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Bladsy 1 van 2 H.


Energiestelsels / Energy Systems 434
Tutoriaal 1 / Tutorial 1
Vraag 1/ Question 1

Beskou n stoom kragstasie met n ideale herverhitte regeneratiewe Rankine kringloop met een
herverhitter en twee toevoerwater warmteoordraers, waarvan een oop en die ander geslote is. Stoom by
die inlaat van die hoogdrukturbine is by 15 MPa en 600 C en by die inlaat van die laagdrukturbine by
1 MPa en 500 C. Die kondenserdruk is 5 kPa. Stoom word by 0.6 MPa vanaf die turbine onttrek vir die
geslote toevoerwater warmteoordraer en by 0.2 MPa vir die oop een. In die geslote toevoerwater
warmteoordraer word die toevoerwater verhit tot by die kondensasietemperatuur van die stoom wat dit
verhit. Kondensaat verlaat hierdie warmteoordraer as n versadigde vloeistof wat deur n klep gesmoor
word na die oop toevoerwaterverwarmer. Doen die volgende:
a) Toon die kringloop op n T-s diagram.
b) Bepaal die stoomverhouding wat van die turbine onttrek word om die oop toevoerwater
warmteoordraer te verhit.
c) Bepaal die termiese benuttingsgraad van die kringloop.
d) Bepaal die netto drywing gelewer as die stoom massavloei deur die ketel 35 kg/s is.

Consider a steam power plant which operates on an ideal reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle with one
reheater and two feedwater heaters of which one is open and the other closed. Steam enters the high
pressure turbine at 15 MPa and 600 C and the low pressure turbine at 1 MPa en 500 C. The condenser
pressure is 5 kPa. Steam is extracted from the turbine at 0.6 MPa for the closed feedwater heater and at
0.2 MPa for the open feedwater heater. In the closed feedwater heater, the feedwater is heated to the
condensation temperature of extracted steam that heats it. The condensate leaves the closed feedwater
heater as saturated liquid, which is subsequently throttled to the open feedwater heater.
Do the following:
a) Show the cycle on a T-s diagram.
b) Determine the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine for the open feedwater heater.
c) Determine the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
d) Determine the net power output if the mass flow rate through the boiler is 35 kg/s
7 6
4 3

Bladsy 2 van 2 H. Reuter

Vraag 2/ Question 2

Beskou n kogenerasie stoom kragstasie met herverhitting wat 3 MW drywing en 7 MW proseswarmte
lewer. Stoom by die inlaat van die hoogdrukturbine is by 8 MPa en 500 C en sit uit na 1 MPa. n Deel
van die stoom word by hierdie druk onttrek en gevoer na die proseswarmteoordraer terwyl die res
herverhit word na 500 C toe en in die laagdrukturbine uitsit na n kondenserdruk van 15 kPa. Die
kondensaat vanaf die kondenser word gepomp na 1 MPa waarna dit met die stoom van die
proseswarmteoordraer gemeng word, wat as versadigde vloeistof by 120 C uitvloei. Hierdie mengsel
word dan na die keteldruk gepomp. Doen die volgende:

a) Toon die kringloop op n T-s diagram.
b) Bepaal die tempo van warmtetoevoeging na die ketel.
c) Bepaal die verhouding van die stoom wat onttrek word vir prosesverhitting.

Consider a cogeneration steam power plant with reheat and which produces 3 MW of power and supplies
7 MW of process heat. Steam enters the high pressure turbine at 8 MPa and 500 C and expands to a
pressure of 1 MPa. At this pressure, part of the steam is extracted from the turbine and routed to the
process heater while the remainder is reheated to 500 C and expanded through the low pressure turbine
to the condenser pressure of 15 kPa. The condensate from the condenser is pumped to 1 MPa and is
mixed with the extracted steam which leaves the process heater as saturated liquid at 120 C. The
mixture is then pumped to the boiler pressure. Do the following:

a) Show the cycle on a T-s diagram.
b) Determine the rate of heat input to the boiler.
c) Determine the fraction of steam extracted for process heating.

2 5 4

3 MW
7 MW

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