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The Circulatory System

Textbook Chapter 12
Pages 217 238
Blood essels
Three !essels carry blood"
arteries #arterioles$ carry blood a%ay &rom
the heart to the body
!ei's #!e'ules$ carry blood to%ards the
heart &rom the body
capillaries excha'ge 'utrie'ts at the
tissue le!el
Carry blood a%ay &rom the heart to other
parts o& the body
The %alls o& arteries ha!e ha!e three
Squamous epithelium (endothelium)
surrounded by connective tissue lines the
inside of the artery
A thick smooth muscle layer in the middle
controls blood flow and pressure
Loose connective tissue forms the outer wall
(rteries bra'ch i'to smaller arteries are
called arterioles
(rterioles co'trol blood &lo% by co'tracti'g
or dilati'g
They lead to capillary beds %here 'utrie't
excha'ge occurs
Blood Pressure
)he' arterioles relax* they dilate* allo%i'g
more blood to &lo%
)he' arterioles co'strict* they restrict
blood &lo%
Blood pressure drops %he' !essels dilate
Blood pressure rises %he' !essels co'strict
(rterioles bra'ch i'to smaller !essels called
capillaries* %hich are +ust 1,cell thick
By bei'g so small* they allo% &or e&&icie't
excha'ge o& 'utrie'ts &rom blood to
Though they are small* they &orm massi!e
'et%orks throughout your body
Capillary Beds
Capillary Beds
Capillary beds are &ou'd e!ery%here i' the
body a'd explai's %hy bleedi'g ca' occur
a'y%here a' i'+ury occurs
)here blood e'ters a capillary bed* like the
e'd o& a' arteriole* sphi'cters #ri'gs o&
muscle$ co'trol the &lo% o& blood i'to the
capillary bed
They allo% blood to be acti!ely directed
#shu'ted$ to%ards the areas that re-uire
i'creased blood &lo%
.arger blood !essels that collect blood a'd
retur' it to the heart
Blood &lo% i' the !ei's is promoted by
muscle co'tractio's
/'e,%ay !al!es i' !ei's that do 'ot allo%
back&lo% o& blood* allo%i'g &or the retur'
o& blood to the heart &rom the lo%er body
agai'st the do%'%ard pull o& gra!ity
ei's are co'sidered a blood rese!oir"
about 701 o& the blood i' here
e'ules are small !ei's that collect the
blood that drai's &rom capillary beds
The blood &rom ma'y capillaries co'!erge
i'to a si'gle !e'ule a'd mo!es back
to%ards the heart
e'ules a'd !ei's ha!e the same three
layers as arteries but the smooth muscle
a'd co''ecti!e tissue layers are thi''er*
maki'g !ei's more elastic
2a+or Blood essels
2a+or (rteries
(orta , largest artery i' the body , recei!es
oxyge'ated blood at pressure directly
&rom the le&t !e'tricle a'd takes it to the
2a+or (rteries
Pulmo'ary (rtery, thi'k to lu'gs , recei!es
deoxyge'ated blood at pressure directly
&rom the right !e'tricle a'd takes it to the
Coro'ary (rteries , thi'k to heart , bra'ch
o&& the aorta a'd take oxyge'ated blood
to the heart muscle
2a+or (rteries
Carotid (rteries , thi'k to head , takes
oxyge'ated blood to head
Subcla!ia' (rteries , thi'k u'der cla!icles
to arms , takes oxyge'ated blood to the
2a+or (rteries
2ese'teric (rteries , thi'k to i'testi'es ,
takes oxyge'ated blood to the i'testi'es
4e'al (rteries , thi'k to kid'eys , takes
oxyge'ated blood to kid'eys
5liac (rteries , thi'k to legs , takes
oxyge'ated blood to the legs
Pulmo'ary System
2a+or ei's
('terior e'a Ca!a , thi'k &rom top o& body
, large !ei' that collects deoxyge'ated
blood &rom head and arms a'd retur's it
to the right atrium o& the heart
Posterior e'a Ca!a , thi'k &rom bottom o&
body , large !ei' that collects
deoxyge'ated blood &rom the abdomen
and lower body a'd retur's it to the
right atrium o& the heart
2a+or ei's
Pulmo'ary ei' , thi'k &rom lu'gs , carries
oxyge'ated blood &rom the lu'gs to the
le&t atrium o& the heart
Coro'ary ei's , thi'k &rom heart , retur'
deoxyge'ated blood &rom the heart
muscle to the right atrium
6ugular ei's , thi'k &rom head , takes
deoxyge'ated blood &rom head back to
the a'terior !e'a ca!a
2a+or ei's
Subcla!ia' ei's, thi'k u'der cla!icles ,
bri'gs deoxyge'ated blood &rom the arms
back to the a'terior !e'a ca!a
7epatic Portal ei' , thi'k &rom i'testi'es
directly to the li!er , carries blood rich i'
'utrie'ts to the li!er &or processi'g be&ore
retur'i'g to the heart3
2a+or ei's
7epatic ei' , thi'k &rom li!er , retur's
deoxyge'ated blood &rom the li!er to the
posterior !e'a ca!a
4e'al ei's , thi'k &rom kid'eys , retur's
deoxyge'ated blood &rom the kid'eys to
the posterior !e'a ca!a
5liac ei's , thi'k &rom legs , retur's
deoxyge'ated blood &rom the legs to the
posterior !e'a ca!a
2a+or essels ideo
Pulmo'ary System
Pulmo'ary Circuit
The pulmo'ary circuit i'!ol!es the
tra'sport o& blood to a'd &rom the lu'gs
?eoxyge'ated blood retur's to the right
side o& the heart
The' pumped by the right !e'tricle i'to the
pulmo'ary artery #deoxyge'ated blood$
The' i'to the capillaries o& the lu'gs
Pulmo'ary Circuit
(t the lu'gs i' the capillaries o& the al!eoli*
oxyge' e'ters the blood a'd bi'ds to
hemoglobi' i' red blood cells
Carbo' dioxide di&&uses out o& the blood i'to
the lu'gs &or remo!al
The oxyge'ated blood the' tra!els i' the
pulmo'ary !ei' back to the le&t atrium o&
the heart %here it %ill be pumped to the
rest o& the body #systemic circuit$
Systemic Circuit
The systemic circuit i'!ol!es the tra'sport
o& blood to a'd &rom all the tissues o& the
Because this circuit is larger tha' the
pulmo'ary circuit* the %alls o& the le&t
!e'tricle o& the heart are much larger
tha' o' the right side
This thicker muscle ge'erates the &orce
re-uired to pump blood all arou'd the
systemic circuit
Systemic Circuit
/xyge'ated blood is pumped by the le&t
!e'tricle i'to the aorta
The aorta the' bra'ches i'to ma'y smaller
arteries that carry blood to all areas o& the
5' the capillaries* oxyge' is deli!ered to
cells a'd carbo' dioxide is picked up &or
The deoxyge'ated blood the' retur's to the
heart &rom the !e'a ca!a
Both !e'a ca!a e'ter the right atrium
%here blood is retur'ed back to the
pulmo'ary circuit &or oxyge'atio'
@etal Circulatio' page >A8
Im what the
baby would
look like if
Kendall and
@etal Circulatio'
@our mai' di&&ere'ce bet%ee' the
circulatory system o& a &etus a'd a' adult
T%o are related to the excha'ge o& oxyge'
!ia the place'ta
T%o are temporary structural cha'ges
allo%i'g the &etal circulatio' to bypass the
Bmbilical !ei' a'd arteries
7oused i' the umbilical cord %hich attaches
the place'ta to the umbilicus
The umbilical !ei' carries oxyge'ated blood
%ith mater'al 'utrie'ts to the &etus
The umbilical arteries carry deoxyge'ated
blood %ith &etal %aste to the place'ta
The umbilical arteries recei!e blood &rom
the &etal heart !ia the dorsal aorta a'd
both iliac arteries o& the legs %here they
bra'ch o&& to the umbilical cord3
e'ous ?uctus #?uctus
4ecei!es blood &rom the umbilical !ei' a'd
directs it to the posterior8i'&erior !e'a
This !e'ous duct acts as a li!er bypass*
mo!i'g blood i'to the &etal systemic
Bypassi'g the .u'gs
/!al ope'i'g or &orame' o!ale is a'
ope'i'g or hole bet%ee' the right a'd le&t
atria o& the heart
5t is co!ered %ith a &lap that allo%s blood to
mo!e &rom the right atrium to the le&t
atrium o'ly* allo%i'g blood to bypass the
lu'gs completely
Bypassi'g the .u'gs
(t birth %he' the umbilical cord is cut*
blood begi's to &lo% i'to a'd out o& the
)he' blood retur's &rom the lu'gs to the
le&t atrium* it closes the &lap bet%ee' the
t%o atria
( Cblue babyC is o'e %here the &lap does
'ot close a'd the lu'gs do 'ot properly
oxyge'ate the blood
Bypassi'g the .u'gs
(rterial duct or ductus arteriosus is a duct
that co''ects the pulmo'ary artery a'd
the aorta
This duct acts to direct blood a%ay &rom the
lu'gs a'd i'to the systemic circulatio'
(t birth* this arterial duct #bet%ee' t%o
arteries$ closes %he' cells gro% o!er the
Dui< 11 The path o& blood
Trace the path o& blood starti'g
&rom the !e'a ca!a a'd back
agai'3 5'clude as ma'y ma+or
arteries a'd !ei's as you ca'
Blood is co'sidered a body tissue* though i'
a li-uid &orm
5t tra'sports oxyge' a'd 'utrie'ts to cells
a'd carries a%ay carbo' dioxide a'd
other cellular %aste products
Blood also helps bala'ce &luid le!els*
temperature* io' co'ce'tratio's* a'd p7
%ithi' the body
Blood is composed o& t%o parts" plasma a'd
cellular material
Plasma is composed o& mai'ly %ater
#EF21$* but also some dissol!ed
4ed blood cells carry oxyge'* %hite blood
cells &u'ctio' i' immu'e respo'se* a'd
platelets #%hich are cell &ragme'ts$ clot
Plasma protei's , (lbumi' #mai'tai's blood
!olume$* 5mmu'oglobuli's #&ight i'&ectio'$*
a'd &ibri'oge' #blood clotti'g$
Salts , sodium io'* potassium io'* chloride io'*
calcium io'* etc
;utrie'ts , glucose* ami'o acids* &atty acids*
some !itami's
Gases , oxyge' &rom lu'gs a'd carbo' dioxide
&rom the tissues
)aste , urea &rom the li!er
7ormo'es , ma'y , examples are thyroxi'e*
i'suli'* adre'ali'* estroge'* etc
Blood Cells
Blood cells are produced i' red bo'e
marro%* the ce'tre o& some bo'es #ribs*
skull* !ertebrae* lo'g bo'es$
4ed Blood Cells #Hrythrocytes$
4ed Blood Cells
The ma+ority o& blood cells red blood cells or
4BCIs are 'o','ucleated bico'ca!e disks
co'tai'i'g hemoglobi'
Their shape i'creases the sur&ace area &or
gas excha'ge a'd aids their tra'sport i'
1 m. o& blood %ill 'ormally co'tai' > to J
billio' 4BCIs
They li!e up to > mo'ths but are co'ti'ually
bei'g created by stem cells i' the bo'e
4ed Blood Cells
4BCIs carry oxyge' &rom the lu'gs a'd
deli!er it to the body tissues i' the
7emoglobi' is composed o& &our
polypeptides* each %ith a heme group
co'tai'i'g iro'
5t is this heme group that bi'ds to oxyge'
a'd releases it to the tissues o& the body
i' the capillaries
5& hemoglobi' le!els i' the blood drop*
called a'emia* more o& the hormo'e
erythropoieti' is produced %hich
i'creases the 'umber o& 4BCIs produced
i' the bo'e marro%
)hite Blood Cells
)hite Blood Cells
)hite blood cells #leukocytes$ are larger*
ge'erally spherical 'ucleated cells that
!ary i' appeara'ce a'd li&e spa'
)BCIs &u'ctio' i' the body to &ight i'&ectio'
a'd de!elop immu'ity to &uture i'&ectio's
There are ma'y di&&ere't ki'ds o& )BCIs
each %ith a speci&ic &u'ctio' %ith the
Produced i' the red bo'e marro% &rom
stem cells that di&&ere'tiate i'to di&&ere't
types o& blood cells
Neutrophils , 2ost
commo' )BC* has a
multi,lobed 'ucleus*
phagocytic #they
e'gul& a'd i'gest
&oreig' substa'ces or
i'!aders like bacteria
#pathoge's$ a'd
destroy them
Lymphocytes , 2ature i'
lymphatic tissues such as
the the thymus a'd splee'
T%o mai' types , B
lymphocytes a'd T
lymphocytes , both
produce a'tibodies a'd
pro!ide seco'dary
.ymphocytes produce
('tibodies are protei' molecules that tra!el
i' blood a'd lymph #tissue &luid$ a'd attach
to speci&ic a'tige's #lock a'd key$
('tige's are &oreig' substa'ces that are
recog'i<ed by the immu'e system as
'o',sel& a'd re-uire destructio'
('tibodies act i' ma'y %ays to pre!e't
('tibodies deal %ith a'tige's by attachi'g to
them a'd promoti'g phagocytosis by other
)BCIs* clumpi'g pathoge's together* or
&ormi'g complexes %ith pathoge's that
pre!e'ts them &rom causi'g disease
/ther )BC
Monocytes , largest )BCIs* de!elop i'to
large macrophages i' the body tissues
that phagocyti<e pathoge's duri'g
Eosinophils , are i'!ol!ed i' co'trol o&
allergic a'd i'&lammatory respo'ses
Basophils , release histami'e that
i'creases blood &lo% to sites o& tissue
Platelets #thrombocytes$
Platelets are cell &ragme'ts that break a%ay
&rom larger cells i' the red bo'e marro%
1 m. o& blood co'tai's up to 300 millio'
They are i'!ol!ed i' blood clotti'g &ollo%i'g
tissue i'+ury
Blood Clotti'g
Blood clotti'g is a complex process
i'!ol!i'g platelets* ma'y clotti'g &actors*
the protei's &ibri'oge' a'd prothrombi'*
!itami' K &ou'd i' gree' !egetables a'd
produced by bacteria i' the large
i'testi'e* a'd calcium io's
5' the clotti'g process &ollo%i'g i'+ury*
platelets act as a &irst li'e o& de&e'se by
&ormi'g a platelet plug that acts to seal
up the leak
.ater* a complex series o& e!e'ts &orm a
protei' 'et arou'd the platelet plug %hich
traps 4BCIs
(s tissue repair takes place the plug is
dissol!ed a'd blood &lo% resumes3
The Path o& Blood to the Brai'
(orta Carotid Brai' capillaries
.e&t e'tricle 6ugular ei'
.e&t (trium Superior e'a Ca!a
Pulmo'ary ei' 4ight (trium
.u'g capillaries 4ight e'tricle

Pulmo'ary (rtery
The Path o& Blood to the
(orta ?orsal (orta 4e'al (rtery
.e&t e'tricle Kid'ey capillaries
.e&t (trium 4e'al ei'
Pulmo'ary ei' 5'&erior e'a Ca!a

.u'g capillaries 4ight (trium
Pulmo'ary (rtery 4ight e'tricle
The .ymphatic System
The .ymphatic System
The lymphatic system is comprised o& 3
lymph capillaries
lymph !essels
lymph 'odes
.ymph Capillaries
The capillaries are the starti'g poi't o& the
o'e,%ay lymphatic system
They origi'ate i' tissues a'd drai' a'y
excess tissue &luid that has 'ot bee'
reabsorbed i'to the bloodstream a'd
mo!e it i'to lymph !ei's
This pre!e'ts s%elli'g or edema #collectio'
o& &luid i' the tissues$
.ymph ei's
The !ei's collect lymph &rom ma'y lymph
capillaries a'd mo!e them i'to lymph
@rom the ducts they e'ter the subcla!ia'
!ei's %here the &luid is retur'ed to the
The mo!eme't o& &luid i' the lymph !ei's
relies o' muscular mo!eme'ts to s-uee<e
the &luid alo'g
.ymph !ei's #like !ei's i' the circulatory
system$ co'tai' o'e,%ay !al!es that keep
the &luid mo!i'g to%ards the thoracic
ca!ity or chest
.ymph ;odes
.ymph 'odes are co'sidered lymphoid orga's
alo'g %ith the to'sils* splee'* thymus a'd
bo'e marro%
;odes are bea' shaped structures %ith a cortex
a'd medulla similar to ma'y other body
The cortex co'tai's ma'y a'tibody,produci'g
lymphocytes %hile the medulla co'tai's
macrophages &ight i'&ectio's a'd clea' lymph
.ymph 'odes are &ou'd alo'g lymph !essels
a'd are most 'umerous i' the groi'* 'eck*
a'd armpit areas
S%olle' lymph 'odes are a sig' that a'
i'&ectio' is prese't
Blood Pressure a'd @luid
Blood Pressure a'd @luid
(s blood mo!es a%ay &rom the heart* blood
pressure a'd blood !elocity decrease
because o& the bra'chi'g o& arteries i'to
arterioles a'd the' i'to capillaries
5t is due to a huge i'crease i'
cross,sectio'al area i' the capillaries
The lo%er !elocity i' the capillaries allo%s
the time 'ecessary &or e&&ecti!e Capillary
Tissue,@luid Hxcha'ge
Blood lea!i'g the capillaries co'!erges i'to
!e'ules a'd the' !ei's* causi'g a'
i'crease i' !elocity but pressure remai's
The 7eart
The 7eartbeat
The S( ;ode
Si'oatrial #S($ 'ode
5t is &ou'd o' the upper i'side %all o& the
right atrium a'd is best k'o%' as
5t i'itiates a heartbeat e!ery 038A seco'ds*
se'di'g a sig'al tra!els across the atria
causi'g them to co'tract a'd load the
!e'tricles %ith blood
(s the sig'al mo!es across the atria it
reaches the ( 'ode located o' the
bottom o& the right atrium o' top o& the
The ( 'ode
(trio!e'tricular #($ 'ode %orks %ith the
Purki'+e &ibres
The ( 'ode is located o' the bottom
sur&ace o& the right atria a'd i'itiates
co'tractio's o& the !e'tricles
)he' the sig'al &rom the S( 'ode reaches
the ( 'ode there is a small delay to allo%
the atria to &i'ish loadi'g the !e'tricles
(&ter this delay* the ( 'ode relays the
sig'al alo'g t%o ( bu'dles &ou'd i' the
septum a'd o' to the 'umerous Purki'+e
&ibers &ou'd i' the %alls o& both !e'tricles3
Systole a'd ?iastole
The ( 'ode* the ( bu'dles* a'd the
Purki'+e &ibers act together to create a
smoothly coordi'ated a'd po%er&ul
co'tractio' o& the !e'tricles
This co'tractio' o& the !e'tricles pushes
blood i'to the pulmo'ary circuit &rom the
right side o& the heart a'd i'to the systemic
circuit &rom the le&t side o& the heart
This acti!e co'tractio' o& the !e'tricles is
called systole %hile the relaxatio' phase o&
the !e'tricles is called diastole3 2ore o'
these terms i' the blood pressure
measureme't lesso'3
)hat Co'trols /ur 7eartbeat9
/ur heartbeat
is co'trolled
by the
ce'tre i' the
Cha'ges to our 7eartbeat
5' times o& stress or exercise* the cardiac
co'trol ce'tre uses sympathetic 'er!e
sig'als to i'crease heart rate a'd the
&orce o& !e'tricular co'tractio'
Stress hormo'es &rom the adre'al gla'ds
#epi'ephri'e a'd 'orepi'ephri'e$ also
i'crease heart rate a'd &orce o& heart
5' rest&ul co'ditio's* such as duri'g a 'ap*
%he' the body re-uires less blood
deli!ered to muscles* the cardiac co'trol
ce'tre uses parasympathetic 'er!es to
decrease heart rate
;ormal Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is a measure o& the &orce
blood exerts o' the %alls o& blood !essels
Blood pressure i' arteries is highest %he'
the !e'tricles are co'tracti'g #called
systole or systolic pressure$ a'd lo%er
%he' the !e'tricles are relaxed #called
diastole or diastolic pressure$
;ormal !alues &or systolic a'd diastolic
pressures are 120 mm7g a'd 80 mm7g
o&te' %ritte' as 120 o!er 80 or 120880
;ormal Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is greatest i' the arteries at
120 mm7g duri'g systole a'd lo%est i'
the !e'a ca!a at 0,20 mm7g
(s blood mo!es a%ay &rom the heart*
bra'chi'g o& arteries i'to arterioles a'd
the' i'to capillaries reduces blood
pressure a'd blood !elocity
7yperte'sio' is a co'ditio' characteri<ed
by abo!e 'ormal blood pressure
7igh blood pressure exists %he' the
systolic pressure exceeds 1>0 mm7g or
the diastolic pressure exceeds F0 mm7g
Causes may i'clude co'strictio' o& blood
!essels* too much salt i' the diet or
reabsorptio' o& sodium io' &rom the
kid'eys* a'd artherosclerosis
7ypote'sio' is a co'ditio' characteri<ed by
belo% 'ormal blood pressure
7ypote'sio' ca' be caused by a problem
%ith the 'er!ous system or due to blood
loss &ollo%i'g i'+ury
Patie'ts %ith this lo% blood pressure are
pro'e to &ai'ti'g

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