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auerns of lnherlLance

l. Mendels Laws
l. Mendel and hls pea planL observauons
ll. Law of segregauon and lnherlLance of a slngle LralL
lll. Law of lndependenL assorLmenL and lnherlLance of
muluple LralLs.
ll. varlauons on Mendels Laws
l. WP? and PCW lnherlLance of mosL LralLs do nC1 follow
Mendels Laws
lll. 1he Chromosomal 8asls of lnherlLance
l. Where are genes locaLed and whaL does melosls have Lo
do wlLh lL?
lv. Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Llnked Cenes
l. Why do sex-chromosome-llnked dlsorders aecL mosLly
Melosls vs. MlLosls
Pomologous chromosomes carry dlerenL
verslons of Lhe same genes
Crosslng over makes chlmerlc
Why uC chlldren resemble Lhelr parenLs?
Larly ldeas for how LralLs are lnherlLed
cenLury 8lendlng hypoLhesls
uoes 8lendlng hypoLhesls apply Lo blology?
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Cregor Mendel, monk, geneuclsL.
Cregor Mendel
and hls pea
WhaL dld Mendel C8SL8vL?
lrom Lhese C8SL8vA1lCnS came four
1. There are different forms of GENES that account
for different inherited characteristics.
2. For each characteristic, an organism inherits 2
ALLELES, one from each parent.
3. If the two alleles are different, the one that
determines appearance is the DOMINANT ALLELE, the
other is the RECESSIVE ALLELE.
4. A sperm or an egg cell carries only one form of the
allele because the pair of alleles gets split up during
meiosis. This is the LAW OF SEGREGATION.
WhaL do Lhese P?C1PLSLS mean?
Where are genes found?
MuLauons are Lhe ulumaLe source of allellc
varlauon and aecL proLeln funcuon
1esL ?our knowledge
WlLh your nelghbor, compleLe Lhe followlng
unneL Square:
Mother: Ww - neterozygous for
w|dows peak ha|r||ne
Iather: ww- nomozygous for
stra|ght ha|r||ne
Muluple characLerlsucs ln pea seeds
How did Mendel determine what offspring peas would look like (phenotype)
when he crossed peas with MULTIPLE characteristics?!
Mendels Law of lndependenL AssorLmenL
Lach palr of alleles SLC8LCA1LS
lndependenLly of C1PL8 palrs of alleles.
! ln oLher words: 1he dlerenL verslons of each
gene on homologous chromosomes wlll assorL
lndependenLly of oLher genes.
! Convlnce yourself by drawlng a chromosome
wlLh 2 dlerenL genes and Lake Lhem Lhrough
melosls express.
1esL your undersLandlng
Mothers genotype: Aa8b
Iathers genotype: AAbb
Pow Lo use a LesLcross Lo deLermlne an
unknown genoLype
Mendels Laws are Coverned by
robablllLy (chance)
Pow do we know lf dlseases we have ln our famllles wlll be
passed down Lo our chlldren? edlgrees.
1esL your undersLandlng
D|scuss w|th your ne|ghbor:
1he ma|e ch||d |n th|s fam||y ped|gree |s aected w|th a genenc
If the genotype of the d|seased son |s vv, what |s the genotype of h|s
What CCULD the genotype of h|s s|b||ngs be?
Many geneuc dlsorders are conLrolled by a
slngle gene
Achondroplasia- caused by a dominant allele for
Cystic Fibrosis- caused by a recessive
allele carried by BOTH parents.
A Pelpful lllusLrauon
dlsorders ln
AuLosomal domlnanL dlsorders ln
lnherlLance of x-llnked recesslve
lnherlLance of an x-llnked domlnanL
?-llnked lnherlLance
1he blg 8u1: non-Mendellan Ceneucs
Many LralLs are nC1 lnherlLed ln a SlMLL
MLnuLLlAn fashlon.
Skln color
8lood Lype
Many, many, many oLher LralLs.
non-Mendellan lnherlLance: Case 1
What kind of dominance might we call
Why ls pea colorauon dlerenL Lhan
carnauon colorauon?
ulerenL seLs of genes conLrol Lhe colors of
Lhese Lwo specles of owers.
non-Mendellan lnherlLance Case #2:
WhaL klnd of domlnance ls Lhls where we see 8C1P LralLs?
WhaL does Lhe blood LesL acLually look
non-Mendellan lnherlLance Case #3: Cne gene can
aecL many characLerlsucs
Slckle Cells and normal Cells
non-Mendellan lnherlLance Case #4: one LralL
conLrolled by many genes
non-Mendellan lnherlLance 8evlewed!
1he envlronmenL can also aecL physlcal
1anorex|a and |ts consequences.
Cther s|de eects of anabo||c stero|ds
|nc|ude acne, reduced tesnc|e s|ze.
WhaL do Mendels Laws have Lo do wlLh
Some genes are so
close LogeLher LhaL Lhey
Lend Lo be lnherlLed
We call these LINKED
C8CSSlnC CvL8 creaLes new comblnauons
of alleles ln gameLes
Chromosomes deLermlne sex ln many specles,
lncludlng our own
Some genes are llnked Lo sex
These genes are called SEX-LINKED genes.
Sex-llnked LralLs show unusual lnherlLance
Sex-llnked dlsorders aecL mosLly males.
nemoph|||a |n the kuss|an roya| fam||y. 1he mora| of
the story: DCN1 MAkk CUk IIkS1 CCUSIN.
If you cant read th|s, Im
sorry, but you cannot y
for the a|r force.
Mendel's Law of Segregauon can be
dened by whlch of Lhe followlng
A. Alleles of dlerenL genes on dlerenL
chromosomes are lnherlLed lndependenLly.
8. Alleles of Lhe same gene are spllL up durlng
C. Melosls resulLs ln segregauon of gameLes.
u. Some genes are llnked Lo sex chromosomes.
Mendel's Law of lndependenL
AssorLmenL can be besL summarlzed
by whlch sLaLemenL?
A. Alleles of dlerenL genes on dlerenL
chromosomes are lnherlLed lndependenLly.
8. Alleles of Lhe same gene are spllL up durlng
C. Melosls resulLs ln segregauon of gameLes.
u. Some genes are llnked Lo sex chromosomes.
1he facL LhaL human helghL can be
aurlbuLed Lo Lhe lnherlLance of
muluple alleles ls an example of
A. 1he law of segregauon
8. 1he law of lndependenL assorLmenL
C. olygenlc lnherlLance
u. leloLropy
Ceneuc llnkage ls mosL llkely Lo resulL ln

A. Cenes noL belng sorLed lndependenLly.
8. Alleles of a gene noL belng segregaLed.
C. Crosslng over.
u. Sex-llnked dlsorders.
Sex-llnked dlsorders
dlsproporuonaLely aecL male
osprlng because
A. A muLauon on a female chlld's x chromosome
may be compensaLed for by Lhe oLher x
8. A muLauon on Lhe ? chromosome ls always
passed from faLher Lo son.
C. A male chlld needs only Lo lnherlL one bad x-
llnked allele Lo lnherlL Lhe dlsorder.
u. All of Lhe above are Lrue.
L. none of Lhe above are Lrue.
Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a source
of geneuc varlauon?
A. Crosslng over durlng melosls.
8. lndependenL assorLmenL of genes.
C. 8andom allgnmenL of dupllcaLed
homologous chromosomes before Lhe rsL
melouc dlvlslon.
u. Ceneuc LesLcross.

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