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Setting DNS Server dengan BIND di Redhat 9

Dikutip oleh Wido Aji Wibowo pada 19:51 . 20 Februari 2009

Label: Tutorial
BIND Configuration
This chapter assues that !ou ha"e a basic u#dersta#di#$ o% &'(D a#d D()* it does #ot
attept to e+plai# the co#cepts o% &'(D a#d D(). This chapter does e+plai# how to use
the Bind Configuration Tool ,redhat-config-bind- to co#%i$ure basic &'(D ser"er
.o#es. The Bind Configuration Tool creates the /etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile
a#d the .o#e co#%i$uratio# %iles i# the /var/named director! each tie !ou appl! !our

Do #ot edit the /etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile. Bind Configuration Tool
$e#erates this %ile a%ter !ou appl! !our cha#$es. '% !ou wa#t to co#%i$ure setti#$s
that are #ot co#%i$urable usi#$ Bind Configuration Tool/ add the to
The Bind Configuration Tool re0uires the 1 Wi#dow )!ste a#d root access. To start
the Bind Configuration Tool/ $o to the Main Menu Button ,o# the 2a#el- 34 System
Settings 34 Server Settings 34 Domain Name Service or t!pe the coa#d redhat-
config-bind at a shell propt ,%or e+aple/ i# a# 1Ter or 5(6789teri#al-.
Figure !"!# Bind Configuration Tool
The Bind Configuration Tool co#%i$ures the de%ault .o#e director! to be /var/named.
All .o#e %iles speci%ied are relati"e to this director!. The Bind Configuration Tool also
i#cludes basic s!#ta+ checki#$ whe# "alues are e#tered. For e+aple/ i% a "alid e#tr! is
a# '2 address/ !ou are o#l! allowed to t!pe #ubers a#d periods ,.- i#to the te+t area.
The Bind Configuration Tool allows !ou to add a %orward aster .o#e/ a re"erse aster
.o#e/ a#d a sla"e .o#e. A%ter addi#$ the .o#es/ !ou ca# edit or delete the %ro the ai#
wi#dow as show# i# Fi$ure 2191.
A%ter addi#$/ editi#$/ or deleti#$ a .o#e/ !ou ust choose click the Save butto# or select
File 34 Save to write the /etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile a#d all the i#di"idual .o#e
%iles i# the /var/named director!. )a"i#$ cha#$es also causes the named ser"ice to reload
the co#%i$uratio# %iles. )electi#$ File 34 $uit sa"es the cha#$es be%ore 0uitti#$ the
!#!# %dding a For&ard Master 'one
To add a %orward aster .o#e ,also k#ow# as a priar! aster-/ click the Ne& butto#/
select For&ard Master 'one/ a#d e#ter the doai# #ae %or the aster .o#e i# the
Domain name te+t area.
A #ew wi#dow as show# i# Fi$ure 2192 will appear with the %ollowi#$ optio#s:
Name : Doai# #ae that was just e#tered i# the pre"ious wi#dow.
File Name : File #ae o% the D() database %ile/ relati"e to /var/named. 't is
preset to the doai# #ae with .zone appe#ded to it.
Contact : 8ail address o% the ai# co#tact %or the aster .o#e.
(rimary Nameserver )S*%+ : )tate o% authorit! ,)6A- record. This speci%ies
the #aeser"er that is the best resource o% i#%oratio# %or this doai#.
Serial Num,er : The serial #uber o% the D() database %ile. This #uber ust
be i#cree#ted each tie the %ile is cha#$ed/ so that the sla"e #aeser"ers %or the
.o#e will retrie"e the latest data. The Bind Configuration Tool i#cree#ts this
#uber each tie the co#%i$uratio# cha#$es. 't ca# also be i#cree#ted a#uall!
b! clicki#$ the Set butto# #e+t to the Serial Num,er "alue.
Time Settings : The Refresh/ Retry/ -.pire/ a#d Minimum TTL ,Tie to
Li"e- "alues that are stored i# the D() database %ile. All "alues are i# seco#ds.
Records : Add/ edit/ a#d delete record resources o% t!pe /ost/ %lias/ a#d Name
Figure !"# %dding a For&ard Master 'one
A (rimary Nameserver )S*%+ ust be speci%ied/ a#d at least o#e #aeser"er record
ust be speci%ied b! clicki#$ the %dd butto# i# the Records sectio#.
A%ter co#%i$uri#$ the Forward 7aster ;o#e/ click *0 to retur# to the ai# wi#dow as
show# i# Fi$ure 2191. Fro the pulldow# e#u/ click Save to write the
/etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile/ write all the i#di"idual .o#e %iles i# the
/var/named director!/ a#d ha"e the daeo# reload the co#%i$uratio# %iles.
The co#%i$uratio# creates a# e#tr! siilar to the %ollowi#$ i# /etc/named.conf:
zone "" {
type master;
file "";
't also creates the %ile /var/named/ with the %ollowi#$
!!" #$%&&
' () *+, root.localhost -
. ; serial
.##&& ; refresh
/.&& ; retry
$&%#&& ; expire
#$%&& ; ttl

() )* 12..1$#.1.1.
!## %dding a Reverse Master 'one
To add a re"erse aster .o#e/ click the Ne& butto# a#d select Reverse Master 'one.
8#ter the %irst three octets o% the '2 address ra#$e that !ou wa#t to co#%i$ure. For
e+aple/ i% !ou are co#%i$uri#$ the '2 address ra#$e 192.1<=.10.0> e#ter
192.1<=.10 i# the I( %ddress )first 1 *ctets+ te+t area.
A #ew wi#dow will appear/ as show# i# Fi$ure 219?/ with the %ollowi#$ optio#s:
1. I( %ddress : The %irst three octets that !ou just e#tered i# the pre"ious wi#dow.
2. Reverse I( %ddress : (o#9editable. 2re9populated based o# the '2 Address
?. Contact :8ail address o% the ai# co#tact %or the aster .o#e.
@. File Name : File #ae o% D() database %ile i# the /var/named director!.
5. (rimary Nameserver )S*%+ : )tate o% authorit! ,)6A- record. This speci%ies
the #aeser"er that is the best resource o% i#%oratio# %or this doai#.
<. Serial Num,er : The serial #uber o% the D() database %ile. This #uber ust
be i#cree#ted each tie the %ile is cha#$ed/ so that the sla"e #aeser"ers %or the
.o#e will retrie"e the latest data. The Bind Configuration Tool i#cree#ts this
#uber each tie the co#%i$uratio# cha#$es. 't ca# also be i#cree#ted a#uall!
b! clicki#$ the Set butto# #e+t to the Serial Num,er "alue.
A. Time Settings : The Refresh/ Retry/ -.pire/ a#d Minimum TTL ,Tie to
Li"e- "alues that are stored i# the D() database %ile.
=. Nameservers : Add/ edit/ a#d delete #ae ser"ers %or the re"erse aster .o#e.
At least o#e #aeser"er is re0uired.
9. Reverse %ddress Ta,le : List o% '2 addresses withi# the re"erse aster .o#e
a#d their host#aes. For e+aple/ %or the re"erse aster .o#e 192.1<=.10/ !ou
ca# add 192.1<=.10.1 i# the Reverse %ddress Ta,le with the host#ae The host#ae ust e#d with a period ,.- to speci%! that it is a
%ull host#ae.
Figure !"1# %dding a Reverse Master 'one
A (rimary Nameserver )S*%+ ust be speci%ied/ a#d at least o#e #aeser"er record
ust be speci%ied b! clicki#$ the %dd butto# i# the Nameservers sectio#.
A%ter co#%i$uri#$ the Be"erse 7aster ;o#e/ click *0 to retur# to the ai# wi#dow as
show# i# Fi$ure 2191. Fro the pulldow# e#u/ click Save to write the
/etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile/ write all the i#di"idual .o#e %iles i# the
/var/named director!/ a#d ha"e the daeo# reload the co#%i$uratio# %iles.
The co#%i$uratio# creates a# e#tr! siilar to the %ollowi#$ i# /etc/named.conf:
zone "1&.1$" {
type master;
file "1&.1$";
't also creates the %ile /var/named/1&.1$ with the %ollowi#$
!!" #$%&&
' () *+, root.localhost -
. ; serial
.##&& ; refresh
/.&& ; retry
$&%#&& ; expire
#$%&& ; tt3

' () )*
1 () 4!5
. () 4!5
!#1# %dding a Slave 'one
To add a sla"e .o#e ,also k#ow# as a seco#dar! aster-/ click the Ne& butto# a#d select
Slave 'one. 8#ter the doai# #ae %or the sla"e .o#e i# the Domain name te+t area.
A #ew wi#dow will appear/ as show# i# Fi$ure 219@/ with the %ollowi#$ optio#s:
Name : The doai# #ae that was e#tered i# the pre"ious wi#dow.
Masters 2ist : The #aeser"ers %ro which the sla"e .o#e retrie"es its data.
8ach "alue ust be a "alid '2 address. Cou ca# o#l! e#ter #ubers a#d periods
,.- i# the te+t area.
File Name : File #ae o% the D() database %ile i# /var/named.
Figure !"3# %dding a Slave 'one
A%ter co#%i$uri#$ the sla"e .o#e/ click *0 to retur# to the ai# wi#dow as show# i#
Fi$ure 2191. Dlick Save to write the /etc/named.conf co#%i$uratio# %ile a#d ha"e the
daeo# reload the co#%i$uratio# %iles.
The co#%i$uratio# creates a# e#tr! siilar to the %ollowi#$ i# /etc/named.conf:
zone "" {
type slave;
file "";
masters {
The co#%i$uratio# %ile /var/named/ is created b! the named
ser"ice whe# it dow#loads the .o#e data %ro the aster ser"er,s-.
suber http:>>>docs>a#uals>li#u+>BEL9997a#ual>custo9$uide>ch9
Bead ore: http:>>ha#!a9kutipa#.blo$>2009>02>i#stalasi9d#s9ser"er9de#$a#9bi#d9

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