $emote sensin* UA%
8ebut in model &orm1 dis#layed under A%:C : banner at Airsho'
China1 Bhuhai1 in =ctober/ November 4005( De' details(
;'att !echnolo*y
-Detters Aeros#ace US.
Based on the Star-,ite %!UA% multi-tas3 helico#ter( Dirst China-US
?oint venture(
!ianyi -S3y <in*.
Chen*du Aircra&t
:ndustry -"rou#.
Short-ran*e tactical UA% Un3no'n #ayload1 but ;= and/or :$ sensors assumed(
China National Aero-
!echnolo*y :m#ort F
;x#ort Cor#oration
%!=, UA% ,ittle in&ormation available( ;= sensor turret under nose(
A ?oint venture
bet'een Brantly
:nternational :nc1
Gin*dao <en6uan
:nternational Aviation
:nvestment Co(1 ,td1 and
Gin*dao Brantly
Consultation Co(1 ,td
Small %!=, UA%
7aiden &li*ht 'as com#leted on 2 7ay 40111 and received an order
&rom unnamed -li3ely US. customer( ,ittle other in&ormation
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Nan?in* $esearch
:nstitute on Simulation
Surveillance UA%s %ideo camera 'ith real-time telemetry and ima*ery do'nlin3(
<hirl'ind Scout A%:C 8e&ence Com#any %!=, micro UA%
A%:C claims it is inaudible at a stand-o&& ran*e o& 145 m -410 &t.1 can
detect a human bein* at 550 m -11+>2 &t. and identi&y him at 20 m
-4>0 &t.(
>ing'.oong (?ilong)
Cengdu Aircraft
#ndustry (,rou!)
Sur$eillance MA./
#ncludes day"nigt /@"#- and laser designator7 /CM and small
underwing air'to'surface missiles%
Cina Aeros!ace
Science and #ndustry
Armed reconnaissance
<)-1> ian*lon*
"ui/hou Aviation
:ndustry "rou#
@A,; multirole UA%1
includin* :S$1 B8A and
communications relay
Bears stri3in* resemblance to UA;Hs A8C=7-#roduced United 40
Bloc3 5 UA%s( !'o #ossibly #urchased by $ussia(
,uiDou A$iation
#ndustry ,rou!
sur$eillance UCAV
&o s!ecific information on !ayload7 3ut /@7 #- and"or SA-
e:!ected7 !lus /.#&+'collection sensors and real'time datalinks
<B-5 -Chan* @on* 1.
Bei?in* University o&
Aeronautics and
@i*h-altitude air-
launched multi-#ur#ose
UA%0 strate*ic -dee#.
-maximum ran*eI 4500
Based on the Northro# "rumman BG7->4A Direbee aerial tar*et(
Currently able to carry a##ro#riate and more modern sensors &or
reconnaissance1 atmos#heric sam#lin*1 *eolo*ical survey or tar*et
drone missions(
Country: China
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Nan?in* $esearch
:nstitute on Simulation
)ayload as re6uired &or such roles as reconnaissance1 tra&&ic
surveillance or radio relay(
Nan?in* $esearch
:nstitute on Simulation
)ayload as re6uired &or such roles as reconnaissance1 tra&&ic
surveillance or radio relay(

Country: :ndia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Altius 73 ::
Aurora :nte*rated
Systems ,td(
surveillance mini-UA%
)ayload is daytime !% camera1 D,:$1 laser ran*e&inder1 laser
desi*nator and analo*ue or di*ital video do'nlin3(
Unmanned -esearc
Defence -esearc and
Attack stealt UCAV #n de$elo!ment% Project is likely classified%
;rasmus 7CU )rivate ,td
7edium-ran*e tactical
8ual *imballed ;= and thermal ima*in* sensors( :ma*e ex#loitation1
tar*etin* and trac3in* so&t'are( ;ncry#ted datalin3(
DireBee Cadet 8e&ence Systems
Close-ran*e battle&ield
surveillance UA%
=#tions include &ixed ;= camera 'ith J10 /oom0 &ixed thermal
ima*er0 or stabilised #an-and-tilt camera *imbal 'ith o#tion &or
automatic ob?ect trac3in*1 ob?ect metadata and interchan*eable
-;=/thermal ima*er. nosecone( Analo*ue video lin3 standard0 di*ital
secure video lin3 o#tional(
1aro! (1ar!y ()
#srael Aeros!ace
Undernose /@"#- turret was deemed to 3e an #A# +amam P@P'(66%
A satcom datalink is re!orted to 3e fitted% 9or attack7 te aircraft
carries a ig e:!losi$e fragmentation waread%
#srael Aeros!ace
.oitering (anti'radar)
attack UAV"UCAV
.argely co$ert !rogramme until te late 4))6s% #sraeli'de$elo!ed
!assi$e radar seeker (recently u!graded to co$er a wider range of
freEuencies) and ig'e:!losi$e waread% U!graded $ersion
eEui!!ed wit a dual (electromagnetic and /@) sensor and
datalink7 to allow 1ar!y to get u!dates on !otential targets and
3e directed against a s!ecific emitter%
Country: :ndia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
@eron 1
:srael Aeros#ace
7edium-altitude lon*-
endurance UA%
Standard #ayload is dual -!%/:$. or tri#le sensor -!%/:$/laser
ran*e&inder. undernose :A: !amam 7=S)( :n addition1 can have ;lta
;,/7-40551 SA$/"7!: or ;,/7-4044U maritime surveillance radar in
lar*e ventral radome1 ca#able o& multi-tar*et trac3-'hile-scan o& u#
to >4 tar*ets( =ther #ayloads can include ;lta ;,/C-2021 C=7:N!0
;,/,-+>+51 ;S7/;,:N!0 Cu-band satcom0 data/voice relay #ac3a*es0 or
customer-&urnished #ayloads( Sin*le real-time data and video
:m#erial ;a*le
;stablishment1 :ndian
7inistry o& 8e&ence
Close-ran*e mini-UA%
Nose-mounted dayli*ht colour !% camera 'ith J10 o#tical and J4
di*ital /oom0 or 7iricle >02 CS uncooled thermal ima*er 'ith >9K &ield
o& vie'( S-band telemetry and ima*ery do'nlin3(
;stablishment1 :ndian
7inistry o& 8e&ence
Close-ran*e conce#t
validation UA%
)ayloads &or tar*et a##lications can include ,uneber* lens and/or
corner re&lectors &or radar si*nature enhancement1 smo3e
*enerators1 :$ &lares and miss-distance indicator(
8e&ence $esearch and
!ar*et drone
)ilotless !ar*et Aircra&t -)!A. is a reusable aerial tar*et system(
,a3shya is remotely o#erated &rom *round to #rovide aerial tar*et
&or trainin* o& *un and missile cre' and air de&ence #ilots &or all
three services(
Nishant -8a'n.
;stablishment1 :ndian
7inistry o& 8e&ence
Short-ran*e tactical UA%
Nishant is desi*ned &or Army use in the day/ni*ht battle&ield
reconnaissance1 surveillance1 tar*et trac3in* and localisation and
artillery &ire correction roles( 14 in inventory(
$US!=7-1 -<arrior.
8e&ence $esearch and
7A,; UA%
!o include -re#ortedly :srael-sourced. ;= and :$ sensors1 SA$ and
maritime #atrol radars1 communications relay1 ;,:N! and C=7:N!
#ac3a*es( :ntended to re#lace/su##lement the @eron UA%s in service(
Country: :ndia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
-US+@M'( (>arrior)
Defence -esearc and
#n de$elo!ment% +o include (re!ortedly #srael'sourced) /@ and #-
sensors7 SA- and maritime !atrol radars7 communications relay7
/.#&+ and C@M#&+ !ackages% #ntended to re!lace"su!!lement te
1eron UAVs in ser$ice%
Searcher :
:srael Aeros#ace
multirole UA%
Normal ;= #ayloads are :A: !amam )=) -!%/:$. or 7=S) -!%/:$/laser
ran*e&inder. 'ith sin*le real-time data and video do'nlin30 1(5 3<
onboard electrical #o'er su##ly( C=7:N! and ;S7 inte*ration
ca#ability( =ther #ayloads to customerEs choice(
Searcher ::
:srael Aeros#ace
multirole UA%
;lta ;,/7-4055 synthetic a#erture radar1 introduced on Searcher :: in
40011 enhances ni*ht/all-'eather ca#ability( C=7:N! and ;S7
inte*ration ca#ability( =ther #ayloads to customerEs choice( ,oiter
time o& 40 hours(
S3immer S'allo' Systems ,td( Close-ran*e mini-UA%
=#tions include s'itchable -&or'ard/side-loo3in*. dayli*ht colour !%
camera1 a standard dayli*ht camera 'ith J10 /oom1 ,,!% camera or
an uncooled thermal ima*er( $eal-time video do'nlin3(
S3y 8ot
Aurora :nte*rated
Systems ,td(
Covert urban surveillance
=#tions are dayli*ht ;= camera or ,,!% &or ni*httime o#erations(
;stablishment1 :ndian
7inistry o& 8e&ence
Close-ran*e mini-UA%
%arious and interchan*eable #ayloads includin* ;=1 :$1 bio-chemical
and meteorolo*ical sensors(
!;$) 7CU )rivate ,td( Close-ran*e tactical UA%
Standard #ayloads are an ,,!% camera 'ith J40 /oom or a thermal
ima*in* camera1 mounted on a *imbal 'hich retracts into the
&usela*e and is enclosed by beetle-'in* doors(
Country: :ndia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
!ro*on Cadet 8e&ence Systems
reconnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
Dixed-vie'1 &or'ard-loo3in* CC8 day camera 'ith real-time ima*ery
Urban %ie'
Aurora :nte*rated
Systems ,td(
Close-ran*e surveillance
!hree #ayload o#tions are o&&eredI dual ;=0 ;= camera 'ith loc3-on
tar*etin* and trac3in*0 D,:$(

Country: :ran
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
:ran Aircra&t
7ultirole $)% or UA%
:nitial #roduction version1 in service &rom 199>( Used mainly as aerial
tar*et &or :ranian Army air de&ence units(
Ababil ::
:ran Aircra&t
Close-ran*e UA%
$e#ortedly &irst &lo'n in =ctober 19921 but not revealed until 7arch
1999( :m#roved &li*ht control system0 may have been #rototy#e &or
:ran Aircra&t
7A,; UA%
7edium-ran*e reconnaissance and surveillance UA% version1
announced early 4000( A UA% shot do'n by US &i*hters over :ra6 on
45 Debruary 4009 'as re#orted to have been an :ranian-o#erated
Ababil( )ossibly bein* used in Syria a*ainst DSA and other rebels(
#ran Aircraft
Sort"medium'range attack UAV7 wit 5F kg (466 l3) 1/ waread%
Distinguisa3le 3y twin'tailed configuration% Can engage 3ot
fi:ed and mo3ile targets% #n use 3y 1eD3olla (designated Mirsad'
#ran Aircraft
Single ((H kg (F66 l3) !recision'guided MG I( ty!e 3om3 on te
centreline or two underwing stations for 442 kg ((F6 l3) 3om3s7
Gosar anti'si!!ing missiles (#ranian $ariant of te Cinese C'H64)
or &asr'4 sort'range cruise missiles%
7ohad?er 4
Gods Aviation
Short-ran*e multirole
UA% &amily(
7ohad?er 4 is baseline reconnaissance and surveillance version0 s3id
landin* *ear only(
7ohad?er >
Gods Aviation
Short-ran*e multirole
7ore ca#able than 7ohad?er 4 but lac3s the ")S o& 7ohad?er 4(
Choice o& s3id or 'heel landin* *ear(
Country: :ran
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
7ohad?er 4 -@odhod.
Gods Aviation
Short-ran*e multirole
7ost recent and most ca#able version o& 7ohad?er &amily( Can be
used &or communications relay( Also said to have im#ressive ;C7
ca#ability( ;6ui##ed 'ith ")S( $e#orted in use by :ranian Border
"uards to detect ille*al dru* tra&&ic3in*(
&aDir (1ar3inger)
9arnas Aeros!ace
-econnaissance (UAV)
and strike (UCAV)
Ca!a3le of !erforming reconnaissance missions at sort ranges% #t
is manufactured in #ran at a !lant in te nortern !ro$ince of
MaDandaran% +e &aDir as 3een o!timised for fligts at low
altitude and features low radar cross section% +e e:istence and
mass !roduction launc of te &aDir UAV was re!orted 3y te
#ranian !ress in early 9e3ruary (646%
-a0ad (+under)
9arnas Aeros!ace
-econnaissance (UAV)
and strike (UCAV)
Said to 3e a sort'range7 low'altitude drone wit reduced radar'
detection signature% Also said to 3e ca!a3le of conducting long'
range reconnaissance7 !atrolling7 assault and 3om3ing missions
wit ig !recision%
Sae*he 1/4
Gods Aviation
Air de&ence *unnery
trainin* tar*et
Sae*he 1 has sim#le radio command o& &li*ht #ath and manoeuvres1
#lus 'in*s-level stabilisation( )ortable -or mobile1 in small van. "CS
&or Sae*he 4 has &ull1 micro#rocessor-based auto#ilot control1
#ro*rammable 'ith or 'ithout o#erator control( :n-si*ht &li*ht unit
&or ,=S control 'ithout telemetry data0 or ")S-based #ro*rammable
navi*ation allo'in* tar*et to be controlled1 trac3ed and vie'ed on
monitor durin* both ,=S and B,=S missions(
Sarir 1'446
Jods A$iation
-econnaissance (UAV)
and strike (UCAV)
Claimed to 3e 3ased on #srael0s 1unter UAV%
Jods A$iation
-econnaissance (UAV)
and strike (UCAV)
Claimed to 3e ca!a3le of carrying out (air'to'air) com3at and
reconnaissance missions wit an endurance of (5 ours7 making it
te first #ranian MA./ UAV% .argely 3ased on te #sraeli 1ermes
5F6 model%
Country: :ran
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
So&reh 7ahi
-;a*le $ay.
:ran Aircra&t
Stealth UA%
,ittle is 3no'n about the drone but scaled do'n moc3-u#s sho'n
durin* :ranian Army 8ay 4010 #arade revealed a &lat diamond sha#e
body 'ith t'in vertical stabilisers(
!alash 1/4
Gods Aviation
Close-ran*e o#erator
trainin* UA% and tar*et
!alash 11 the &irst unmanned aircra&t #roduced by Gods1 'as
develo#ed to train *round o#erators in remote #ilotin* techni6ues(
!alash 4 'as desi*ned as a basic trainin* tar*et &or AA *unnery
!olloue 4/5
Aviation :ndustries
!hree-sta*e axial-&lo'
turbo?et en*ine
!he !olloue 5Es existence 'as con&irmed by an A:= s#o3esman in
early 40011 at 'hich time it 'as described as bein* lar*er and more
ca#able than !olloue 41 and develo#ed to #o'er the next *eneration
o& :ranian UA%s and hi*h-s#eed tar*ets( :n Aanuary 40051 !;7 stated
that it 'as enterin* detail desi*n1 the conce#t and #reliminary desi*n
#hases havin* been com#leted1 and 'as ex#ected to &ly 'ithin the
next t'o to three years( !he @;SA Carrar armed UA% unveiled in
Au*ust 4010 may be #o'ered by the !olloue 51 althou*h this has not
been con&irmed(
Bohal -Saturn.
Darnas Aeros#ace
%!=, UA%
!he utility o& the Bohal is described as varied 'ith aerial ima*in*
#rovided as one exam#le(

Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Aeroli*ht1 Aeros3y1
Aeronautics 8e&ence
!actical UA%s
All o&&-the-shel&1 to customerEs re6uirements( )an-tilt-/oom o#tical or
stabilised Contro# ;=/:$ camera in Aeroli*ht0 stabilised1 *imbal-
mounted day/ni*ht ;= sensor standard in Aeros3y and Aerostar(
Comm!act UA% datalin3(
Air <as# U%ision Air ,td
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
Stabilised miniature sensor -dayli*ht colour !% or ni*ht ima*in*
system. 'ith electronic trac3er( 8ual datalin3s( $eal-time continuous
transmission o& video and telemetry data(
Bird ;ye 100
:srael Aeros#ace
%entrally mounted1 *imballed video camera( $eal-time day/ni*ht
ima*ery do'nlin3(
Bird ;ye 400
:srael Aeros#ace
Surveillance mini-UA%
%entrally mounted and *imballed :A: !amam )=) day/ni*ht sensor
'ith real-time ima*ery do'nlin3(
Blac3 ;a*le 50
-S!8-5 @elivision.
Steadico#ter Small rotary-'in* UA%
A 'ide variety o& #ayloads can be &itted1 includin* :$1 di*ital cameras1
sensors and mission-oriented devices(
Blue @ori/on/Stin*
;7:! Aviation
surveillance UA%s
:A: !amam )=) s#eci&ied &or Blue @ori/on( U# to 4(0 3< o& electrical
#o'er available &or #ayload and avionics o#eration(
BlueBird Aero Systems
Small tactical UA%
Blueye carries a #hoto*rammetric system that #rovides di*ital
ortho#hotos -aerial #hoto*ra#hs that are e6uivalent to a ma# o& the
same scale1 thereby enablin* exact measurement o& distances on the
;arthEs sur&ace.(
BlueBird Aero Systems
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
Standard #ayload is a *yrostabilised1 hi*h-resolution dayli*ht !%
camera 'ith J10 o#tical /oom( :$ camera &or ni*ht observation
o#tional( $S-4>4 datalin3(
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Canard Un3no'n
Short-ran*e surveillance
and tar*et ac6uisition
8ay observation sensor standard -1(+ 3*0 4 lb *imballed and stabilised
!% camera.0 ni*ht sensor or other #ayloads to customerEs
re6uirements( :nde#endent camera control system o#tional(
Cas#er 400/450 !o# : %ision Surveillance mini-UA%
=#tions -nose-mounted. include day !%1 thermal ima*er or radiolo*y
Cas#er >50 !o# : %ision Short-ran*e tactical UA%
;= and :$ cameras in under&usela*e turret( $eal-time1 continuous
video and telemetry do'nlin3(
8elilah-", :7:
Air- or sur&ace-launched
ex#endable UA%
:n the decoy role1 8elilah simulates the #resence o& an attac3in*
aircra&t by the use o& active and #assive means o& $CS au*mentation(
:n its alternative main decoy &unction1 the 8elilah disru#ts and
neutralises enemy air de&ence systems by saturatin* the mission area
'ith cha&& be&ore the arrival o& an attac3 &orce( Alternative #ayloads
&or *round attac3 -hi*h-ex#losive 'arhead.1 ;C71 reconnaissance
-;=/:$1 'ith tar*et autotrac3in*. or aerial tar*et roles can be
incor#orated to suit customer re6uirements(
8ominator ::
Aeronautics 8e&ence
7ultirole 7A,; UA%
)rototy#es &itted 'ith $a&ael $ecce-U ;=/:$ in undernose turret(
)roduction versions could accommodate various o#tical1 satcom or
;< #ayloads(
8ra*on&ly 4000 ;7:! Aviation Consult !actical UA%
Standard #ayload is an :A: !amam )=) day/ni*ht ;= turret( =nboard
#o'er &or #ayload is 1(+ 3<(
-;lectric !ethered
=bservation )lat&orm.
:srael Aeros#ace
:ndustries ,td1 7alat
UA% 8ivision
!ethered unmanned
7ulti-sensor ca#ability( A ty#ical #ayload 'ould be an ;=/:$ sensor
ball turret( :A: describes ;!=) as havin* sin*le-clic3 o#eration
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
:srael Aeros#ace
Close-ran*e helico#ter
Dli*ht tests have been underta3en 'ith a Next%ision 7icroCam 8
dayli*ht !% camera in a stabilised ventral turret0 real-time video
do'nlin3( ;= system also has a ma##in* ca#ability that measures
indoor s#ace #erimeters1 #ermittin* sa&e entry and manoeuvrin*
'ithin a room( :$ o#tion con&ers day/ni*ht ca#ability0 other sensors
under consideration(
1aro! (1ar!y ()
#srael Aeros!ace
Undernose /@"#- turret was deemed to 3e an #A# +amam P@P'(66%
A satcom datalink is re!orted to 3e fitted% 9or attack7 te aircraft
carries a ig e:!losi$e fragmentation waread% Unlike 1ar!y7 as
#srael Aeros!ace
.oitering (anti'radar)
attack UAV"UCAV
.argely co$ert !rogramme until te late 4))6s% #sraeli'de$elo!ed
!assi$e radar seeker (recently u!graded to co$er a wider range of
freEuencies) and ig'e:!losi$e waread% U!graded $ersion
eEui!!ed wit a dual (electromagnetic and /@) sensor and
datalink7 to allow 1ar!y to get u!dates on !otential targets and
3e directed against a s!ecific emitter%
@ermes 1500 ;lbit Systems ,td
7edium-altitude1 lon*-
endurance UA%
7ulti#le #ayload ca#ability( :ntended #rimarily &or surveillance and
reconnaissance( Ada#table to visint -;=/:$ starin*1 scannin* or lon*-
ran*e obli6ue.1 SA$/"7!: or :SA$ radar1 communications relay1 and
virtually any S:":N! -C=7:N! or ;,:N!. #ayload1 tailored to customer
re6uirements( U# to 9 3< electrical #o'er available(
@ermes 1+0 ;lbit Systems ,td Short-ran*e !actical UA%
Any customer-s#eci&ied #ayload -;=1 :$1 laser desi*nator1 SA$/"7!:
or communications relay. 'ithin air vehicleEs #ayload ca#acity( !y#ical
con&i*urations include ;lo# Co7)ASS multisensor( U# to 1(4 3< o&
#o'er available(
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
@ermes 450 ;lbit Systems ,td
,on*-endurance tactical
Any customer-s#eci&ied #ayloads 'ithin air vehicleEs ca#acity( !y#ical
sensors include SA$/"7!:1 Contro# 8S)-1 day/ni*ht ;= or ;lo#
Co7)ASS :% multisensor1 laser desi*nator1 S:":N!1 ;,:N!1 C=7:N! or
communications relay( !he electrical #o'er available &or #ayloads is
1(5 3<( Possi3le candidate for wea!onisation%
@ermes 90 ;lbit Systems ,td Short-ran*e tactical UA%
Standard #ayload is an ;lbit/;lo# 7icro-Co7)ASS turret containin* a
dayli*ht colour !% camera and 7<:$ -mid-'ave in&ra-red. thermal
ima*er -both 'ith continuous /oom.1 #lus a laser tar*et illuminator(
=#tional alternatives include an ;< -S:":N!/C=7:N!. or
communications relay -multiband radios. suite(
@ermes 900 ;lbit Systems ,td !actical 7A,; UA%
)ayloads include ;=1 :$ ima*in*1 laser ran*e&inder and laser
desi*nator1 SA$/"7!: radar1 C=7:N! 8/D1 ;,:N! and ;<( Aircra&t is
also e6ui##ed 'ith A!C radio1 radio relay1 :DD trans#onder and built-in
autonomous emer*ency #rocedures(
@eron 1
:srael Aeros#ace
7edium-altitude lon*-
endurance UA%
Standard #ayload is dual -!%/:$. or tri#le sensor -!%/:$/laser
ran*e&inder. undernose :A: !amam 7=S)( :n addition1 can have ;lta
;,/7-40551 SA$/"7!: or ;,/7-4044U maritime surveillance radar in
lar*e ventral radome1 ca#able o& multi-tar*et trac3-'hile-scan o& u#
to >4 tar*ets( =ther #ayloads can include ;lta ;,/C-2021 C=7:N!0
;,/,-+>+51 ;S7/;,:N!0 Cu-band satcom0 data/voice relay #ac3a*es0 or
customer-&urnished #ayloads( Sin*le real-time data and video
1eron +P (/itan)
#srael Aeros!ace
1ig'altitude long'
endurance UAV
.arger $ersion of 1eron% Multi!le #S+A- !ayload ca!a3ility7
including underwing stores"wea!ons%
@ornet A8F8 Short-ran*e %!=, UA%
No s#eci&ic in&ormation on #ayload1 but bay *eometry enables &ull
>50K &ield o& vie' &or ima*in* sensors(
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
:srael Aeros#ace
$econnaissance UA%
"ood choice &or 'ea#onisation0 #otential UCA%( <ith the US1 the
$G/7G-5 system has been armed 'ith the ne' %i#er Stri3e
:srael Aeros#ace
:ndustries ,td1 7alat
UA% 8ivision
Surveillance mini-UA%
Combined !%/D,:$ sensor1 or other to customerEs re6uirements1 'ith
real-time video and telemetry via ,=S datalin3(
:-%ie' -;ye %ie'.
:srael Aeros#ace
Close-ran*e tactical UA%
8esi*ned &or &ront-line battle&ield $S!A and artillery ad?ustment( :A:
!amam 7-)=) combined !% and D,:$ sensor in 73 501 )=) in 73 150
and 7=S) in 73 440/4500 or others to customerEs re6uirements(
$eal-time data and video do'nlin3( !he :-%ie' 450 version 'as
selected by the Australian Army in 8ecember 4005(
7icro B
BlueBird Aero Systems
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
;=/:$ or other multisensor #ac3a*e in interchan*eable nose module(
$eal-time ima*ery do'nlin3(
7icroDalcon : :7: !actical mini-UA%
Be*un in 4002 as a mini system &or Lover the hillH :S!A$ missions(
Standard #ayload is Contro# 8-S!A7) in ventral location(
7ini )anther
:srael Aeros#ace
!iltrotor tactical UA% 8ay/ni*ht camera -:A: !amam 7icro-)=).(
7ini-Dalcon : F :: :7: Small tactical UA%
;= and/or :$ surveillance sensors in ventral turret -:A: !amam )=)
400 ty#ical.1 'ith real-time ima*ery do'nlin3(
7ini-% ;lbit Systems ,td
Close-ran*e battle&ield
surveillance UA%
No &urther in&ormation(
7os6uito 1
:srael Aeros#ace
7icro UA% %ideo camera 'ith real-time do'nlin3(
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
:srael Aeros#ace
:ndustries ,td1 7alat
UA% 8ivision
@elico#ter UA%
N$UA% #otential #ayloads are vie'ed as includin* ;=/:$ radar1
S:":N! and ;S7 #ac3a*es( As #ro#osed &or the :ndian Navy1 these are
re#orted to include a belly-mounted ;lta ;,/7-4044@-%.4 multi-
mode radar that includes SA$/"7!: maritime radar1 air-to air and
navi*ation and 'eather avoidance( :t can include a nose-mounted :A:
!amam 7=S) sensor turret1 :ndian 8e&ence Avionics $esearch
;stablishment $<$1 secure t'o-'ay datalin3s and an @A, 73 14
7ode S :DD trans#onder( A &uture o#tion may be the carria*e o& one
or t'o tor#edoes -ma3in* it a #otential UCA%.(
=rbiter :
Aeronautics 8e&ence
Close-ran*e surveillance
Contro# 8-S!A7) -day. or ,-S!A7) -,,!%. sensor or hi*h-resolution1
stabilised colour CC8 camera( Ni*ht sensor o#tional( $eal-time data
=rbiter :::
Aeronautics 8e&ence
Small tactical UA%
=rbiter > can #er&orm any :S!A$ mission1 includin* tar*et
desi*nation( !he systemHs enhanced #er&ormance ma3es it e6ually
ca#able o& #er&ormin* missions o& much lar*er and heavier UAS(
:srael Aeros#ace
!iltrotor tactical UA%
8ay/ni*ht camera -:A: !amam 7ini-)=) in )anther0 7icro-)=) in 7ini
)anther.1 combined 'ith laser ran*e&inder1 #ointer or laser
desi*nator( =ther sensors o#tional(
Aeronautics 8e&ence
@elico#ter UA%
Can be e6ui##ed 'ith a variety o& #ayloads includin* ;=/:$0 laser
#ointer or desi*nator0 maritime or SA$0 communications relay0 ;,:N!
or S:":N! #ac3a*es0 or other sensors to customerEs re6uirements(
:srael Aeros#ace
7ulti#ur#ose !actical
)ayloads on Scouts o& the :srael 8e&ence Dorce are a Contro# ;S)-500
CC8 colour !% day camera and a Contro# DS)-1 D,:$ &or ni*ht use(
Sea*ull ;lbit Systems ,td
7ultirole Battle&ield
8aytime CC8 colour !% camera standard1 'ith real-time continuous
video and telemetry data transmission -re#ortedly via !adiran
S#ectralin3 Star,in3 datalin3.( Ni*ht sensor -D,:$. or other #ayloads
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Searcher :
:srael Aeros#ace
multirole UA%
Normal ;= #ayloads are :A: !amam )=) -!%/:$. or 7=S) -!%/:$/laser
ran*e&inder. 'ith sin*le real-time data and video do'nlin30 1(5 3<
onboard electrical #o'er su##ly( C=7:N! and ;S7 inte*ration
ca#ability( =ther #ayloads to customerEs choice(
Searcher ::
:srael Aeros#ace
multirole UA%
;lta ;,/7-4055 synthetic a#erture radar1 introduced on Searcher :: in
40011 enhances ni*ht/all-'eather ca#ability( C=7:N! and ;S7
inte*ration ca#ability( =ther #ayloads to customerEs choice( ,oiter
time o& 40 hours(
Sheddon F 7ini
B!A Automatic )ilotin*
Systems ,td
7ultirole close-ran*e
8ay observation sensor standard -1(+ 3*0 4 lb *imballed and stabilised
!% camera.0 ni*ht sensor or other #ayloads to customerEs
re6uirements( :nde#endent camera control system o#tional(
S3ylar3 : ;lbit Systems ,td
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
8ayli*ht colour CC8 !% camera 'ith J10 /oom1 D,:$( $eal-time
continuous do'nlin3 o& video and telemetry data 'ithin ,=S(
!hermal ima*in* #ayload1 'ei*hin* 200 to +00 * -45 to 4+ o/.1 bein*
evaluated by the :8D(
S3ylar3 :: ;lbit Systems ,td
Close-ran*e tactical mini-
;lo# 7ini-Co7)ASS tri#le-sensor turret -hi*h-de&inition colour CC8
!% camera1 thermal ima*er and laser illuminator.1 mounted in nose o&
under&usela*e #od(
S3y/er 100 Aero!acti ,td
$econnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
@i*h-resolution daytime CC8 !% camera0 D,:$ sensor &or ni*ht use0 or
*imballed or &ixed stills camera( $eal-time ima*ery do'nlin30 hi*h-
s#eed telemetry transceiver(
S!arrow'& /M#+ A$iation Consult
+actical mini'UAV and
&ose'mounted7 sta3ilised Micro$iew day"nigt /@"#- in
sur$eillance role7 wit real'time7 encry!ted7 $ideo and data
downlinksK I kg (4H%B l3) e:!losi$e carge in armed $ersion%
Country: :srael
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
BlueBird Aero Systems
Surveillance UA%
!hree-axis stabilised #ayloads &or surveillance0 tar*et ac6uisition1
identi&ication and desi*nation0 B8A0 and la' en&orcement( Analo*ue
or di*ital datalin3 'ith real-time video transmission( Bac3#ac3- or
vehicle-mounted la#to# "CS( Dully autonomous o#eration1 'ith
movin* tar*et trac3in*/trac3er(
!hunder B
BlueBird Aero Systems
!he UA% is #rimarily intended &or intelli*ence and observation
&unctions1 but can also be used &or ma##in* #ur#oses( :t has an
endurance o& a##roximately 40 hours 'ith an ordinary en*ine and
bet'een seven and ei*ht hours 'ith an electrical en*ine( :n many
cases1 there is a need &or inte*ratin* bet'een covert activity made
#ossible by the silent en*ine and bet'een a lon*er endurance( <ill
become o#erational by end o& 401>(
<ander B
BlueBird Aero Systems
;s#ecially desi*ned &or homeland security a##lications1 &eaturin*
hi*h sa&ety1 hi*h reliability1 short ta3e-o&& and landin*1 redundant
control and ease o& use(

Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Aist -Stor3. :nstitut Culon N:: =A= 7ultirole UA%
)otential military #ayloads could include $S!A sensors1 ;< systems
or 'ea#ons( Dor civilian use1 the B,A-05 is 6uoted as carryin* a S=N-
100 dual-sensor turret containin* a !% camera and thermal ima*er1
'ith an -band SA$ or *as analyser as o#tional alternatives( Bein*
tested as tar*et desi*nation &or :s3ander SS7( )ro?ect may have been
Albatross and ;x#ert Ma3ovlev
Shi#-based short-ran*e
%/S!=, UA%
!he Albatros is used in a system com#risin* the &lyin* vehicle1 *round
control station and servicin* e6ui#ment( !his system may be based
on a shi# or t'o Cama/-ty#e truc3s( !he ;x#ert is used in the
inte*rated system com#risin* three $)%1 *round control station1
launcher and servicin* e6ui#ment( !his system is mounted on the
minivan-ty#e car(
Altius Sokol and +ranDas UAV and UCAV
9irst re!orted in 9e3ruary (642% -LD stage only% Part of a one
3illion rou3le (M22 million) contract in (644% -e!orted to a$e
Ncolossal range and enduranceO and 3e ca!a3le of Nall missions7
including strikeO%
Berta ;N:CS ASC 7ultirole tactical UA%
Standard #ayloads include colour !%1 di*ital or :$ cameras1 si*nal
re#eater1 ?ammin* system1 :$ &lares and decoys1 ,uneber* lens and
corner re&lector( =ther customer-s#eci&ied #ayloads can also be
carried( %ideo do'nlin3 has a ran*e o& 50 3m ->2 miles.(
Bird ;ye 400
:srael Aeros#ace
Surveillance mini-UA% !'o #urchased( )art o& A#ril 4009 contract &or 14 UA%s(
8o/or 50
-&ormally 8o/or 4.
!ransas Avia Surveillance UA%
Standard #ayloads o& video -&or'ard-loo3in* or obli6ue.1 :$ or 14 7)
di*ital #hoto cameras( =#tions include *as analysers1 ma*netometers
and scanners( 8ata can be stored on board or do'nlin3ed in real time(
Com#any also #roduces similar 8o/or +5 and 8o/or 100(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
8o/or 500
-&ormally 8o/or >.
!ransas Avia 7A,; UA%
;=/:$1 SA$1 D,:$( N4 million #er system -mobile *round control
station/truc3 and 5 UA%s.( Dirst sho'n at 7ACS 4009(
;leron-10 -!-10. ;N:CS ASC UA%
!he O-10 carries s#eci&ic television1 #hoto or in&rared e6ui#ment to
deliver it to tar*et area and return to a landin* site as #er the
#redetermined route(
;leron-> -!-4>. ;N:CS ASC !actical mini-UA%
$oll-stabilised CC8 colour !% camera or di*ital stills camera 'ith 40K
D=%( !-4> is military version(
:-%ie' -;ye %ie'.
:srael Aeros#ace

;i*ht :-%ie' 7C150 tactical UA%s #urchased &or N>2 million( )art o&
A#ril 4009 contract &or 14 UA%s
:*la ;N:CS ASC !actical mini-UA%
7id-mounted s'e#t 'in*s and tail sur&aces0 &i*hter-li3e &usela*e0
com#osites construction( No landin* *ear( Air vehicle desi*nation is
;45!( ,ittle &urther detail(
Sokol and +ranDas UAV and UCAV
9irst re!orted in 9e3ruary (642% -LD stage only% Part of a one
3illion rou3le (M22 million) contract in (644%
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
!ethered aerostat
surveillance system
Conventional helium-&illed blim# 'ith cruci&orm tail sur&aces(
Stabilised ;=S-%B 'ith colour !% and :$ cameras(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
$emote sensin* UA%
8i*ital camera in :r3ut-4D1 ima*ery &rom 'hich is stored on board and
do'nloaded to "CS noteboo3 )C a&ter landin* &or visual #rocessin*
and analysis( !% camera1 !% transmitter or :$ camera in :r3ut-4!1 'ith
real-time ima*ery do'nlin3(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
$emote sensin* UA%
Stabilised ;=S-47 turret 'ith t'o -di*ital blac3 and 'hite and colour.
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
Surveillance mini-UA%
!%1 :$ or stills cameras1 or other sensors1 to customerEs re6uirements(
$eal-time ima*ery do'nlin3(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
Short-ran*e surveillance
"yrostabilised and interchan*eable ;= systems -!%1 !%/still camera
or :$.(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
$emote sensin* UA%
!% camera1 !% transmitter1 :$ camera or di*ital stills camera( :ma*ery
do'nlin3 in real time &rom !% and :$1 in near-realtime &rom di*ital
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
$emote sensin* UA%
!% camera1 !% transmitter1 :$ camera or di*ital stills camera( $eal-
time ima*ery do'nlin3( Utilises as the air vehicle a U3rainian desi*n1
the Char3ov Aeronautical :nstitute ChA:-114(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
Surveillance tactical UA%
Standard #ayloads include !%:$ sensor turret0 synthetic a#erture
radar o#tional(
Scienti&ic )roduction
Cor#oration and :r3ut
=#tionally #iloted vehicle
!% and/or :$ camera on *yrostabilised turret0 automatic hi*h-
resolution di*ital stills camera0 >-8 laser -lidar. ma##in* system0 or
relay unit( $eal-time do'nlin3 o& ac6uired data( !'o under'in*
hard#oints &or external #ayloads li3e medical 3its or &ood su##lies(
:s3atel -Searcher.
)o#ov =ms3 $adio
,i*ht/#ortable UA%
!rials 'ere re#orted to be conducted in early 8ecember 4014 'ith
$ussian Airborne Dorces 105th Airborne 8ivision( No &urther details(
Clest Ma3ovlev $econnaissance UA%
$e#orted to be re#lacement &or the $ussian armed &orcesE )chela-1s(
Dirst re#orted in November 4005( Still in $F8 sta*es(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
,A-12$ Strela -,avoch3in. ;arliest UA%
$econnaissance version1 develo#ed in 195+-59( Air&rame and en*ine
as earlier ,A-1271 but 'ith t'o ADBA-40 -hi*h-altitude. or ADBA-41
-lo'-altitude. #hoto*ra#hic cameras in underside o& len*thened
7B%C-1>2 -CA-1>2. Camarov @elico#ter UA%
!he 7B%C-1>2 is intended &or air reconnaissance1 border *uard1
#olice and ecolo*y #atrollin*1 ur*ent air delivery o& s#ecial-#ur#ose
car*oes in emer*ency situations1 as 'ell as &or transmittin*
in&ormation data &rom dan*erous /ones(
7:->4B)1/4 7il @elico#ters @elico#ter UA%
An unmanned version o& the 7i->4S civil li*ht helico#ter used &or
various a##lications( Still camera1 !% and/or :$ sensors &or day and
ni*ht ima*ery collection and transmission( )ro?ect ham#ered by lac3
o& #ro#er &undin*( 7:->4B)1 is #iston-#o'ered and 7:->4B)4 is
turbine #o'ered(
-a3a Ma3-51 Shmel1
Ma3ovlev !actical UA%
N44 million #er system -mobile *round control station1 technolo*ical
truc31 loader/trans#orter1 10 )chela 'ith ex#endables.( Based on
Ma3-50 model1 launched o&& B78 armoured #ersonnel carrier(
?ako$le$ UCAV
8ased on ?AG'426 (+rainer) wit a ma:imum take'off weigt of
467666 kg (((7666 l3)7 including a !ayload of 3etween 47666 kg and
27666 kg% ?ako$le$ re!orted to 3e de$elo!ing Prory$'U Attack7
Prory$'- -econnaissance and Prory$'-.A A>ACS !latforms%
)roryv-$ Ma3ovlev
reconnaissance UA%
$e#orted to have 91+00 3* 7!=< includin* a #ayload o& 11000-11400
3*1 and o&&er a mission endurance o& u# to 40 hours(
$-90 ;N:CS ASC
Air-launched battle&ield
surveillance UA%
Nose-mounted !% camera0 video do'nlin3 transmits ima*ery and air
vehicle coordinates to "CS( Althou*h described as a surveillance
system1 it has the #otential &or secondary use as a decoy(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
$eis-8 !u#olev )SC
7A,; UA%
-reconnaissance and
Currently o#erationally &ielded 'ith 944 UA% Combat !rainin* Centre
-;*orevs31 near 7osco'. '/AD Comd and 42> :nde# UA% S6n ->rd
AD/A8 Command. -Arseniev1 )rimors3y.(
Searcher ::
:srael Aeros#ace
7ultirole UA%
!'o Searcher 73 :: multi-mission UA%s #urchased &or N14 million( )art
o& A#ril 4009 contract &or 14 UA%s(
=ms3 )roduction
!actical UA%
Consists o& a base station that is #laced in a bac3#ac31 tablet and t'o
UA% !-4s each 'ei*hin* 1(> 3*( Dli*ht duration o& 40 minutes1 'ith
maximum hei*ht o& 41000 metres(
Skat M#, S/AD UCAV
/ac internal wea!ons 3ay is said to 3e ca!a3le of accommodating
an anti'radar or anti'si! missile7 or a (F6 or F66 kg 3om3%
Stre3o/a Ma3ovlev
Short-ran*e surveillance
and environmental
monitorin* UA%
!% camera1 :$,S and environmental monitorin* sensors( 8ata
transmitted by real-time do'nlin3(
!i#cha3 -Nomad.
,utch 8esi*n Bureau
!actical UA%
8ual-band -visible and in&rared. linescanner standard( =#tions include
S:":N!1 chemical monitorin* and communications relay #ac3a*es( S@D
ima*ery and telemetry do'nlin3( 8eclassi&ied in 40051 and
under'ent *overnment trials in 4005-05(
!u-141 Stri/h !u#olev )SC
,on*-ran*e ?et-#o'ered
tactical reconnaissance/
surveillance UA%(
Can include &rame or !% camera1 :$ sensor1 laser
ran*e&inder/desi*nator or radiation detection e6ui#ment(
!u-14>/44>/>00 !u#olev )SC
Aet-#o'ered tactical
reconnaissance systems(
!u-14> remains a standard $ussian tactical
reconnaissance/surveillance UA% system( !u-44> is lon*er ran*e
variant1 'ith day and ni*ht ca#ability1 unveiled in 1995 and entered
service in 1999( ,atest 3no'n variant is the !u->00(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Voron (-a$en) ?ako$le$
Multi'role UAV and
!ossi3le UCAV
+e tur3ojet'!owered Voron is 3eing designed for storage in a
ready'use container7 wit te F66 kg'class design 3eing
considered for tri'ser$ice a!!lications7 including reconnaissance7
electronic warfare and attack missions% +o carry a 456 kg !ayload7
te UAV will a$e a s!eed of u! to 526 kt (I66 k!)7 a ser$ice
ceiling of 2)7566 ft and an endurance of ( ours% 9irst re!orted in
&o$em3er (66B%
MAC-1>> Ma3ovlev UA% )ilotless version o& Ma3-1>0 !rainer Aircra&t( Still in $F8 sta*e(
BA,A 441-01 BA,A Aero Com#any Close-ran*e UA%
Com#act "CS( Autonomous o#eration( Ca#ability &or simultaneous
control o& more than one air vehicle( Dor &urther details1 see entry &or
BA,A 441-04(
BA,A 441-04 BA,A Aero Com#any Small helico#ter UA%
8aytime video camera in standard con&i*uration( Able to carry other
#ayloads1 'ith real-time data do'nlin3s1 &or civil and military missions
includin* ;arth remote sensin*1 oil and *as #i#eline ins#ection1 aerial
survey1 *round and maritime surveillance1 tar*etin* and
communications relay1 accordin* to customerEs re6uirements(
BA,A 441-0> BA,A Aero Com#any
reconnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
Com#act "CS( Autonomous o#eration1 includin* launch and recovery(
Dor &urther details1 see entry &or BA,A 441-04(
BA,A 441-04 BA,A Aero Com#any
reconnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
Com#act "CS( Autonomous o#eration1 includin* launch and recovery(
Dor &urther details1 see entry &or BA,A 441-04(
BA,A 441-05 BA,A Aero Com#any @elico#ter UA%
An unmanned aerial vehicle helico#ter( 8evelo#ed in 4002-0+1 this
UA% can &ly by #ro*ramme -in &ully autonomous mode. and in manual
mode( Costs N>+01000 -4011.(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
BA,A 441-0+ BA,A Aero Com#any %!=, micro-UA%
A small1 #ortable and reliable UA% #lat&orm( <ei*hin* only 9 3* it
includes t'o aerial vehicles1 com#act *round control station1 t'o
s#are #o'er su##ly 3its and bac3#ac3 container used &or
trans#ortation( Costs N1241000 #er system -4011.( Currently
under*oin* trials on inte*ration 'ith attac3 helico#ters -e(*( CA-541
BA,A 441-09 BA,A Aero Com#any ;ndurance tactical UA%
Standard #ayloads1 'hich are interchan*eable1 include still1 video or
thermal ima*in* cameras1 and radar1 on a *yrostabilised *imbal( !he
441-09 has ")S/",=NASS satellite navi*ation(
BA,A 441-14 BA,A Aero Com#any
reconnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
A small1 #ortable and reliable UA% #lat&orm( 8esi*ned &or &ront-line
reconnaissance1 over*round and oversea surveillance( Costs
N>401000 -4011.(
BA,A 441-15 BA,A Aero Com#any
$econnaissance and
surveillance mini-UA%
"eneral a##earance o& the 441-15 is broadly similar to that o& the
441-0>( @i*h-resolution1 *yrostabilised video and :$ cameras1 #lus a
built-in 10 me*a#ixel di*ital camera( =nboard data recordin* and
encry#ted do'nlin3(
BA,A 441-41 BA,A Aero Com#any %!=, 7icro-UA%
;=1 video or :$ camera1 'ith real-time ima*ery transmission(
Combined day video/:$ #ayload also #lanned( UA% can land on
structures -L#erch and stareH. to #reserve #o'er1 'hile monitorin*
and listenin* in on a tar*et(
B=N8-1 Su3hoi
Strate*ic UA% -'ith
A<ACS #hased-array
radar on to#.
$F8 sta*e( Su3hoi reveals no *overnment &undin*1 so loo3in* &or
&unders1 #ossibly in concert 'ith China(
B=N8-4 Su3hoi UA%
<ith SA$( $F8 sta*e( Su3hoi reveals no *overnment &undin*1 so
loo3in* &or &unders1 #ossibly in concert 'ith China(
Country: $ussia
UAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
B=N8-> Su3hoi UA%
<ith :$ sensors( $F8 sta*e( Su3hoi reveals no *overnment &undin*1
so loo3in* &or &unders1 #ossibly in concert 'ith China(

Country: !ur3ey
UCAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
Anka (Poeni:)
+urkis Aeros!ace
#ndustries #nc%
9irst rolled'out in Auly (646% #S- !ayloads include te Aselsan
266+ /@"#- imager (8lock A"8)7 a SA- radar (8lock 87 wit ,M+#
and in$erse SA- o!erating modes)7 an on3oard recording
ca!a3ility and !ro$ision for S#,#&+ and communications relay
eEui!ment% /:!orted to /gy!t7 Jatar and Saudi Ara3ia% Anka PA
and Anka'+P UCAV $ariants !lanned%
A$:-1! Aselsan :nc( %!=, :S$ UA%
;6ui##ed 'ith a nose-mounted stabilised *imbal that can
accommodate dayli*ht !% and :$ cameras to*ether 'ith a laser
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
!actical UA%
Carries a t'o-axis *imbaled ;=/:$ camera1 'hich relays its video in
real-time telemetry
Bayra3tar-B Bay3ar 7ini-UA%
Bayra3tar-B is &ielded 'ith small army units( As o& 4014 has recorded
more than 501000 &li*ht hours(
Bora -"ust.
%estel 8e&ence :ndustry
Dixed-'in* trainin*1 $F8
and :S$ UA%
)rovision &or ;=/:$ sensor *imbal and a t'o-bladed tractor #ro#eller(
As o& 7ay 401>1 develo#ment o& the Bora -"ust. UA% 'as re#orted as
bein* on*oin*(
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
!actical UA% Carries ;=/:$ camera1 'hich relays its video in real-time telemetry(
C,-4+9 Canadair Surveillance UA%
$edesi*ned version o& the earlier C,-+9 -#roduced ?ointly by Canada1
the United Cin*dom and <est "ermany in the 1950s.( A lar*er UA%
'ith better ran*e and #ayload(
Dalcon 500/Direbee
$yan Aeronautical
;arly UA% and tar*et drone ;arliest UA% test vehicles(
Country: !ur3ey
UCAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
"nat 250/:-"NA! ;$ "eneral Atomics 7A,; UA%
Can &ly to an o#erational area &rom 41000 3m -11440 miles. a'ay and
loiter there &or 14 hours be&ore returnin* home( !he !ur3ish Air Dorce
o#erates 5 x "NA!-250 and 15 x :-"NA! ;$(
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
Close-ran*e tactical UA% 8ayli*ht -;=. or ni*ht -:$. camera1 'ith real-time video transmission(
@aro# -@ar#y 4.
:srael Aeros#ace
Undernose ;=/:$ turret 'as deemed to be an :A: !amam )=)-400( A
satcom datalin3 is re#orted to be &itted( Dor attac31 the aircra&t
carries a hi*h ex#losive &ra*mentation 'arhead( Unli3e @ar#y1 has
:srael Aeros#ace
,oiterin* -anti-radar.
attac3 UA%/UCA%
,ar*ely covert #ro*ramme until the late 1990s( :sraeli-develo#ed
#assive radar see3er -recently u#*raded to cover a 'ider ran*e o&
&re6uencies. and hi*h-ex#losive 'arhead( U#*raded version
e6ui##ed 'ith a dual -electroma*netic and ;=. sensor and datalin31
to allo' @ar#y to *et u#dates on #otential tar*ets and be directed
a*ainst a s#eci&ic emitter(
:srael Aeros#ace
7edium-altitude1 lon*-
endurance UA%
!ur3ish @erons use the AS;,D,:$->00! airborne thermal ima*in* and
tar*etin* system desi*ned and manu&actured by AS;,SAN o& !ur3ey(
!he !ur3ish @erons also have stron*er en*ines in order to
com#ensate &or the added #ayload created by the heavier AS;,D,:$-
>00!( !his is the same D,:$ system currently used in the
!A:/A*usta<estland !-149 attac3 helico#ter(
%estel 8e&ence :ndustry
Dixed-'in* :S$ UA%
"imbal-mounted hi*h-de&inition dayli*ht -J 50 o#tical /oom. and :$ -J
50 o#tical /oom. cameras1 laser ran*e-&inder and laser #ointer(
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
$adio-controlled trac3in*
tar*et drone
No &urther in&ormation(
Country: !ur3ey
UCAV designation Manufacturer Primary role Comments
7arti -Sea*ull.
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
surveillance UA%
!he drone carries a t'o-axis *imbaled ;=/:$ camera1 'hich relays its
video in real-time telemetry(
7ala/*irt Bay3ar 7ini-%!=, helico#ter ;= and :$ camera &itted(
7UAS-1/4 Aselsan :nc(
Damily o& man-#ortable
mini -&ixed-'in*. :S$ UA%s
A t'o-axis1 stabilised *imbal carryin* a laser #ointer to*ether 'ith
either a continuous /oom dayli*ht colour or an uncooled :$ camera(
As o& 7ay 401>1 the 7UAS recovery techni6ue 'as uncertain(
)eli3an -a3a :@A-4.
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
controlled reconnaissance
surveillance and tar*et
ac6uisition UA%
Carries a t'o-axis *imbaled ;=/:$ camera1 'hich relays its video in
real-time telemetry(
$->00 -$-S@A.
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
7ulti-role helico#ter UA%
:ntroduced in 4010( @i*h-de&inition ;=/:$ turret 'ith a &ixed or
movin* tar*et trac3in* ca#ability( Alternative #ayloads can be
installed to meet s#eci&ic customer re6uirements(
TimPe3 -,i*htnin*.
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
!urbo?et-#o'ered radio-
controlled hi*h-s#eed
tar*et drone
,oo3s li3e tactical air-launched decoys -!A,8.1 'hich are used to
con&use and saturate enemy air de&ences(
@avelsan :nc and
:stanbul !echnical
University Aeronautics
$esearch Centre
Civil blended 'in* %!=,
8escribed by manu&acturer as bein* able to 'or3 'ith di&&erent
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
$adio-controlled trac3in*
tar*et drone
No &urther in&ormation(
!ur3ish Aeros#ace
:ndustries :nc(
!'o #rototy#es 'ere com#leted by 7arch 1994 under contract to the
!ur3ish 7inistry o& National 8e&ence( No #roduction orders ensued(

Annex B
Unmanned combat air vehicles by country

Country: China
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
(Dark Sword)
$n develo!ment% &o conirmed details% &o urther inormation%
*ian AS&
and !recision
attack .A/0
1ayload ca!acity2 344 kg
(((4 lb)%
/ength2 5%5 m (36 t 3 in)%
7ings!an2 33 m (89 t 3
1ower!lant2 3 : !iston
.ax take'o weight2 644
kg (3;<98 lb)%
.ax s!eed2 364 k!h (33(
-ange2 3))6 km (3(=3 mi>
34<) nmi)
Combat range2 954 km
0ndurance2 (4 hrs (max)
Service ceiling2 34;444 m
(8(;644 t)
Armament2 Underwing small
?ne o *ian@s largest UA"s% Able to
cruise at 364 k!h and stay alot or
(4 hours% 1erorms
reconnaissance; target location or
artillery observation missions via a
satellite data'link%

Country: China
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
Science and
Armed tactical
.A/0 UA"
1ayload ca!acity2 94 kg
(355 lb) BCD
1ower!lant2 ?ne !iston
engine (ty!e and rating
not revealed); driving a
three'blade !usher
.ax take'o weight2 9=4
kg (3;=34 lb)
.ax s!eed2 (44 k!h (344
-ange2 (;8)6 km (3;=)4 mi>
3;()9 nmi)
-ange2 6 km (5 miles)
Combat range2 644 km BCD
0ndurance2 3( hrs
Service ceiling2 5444 m
(39;=44 t)
Armament2 Underwing A-'3
(x () AS.s (a semi'active
laser homing solid rocket'
!owered guided missile
designed !rimarily or
tactical UA"s)
CA'8 noted carrying !air o =5 kg
()) lb) A-'3 air'to'surace missiles
(akin to the A,.'33= Aellire)
underwing in (434% $n addition to
attack !latorm; CA'8 is o!timised
or reconnaissance; artillery ire
adjustment and 0/$&+#07% +he
current develo!mental status o
the CA'8 is unclear%
Science and
Armed tactical
.A/0 UA"
Similar to CA'8 Similar to CA'8
Stated as being better able to
o!erate in inclement weather and
able to utilise ,1S guided bombs%
+he current develo!mental status
o the CA'= is unclear%
Com!any /td
$S-; BDA;
survey and
!recision attack
UA"#UCA" or
s!ecial orces
1ayload ca!acity2 ( kg (=
/ength2 3%5 m (= t 33 in)
7ings!an2 ( m (9 t 9 in)
1ower!lant2 3 : 1iston
.ax take'o weight2 ) kg
(3) lb)
.ax s!eed2 354 k!h ()8 m!h)
-adius2 35 km () mi> 6%3 nmi)
Combat range2
0ndurance2 3 hr (!recision
attack mode)>
( hr ($S-#BDA#met survey
.ax#min altitude2 3=)5 m
(=)44 t)#34m (84 t)
7hen being used as a strike
wea!on; CA')43 has a 5 m (39%= t)
C01 accuracy; rising to 54 m (39=
t) C01 when the A" is being
em!loyed or targeting% 7arhead
is uns!eciied at !resent%

Country: China
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
Com!any /td
$S- and air'to'
surace strike
1ayload ca!acity2 94 kg
(38( lb)
/ength2 =%3 m (38 t 9 in)
7ings!an2 ) m (() t 9 in)
1ower!lant2 3 : 1iston
.ax take'o weight2 844
kg (993 lb)
.ax s!eed2 3)4 k!h (336
-adius2 (54 km (355 miles>
385 nm)
0ndurance2 34 hrs (max)
Service ceiling2 5;)<5 m
(3);944 t)
Armament2 Underwing AS.s%
Under develo!ment and scheduled
or !roduction during (43=%
(Aar!y ()
/ength2 (%5 m (6 t ( in)
7ings!an2 8%44 m () t 34
.ax s!eed2 Unknown
-ange2 3;444 km (944E miles)
0ndurance2 9 hrs
Armament2 Single A0
warhead o (8 kg (53 lbs)
For attack; the aircrat carries a
high ex!losive ragmentation
(Shar! Sword)
$S- and air'to'
surace strike
7ings!an2 3= m (=9 t)
1ower!lant2 Single jet
engine; !resumed to be
the Shenyang 71< (as
used on G'< ighter)
1ayload2 U! to (;444 kg
(=;=44 lbs)
-ange2 384 km (64 miles)
Armament2 1ossibly uses C.'
549H, small'diameter glide'
bomb weighing 354 kg each
Stealth UCA"%

Country: China
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
( Iilong)
1ayload ca!acity2 (44 kg
(==4 lb)
/ength2 )%455 m (() t 6%5
7ings!an2 3= m (=5 t 33
1ower!lant2 ?ne <=%9 k7
(344 h!) turbocharged
!iston engine; driving a
three'blade !usher
.ax take'o weight2 854
kg (<<3 lb)
.ax s!eed2 (64 k!h (3<=
-ange2 =;444 km ((;=65 mi>
(;394 nmi)
Combat range2 3;884 km
0ndurance2 (4 hrs (max)
Service ceiling2 5;444 m
(39;=44 t)
Armament2 Underwing AS.s
(e%g% AG#HD'34)
Closely modelled on .J') -ea!er%
Aowever; !rice is re!ortedly only
K3 million !er unit (com!ared to
K84 million or the -ea!er)%
$ncludes day#night 0?#$- and laser
designator; 0C. and small
underwing air'to'surace missiles%
Science and
1ayload ca!acity2 384 kg
((69 lb)
1ower!lant2 3 : +urbojet
.ax s!eed2 944 k!h (8<8
0ndurance2 9 hrs (estimated)
Service ceiling2 34;444 m
(8(;644 t) (estimate)
Armament2 At least ( : HD(
(or +B3) air'to'surace
missiles or LD3 /,B noted in
Also able to designate or longer
range coastal deence missiles%
Ability to use SA-; data(link) relay
and 07%

Country: China
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
1ayload ca!acity2 64 kg
(3<9 lb)
/ength2 <%5 m ((= t < in)
7ings!an2 )%6 m (8( t (
1ower!lant2 3 : 7S'33
turboan; 39%) k& (8;644
lb) thrust
.ax take'o weight2
3;<44 kg (8;<=6 lb)
.ax s!eed2 644 k!h (=)<
-ange2 (;=44 km (3;=)3 mi>
3;()9 nmi)
Combat range2 644 km (=)<
mi> =8( nmi)
0ndurance2 8 hrs
Service ceiling2 3<;)68 m
(5);444 t)
Armament2 At least ( : HD(
air'to'surace missiles%
Additional number o LD3
!recision'guided bombs
&o s!eciic inormation on !ayload
available; but 0?; $- and#or SA-
ex!ected; !lus 0/$&+'collection
sensors and real'time datalinks

Country: $ndia
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
-esearch and
Attack stealth
&o urther inormation%
.ust have low radar cross'
section; high service ceiling
and an ex!ected range o 544
nm ()(5 km)% $ndian
,overnment also wants it to
carry !recision'guided
wea!ons in an internal
wea!ons bay%
$n develo!ment% 1roject is likely
(Aar!y ()
/ength2 (%5 m (6 t ( in)
7ings!an2 8%44 m () t 34
.ax s!eed2 Unknown
-ange2 3;444 km (944E miles)
0ndurance2 9 hrs
Armament2 Single A0
warhead o (8 kg (53 lbs)
For attack; the aircrat carries a
high ex!losive ragmentation
/oitering (anti'
radar) attack
.ax take'o weight2
/ength2 (%< m (9 t 33 in)
7ings!an2 (%3 m (9 t 33
1ower!lant2 3 : U0/
A-<83 7ankel rotary
engine; (6 k7 (86 h!)
.ax s!eed2 365 k!h (335
-ange2 544 km (833 miles)
Armament2 3 : 8( kg (<4 lb)
high'ex!losive warhead
/argely covert !rogramme until
the late 3))4s% $sraeli'develo!ed
!assive radar seeker (recently
u!graded to cover a wider range o
reNuencies) and high'ex!losive
warhead% U!graded version
eNui!!ed with a dual
(electromagnetic and 0?) sensor
and datalink; to allow Aar!y to get
u!dates on !otential targets and
be directed against a s!eciic

Country: $ndia
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
-esearch and
.A/0 UCA" &o urther inormation% &o urther inormation%
$n develo!ment% +o include
(re!ortedly $srael'sourced) 0? and
$- sensors; SA- and maritime
!atrol radars; communications
relay; 0/$&+ and C?.$&+
!ackages% $ntended to
re!lace#su!!lement the Aeron
UA"s in service%

Country: $ran
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
$ran Aircrat
1ayload ca!acity2 =4 kg
(66 lb)
.ax take'o weight2 68
kg (36( lb)
/ength2 (%66 m () t 5O
7ings!an2 8%(5 m (34 t 6
1ower!lant2 3 : +oloue'=
or +oloue'5 non
aterburner turbojet; 8%<
k&#=%= k&
.ax s!eed2 39( kt (844 k!h>
369 m!h)
-ange2 (< n miles (54 km> 83
miles) B/?S; mission; Ababil'
+D or
63 n miles (354 km> )8 miles)
(est) Bmission; ,1S; Ababil'+D
0ndurance2 3 hr 84 min
Service ceiling2 =;(95 m
(3=;444 t)
Short#medium'range attack UA";
with =5 kg (344 lb) A0 warhead%
Distinguishable by twin'tailed
coniguration% Can engage both
ixed and mobile targets% $n use by
AeMbollah (designated .irsad'3)%
Ababil'5 re!orted; but not
$ran Aircrat
1ayload ca!acity2 ((< kg
(544 lb)
.ax take'o weight2 <44
kg (3;5=8 lb) (est)
/ength2 = m (38 t 3O in)
7ings!an2 (%5 m (6 t (O
1ower!lant2 3 : turboject
.ax s!eed2 )44 k!h (55)
-adius2 (<4 n miles (544 km>
834 miles)
Aard !oints2 5 in total (=:
under'wing; 3: under'
Single ((< kg (544 lb) !recision'
guided .H 6( ty!e bomb on the
centreline or two underwing
stations or 338 kg ((54 lb) bombs;
Hosar anti'shi!!ing missiles
($ranian variant o the Chinese C'
<43) or &asr'3 short'range cruise
(UA") and strike
Said to be short'range;
low'altitude UA" with
reduced radar'detection
&o urther inormation%
$t is manuactured in $ran at a !lant
in the northern !rovince o
.aMandaran% +he &aMir has been
o!timiMed or lights at low
altitude and eatures low radar
cross section% +he existence and
mass !roduction launch o the
&aMir UA" was re!orted by the
$ranian !ress in early February

Country: $ran
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
(UA") and strike
Said to be short'range;
low'altitude UA" with
reduced radar'detection
&o urther inormation%
Said to be ca!able o conducting
long'range reconnaissance;
!atrolling; assault and bombing
missions with high !recision%
Sarir A'334
Jods Aviation
(UA") and strike
Claimed to be based on
$srael@s Aunter UA"% $ so;
its light endurance could
be 6'3( hours; its light
ca! 8;544'5;544 m; and its
carrying ca!acity 64'344
Claimed to have an air'to'air
combat role% -e!orted in .ay
(438 with shoulder'launched
missile; .isagh'3 (.A&1ADS)
P a variant o the Chinese
J7'3 "anguard missile
$ran has been mass !roducing the
.isagh'( .A&1AD since (449;
when attem!ts to acNuire S'
844#SA'34 strategic SA. systems
ailed% $t is curious why they are
using one o their older missiles on
such an a!!arently new UCA"%
Jods Aviation
(UA") and strike
-e!orted to have a 3;<44'
(;444 km o!erational
range and an alleged
endurance o (= hours%
+his is not conirmed%
Claimed to be ca!able o
carrying out (air'to'air)
combat and reconnaissance
missions with an endurance
o (= hours; making it the
irst $ranian .A/0 UA"%
/argely based on the $sraeli
Aermes =54 model%
Shahed 3() is said to be able to
carry Sadid'3 missiles%

Country: $srael
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
(Aar!y ()
/ength2 (%5 m (6 t ( in)
7ings!an2 8 m () t 34 in)
-ange2 3;444 km (944E miles)
0ndurance2 9 hrs
UCA" carries single high'ex!losive
warhead o (8kg (53 lbs)% A
loitering wea!on% 0x!orted to
/oitering (anti'
radar) attack
.ax take'o weight2
/ength2 (%< m (9 t 33 in)
7ings!an2 (%3 m (9 t 33
1ower!lant2 3 : U0/
A-<83 7ankel rotary
engine; (6 k7 (86 h!)
.ax s!eed2 365 k!h (335
-ange2 544 km (833 miles)
Armament2 3 : 8( kg (<4 lb)
high'ex!losive warhead
/argely covert !rogramme until
the late 3))4s% $sraeli'develo!ed
!assive radar seeker (recently
u!graded to cover a wider range o
reNuencies) and high'ex!losive
warhead% U!graded version
eNui!!ed with a dual
(electromagnetic and 0?) sensor
and datalink; to allow Aar!y to get
u!dates on !otential targets and
be directed against a s!eciic
Aeron +1
1ayload ca!acity2 (;444 kg
(=;=44 lb)
.ax take'o weight2
=;954 kg (34;(54 lb)
/ength2 38 m (=8 t in)
7ings!an2 (9 m (69 t in)
1ower!lant2 3 : 1ratt Q
7hitney 1+9A; )44 k7
(3;(44 h!)
.ax s!eed2 8<4E k!h
-ange2 <;=44E km (=;944E
0ndurance2 <4E hrs
Service ceiling2 3=;444E m
(=5;444E t)
/arger version o Aeron% .ulti!le
$S+A- !ayload ca!ability; including
underwing stores#wea!ons%

Country: $srael
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
0.$+ Aviation
+actical mini'
UA" and UCA"
&ose'mounted; stabilised
.icroview day#night
0?#$- in surveillance role;
with real'time; encry!ted;
video and data downlinks%
Fully uelled S!arrow
re!orted to weigh
a!!roximately =5 kg; carries a
mission s!eciic !ayload o 3(
kg and cruises at 94'<4 kts%
or over = hrs% +he UA" can
be itted with a larger uel
tank to acilitate extended
light duration%
?ne S!arrow'& system was
acNuired by the British Army in
early (446 or evaluation in the
/oitering .unition Conce!t
Demonstration (/.CD) !hase o its
$ndirect Fire 1recision Attack
($F1A) !rogramme% 6 kg (3<%9 lb)
ex!losive charge in armed version%

Country: -ussia
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristic Performance Comments
Sokol and
UA" and UCA"
5t'class medium'altitude
long'endurance UA"%
&o urther inormation%
First re!orted in February (438%
-QD stage only% 1art o a one
billion rouble (K88 million) contract
in (433% -e!orted to have Rcolossal
range and enduranceS and be
ca!able o Rall missions; including
Sokol and
UA" and UCA" 3t'class system% &o urther inormation%
First re!orted in February (438%
-QD stage only% 1art o a one
billion rouble (K88 million) contract
in (433%
Iakovlev UCA"
Based on IAH'384
(+rainer) with a maximum
take'o weight o 34;444
kg (((;444 lb); including a
!ayload o between 3;444
kg and 8;444 kg%
&o urther inormation%
Iakovlev re!orted to be
develo!ing 1roryv'U Attack;
1roryv'- -econnaissance and
1roryv'-/A A7ACS !latorms%

Country: -ussia
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristic Performance Comments
Skat .$, S0AD UCA"
1ayload ca!acity2 (444 kg
(==4) lb)
/ength2 34%(5 m (88 t <%5
7ings!an2 33%5 m (8< t 6
1ower!lant2 3 : turboan
.ax take'o weight2
34;444 kg (((;4=9 lb)
.ax s!eed2 644 k!h (=)<
-adius2 3))9 km (3;(=4 mi>
3;4<6 nmi)
Combat range2 644 km (=)<
mi> =8( nmi)
Service ceiling2 3(;444 m
(8);864 t)
Armament2 U! to ( tons o
wea!ons in internal bays
0ach internal wea!ons bay is said
to be ca!able o accommodating
an anti'radar or anti'shi! missile; or
a (54 or 544 kg bomb% ?n debut;
the mock'u! was dis!layed with
Hh'83 (AS'3< @Hry!ton@) AS.s
(actually longer than the stated
bay length) and HAB'544- +"'
guided bombs% 7ea!on
management system is credited to
,os&$$AS% +he new Hh'56UShH0
anti'radiation missile may be
intended or the Skat%
"oron (-aven) Iakovlev
.ulti'role UA"
and !ossible
+o carry a 3=4 kg !ayload;
the UA" will have a s!eed
o u! to =84 kt (644 k!h);
a service ceiling o 8);=44
t and an endurance o (
&o urther inormation%
Aelico!ter UA" designed or
s!ecial o!erations in urban areas%
+he turbojet'!owered "oron is
being designed or storage in a
ready'use container; with the 544
kg'class design being considered
or tri'service a!!lications;
including reconnaissance;
electronic warare and attack
missions% First re!orted in
&ovember (449%

Country: +urkey
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
Anka EA
$ndustries $nc%
$t is !lanned that Anka EA
will carry Cirit missiles o
+urkey@s -oketsan% +he
weight will be more than
= tons com!ared to Anka
UA"s 3%5 tons% +he engine
or Anka EA UCA" has not
yet been determined%
7ea!ons coniguration not
yet determined% Cirit is <4mm
laser guided rocket used on
attack helico!ters (and
re!ortedly ex!orted to the
United Arab 0mirates or a
total o K3)9%( million)%
First rolled'out in Guly (434% $S-
!ayloads include the Aselsan 844+
0?#$- imager (Block A#B); a SA-
radar (Block B; with ,.+$ and
inverse SA- o!erating modes); an
onboard recording ca!ability and
!rovision or S$,$&+ and
communications relay eNui!ment%
$ndustries $nc%
UCA" (strategic
A !laned 5E ton; turbo'
an !owered; AA/0
version o the A&HA% $t
will have a s!an o (8
meters% /oitering time
estimated at more than
(4 hours; at a ceiling o
=4;444 eet; and a cruise
s!eed o around (44 to
(54 kts%
7ill eature a new mission
com!uter; airrame and have
the ability to carry 3'3%5 tons
in armament%
BA.S ty!e UCA"% 1roject ormally
announced at $D0F (438%
(Aar!y ()
/ength2 (%5 m (6 t ( in)
7ings!an2 8 m () t 34 in)
-ange2 3;444 km (944E miles)
0ndurance2 9 hrs
UCA" carries single high'ex!losive
warhead o (8kg (53 lbs)% A
loitering wea!on% 0x!orted to

Country: +urkey
Manufacturer Primary role Characteristics Performance Comments
/oitering (anti'
radar) attack
.ax take'o weight2
/ength2 (%< m (9 t 33 in)
7ings!an2 (%3 m (9 t 33
1ower!lant2 3 : U0/
A-<83 7ankel rotary
engine; (6 k7 (86 h!)
.ax s!eed2 365 k!h (335
-ange2 544 km (833 miles)
Armament2 3 : 8( kg (<4 lb)
high'ex!losive warhead
/argely covert !rogramme until
the late 3))4s% $sraeli'develo!ed
!assive radar seeker (recently
u!graded to cover a wider range o
reNuencies) and high'ex!losive
warhead% U!graded version
eNui!!ed with a dual
(electromagnetic and 0?) sensor
and datalink; to allow Aar!y to get
u!dates on !otential targets and
be directed against a s!eciic

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