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Correct the following ambiguous sentences:

1 - Bill told his dad that he needed to lose some weight. Bill or his dad?
"I need to lose some weight", Bill said to his dad.
Bill said to his dad: "I need to lose some weight".
Bill felt he needed to lose some weight and told his dad about it.
"You need to lose some weight", Bill said to his dad.
Bill told his dad to lose some weight.
Bill said his dad needed to lose some weight.

2- After the coach hollered at orton, he felt terrible. orton or the coach?
!he coach felt terrible after he hollered at orton.
!he coach felt terrible after hollering at orton.
After hollering at orton, the coach felt terrible.
orton felt terrible after the coach hollered at him.
orton felt terrible after being hollered at b" the coach.
After being hollered at b" the coach, orton felt terrible.
#- $hen I %ar&ed m" car ne't to the bus, I noticed that it had a flat tire. !he bus or the car?
$hen I %ar&ed ne't to the bus, I noticed (that) m" car had a flat tire.
I noticed (that) m" car had a flat tire when I %ar&ed it ne't to the bus.
I noticed (that) the bus had a flat tire when I %ar&ed ne't to it.
$hen I %ar&ed ne't to the bus, I noticed (that) it had a flat tire.
*- +e remo,ed the stone from the cloth and washed it carefull". !he stone or the cloth?
+e washed the stone carefull" after remo,ing it from the cloth.
!he stone was carefull" washed after it was remo,ed from the cloth.
+e washed the cloth carefull" after remo,ing the stone from it.
!he cloth was carefull" washed after the stone was remo,ed from it.
-- $hen I tried to remo,e the dog.s dish, it bit me. It can onl" refer to the dog, as dishes do not bite.
In m" o%inion, this sentence is not ambiguous. !he e'ercise instructs to ma&e changes when
necessary, and in this case, I don/t thin& it is. I/,e rewritten the sentence an"wa", remo,ing an"
%ossibilit" of doubt, e,en though I feel there was no reason for doubt to be had in the first %lace. I/,e
also written the im%ossible alternati,e (as if it referred to the dish), 0ust for a laugh.
!he dog bit me when I tried to remo,e its dish.
!he dish bit me when I tried to remo,e it from the dog.
1- !he candidate informed his aide that he was lea,ing on the ne't %lane. !he candidate or the aide?
"I/m lea,ing on the ne't %lane", said the candidate to his aide.
!he aide was informed that the candidate was lea,ing on the ne't %lane.
!he candidate was lea,ing on the ne't %lane, so he informed his aide about it.
2You are lea,ing on the ne't %lane", said the candidate to his aide.
!he aide was informed that he was lea,ing on the ne't %lane (b" the candidate).
!he aide was to lea,e on the ne't %lane, so the candidate informed him about it.
3- +e bought a new car with an A-4 radio, but it was in %oor condition. !he car or the radio?
+e bought a new car with an A-4 radio, which was in %oor condition.
+e bought a new car with an A-4 radio that was in %oor condition.
+e bought a new car, which, des%ite its %oor condition, had an A-4 radio.
+e bought a new car that, des%ite its %oor condition, had an A-4 radio.
5- 6ane thought that 7ath" ought to consult her doctor. 6ane/s or 7ath"/s?
"7ath" ought to consult her own doctor", thought 6ane.
6ane thought: "7ath" ought to consult her own doctor. "
"7ath" ought to consult m" doctor", thought 6ane.
6ane thought: "7ath" ought to consult m" doctor. "
8- $hen the eggs were ser,ed to the customers, they often loo&ed green. 9nce again, I thin& there is
no ambiguit", as %eo%le do not loo& green : unless the" mean green as in angr" or en,ious, but I do not
belie,e this is the case. +a,ing said that, I do not thin& eggs loo& green either, unless one is tal&ing
about that Asian delicac" called rotten green eggs or %erha%s is referring to ;r. <euss/ Green Eggs
and Ham. =e,ertheless, I belie,e it is un>uestionable that they referred to the eggs rather than the
customers. At an" rate, I/,e rewritten the sentence so as to fit either case scenario, 0ust for fun.
!he eggs often loo&ed green when the" were ser,ed to the customers.
$hen the customers were ser,ed, the eggs often loo&ed green.
!he customers often loo&ed green when the eggs were ser,ed.
$hen the eggs were ser,ed, the customers often loo&ed green.
1?- @laine had to sta" home with her little sister, because she had been naught". @laine or her little
@laine had to sta" home with her little sister, who had been naught".
@laine had to sta" home with her little sister because the latter had been naught".
Because her little sister had been naught", @laine had to sta" home with her.
@laine had been naught", so she had to sta" home with her little sister.
@laine, who had been naught", had to sta" home with her little sister.
Because @laine had been naught", she had to sta" home with her little sister.

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