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Wicks 1

Primary Sources:
A Message On Food From the President of the United States. 1945. Photograph.
Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb.
5 $ar. %&14. 'http:(()igita"."ibrary.northwestern.e)u(otcgi()igi"ib(""scgi*&.e+e,
3his is primary source )ocument ?rom #or") #ar !!. !t is a poster with a p"ea
?rom Presi)ent @arry 3ruman to increase ?oo) pro)uction that was crucia""y
nee)e) ?or the war e??ort. <armers he"pe) to pro)uce this necessary ?oo) ?or our
country an) countries aroun) the wor").
Americans! Share the Meat as a Wartime Necessity. 194%. Northwestern University
Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 5 $ar. %&14.
3his primary source is a poster stressing the importance o? rationing an)
conserving meat. +tra ?oo) was virtua""y nonAe+istent, so peop"e ha) to be very
wise with their ?oo) consumption. 3he Unite) States 4??ice o? #ar !n?ormation
supporte) this source.
Be A Victory Farm Volunteer in the US !ro" !or"s. 194;. #are Posters. 2omp. Bary
.orCan. Bary .orCan #ar Poster -ea"ers, 199:. #eb. 14 $ay %&14.
Wicks 2
3his poster was ma)e to promote the U.S. 2rop 2orps an) show that teenagers
an) young a)u"ts can maCe Eust as much impact as a)u"ts themse"ves. 3his )epicts
two young a)u"ts he"ping out on the ?arm, an) shows that boys an) gir"s can both
he"p. 3his poster gives the air o? FveryoneGs he"p is nee)e) i? 1merica is to win
the war.H $any teenagers answere) the ca"" o? he"p an) en)e) up worCing
through the summer to taCe care o? the crops.
.e"en Soto $oreno, I#orCing on the <arm,I in .racero @istory 1rchive, !tem J;&5&,
http:((;&5& Kaccesse) $arch 14, %&14L.
3his is a b"acC an) white picture showing bracero worCers moving hay. ! ?e"t that
it was important to show how important an) har)worCing these worCers were. !?
not ?or them an) the other groups he"ping out at home, we wou") have ha) a very
har) time maCing it through the war. 3his picture is historica" an) has something
to teach you when you "ooC at it.
$o %ith &ess''so (hey)ll *a+e ,nough! 194;. Photograph. Northwestern University
Library, vanston, !L. World War II on the *ome Front- #ationing. Northwestern
University Library, %&14. #eb. 1; <eb. %&14.
3his is a poster that ! ?oun) pertaining to #or") #ar !! an) the concept o?
rationing. 7ationing, though it tooC away some o? 1mericans rights, was essentia"
to the outcome o? the war. !n this case, the responsibi"ity o? the civi"ians
outweighe) the cost o? their rights. 7ationing was a nationa" e??ort that was
promote) by posters "iCe this one. ! was very e+cite) to ?in) this resource because
it ?it in my topic area we"".
Wicks 3
isenhower, -wight -. ISpecia" 1))ress to the 2ongress on 1gricu"ture.I Specia"
1))ress to the 2ongress on 1gricu"ture. 3he 2apito", #ashington, -.2. 9 Man.
195*. $%ight $ ,isenho%er. #eb. 1% $ar. %&14.
! ?oun) this Ouote an) even though it is ?rom the 195&s, ! sti"" )eci)e) to use it in
my website. 3his Ouote he"ps me tie together what !Pm trying to get at in my
website. !t shows that when agricu"ture is worCing with the government, it can
create spectacu"ar resu"ts. Partnership between the two can be cha""enging
sometimes, but very rewar)ing in the en).
,+ery Man. Woman. and !hild Is a Partner. U.S. Nationa" 1rchives an) 7ecor)s
1)ministration, #ashington, -.2. Women)s *istory., %&&1. #eb. 1;
$ar. %&14. 'http:((")wariiposterart(ig(#or")A
veryone participate) in the events o? #or") #ar !!, an) this poster he"ps to
)epict that. 3he nationGs response to the war was a pro)uction to whatever was
nee)e)Q entire corporations were change) Eust to support our country an) the men
?ighting overseas. #or") #ar !! was a nationa" prob"em an) the who"e nation
he"pe) to reso"ve it.
Farm Scra" Builds $estroyers- /00 (ons of Scra" Metal 1o into a $estroyer. 194%.
Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb.
* $ar. %&14. 'http:(()igita"."ibrary.northwestern.e)u(otcgi()igi"ib(""scgi*&.e+e,
Wicks 4
3his poster shows what saving scrap meta" cou") )o ?or the so")iers an) the war
e??ort. 3hrough this proEect ! "earne) about many )i??erent pro)ucts being ratione)
an) meta" was one o? those pro)ucts that rea""y e??ecte) ?armers. $eta" was
nee)e) to maCe an) repair ?arming machinery. 1"" e+tra meta" was being )onate)
an) scrappe) to be shippe) overseas, or to maCe eOuipment ?or those overseas.
.ecause o? the )e?iciency, ?armers ha) to maCe )o with what they ha).
B"enn $i""er an) @is 4rchestra. On the Old Assem2ly &ine. B"enn $i""er an) @is
4rchestra. 194%. Syracuse Uni+ersity &i2raries'Patriotic Songs. #eb. 19 $ay
%&14. 'http:(("ibrary.syr.e)u(be"?er(programs(proEects(be"?er:D(patriotic.php>.
$any patriotic songs were pro)uce) )uring the war, an) our country saw a
)ramatic rise in EaRR music. B"enn $i""er an) @is 4rchestra were very popu"ar at
the time, an) ! put a portion o? this song on my homepage o? my website. 3his
song a""owe) peop"e at home to ?ee" patriotic an) Cnow that they were actua""y
he"ping worC towar)s the war e??ort.
*e ,ats a (on a 3ear- 3our Farm !an *el". 194%. Photograph. Northwestern University
Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 5 $ar. %&14.
3his is a #or") #ar !! poster that )epicts a so")ier shove"ing ?oo). 3his showe)
the nationGs peop"e that those who were ?ighting nee)e) as much support ?rom
Wicks 5
home they cou") get. 3hey nee)e) to be provi)e) with ?oo), guns, ammunition,
vehic"es, or anything that cou") he"p them an) be o? assistance. ! ?oun) many
posters ?or my proEect, an) "ove) "ooCing at them because each picture or poster
te""s as much o? the story o? our country as the in?ormation )oes.
@e"guera, L. Americanos (odos. Smithsonian $useum o? Nationa" $useum o?
1merican @istory, #ashington, -.2. Smithsonian Museum of National Museum
of American *istory. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
! ?oun) it very cha""enging to ?in) posters about $e+ican .raceros in the U.S.
3his is the one poster that ! actua""y ?oun) to portray what ! wante) to get across.
3he braceros provi)e) the "abor support that we cou")nPt manage ourse"ves, so we
were worCing together in the war e??ort.
@orace, Nicho"is. Boy Mil4ing !o%. 1914. !mperia" #ar $useum Photograph
2o""ection. (he Passion of Former $ays. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his photograph was taCen )uring #or") #ar !, but it gives the same i)ea o? what
happene) in #or") #ar !!. 2hi")ren an) teens he"pe) out with the ?arm since
their o")er brothers or ?athers were gone ?ighting. !n this time perio), chi")ren ha)
to grow up ?aster to he"p out with what was nee)e).
5oin Us on the Farm Front. 1944. U.S. Bovernment Printing 4??ice, #ashington, -.2.
(he *istorical Museum of Fort Missoula. %&11. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
Since #or") #ar !! reOuire) ?u"" support ?rom everyone in 1merica, even schoo"
Wicks 6
chi")ren )i) what they cou"). $any o? them picCe) mi"Cwee) po)s an) teenagers
worCe) as F5ictory <arm 5o"unteersH. 3hey vo"unteere) to worC at area ?arms
an) were especia""y nee)e) )uring spring p"anting an) harvest.
Lanon, @owar). I<arming -uring #or") #ar !!, <arm Ouipment, 0 Neighbors.I
!nterview. Farming $uring World War II. !""inois State $useum, #eb. 1; <eb.
%&14. 'http:((".us(c"ip(D&>.
3his source is an au)io recor)ing o? @owar) Lanon )iscussing his "i?e growing up
)uring the war. 3his source a""owe) me to get a persona" "ight on the story an)
worC o? everyone invo"ve), even the younger chi")ren. 3his source was very
bene?icia" ?or my website.
&et)s 1et to Wor4 to Ma4e Americans Strong 1941. Northwestern University Library,
vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his poster shows an 1merican ?ami"y worCing together to maCe 1merica strong.
3his was an in?"uence ?or everyone to participate an) )o their part in the war
e??ort. #e nee)e) the who"e countryPs support o? the war an) wartime pro)uction.
$or"ey, @ubert. Pitch in and *el"! 1944. Northwestern University Library, vanston,
!""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
! use) this poster on my #omenPs Lan) 1rmy page. 3he #omenPs Lan) 1rmy
an) the U.S. 2rop 2orps set up programs that great"y increase) worCers on ?arms
)uring #or") #ar !!.
Na)e", Leonar). I1 bracero c"oses a ?u"" 3oro "ettuce bo+ with a specia" too" in a ?ie") in
Wicks 7
the Sa"inas 5a""ey, 2a"i?ornia.,I in .racero @istory 1rchive, !tem J;&&:,
http:((;&&: Kaccesse) $arch 1;, %&14L.
3his picture shows what worC braceros )i) on ?arms in the U.S. .raceros
contribute) great"y to the pro)uction o? goo)s in the U.S., which were a"so use)
wor")wi)e. #ithout this e+tra he"p, we wou") not have pro)uce) as much to
comp"ete what we )i).
Na)e", Leonar). I.raceros ?i"" "ettuce into 2ooCie @ea) "ettuce bo+es an) c"ose them in a
?ie") in the Sa"inas 5a""ey, 2a"i?ornia.I in .racero @istory 1rchive, !tem J%99%,
http:(( Kaccesse) $arch 1;, %&14L.
$any braceros were active in the southwestern states because it was c"oser to
$e+ico. !n this picture, they ?i""e) bo+es ?u"" o? "ettuce ?or transportation to other
areas o? the country or even overseas. 3hese pictures were very use?u" in seeing
what the worC they )i) an) what they went through.
Na)e", Leonar). I.raceros picC "ettuce in a ?ie") in the Sa"inas 5a""ey, 2a"i?ornia.I in
.racero @istory 1rchive, !tem J%991, http:((
Kaccesse) $arch 1;, %&14L.
.raceros )i) whatever was asCe) o? them at any ?arm, an) were Cnown as very
goo) worCers. $any times these peop"e were not appreciate) or recogniRe) ?or
what they )i). ! )i) not even Cnow about what they )i) unti" ! starte) researching
this proEect. 3his picture shows them picCing "ettuce in a ?ie") in 2a"i?ornia.
Na)e", Leonar). Nationa" $useum o? 1merican @istory, #ashington, -.2. &os Angeles
(imes. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14. 'http:((artic"es.""oca"("aAmeA
Wicks 8
3his is a photograph ?rom the Leonar) Na)e" 2o""ection. Leonar) Na)e" was a
photographer who )ocumente) the braceros in?"uence in the Unite) States. @e
tooC many pictures o? bracero worCers worCing on ?arms.
ParCer, 1"?re). We)ll *a+e &ots to ,at (his Winter Won)t We Mother6 194;.
Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb.
5 $ar. %&14. 'http:(()igita"."ibrary.northwestern.e)u(otcgi()igi"ib(""scgi*&.e+e,
3his poster stresses the importance o? maCing )o with what you have. .ecause o?
the "acC o? resources, the 1merican peop"e are encourage) to use on"y what is
nee)e). !t a"so encourage) 1merican ?ami"ies to maCe an) store their own ?oo).
3his poster shows a young gir" an) a woman canning their own goo)s.
Paus, @erbert 1n)rew. (he Women)s &and Army of America. 191D. University o?
5irginia. &i2rary of !ongress. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his is a poster showing support o? the #omenGs Lan) 1rmy K#L1L in 1merica.
3he #L1 was actua""y ?orme) in #or") #ar ! an) this is one o? the recruiting
posters. 3hese posters urge) women to he"p out by Eoining organiRation, which
"e) to an increase in ?arm worCers.
Plant a Victory 1arden. 194;. Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois.
World War II Posters. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his poster encourages 1merican citiRens to p"ant 5ictory Bar)ens an) grow their
Wicks 9
own ?oo). .ecause so many o? them )i), ?armers cou") pro)uce more ?or the
so")iers overseas than ?or country at home. 3his a""owe) the so")iers who were
?ighting to be supp"ie) more ?oo).
7oese, @erbert. #ationing Means a Fair Share for All. 194;. Northwestern University
Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 5 $ar. %&14.
3his is a poster showing how rationing maCes everything ?air. !nstea) o? some
peop"e getting a "ot o? supp"ies, an) some getting Eust a "itt"e bit, they both get
about the same. ! ?oun) this poster to be pretty comica". ach o? the posters that !
have ?oun) a))s a "itt"e bit o? history an) insight on the i)eas o? the peop"e o? that
time perio).
7oRen, Merome. Farmers! Uncle Sam As4s 3ou 1944. #are Posters. Bary .orCan #ar
Poster -ea"ers. #eb. 19 $ay %&14. 'http:((;:55.htm">.
3his is a poster showing Unc"e Sam getting rea)y ?or the census taCer. 3his is a
poster showing another aspect o? the war, an) something e"se the ?armers ha) to
worC with an) un)erstan). 3hese posters were very interesting to ?in) an) "earn
about through this proEect.
Schatt, 7oy. Scra". 194%. Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois. World
War II Posters. #eb. * $ar. %&14.
Wicks 10
3his picture shows that scrap meta" is very va"uab"e. $any ?arms ha) e+tra scrap
meta" at the beginning o? the war because o? o"), broCen )own tractors, or Eust the
every)ay too"s that they use). 3hey )i)nPt have e+tra )uring or at the en) o? the
war, actua""y they ha) very "itt"e meta" pro)ucts at a"".
Sears, 7oebucC 0 2ompany. I!n?ormation 1bout 4r)ering 7atione) <arm Ouipment
So") .y Sears.I Sears. #oe2uc4 7 !om"any !atalog 194;: 9;1. Print.
! use) this source to )etermine a"" the pieces o? ?arm eOuipment that ha) been
ratione) ?or war purposes. 1"most a"" pieces o? machinery were ratione) an) were
share) among communities. 3his cata"og a"so in?orme) me o? how ?armers were
ab"e to app"y ?or ratione) ?arm eOuipment. 3his was very he"p?u" in my search ?or
U.S. #ar Pro)uction .oar). America Needs 3our Scra" #u22er. 194%A1944.
Northwestern University Library, vanston, !""inois. &earn N! Multimedia.
University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"". #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
1mericans citiRens were urge) to use as "itt"e rubber as possib"e )uring the war.
3his poster shows what ratione) rubber was use) ?or to provi)e support ?or the
troops overseas. -i??erent vehic"es an) machines nee)e) )i??erent amounts o?
rubber, an) this poster in?orms the pub"ic o? that. !t encourages 1mericans to
ration items so that the so")iers wi"" have what they nee) to survive in the war.
Unite) States o? 1merica. 4??ice o? Price 1)ministration. War #ation Boo4 (%o. U.S.
Wicks 11
Bovernment Printing 4??ice, 194%. Print.
#hi"e we were he"ping c"ean my gran)motherGs house, we ?oun) the ration
booC"ets ?or her who"e ?ami"y. 3he booC"et ! show on my website is hers ?rom
when she was thirteen years o") in 194%. ! thought that this wou") be a goo)
e+amp"e to e+hibit on my website.
University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"". When 3ou #ide Alone. 3ou #ide %ith *itler!
194;. Photograph. University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"", vanston, !L.
World War II on the *ome Front- #ationing. University o? North 2aro"ina, %&14.
#eb. 1; <eb. %&14. 'http:((www.""p(e)itions(ww%Arationing(59;4>.
Bas was a"so ratione) )uring #or") #ar !! an) this poster )epicts that. 3he
government stresse) the importance o? on"y )riving when nee)e) an) a"ways
trying to carpoo" with others. 3he "ess gas citiRens use), the more cou") be
shippe) to the so")iers ?ighting.
Uptton, 2"ive. 5oin the Women)s &and Army. 194&. Vinmag. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his is another wartime poster urging women to Eoin the #omenPs Lan) 1rmy
K#L1L. 3he #L1 ma)e maEor "abor contributions on ?arms throughout #or")
#ar !!. 3his poster shows many o? the ways in which women he"pe) )uring the
war an) the nee) an) encouragement o? women to he"p in ##!!.
Use It U". Wear It Out. Ma4e It $o. 194;. 5ictory .egins at @ome, ##!! Posters.
A2outcom., %&&*. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
Wicks 12
.ecause o? the "acC o? materia"s, the 1merican popu"ation use) what they ha).
Pants, shirts, )resses, b"ouses, an) other c"othing were reuse) or ?i+e) up )uring
the war. #hatever became too sma"" was han)e) )own to younger sib"ings, an)
whatever broCe was ?i+e). ! ?oun) this poster a "itt"e bit comica", with the "a)y
sewing up pants whi"e they are sti"" on the person. 3his poster shows how much
they trie) to save items )uring the war.
3ou !an Use the &and 3ou *a+e to 1ro% the Food 3ou Need 1941. Northwestern
University Library, vanston, !""inois. World War II Posters. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his is another poster encouraging 1merican citiRens to grow their own crops in
their own bacCyar)s. 3he act o? p"anting an) growing their own gar)ens rea""y
he"pe) to re"ieve the ?armers an) what they ha) to grow )uring the war. 3his
a""owe) the ?armers to sen) more o? their pro)ucts to other countries an) to our
own troops ?ighting on both hemispheres.
Secon)ary Sources:
1mes @istorica" Society. I7ationing on the US @ome?ront )uring ## !!.I #ationing on
the US *omefront during WW II. 1mes @istorica" Society, <eb. %&14. #eb. 1%
<eb. %&14. 'http:((>.
3his source gave me in?ormation on rationing an) the worC happening on the
home ?ront in the $i)west portion o? the Unite) States. 3his is a"so where ! ?oun)
my primary source o? the Sears 0 7oebucC 2ata"og, which provi)e) me with
Wicks 13
in?ormation on a"" ratione) ?arm eOuipment. 3his site was a very goo) source o?
1rneson, ric. I3he @ome <ront: Li?e an) #orC in #or") #ar !!.I Norman)y !nstitute
%&1;. Beorge #ashington University, #ashington, -.2. 1: Mune %&1;. Lecture.
#hen ! was in #ashington, -.2. ?or the Norman)y !nstitute "ast summer, we
were ab"e to "isten to Pro?essor 1rnesonGs "ecture. ! "earne) so much that weeC
an) cou") have chosen many topics, but ! thought o? this topic )uring his "ecture
an) ! rea""y connecte) with it. ! ha) ?ami"y ties an) it was very invo"ve) in my
state an) our con)itions )uring the war. F7esponsibi"ities o? <armers in #or")
#ar !!H was a very enticing topic ?or me an) !Gm rea""y g"a) ! hear) this "ecture
an) cou") re"ate it to my e+periences.
.ush, #i"bur. I#or") #ar !! Scrap $eta" -rives: -aviess 2ounty @istorica" Society:
Ba""atin 1rea 7evita"iRation 1""iance.I 1allatan $a+iess !ounty *istorical
Society. -aviess 2ounty @istorica" Society, * 1pr. %&11. #eb. &5 $ar. %&14.
3his source provi)e) me with in?ormation on scrap meta" an) how it was
co""ecte) )uring the war. Scrap meta" was ?oun) on ?arms in the ?orm o? o") too"s
such as: shove"s, nai"s, )iscs, an) anything e"se not ab"e to be use). 3his o") meta"
was co""ecte) through scrap )rives. .ecause o? the shortage o? meta" pro)ucts ?or
the mi"itary, ?arm eOuipment was put on ho") an) ?armers ha) to use whatever o")
eOuipment they ha).
Wicks 14
-anRer, Bera") 1. I3he Unite) States in #or") #ar !!.I (he Americans. vanston, !L:
$c-ouga" Litte"", %&&:. :**AD&4. Print.
! starte) researching my topic in 1merican @istory c"ass with this booC. 3his
booC gave me a p"ace to start )iscovering in?ormation about my topic since !
a"rea)y ha) it picCe) out. 3his booC a"so gave me i)eas as to where ! cou") go
with ?urther research.
-e"icath, 3e). I#hy !s the <arm .i"" So @ar) to Un)erstan),I !orn !or"s.
#or), 11 Sept. %&1;. #eb. 14 $ar. %&14.
3his is a Eourna"Atype site ?i""e) with many )i??erent artic"es ?rom both past an)
present topics. 3he artic"e that ! rea) through )iscusse) #or") #ar !! an) the ro"e
o? chi")ren on the ?arm. ! ?oun) a poster on this site showing a young boy
worCing on a ?arm. 3his site a"so ha) in?ormation on the changes )uring #or")
#ar !! an) how they a??ecte) ?arming.
isenhower Presi)entia" Library an) $useum. I6uotes.I $%ight $ ,isenho%er.
Presi)entia" Library an) $useum, %&14. #eb. 1% $ar. %&14.
! use) this source to ?in) a Ouote state) by Presi)ent -wight -. isenhower, a
maEor p"ayer in #or") #ar !!. Presi)ent isenhower was a genera" an) mi"itary
strategist )uring the war, an) become presi)ent a?ter. !n his Ouote he )iscusses
how important ?arming is to the economy o? the U.S. an) how the government
worCing with agricu"ture is much more in?"uentia" than otherwise. ven though
this Ouote was spoCen a?ter the war, it sti"" poses a point that was )iscovere)
Wicks 15
through the actions o? ?armers in #or") #ar !!.
BanRe", .i"", an) BanRe" Broup 2ommunications. I<arm Labor Shortages )uring #or")
#ar !!.I Wessels &i+ing *istory Farm. BanRe" Broup 2ommunications, %&&1.
#eb. 1% $ar. %&14.
3his source ta"Cs about how the war revo"utioniRe) ?arming. #or") #ar !!
brought the Unite) States out o? the Breat -epression, an) promote) using new
techno"ogies nationwi)e. 3his website gave me much more in?ormation on topics
such as rationing, "abor shortages, ?oo) pro)uction, an) economic e+pansion. !
use) this site ?or in?ormation on my topic. !t was interesting to rea) through the
research that this group ha) )iscovere).
Bary .orCan #ar Poster -ea"ers. I4rigina" Unite) States Secon) #or") #ar Poster
-ea"ers, @ome?ront.I#are'"osterscom. Bary .orCan #ar Poster -ea"ers, 1%
$ar. %&14. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14. 'http:((">.
! use) this website to ?in) primary source that ! cou") use in my website, an) to
Eust stu)y the a)s. 3here were so many )i??erent a)vertisements that it was a"most
overwhe"ming to "ooC at. 1)vertisements were one o? the reasons that the war
was such a supporte) cause, but ! )i)nGt rea""y thinC about them a "ot be?ore
stu)ying this topic. ! )i)nGt rea"iRe what a maEor ro"e they )i) p"ay in the events o?
#or") #ar !!. !t was very interesting to go through an) "ooC at a"" the posters that
were shown on this website.
Sarron, Sussanah. I<oo) to #in the #ar.I A Salute to Freedom. 3he Nationa" ##!!
$useum, %&1;. #eb. 14 $ar. %&14. 'http:((sa"uteto?ree)">.
Wicks 16
1s ! was researching my topic, ! came across this website supporte) by the #or")
#ar !! museum in Louisiana. 1 stu)ent researche) ?oo) pro)uction in #or") #ar
!! in #isconsin Kher home stateL an) create) a web page about her research it. !
thought it was interesting how simi"ar the states were in )ea"ing with the same
issues. ! use) this site to con?irm research an) use) a picture on my site.
Semp, .i"". ISi)s Bathere) $i"Cwee) Po)s ?or ##!! ??ort.I Pantagra"hcom., 1; 4ct. %&&:. #eb. &5 $ar. %&14.
-uring the war, peop"e )i) whatever they cou") to support the troops overseas.
2hi")ren even he"pe) outT ! use) this source to "earn about a very important tasC
that chi")ren )i) to show support: picCing mi"Cwee) po)sT $i"Cwee) tu?ts were
use) in maCing ?"otation )evices ?or so")iers in the war, an) chi")ren got out o?
schoo" to wa"C )itches to ?in) them. veryone contribute) what he or she cou") to
the war e??ort.
Library o? 2ongress. I2artoon -rawingsA@erbert Mohnson.I Library o? 2ongress, %&14.
#eb. &5 $ar. %&14. 'http:((www."""ection(ac)(re"ate)(,
#hi"e ! was "ooCing ?or posters, ! came across this site. !t is a huge storehouse o?
@erbert Mohnson art, who was a maEor cartoonist at the time o? the war. @e ma)e
many cartoons an) a)vertisements be?ore, )uring, an) a?ter the war. 3his is where
! ?oun) many o? my #or") #ar !! a)vertisements an) primary sources.
Long, 3homas. I#hat #ere Some 7esponsibi"ities o? <armers !n #or") #ar !!,I
Wicks 17
Persona" interview. Mu"y %&1;.
! asCe) Pro?essor Long about the responsibi"ities o? ?armers )uring #or") #ar !!
a?ter ! ha) hear) Pro?essor 1rneson speaC an) ha) ?igure) out my proEect topic.
Pro?essor Long is a co""ege pro?essor ?or Beorge #ashington University in
#ashington, -.2. @e seeme) Ouite impresse) with my i)ea an) gave me some
in?ormation o? the Cnow"e)ge he ha) on it. @e a"so provi)e) me with i)eas ?or
avenues ! cou") venture ?or research.
$arentes, 2ar"os, an) 2ynthia P. $arentes. I3he .racero Program.I (he Farm%or4ers
We2site. Sin <ronteras 4rganiRing ProEect, -ec. 1999. #eb. 11 $ar. %&14.
3his website gives a )etai"e) e+p"anation o? what the .racero Program was an)
how it contribute) to ?arm pro)uction )uring the years that it ran. ! never rea""y
un)erstoo) the .racero Program be?ore, or even rea""y hear) about it much be?ore
! comp"ete) this proEect. 3his site a""owe) me to un)erstan) why it was
estab"ishe) an) how it he"pe) our economy an) agricu"tura" e??orts )uring #or")
#ar !!.
$e??or), @owar) L. I<i?ty 8ears o? !nternationa" @arvester 2ompany in .u??a"o
2ounty.I Fifty 3ears of International *ar+ester !om"any in Buffalo !ounty.
.u??a"o 2ounty @istorica" Society, %&&;. #eb. 14 $ar. %&14.
#hi"e ! was researching ?or this proEect, ! "earne) that ?arm machinery )ea"erships
)i)nGt a"ways maCe ?arm machinery )uring the war. 3he !nternationa" @arvester
2ompany became a pro)uction center ?or war pro)ucts such as: ri?"es, motor
Wicks 18
trucCs, an) heavy in)ustria" too"s. 3his coinci)e) with my research on rationing
?arm eOuipment an) why it was ratione). 3here wasnGt enough meta", an) the
)ea"erships were being use) ?or war pro)uction.
$i""ner, $e"issa. I$asseyA@arris Se"?APrope""e) 2ombines an) @arvest .riga)e.I Old
Farm ,8ui"ment ' (ractors ' ,ngines. ."ogger, % Mu"y %&1;. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his source ta"Cs about comp"ications ?or ?arm eOuipment manu?acturers )uring
the war. Stee" was ratione), there was a restriction on what cou") be bought an)
how much cou") be ma)e. New, more e??icient machinery was )eve"ope) an) put
into action with certain stipu"ations. 3his in?ormation ties in with my
gran)?atherGs story about his corn p"anter. ! a"so use) this site ?or a picture that
)iscusses I3he 1944 .att"e <or .rea)I.
$oore, Sam. I3he #ar ??ort: ##!! 6uotas 2ut <arm $achinery Supp"ies.I Farm
!ollector. 4)gen Pub"ications, !nc., 1ug. %&&%. #eb. &4 $ar. %&14.
3his source ta"Cs about the 4??ice o? Pro)uction $anagement K4P$L an) the
incorporation o? it into our government systems. 3he 4P$ was the instigator o?
the restriction o? the pro)uction o? ?arm machinery. !t stresse) the importance o?
war pro)uction an) creating goo)s that cou") be use) overseas. 3his source is a"so
where ! ?oun) one o? my pictures ! use in my website. 3he )rawing is Ouite
humorous, an) very true.
Wicks 19
Nationa" $useum o? 1merican @istory. I4pportunity or +p"oitation: 3he .racero
Program.I America on the Mo+e. Nationa" $useum o? 1merican @istory,
Smithsonian !nstitution. #eb. &5 $ar. %&14.
3his source is ?or an e+hibition on the .racero Program through the Nationa"
$useum o? 1merican @istory. ! "earne) ?rom this site that the program starte)
)uring our invo"vement in #or") #ar !! an) continue) through 19*4. 3housan)s
o? braceros worCe) in the U.S. )uring that span o? aroun) 1* years. 3his site was
very use?u" in bacCgroun) in?ormation about the program.
Northwestern University Library. I#or") #ar !! Poster 2o""ection.I North%estern
Uni+ersity &i2rary. Northwestern University Library, #eb. &5 $ar. %&14.
3his is an on"ine )atabase o? hun)re)s o? #or") #ar !! posters an)
a)vertisements. ! use) this )atabase to ?in) some o? my posters that ! use) in my
website. 3hese posters put the time perio) an) everything thatGs going on into
perspective. 3hey rea""y he"p give the notion that this war was a peop"eGs war as
much as a so")ierGs war. 3he maEority o? the popu"ation active"y participate) in
the war e??ort.
P"ains @umanities 1""iance, an) 2enter ?or -igita" 7esearch in the @umanities. I3he
Breat P"ains -uring #or") #ar !!.I (he 1reat Plains $uring World War II.
University o? NebrasCaALinco"n, %&&D. #eb. 11 $ar. %&14.
! "ive in the $i)west(Breat P"ains region o? the Unite) States, so this resource
Wicks 20
was very use?u" ?or me. !t provi)e) me with in?ormation a??ecting my own state,
South -aCota, an) neighboring states. 3his site gave me new in?ormation an)
rea??irme) some things ! ha) a"rea)y )iscovere). !t a"so provi)e) me with an
abun)ant supp"y o? primary sources to "ooC at an) "earn ?rom as it incorporate)
them into the site. Sometimes it is har) to ?in) in?ormation on a topic "iCe mine,
but this source was rea""y very he"p?u" ?or me.
StucCe", .rett. I<arming ?or <ree)omA##!! #orC Song.I State of Place. #or)press, 1%
1pr. %&1;. #eb. 15 $ar. %&14. 'http:((www.stateo?p"
! wante) to have a "itt"e music on my page, but ! cou") not ?in) anything that !
thought ?it with my topic. 1s ! was "ooCing, ! ?oun) this source with some rea""y
great soun) "yrics. 3he song is ca""e) ?arming ?or ?ree)om an) was sung by #L1
worCers as they worCe) on the ?arm. 3he on"y prob"em with the song was, there
were no recor)ingsT ! asCe) my brother i? he wou") sing it ?or me to put on my
website an) he agree) to.
3he .riga)e. I##!!Apropagan)aApostersA5&&A%9: 3he.7!B1-.I (he Brigade.
7esignation $e)ia, LL2, %&14. #eb. 1; 1pr. %&14.
4n this website ! ?oun) an a)vertisement that ! use) to show that our country was
attacCing on a"" ?ronts: at home an) overseas. 3he peop"e "e?t behin) ha) to
provi)e ?or those gone an) worC ?or the war e??ort. 3hese a)vertisements were
very interesting to ?in) an) stu)yQ each o? them he"ps the observer to un)erstan)
Wicks 21
what was going on at that time in history.
3he BanRe" Broup 2ommunications. I7ationing an) Scrap -rives in 7ura" 1merica.I
#ationing and Scra" $ri+es in #ural America. #esse"s Living @istory <arm,
%&&1. #eb. &4 $ar. %&14.
! use) this site to "earn about rationing an) how it a??ecte) peop"eGs "ive"ihoo)s. !t
)i) "essen their right to maCe, provi)e, an) create nourishment out o? certain
?oo)s, but at this point in time, responsibi"ity was greater than the right o? eating.
3he responsibi"ity to our so")iers to provi)e ?or them an) continue to support the
war bacC home was greater than our other rights. ! use) this site to research
rationing an) how ?armers cope) with the "oss o? worCers. 3he war hit rura" areas
pretty ba), but the peop"e )i) their best to continue on.
3he 6ua)A2ity 3imes. I+hibit LooCs at $e+ican Labor Program.I (he 9uad'!ity
(imes. 3he 6ua)A2ity 3imes, %: <eb. %&14. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his source is where ! ?oun) out about the .racero Program e+hibit supporte) by
the Nationa" 1merican $useum o? 1merican @istory. 3his e+hibit was shown on
)isp"ay through mi)A$ay. 3his site "e) me to other avenues to continue my
research an) gave me other i)eas o? how to incorporate a"" o? my research.
3obar, @ector. I<ormer .racero 7eca""s ProgramPs Legacy.I &os Angeles (imes. Los
1nge"es 3imes, 15 4ct. %&1&. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
Wicks 22
1s ! was researching the .racero Program, ! came across this Los 1nge"es 3imes
artic"e. 3his artic"e brought into "ight the impact the .racero Program ha) on the
$e+ican worCers an) how some o? them ?e"t about the program. Living in the
U.S. was a )rastic change ?or them, but they sti"" came to worC here anyway. !
a"so use) this webpage to ?in) a picture ?or my proEect.
University o? NebrasCaALinco"n. I3he @ome <ront.I (he 1reat Plains $uring World
War II. University o? NebrasCaALinco"n, %&&D. #eb. &4 $ar. %&14.
3his source was create) by a semiA"oca" co""ege, an) rea""y he"pe) me in my
research. !t showe) how the $i)west was e??ecte) Kmy area o? the countryL an)
what those communities ha) to go through )uring the war. Not on"y was this a
goo) sourceQ it was c"ose to home. 3he in?ormation that this site provi)e) he"pe)
me to un)erstan) some o? the stories my ?ather an) unc"e have to") me about my
gran)?ather an) our community )uring the war.
University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"". I7ationing.I World War II on the *ome
Front- #ationing. University o? North 2aro"ina, %&14. #eb. 1; <eb. %&14.
3his is a poster showing the nee) ?or rubber an) how it was use) by the Unite)
States mi"itary. .e?ore the war, most o? our nationGs rubber came ?rom Southeast
1sia, which was occupie) by Mapan ear"y in the war. 2ivi"ians in the U.S. ha) to
ration rubber so that our so")iers wou") be ab"e to use it overseas. ! use) this site
to ?in) in?ormation an) posters showing this rationing.
University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"". I#or") #ar !! on the @ome <ront:
Wicks 23
7ationing.I &earn N! Multimedia. University o? North 2aro"ina at 2hape" @i"",
%&&D. #eb. &% $ar. %&14. 'http:((www.""p(e)itions(ww%A
3his is another U.S. poster storage site sponsore) by the University o? North
2aro"ina. 3his site provi)e) me with posters ?rom #or") #ar !! an) in?orme) me
o? the "ocation o? the origina" copies. 1"ong with the posters, the site provi)e) me
with bacCgroun) in?ormation on the home ?ront an) how the posters impacte)
U.S. civi"ian "i?e.
#eiss, "aine <. I.e?ore 7osie the 7iveter, <armerettes #ent to #orC.I
Smithsoniancom., %9 $ay %&&9. #eb. 14 $ar. %&14.
3he Unite) States #L1 was a)opte) a?ter the .ritish I<arm LassiesI in #or")
#ar !, an) a"so active in #or") #ar !!. 3hese women ?i""e) in ?or any Eobs
nee)e) on the ?arm an) were an important in?"uence on increasing pro)uction
rates. 3he Smithsonian !nstitute supports this site an) ! use) it ?or in?ormation on
the #omenGs Lan) 1rmy an) what it accomp"ishe).
#e""s, Mor)an. I#ar 3ime 7ationing -uring ##!!.I Four%inds:0com.
<ourwin)s1&.com, %&14. #eb. 14 <eb. %&14.
-uring #or") #ar !!, "u+uries an) necessities both became very scarce when
everything was ratione). 3his source gave in?ormation on ratione) items such as
Wicks 24
rubber, ?oo)stu??s, an) much more. 3his source provi)e) me with in?ormation on
ration booC"ets an) how they were use). ! actua""y ?oun) some ration booC"ets in
my gran)maGs house that ! put on my website as we"".
#icCs, Noah. Farming for Freedom. #omenPs Lan) 1rmy #orCers. 1944. State of
Place. #eb. $ar. %&14. 'http:((www.stateo?p"
3his is a song sung by women in the #omenPs Lan) 1rmy as they were worCing
in the ?ie")s. ! ?oun) it on"ine an) in a booC, but there were no Cnown recor)ings
o? it. $y brother is a better singer than me, so ! asCe) him i? he wou") sing it ?or
me. @e eventua""y agree) an) his recor)ing is ?oun) on my website.
#icCs, 3erry. I#hat #as Bran)pa 1mosPs Story,I Persona" interview. $ar. %&14.
1mos #icCs was my gran)?ather an) he to") stories to his chi")ren about what it
was "iCe )uring #or") #ar !!. @e ha) rea""y wante) to go ?ight, but wasnPt
a""owe) to because he was nee)e) at home. Since Bran)pa isnPt aroun) to te"" me
those same stories, ! asCe) my )a) instea).
#iCipe)ia. IUnite) States @ome <ront -uring #or") #ar !!.I Wi4i"edia. #iCime)ia
<oun)ation, ; $ar. %&14. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
3his site a""owe) me to con?irm much o? the other in?ormation ! ha) a"rea)y
)iscovere). 3his provi)e) me with in?ormation on ?arming an) what the youth )i)
to he"p )uring #or") #ar !!.
#oo)war), $y"in)a. IPo) SOua).I UN* Maga;ine Fall ):< Issue. University o? New
Wicks 25
@ampshire $agaRine, 199:. #eb. 1; $ar. %&14.
-uring #or") #ar !!, many chi")ren wante) to contribute to the war e??ort "iCe
everyone e"se was. 3his )esire he"pe) to create competitions ?or mi"Cwee) po)
co""ection. ! use) this resource to "earn about what chi")ren )i), an) as a source
?or a picture ?rom University o? New @ampshire 1rchives.

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