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1 Hegels POS POS Introduction

9:00 Red Ro!ert Stern !e"ore #ou red t$e te%t& It is lucid nd
good& '$e !est co((entries t$t re !est re H#))olite *$ic$
is stggeringl# gret+ nd Hrris *$ic$ is )rgr)$ !#
)rgr)$ cle,er reding *$ic$ lso conte%tuli-es it
$istoricll#& '$is is de"ltionr# nd nti.(et)$#sicl
reding o" /nt&
0$rles '#lor is co()letel# *rong on Hegel&
10:00 Pi))in reds Hegel in conte%t o" /nts trnscendentl
idelis(+ t$oug$ Pi))in is too e)iste(ologicl !ut ,ersion o"
t$t *ill !e done in t$is course&
17:00 'od# is n introduction& '$is is (inl# e)iste(ologicl&
1inl#+ it is !out t$e reltions$i) !et*een /nt nd Hegel&
1inl# !out Hegel co()letes /nt&
'$e 2S)irit o" 0$ristinit# nd its 3te4 "or(s t$e !est erl#
!it o" Hegel&
18:00 P$eno(enolog# is t$e (ost ri,eting te%t o" )$iloso)$# e,er
*ritten& It is uns)e5!l# !rillint&
It $s no "ollo*ers e,en !# Hegel& It is unli5e n#t$ing else&
6,en Hegel loses control o" PS s it is ric$er t$n e,en $is
o*n s#ste(& 7$t (5es it so gri))ing8
19:00 7$t Hegel does 9s gret )$iloso)$ers do: is not ns*er old
;uestions or )ro!le(s+ or not directl#+ but they change the
topic. They change what we are talking about. Hegel (5es two
moves *$ic$ c$nge t$e to)ic o" *$t )$iloso)$# is ll !out or
could !e !out& '$ere is lso t$ird (o,e in,ol,ed+ *$ic$ is
signi"icnt to understnding $o* $e c$ie,ed t$e ot$er t*o
<ets !egin *it$ t$e o!,ious& 1odern )$iloso)$# !egins *it$ t$e
t$oug$t o" sel".consciousness+ *it$ t$e disco,er# o"
su!=ecti,it#& 7it$ t$e 2I t$in5+ t$ere"ore I (&4 '$t ide+
t$t sel".consciousness is certain of itself+ is t$e ground nd
"oundtion o" )ossi!le ot$er 5no*ledge&
21:00 /nt dee)ens t$e 0rtesin t$oug$t *it$ t$e notion o" t$e
transcendental i&e& t$e t$oug$t 2I t$in54 (ust cco()n# all (#
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
re)resenttions or ot$er*ise so(et$ing *ould !e re)resented in
(e *$ic$ could not >6 t$oug$t t ll& '$e old ?131132 =iggle&
9<oo5 "or t$is8:
Hegel c$nges t$e su!=ect& He contends t$t t$e (ini(l unit
"or t$ere to !e sel".conscious genc# is two& '$t #ou cnnot
!e sel".conscious gent !# #oursel"& @ou re not in n
i((edite sel" reltion *it$ #oursel"&
On t$e contrr# #our reltions$i) to #oursel"+ #ou !eing
#oursel"+ is (edited !# t$e ot$er& So #ou re !solutel#
de)endent on t$e ot$er+ !solutel# de)endent on *$t is not #ou
9*e *ill disco,er t$is lter in t$e se(ester:&
22:00 One (ig$t su))ose t$t t$is is enoug$ o" !re5&
>ut ctull# Hegel goes e,en "urt$er "or $e doesnt t$in5 t$t
t*o is enoug$& 1#!e t$e (ini(l unit is t*o& >ut s e,er#
lo,er $s disco,ered+ t*o is ne,er enoug$+ #ou l*#s need
t$ird& So Hegels de"inition o" sel".consciousness is t$e I
that is a We and the We that is an I.
23:00 '$t is+ $is cli( is going to !e t$t insted o" n 2I t$in54
*e re;uire 27e t$in54 nd it is t$e notion o" 2*e t$in54 is
*$t is i()lied nd in,ol,ed in $is notion o" t$e geist.
'$e )$eno(enolog# o" s)irit is )$eno(enolog# o" t$e 2geist&4
2Aeist4 or t$e s)irit is t$e 2*e4 t$t is n 2I4 nd t$e 2I4
t$t is 2*e&4 So t$e ide t$t *e re l*#s in,ol,ed in
co((unit# o" so(e sortB Hegel clls lnguge t$e ?esin o"
s)irit& 9i" I "igured out *$t t$t (ent I *ould *rite
24:00 <nguge is t$e being there o" s)irit& Its t$e *# in *$ic$+
its t$e (edin t$roug$+ *$ic$ co((unit# )sses itsel" on+
recogni-es itsel"+ tl5s to itsel"+ so e(!eds itsel"&
'$e )ro!le(+ >ernstein t$in5s 9$,ing red too (uc$ 7$ite$ed:+
*it$ 3reud is t$t $e su""ers t$e )ro!le( o" misplaced
25:00 $e t$in5s t$t t$e (ind is in our $ed& >ernstein t$in5s (ind
is not in t$e $ed nd in !et*een us&
So Hegel $s t$is notion o" (indedness or 2Aeist4 t$t is
so(e$o* t$e (ind t$t is not in #our $ed+ not to !e locted
t$ere in t$e $ed+ !ut so(e$o* !ound u) in t$e )rctices nd
reltions one $s *it$ ones ot$ers *$o t$e# (ig$t !e& Cnd *e
*ill see *$o t$e ot$ers re&
>ecuse t$is is Hegels second move. 'o get rid o" t$e )re(ise
o" (odern )$iloso)$# n(el# (et)$#sicl nd (et$odologicl
indi,idulis(& '$t is t$e (o,e $ere&
26:00 '$t $e destro#s t$e "und(entl unit *it$ *$ic$ *e !egin
)$iloso)$# nd *it$ *$ic$ *e do )$iloso)$# is t$e stnd lone
indi,idul t$t is t$e (ind 5no*ing itsel"B $e s#s t$e (ini(l
unit is going to !e so(e !roder o!=ect& '$en in t$e (iddle o"
$is !oo5 $,ing lred# (de t$t (o,e $e s#s *$t is t$is D*e
t$in5& 7$t *e t$in5 is not "ltl# u) to us+ *e cnnot t$in5
n#t$ing *e *nt& Rt$er *e $,e $istor#& '$is is t$e ne%t ne*
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
to)ic o" con,erstion&
27:00 '$t our linguistic co((unit# is conditioned !# t$e lnguge+
resources+ reltions *e $,e to one not$er re ll conditioned
!# $istor#& Cnd to s# t$is is to s# !unc$ o" t$ings&
Cn#*#+ s)irit is $istor#& One o" t$e t$ings it (ens Hegel
s#s is t$t *e re $ere rig$t no* co((unit# o" t$e li,ing
nd t$e ded& '$t t$e ded re l*#s *it$ us& Cnd t$t *e
(ust "ind out in our co((unit# nd )rctices reltion to t$e
ded& '$is is "(ous c$)ter on Cntigone&
28:00 Cnd t$en t$e e,en (ore "(ous c$)ter on !solute 5no*ledge re
ll !out+ $o* to li,e *it$ t$e ded& So *$en Hegel s#s
)$iloso)$# is its o*n $istoricl e)oc$ conce)tuli-ed in
t$oug$t+ $e (ens unert$ing t$e $istor# t$t llo*s us to !e
s)e5ing in t$e *#s in *$ic$ *e do& '$t *e re not onl#
de)endent on ec$ ot$er in our linguistic co((unit# nd in our
linguistic reltions !ut *e re de)endent on t$e concrete
$istor# t$t got us $ere& 7$t !its o" concrete $istor#8 7ell
Hegel is going to gi,e us stor# on t$t concrete $istor#+
29:00 stor# t$t included t$e Aree5 nd Ro(n *orld nd !solute
$istor#+E&&3I<<ESo)$ocles Cntigone+ 3I<<EE&nture o" guillotine
nd so "ort$ nd so on&
Suddenl# no* )$iloso)$# is connected to non.)$iloso)$#& So *$t
)$iloso)$# $s no control o,er nd *$t #ou cnnot 5no* .
)riori nd on re"lection or t$e li5e+ !ut )$iloso)$# "inds
itsel" conditioned !# !its o" concrete $istor#+ so 5ind o"
$istor#+ !ut certinl# concrete $istor#&
30:00 Fo* in t$is Hegel $s l(ost no successors& Fo ot$er
)$iloso)$ers *$o >ernstein cn t$in5 o" *$o included in t$e
core o" t$eir t$oug$t $istor# s condition "or sel".
Heidegger )retends to nd t$e ;uestion is *$t t$e di""erence
is8 Cnd t$e ot$er side is t$t 1r% *ill rgue t$t Hegel *s
not $istoricl enoug$& So t$is is "rug$t re !ut t$e
"rug$tness is *$ere t$e t$rill is !ecuse i" Hegel cn
con,ince us t$t #ou cnnot tl5 !out t$e sel" *it$out t$e
(edition o" t$e ot$er nd i" #ou cnnot tl5 !out t$e
(edition o" t$e ot$er
31:00 t$e 2*e t$in54 nd *e cnnot tl5 !out t$e 2*e t$in54 *it$out
tl5ing !out $istor# t$en t$ose de!tes+ lets cll it t$e
"inessing o" $istor#+ nd Heidegger stor#+ nd t$e tte()t to
reduce )$iloso)$# to $istor#+ 1r% notion+ ctull# 1r% (ig$t
!e (ore )$iloso)$icl t$n Hegel nd not $istoricl enoug$&
32:00 One )erson *$o *ill c$llenge Hegel on t$is is H#))olite&
3oucult got t$e )oint& He too *nted to *rite $istor# o"
)resent nd (#!e in di""erent *# !ut t$t is t$e st5e&
Fo* t$ere is t$ird (o,e& '$is (o,e is no,el in t$e conte%t o"
(odern )$iloso)$# nd is "und(entl to t$e Hegelin )rogr(&
33:00 6,er#one *nted to ns*er t$e ;uestion o" *$t to do *it$ /nt
nd li5e ll good nerds t$e# =ust 5e)t reding (ore /nt& Cnd
"inll# $e $el)ed t$e( out !# )u!lis$ing 0G *$ic$ contins
t$oug$t t$t $d not !een uttered )$iloso)$icll# since t$e
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
ti(e o" Cristotle nd t$t is t$e t$oug$t o" orgnis(&
34:00 Hegel erl# *s i()ressed *it$ Cristotle& Cnd *$t $e nd $is
"riends 3I<< 3ill got out o" 0G *s $o* to ,oid to(is( nd
"or(lis( *$ic$ go toget$er in t$e "ollo*ing *#& Cto(is( is
t$e t$oug$t t$t t$ere re irreduci!le )rticulrs nd
"or(lis( is t$e t$oug$t t$t t$ere re .)riori uni,ersls&
So t$e )ro!le( *it$ t$e trdition *$ic$ goes !c5 to Plto is
t$e reltion !et*een uni,ersls nd )rticulrs& '$e t$oug$t is
t$t i" t$ere re uni,ersls t$t $,e n# *eig$t *$tsoe,er
t$en t$e# *ill
35:00 s*llo* u) ll t$e )rticulrs..$istor#+ "initude+ ll t$e
concrete stu""&
'$e ot$er side is t$t i" #ou strt *it$ =ust )rticulrs t$en
#ou get no(inlis(+ relti,is(+ s5e)ticis( t$t is t$e de!te
!et*een rtionlis( nd e()iricis(&
'$e )eo)le *$o "ollo*ed $i( t$e# red /nt s =ust
rtionlist s *e *ill see in (inute $o* $e is seen s
Fo* t$e *# to ))roc$ t$is is not t$roug$ t$e reltions$i)
!et*een uni,ersl nd )rticulr 9t$oug$ t$ere is (uc$ in Hegel
on uni,ersl nd )rticulr:&
36:00 Rt$er *e ))roc$ t$is s )rtH*$ole& I $,e lred# sid t$t
I ( !solutel# de)endent on #ou+ t$t (ens )rt o" *$ole+
nd I $,e lred# sid t*o is not enoug$ so *e re !ot$ )rt
o" *ider linguistic co((unl co((unit# nd I $,e lred#
t$t is not sel".su""icient *$ic$ (ens it is )rt o"E
So s *e see t$e logic o" )rtH*$ole is di""erent *# o"
t$in5ing o" t$e "und(entl *# o" strting *# o" t$in5ing o"&
Cnd t$is *ill run t$roug$out t$is&
37:00 Cnd t$e issue *ill !e *$t is t$e (ec$nis( o" t$in5ing o" ll
t$is& Ho* do indi,iduls not get (ere )rts o" *$ole nd get
s*llo*ed u) !# t$e *$ole li5e t$e# used to get s*llo*ed u) !#
t$e uni,ersls&
Fonet$eless t$e (o,e(ent to )rt to *$ole is structurl
(o,e(ent in Hegel&
38:00 Fo* let us )ut t$is in conte%t i&e& (o,e(ent "ro( /nt to
Cs *e s$ould 5no* Hegel is 5no*n s n !solute idelist nd
so(e notion o" unit# o" t$oug$t nd !eing&
'$e ;uestion is *$t is t$e reltion !et*een !solute idelis(
9Hegel: nd su!=ecti,e or "or(list idelis( 9/nt:&
39:00 In t$e )re"ce 9*$ic$ *e *ill red lst: I26:
40:00 ># )ure sel".recognition $e (ens )ure sel".)erce)tion so 'JC&
Cnd !# !solute ot$erness $e (ig$t (en *$t /nt clls t$ings
in t$e(sel,es& So $e is s#ing t$t t$e Cet$er+ gol+ ground o"
$is ende,our is to s$o* t$e conditions "or t$e )ossi!ilit# o"
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
sel".consciousness re grounded in t$ings in t$e(sel,es& '$e
,er# t$ing t$t /nt sid *e could not 5no*&
Ho* does $e (nge to do t$t8
41:00 In ,er# si()le *# t$e gol o" Hegel is to co()lete /nt& 3or
Hegel /nt is li(ited+ su!=ecti,e+ or "inite idelist&
Cs I $,e lred# suggested $e *ill re)lce t$e /ntin notion
o" 'JC *it$ $is notion o" t$e s)irit *$ic$ is co((unit# *it$
$istor# nd lnguge etc+ so(et$ing ,er# t$in !ut so(et$ing
,er# "t&
42:00 '$e reson "or clling /nt su!=ecti,e idelist is =ust t$e
,er# ter(s o" trnscendentl idelis( n(el# *e 5no*
))ernces nd not t$ings in t$e(sel,es& <et us un)c5 *$t
t$is (ens&
One *# /nt s)ells out t$is notion t$t *e 5no* ))ernces
nd not t$ings in t$e(sel,es is !# contrsting our conce)tul
"or(s o" understnding t$t is t$e ide t$t our *reness o"
o!=ects is l*#s (edited !# ctegories nd conce)ts&
43:00 '$t is *e 5no* o!=ects !ecuse t$e# "ll under nd re
(edited !# e()iricl conce)ts nd certin !sic ite(s clled
'$t notion o" *reness is co()red to Aods *reness *$ic$
/nt clls intellectul intuition& so "or /nt intellectul
intuition is t$t Aod does not $,e to *it "or so(et$ing to
""ect $is sensi!ilit# nd t$en co(e u) *it$ conce)t nd *or5
it u) nd t$in5 !out it& '$t is+ Aod does not $,e to (5e
=udg(ents& Aods ct o" t$oug$t is n ct o" cretion& '$t no
sooner does $e t$in5 so(et$ing t$t it e%ists&
44:00 '$t Aod+ nd t$is is t$e crucil+ t$e cru% o" Aod is (odl
issue+ t$t "or Aod t$ere re no unreli-ed )ossi!ilities&
'$t t$ere is no di""erence !et*een )ossi!ilit# nd ctulit#
nd t$us no di""erence !et*een )ossi!ilit# nd necessit#&
'$us t$e (odl di""erentitions re onl# true o" "inite
intellects& So /nt is s#ing t$t t$ere is di""erence
!et*een our "inite intellects nd Aods intellectul intuition&
'$t is our )oint o" ,ie* on t$e *orld is li(ited& 7e do not
$,e Aods e#e )oint o" ,ie*& '$is is *$t e,er#one 5no*s "ro(
3I<< t$t *e do not $,e ,ie* "ro( no*$ere&
45:00 7e onl# $,e su!=ecti,e )ers)ecti,e& Cnd t$ere"ore Aod or
ngels in <oc5es ess#+ ngels cn 5no* necessr# connections&
So Aod nd ngels cn 5no* nd onl# *e cnnot 5no* t$e(& Aod
nd ngels (# 5no* di""erentl#&
'$ere"ore our 5no*ledge is restricted or )ri(iti,e )ririti,e8
93I<< :*it$ res)ect to n in"inite stnd)oint&
Hegels ;uestion is si()l# t$is& 7$t re t$e grounds "or
)osing t$is ot$er stnd)oint8
46:00 I()osing t$is ot$er )oint o" ,ie*+ n(el# Aods e#e )oint o"
,ie*+ (5es t$t )oint o" ,ie* constituti,e o" t$e (ening o"
t$e 5no*ledge *e do $,e nd $ence restricts t$e !eing o" t$e
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
*orld to *$t (erel# con"or(s to our su!=ecti,e *# o" loo5ing
t it&
So it is s i" t$e stor# goes *e re told t$t our 5no*ledge is
li(ited or "inite !ecuse *e cnnot see t$ings t$e *# Aod cn
see t$e(&
So co()red to Aod our )osition is restricted& Cnd t$e ;uestion
is *it$ *$t rig$t *e cn )ose t$is ot$er stnd)oint
47:00 s t$e condition o" )ossi!ilit# nd (ening o" our stnd )oint&
So i" our (ening *ere not restricted or li(ited in contrst to
intellectul intuition it *ould not !e "inite in t$e restricted
sense& It *ould !e in"inite&
48:00 So ll #ou $,e to do is to s# t$t t$ere is no llo*ing "or
stu"" t$t *e cnnot 5no* nd t$t *ould (5e #our )ers)ecti,e
on t$e *orld not "inite !ut in"inite&
<et us "ce it& Fo one *ill s# t$t t$ere is no Aod tl5 in
Hegel !ut t$e Aod or religion tl5 in Hegel is )recisel# t$ere
to discuss t$is ,er# issue n(el# t$e issue o" *$et$er *e cn
)resu(e n e%ternlit#+ so(et$ing t$t is un5no*!le+ nd
outside o" us s condition o" )ossi!ilit# "or t$e
intelligi!ilit# o" *$t *e do t$in5 nd 5no*&
49:00 So t$e (o,e $ere is "(ousl# (de !# ?onld ?,idson in
nl#ticl )$iloso)$# *$en $e s#s t$t )eo)le t$in5 t$t our
5no*ledge is onl# li(ited to our conce)tul sc$e(e& Cnd t$en $e
s#s i" t$ere cn !e di""erent conce)tul sc$e(es nd t$en $e
sid t$t i" *e cn understnd one not$er t$en t$ese
conce)tul sc$e(es could not !e t$t di""erent& >ut i" t$ese
conce)tul sc$e(es could not !e rell# di""erent t$en it does
not (5e sense to s# t$t 5no*ledge is relti,e to
conce)tul sc$e(e !ecuse t$ere is not$ing to contrst it *it$&
So t$e relti,it# dis))ers&
'$is is not to s# t$t 5no*ledge is not conce)tul+
$istoricl+ ll o" t$t& >ut t$t t$ere is no reson to t$in5
t$t ll o" t$t is restriction& So t$is is to t5e /nt t
$is *ord&
50:00 /nts gret stu)endous t$oug$t+ t$e 0o)ernicn 'urn+ is t$t
t$e li(its o" 5no*ledge re its conditions o" )ossi!ilit# nd
t$ere"ore not li(its t ll&
Hegel *nts to rdicli-e t$t t$oug$t& So t$t t$ere re no
li(its t ll cuts cross ll t$oug$ts o" /ntin s5e)ticis(&
51:00 So "or Hegel t$e )ro!le( *it$ trditionl (et)$#sics is not
t$t it tried to 5no* t$e in"inite 9*$# do )$iloso)$# i" not to
interrogte t$e in"inite: !ut rt$er t$t it $s o""ered
"lse inter)rettion o" t$e in"inite s so(et$ing trnscending
t$e *orld o" ordinr# e%)erience&
So t$e ide o" Hegelin )$iloso)$i-ing is to (5e e,er#t$ing
t$t *s t$oug$t to !e trnscendent to $u(n e%)erience nd
(5es it i((nent to $u(n e%)erience nd gets its role in t$e
role it )l#s in t$e )rt *$ole logic& So it (5es it *$oll#
52:00 So o" course t$ere is Aod nd t$is is *$t t$e gret c$)ter on
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
0$ristinit# does is t$t Aod !eco(es (n& Fot sort o"+ t$t is
it& Aod !eco(es (n+ (n !eco(es $ol# s)irit+ $ol# s)irit
!eco(es geist& '$t is t$e stor# nd t$e rgu(ent& 6nd o"
Fo* t$is (o,e is de"initi,e o" continentl )$iloso)$#&
0ontinentl )$iloso)$# is distinguis$ed !# t$e tte()t to s$o*
t$t ec$ ite( t$t trditionl )$iloso)$ers $,e t$oug$t to !e
trnscendent is rell# n i((nent connection&
So ll o" continentl )$iloso)$# is =ust doing Cristotle nd
Plto& >ring t$e uni,ersl do*n to ert$ nd (5e t$e( do so(e
rel *or5&
53:00 '$e ;uestion "or continentl )$iloso)$#+ (odern )$iloso)$# s
Hegel strted it+ is t$t $o* "r cn #ou go *it$out sto))ing
doing )$iloso)$# t ll+ t$t is *$ere #ou lose n# )ossi!le
gri) on s#ing t$t t$e *orld $s structure+ intelligi!ilit#+
(ening+ nd get reduced to )ositi,is(&
So )$iloso)$# is t$t tic5lis$+ di""icult+ l(ost i()ossi!le
ende,or o" !ringing Aod do*n to ert$+ *it$out losing t$t it
*s Aod *$o c(e do*n to ert$ nd not so(e ot$er *ise gu#&
54:00 Second (o,e&
<ets t$in5 o" ot$er *#s in *$ic$ /nt t$in5s o" totlit#& It
is o" course /ntin notions o" totlit# t$t (5e t$e ,ie* on
t$ings su!=ecti,e&
Cnd one o" t$e *#s in *$ic$ /nt t$in5s o" totlit# is t$e
ide o" in"inite )rogress or in"inite regress t$t is ne,er
55:00 So *$en $e tl5s o" cuslit# nd t$t ec$ cuse $s
condition+ nd 5ee) going !c5 "ore,er+ $e tl5s !out $is+ in
$is (orl )$iloso)$# $e *ill tl5 !out t$e $ig$est good s n
o!=ect o" in"inite stri,ing+ regulti,e ide t$t *e see5
"ter+ *e reli-e our ,irtue+ so t$t *e (# !e deser,ing o"
t$e )ro)ortion o" t$t $ig$est good+ $))iness *ould !e
)ro)ortionl to ,irtue&
56:00 So in !ot$ cses /nt su))oses t$t "initude (ens no 5no*ledge
o" totlit#&
So t$t t$ere (# !e n in"inite stri,ing or n in"inite
t$in5ing t$t (o,es !c5 to t$e un.conditioned !ut *e ne,er
$,e n i(ge o" t$e totlit#& >ut *$#8 In *# /nts
t$in5ing $ere is literl& He t$in5s t$t i" t$ere is totlit#
#ou $,e to !e outside it to see it& @ou cn ))roc$ it !ut
cnnot get t$ere !ecuse i" #ou get t$ere t$en #ou *ould
lred# !e outside it nd t$e t$in5ing *ould not !e "inite&
57:00 Hegel *ill rgue+ nd t$is *ill #ield $is notion o" t$e un$))#
consciousness+ t$e consciousness t$t is continull# stri,ing
to !e one *it$ *$t is !e#ond it nd ne,er c$ie,ed it&
He t$in5s t$t once #ou 5no* t$e li(it #ou $,e lred# crossed
t$e li(it& '$t #ou cnnot t$in5 t$e ide o" li(it *it$out
going !e#ond it& 'o (5e sense o" t$e ide o" li(itE&
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
'$in5 o" $o* #ou used to t$in5 o" *$ere s)ce endedE
@ou cnnot t$in5 o" t$e notion o" li(it t$e *# /nt *nts to
*it$out it !eing sel".de"eting&
2:00 In t$e nti(onies+ in t$e t$ird nti(on#+ /nt+ t$is is t$e
nti(on# on "reedo(+ /nt contrsts t$e ide o" t$e su!=ect s
5no*n ,ersus t$e su!=ect s "ree or sel".deter(ining&
3:00 Cnd t$e t$oug$t is+ is t$t t$is is t$e (orl gent& '$is is
going to !e $is so clled nou(enl sel"& /nt s#s *e dont
5no* i" *e re "ree+ rt$er *e (ust !elie,e *e re "ree& '$t
is not n r!itrr# !elie"+ its not li5e *e cn decide& It is
necessr# !elie"+ !ut none t$e less it is !elie"& It is "or(
o" *$t $e clls )rcticl "it$&
4:00 So t$ere is contrst !et*een t$e e()iricl sel" t$t cn !e
5no*n in =ust t$e ordinr# *#s t$t )eo)le 5no* !out one
not$er nd $o* )eo)le *$o 5no* !out t$e(sel,es nd t$e "ree
nd sel" deter(ining gent *$o is un5no*n+ nd t$is is e;ull#
t$e distinction !et*een t$eoreticl nd )rcticl reson& Fo*+
Hegels )ro!le( *it$ t$is is t$t t$is su!=ect+ t$e )rcticl
su!=ect+ t$e su!=ect o" genc#+ o" (orlit# is not onl#
un5no*n+ it is e;ull# in certin *# gi,en+ so it is un5no*n
nd unconditioned
5:00 7$ic$ to s# t$t t$e ,er# ide o" "ree or (orl gent is
e;ull# t$e ide o" ne* i((edic#& Cnd t$e ide o" i((edic#
#ou (ig$t s# is t$e ,er# t$ing t$t /nt s$ould not llo*&
'$t t$e *$ole )oint o" /ntinis( is to s# not$ing is
i((edite+ e,er#t$ing is (edited+ nd #et $e struggles
t$roug$out $is entire creer t$e ide o" t$e "ct o" reson+
ll t$ese ides to tr# to understnd t$is )rcticl sel"&
6:00 Hegel *ill ,oid t$is )ro!le( in (ulti)licit# o" *#s& >ut
t$e "irst nd (ost )ro"ound *# is to s# t$t "reedo( nd sel"
consciousness co(e to !e& '$t t$e# re not gi,en& '$t t$e#
e(erge t$roug$ )rctices nd t$roug$ $istor# nd t$t *e cn
5no* t$e( in ll t$e *# t$t *e cn 5no* n# $istoricl ite(+
t$t t$ere is going to !e not$ing )rticulrl# o!scure !out
genc# or )rcticl "reedo(+ it is going to !e not$er *# in
*$ic$ *e 5no* oursel,es s $istoricl gents nd $ence in *$ic$
*e (ust ""ir( oursel,es s !eings o" certin 5ind&
7:00 Fo* 7$t ties t$ese criti;ues toget$er o" /nt is t$t $e
t$in5s t$t /nt did not co()lete $is )rogr(+ nd $e did not
co()lete $is )rogr( !ecuse in certin *# $e re(ined n
e)iste(ologist& 7$t does t$t (en8 6)iste(olog# is not =ust
t$e t$eor# o" 5no*ledge !ut *ell s# e)iste(olog# rises t
certin (o(ent s "irst )$iloso)$#& '$t is *$t ?escrtes
re,olution *s ll !out& 15ing e)iste(olog# "irst )$iloso)$#
!# *$ic$ I (en t$e issue !ec(e (# "und(entl reltions$i) to
t$e *orld is !# (ens o" re)resenttions&
8:00 So to !e in t$e *orld is to $,e "und(entll# ,eridicl
re)resenttion o" it+ *$ic$ is *$# "or ll t$e erl#
e)iste(ologists nd erl# )$iloso)$ers s5e)ticis( is so scr#&
>ecuse i" #ou !elie,e t$t #our !eing in t$e *orld is !#
,irtue o" re)resenttions o" t$e *orld nd #ou dont 5no* #ou
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
cn trust t$ose re)resenttions+ t$en #ou dont e,en $,e n#
suret# t$t #ou re !eing in t$e *orld& Hence not onl# is it
(o(ent o" t$e "irst (edittion+ !ut rdicll# t$t (o(ent
*$ere Hu(e !eco(es "rid 2I ( (onster I (ust !e (d4
9:00 >ecuse $e 5no*s t$t t$e ,er# ide o" letting re)resenttions
!e our *# o" connecting us to t$e *orld is *# so(e$o*
disconnecting us "ro( t$e *orld& Fo*+ in certin *# /nts
0o)ernicn turn *s su))osed to resol,e t$t )ro!le(+ to !e
t$eor# o" re)resenttion& >ut *it$out t$e )ro!le( o" *$et$er or
not our re)resenttions *ere ,eridicl !ecuse t$e ide o" t$e
0o)ernicn turn *s I dont e,en $,e to s5 i" (#
re)resenttions (tc$ t$e *orld+ t$e ,er# ide o"
re)resenttions is lred# t$e ide o" !eing in t$e *orld& '$t
t$e 0o)ernicn turn& It doesnt s5 i" (# re)resenttions (tc$
t$e *orld+ it rt$er suggests t$t to $,e =udg(entl
re)resenttions o" certin 5ind is our *# o" !eing in t$e
10:00 Cnd+ #oull "ind t$e s(e t$oug$t "or e%()le in Go$n 1c?o*ell&
'$ts $o* I red 1c?o*ell& Hegel is going to rgue t$t our
(ode o" !eing in t$e *orld is not "und(entll# s 5no*ers !ut
*e (ig$t s# s gents& 7ere getting t$ere+ t$t is o,erco(ing
e)iste(olog#+ is t$e *or5 o" t$e o)ening 4 c$)ters o" t$e
)$eno(enolog#& '$e "irst t$ree c$)ters re t$e re)etition o"
t$e $istor# o" e)iste(olog# nd t$e trnsition o" c$)ter "our
nd sel" consciousness is to s$o* t$t sel" conscious gents
11:00 not relted to t$e *orld s 5no*ers !ut !# (ens o" t$e strnge
Hegelin *ord t$t *ell su""er t$roug$ out t$e entire
se(ester+ !# (ens o" recognition+ !# not 5no*ing+ !ut
recogni-ing& Cs i" t$ts going to (5e n#t$ing !etter&
Cn#*#+ !ut *ere in t$e *orld not s 5no*ers !ut s gents&
7ell t$e turning )oint+ *$t (otors t$is (o,e(ent into
"und(entll# o,erco(ing t$e t$eor# )rcticl reson
distinction nd generting )$iloso)$# *$ic$ trul# $s
)ri(c# in )rcticl reson+ ne%t *ee5 I ( going to rgue t$t
Hegels ontolog# is n et$icl ontolog#+ t$t t$e ,er#
structure o" $is t$oug$t is go,erned !# t$e structures o"
)rcticl reson+ not t$eoreticl reson&
12:00 So+ Hegels gri)e+ #ou (ig$t s# t$is is not$er one o" $is
re,olutionr# (o,es+ clled t$e (o,e(ent into )rg(tis( is
t$t *e cnnot understnd our reltion to oursel,es+ nd our
reltion to one not$er nd our reltion to t$e *orld i" *e
t$in5 o" n# o" t$ose reltions$i)s s "und(entll#
re)resenttionl& '$t t$e# re going to $,e co()letel#
di""erent sttus& '$is is not to den# t$t *e re 5no*ers+
its =ust t$t+ to t5e c$e) s$ot+ t$t 5no*ing is socil
)rctice+ t$t 5no*ing is so(et$ing t$t is regulted !#
collecti,e nor(s in *$ic$ *e ,lidte certin trut$s nd !#
(ens o" certin )rctices nd so on nd so "ort$&
13:00 '$t is ll t$e t$ings t$t #ou re "(ilir *it$ "ro( )ost
Po))erin )$iloso)$# o" science+ /u$n nd ll t$t 5ind o"
stu""& '$e turning )oint t$t gets us on t$e *# to t$is "or
Hegel is in t$e second edition trnscendentl deduction& Cnd
t$e (o(ent in t$e trnscendentl deduction *$ere Hegel nd
indeed e,en 3ic$te t$in5 t$t /nt goes !e#ond $i(sel" is going
to !e in *$t is usull# t$oug$t o" s t$e turning )oint in t$e
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
deduction *$ic$ reltes to our 5no*ledge o" t$ings in s)ce nd
14:00 7$t Hegel nd 3ic$te *nt to rgue is t$t e,er#t$ing (ust !e
relted to us s sel" conscious !eings& I" I cn use one o"
Hegels slogns: 26,er#t$ing t$t is su!stnce (ust !eco(e
su!=ect&4 7$ic$ is to s# t$t not$ing no su!stnce +no t$ing +
no (teril+ no ite(+ no indi,idul+ no t$oug$+ no not$ing t$t
doesnt get itsel" relted to us s sel" conscious gents& So
t$t t$e !solute is s (uc$ su!=ect s su!stnce&
15:00 In t$e 'rnscendentl ?eduction8 7ell+ lets re(e(!er $o* t$e
'rn de *or5s nd t$is is t$e (o(ent o" gret success& '$e t
d& "und(entll# o)ertes !# tr#ing to connect t*o cli(s& '$e
"irst s#s t$t t$e 2I t$in54 )ro,ides t$e necessr# conditions
"or t$e )ossi!ilit# o" e%)erience&
16:00 /nt t$oug$t $ere+ its rt$er es# one& It is t$t in order
"or n o!=ect to !e 5no*n+ it (ust !e =udged& '$e onl# *e cn
5no* t$ing is !# =udging t$e(& I" #ou re going got =udge n
o!=ect #ou (ust e()lo# certin =udg(entl "or(s+ t$t is
=udg(ent $s structure& So *e use : t$e t!le is !ro*n&
Su!=ect o!=ect& 7ell i" t$t is t$e *# *e =udge t$ings+ nd
t$e onl# *e cn 5no* t$e(+ t$en t$t structure (ust itsel"+ so
su!=ect+ )redicte "or( o" 5no*ing (ust relte itsel" to t$e
structure o" t$ings in t$e *orld&
17:00 '$ings + su!stnces *it$ )ro)erties or ccidents so t$t t$e
structure o" t$e *orld /nt rgues (ust !e s it *ere
(teril (irror i(ge o" t$e "or(s t$t *e use in our )rctices
o" =udg(ent so i" t$e 2su!=ect is )redicte4 is #our s#nt%+
t$en *e (ig$t s# t$e s#nt% entils se(ntics or
trnscendentl s#nt% entils trnscendentl se(ntics& 7ell
t$t is n es# enoug$ t$oug$t+ !ut it is lso su!=ecti,e
t$oug$t !ecuse *$t /nt is s#ing t$t *e t$in5 !out t$e
*orld $o*8 7ell+ in =ust t$e *# *e t$in5 !out t$e *orld&
18:00 ># using t$ese "or(s+ nd t$ere"ore *e (ust i()ose t$ose
structures+ t$e# (ust cco((odte t$e(sel,es to our *# o"
t$in5ing& Cnd t$t is t$e usul t$e conce)tul sc$e(e )ro!le(:
t$t t$ings (ust cco((odte t$e(sel,es to t$e "or(s o"
structures o" our t$oug$t& So t$e necessr# conditions "or t$e
)ossi!ilit# o" e%)erience+ t$ose "or(s I (ust use+ turn out to
!e t$ese ctegories& '$ts t$e "irst ste)& '$e second ste) is
to rgue t$t t$e necessr# conditions "or t$e )ossi!ilit# o"
e%)erience re lso t$e necessr# conditions "or t$e o!=ects o"
19:00 '$t is+ not$ing cn ))er in s)ce nd ti(e+ t$t does not
con"or( to our structured *#s o" 5no*ing& So t$e t$oug$t is
$ere in t$e "irst ste)+ t$is le,es+ lets cll it 2t$ings4
te()orril# outside our e%)erience& 6%)erience is =ust *$t
gets s$)ed !# our *#s o" 5no*ing& In t$e second ste) t$e
rgu(ent is t$t t$ings no* (ust con"or( to our *#s o"
structured e%)erience&
20:00 '$e t$oug$t t$en is+ e,en ))ering in s)ce nd ti(e is
su!=ect to ctegories *$ere t$e ctegories t$e(sel,es deri,e
"ro( t$e structures o" sel" consciousness& >ut $o* on ert$
does /nt get "ro( 1 to 28 '$ere $s got to !e tric5& Ho*
does $e get "ro( t$e t$oug$t t$t t$e ctegories re not =ust
su!=ecti,e conditions "or re)resent!lit# !ut "urt$er t$t
not$ing is gi,en in intuition cn "il
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
21:00 to con"or( to t$ose ctegories& It is re(r5!le t$t in t$is
!oo5 o" nerl# 700 )ges+ t$e cru% is in t$e "ootnote& '$e
"(ous "ootnote t > 160& /nt s#s
Space represented as object as we are required to do in
geometry contains nothing more than the mere form of intuition.
22:00 It also contains combination of the manifold given according to
the form of sensibility in an intuitive representation so that
the form of intuition gives only a manifold the formal
intuition gives unity a representation
'$t (ust !e nerl# Aree5& '$e s$i"t is "ro( s)ce s "or( o"
intuition+ s gi,en e()t# continer t$t is *$oll#
inde)endent o" sel" consciousness+ n(el# s)ce s it is
discussed in t$e trnscendentl est$etic+ to s)ce s n
ctul o!=ect o" cogniti,e *reness + !ut in so "r s s)ce
is n ctul o!=ect o" cogniti,e *reness+
23:00 it is "or(l intuition nd t$ere"ore su!=ect to t$e
ctegories& >ut t$t (ens i" s)ce *$ic$ is t$e condition "or
n# o!=ect ))ering to us+ (ust con"or( to t$e ctegories+
t$en lo* nd !e$old+ e,er#t$ing t$t ))ers (ust con"or( to
t$e ctegories+ t$ere"ore t$e necessr# conditions "or t$e
o!=ects o" e%)erience re lso necessr# conditions "or t$e
o!=ects o" e%)erience& In s$ort e,en t$e intuited (ni"old is
deter(ined !# conce)tul conditions& '$t is t$e cru% o" t$e
(tter& 6,er#t$ing+ e,en t$e intuited (ni"old o" s)ce nd
ti(e re deter(ined !# conce)tul conditions&
24:00 Cnd $ence e,er#t$ing is deter(ined !# t$e s)ontneit# o" t$e
su!=ect& Fo*+ 3ic$te "irst t$is is *$t $is entire , er is
e%ctl# *$t 3ic$te *s tr#ing to do nd certinl# *$t Hegel
lerned "ro( 3ic$te *s t$e recognition t$t t$e s)ontneit# o"
t$e su!=ect+ su!=ecti,e genc#+ our )o*ers+ our *#s o"
t$in5ing+ (edite n#t$ing t$t (ig$t ))er to us&
25:00 Fo* *$t t$is does i" t$is is rig$t+ i" t$is is t$e rig$t
t$oug$t+ is it (5es )ro!le(tic t$e distinction+ *$ic$ is
structurl "or /nt+ !et*een originl s)ontneit# nd originl
)ssi,it#& '$t is t$e "und(entl structure o" /nts s#ste(
rig$t8 '$t it is structure !# to 5no* is to $,e intuitions
t$t #ou recei,e+ originl )ssi,it#+ nd conce)ts t$roug$
*$ic$ #ou t$in5 nd t$t intuitions re s#nt$esi-ed !# conce)ts
26:00 & '$t )resu(es t$t t$ere is n unsur)ss!le )ssi,it# nd
t$e de)t$ o" t$t )ssi,it# is e%)ress in t$e ide o" s)ce nd
ti(e s "or(s o" intuitions& '$t is s !strct continers+ i"
t$e rgu(ent o" t$e trnscendentll# deduction is rig$t+
)ssi,it# cnnot !e !solute or unconditioned& Pssi,it# s
l*#s conte%tul& '$is )oints to t$e dee) "ilure in /nt&
27:00 /nt )resu))oses t$e ,il!ilit# o" s)ce nd ti(e s "or(s o"
intuition in order to *or5 "ro( t$e ctegories+ to s# t$e
sc$e(tis(+ to t$ings& So $e goes "ro( s)ontneit# (edited !#
t$e i(gintion *$ic$ t$en llo*s t$e ctegories to get
t$e(sel,es into t$e *orld !# *or5ing u) s)ce nd ti(e& So "or
Hegel+ /nts notions o" s)ce nd ti(e re e()t# "or(s&
28:00 Cnd t$e "or( t$t $e t$in5s is (ost e()t#+ t$ere"ore t$e one $e
*ill struggle *it$ (ost is ti(e& 7e t$in5 o" e,ents s
$))ening in ti(e+ t lest /nt does& Hegel rgues t$t ti(e
is not continer& He is going to re)lce /ntin ti(e s
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
"or( o" intuition *it$ ti(e s content"ul )rocess& <ets gi,e
t$t )rocess n(e: $istor#& <ets gi,e $istor# n(e: Aost&
29:00 So+ *$t is "or /nt+ t$e e()tiest t$ing o" ll+ ti(e s
continer in *$ic$ e,ents occur+ !eco(es "or Hegel t$e ctul
(o,e(ent o" $istor# itsel"& '$is !# t$e *# is going to !e t$e
cru% o" t$t c$)ter t$e )$eno(enolog# clled 26 *ee5s "ro(
no*+ !solute 5no*ing& '$e c$)ter on !solute 5no*ing is !out
t$e reltions$i) s ti(e t$e continer nd ti(e s content& So
it is (o,e(ent "ro( ti(e to te()orlit# "ro( $istor# to
$istoricit#& Once Hegel (5es t$t (o,e+ t$t is
30:00 Once $e llo*s t$e t$oug$t t$t not$ing cn !e gi,en+ t$t
not$ing is su!stnce !# itsel" e,en s)ce nd ti(e cnnot !e
e()t# "or(s t$t "ill u) *it$ content+ t$t e,er#t$ing $s to
!e relted to sel" conscious genc# t$en t$e entire notion o"
our in;uir# *ill !e n in;uir# intoE 7$t does /nt s# !out
sel".conscious genc#8 He s#s us (oderns s sel" conscious
gents re sel".deter(ined& So+ t$e Hegelin notion o" t$e
in,estigtion o" t$e conditions under t$e conditions in *$ic$
*e in$!it t$e *orld
31:00 Cre s e;ull# n in;uir# into t$e conditions *$ic$ *e
deter(ine oursel,es s *e deter(ine oursel,es s gents in t$e
*orld or to use Hegels tec$nicl )$rse n in;uir# into
2t$oug$ts sel".deter(intion4+ so no* #ou re getting t$t
gret Hegelin t$oug$t t$t t$e C!solute is sel".deter(ining&
7ell+ t$is sounds o""ensi,e I 5no*& I" not$ing is gi,en+ t$en
t$ere is not$ing !ut t$e sel".deter(intions o" t$oug$t& '$is
is not$er *# o" s#ing t$t t$ere is no gi,en&
32:00 '$ere is no o!=ect t$t is gi,en t$t *e re d=usting
oursel,es to t$t *e re tr#ing s it *ere to t$in5 o" it s
!solutel# outside us& I" *e re l*#s t$in5ing *it$in t$e
(o,e(ents o" t$oug$t+ t$en *e re t$in5ing o" t$e sel"
deter(intions o" t$oug$t& So *e re t$in5ing t$t Hegels
)$iloso)$# is ctull#+ *$t $e s#s it is+ )$iloso)$# o"
"reedo(& '$t t$e nture o" $istor# is t$e disco,er# o" t$e
nture o" t$e sel".deter(ining (o,e(ent o" reson nd t$ere"ore
unit# o" t$eoreticl nd )rcticl reson& So *$t Hegel does
33:00 ># introducing t$is criti;ue o" t$e gi,en+ is den# *$t cn !e
rgued to !e t$e ulti(te structure o" ll )ltonic t$oug$t&
Cnd I t5e /nt to !e stndrd Pltonist& F(el#+ t$e
distinction !et*een "or( nd (tter& ># dro))ing t$e
"or(H(tter distinction one e;ull# loses s$r) distinction
!et*een t$e trnscendentl nd t$e e()iricl+ !et*een t$e
)riori t$e )osteriori + i" t$ere re n# )rioris in Hegel+
t$en t$e# *ill !e+ ll o" t$e( (teril )rioris+ *$te,er
t$e $ell t$t (ens&
34:00 '$is does not (en+ or t lest Hegel does not t$in5 it (ens+
t$t t$ere re not n# ctegoricl conditions "or 5no*ledge+
t$t t$ere re no ctegories& Re(e(!er+ $e did *rite *$ole
t$ing clled t$e <ogic& Rt$er t$e cli( *ill !e t$t
ctegories re unco,ered or generted+ t$e# re not !solutel#
)riori+ nd *$t is unco,ered+ s$o*s $o* t$e *orld (ust !e&
7ell+ $o* cn I )ut t$t into c$e) t5e*# slogn8
35:00 7ell+ Hegel )uts it in t$is c$e) t5e*# slogn in )rgr)$
20& He s#s
The true is the whole.
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
'$t is )rett# c$e)& '$t =ust sounds li5e tutolog#& He
$s to s# little !it (ore& Here is t$e (ore:
But the whole is nothing other than the essence consummating
itself through development.
So t$e *$ole is *$t !eco(es so )$iloso)$# is !ound u) *it$ its
!eco(ing nd its !eco(ing is ulti(tel# t$e disco,er# o"
sel".deter(ining (o,e(ent&
36:00 Of the absolute it must be said it is essentially result.
Fo* t$t sentence ll !# itsel" s$ould tell #ou t$t *$te,er
Hegel t$in5s t$e C!solute its+ #ou 5no* it int t$e 0$ristin
Aod& '$e C!solute is result+ $istoricl result+ t$t onl#
in t$e end+ is it *$t it trul# is nd t$t )recisel# in t$is
consists its nture to !e ctul su!=ect s)ontneous !eco(ing
o" itsel"&
37:00 So(eone+ )$iloso)$er once sid+ I "orget *$ic$ sid+ 2>eco(e
*$t #ou re&4 O" course+ *$t else could #ou !eco(e8 So(et$ing
#oure not& In ll o" t$is Hegel no *$ere denies t$e )re(ise o"
'rnscendentl Id+ t$t is to !e is to !e n o!=ect "or
su!=ect& I,e lred# sid su!stnce (ust !eco(e su!=ect& Cn
o!=ect is l*#s constituted !# certin ctegoricl sect& I
*ill rgue in t*o *ee5s ti(e+ t$is is t$e )re(ise o" t$e
38:00 It is not e,en rgued "or& Hegel t5es t$is s gi,en& O"
course+ *$t is to !e+ is to !e concei,ed& 7$t could #ou !e+
not concei,ed8 Hegel doesnt see n# *# round t$t& 7$t t$e
)$eno(enolog# does is e%(ine ll o" t$e di""erent conce)ts o"
n o!=ect t$t )$iloso)$# nd culture to no*+ $,e )ro)osed&
'$t is t$e $istor# o" )$iloso)$# is series o" *$t is "or
so(et$ing to !e n o!=ect+ conce)ts o" o!=ects&
39:00 7$ic$ is crucil t$oug$t+ ctegories re conce)ts o" n o!=ect&
So ll )$iloso)$# is series o" conce)ts o" n o!=ect& 6c$
conce)t o" n o!=ect entils t$in5ing o" "und(entl *# in
*$ic$ *e re relted to relit#& So e,er# )$iloso)$# )ro)oses
di""erent conce)t o" n o!=ect& O!=ect is "or(+ o!=ect is
(tter+ o!=ect is li"e+ o!=ect is sel" consciousness+ o!=ect is
*or5+ o!=ect is "reedo(& 6c$ o" t$ese $,e t$eir (o(ent in
t$e $istor# o" )$iloso)$#+ in t$e $istor# o" culture&
40:00 7$t Hegel does is s$o* t$t ec$ o" t$ese re "or(s o" sel".
reltedness t$t t$e# re *#s in *$ic$ *e (edite oursel,es
nd t$e *orld& Cnd t$ere"ore )uts t$e( into order& '$e order is
co()licted& '$e order o" t$e )$eno(enolog# *$ic$ is !ot$
)$eno(enologicl nd $istoricl& Ho* does $e (nge to do t$t8
'$ere re t*o si()le )re(ises "or $is entire )ro=ect&
41:00 Pre(ise one: t$ere is di""erence !et*een (odern s5e)ticis(
nd ncient s5e)ticis(& 1odern s5e)ticis( c$ets& 7$t does
Hegel s# t$t8 7$t is curious !out (odern s5e)ticis(8
42:00 7$t is it t$t ?escrtes+ Hu(e+ <oc5e+ <ei!ni- do not dou!t8
'$eir (indedness& 7$t t$e# re sure !out is t$e# $,e
e%)erience !ut *$t t$e# *nt to 5no* is does t$eir e%)erience
re)resent t$e *orld& '$e# 5ee) t$e (ind s"e& Cncient
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
s5e)ticis( does not 5ee) t$e (ind s"e&
43:00 Cncient s5e)ticis( see5s resons to dou!t e,er#t$ing& In s$ort
*e (# s# Cncient s5e)ticis( trets not$ing s gi,en nd t5es
not$ing s i((edite& '$t e,er#t$ing is su!=ect to dou!t& Ste)
t*o& 7$t is not$er *ord "or dou!t8 <ets ssu(e t$t our
"und(entl *# o" relting to t$ings is dou!ting it& Its
good *# to strt& 7e re )$iloso)$ers "ter ll& 7e ll 5no*
)$iloso)$ers re (d <ets =ust dou!t& 7$t does it (en to
44:00 Hegel t$in5s is crucil is t$e ide o" t$e negti,e& 'o dou!t
so(et$ing is to negte it& 'o s# 2no4
45:00 Prgr)$ 32 o" t$e )re"ce& I ( =ust using "(ous little !its
"ro( t$e )re"ce !ecuse t$e# re irresisti!le
But that an accident as such detached from what
circumstances what is bound only in its actual only conte!t
with others should obtain an e!istence of its own in its
separate freedom. This is the tremendous power of the negative.
It is the energy of the thought of the pure "I#.
46:00 The pure "I# in its spontaneity is the negation of the world
is the saying "no# to it.
7ell (#!e t$ere is not$er *ord "or negtion& Hegel suggests
it: det$
If that is what we want to call this non$actuality is of all
things most dreadful and to hold fast what is dead requires
greatest strength. %acking strength beauty hates the
understanding for asking of her what it cannot do. But the life
of spirit is not the life that shrinks from death and keeps
itself untouched by devastation but rather the light that
endures it and maintains itself in it.
47:00 It lives its truth only when in utter dismemberment it finds
7$t (o,es t$e entire )$eno(enolog# is t$e "orce o" t$e
negti,e nd t$e negti,e is Hegels "irst de"inition o"
"reedo(& '$e "irst *# in *$ic$ *e re "ree is our )o*er to s#
no+ to negte& '$e )o*er o" negtion is $o* *e relte to t$e
48:00 7e relte to t$e ot$er in t$e "irst instnce !# 5illing it&
7$t is t$e si()lest *# to 5ill t$e t$ing i" #ou re
)$iloso)$er8 7$t did Cd( do to get relit# going8 F(ed t$e
))le F(ing itK Ho* do 5ill so(et$ing8
49:00 Ai,e it n(e !ecuse #ou t5e *# its relit#& @ou inter)ose
so(et$ing !et*een it nd #ou+ rig$t8 So t$e si()lest gesture+
t$ere is *$ole stor# in Hegel !out Cd( 5illing nd ll
t$t& '$e si()lest ct o" n(ing is "or( o" 5illing& @ou
re)lce t$e ctulit# o" t$t o!=ect *it$ t$e n(e o" t$e
o!=ect& '$en #ou $,e to *or5 *it$ t$t ctulit#+ t$t n(e+
!ecuse t$en t$t !eco(es t$e conce)t& '$e "irst t$ing #ou do
in co(ing to n o!=ect is to 5ill it&
50:00 '5e t$ose t*o t$oug$ts+ t$t not$ing is going to !e s"e "ro(
dou!t+ t$e )ri,ileging o" ncient o,er (odern s5e)ticis(& '$e
second t$oug$t t$t consciousness or t$e understnding is
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
de"ined !# its negti,it#+ *$ic$ is not$er *# o" s#ing t$ere
is no suc$ t$ing s intellectul intuition& '$e o))osite o" t$e
ide o" t$e )ri(c# o" negtion *ould !e !elie" t$t *e could
i((editel# intuit so(et$ing *it$out n# (editing gesture&
51:00 So t$e cli( "or t$e )ri(c# o" t$e negti,e is si()l# *# o"
stting t$e t$esis t$t ll t$oug$t is (edited t$t ll
reltions to o!=ects re (edited& Cnd no* *e 5no* *$t t$e#
re (edited !#+ !# det$& So t$is is going to !e "un rig$t8
Fo* t$ose t*o t$oug$ts toget$er re ll #ou need "ro(
trnscendentl idelis( !ecuse once #ou $,e t$ose t*o
t$oug$ts+ #ou (ust cli( t$t e,er# reltions$i) to n o!=ect
is (edited !# conce)t o" n o!=ect& '$t is t$e 0o)ernicn
52:00 6,er# reltions$i) to n o!=ect is (edited !# conce)t o" n
o!=ect in generl& '5ing t$e ide o" conce)t o" n o!=ect in
generl+ Hegel cn t$en do *$t8 <ets t5e loo5+ s I sid
*e *nt to de"end idelis(& 7$t is t$e o))osite o" idelis(8
Relis(& 7$t is relis(8
53:00 So(et$ing cn eit$er (tc$ or not (tc$ t$e *orld nd t$t
t$ere re no de"initi,e criteri o" t$t& So t$t t$e t$oug$t
o" relist is t$t i" #ou !elie,e t$t trut$ is
re)resenttion+ t$t it is corres)ondence to relit#+ t$en #ou
(ust e;ull# !elie,e t$t it could !e t$e cse t$t *e could
$,e ll t$e )ossi!le e,idence *e could $,e t$t t$e *orld is
"ine nd it !e t$e cse t$t t$e *orld is not "ine&
'$t e,idence nd trut$+ t$ere is l*#s g)& Cnd+ o" course
t$e *$ole ide o" t$e entire trdition *s to tr# to "ind so(e
*# o" closing t$t g)& In ?escrtes+ its is Aods
!ene,olence& Cs i" Aod $s not$ing !etter to do t$n to (5e
sure our re)resenttions (tc$ t$e *orld& 7$t de,ious Aod $e
(ust !e& /nt+ s #ou see+ tried to c$nge t$e stor#& <ets not
get o,er our t$ings+ lets s# t$t t$ings (ust (tc$ our
ctegoricl re)resenttion& 7ell+ t$t $s ll t$e )ro!le(s
t$t *e $,e disco,ered&
55:00 Hegels strteg# is to s$o* t$e relist is "lse+ not directl#+
!ut indirectl#& Pi))in )g 98
That is the only strategy &egel can use consistent with his
own idealism will be to undercut the presuppositions in
standard realist assumptions about being as it is in itself.
That is &egel will try to undermine and e!clude the relevance
of such doubts progressively and systematically rather than
answer them directly.
So $e is not going to re"ute relis(& He is going to tese us
out o" our relist intuitions&
56:00 He is going to )iece(el !# )iece(el& '$is gi,es us not$er
t$oug$t !out *$t )$iloso)$# does& Its 5ind o" t$er)#+ n
rgu(entti,e t$er)# in *$ic$ *e s$o* t$t+ *ell+ *$t do *e
s$o*8 <ets see *$t Pi))in s#s:
He *ill tr# to s$o* deter(intel# *$# gi,en so(e )utti,e
notionl deter(intion o" o!=ects&
Fotionl deter(intion o" o!=ects (ens conce)ts o" o!=ects in
generl& So(e !rod ctegoricl ccount o" *$t o!=ects re&
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
He *ill s$o* t$t dou!ts !out *$et$er o!=ects cn !e (ust or
cn !e so notionll# s)eci"ied re t$e rele,nt deter(inte
dou!ts& '$e# re onl# s conse;uence o" t$t notions o*n
57:00 '$t is+ t$e reson #ou cn rise dou!t is !ecuse #our ide
o" condition "or 5no*ledge $s "urt$er conditions& Cll
)$iloso)$# i(gines t$t it 5no*s *$t t$e conditions o"
5no*ledge re+ t$t t$ere !e ides+ uni,ersls+ nd it turns
out n#ti(e n#one s)eci"ies conditions "or 5no*ledge+ *$t
Hegel s$o*s is t$t t$ere re "urt$er conditions "or 5no*ledge&
Cnd it is t$ose "urt$er conditions t$t re t$e ground "or
58:00 So t$t t$e dou!ts re )er"ectl# sensi!l# (oti,ted in t$t
res)ect+ not generl& '$is in turn (ens "or Hegel+ su((ri-ing
e,er#t$ing ll t once:
That such an opposition between subject and object is itself a
determination of the notion.
'$t is t$e ,er# t$ing t$t gets t$e *$ole )ro!le( going+ t$ere
re su!=ects nd t$ere re o!=ects+ is one (ore ctegoricl
deter(intion o" conce)t nd o!=ect in generl& 6,en relis( in
its !sic )resu))osition itsel" is one (ore *# o" setting u)
t$e *orld&
59:00 So suc$ n inco()leteness cn !e (de out onl# on t$e
ssu()tion o" de,elo)ing notion o" o!=ecti,it#&
There is no point in abstractly asking whether the world really
is as we take it to be. 'hether for all we know this or that
bi(arre scenario might actually be occurring. )oubts about the
adequacy of our conceptual scheme must have some basis for them
to be serious doubts.
Cnd Hegel t$in5s $e cn s$o* t$t t$e onl# legiti(te !sis "or
suc$ dou!ts is *$t $e clls s)irit e%)erience o" itsel"&
60:00 Cn e%)erience itsel" deter(ined !# t$e de,elo)ing notion& So
*$t $e is going to do is s$o* t$t ll t$e resons one *ould
$,e "or dou!ting+ *e go !c5 to *$ere I strted t$e lecture+
t$e in"inite+ turn out to !e )rt o" t$e )rocess in *$ic$ *e
co(e to understnd oursel,es s s)iritul !eings& Cnd once *e
understnd oursel,es t$ose dou!ts *ill not !eco(e unns*ered+
!ut irrele,nt& Hence+ nd t$is is ll Hegel (ens !# !solute
5no*ing s t$t 5no*ing is unconditioned&
61:00 '$t is to s# t$ere is not$ing outside 5no*ing& '$ings in
t$e(sel,es+ Aod+ (onds+ ll t$ose cree)# cr*l# t$ings )eo)le
5ee) (5ing u)+ "or(s&
62:00 So Hegel (ens !# !solutel# (ens not t$t *e 5no* e,er#t$ing+
t$t *ould !e n !surd cli(+ !ut t$t 5no*ing itsel" is not
relisticll# constrined+ t$t t$ere is no e%teriorit#+ no
Aod+ no reson "or "it$+ none o" t$ese cru((# notions& In t$t
1 Hegels POS POS Introduction
res)ect+ Hegels )$iloso)$# co()letes /nt&
63:00 Fo* *$t (ig$t !e t$oug$t to !e (ore )u--ling $ere is *$# in
order to t$in5 t$t t$oug$t+ *e $,e to tl5 !out Aree5
trged#+ Ro(n l*+ t$e !solute stte+ c)itl+ t$e 3renc$
Re,olution+ ro(ntic )oetr#+ get n ccount o" Indin religion+
6g#)tin religion+ Gudis(+ nd 0$ristinit#&
64:00 Hegel *ill tr# to con,ince #ou t$t t$ose too in,ol,e
"und(entl conce)ts o" n o!=ect nd t$t t$e# too re )rt o"
(editions o" our t$oug$t+ so t$t t$e# too re )rt o" our
eduction& Its !oo5 *$ose conditions o" )ossi!ilit# lie onl#
in its end+ t$ere"ore it is li5e no,el t$t is *riting out
t$e conditions o" $o* t$e no,el could !e !egun& So it is
re,ersion o" re(e(!rnce o" t$ings )st&
65:00 '$ree ;uic5 t$ings& '$e *#s in e,en *$ic$ t$is de"ltionr#
reding is di""erent "ro( stndrd redings o" Hegel& I do not
!elie,e t$t t$e P$eno(enolog# $s no )resu))osition& Since
e,er#t$ing is (edited+ t$en so is )$eno(enolog# t$ere"ore
t$ere is no )ossi!le *# o" )$iloso)$# e,er !eginning& '$t is
$o* t$e )$eno(enolog# !egins& It !egins in t$e (iddle& I *ill
$,e to con,ince #ou o" t$t&
66:00 Secondl#+ t$t t$e "und(entl structure o" t$e (o,e(ent o"
s)irit turns out to !e structure o" et$icl reltions so lets
s# t$t t$e ontolog# o" s)irit is n et$icl ontolog#& Cnd
t$irdl#+ t$ere is o"ten t$e ;uestion o" *$et$er t$e
)$eno(enolog# is co(ed# or trged#& It is clerl#
nrrti,e& 7$t 5ind o" nrrti,e8 In )rt+ I *nt to suggest
t lest so(e s)ect o" trgic reding is ))ro)rite&
67:00 3or t lest on t$e reding I ( going to o""er #ou+ )rt o"
t$e core o" *$t Hegel t$in5s !solute 5no*ing in,ol,es is t$e
disco,er# o" t$e dis))oint(ent in 5no*ing& '$t in 5no*ing+ *e
do not get ll t$e t$ings *e $o)ed *e (ig$t get& P$iloso)$#
does not tell us *$o *e s$ould slee) *it$+ *$o *e s$ould (5e
*r *it$+ or $o* to li,e good li"e& P$iloso)$# is
intrinsicll# dis))oint(ent&
68:00 'o disco,er t$t is lso+ so t$t *$t )$iloso)$# cnnot do nd
*$t $s o"ten !een $o)ed "or "ro( )$iloso)$# is t$t it s$ould
o""er us 5ind o" trnscendentl securit# t$t *e re+ *$t is
t#)icl (isreding o" Hegel+ t$t *e re t $o(e in t$e
*orld& I t$in5 Hegel is suggesting =ust t$e o))osite& '$t
not$ing+ not$ing+ cn (5es us t $o(e in t$e *orld& '$ts
*$t )eo)le *nted "ro( )$iloso)$# nd t$t *s t$e (ist5e
t$t dro,e )$iloso)$# to !e series o" $#)er!oles rt$er t$n
!e *$t )$iloso)$# (ust !e *$ic$ is reco,er# o" t$e ordinr#&
69:00 '$t *ould led (e to s# it+ !ut I *ont s# it+ t$t Hegels
dilectic is negti,e dilectic&

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