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Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs (N!"N#

N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis
N71 Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix
N72 Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri
N73 Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases
N7! "emale pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified else#here
N7$ %iseases of &artholin's gland
N7( Other inflammation of vagina and vulva
N77! )ulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation in diseases classified else#here
Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract (N$!"N%$#
N*0 +ndometriosis
N*1 "emale genital prolapse
N*2 "istulae involving female genital tract
N*3 Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tu,e and ,road ligament
N* -olyp of female genital tract
N*$ Other noninflammatory disorders of uterus, except cervix
N*( +rosion and ectropion of cervix uteri
N*7 %ysplasia of cervix uteri
N** Other noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri
N*. Other noninflammatory disorders of vagina
N.0 Other noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
N.1 /,sent, scanty and rare menstruation
N.2 +xcessive, fre0uent and irregular menstruation
N.3 Other a,normal uterine and vaginal ,leeding
N. -ain and other conditions associated #ith female genital organs and menstrual cycle
N.$ 1enopausal and other perimenopausal disorders
N.( 2a,itual a,orter
N.7 "emale infertility
N.* 3omplications associated #ith artificial fertili4ation
Ot&er disorders of t&e genito'rinary tract (N%%#
N.. -ostprocedural disorders of the genitourinary system, not else#here classified
C&apter ()
*regnancy+ c&ild,irt& and t&e p'erperi'm
*regnancy -it& a,ortive o'tcome (O!!"O!$#
O00 +ctopic pregnancy
O01 2ydatidiform mole
O02 Other a,normal products of conception
O03 Spontaneous a,ortion
O0 1edical a,ortion
O0$ Other a,ortion
O0( 5nspecified a,ortion
O07 "ailed attempted a,ortion
O0* 3omplications follo#ing a,ortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy
Oedema+ protein'ria and &ypertensive disorders in pregnancy+ c&ild,irt& and t&e
p'erperi'm (O.!"O./#
O10 -re6existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, child,irth and the puerperium
O11 -re6existing hypertensive disorder #ith superimposed proteinuria
O12 7estational 8pregnancy6induced9 oedema and proteinuria #ithout hypertension
O13 7estational 8pregnancy6induced9 hypertension #ithout significant proteinuria
O1 7estational 8pregnancy6induced9 hypertension #ith significant proteinuria
O1$ +clampsia
O1( 5nspecified maternal hypertension
Ot&er maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy (O0!"O0%#
O20 2aemorrhage in early pregnancy
O21 +xcessive vomiting in pregnancy
O22 )enous complications in pregnancy
O23 Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy
O2 %ia,etes mellitus in pregnancy
O2$ 1alnutrition in pregnancy
O2( 1aternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
O2* /,normal findings on antenatal screening of mother
O2. 3omplications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
1aternal care related to fet's and amniotic cavity and possi,le delivery pro,lems
O30 1ultiple gestation
O31 3omplications specific to multiple gestation
O32 1aternal care for :no#n or suspected malpresentation of fetus
O33 1aternal care for :no#n or suspected disproportion
O3 1aternal care for :no#n or suspected a,normality of pelvic organs
O3$ 1aternal care for :no#n or suspected fetal a,normality and damage
O3( 1aternal care for other :no#n or suspected fetal pro,lems
O0 -olyhydramnios
O1 Other disorders of amniotic fluid and mem,ranes
O2 -remature rupture of mem,ranes
O3 -lacental disorders
O -lacenta praevia
O$ -remature separation of placenta 8a,ruptio placentae9
O( /ntepartum haemorrhage, not else#here classified
O7 "alse la,our
O* -rolonged pregnancy
Complications of la,o'r and delivery (O/!"O4#
O(0 -reterm delivery
O(1 "ailed induction of la,our
O(2 /,normalities of forces of la,our
O(3 ;ong la,our
O( O,structed la,our due to malposition and malpresentation of fetus
O($ O,structed la,our due to maternal pelvic a,normality
O(( Other o,structed la,our
O(7 ;a,our and delivery complicated ,y intrapartum haemorrhage, not else#here classified
O(* ;a,our and delivery complicated ,y fetal stress 8distress9
O(. ;a,our and delivery complicated ,y um,ilical cord complications
O70 -erineal laceration during delivery
O71 Other o,stetric trauma
O72 -ostpartum haemorrhage
O73 <etained placenta and mem,ranes, #ithout haemorrhage
O7 3omplications of anaesthesia during la,our and delivery
O7$ Other complications of la,our and delivery, not else#here classified
O*0 Single spontaneous delivery
O*1 Single delivery ,y forceps and vacuum extractor
O*2 Single delivery ,y caesarean section
O*3 Other assisted single delivery
O* 1ultiple delivery
Complications predominantly related to t&e p'erperi'm (O$4"O%0#
O*$ -uerperal sepsis
O*( Other puerperal infections
O*7 )enous complications in the puerperium
O** O,stetric em,olism
O*. 3omplications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
O.0 3omplications of the puerperium, not else#here classified
O.1 Infections of ,reast associated #ith child,irth
O.2 Other disorders of ,reast and lactation associated #ith child,irth
Ot&er o,stetric conditions+ not else-&ere classified (O%3"O%%#
O. Se0uelae of complication of pregnancy, child,irth and the puerperium
O.$ O,stetric death of unspecified cause
O.( %eath from any o,stetric cause occurring more than 2 days ,ut less than one year after
O.7 %eath from se0uelae of direct o,stetric causes
O.* 1aternal infectious and parasitic diseases classifia,le else#here ,ut complicating
pregnancy, child,irth and the puerperium
O.. Other maternal diseases classifia,le else#here ,ut complicating pregnancy, child,irth
and the puerperium
Congenital malformations of genital organs (54!"54/#
=$0 3ongenital malformations of ovaries, fallopian tu,es and ,road ligaments
=$1 3ongenital malformations of uterus and cervix
=$2 Other congenital malformations of female genitalia
1alignant neoplasms of female genital organs
Includes: s:in of female genital organs
1alignant neoplasm of v'lva
C4.6! La,i'm ma7's
&artholin's 8greater vesti,ular9 gland
C4.6. La,i'm min's
C4.60 Clitoris
C4.6$ Overlapping lesion of v'lva
8See note $ on page II629
C4.6% )'lva+ 'nspecified
+xternal female genitalia NOS
1alignant neoplasm of vagina
1alignant neoplasm of cervi8 'teri
C426! Endocervi8
C426. E8ocervi8
C426$ Overlapping lesion of cervi8 'teri
8See note $ on page II629
C426% Cervi8 'teri+ 'nspecified
1alignant neoplasm of corp's 'teri
C436! Ist&m's 'teri
;o#er uterine segment
C436. Endometri'm
C4360 1yometri'm
C4362 F'nd's 'teri
C436$ Overlapping lesion of corp's 'teri
8See note $ on page II629
C436% Corp's 'teri+ 'nspecified
1alignant neoplasm of 'ter's+ part 'nspecified
1alignant neoplasm of ovary
1alignant neoplasm of ot&er and 'nspecified female genital organs
C46! Fallopian t',e
5terine tu,e
C46. 9road ligament
C460 Ro'nd ligament
C462 *arametri'm
5terine ligament NOS
C463 :terine adne8a+ 'nspecified
C46 Ot&er specified female genital organs
>olffian ,ody or duct
C46$ Overlapping lesion of female genital organs
8See note $ on page II629
1alignant neoplasm of female genital organs #hose point of origin cannot ,e
classified to any one of the categories 3$163$7?7, 3$*
C46% Female genital organ+ 'nspecified
"emale genitourinary tract NOS
1alignant neoplasm of placenta
3horiocarcinoma NOS
3horionepithelioma NOS
Excludes: chorioadenoma AdestruensB A%3.?2B
hydatidiform moleC
D invasive A%3.?2B
D malignant A%3.?2B

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