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35 square de Mees tel +32 2 282 46 00 info@edf-feph.

1000 Brussels - Belgiu fax +32 2 282 46 0!
&agre'( )* Ma+ ,-).
The E/ropea0 1o0fere01e o0 2Mo03tor30g the 34ple4e0tat3o0 of the %N Co05e0t3o0 o0
the !3ght6 of "er6o06 w3th D36a'3l3t3e6 30 pra1t31e7 'ro/ght together 4ore tha0 ,--
30d353d/al6 fro4 the d36a'3l3t+ 4o5e4e0t all aro/0d E/rope( the Croat3a0 a/thor3t3e6(
a6 well a6 repre6e0tat35e6 of E/ropea0 orga036at3o06 a0d the Co443663o0. Orga036ed
'+ ED 30 1ooperat3o0 w3th 3t6 Croat3a0 4e4'er6( SOIH( 30 the fra4e of ED76 A00/al
#e0eral A66e4'l+( the E/ropea0 1o0fere01e ope0ed a d3alog/e 'etwee0 0at3o0al a0d
E/ropea0 orga036at3o06 of per6o06 w3th d36a'3l3t3e6 1o01er030g the3r 53ew o0 the
/p1o430g E% report to the %N Co443ttee o0 the !3ght6 of "er6o06 w3th D36a'3l3t3e6.
#he differen$ sessions of $he %onferen%e fo%used on the r3ght to wor8 &i$h e'aples of
legisla$i(e and so%ial pro$e%$ion refors $o ensure equal a%%ess $o $he la)our ar*e$ for
persons &i$h disa)ili$ies+ as &ell as on $he 305ol5e4e0t of wo4e0 a0d 4e0 w3th
d36a'3l3t3e6 301l/d30g 1h3ldre0 a0d the3r repre6e0tat35e orga036at3o06 30 the
34ple4e0tat3o0 of the Co05e0t3o0. ,n $hese $ers+ $he disa)ili$- o(een$ adop$ed a
re6ol/t3o0 o0 the f/t/re of f30a013al 6/6ta30a'3l3t+ of 1353l part313pat3o0 o0 the
4o5e4e0t of per6o06 w3th d36a'3l3t3e6 30 E/rope.
#he presiden$ of $he .roa$ian union of persons &i$h disa)ili$ies /01,23+ &or36la5 Bo'/6+
des%ri)ed $he %onferen%e as $he firs$ large 4uropean %onferen%e sin%e $he a%%ession of
.roa$ia $o $he 45+ &hile he also %alled on $he high le(el go(ernen$ represen$a$i(es for $he
suppor$ and proo$ion of $he 8e+ pr3or3t3e6 of ED 4a03fe6to o0 the E% ele1t3o06 ,-).
and on $he re6ol/t3o0 o0 the part313pat3o0 of per6o06 w3th d36a'3l3t3e6 in de%isions
%on%erning $heir li(es+ $hrough se%uring pu)li% funding suppor$.
#he 6i%e 7residen$ of $he 8agre) .i$- 9sse)l-+ 9ele0a "a53:3; V/83:e53;+ $al*ed a)ou$ $he
effor$s ade $o pro$e%$ $he righ$s of persons &i$h disa)ili$ies despi$e $he %risis: ;7ersons &i$h
disa)ili$ies need suppor$ $o fulfil $heir full po$en$ials and pla- an a%$i(e role in so%ie$-<.
4=> 6i%e 7residen$+ Do0ata V35a0t3( &el%oed $he .roa$ian organisa$ion as an 4=>
e)er underlining $he ipor$an%e of &or*ing $oge$her &i$h $he ai $o ipro(e $he li(es of
persons &i$h disa)ili$ies: ;.oopera$ion )e$&een disa)led people?s organisa$ions and de%ision
a*ers is (er- ipor$an$ for a real %hange in $he li(es of persons &i$h disa)ili$ies. 9ll persons
&i$h disa)ili$ies should uni$e $o spea* &i$h one (oi%e $o shape $he poli%ies. .on%re$e a%$ions
35 square de Mees tel +32 2 282 46 00 info@edf-feph.og
1000 Brussels - Belgiu fax +32 2 282 46 0!
are needed $o ipleen$ $he 5@ .on(en$ion on $he Aigh$s of 7ersons &i$h =isa)ili$ies /5@
Ve60a <8/l3;+ .oissioner $o $he 7residen$ of $he Aepu)li% for 7ersons &i$h =isa)ili$ies+
underlined $he ipor$an$ role of &oen &i$h disa)ili$ies in so%ie$-: ;Boen &i$h disa)ili$ies
ha(e an ipor$an$ role $o pla- and should ephasiCe $heir pla%e in so%ie$- and poli$i%s.
4quali$- on paper is no$ enoughD i$ has $o )e equali$- in real life<.
,n her opening spee%h+ $he 6i%e 7residen$ of $he Eo(ernen$ of $he Aepu)li% of .roa$ia and
Minis$er of 0o%ial 7oli%- and Fou$h+ M3la08a Opa:3;+ said: G9s an ini$ia$i(e of $he Minis$r- of
0o%ial 7oli%- and Fou$h+ in %olla)ora$ion &i$h $he 1ffi%e of $he 1)udsan for 7ersons &i$h
=isa)ili$ies and %i(il so%ie$- organisa$ions+ $he ne& la& on $he regis$ra$ion of (o$ers passed in
2012 and ena)led persons depri(ed of $heir legal %apa%i$- $o e'er%ise $heir righ$ $o (o$e .#his
is one s$ep for&ard $o a%hie(e our final goal: full in%lusion of persons &i$h in$elle%$ual
disa)ili$ies in so%ie$-<.
#he inis$er of Ha)our and 7ension 0-s$e+ M3ra0do M363;+ presen$ed $he si$ua$ion on
eplo-en$ of persons &i$h disa)ili$ies in .roa$ia as &ell as $he ne& legisla$ion on a%%ess $o
eplo-en$ for persons &i$h disa)ili$ies s$ressing $ha$: ;5neplo-en$ leads no$ onl- $o
po(er$-+ )u$ also $o so%ial e'%lusion and $his pro)le is (er- serious for persons &i$h
disa)ili$ies. #here is a la%* of a&areness aong eplo-ers+ )u$ also a la%* of %onfiden%e
fro $he side of eplo-ees &i$h disa)ili$ies<.
.on$a%$ 4=>: Hila 0-l(i$i I .ouni%a$ion offi%er I lila.s-l(i$
#he 4uropean =isa)ili$- >oru is $he 4uropean u)rella organisa$ion represen$ing $he in$eres$s of 80
illion persons &i$h disa)ili$ies in 4urope. #he ission of 4=> is $o ensure $ha$ persons &i$h
disa)ili$ies full a%%ess fundaen$al and huan righ$s $hrough $heir a%$i(e in(ol(een$ in poli%-
de(elopen$ and ipleen$a$ion in 4urope. 4=> is a founding e)er of $he ,n$erna$ional =isa)ili$-
9llian%e /,=93 and is %urren$l- %hairing i$s go(erning )od-.

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