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How Safe Are Vaccines?

March 19, 2007

Do you think vaccines are safe? We are to! "y #e!ica $un!its that vaccines are safe an!
effective an! without the# the hu#an race wou!n%t survive& 'very year #iions of $eo$e
throu(hout )orth A#erica take a fu shot& Miions of "a"ies are in*ecte! with roun! after roun! of
chi!hoo! vaccines& Why is autis# on the rise? +he facts are evi!ent& ,eow is recent
co##entary fro# Dr& ,oy! Haey re(ar!in( his $osition on vaccines& Dr& Haey is one of the
ea!in( e-$erts on the su"*ect of #ercury an! its !irect ink to neuroo(ica !isor!ers& . encoura(e
you to rea! his co##entary an! the two stories "y Dr& /& '!war! 0a1"ak, MD, /AA2 $oste!
4o##entary on the Work of /& '!war! 0a1"ak, MD, /AA2 "y Dr& ,oy! Haey
5es$onse fro# Dr& ,oy! Haey6
Dr& 0a1"ak%s two recent artices 7reference! "eow8 show how easy it is to use strai(ht3forwar!
o(ic to !is#ante the e$i!e#ioo(ica research $u"ishe! "y those whose assi(n#ent see#s to
"e to create a $u"ication recor! that can "e use! to cast as$ersions on cre!i"e science
su$$ortin( a $ro"e# in our vaccine $ro(ra#&
+he #a*or !isa$$oint#ent is the ack of the #a*ority of the #e!ica $rofession to even e-$ress a
$u"ishe! o$inion on the su"*ect, "ut rather to stonewa the issue an! "eieve what is convenient
an! ess trou"eso#e& +here is an area that is !u#"er an! har!er to fi(ht than tota i(norance,
an! that area is where su$$ose!y e!ucate! #en know so#ethin( that *ust isn%t so& +hat is
where A#erican #e!icine is to!ay&
So #any $hysicians 9know9 there is no connection "etween vaccine factors an! autis# "ecause
the hi(h $riest of #e!icine :the 4D4; to! the# so, an! they have ony the sa!3sack
e$i!e#ioo(ica stu!ies (iven cre!ence "y the .<M an! 4D4 to "ack u$ their 9knowe!(e9& Many
*ust ook at the tite of a $a$er an! its concusion ine in the a"stract an! !o not stu!y in !e$th the
!ata, an! where this !ata ca#e fro#, to see if it su$$orts the concusions& +his is (ettin( to "e
=uite co##on in #e!ica $u"ications an! refects $oory on A#erican #e!icine&
.t is in!ivi!uas ike Dr& 0a1"ak that wi eventuay $rovi!e the coura(e an! insi(ht to correct the
!a#a(e causin( neuro!eveo$#enta !isor!ers in our chi!ren& He is to "e a!#ire! an!
con(ratuate! on the stan! he has taken& We nee! #any #ore ike hi#&
,oy! Haey
A +ae of +wo 4ities6 /awe! '$i!e#ioo(y
,y /& '!war! 0a1"ak, MD, /AA2
+he 4D4, S$inach an! Autis#
/& '!war! 0a1"ak, MD, /AA2

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