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Dear Participants,

On behalf of BIK & Associates in Singapore, we are pleased to join

hands with AMA Indonesia to present this event to you. First of all,
let me extend a warm welcome to you.

This is your personal workbook. It is for you to make full use of
during and after this highly interactive course of Creating Sales

As with all kinds of learning, this workshop requires comprehension,
understanding, application and reflection to obtain maximum

It is highly recommended that you make full use of it to write notes
as your resource for future consumption. Much of the information
will emerge during interactions with your fellow participants and
the facilitator and hence the greater gain in learning.

During the course, you will be asked to:

Be open minded to the concepts and ideas
Consider new points about the concepts
Try new ways and methodologies
Learn from the experience of others
Share your experience with others
Participate and be involved
Have fun

And in return, we will ensure a highly entertaining and intellectual
journey towards learning about yourself and getting tips to Create
Sales MAGIC.

International Speaker/Master Trainer
BIK & Associates

Your customers dont care how much you know.
Until they know how much you care.
Gerhard Gshwandtner

Everyone sells. You may or may not be in the profession of selling, but you sell.
You sell your services and skills to the company in which you are employed in,
you sell ideas and visions as bosses or managers, you sell your charm and
personalities to your loved ones, you sell.

The result of your selling can be MAGICAL. It can also be a dread and tiring. It
all depends on your attitude and how you do what you do.

This workshop is a part of the Creating Sales MAGIC program, which spans 3
days in its original form. If you have not signed up for the other 2 seminars
namely, Power Influencing with NLP and Objections Handling & Power Closing, I
strongly urge you to do so. This is so that you can benefit from more of the
techniques from the original program to waive more MAGIC, more MAGICALLY.
In this workshop, you will:

Gain insights into the 3 ways people buy

Negotiate better deals

Develop long-term relationship with your customers

Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Rapport Strategies

Understand how people receive information and their thought

Confirm sales with lesser resistance

Gain Motivation

With that, I wish you success in your sales and marketing career.

To fully appreciate selling and the process with techniques that are concerned
with human beings, the following definition must apply:

People buy; organizations dont.
People sign a contract or place an order;
organizations dont.

The following is compiled from hundreds of interview with customers from every
size and type of organization. Whether you sell products or services, this
definition is a great place to start, and it can be use by everyone.

From the customers point of view, a professional salesperson:

Take the time to understand what I want and need.
Take the time to understand what my company wants and needs.
Show me how their products or services can help me succeed or solve
Sell me a product or service and begin a trust-oriented relationship.
Provide on-going service to help support my continuous success.

In addition to these foundations, you will experience and learn techniques from
various fields including Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Selling Techniques and
other Psychological Tools that will help facilitate and strengthen your selling


The following is reflective of profiles of consistent and successful
salesperson. The 4 Keys are:

1. Positive attitude
2. Extraordinary work ethic & personal traits
3. Excellent selling skills
4. 360 product/servant knowledge


The entire sales cycle is aligned to one another. This means that when one part
of the cycle is not executed properly, the other parts are affected. For example, if
needs are not uncovered or when presentation does not lead in needs to
benefits, more objections will arise resulting difficulty in closing. Similarly, if
rapport and trust are not established, more objections will emerge.

Positive image is a combination of many things. These can include:

How you Communicate

What kind of impressions are you giving with your dressing and grooming? Are
you happy with the way your color coordinates? Are you happy with your hair?
Are you happy with your own package?

All the above relates to grooming. What about the way you communicate?

From the onset and in every stages of the sales cycle, you communicate. Even
when you are not talking, you communicate. I will stressed on the 2 most
important aspects: Eye contact and Handshake.

Eye Contact

There are 3 kinds of eye contact, and all of them communicate about you before
you started talking.


Shaking hands is the most common form of touch in Asia. The different types of
handshakes include:

Cold Fish or Normal
Testing Handshake


Neuro-Linguistic Programming commonly known as NLP, is a field of psychology
that examines the different ways that people think and communicate with one
another. It is the result of a research done at the University of California at Santa
Cruz by Professor Dr. John Grinder and Dr. Richard Bandler.

Primarily, they found that successful therapists are very good at gaining trust of
their clients. Trust motivates and their definition is:

We all have different ideas of reality
ways in which we perceive the world
and we can really trust people who look at the world the way we do

Let me put into perspective what NLP really means to help you understand it
better. To do this, we break up the 3 words:

Neuro Refers to the brain and how different people make use of the
different senses to understand the world around them,
conscious or subconscious.

Linguistic Refers to the way you use language to influence and
communicate with others. Your language pattern is a
reflection of who you are and what you think.

Programming A program refers to a series of steps taken to achieve the
outcome or result. Our results are our programming.

NLP structures and classifies people into 3 representational systems or Mental

Applying NLP techniques in sales will give you these benefits:

Discover more about people and their thinking patterns within a short time.

Establish rapport and build Trust with anyone.

Read people more accurately and develop strategies to deal with people.

Effect persuasiveness and influence for a more positive outcome.

Close sales with lesser resistance.

Develop and Build Relationship with ease.

This is a crucial part in selling and a crucial part in relationship building. When
you master this, you will be able to boost your rapport with any person you come
into contact with and you are going to be compelling and very influential in
accomplishing task, carrying out goals and achieving your desired outcomes.

In order to establish trust, rapport must be established. Once a person feels the
rapport between you, he or she is likely to trust you.

Rapport is the bridge that helps your delivery
of information to the other person
in a meaningful and intended way

To establish rapport, be mindful of this NLP principle:

People like people who are like themselves.

This explains why resistance to you will be reduced, because rejecting you is like
rejecting themselves. In order to be like someone, you got to know the persons
thinking pattern, so that you can adjust accordingly and be like them. NLP is an
excellent and yet simple way to make someone feel comfortable and warm with

There are 4 steps to establish rapport, using NLP:


This process involves recognizing Thinking Patterns through the persons use
of Words, Eye Movements and other characteristics.


Matching is a process where you use the same set of words and follow the
thinking patterns of your customers.


Mirroring simply refers to copying and form of mirror image on the external.

Pacing and Leading

Pacing refers to the matching of emotion and leading refers to a change in state.

Because a persons mind and how it works to make sense of the environment is
primarily through the 5 senses, our thinking pattern is related to how we use our
5 senses. NLP classifies thinking patterns into the following:


For this workshop, we will concentrate only on 3 of the above, Visual, Auditory
and Kinesthetic. Because of the way we think, we use words differently.

Visuals tend to use words like:

Can you show me?
I see what you mean
Can you picture that
That looks great
Imagine what would happen if

Auditory people tend to use words like:

Sounds good to me
Many people say that...
Tell me how I can use this product
Does this ring a bell to you?
May I ask about...?

Kinesthetic people will use words like:

Heres how I feel about what you just demonstrated
How does that grab you?
The idea rubs me the wrong way
I can handle that
I think this product can affect me tremendously


Besides observing and listening to the words people use, in order to determine
their thinking patterns, NLP provides a trail of characteristics that we can
observe. The main thing here is to heighten our senses and be more aware of
little signals that the person in front of you projects, knowingly or unknowingly,
conscious or subconscious.

Eye Accessing Cues

When people think, their eyes move. In NLP, we observed this and we called it
Eye Accessing Cues. A persons eye movement gives away their thinking
patterns and gives us a gauge as to what they are thinking.



You have understood how Visuals process information and the way in
which they prefer the delivery of information and communication style.
When selling to Visuals, you should be using Visual words as well as
mirror, match and pace their characteristics. Seems difficult? Let us start
with one predicate or characteristic at a time. When you have mastered
the use of word predicates, proceed to breathing and so forth.

In the process of presentation, constantly check to see if your prospect is
with you. Signals can include their eye movements or by observing their
pupil dilation. Pupil dilation can be described as glowing eyes. Physically,
the pupil of the eye will open bigger, a natural happening when a person is
interested. This is because your utilization of Visual words has enabled
your prospect to understand you quickly.

When you are communicating with your prospect in their preferred mode,
you are automatically building rapport because you are indirectly telling
them that you understand them. People like to be understood because
this demonstrated your genuine interest in them. After all, what is the point
of dressing to kill and combing or brushing, gelling, and spraying our hair
the way we painstakingly do if we do not want to be attractive?

Visuals can see what you have told them. Sounds funny? That is how it
works. A typical sentence from a Visual would be, I can see what you
mean. In your sales kit, always bring along brochures and graphs, charts
and pictures so that you can show it to the Visuals. This is also one
reason why Top Insurance Sales people carry with them blank papers to
draw pictures and write figures when presenting their financial plan.

When talking to Visuals, use your hands to draw pictures in the air. Move
your hands to their right when painting a picture of their future and what
your product can do to improve their lives. Remember that Visuals
construct images on their right. You should also note that they have to be
right-handed or it works the other way round.

Once again, for easy reference, the following are the pointers:

Bring brochures and pictures in your sales kit
Use your hands
Maximize the effect of facial expression
Maintain eye contact


During your presentation, constantly check with Auditory people with
questions like, How does this sound to you? or Does this ring a bell?
Not only are you able to check that they are following and understood your
presentation, you are communicating in auditory word predicates. This in
itself establishes rapport and they will be more open and comfortable with

When presenting, remember to highlight the auditory qualities of your
product or services. When selling a house for real estate agents, stress
the peace and quiet of the environment.

Auditory people are profoundly affected by what they hear. They formed
opinions and judgments from the input into their sense of hearing. Having
a good pool of words can also have a positive effect on auditory people.
Words like Angry, Annoyed and Agitated when used together have,
tremendous impact on auditory people. Your use of words enables
Auditory people to process information easily and hence, they like and
trust you instantly.

Tone down your pitch, make sure you sound good and resonate when
speaking. By resonating, I do not mean that you speak loudly or
thunderously. It means that you will speak from your diaphragm, which in
turn creates oomph in your voice. All these components when added
together, gives that impact.

Besides your words and voice intonation, music is exceptionally useful
when talking to auditory people too. Remember to playback soothing
music when meeting your prospect in your office. Bring your auditory
prospects to places that play pleasant music when discussing business
because they are very sensitive to it. Music has the ability to make one
relaxed whether or not the person is auditory, imagine the effect it can
have on auditory people.

For the Sales Professional who happened to encounter a Professional
Secretary who is so good at blocking you from speaking to the decision
maker, send a cassette tape to your prospect. Make the tape yourself.
You can introduce yourself, your product and your organization to your
prospect. Remember the AIDA technique that we have discussed? Use it!

When showing an illustration or a page of text to an Auditory, you must
also explain. Auditory people typically do not read the text entirely but
rather hear from you.

Speak at a moderate pace
Use Auditory words and expressive tone
Intonation, lower pitch and resonate
Listen attentively when they speak


Likewise, you would talk to kinesthetic people based on the same principle
as talking to a visual person or an auditory prospect. Use their language.

Throughout your conversation, check their feelings. Ask them questions
like, What do you feel about this? or How does this grab you? These
questions ask them for feelings and instantaneously, they understand you.
They would have the impression that dealing with you is easy and
comfortable. Thats it!

When presenting using a product sample or brochure, let them touch it,
feel it and caress it if they like. Let them touch something.

I have seen salespeople dealing with kinesthetic prospects and holding on
to their own sample all the time without letting their prospect touch it when
all the while, the poor prospect was dying to feel the sample. No sale,
naturally! And, this could be because the sales person is kinesthetic by
nature too. Be aware of yourself.

One particular incident occurred when I was in Jakarta during an exhibition
on handcrafted crystals. The crafting of crystal is a very intricate process
and the crystals itself are expensive. Perhaps the sales person was
concerned with breakage, he cling on to the piece of art throughout the
selling process. Meanwhile, I could see that the prospect was dying to feel
the piece of art which, incidentally was going to cost him US $32,000
dollars. It is very evident from the way the prospect was extending his
hand towards the sales person, but he was too carried away talking and
talking. A mismatch had occurred between an Auditory and a Kinesthetic.

If you are selling cars, let them feel the texture of the fabrics, the wood trim
or the leather. Make them sit in the car and feel the ambience and smell
the leather. Kinesthetic people believe in what they feel.

When talking to kinesthetic prospect, solicit emotions, be dramatic if you
have to and they will remember the feelings they have had with you.

Take note of the following points:

Use Kinesthetic word predicates
Solicit Emotions and feelings when talking
Let them feel and touch your brochure, product or sample
Make body contact (Nope, not touching anyhow but touch them at their
elbow or shoulder)


Congratulations!!! You are now equipped with the skills to effectively sell, using
the NLP way. As the tools and techniques you hold with you are very potent, it is
important that you practice with care and love.

These skills and techniques that you are now aware of are only as useful as you
use it and use it positively you MUST. This is because I have observed many
people who uses these skills to manipulate instead of influence. The difference
of which is in the intention.

Everyone of us have to dance with life and others,
you might as well learn a few new steps .

These skills and techniques are yet another miracle methodology. Miracle
provided you use it.

To provide feedback to this program, kindly write to

Dr. Billy Kueek
Principal Consultant/Trainer
BIK & Associates

Trainer Profile

Dr. Billy Kueek is a dynamic and inspirational trainer who facilitates, consults
and speaks in areas relating to Leadership Development, Communications,
Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Strategic human Resource
Development and he also empowers people to excel through Core skills. Billy is
equipped with knowledge, skills and abilities coupled with his inspirational nature
to empower individuals and to boost performance and productivity of companies
and organizations. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in
Organizational Psychology, a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA)
and a Doctorate degree in Business Administration. Currently, he is pursuing his
second doctorate.

In addition to formal credentials, Billy is a Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist
(IACT-USA), a Stress Management Consultant (CSMC) and is also certified in
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training. He is a member of the Singapore
Training And Development Association, the International Association of
Counselors & Therapists, Associate Trainer with several renowned training
institutions around the region and he runs his own consulting and training
company, BIK & Associates.

Billy is available for public speaking engagements and functions as well as in-
house training and consulting and he assures the quality of his service as he
brings with him a wealth of experience from his extensive traveling and diverse
exposures. He has trained and addressed thousands of people from more than
20 countries. His participants come from Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand,
Philippines, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Sri Lanka, India and
Bangladesh and he has also reached audiences as far as Australia, New
Zealand Italy, Germany, the French Polynesia island of Tahiti and the United
States of America.

An extremely personable character that sets him apart coupled with the ability to
engage his audiences makes him a popular choice among his audiences.

Nobody plans to fail. People fail to plan.
Winners are those who Plan their Work and Work their Plan
- Billy Kueek


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