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Conversation 1

Ivan: whats that?

Ruben: Its a wallet I found it on the street
Ivan: Look and ID!
Ruben: Leave it there, dont touch it
Ivan: if I were you, I would look for a telephone number or an address
Ruben: why?
Ivan: if you had a phone number or an address, you could give the wallet back!
Ruben: Would you give it back if you knew who the owner was?
Ivan: Yes, I would do it!
Ruben: All right Lets see if it has an address or any useful information
Ivan: Its good to know that there are honest people around us!

Conversation 2:

Pam: hey girl whats going on?
Kris: Im so sad! I had a problem and I wrote a letter to talk 2 me
Pam: I wouldnt write to them unless I were really desperate!
Kris: hey, I know youre in a hurry but would you listen to my problem?
Pam: Sure! Tell me I would listen to you even if I had a thousand things to do! Im your friend!
Kris; Thank you! Well, I wanted to buy that new car I saw last week, so I asked my dad to give me
the money but he refused to help me and I got really upset
Pam: buying a car is not so simple! I wouldnt buy a car unless I had the money
Kris: I know. Thats why I asked my dad for help!
Pam: I think your dad might help you pay for it. But first, couldnt you save some money yourself,
even if you had to do without other things for a while?
Conversation 3:
Monica: George, what are you doing?
George: Im playing wii
Monica: have you done your homework yet?
George: yes, I have. In fact, I surfed the web to research about dinosaurs
Monica: so that means you have already learned everything there is to know about them?
George: Well, I havent found out everything about them yet but I will dinosaurs are incredible!
Monica: And how about your math, have you started that yet?
George: Maths easy! I have already finished
Monica: Thats good because mom will be home soon
George: dont worry about me how about you? Have you washed the dishes yet?
Monica: No, I havent but I have already cooked dinner. Were having rice and meat balls
George: Good!

Conversation 4:
Charles: hey guys have you ever driven your fathers car?
Julius: No, Ive never had that chance but Ive wanted for ages
Robert: really? My dad lets me drive his truck. I have even driven it to Mexico City, but I havent
been able to use it for the last couple of months
Charles: Oh well, maybe next month!
Robert: right so Julius, why havent you ever driven your dads car?
Julius: Well, you know our neighborhood has had a lot of traffic since they built the new high
school. My mother always says its dangerous to drive
Charles: but havent you ever wanted to drive?
Julius: Of course, especially since my birthday. Now that Im old enough to get a license, Ive asked
my father to teach me. Were taking his car on Sunday for my first lesson
Charles: Hey, good for you!

Project: Our wedding For the wedding of Ruth and Paul
have done the following:

1st place They already have what would your menu, chose something very delicious but not so
typical, and perhaps somewhat expensive They have not yet bought the wedding
dress, And who could not go find some for lack of time, floral arrangements are
ready, and they will be tested as at this stage them as they planned their
honeymoon, which will be in Playa del Carmen, they already hired the band
to appear at that important to them date, there is a small problem and they
still have not sent invitations, and indeed even lack payable religious ceremony

En 1er lugar Ellos ya tienen cual sera su men, eligieron algo muy delicioso pero no tan tpico, y
quizs algo caro ellos, an no han comprado el vestido de novia, ya que no han podido ir a buscar
alguno por falta de tiempo, los arreglos florales estn listos, ellos ya comprobaron como sern
A estas alturas ellos, ya planearon su luna de miel, que ser en Playa del Carmen, ellos ya
contrataron al grupo musical que se presentara en esa fecha tan importante para ellos, hay un
pequeo problema y es que ellos aun no han enviado las invitaciones, y a decir verdad aun les
falta por pagar la ceremonia religiosa.

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