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British & Commonwealth units serving in Borneo

Brunei and supporting operations 1962 - 1966

This is a list of the British forces that served during the Borneo Confrontation 1962-66. It is NOT
our intention to ignore any unit hich served. !e ish to get the facts correct and produce a
accurate list of all the units ho served.
"ue to ti#e pressures and a lac$ of staff% e can no longer update these pages. This #ay change
in the future% please &ear ith us.
'oyal Navy
'oyal *arines
+oint ,ervices -nits
Co##onealth -nits

Royal Air Force
,.uadron /.uip#ent Base
6 Can&erra B.16 6 spent three #onths at 0uantan I thin$ in 1961
flying can&erra &16%s hich e &rought fro#
cyprus./2act date coincided ith the grounding of all
hastings transports so e ent fro# Changi to
0uantan &y '() coach not a trip I ould
reco##end. The &oss at the ti#e as pro&a&ly ,.dn
3eader 4ic$ard and Cyprus &ased can&erras ere
rotated ith the ger#an &ased s.dns.
15 Can&erra 4'.9
"etach#ents at Tengah% ,ingapore during 1961
throught to early 1966. )ro# Tengah our aircraft fle
over &oth Borneo% often 7landing-aay7 at 3a&uan%
and *alaya and pro&a&ly anyhere else that they
chose to go as there eren7t #any aircraft or #issiles
around at that ti#e that could reach their altitude.
11 8ictor B *$ 1(
98 ,.dn ent to '() Tengah% )irst to 8ictor B
*$ 1(7s left '() Cottes#ore :;o#e Base<at
#idnight on the 6th of "ece#&er 1965 early +anuary
196= e #oved up to '(() Butterorth. e
continued to operate fro# there until the s.uadron
ca#e ho#e to the -0 to dis&and in the Octo&er of
that year :196=<. The s.uadron rotated its cres>
ground cres and aircraft &eteen Cottes#ore and
Butterorth during this period of ti#e.
"uring the early part of this detach#ent at '()
Tengah. 8ictor 9;6=? successsfully dropped 51 9
1@@@ l&s &o#&s in a single drop on the target range at
,ong ,ong *alaysia. This aircraft as flon &y )lt
3t Tho#pson and his cre. ,.uadron Co##ander
during this period of ti#e as !ing Co##ander
+ohn *athes. Than$s to "avid ;aylett for this
16 Can&erra B:I< ?
"etached fro# '() 3aar&ruch to 0uantan around
)e&ruary to *ay 1961. CO as !ing Co##ander
2@ ;unter )A( 9
Tengah% detach#ent to Chieng *ai% 0uching and
26 Bristol Belvedere 0uching 1961>66.
2? ;unter A(9
&ased 0ai Ta$ :;ong 0ong< detach#ents
Can&erra B2% B11
fro# +uly 1961.
Based at ($rotiri% Cyprus. "etach#ents at Tengah
and 0uantan
55 Bloodhound *$2
Based at '(() Butterorth. Co##anding Officer
,.n 3dr ;an$ Costain. *y tour co##enced ith an
attach#ent to 61 ,.n ,eletar fro# +anuary 1961 to
(pril 61. I then Boined #y ,.uadron at Butterorth
serving there until #y repatriation on 12th +uly 1966.
Than$s to +ohn Thorne for this entry.
5= Blac$&urn Beverley Based at ,eletar% detach#ents &ased at 3a&uan
5= Beverley Based ,eletar% detach#ent at 3a&uan
Can&erra B2% B11
fro# ,epte#&er
Tengah% "etach#ents at 3a&uan% 0uching% 0uantan
and 0ai Ta$.
Blac$&urn Beverly
C1% ;andley 4age
;astings C1 C C2
12 "a$ota>8aletta
Butterorth. 8oice flight at 4enang until 1961% then
hole s.uadron at Butterorth% later #oved to
3a&uan.. 8aletta detach#ent at 3a&uan. CO
,.uadron 3eader Aeoff *oss.
11 8ictor B1(
This ,.uadron as e.uipped ith 8ictor B1(
&o#&ers and as detached fro# -0 to Tengah on a
rotating syste# ith 16 ,.uadron. /ach detach#ent
as scheduled for 2 #onths &ut &ecause of the
escalation of hostilities :the landing of paratroops in
+ohore and their su&se.uent infiltration to ,ingapore%
the detach#ent of su##er 196= as e2tended to =
and a half #onths. *any Than$s to Aerry 3a for
this entry.
16 8ictor B1(
,ee (&ove. (n (ir )orce Cross as aarded to a 16
,.uadron pilot for supre#e air#anship hen his
aircraft suffered severe engine &lo-up.
6@ +avelin )(!9
Tengah% "etach#ents at Butterorth% 0uching%
3a&uan and 0ai Ta$.
6= +avelin )(!9'
Bin&roo$% detach#ents at Tengah. ,.uadron #oved
to Tengah in (pril 1961% detach#ents at Butterorth%
0uching and 3a&uan.
61 Bloodhound &ased ,eletar% detach#ent at 0uching
66 Bristol Belvedere
,eletar% "etach#ents at 0uching% Brunei% 3a&uan and
*y father as an electronic technician ith 66% he
served in Borneo :under ,.d 3eader (ustin<. ;e
helped repair the radio on D Bristol 192 Belevedere
helicopters - or$ing in and around ,araa$ - ;earts
and *inds operation &eteen 196=-1961.
;e then #oved to ,eletar ith the 66 s.n under ,.n
leader Aray - he or$ed in ,ingapore fro# 1961-
1966 - ith fre.uent tours &ac$ to Borneo.
Than$s to *r Chidgey7s daughterD ,andra :Chidgey<
(rthur for this entry.
?1 Can&erra 4'6 Tengah% "etach#ent at 3a&uan
1@5 !hirlind ;C1@
'efor#ed at ,eletar and detach#ents sent to
0uching% 3a&uan and 0ai Ta$.
11@ :;ydera&ad<
,yca#ore ;' 1=s
and !hirlind
;('1@ :fro# 6>65<
Based at 3a&uan% #oved to 0uching in 1961. =
choppers. "etach#ents &ased at 3a&uan *ay 1961-E%
,i&u and Nanga Aaat 1961-66.
'() ,i#anggang
detach#ent% 1@5>11@
I as detactched )ro# '() 0uching to '()
,i#anggang (pr-(ug 1966. '() ground cre
#aintaining = '() hirlind helicopters ith
aircre fro# 1@5>11@ ,.n detatched fro# '()
'() detatch#ent had &een at ,i#angang for so#e
ti#e &efore I Boined it. "etach#ent closed hen
confrontation finished
2@= ,hac$leton *'2
'() Bally$elly supplied a detach#ent of ,hac$leton
#$ 11 and ground cre to '() Changi C 3a&uan% 5
#onth rotation for ground cre. I as there in 1966.
2@1 ,hac$leton *'2
Changi% "etach#ent at ,eletar.
2@1 ,.uadron #aintained a detach#ent at 3a&uan
fro# 1965 to at least 1966 for the prosecution of
various Confrontation Ops% including anti-infiltration
and deep penetrations of Indonesian airspace. This
as in parallel to the 7;a$#oth7 ops that ere
#ounted fro# Changi and occasionally fro# '(()
Butterorth% designed to interdict Indonesian )4Bs
that ere raiding across the *alacca ,traits.
In addition 2@1 #ounted a short detach#ent to
'(() "arin in 196= hen e ere roled in our
#ediu# level &o#&ing configuration ith 11 1%@@@l&
&o#&s. The targets ere not revealed% &ut ere
pro&a&ly in +avaD it as not a co#forting thoughtF
Than$s to 4hil Burton for this entry.
2@1 ,hac$leton *'5
Operating out of 3a&uan for the first 5 #onths of
1966% e had flon - 2@6 ,.dn. 0inloss% there in the
+anuary C returned *ar 766 - leaving our (>C to &e
used &y another set of cres.
4ioneer CC1 C
Tin 4ioneer CC1
C CC2s
,eletar% "etach#ents at 3a&uan% 0uching% ,i&u and
Bayan 3epas. B )light 2@9 s.uadron had a single
4ioneer &ased at ,i&uy ith a single pilot and 2
groundcre hich rotated fornightly. (t the end of
the confrontation% 2@9 #ounted a three pioneer
for#ation &ac$ to ,eletar fro# 3a&uan hich fle
passed ,i&u% overnighting in 0uching and
acco#panied &y a ,hac$leton fro# Changi for the
sea crossing to ,ingapore. Than$s to 4eter ,teart
for this entry.
211 (rgosy
Based Changi% detach#ent at 3a&uan. CO as
!ng.Cdr. Tal&ot !illia#s. Than$s to 4atric$
;alliday for this entry.
211 ,.n as also on detach#ent at '() 0uching
fro# +une 196= to ,epte#&er 1966 The cres ere
nor#ally rotated on a to ee$ &asis &efore
221 !hirlind
&ased at ,eletar fro# Nove#&er 1915 and deployed
to 0uching the folloing #onth. The s.uadron had
to per#anent detach#ents to ar#y units at
,i##angang :upto 6 aircraft< and 3undu :1
airccraft<. The unit deployed for operations against
Indonesian terrorists infiltrating into *alaysia and
;o#e &ase 0uching% "etached to the 1e 1@th Aur$ha
'ifles at ,i##anggang. Base 5 !irhlind #$ 1@.
25@ !hirlind
&ased -0 detached to various airfields including
2=9 Can&erra B.6
"etach#ent at 0auntan fro# ($rotiri% 1>1961 to

59@ *aintenance -nit
,eletar% (ttached to '() 0uching as part of *o&ile (ir Operation Tea#.
'() "etach#ent
(rrived 3a&uan early in 1965 &illeted alongside airfield at 3a&uan- a&out
5@ staff in total.4rovided initial air-ground co##unications for airfield
plus longer range *) and secure ;) co##s to units in field. There as a
rapid &uild up of guys over the ne2t fe #onths...2>6>1@ Aur$ha rifles%plus
lots #ore '() guys. 3ost #ain generator in &ush fire at this ti#e. 'an
syste#s on s#all 4et&o units here possi&le. Billet #oved to
*e#&edhai. Tin pins% single pins% on site plus Beverleys. 'ecall a
8arsity or 8alleta :12 ,.dn EE<at airfield. No fighters at first &ut ulti#ately
;unters% +avelins. ,hac$letons fro# 2@1s.dn did long sorties. +oined the#
as supernu#ery cre several ti#es. (ussies had ,a&res I thin$. (r#y
chaplain $illed in (uster. Belvederes a&out though not too relia&le -
gear&o2 plus airfra#e pro&s. Navy ere flying early !esse2. ,o#e
Aur$has casevaced during this ti#e. 'adar turned up a&out "ec765 and
installed on ;) tr ans#itter site &ehind a##o-du#p far side of airfield.
*igs &uGGed Beverleys over #ainland so e #anned airfield Oelis during
donti#e. *et 7Aing7 3acey early 6=. Too$ it in turns servicing A'1@
radio pac$s at frontline sites% Bario ,epulot% Taau%:hovercraft in use
here< 3ong (dah etc etc for Aur$ha patrols. (r#y signals unit arrived
under a *aBor *cCready:E< and Boint high poer T9ers installed to N of
airfield. ;ad to very et>cold ,B,>,(, guys turned up one night having
run a &oat onto a reef close &y. ;unter had fla#e out on ta$e off - pilot
eBected &ut died. "ennis ;ealey fle in for visit. Build up continued
apace. 'ecall 51COH :'CTE<plus lots of guys fro# ,eletar% Tengha and
Changi. *O as a ,.dn 3dr Ca## I thin$. 3eft in su##er 196=.
'() "etach#ent
4osted fro# 3a&uan% this detach#ent co#prised of Toer Control% Crash
cre and )(TOC.
11 ,.uadron 'oyal
(ir )orce 'egi#ent
Based at '() Changi and then '() ,eletar% detach#ents included%
3a&uan% Brunei% 0uching% 4ensiangan and nu#erous other Bungle strips.
)light co##ander as )lying Officer Theed% s.uadron adB. )>lt
Based at '.(.). Changi and ,eletar. OC ,.n.3dr.;ardy. Continuous
detach#ents to Borneo%i.e. ,epulot ,araa$% Taau area% and later
Aundong Aading. in support of ;elicopter and other '.(.). activities.
Other ise in *alay 4enninsular% )lt. Cdr. )g. Off. T.(.*. )oler.
Than$s to 4eter !ad#an for this second entry.
,(C Brad&ury C>O ,.dn 3dr B.4.Cootes "etach#ents-Thailand%North
Borneo% Aan. 1962-6= 'af 'gt Changi.
26 Independant 3((
,.uadron% 'oyal (ir
)orce 'egi#ent
"eployed fro# '() Nicosia% Cyprus% #id )e&ruary 196= to Changi. Co-
located ith 11 )ield ,.n% '() 'egi#ent at Telo$ 4a$u. Co##anding
Officer% ,.n 3dr 3edlie. "eployed ith 15 :3ouis&urg< Bty of 22 3ight
(ir "efence 'egi#ent% 5@ Battery and 52 Battery of 16 3ight (ir "efence
'egi#ent 'oyal (rtillery in defence of '() Changi.
1= ,ignals -nit
*o&ile ,ignals -nit &ased ,eletar ith detach#ents to 3a&uan% ;ong
0ong and throughout the *alay 4eninsular. )or#ed in *arch 196=% first
C.O. as )lt. 3 ( Bull ho re#ained for to and a half years &eing
replaced &y )lt.3t N 3e "ieu.
(t least si2 of the original founder #e#&ers served ith the unit until
*arch 196? having had their tour e2tended &y 1? #onths. -nit #oved to
the -0 circa 1969.
)irst )light ,ergeant NCO i>c -nit :+.C. Boyd<aarded B/* in 196? Ne
Hears ;onours 3ist. Than$s to Chris Boyd for this entry.
"etach#ent 65 3((
s.uadron% '()
'() T(!(- Auarding airstrip using Oerli$ons on plinths and ground
defence training of '() 4ersonnel on detach#ent. )ro# +uly 196= till
,ept 1961.
'e-)orce :'()< 611?
NO8/*B/' :1961<
'eforce co#prised of a&out 12@ '() 4ersonnel fro# 'af units throughout
the -0. (ll personnel fro# the -0 ere on 2=-;our e#ergency stand&y.
The detach#ent no. as 611?NO8.
1@@1 ,.uadron '() ,tationed at 0uching (irport 1962 on 6 #onth detach#ent to construct
(irfield Construction
landing strip. and helicopter pads for inco#ing I (l&ianI force. Officer in
charge of unit as !arrant Officer Areene. The unit as guarded &y The
Jueens 'oyal Irish ;ussars and a s#all force of ,araa$ 'angers. &ased
at Taau% ,a&ah #id to late 1961. (cco##odated at Ca#p Alenn% ne2t to
Taau airfield. Not long afterards :1961E<% these units ere incorporated
into the 'oyal /ngineers.
(ir 4orta&le
/le#ent :'()<
(4C/ operated fro# ,eletar% it as attached to Aroup head.uarters. The
ele#ent setup and ran 'adio and 'adar for te#porary airfields% such as
0uching% Aong 0eda$. It also ran B(,O Brigade (ir ,upport Officer%
#ostly fro# a 3androver. On 0uching (4C/ had the Cossor 6?6 airfield
radar% right ne2t to the fence and across fro# the +avelin fighter. (4C/
also deployed #o&ile /ure$a &eacons. *any Than$s to 'odney !est&ury
for this entry.
129 ,ignals -nit%
'() 3a&uan 129 signals unit% IAingerI 3acy e2 Battle of Britain ace.% +an
6= to "ec 6=
=21 ,ignals -nit%
'() 3a&uan "ec 196=% relocated fro# '() /l (de#.Around 'adar.
Trans#itter ele#ent relocated to '() /pis$opi>($rotiri 1961.
=?6 ,ignals -nit%
*o&ile 'adar -nit Type 15C1=.rotors.#iday of runay do#estic side.
C.O. )t.3t."onnelly% ,ig.Off.4atterson I as there +an 61 to )e& 66
re#e#&er lots of Ahur$as and ,(, 5rd AreenBac$ets ere the garrison
regi#ent.)ondly re#e#&er The 4al# Arove and The *ar$et Airls.
*o&ile (ir
Operations Tea#
'() 4olice
-nder the co##and of the 4rovost *arshall% )ar /ast% police and police
dog handlers served on 3a&uan% Taau% 0uching. There ere stations at
3a&uan and at Taau.
/#ergency ,tand&y
)lon fro# -0 to 4aya 3e&ur in +uly 1961.7(rrived7at '() Tengah and
then flon up country to '() 0uantan% 4ahang% *alaya : no *alaysia <
in a Bristol )reighter : ,ha$er <. "etach#ent at 0uantan as for 5 #onths
and then returned to the -0 in Nove#&er 1961. /#ployed at '()
0uantan in A',)% #ain duties ere to refuel the airfield co##s gear.
*e#ories include chatting up the &irds in the Nanyang &ar in 0uantan
ton% Tiger &eer% egg &anchos and si##ing in the ,outh China ,ea
after &eing transported don to the &each in a Bedford 5 tonner. ;appy
"ays for an 1? year old ,(C A!* :C<FF
Than$s to Brian !hit&y for this entry.
'() (ir Traffic
0uching (irport 61-66% detach#ents to ,i&u% ,i#anggang% Bintulu and
0apit. C.O. ,..3dr Brotherton
*o&ile (ir
Operations Tea#
"etached fro# ,eletar 196= and co#pprising of )3T *i$e /ggeleton and
one fitter :)red E< and #yself - *(OT profor#ed a nu#&er of sorties in
support of =@ and =2 co##ando - the 1th 'oyal *alay 'egi#ent and the
Aur$as the tour as for three #onths providing helicoptor>landrover
co##unications support. Than$s to *i$e Neson for this entry.
'() Taau
The self contained '() Taau unit as housed under canvas near the
IairportI. It consisted of a&out =@ personnel #aintaining
co##unications%logistical support% local operations and had 2 hirlind
helicopters and an ar#y &eaver Ispotter7 aircraft. I as one of to
electrical fitters. Than$s to Colin 'ose for this entry.
8isiting (ircraft
,ervicing )light

HQ DOBOPS (Director o Borneo O!erations"# Initially &ased in Brunei% later #oved to
HQ DOBOPS $ntelligence Section
Central Briga%e HQ. Based on ;J 11 Aur$ha Infantry Brigade% located in Brunei. Its tactical
area of responsi&ility :T(O'< as the Interior 'esidency of ,a&ah% and =th and 1th "ivisions of
Hea%&uarters '( Div)*an% Forces Borneo% Based on 3a&uan. In 6=-61 I as a staff cler$ in
the '(,C &ut as transferred to '(OC in +uly 61. 3t Col )arrar-;oc$ley :no Aeneral ,ir<as
there during that period.
Armoure% Recce +nits,
-he *ie .uar%s% )ro# -0 ,pring 1961. "eployed to ,ingapore% ,ere#&an and ,araa$.
/.uipped ith )erret scout cars.
'st -he Queen/s Dragoon .uar%s% "eployed fro# -0 1961-1966. B and C ,.uadrons served
in /ngllie.
-he Queen/s Royal $rish Hussars% arrived fro# (den in 1962. Based in *alaya. 'eturned to
-0. They ere then sent to the island of Borneo here the Indonesians had decided that it as
ti#e for an attac$ &efore *alaysia as for#ed. To Counter this various deploy#ents ere #ade
to firstly Brunei%and then to 0uching% fro# 0uching troops ere deployed to outposts at ,erian%
,unghi Tenghan% ,i##angang and Bau. (t first the ,.uadron ;ead.uarters as &ased at the
4olice )lats in 0uching% this as in fact a ,.uadron of ar#oured cars under the Co##and of
*aB. + T 4aley *C% ,aladin% ,aracen and )erret% troops ere deployed to 0uching (irport and
hile there ,e#engo Ca#p as constructed and as occupied &y the ,.uadron on ,t 4atric$7s
"ay 1965. )or a ti#e Co*Brit )or Borneo as *aBor +ohn 4aley *C% he as succeeded &y 3t
Col +ohn ,trason the CO of the J'I;. altogether the regi#ent had ,.uadrons in Borneo and
*alaysia until &eing returned to Aer#any in late 196=.
This as a great ti#e for the various Troops ho got the chance to fire the ,aladin *ain
(r#a#ent in support of the -nits chasing the Indonesian Insurgents &ac$ over the Border
&eteen ,araa$ and Indonesia. There ere also patrols on foot through the +ungles to see$ out
CCO Terrorists ho #ay have infiltrated and also to carry out ;eart and *ind e2ercises to the
local population in divisions 2 and 5% these &eing #ainly "aya$ ;eadhunters #any of ho#
lived in 3onghouses and had not seen a soldier since the end of the ,econd !orld !ar% hoever
they alays see#ed to $no hen e ere on the ay:+ungle Telegraph< #uch &etter than our
'adios. These visits ere a onderful eye opener for the soldiers and proved to &e very
There is an aful lot #ore that could &e told &ut suffice to say that the Jueen7s 'oyal Irish
;ussars ac.uitted the#selves as they have alays done and upheld the finest traditions of the
British (r#y and the -nited 0ingdo#. Than$s to Aeorge *oores for this entry.
0r% -roo! /A/ S&ua%ron Q#R#$#H#
I as ith 7(7 ,.uadron hen e ere sent to relieve 7C7 ,.uadron ho had &een sent to Brunei
at the start of the insergency. Our s.dn leader as a *aBor T Till&roo$. !hilst approaching
Brunei%,epte#&er% ord ca#e through that there had &een an incursion at Taau. I as
transfered fro# 2nd troop to 5rd troop% as I as a spare driver.
Our = *$ 2 ferrets% ere off loaded% and loaded onto a civilian ship% the *8 0enningau. (nd
deployed at Taau% e ere &illeted at>in a disused sa#ill at the aters edge. (lready &illeted
there as 1st Bn 'oyal 3eicestershire 'egi#ent. They ere replaced in Nov 1965 &y the *alay
)ederation (r#y :5rd 'oyal *alay 'egtE<. I don7t $no ho long #y co#rades ere there% as I
left for de#o&aliGation "ec 1965
1th Royal -an2 Regiment% )ro# (den 196=. ,.uadrons &ased ,araa$% Brunei% ,ingapore and
,ere#&an. )or a short hile in late ,epte#&er>early Octo&er 1961% after an incident involving a
Ilost its ay over *alaysiaI Indonesian C-15@ ;ercules carrying Indonesian '40("% the
co#pany &ase at Ba 0elalan :1th "ivision< as supported &y to 'oyal Tan$ 'egi#ent :'T'<
:= 'T'E< personnel% ho installed and #anned a @.1@in cali&re Broning ;*A in the air
defence role. This as later ta$en over &y suita&ly trained personnel fro# the Aur$ha co#pany%
after the recall of the 'T'. /.uipped ith ,aladin ar#oured cars and )erret scout cars% 'eturned
to B(O' 1966.
3th Royal -an2 Regiment (H S&n<% )ro# -0. ; ,.uadron deployed in North Borneo
)e&ruary-,epte#&er 1966. /.uipped ith ,aladin ar#oured cars and )erret scout cars. 'eturned
to -0.
$nantry +nits,
'st Bn Scots .uar%s :ith 9 Co#pany% Irish Auards under co##and - 9 Co#pany also
included a platoon #ade up of Coldstrea# Auards<. (rrived Terenda$ *alaya ,epte#&er 196=%
returned to -0 /din&urgh )e&ruary 1966.
'st Bn 4ing/s Own Scottish Bor%erers% fro# -0 1961.
'st Bn Queen/s Own Highlan%ers5 (rrived ,ingapore (pril 1961. "eployed to ,eria% Brunei on
? "ece#&er 1962 &y air and ;*, Cavalier to .uell revolt. "eployed to Borneo *ay 1965.
'st Bn .or%on Highlan%ers% )ro# -0 +anuary 1961. 'eturned to -0 )e&ruary 1966.
'st Bn Argyll an% Sutherlan% Highlan%ers. )ro# /din&urgh%-0 196=. Based in ,elarang
Barrac$s% ,ingapore. "eployed on first tour to Borneo early 6= - ,epte#&er 6= in =th "ivision
:Belait and Tutong areas<% second tour )e&ruary-*ay 61 Balai 'ingin% Aunong AaBah and
4la#an *apu% third tour Nove#&er 61- (pril 66 ,erian% 4ang (#o and 4la#an *apu. 'eturned
to ,eaton Barrac$s% 4ly#outh -0 in Nove#&er 1966.
306 Signal troo! 152 ,ignal Troop co#prising 1 ,gt 1 Cpl 'adio Op% 1 Cpl /lectrician
"river% 2 3>Cpl 'adio Tech 3ight% = 'adio Ops.
(ttached 1st Bn (rgyll and ,utherland ;ighlanders ,elerang Barrac$s Changi ,ingapore% and
co#pleted all tours of Borneo 196=>66 ith the Battalion. ;J7d at *iri% 3undu :landed &y
landing craft fro# 3,T Aallahad<and finally ,erian. *ainly rear lin$ duties% under duress so#e
forard duties.
,pent a&out 1 to 6 ee$s on stand&y ith 'oyal Areen +ac$ets at 4enang hilst aiting for
1(C,; to arrive ,ingapore. Troop for#ed at Nee ,oon ,ingapore ith 2=? Ahur$a ,ignals
196=. Than$s to Barry 3ongden for this entry.
'st Bn Queen/s Own Bus (Royal 4ent Regiment"% "eployed +uly 1966 fro# ;ong 0ong.
Borneo tour +uly 1966 :,e&a$ang<.
'st Bn Royal 7arwic2shire Fusiliers% "eployed at end of ca#paign 1966.
'st Bn Royal *eicestershire Regiment% "eployed 1965.
'st Bn Royal Ham!shire Regiment% "eployed fro# +une 1966.
'st Bn Royal +lster Riles% )ro# -0 196=. 'eturned to -0.
'st Bn 4ing/s Own 8or2shire *ight $nantry% Based Terenda$% *alaya. Borneo tours +anuary
1965 to (pril 1965 and "ece#&er 1965 to (pril 196=.
'st Bn Durham *ight $nantry% )ro# ;ong 0ong +une 1965. 'eturned to -0 +une 66.
Bali 'ingin. ;ead.uarters. 4la#an *apu &>coy.
'st Bn .reen 9ac2ets (10)36"% Based 4enang% *alaysia fro# ,pring 1962."eployed fro#
,ingapore a&oard ;*, Tiger to Brunei. (ction at *iri. 'eturned to 4enang (pril 1965.
1 Areen +ac$ets under the co##and of 3t.Col + ,eeney K earlier of 4egasus Bridge fa#eL at
*iri on 12 "ec 1965. This as at the ti#e of the Brunei 'evolt. The revolt started on% I &elieve
?th "ece#e#&er. The first tour of duty lasted until late *arch.K 'eturned to 4enangL"ate E
The second operational tour too$ place under the co##and of 3t.Col "avid ;ouseK3ater 3t.
AeneralL &eteen 12 (ugust 1965- 16 "ece#&er 1965.
The final tour as fro# 21 *ay 196= until 26 Octo&er 196=K ,a#e C.O.L
The &attalion returned to the -0 on 2? +anuary 1961% having &een relieved &y 2nd Battalion The
Areen +ac$ets Brigade K0''CL.
Than$s to *erv ,prague for this entry.
6 .reen 9ac2ets (4ings Royal Rile Cor!s")6 Bn -he Royal .reen 9ac2ets ef 1>1>1966 CO
3t Col / Bra#all : later )ield *arshal The 3ord Bra#all 0A%ACB%OB/%*C Chief of the
"efence ,taff<
Based *inden Barrac$s 4enang. )irst operational Borneo tour in !est Brigade :99 Aur$ha
Infantry Brigade<area in )irst "ivision of ,araa$."eployed ,e#engo ca#p%0uching
airport%4adaan%4ang Te&ang% Tringgus%,apit and Tepoi. Cross &order opertions.Too$ part in
Operation I;a##erI the resettle#ent of locals into secure $a#pongs &eteen *ilestones 11-2=
of the #ain 0uching road folloing attac$s &y insurgents.'eturned to 4enang ,epte#&er 1961.
,econd Borneo tour early 1966 to Taau area of ,a&ah."eployed 0ala&a$an%Taau%,eradong
-lu%,eradong 3aut.'eturned to 4enang +une 66.
0r% Bn .reen 9ac2ets (RB"% Borneo 1961.
B com!any5 0u$i% *aBr 'a#s&otto#% tour 5 #onths
3'6 signal troo! (:attalion rear lin2"
(ttached 5 'oyal Areen +ac$ets% in est &rigade% ,araa$% +une 1961 to +an 1966 Battalion
;J in Balaai 'inginn% ith co#pany &ases at Aunan AaBa$ and Ni&ong Battalion co##anded
&yD- 3t Col. ;*A Bond.
6n% Bn Parachute Regiment% )ro# -0. Borneo tour "ec 6=- +une 61. (ction at 4la#an *apu.
'eturned to -0 (ugust 1961.
0r% Bn Parachute Regiment% " Co#pany Borneo tour +an - +une 1966.
'st Bn South 7ales Bor%erers :5 4latoons deployed at intervals during 1961>66 attached to
other &attalions hile the ,!B ere &ased in ;ong 0ong<.
'; Platoon5 /D/ Com!any5 'st Bn South 7ales Bor%erers (61t Regt" ( platoon fro# ;ong
0ong &ased 1,!B - attached to 1"3I for the duration of their Borneo tour in 1961>6... Training
in ,a&ah - co#pany &ase at Bunan Aega &ut e also served at 4la#an *apu. I as platoon
co##ander. Our platoon as the only unit :as far as I understand< during Confrontation% to &e
shelled &y the Indonesians. This happened on a Claret operation on 11 *arch 1966. Than$s to
Bryan Tich&orne for this entry.
<o ' .uar%s $n%e!en%ent Com!any% *aBor +A; ;ead *B/% *aBor ,ir N03 Nuttal.
"eployed Borneo 196=. To tours under ,(, co##and. 3ater redesignated as A ,.uadron
66 S!ecial Air Service Regiment
( ,.n deployed to Borneo. Tours +an 65% (ugust 65% +uly 6=% *ay 61% ,ep 61.
B ,.n deployed to Borneo "ece#&er 6=-)e& 61% +uly 1966
" ,.n deployed to Borneo (pr 65% )e& 61% *ay 61
3' .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e
== .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e (7est Briga%e" stationed in ,araa$% CO Brigadier (.A.
4atterson O.B./. *.C. 1962-=% Brigadier ! ! :Bill< Cheyne ",O OB/ 196=-1966.
'st Bn 6n% .ur2ha Riles% !as stationed in 1th "ivision ,araa$ :including Ba 0elalan< in
late 1961% handing over to 1st Bn 6th Aur$ha 'ifles in +anuary 1966. Co#pany Co##ander as
*aBor +. Chapple :no )ield *arshal ,ir +ohn Chapple<.
6n% Bn 6n% .ur2ha Riles% Based *alaya. Borneo tours 1962% 196=.
'st Bn >th .ur2ha Riles% !as stationed in 1th "ivision ,araa$ :including Ba 0elalan< fro#
+anuary 1966% handing over to 1st Bn 6th Aur$ha 'ifles in +une 1966. Co#pany Co##ander
as *aBor (. :Tony< ,treather :on attach#ent fro# A3O,T/',< :!ell-$non (r#y
6n% Bn >th .ur2ha Riles% Borneo tours 1962% 196=.
'st Bn (th .ur2ha Riles% !as stationed in 1th "ivision ,araa$ :including Ba 0elalan< in
fro# +une 1966 until end of Confrontation. Instru#ental in the capture of 3t ,u#&i and his &and
of Sukarelawan :8olunteers< - the unit that carried out the last incursion into *alaysian Borneo.
Co#pany Co##ander as a *aBor +en$ins.
6n% Bn (th .ur2ha Riles% Borneo 1961 -66.
'st Bn ';th .ur2ha Riles% Borneo tours 196=% 1961.
6n% Bn ';th .ur2ha Riles% Borneo tours 196=% 1961.
In ,epte#&er 1961% 3>Cpl 'a#&ahadur 3i#&u as aarded the 8ictoria Cross for his &ravery
during operations in the IBau district of ,araa$I. The action actually occurred in Indonesian
0ali#antan during the secret IClaretI operations.
.ur2ha $n%e!en%ent Parachute Com!any% 'aised 1 (pril 1965. Converted to ,(, type
co#pany +une 196=.
-he Royal ?alay Regiment
0r% Royal ?alay Regiment% "eployed to Taau.
3th Royal ?alay Regiment% "eployed to )irst "ivision.
Royal Artillery,

6 -roo! attached to =th 'egt '(. The original 2 Troop served in *alaysia fro# (ugust 1965 to
+anuary 1966. Terenda$ Ca#p - attached to =1 )ield 'egt '(. (ppro2i#ately half the troop
ent to Borneo fro# *ay to "ece#&er 1961 - Troop ;J as ith = 'egt ;J in Bau ith a
Areen (rcher section at ,tass and ,ere$in fortified positions on the &order - ele#ents served
under fire as radio relay stations ith Aur$ha patrols on forays against Indonesian CCO7s
:Clandestine Co##unist Organisations<. Troop Co##ander - 3t ;.;. *es '( later to &eco#e
OC 0ings Troop ';( and eventually 4rince Charles7 e.uerry. The re#ainder of the Troop
re#ained at Terenda$ - involved in preventative #easures against Indonesian infiltrators.
6 *ocating -roo!5 RA. )or#ed fro# 22 3ocating Battery% 1st *ay 1965 &ased in the -0
initially at 4erha# "on then at 3ar$hill. The Troop on it7s second )('/3) attach#ent as
part of 6 3ight 'egt '( &ased at Terenda$ Ca#p *alacca. The troop co#prised of 5 sections -
#et% radar and artillery intelligence. The tour of duty for the attach#ent to 6 3t 'egt as
"ece#&er 1961 - *arch 196?.
The Troop Co##ander as Capt 0 ' ;arding and the radar section officer as 3t. (.(.
!inda#. ,hortly after arrival in )('/3) the troop as attached for operations to 156 +ava 3t
Battery in 0uching and deployed it7s 7green archer7 radar at Te&edu alongside a section of 1.1I
guns of 152 Battery :The Bengal 'oc$et Troop< of 6 'egt '(.
(t the end of 7confrontation7 the troop returned to *alcacca and the radar section prepared for an
attach#ent to 1? 3t 'egt '( in ;ong 0ong. The section sailed fro# ,ingapore ith it7s radars
and other e.uip#ent on 26 "ece#&er 1966 on the 3,3 ,ir Bedevere.
4urpose of the operation as &order atch ith green archer radars. In )e&ruary 196? the troop
returned to *alacca to prepare for end of tour. *any Than$s to Brian ;arrison for the detailed
0 Regiment Royal Horse Artillery (*ocating -roo!" 5 3ocating Troop e.uipped ith Areen
(rcher #ortar locating radar. "eployed to Borneo 1961-66.
0 Fiel% Regiment5 Royal Artillery 'egi#ent as stationed at Ta#pin% *#alaya ith one
&attery stationed up in north *alaya near Ipoh.
1 Fiel% Regiment5 Royal Artillery# In 1965 a platoon :(ll volunteers< as raised fro# = )ield
'egi#ent% '( to strengthen the deploy#ent of the 'oyal 3eicester 'egi#ent hich as &adly
under strength. The platoon operated indepedently of the 'oyal 3eicester7s% and ere &ased at
,/4-3OT airstrip. The 4latoon carried out airstrip defence and Bungle patrols% usually 1@ #an%
1= days. The 4latoon deployed fro# ;ong 0ong for a tour of nine #onths% &efore returning to
;ong 0ong. Co##anded &y 3t>Col. Bo& 3yonsM 'egi#ent too$ over fro# (ustralian (rtillery
'egt. =th consisted of ;J. Bty% ?? :(rracan<% 96 :3asons Co#pany<% 29 :Corunna<Btys. 29 and
;J. Bty. served in 0uching% 96 Bty. served ith the Aordon ;ighlands at 0ala&a$an ,ara$. a
su&-section fo 96 &attery deployed to 1th "ivision% ,araa$% supporting 1>2 A' at Ba 0elalan
and later 1>6 A'. /.uipped ith Italian 1@1## 4ac$ ;oitGer *16. The A4O as !O2 :B,*<
'on Baynes and the Aun No.1 as a ,gt Chris Bec$. ?? Bty as split up all over Borneo. Initial
training and accli#atisation too$ place in Taranda$ ca#p *alaca *alaya.
Air -roo!5 1 *ight Regiment5 Royal Artillery# The (ir Troop = 3ight 'egt. '.(. for#ed under
Capt. 3.C. Bond in +une 1961 at 0luang% *alaya ith 5 ,iou2 helicopters and sailed to 0uching
on the 3,T 'eginald 0err. Transferred fro# #id-river upstrea# to 0uching &y 3C8 &ecause of
capsiGed vessel at the 0uching doc$. Initially &ased at the Batu 0itang ateror$s along ith
the '/*/ 3(". 3ater in the year #oved into the #ore secure ,e#engo Ca#p. The pilots and
technicians e2changed posts ith those fro# =9 'egt. '.(. :;ong 0ong<in late "ece#&er.
Than$s to "ic$ie "aes for this entry.
>th *ight Regiment5 Royal Artillery &ased in Terenda$ ca#p% *alacca. 6 2 1@1 ;oitGers to
cover &order areas. Tour of *alaysia as fro# +anuary 1966 to (pril 196?. ;:'a#say7s
Troop<Bty% 8 Bty e.uipped ith 1@1## hoitGers. 152 :Bengal 'oc$et Troop<Bty e.uipped
ith 1.1I guns. 8 Bty deployed in Bau and 3undu areas 1966.
'6 *ight Air Deence RegtD 9 :4lassey<Bty and T:,hah ,uBah7s Troop<Bty rotated &eteen
Ta#pin :*alay 4eninsula< and Borneo. "eployed to Borneo. /.uipped ith 3=@>6@ Bofors and
)C/6 radars. 'eturned to -0 1966.
Acc att# reme w2s!s of a&ove fro# dec 1962 to nov. 1966
'> *ight Air Deence RegtD Co##anded &y 3t Col ;" !ay. "eployed fro# B(O' in *arch
1961 for 5@ #onth tour of ,ingapore and Borneo. 5@ :'ogers7s Co#pany< Bty% co##anded &y
*aBor Bell% 52:*inden< Bty% co##anded &y *aBor (rend% each carried out to operational
tours at '() Changi% ,ingapore and '() 0uching% Borneo. /.uipped ith 3=@>6@ Bofors and
)C/6 radars. =.2I *ortar cres ho ere deployed on the &order in ,araa$ firstly at 4adaen
and later at Ni&ong. 'eturned to the -0 in Nove#&er 1966.
'>th *ight Air Deence Regiment RA *AD R@?@D '/*/ 3(" in Cyangi% 0uching
Borneo C ,ingapore.
6; ?e%ium Regiment RA% 12 :*inden<Bty% =5 :3loyd7s Co#pany< Bty. Based in Ta#pin%
*alaysia. /.uipped ith 1.1I guns. 'eturned to -0 1965.
12 (Minden) Battery fled out to 0uching a&out 12th "ece#&er 1962 and ere &ased in the
school at Bau so#e ? #iles south of 0uching. The Bty Co##ander as *aBor !al$er '(. and
the B,* as B,* Tony !ilco2. The a&attery received &oth the old A,* :Brunei<and the 62
A,* :Borneo<&ecause the A,* 62 replaced the old one to days after the &attery arrived in
0uching. The &attery7s guns ere left &ac$ in Ta#pin and the &attery acted as infantry patrolling
the Border. The &attery left 0uching in :I &elieve< *arch 65. Thans$ to "avid !illia#s for the
12 :*inden< Battery infor#ation.
66 *ight Air Deence RegtD )ro# B(O' . Based at Ta#pin% *alay 4eninsula on short
e#ergency tour to provide additional ,hort 'ange (ir ,upport and "efence at '() airfields%
reinforcing '() 'egi#ent 3(( s.uadrons. =2:(le# ;a#Ga< Bty and 15 :3ouis&urg< Bty
deployed to '() 0uching. /.uipped ith 3=@>6@ Bofors and )C/6 radars.
(s a #e#&er of 15 Bty outside of 0uching% #e#&ers of the Bty ere deployed ith =.2
*ortars to Ni&ong in support of 7(7 Co#pany 2nd Battalion the 'oyal Areen +ac$ets. (lthough
the 4ara7s run a &oo$ on ho #any &o#&s e could get out of the position% e fired four "),O,
in support. Than$s to 'on !atts for this entry.
=2 Battery% in $uchung ith =2.&attry in as radar operator.
16 :attery w2s! R@?@ 66 light Air %eence regt RA 22 3t (ir "efence 'egt deployed on
=? hour notice fro# ;u&&elrath B(O' to ,ingapore in (ugust 1965. =2 Bty provided airfield
defence at '() ,eletar and 15 Battery at '() Changi. In Nove#&er 1965 =2 Bty replaced a
&attery of 12 'egi#ent deployed around 0uching (irfield Borneo. There ere considera&le
pro&le#s ith the 3( =@>6@ guns hich had &een dran fro# *OB stoc$s in ,ingapore% failure
of the recuperator seals &eing a constant pro&le#. The )C/ )ire Control 'adars and T.C. 'adar
= *$ 6 had &een shipped out &y sea fro# B(O'% these e.uip#ents suffered significant
electronic pro&le#s ith #aBor failure rates of one per ten hours per e.uip#ent% canni&alisation
as the order of the day ith the no#inated radar &eing re&uilt on a cyclic &asis% this placed an
enor#ous strain on the supporting '/*/ &attery section. ( *atador Aun Tractor had to &e
co##andered to tic$ over alongside the T.C. radar to provide air fro# it7s co#pressor to
pressure the aveguides - it did so for so#e nine #onths% full #ar$s to Aardiners ho &uilt the
engine. ,u&se.uent investigation revealed #any spare co#pressors ere availa&le in depots in
/ngland F. ( Cpl vehicle #echanic died in 0uching suffering heart failure atte#pting to sing
over a 26$va *eados Aenerator.=2 Bty returned to B(O' in *ay>+une 196=.
To #y $noledge% the only i##inent action occured in the early hours hen a #issionary single
engined aircraft penetrated a Iguns freeI Gone fro# up country% the capa&ility of the air defence
syste# as never fully assessed. Than$s to 3eis Birt for this entry.
30 Battery5 66 *AA Regiment RA ent to singapore in a&out 1961 advance party fro#
ger#any. guns on changi &each. after that #alaysia% Borneo% Ta#pin% used 6.62s in Bungle. have
had orse ti#es and &etter so#e good guys and a fe &ad ones
6= Comman%o *ight Regiment RA 2@ Bty% 69 :0ir$ee<Bty and 1=1 :*aiand< Bty.
Based in ,ingapore% "eployed to Borneo to provide artillery support to units in &order areas.
/.uipped ith 1@1## pac$ hoitGers.
66 *ocating Battery5 RA# ( ,ound 'anging Troop :22 3ocating Bty< left 3ar$hill "ece#&er 61
and returned +uly 66. "eployed at Biara$E%,tass. 6 *ile Bassar. 3ocated ith units fro# 'oyal
*arines and Coy of the 2 or 6th Bn 'oyal (ustralian 'egi#ent.
1; Fiel% Regiment5 RA# 5? :,eringapata#< Bty &ased at Bario% 129:"ragon< Bty and 156 :+ava<
0A (Seringa!atam" *t Battery% 'eplaced 96 Bty := )ield 'egi#ent< supporting 1>6 A' and
later 1>6 A'. /.uipped ith Italian 1@1## 4ac$ ;oitGer *16. The A4O as !O2 :B,*<
Curtiss and the Aun No.1 as a ,gt "eeves.
1;th *ight Regiment5 Royal Artillery ;J &attery% 5 #iles outside 0uching +une 61-+une 66.
,upporting 5? Bty% 129 Bty% 156 Bty C ;J Bty of =@ )d 'egt. in 4egiru and other forard
locations. Based in 6 *ile BaGaar% Bau for short period. OC 3(" Captain ,hotton. (J*,
Burford. (J*, ;ancoc$.
13 Fiel% Regiment RA
6@ Bty CO *aBor +.B. 0eenan% &ased at 0uching ith ( Troops at 3intang.
6@ &attery arrived in #alaya in Buly 1965 in a&out sept e ere ta$en to &orneo it as called
&atu lintan and set a &ase up%( troop as sent to &atu $itan hile they set up the 1@1 hoitGer it
started raining and suddenly they ere attac$ed.
116 Bty and 166 Bty e.uipped ith 1@1## 4ac$ ;oitGers.
16@:I#Bin<Bty% *ediu# guns :1.1< &ased near Bau here 12 'eg '( ere stationed. !e ere
&ac$ing 1@ 'eg Ahur$as and the (ussies ith occasional fire for the ,.(., *y C.O. as 3t
Overton% B,* as ,* Ba$er.
1= Fiel% Regiment RA :(ir Operations Troop<
=1 *ocating Regiment RA% :65:,phin2< Bty<
=3 Comman%o *ight Regiment RA 6 :,phin2< Bty% ? :(l#a< Bty % 1=? :*ei$tila< Bty. Based
in ,ingapore.
"eployed to Borneo to provide artillery support to forard units in &order areas. /.uipped ith
1@1## pac$ hoitGers. Both ? :(l#a< and 6 :,phin2< &atteries co#pleted a tour in 1961-66.
&attery ;J as colocated at Bty ;J as colocated at Balai 'ingin ith the ;J of the Inf Bn
&eing supported. ,ingle gun detach#ents ere forard ith the infantry co#panies at Aunan
AaBa$% 4la#an *apu and 4ang (#o. "ue to roule#ent and &oundary changes the &atteries
supported 1 'A+% 1 "3I% I (C,;% =@ Cdo '* and 1 'NNI'. The Cdo 3t Btys ere :for '(
purposes< under co##and of the '( 'egt in )irst division ith ;J in 0uching% &ut for all
practical purposes e or$ed ith and for IourI infantry. 1=@ :*ei$tila< Cdo (O Bty as
represented in Borneo &y a Naval Aunfire ,upport )orard O&servation Tea# deployed ith the
Taau (ssault Aroup. Thasn$ to *i$e +ac$son for this entry.
Royal Signals,
Hea%&uarters 3 $nantry Briga%e Signal S&ua%ron (6;3 Signal S&ua%ron". "eparted -0
:Tidorth +ellala&ad Barrac$s< (utu#n 1961 returned to Tidorth ,epte#&er 1966. OC 2@1 ,ig
,.n at the ti#e *aBor 4.(.C. Baldin. ;J located at ,i&u adBacent to (irport in ,ara$ 5rd
"ivision. Believed the location as called I(irfield Ca#pII. '() detach#ent at airfield ere
flying ,cottish (viation ,ingle and Tin 4ioneers also a detach#ent of !hirlinds. 5 )lt ((C
attached the ti#e. "uring the early part of 1966 so#e #e#&ers of ;J 1 Inf Bde ere airlifted
fro# 0uching to ,i&u &y Ne Nealand (irforce Bristol )reighter.
'; Signal Regiment
'A Signal Regiment at 4rincess *ary Barrac$s% Co##anding Officer as 3ieutenant Colonel
!. !. Coc$ K' ,ignalsL% 1 ,.uadron Co##ander Captain +% (. Tonnison% Troop Co##ander
lieutenant 4. +. Brunton &eteen 196=-1966.
'= $nantry Briga%e Signal S&ua%ron (Air Porta:le"
O!s -roo!5 6 S&n 5 '= (Air Formation" Signal Regiment Ops Troop as &ased at '() ,eletar
&ut deployed in late "ece#&er 1962% initially to '() 3a&uan% then to Brunei and later had a
detach#ent in 0uching. The Troop Co##ander as 23t 'ollo 'u#ford. The Troop provided
telephone co##unications using =@ 3ine )ield and )ortress Telephone /2changes and
Telephone ,et + :Tele +s< for the deployed '() detach#ents at these locations. "uring the first 6
ee$s of the operation over 9@ #iles of ".1@ ca&le as put don. Than$s to 'ollo 'u#ford for
this entry.
6;A Commonwealth Signal S&ua%ron% This unit as &ased at Terenda$% *alacca. The unit
co#prised of appro2i#ately 6@ O British and =@O (ustralian ,ignals Corps personnel.
Co##anders varied% one &eing #aBor "avid Co##erford :'oyal (ustralian ,ignals<. The unit
provided co##unications support as re.uired to the various units co#prising 2? Co##onealth
Brigade% and it7s title later changed to ;J 2? Brigade ,ignal ,.uadron in 1966E. ( Coast
atching post as #aintaing at 0uala 3inggi% or$ing Bointly ith No. 2 )ed 'ecce of the
*alaysian (r#y. "etach#ents of personnel ere sent to Borneo on 5-#onth tours% usually to
0uching. -nits $non to have &een supported &y 2@? Co##onealth ,ignal ,.uadron are =@
*arine Co##ando% 1st ,cots Auards% ;J 2? Brigade B*(% at least one Aur$ha Infantry
'egi#ent as ell as providing 8;) re&roadcasting support &eteen groups% operating as an
independent detach#ent. Than$s to +ohn "arling for this entry.
60( Signal S&ua%ron (Comcan" I and a staff sgt. ere in Brunei "ec11th 1962 until fe&
1965.!e set up co##s in a agon alongside the school here e ere &illeted.Ias a tele#ech
&ased at Tanglin until 196= and as at that ti#e &illeted at (#oy Juee. Than$s to '.+.Boers
for this entry.
61= (Farel" Signal S&ua%ron. Based at 1? ,ignal 'egi#ent in ,ingapore :4rincess *ary
Barrac$s< and as actively involved in Brunei and Borneo for the entire period. "etach#ents
fro# ;) Troop and other Troops ere deployed in Brunei% 3a&uan% Taau% 0uching% +esselton%
and other locations. CO *aBor !e&&. *aBor !al$er% 1961-6=. Thans$ to 4etr Or#efor the
a#end#ent to this entry.
>6' Air Su!!ort Signal -roo! ( 61= sig s&n" Singa!ore% I as in 2=9 sig s.n% attached to 1>1@
Aur$ha 'ifles in 0ala&a$an. (pril 1965-sep65. I as a )orard (ir Controller% controlling
;elicopters :?=6 ,.n< fro# ;*, Bular$. ?=6 ,.n lost one ;elicopter: !esse2 !hirlind<
One Aur$ha ,oldier as lost.
6>> Signal S&ua%ron% 6@6 Troop &eca#e 266 ,ig ,.n in late 196=. It later &eca#e +C-B.
Than$s to 4eter "re for this entry.
3'' Signal -roo!% (ttached 1st Battalion ,cots Auards 196=>61. Terenda$ ca#p.only 11 in
troop. ,araa$>Taau on 5 #th. stints% part of Taau assault group. ,ailed on ;*, (l&ion%
e2changed ith sailors fro# ;*, Nest.
30> Signal -roo!% (ttached 1st Battalion Aordon ;ighlanders% )ro# -0 +anuary 1961. To
;ong 0ong )e&ruary 1966.
31; Signal -roo! (ttached to 1st 'oyal Areen +ac$ets% folloed &y 2nd 'oyal Areen +ac$ets
&ased at *inden Barrac$s% 4enang and acco#panied &oth &attalions on their Borneo tours.
310 Signal -roo! 1=5 ,ignal Troop :'oyal ,ignals<% ad#inistered &y 2@? ,ignal ,.n% Terenda$
Ca#p% *alacca% as attached to 1 'NNI'. The troop provided co##s &ac$ to Brigade C
support for regi#ental co##s functions. The troop acco#panied 1'NNI' on the 4ontian
deploy#ent% and the Balai 'ingin ,araa$ deploy#ent during *ay - Oct 1966. *any Than$s to
3ynn :3ee< Burgess for this entry.
313 Signal -roo! 1=1 ,ignal Troop ho ere present in the theatre% &oth in ,a&ah and ,eraa$
fro# early *ay to late ,epte#&er in 1966. The Troop as deployed ith the advance party of
the 1 Jueens On Buffs and #oving to ,eraa$% located in ,erian at Bn ;.J. There e or$ed
alongside the Aur$ha ,ignal Troop fro# 2=? Aur$ha ,ignal ,.n ho ere &ased in 0uching. On
thier departure ith the rear party of 2>1@ Aur$ha 'egi#ent the Troop then provided co##s
&oth to forard units 1 JOB and to Bde in 0uching. Infor#ation supplied &y Nor#an ;orton.
>;6 Signal -roo! ? #an detach#ents &eteen 6= C 66. Base operatives for 22,(, at 3a&uan C
0uching. )ield tours in Bareo C 0u&aan. Col. !indgate-gray C *aB. +ohn ,li# CO C OC ,.n
>;> Signal -roo!% ,tationed on 3a&uan fro# (ugust 1965 to )e&ruary 196= then on to Brunei.
6@6 ,ignal Troop &eca#e +oint Co##unications -nit Borneo :+C-B< in 1961% ;ead.uarters in
3a&uan ith detach#ents in ,a&ah :Taau< and in ,araa$ :0uching<.
>3' Signal -roo!% located in 0uching.
.ur2ha Signals
61A S&n Queens .ur2ha Signals# Based in 0uching.
61( S&n Queens .ur2ha Signals# /2 -0>B(O'. "eployed to Brunei )e& 6=. Based Bol$iah
Royal Army Service Cor!s :&eca#e 'oyal Corps of Transport on 1=>6>61<D
' Com!any
0 S&ua%ron5 RC- 5 of us drivers fro# 5 s.n ere on detatch#ent to the 'oyal Navy &each
survey tea#. !e ere up in ,a&ah surveying the &eaches. In charge as a 3t co##ander%
Cantor as his na#e I &eleive%% also a #aBor './.% a petty officer '.N.% to full scres and us
0 Com!any Ipoh in 1962% #oved to Terenda$ ca#p in *alacca in ,epte#&er 196=.
'' Air Su!!ly Container Section
'3 Air Des!atch Regiment RC- 11 (" ,.uadron :for#erly 11 (ir "espatch Coy '(,C< CO
*aBor '. !allis% 61 ,.uadron CO *aBor ". Aarner% 69 (" ,.uadron% 15@ )light CO *aBor
'iggall. Based at '() ,eletar.
6; *C- Regt5 RASC% ater transport unit. 4orts#outh>,ingapore
0' Com!any
06 Regiment RC- :2=% 21% =6% 61 ,.uadrons< =6 ,.uadron as re.uipped ith the 3,Ts
(rro#anches%(rdennes% (Beda&ia.
Capt.Chris Beale 'CT ,ent &ac$ to -0 ion co#passionate 3eave after a&out 5 #onths and I
&eca#e C>O P2nd 3t 'o&ert Boor#an 'CT.
( detached Troop fro# 52 'egi#ent 'CT &ased at 3a&uan 1961>1966
3ocated &eteen a Aur$ha "og Co#pany and a -nit of the Ne Nealand ,(,
,pent a year of supplying (ustralian /ngineers ith Beer and a little food and regular to
ee$ly trips &y Tan$ 3anding Craft fro# 55 'egi#ent 'CT to +esselton: No 0ota 0ina&ulu<
and convoying supplies to and Troops fro# the +ungle arfare Training centre at the 0ina&alu
*ountain in ,a&ah. !e ere also responsi&le for a 4etrol point hich as loo$ed after &y an
'() NCO and a '/*/ repaire unit ith a C,* atached to the e2panded Troop I see# to recall
that I had to sgts and a&out =@ drivers. Ther as also a 'CT Capt ho had &een detached and
posted to a ton near the Indonesian &oarder. Than$s to 'o&ert !. Boor#an for this entry.
00 ?aritime Regiment RC-. 1@ 4ort ,.uadron :for#erly '/<% 6=>61 3CT ,.uadron% 56
*ariti#e ,.uadron.
1@ 4ort ,.uadron served at 0uching% 3a&uan% Brunei and ,ingapore% supplying all forces in
Borneo fro# 1962 onards. There as a detach#ent on Taua. /.uipped ith '43s% N Craft
and so#e civilian landing craft. CO in Brunei as Captain !inscall. ,$ipper in 0uching as
,,gt ' !right.
Detachment5 '; Port S&ua%ron# Brunei ton% custo#s house% O.C Capt. 0e#p. I s$ippered
INa$hoda *anisI don to 0uala Belait to or$ for ,hell% #oving e.uip#ent upriver to Bu$it
4uan%hairy run that
1> S&ua%ron RASC 3.C.T. (ra$an :=16=< Capt. +.8/N*O'/
3.C.T. (nterp :=@6=< Capt. *.'(N"(33-,*IT;
3.C.T7s arrived *ay 196=. I as in Borneo fro# *ay 6= untill ,epte#&er 66. T>25?6=?1@
I.'.!.3/NNI/ '.(.,.C.>'.C.T. Than$s to I.'.!. 3ennie for this entry.
1( Air Des!atch Com!any% ( 4latoon deployed fro# -0 "ece#&er 1962 to relieve platoon of
11 (" Co#pany. Based '() ,eletar. CO *aBor " Cardle
3; Su!!ly De!ot Based at 3a&uan
>' Com!any5 RC- ith 3(" '/*/. ,tation at 3a&uan and Co##anding officer 3t 'ichard
>= Air Des!atch Com!any5 RASC detach#ent fro# 22 coy raf tang#ere>=6 coy raf colerne
for#ed 69 coy :ad< coy first at raf seleta singapore then #ove to raf $uchin Buly 1961 Ban 1966
co #aB ro&erts cs# devine cpls di2on devlin &ron dvrs #orrisroe%lason% lang% *c0ay%
*c"onald% &a$er%so#e for the personel i re#e#&er. Than$s to ron copland for this entry.
(' Su!!ly De!ot RASC)RAOC 61 ,upply "epot 1961 e ere &ased in the shop houses Bust
outside the port in 0uching issued rations to all units in 0uching area% plus supplied% &y #eans of
air drops retions to all forard &ases in Bungle. OC Capt *edocroft. '(,C. -nit as re-
&ageded in 1961% e then &eca#e 61 sup dep '(OC.
'0; Flight5 RC- &ased originally at 0luang% *alaya% then ,eletar ,ingapore. &ases in Taau%
Brunei% ,i&u and 0uching. Operating under the co##and of Brigadier ;arry TuGGo. later to
&eco#e Aeneral ,ir ;arry TuGo.
'16 Su!!ly Platoon5 RASC 1=2 ,upply 4latoon as part of =? ,upply Co#pany '(,C &ased
in Bulford. 1=2 as sent to 3a&uan in 1965. ,upplied rations to all troops in 3a&uan and Brunei
plus air supplies to #ainland Borneo. = Truc$s of rations left 3a&uan every other day &y '43 for
the = hour sea>river crossing to Brunei. The 2 i>c as 3t ,ag ,i##s.
.ur2ha -rans!ort Regiment 5@ s.uadron% 51 s.uadron.
R@?@ Attache% 0' s&ua%ron .ur2ha -rans!ort Regiment (lthough s#all our '/*/
!or$shops acco#panied the 51 AT' on deploy#ent to 3a&uan and 0uching.In 0uching I
personaly as involved in recce patroles% night (4C recovery also escort to an 3CT delivering
fuel. "uring this ti#e e had 2 '/*/ Co##anding Officers &ut I can only re#e#&er 1% Capt
4! Aleave.
The ,enior JAO as
Capt :JAO< Aopira# Aurung
Our #ain &ase ca#p as
Nee ,oon ,ingapore : +ust up fro# 8irgins CornerE<
RASC Su!!ly De!ot5 4uching# 'asc ,upply "epot too$ over in 196= fro# =2 co##ando in
0uching. Origanally due to go to 3a&uan on ;*, (l&ion as changed *id south china sea to
saraa$ &y tra#p ,tea#er. I as (CC attached and one of the )irst (CC out there in ,araa$.
In Charge of 0itchen as Cpl 4ete (#os also 4te Barry 4onsford and to others under the
'(,C #essing officer. Thans$ to Ian B. 'ead for this entry.
Royal @ngineers
'' $n%e!en%ent Fiel% S&ua%ron5 Royal @ngineers# Terenda$ *alacca *alaysia.1965-1961.
0 -roo!5 '= -o!ogra!hic S&ua%ron5 R@(16 Survey @ngineer Regt R@" served in 2nd
"ivision% &ased at ,i#angang% f# ?.2.6=-?.?.6=. The s.uadron as responsi&le for #apping 2nd
"ivision. 2>1@ Aur$has ere also &ased there at the ti#e. OC Captain Ba$er% ,>sgt !ally
Os&orne as 2>ic. The 'NN() provided fi2ed ing air support alongside '() helicopters.
"uring this period the Aur$ha 4adre as shot don hilst returning fro# 0uching. There as
also a further detach#ent also $non as 5 Tp under Capt Ne&erry '/ &ase at ,i&u. Both
detach#ents ere of si2 #onth duration to support 1 C 2 Troops of ?= ,urvey.
06 Fiel% S&n# 1 Troop 52 )ield ,.n% under Capt *. ,tanco#&e and ,>,gt +ohn Bond ere first
sent to Te&edu to &uild a road to the &order% including a 6@ foot &ridge #ade fro# local ti#&er.
Then% on co#pletion they ere sent to Bau to &uild another road and a Bailey &ridge. !hile
there detach#ents ere sent to provide /nglineer support to other units. One group ent to
e2tend and #odify the '* ca#p at ,e#atan. Than$s to (lan !at$ins-Aroves for this entry.
31 Cor!s Fiel% Par2 S&n. *e#&ers of 4lant Incre#ent% attached to 1= Corps )ld 4r$ ,.n '/
or$ed throughout ,a&ah% Brunei and ,araa$ fro# 1961 to 1966. 4rovided plant fitters to
#aintain and repair plant &eing used &y British% (ustralian% Aur$ha% and *alay /ngineer units.
31 Cor!s Su!!ort S&ua%ron R@ 1= )ield ,.uadron #oved fro# ;ong 0ong to ,ingapore
:Aill#an B$s<in 1962 and &eca#e 1= Corps ,upport ,.uadron. (t the start of the Brunei
'e&ellion in Nov 1962 a s#all detach#ent fro# the ,.uadron :Cpl Cliff-*atthes and a&out 6
sappers% #yself included.<ere sent to Brunei. !e ere initially &ased in the har&our co#ple2
and our #ain tas$ as to re.uisition s#all &oats to supple#ent e2isting assault &oats. !e then
ferried front line troops and supplies along the river to areas such as 3i#&ang.The rivers ere in
flood at the ti#e #a$ing the Bourneys very difficult and e ere also involved in #oving #any
local people aay fro# their flooded villages. !e ere later reinforced &y #ore #e#&ers of our
unit and #oved into a 4ri#ary ,chool% here together ith Aur$ha /ngineers e or$ed on
returning the Brunei Ton essential services &ac$ to nor#al. Than$s to Bill ,tar$ for this entry.
3= $n%e!en%ent Fiel% Regiment% &ased in ,ingapore and served on operation Cron and also
patrolled in *alaya.
A1 Survey S&ua%ron% 1 Topo Troop &ased at ,i&u C Nanga Aaat.4arent -nit in
,ingapore.*apping ,araa$.
OC 3t '.!ood :later *aBor Aeneral ".*il ,vy<. 1 C 2 Troops ere in Borneo continuously
fro# 1916 to 1966. 4arent -nit OC *aBor '.Bus$.
2 Troop as &ased in ,a&ah fro# ,epte#&er 1965 to +uly 1969 and then #oved to ,araa$ until
,epte#&er 196@ and then to 4ontiana$ :Indonesia< for si2 #onths.
*any Than$s to (l&ert /rnest )ield for the detailed infor#ation. ;e has a e&site atD
httpD>>al&$> hich contains #ore details of this unit.
Brunei !or$s ,ection% 'oyal /ngineers
I as posted to the unit fro# Nov 65 to Nov 6= :and su&se.uently to 11 Indep )d ,.n '/%
Terenda$<. !e ere a s#all or$s unit responsi&le for #ediu# and #inor or$s and 'epairs C
*aintenance under the co##and of the "C'/% *aBor +. ". Tonsend-'ose% *C% '/ assisted
&y three !O2 Cler$s of !or$s% a !O2 store#an supervisor% a C43 "raughts#an C43 Tony
,toc$ (rchitecural% a C43 and 3C43 Cler$ :self<and "river. One of the !O2 and the driver
ere detached to ,eria. !e ere located in the Custo#s Building on the Brunei 'iver and
or$ed in co-operation ith the 4u&lic !or$s "epart#ent :4!"< ne2t door to 1@ 4ort ,.n '/.
C43 )ran$ 'eid as in the ,t#n position for part of that ti#e and e &oth su&se.uently :and
independently< e#igrated to (ustralia and enlisted in the 'oyal (ustralian /ngineers. )ran$ sa
service in 8ietna# and I served in 4apua Ne Auinea for three years. Than$s to (drian 'ogers
for this entry.
3; .ur2ha Fiel% Regt
>= .ur2ha $n%e!en%ent Fiel% S&ua%ron
@ngineer resources% Our -nit as &ased in ,e$a#a road% 0uching. !e supplied all -nits ith
/ngineer *aterial.In 1966 !e ere ta$en under 1= )ield 4$ ,.n './. I served their fro# 1961
to 1966.
Royal @lectrical an% ?echanical @ngineers
Air Porta:le Section 6 $nantry R@?@ 7or2sho!s The unit as dispatched fro# Terenda$
Ca#p ithout vehicles &ecause of political agree#ents ith the *alay Aovern#ent hich
prevented the use of 2? Co##enealth Bde. against soveriegn countries in the area.!e
therefore had to pic$ up all our vehicles and e.uip#ent fro# +ohore.!e ere then shipped &y
3.,.T. fro# ,ingapore to 0uching.The unit as &ased in the !ater !or$s Bust outside ton I
thin$ the ti#e line as #arch to +une 65.
A $nantry R@?@ 7or2sho!s ,#all support unit arrived ,i#angang early 1961 Base
,i#angang ,ervicing ,ofts$ins% out&oard and other #echanical e.uip#ent: ater pu#ps etc.<
Near frontline support to Aur$a co#pany ho ere relieved &y the Ne Nealand co#pany.
Than$s to Cpl. *ichael +a#es ;opton. for this entry.
= $nantry 7or2sho!s an% '; $nantry 7or2sho!s# Both detach#ents operated independently
One in Brunei :Bol$iah Ca#p< and the other in 3a&uan. In 1966 the or$shop in 3a&uan as
detached and as allocated the designation of 69 ,tn !$sp to the end of the confrontation.
'; $nantry 7or2sho!s5 Air Porta:le Detachment# it is #y recollection that I as part of the
1@Inf (ir 4orta&le "etach#ent hich ent to 3a&uan in +an or )e& 1965. !e ent fro#
,ingapore on an 3,T :I thin$ it as the 0ittia$e. On arrival at 3a&uan e set up a tented ca#p
on the 3a&uan 4!" site :very s#all 4!"F<. This ca#p as on the road out of 3a&uan Ton
a&out halfay to the Co##ealth !ar Arave. (fter a hile :I don7t re#e#&er ho #uch later<
e #oved &y sea again to Brunei Ton. Our or$shop as set up in the 4!" Co#pound and
e occupied half of the covered $sp area there. !e ere &illeted Bust up the road fro# there in
the ,*+( ,chool. Other units ere &illeted across the road fro# this school in the ,T'I ,chool.
I a# not sure if these school initials are correct."uring #y ti#e ther I visited up river to Bangar%
3i#&ang% Batang "uri etc as ell as ,eria and 0uala Belait. I as a vehicle #echanic. I as sent
out on one occassion ith a 'oyal /ngineers NCO to find and inspect the condition of
a&andoned 4!" earth #oving e.uip#ent. !e ent up the Belait river on our on initiative
loo$ing for e.uip#ent. I traveled into ,araa$ up river fro# Brunei Ton and also on the coast
to *iri. I returned to -$ in +anuary 196=. Than$s to Aeoff /arnest for this entry.
'; $nantry 7or2sho! R@?@ -ana!uteh (7hite @arth" 4uching 1@ Inf !or$shop '/*/
1961-66 Co##anded &y *aBor *c"ougall. Based at Tanaputeh North of 0uching. The
!or$shop had a )'A )orard 'epair Aroup at ,i#anggang. The J* ,tores as &ased in the
AT' Ca#p and as staffed &y !OII 4eter *iguel '/*/ ,,gt Tug !ilson 'CT Cpl Bud
(&&ott '/*/ and "vr (ndy *orro 'CT. The #ain acco##nodation as a&ove the
,hophouses. The J* ,tores as a corrigated #etal &uilding hich supported the Aur$ha
Transport 'egi#ent. (lso in this area as the ,gts *ess for all the support groups. The senior
#e#&er !OII Nic$ Nicholson '(OC a veteran of "un$er.ue and still on active service in 1961
also the proprietor of the ,aracen7s ;ead in Tha#e. 1@ 4ort ,.uadron 'CT #anned 2 '43s
:'a#p 4oered 3ighters< and '43 @= Captained &y a ,,gt supplied the =2 '* Co##ando -nit
on the 'aBang 'iver ith (viation )uel. 'C' could &e ta$en in ,ingapore or ,anta&ong an
island off 0uching hich still had the &uildings of the +apanese ;J fro# !!II in pristine
'; $n 72s! R@?@ Simanngang Sarawa2 '=>3% -nit OC *aBor "u$e% the unit as #ostly
concerned ith the servicing and #aintainence of the out&oard #otors for the British river
long&oats. 0ii ould love to #a$e contact ith Brit !$sp #ates% 'oger and co. I as detached
to this unit fro# #y parent unit 1st Bn 'NNI'. Than$s to Colin :(rchie< (ndres for this entry.
?o:ile Servicing & Re!air Detachment (3 Aircrat 72s!#5 R@?@ as a detach#ent fro#
the #ain $sp in 0luang% +ahore. The -nit as on Brunei airport% and serviced (r#y Beaver%
,cout C ,iou2 aircraft. There as a s#all detach#ent on 0uching (irport% servicing (uster
(O4 aircraft. In +uly 1966 a nu#&er of us ere posted to 0uching to for# 6? (ircraft
!or$shop. (cco##odated in a shophouse at ,i2 and a ;alf *ile BaGaar% on the ,erean 'oad%in
the sa#e co#pound as 156 +ava Bty% =@ 3ight 'egt. '(. The initial 4arade as a !or$shop a&out
5 ee$s &efore the cessation of hostilities.
P#7#D# $ns!ection -eam att# Det# '; $n# 72s!# Brunie Ton. The tea# as raised in +an
1965 to inspect and report on the condition of the 4.!.".earth #oving e.uip#ent a&andond &y
local 4.!.".staff at the start of the insurrection.
(A Aircrat 72s!# 4utching I Boined fro# ,ingapore &eginning of +une. ;ad to set up all the
ground gear and vehicles. (s stated% (usters% ,iou2 and ,cout choppers. 4ac$ed up end of (ug
and &y &oat to ,ingapore then on to 61(C 0luang. Than$s to 'oderic 0yle. '/*/ 3>Cpl for
this entry.
Royal ?ilitary Police
3 Briga%e Provost +nit
'= Briga%e Provost +nit
'> $n%e!en%ent !arachute :riga%e5 !ro unit R?P +an 1961>+uly 1961 24ara Bn Ap ith B
Coy 24ara as section co##anders C,* '*4 as C,* ;J Coy 24ara I thin$ there ere a&out
6 or ? Cpls '*4 (tt to 24ara at this ti#e #e &ing one of the# B Coy location at this ti#e
>4la#a# #apu. Than$s to + *ccready for this entry.
Borneo Provost Section
3' .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e Provost +nit5 .ur2ha ?ilitary Police#
== .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e Provost +nit5 .ur2ha ?ilitary Police# ,tationed in 0uching%
Army Air Cor!s
6 Flight Army Air Cor!s locations% ,i&u>0apit% 0uching and finally 3a&uan.o.c.*aBor
+./.*./lliot r'(. '/*/ ic staff sergeant Brian )oler. Operated !estland scout helicopters.
(rrived Borneo 1966% left for ,ere#&an 1966 on 3,3 /#pire Aannet.
0 Flight Army Air Cor!s (dvance party of the unit ent out around Nove#&er 1961.
5 )light as attached to 1 Brigade ;ead.uarters% &ased in ,i&u. !e had a nu#&er of
detach#ents in the 5rd "ivision #ainly at 0apit% here e operated a s#all airfield and at
Nanga Aaat. The unit as a&out thirty strong. ;aving 6 pilots% co##anded &y *aBor. +. Cullens.
12 soldiers of the 16th>1th The Jueen7s 'oyal 3ancers% as ground cre% responsi&le for 8ehicles
and 'adio Operations. The rest &eing #e#&ers of the '/*/% their ,enior NCO as ,taff ,gt
,anderson. *aBor Cullens as aarded the *B/ and ,anderson the B/*. Than$s to "on
*c3ean for this entry.
( Recce Flight5 >3> *t A)C S&n AAC 6Ath Commonwealth B%e (uster aircraft. "etach#ents
to )ort Belaga to get a strip in action and act as aircraft control. There ere various
co##onelath pilots in this flight% *aBor )le#ing JO; as one of the pilots. 3t Col Beg&ie
as co##anding officer of all flights in *alaya and Borneo. *any Than$s to Barry ,heppard
for this entry.
OC 6 )lt ((C% 4at "avall% too$ over fro# *aB +i# Bai#&ridge in (pril 1966 and handed over
to +ohn !atts *ay 1966. 6 )lt alternated every 5 #onths ith 1= )lt ((C :*aB "ic$y
!ood&ridge< &eteen 0uching and Terenda$. The si2 pilots ere a #i2 of (ustralian% Ne
Nealand and British% Around cre ere a si#ilar #i2 ith Ahur$a drivers also attached.
'; Flight Beaver and ,cout aircraft. "eployed at 3ong 4a ,ia
'' Flight Based at 0luang and 3ong 4a ,ia
'1 Flight ,iou2 helicopters. Operational and supply tas$s
6; Flight (usters. O&servation tas$s.
>3> *ight Aircrat S&ua%ron "eployed Brunei%,araa$ and ,a&ah 1962-66.
Su!!orting Arms
Army Catering Cor!s
$ntelligence Cor!s% provided Int ,ects to all )or#ation ;J% ran interrogation centres% and )ield
Intelligence Officer :)IO<. (ll )IO7s ere ad#inistered &y and &elonged to 2 Intelligence
Counter $ntelligence Platoon (?alaya"
Counter $ntelligence Platoon (Singa!ore"
6 $ntelligence Platoon5 '= Air!orta:le Briga%e
3 $ntelligence Platoon5 3' .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e(Central Briga%e"
'3 $ntelligence Platoon5 3 $nantry Briga%e(?i%B7est Briga%e"
6' $ntelligence Platoon5 == .ur2ha $nantry Briga%e(7est Briga%e"
6; $ntelligence Platoon (can anyone confirm this units existence please.)
6' $ntelligence Platoon5 (reinorce% :y !ersonnel rom '= an% 66 $ntelligence Platoons in
?alaya" (orme% $nterrogation Centre in Brunei an% HQ CO?BR$-FORC"
66 $ntelligence Platoon5 6A Commonwealth Briga%e
6 $ntelligence Com!any Co##anding Officers ere Capt A.".+en$ins upto ,epte#&er 1961%
Capt +.).C. (lthorp fro# (ugust 1961 to Octo&er 1961 and then Capt 0 " +ago until the end of
the confrontation. 2 Intelligence Co#pany ;J as &ased on 3a&uan Island% it as responsi&le
for A1 and A= issuesD pay% pro#otions% 4art II Orders% and issue of ()A 1@55 ite#s of
e.uip#ent% such as personal eapons and #edical supplies.
$nterrogation -eam :operated herever there ere Indonesian 4!s<. It as co##anded &y
2ic 2int Coy% its personnel included INT CO'4,% '/*/ and '(,C :all Indonesian spea$ers and
trained interrogators<.
S!ecial ?ilitary $ntelligence +nit#
Royal Army ?e%ical Cor!s
Ath Casualty Clearing Station# RA?C 4luang ' , 0-C;INA 99B'A (ttach#ents to 1>6
Ahur$a 'ifles ,e#atan. 9Coy Irish Auards 4adaan. 1st Auards Ind 4ara ,i&u. ' ( ) Taau
,tation ,ic$ Juarters.1st Bn ,cots Auards Taau (ssult Arp !allace Bay ,e&ati$ Island. 4eriod
fro# 196=-66. Than$s to 'od Oa$ley for this entry.
36 iel% surgical team RA?C &ased in $uching hospital.#aBors Ian 3ister C'ay Briant ere
COs :and surgeons< hile I as there 196=-61 as anaesthetist. Than$s to +effery Tho#as for this
'3 Fiel% Am:ulance5 R#A#?#C# Air Porta:le# )ro# Octo&er 1961 till Octo&er 1966. The
#ain &ase as at Ong Tang ,ee 'd 0utching &ut individuals posted to various outposts along
the &order including ,a&a. I did a stint at a ;eath centre in 0utching &efore going 7up country7 to
a ca#p !ong 4adong 21 #iles or so &eyond ,i#anggang. The fist unit I as attatched to as
the =th 'oyal Tan$ 'egi#ent ho had Bust ta$en over fro# the J.".As.% then ith the 3ife
Auards for the last = #onths. (s ell as providing #edical cover to the units at &ase and on
patrols% a lot of ti#e as also given to treat the I&an in their villages and longhouses as 7;earts
and *inds7. Than$s to /ric ;a#ilton for this entry.
*AD attache% to '3 Fiel% Am:ulance
'> Commonwealth Fiel% Am:ulance% Brunei uprising 1965% Brunei cottage hospital inBured
personel fro# Jueens On ;ighlanders% Aur$ha and =2 co##ando. 0uching police &arrac$s
and $uching hospital% +anuary 196=% recovering inBured and dead returning &odies to -0.
( #edic as per#anently attached to the ,) &ase% serving the Aur$ha co#pany% the '(
detach#ent and the local populace hen re.uested.
'= Fiel% Am:ulance% "etach#ent at ,i&u ;ospital 1961 co##anded &y *aBor +ones '(*C
60 Parachute Fiel% Am:ulance% /arly +anuary 1961 a platoon of 254)( left (ldershot ith
24ara flying to ,ingapore.!e then ent to Transit Ca#p at Neesoon.!e attended Bungle arfare
school at 0ototingi for a&out a #onth.!e then sailed to 0uching.)ro# here e ent up country
to an area called ,araac$.!e ere then split to the co#panys of 24ara and helicoptered into
the various &ase ca#ps in the Bungle a&out 5@@@yds fro# the Indonesian &order.The thre of us set
up as#all #edicl centre on ca#p and too$ it in turns to go on a#&ush and hearts and #inds
patrols. Than$s to 'eg Collett for this entry.
12 fst ra#c $uching general hospital% $uching 196=>1961. #aBor Ian 3ister.
Royal Army Or%nance Cor!s
196= Brunei s>sgt a##o tech for 11 Aur$ha Brigade. CO *aB% 4eter +olley% #y predecessor
as s>sgt "ic$y Crossfield Offices in the school and acco#odation in so#e unfinished flat.
(irport ca#p &uilding started late 6=% lots of sa&otage until Aur$has too$ over guard duty then it
got &uilt very .uic$ly% I left &efore it as finished. Than$s to *i$e ,anders for this entry.
'= Or%nance Fiel% Par2 (Air Porta:le" 19 O)4 as part of the Colchester Based 19 (ir
4orta&le Brigade deploy#ent to the )irs "ivision of ,araa$ fro# +an - Nov 1961. It as &ased
in Tanah 4uteh% 0uching% ith a detach#ent in ,i##anggang in the ,econd "ivision.
6' Air ?aintenance Platoon the platoon deployed fro# '() ,eletar to "et 5 ((,O 3a&uan
on 1?th "ece#&er 1962 to carry out ;eavy "rops during &oth the Brunei 'e&ellion and the
Indonesian Confrontation. (t that ti#e Aroup Captain !illia#s :,tn Cdr of '() ,eletar< as
Cdr CO*B'ITBO'. The CO of 5 ((,O as 3t Col OI'eilly '(,C% *aB 'olye as OC 11
:("< Coy '(,C and Capt ;oy :*aB ;oy after field pro#otion< as 4latoon Co##ander 21
(*4 '(OC. The 4latoons #ain or$horse as that of 5=,.n '() na#ely the Blac$&urn
Beverley. Than$s to Neil "ic$ for this entry.
66 Air ?aintenance Platoon
=A Or%nance ?aintenance Par2% 0uching
== Or%nance ?aintenance)Fiel% Par2% 3a&uanM also 99 Ahur$a IN) Brigade K!est BdeL
Tanah 4uteh Ca#p 0uching
(06 Stores -ransit Platoon5 RAOC% 652 ,tores Transit 4latoon as stationed at CO"
Bicester :16 Bn '(OC< In "ece#&er 1962 e ere deployed to 3a&uan via ,ingapore :5BO"
'(OC< and served ith 99 Ordnance )ield 4ar$. The platoon as still active hen I returned to
-0 in +ule 1965.
RAOC Stores Section = Borneo 72s!s Bol2iah Cam! I as stationed in Brunei in 1961>66.
I ell re#e#&er spending #y 21st &irthday patrolling the peri#eter of Bol$iah Ca#p and the
airfield in a tropical rainstor#. I also re#e#&er serving ith #e#&ers of a T( !$sp ho ere
serving ith the regulars in Brunei and (den. Ialso recall that e spent the night /ngland on
the !orld Cup sitting on a &each drin$ing Tiger and listening to the !orld ,ervice of the BBC.
Royal Army Pay Cor!s
Royal Army @%ucational Cor!s
Queen AleDan%ra/s Royal Army <ursing Cor!s
Royal Army Cha!lains De!t
9oint Comms +nit Borneo (9#C#+#B#"% +oint Co##s Center :(r#y% Navy% (ir )orce< ,ituated
in 3a&uan% Borneo. !as an e2peri#ental Co#.Center ith all three services or$ing together.
C.O. as a 'oyal ,ignals *aBor. ,tationed there 1961-66.
,igs det '() CO**C/N. 3(B-(N%,(BB(;%BO'N/O. 1961-1966. +OINT )O'C/,
3(B-(N. 'OH(3 ,IAN(3, 'OH(3 N(8H. 'OH(3 (I' )O'C/. C.O.3tCol Tony Boyle%
'sigs. duration 1@#onths.
<o6 Comcen -roo! 9oint Communications +nit (Borneo" as stationed in 0uching ith 5
Co##ando Brigade rear ;J at the police head.uarters. One of the co##ando officers as
Captain ,ir ,tuart 4ringle :later Co##andant of the 'oyal *arines<.

Royal <avy
The folloing ships ere in Borneo aters &eteen ? "ece#&er 1962 and (ugust 1966
H?S Ar2 Royal (r$ 'oyal as on station% in ,ingapore or offshore *alaysia>Borneo%over
#any e2tended periods up to 1966.
H?S# Al:ion Based on ,ingapore 15 "ec 1962 - )e& 196=. Involved in Brunei 'evolt C
Borneo Confrontation fro# 15.12.1962 until )e& 196=
Co##anding OfficerD Captain :later 'ear (d#iral< Colin "uncan *adden CB 38O CB/ ",C
C Bar
H?S Bulwar2
H?S Centaur 9>1965-9>1961
H?S Hermes
H?S -heseus appro2 fro# +an 1916 until +un 1916--CO as Capt. 4iGey--2ic as Cdr. B.C.A
4lace 8C. Than$s to 4atric$ ;alliday for this entry.
H?S Eictorious operations in support of *alaysia.
H?S *ion 3ion relieved Tiger in the Indian Ocean and as then &ased in ,ingapore fro# #arch
till oct 1965 in all the fleet actions of that period.
To incidents that the ship as involved in the Indonesian Confrontation directly as the
handing over of hat is no ,a&ah at hat is no 0ota 0ina&ulu ith a s.uadron of ton class
The second incident as 3ion sailing up and don the ,unda ,traits full of ;/ a##o at 26
$nots refuelling and rea##unitioning every third day after ,u$arno had said he ould &lo up
any 'N arships fro# sailing in the ,traits.
;e as supposed to have to e2 ,oviet cruisers. 3ater e found that one of the# &le up a
&oiler on flashing up to sail for the ,traits.
H?S *on%on# ,he as in the )ar /ast 1961% arrived ,ingapore 1?>2 departed (ug. Capt +C
Bartosi$ :polish<% aarded Aeneral ,ervice *edal Clasp *alay 4eninsula. ,occer tea# defeated
8ictorious 1-5 in China )leet Cup. Than$s to 4eter 4ar$inson for this entry.
H?S -iger ,he shipped =@th Co##ando 1st and 1th "ivision fro# ,ingapore to Brunie in
"ece#e&re 1962. I re#e#&er e #issed out on a trip to the ,tates to ta$e the# there. (lso
re#e#&er the pet #on$ey hi on 74ussers7 ru#
H?S Agincourt
H?S Aisne (isne% a Battle class destroyer as e#ployed on counter insurgency ops in the
*allaca ,traits ,ept 6=-"ec 6= and again +uly 61-"ec 61.
H?S Barossa
H?S Caesar
H?S Cam:rian
H?S Carysort Co##ission ith the )ar /ast )leet fro# Nove#&er 1919 to *ay 1962.
H?S Cavalier
H?S Delight
H?S Devonshire
H?S Duchess ,erved on ;*, "uchess "11= 2=th /scort ,.uadron 3eader 1962-196= &ased at
,ingapore% &efore handing the ship over to the '(N 196=% e ere involved ith the
Borneo>*alaysion unsettle#ent% e carried Ahur$a troops up the 0uchin river% patrolled the
est and north coast of Borneo.
H?S Ham!shire
H?S 4ent% 1965 ,ingapore ,traits. Bo#&ard#ent support and &oat patrol using =1 foot
launches. 'adio Operator assistance for =1 Co##ando.
H?S AFaD ;*, (+(9 as 3eader of 2=th /scort ,.uadron.C.O. Captain The 't ;on " 4
,eeley:no 3ord *ottestone<1st lt Aerrard ,t-+ 'oden Bu2ton. ,a so#e action "ec 6= in
*alacca ,traights hen 9>1@ 0u#pits ere intercepted trying to land infiltrators off 4ort
,etenha#. ,$ipper aarded *.I.". 4lenty of ti#e on the gunline providing NA, off Taau.
(ll the 6=>61 co##ish .ualified for Borneo a#d *alay 4enninsular A,*.
H?S Blac2!ool
H?S Brighton
H?S Chichester
H?S Crane sloop% far /ast co##ission 1916 to 1919
H?S Di%o
H?S @uryalus
H?S Falmouth Octo&er 1966 ,anda$an C"' I ( !right 'N Borneo and *alaca ,traits areas.
H?S *incoln !hile operating out of ,ingapore% in "ece#&er 1962% the frigate ;*, 3incoln
as deployed in support of #ilitary operations ith the Aur$ha ,appers C 'ifles% C other
British #ilitary units in Brunei C ,araa$. ;*, 3incoln carried long &oats on the .uarter dec$
hich ere specially used along ith the ships &oats to run the Aur$has up the shallo rivers.
The )rigate also did patrols as Auardship at Taau% ,ipadan% and 0ota 0ina&ula off Borneo in
1965. ,o#e #e#&ers of the 3incoln7s ships co#pany received the INaval Aeneral ,ervice
*edal :Clasp Brunei< for operations in 1962 ashore ith the Aur$ha7s. Then all the ships
co#pany received the Aeneral ,ervice #edal :Clasp Borneo< for patrols as Auardship at Taau
in 1965. Than$s to #e#&er of the ships co#pany */1 )le#ing for this entry
H?S *lan%a
H?S *och Fa%a% ;*, 3och )ada served in the Borneo (rea fro# 1965 till 1966. "uring this
ti#e she did several tours of Taau Auardship and also !allace Bay here e used to anchor
right on the Indonesian &order. !e used to see the Indonesian cruiser ,ipidan e2 russian sverdlov
class stea#ing along &elching out &lac$ s#o$e. The ships captain as Co##ander " *onsell
Christ#as 1961 as spent at Taua. In a 1? #onth spell on &oard I visited !allace &ay and
Taau 5 ti#es and 0uching tice. *any Than$s to 'ic$ *atthes for the detailed infor#ation.
siGeQ-1P;*, 3och 0illisport
H?S *och 4illis!ort 3och 0illisport as out in the Borneo Confrontation as Captain )5.
Captain *.)ell as our Co##anding officer.
H?S *och *omon%
H?S *on%on%erry Beira patrols and *alayasia 4atrols% &eteen (ugust 1961 to "ece#&er
1966. Co as C#dr (nson or ;ansen.
H?S Plymouth
H?S Salis:ury 1962-5 Borneo
H?S 7hit:y. Co##ander !ey#s as Captain% 3t Co##ander ,tevenson as first lieutenant. On
station in Borneo 6= to 66.
H?S Gest This ship acted as guard ship at Taau and replaced ;*(, "uchess.
I served on ;*, Nest :part of 2=th /scort ,.dn< in the *alacca ,traits and Borneo in 196=>1.
The Captain of Nest as Co##ander )iddian-Areen.
Coastal mineswee!ers,
H?S# Chawton
H?S# Dartington
H?S Duton
H?S Fis2erton
H?S Houghton 3eader of 6th *ineseeping s.uadron.
H?S Hu::erston
H?S $nvermoriston
H?S 4il%arton
H?S *anton
H?S ?aryton
H?S Penston% &ased in ;ong 0ong 1965>6=.
H?S Picton
H?S Plaston
H?S Puncheston
H?S Sheraton ,ingapore Based Oct 61 to +an 66. ,$ipper 3t.Cdr Bass. 4art of 6th *C* 1961-
H?S -han2erton
H?S 7il2ieston
H?S 7oolaston
Seawar% Deence Boats,
H?S $c2or%. 'eco##issioned in ,ingapore appro2 1966 and creed fro# ;*, 3incoln% the
cre as all volunteer of 16 rating% a lieutenant as CO and a #idship#an. The ,eaard "efence
Boat ran fro# the &ac$ of ,ingapore police station carrying out ,ingapore straits anti infiltration
patrols and secondly ta$ing out special service personnel to Taau in Borneo% as dec$ cargo%
including &ringing &ac$ the ounded. ;*, Ic$ford actually challenged and san$ 1 Indonesian
dug out containing several ar#ed infiltrators fro# ,ur$ano7s ar#y. The Ic$ford7s ar#a#ent as
tin vic$ers #achine guns a#idships port>st&d. Bren guns on the &ridge port>st&d and the cre
ere ar#ed ith 3anchesters. ( =@## &ofor as #ounted on the &o hich could not &e used
&ecause of the pro2i#ity of land in the ,ingapore straits and possi&le contravention of the
Aeneva Convention. Than$s to 4eter ,ann for this entry.
H?S Cam:eror%
H?S .reator%
H?S -elor%
I as on ;*, Ca#&erford fro# 26>@?>61 until 26>1@>66. !e all :ie ;*, Telford and ;*,
Areatford as ell%< ere ,eaard "efence Boats% and e operated fro# ;* "oc$yard in the
Naval Base at ,ingapore at a &erth% = deep at ti#es adBacent to ;.*.,.*ull of 0intyre. Therefore
I spent 1= #onths on this little &oat ith a cre of appro2 16 to 2@. To #y $noledge% e ere
all drafted independently fro# different ships and I don7t re#e#&er any of us &eing volunteers
fro# any particular ship. Ca#&erford and Ic$ford spent the #ost ti#e at sea and our ar#a#ent
as very si#ilar. !e had a single #ounted =@## &ofor forard% 8ic$ers #achine guns in tin
#ountings at the &os &ehind a shield and &ullet proof #atting% also in tin #ountings either
side of the funnel Bust aft of the &ridge% a single #ounted short &arrel &ren gun #ounted either
side of the &ridge% to 2I illu#ination roc$et #ountings Bust forard of the port and star&oard
vic$ers and a porta&le 2I #ortar throer Bust in front of the &ofors. No one carried 3anchesters
on &oard our &oat% &eing a night#are to fire and hit a target &ut e all had a personal eapon% eg
#ine as a lee enfield &y choice% engine roo# had a s#ith and esson each and a nu#&er of
stirlings ere issued to the cre. (##unition as availa&le ad. li& and e all helped refilling
the pan #agaGines for the vic$ers. (n average ee$s patrol sa at least one contact a night and
so#e night as #any as three or four% all &eit so#e ere Bust logs% so#e ere poor people trying
to get across the straits% so#e ere 7charlies7 &ut so#e ere very suspect. (fter dise#&aring the
occupants e either shot up or &le up their &oats. On a particularly long patropl e used to pop
in to ,ingapore Tela$ayer Basin to replenish ater &ut only stayed for enough ti#e to have a
shoer on the old Bap &oat that as tied up there and have nip don the road for a pint &efore
sailing again the sa#e day. Than$s to (lan *arett for this entry.
?ineswee!er Su!!ort vessel,
H?S H?S Baroil
H?S ?anDman I served on #an2#an fro# fe& 196= to aug 1966. !e reglarly supported the
#ine-seeper Ton class &oats ith fuel and other supplies% off north Borneo. !e called
ourselves Ithe grey Ahost of the Borneo coastI. !e ere still a via&le *inelayer % and actually
laid du##y #ines on e2ercise. I as aarded ith the &orneo A,* plus a clasp for the
,ingapore straits. I ould li$e to hear fro# old ship#ates fro# those days. They ould $no #e
as I#uddyI !atters and i as a radio electrical #echanic. Than$s to 'o&ert !atters for this
H?S 7oo%:ri%ge Haven
Des!atch Eessel,
H?S Alert
Fleet De!ot Shi!,
H?S Hartlan% Point I served on ;*,.;artland 4oint fro# 1965 to 1961 and as a
Co##unication 'ating :'O2A<% !e ere I3oan "raftedI to several *ineseepers during the
Confrontation.;*, ;artland 4oint as the fleet depot ship &ased in ,ingapore until it as
replaced &y ;*, Triu#ph.
I had 2 loan drafts%one to ;*, Chaton and one to ;*, !il$ieston.On one of the trips e
e#&ar$ed a s.uad of Ahur$a7s in 0uching%too$ the# along the coast and up a river to a &order
village.The tide ent out and left us high and dry for the night.!e heard later that the Ahur$as
sa so#e action along the &order.;*, ;artland 4oint loaned #any of her cre to different
ships during the ti#e I served in her. Than$s to Bo& Tacon for this entry.
(th Su:marine S&ua%ron (S?("
,* 6 "epot ship H?S ?e%way
,u&#arines varied &ut in 1961>66 co#prised D-
H?S)? Alliance
H?S)? Am:ush
H?S)? Am!hion
H?S)? Anchorite
H?S)? An%rew
H?S)? Auriga
H?S)? O:eron
*S- Reginal% 4err
H?S Cam:eror% ;*, Ca#&erford as co##isioned in 1961 around Bune 1961 ith a
volunteer cre fro# ;*, Barossa alongside the Ic$ford Areatford and Tilford for duties in the
,ingapore ,traits. Than$s to (lan ,utherland for this entry.
<aval Party Al!ha This as an /lectrical>'adio detach#ent fro# ;.*.,. *ull of 0intyre
under the co##and of 3t.:3< !.C./dards hich fle into the Capital on the night of
?>9th."ec.1962 ith the 1>2 Aur$ha 'ifles and other (r#y detach#ents to ensure that the 4oer
,tation and Co##unications ere #aintained.!e operated fro# the 4oer ,tation together ith
the Co#pany of Aur$has ;.J. until they left to pursue the insurgents.)inally e ere ithdran
and fle &ac$ to ,ingapore in a '.(.(.).;ercules aircraft fro# 3a&uan. Than$s to
+.(.T.+ohnson for this entry.
<aval Party 4ilo Naval 4arty 0ilo as &ased in 0uching using a variety of s#all craft to run
river patrols ith su& units &ased at 3undu and ,e#atan. Creed &y a l>sea% #e#> a>&% and radio
op ith an attached #arine police#an. Carried out patrols up to 1 #iles out to sea. co and shore
staff &ased in 99 Brigade ;J. 'adio ops also #anned forard radio stn at TanBong 4o
'st Signal Assault -eam Borneo I as an 3'O in the 'oyal Navy and in +anuary 1961 as
drafted to ,i&u in ,araa$ here #yself% one other 3'O K*i$e NoonanLand three 'O7s for#ed
a co##unications unit &eteen ,i&u and Nanga Aaat. The full tea# e#&ar$ed on ;*, (l&ion
in septe#&er 1961 ith ?=? s.n on the s.uadrons redeploy#ent to 3a&uan. Once on&oard the
tea# as split up so#e &ac$ to ,ingapore hilst *i$e Noonan re#ained ith the s.n together
ith 5 other 'Os or$ing &eteen 3a&uan and Bario until early 1966. On a rotating &asis e
to 3'O7s operated fro# Nanga Aaat or$ing ith ?=1 N(C,. K(nd of course our I&an alliesL
Our Bo& in Nanga Aaat as to #aintain co##unications ith the helicopters transferring troops
across the Indonesian &order and also #aintain secure co##unication contact &eteen Nanga
Aaat and ,i&u. !e ere &ased there fro# +anuary 1961 to ,epte#&er 1961 hen e ere
relieved &y an (r#y ,ignal -nit. Than$s to +i# Coo$ for this entry.
Than$s to *i$e Noonan for the a#end#ents.
-awau Assault .rou!
SD?* 03;( ,"*3 51@6 as part of the Taau (ssault Aroup :Borneo>,a&ah<in 196=. It as
under the operational co##and of =2 'oyal *arine Cdo. I as a ,u&>3t on &oard this 'oyal
*alaysian Navy 8essel. I as aarded the A,*-Borneo for #y svc. Than$s to (drian
8illanueva for this entry.
Fleet Air Arm,
A13 <aval Air S&ua%ron% !esse2 helicopters. /#&ar$ed on &oard ;*, (l&ion 1962-65 then
Bular$ 1965-66. "eployed to ,i&u and Nanga Aaat Nove#&er 65-+une 1961
A1> <aval Air S&ua%ron% !hirlind helicopters. /#&ar$ed on &oard ;*, (l&ion.
A1A <aval Air S&ua%ron% ?=? N(C, ,JN landed ashore in Borneo and after an initial
deploy#ent to 0uching ere stationed at '() 3a&uan fro# here they fle daily in support of
Co##onealth #ilitary units in ,a&ah and ,araa$. The s.uadron as attached to '()
0hor#a$sar to &ridge the gap &eteen the phasing out of the Belvedere and the arrival in (den
of the '()7s on !esse2 helicopters. *any Than$s to * + B 7*i$e7 'ossetter for the detailed
?=? ,.uadron for#ed fro# 6@@8 ith !esse2 #$1 sailed on ;*, (l&ion for the )ar /ast%
various areas in ,araa$ and Borneo.
A1= <aval Air S&ua%ron% )our )airey Aannet (/! aircraft B flight fro# ;*, 8ictorious%
flying out of '() ,eletar. 196@-65 Bular$ 196=-66 (l&ion.

Royal Fleet AuDiliary
RFA @%%yroc2
RFA Fort Charlotte
RFA .ol% Ranger
RFA -i%elow
RFA -i%e!ool
RFA 7ave Sovereign
Fleet @lectronic 7arare +nit% 0ranBi !ireless ,tation ,ingapore. ( s#all unit of /lectronic
!arfare operators or$ing out of 0ranBi !ireless ,tation. Involved in Boint operations in
,araa$ and afloat.
The or$ involved #onitoring duties and operating a variety of e.uip#ent.
Royal <avy Communications Fleet !ool5 Singa!ore% I as 'adio ,upervisor ith the fleet
pool and visited Brunei and ,araa$ on #any occasions for Ione-offI Bo&s including setting up
the forard radio station on tanBong po and had a hand in setting up the first Boint services
co#cen in Brunei university in "ec 62. The )leet pool also supplied co##unicators to Naval
4arty 0ilo - #any of hich ere still Buniors.

8essels chartered to !ar Office and #anaged &y civilian shipping lines
Au:y I travelled on ;*, (u&y fro# ,7pore to 3a&uan in Nov 6=. ,he as a ,traits ,hipping
Co#pany vessel : (u&y<that as chartered to your "ept of Tpt for carrying troops to and fro#
,7pre>Borneo during the *alaya>Indonesian confrontation.. ;er photo is here
httpD>>> Than$s to Cle# )oster for this entry.
?aDwell Bran%er *0;61# 3,T #anaged &y British India ,tea# Navigation :BI<.
@m!ire 4ittiwa2e *03';# 3,T #anaged &y BI. "ece#&er 1962 - 1961 '(*C served on the
/#pire 0ittia$e% &runei cottage hospital and ith 2>6 gur$ha rifles as a #e#&er of 16
co##onealth field a#&ulance.
@m!ire .annet *0;;># 3,T #anaged &y BI.
Sir *ancelot *0;6= 3,T #anaged &y BI% hich &rought 5@ Bty '( &ac$ fro# Borneo to

Royal ?arines
0 Comman%o Briga%e
;J% 5 Co##ando Brigade% 0uching police co#pound.
5 Co##ando Brigade Intelligence 4latoon :*id-!est Brigade C ,B,<. Capt Oa$ley
co##anded the Intelligance ,ection.
;J 5rd Co##ando Band% 1961-66. 'ocroft lines &arrac$s ,ingapore.
Co##ando !or$shops ;J 5rd C"O B"/ '.*% ,erved 1965>= &illeted at 0uching !ater
Board '/*/ ran$s attached fro# 1@ IN). !0,4, OC C(4T C'OO0, '/*/. 'an$s
detached for various duties.
5 Co##ando Brigade% 'oyal *arines (ircraft "etach#ent% ,i#anggang% 1st "ivision%
,araa$. 3t Ben !aldron '* "etach#ent CO Beteen late 76= and early 761.
<o 1; R? Comman%o
Based in ,ingapore. 6 deploy#ents to BorneoD
1th "ivisionD "ece#&er 62
1st "ivisionD "ece#&er 62-+an 65% *ay-+ul 65% Oct 65-)e& 6=% late 6= in ,a&ah% +ul 61- Nov 61
2nd "ivisionD *ay - ,epte#&er 66
=@ Cdo '* ere deployed in ,a&ah +uly-Octo&er76= and in ,araa$% 2nd "ivision fro# +uly-
Nove#&er 761. In ,a&ah the Cdo ;J as located at 0ala&a$an ith three Troop locations along
the ,erudong 'iver. In ,araa$ the Cdo ;J as at ,erian ith Co#pany locations at 4ang
(#o% 4la#an *apu and 0uBang ,ain:E<. 3t Col +ohn Taplin as CO in ,araa$. ;e had &een
the Corp7s youngest 3t Col in !!II hile serving in N! /urope. *aBor 'ichard :"ic$ie< Arant
*C:E< as ( Coy C#dr:The ,aints<.
'ecce Troop% =@ Co##ando '*% In +uly 196= the nely for#ed 'ecce Troop%=@ Co##ando
'* %under the co##and of 3t Auy ,heriden '*%:#ade up #ainly fro# the e2;eavy !eapons
troop personnel< for#ed the Taau (ssault Aroup &oat section% alongside 2 ,B,. 4atrolling on
the #angrove sa#p aterays as #ainly done on converted leisure craft :#anned &y
*alaysian Navy cre% and ith the '*s under a corporal<. These craft ere called I3i#asI.
There ere several &rushes ith Indonesian Naval and *arine units.
<o 16 R? Comman%o
!ith 621 ,ignals Troop :(ir ,upport ,ignals -nit< attached in 3i#&ang day after the 3i#&ang
raid then on to 0ala&a$an.
Based in ,ingapore. 1 deploy#ents to BorneoD
1th "ivisionD "ece#&er 62- (pril 65
1st "ivisionD (ug 65-Octo&er 65% fe&-+une 6=% "ec 61- *ay 66 % ,a&ahD "ec 6=- *ay 61
<o# 6 & <o# > SBS R?

9oint Services +nits
<o 6 Comcen -roo!5 9oint Communications +nit (Borneo"% -nit &ased in police head.uarters
in 0uching Co#prised 'oyal ,ignals% '()% Navy and Aur$ha ,ignals.
9oint Communications +nit Borneo% 3a&uan. I served at +cu& on a posting fro# ;.feaf
co##unications center at 'af Change for 1 year. -nfortunatly ti#e has passed and I a# una&le
to re#e#&er anyna#es. I as staffed oth #e#&ers of the 'oyal Corps of ,ignals personel and
the 'oyal (ir )orce co##unications personel.
9oint Forces Signals +nit *a:uan
Hovercrat +nit (Far @ast"# 4ossi&ly also $non as +oint ,ervice ;overcraft -nit :)ar /ast<.
/.uipped ith ,'.N1 &ased in Taau% ,a&ah in late 1961. Operated ith =2 Cdo '* in
,erudong 3aut :Taau area of ,a&ah<. ,a the# arrive in ,ingapore% and as &illeted ith its
'(,C and '* personnel at Ca#p Alen% Taau. -nit also &elieved to have deployed to 5rd
"ivision% ,araa$.
9oint Air Reconnaissance $ntelligence Centre (Far @ast"(9AR$C(F@"". Based at '() ,eletar.
No ?1 ,.n :4'-6 Can&erra aircraft< fle daily reconnaissance sorties over Indonesian occupied
Borneo during the confrontation in support of deployed -0 and Co##onealth forces. The
+aric :)/< detach#ent I#agery Interpreters at Tengah produced intelligence reports locating and
identifying ene#y forces and activities for &o#&ing and see$ and destroy #issions.
Photogra!hic $nter!retation Detachment# ,u&-unit of +('IC :)/<% &ased at 3a&uan%
supporting ?1 ,.uadron '() detach#ent% e.uipped ith Can&erra 4'6.

Commonwealth +nits
Air Forces,
<o#'1 S&ua%ron R<GAF% /.uipped ith Can&erras
<o#0> S&ua%ron RAAF% )lying C15@ ;erucles fro# 196= to 1961% CO !g Cdr "ave ;itchins
&ased at 'ich#ond N,!. Than$s to +ac$ )ordyce for this entry.
<o#1' S&ua%ron R<GAF% The s.uadron as &ased at Changi ith four Bristol B16@ )reighter
aircraft. I served on the s.uadron fro# Octo&er 196= until octo&er 1966. "uring that ti#e e
fle regular flights :once or tice each ee$ &eteen Changi and 0uching<#oving troops and
e.uip#ent in and out of the area. )ro# (ugust 1961 until ,epte#&er 1966 the s.uadron
#aintained a one aircraft detach#ent at 0uching. The detach#ent operated air resupply on the
&order in the 1st and 2nd "ivisions - supply dropping to #ost of the positions fro# Bau in the
south to +a#&u in the north. (t the ti#e I as a pilot and I fle on the first #ission in 1961 and
on the last one in 1966. In &eteen ti#es I fle a total of 16? supply drop sorties ith a total of
over 1 #illion pounds of supplies dropped. Overall I &elieve the the detach#ent ould have
flon over 1@@ sorties. !e ere regularly the su&Bect of unfriendly attention fro# Indonesian
ground forces and on at least one occasion our aircraft suffered significant da#age. !e ere
alays held in so#e regard &y the troops on the ground for our persistence in achieving supply
in appalling eather and ith surprising accuracy.
<o#((C S&ua%ron RAAF% 'aaf ,.dn 66 ere &ased at Butterorth and provided detach#ents to
Changi and 3a&ua. They fle ,a&re fighters #ade under licence fro# the -,. I have so#e
e2cellent pictures of the aircraft at J'( near to our or$place at 2nd line servicing. This as
close to the east end of the #ain runay and near&y Changi village. I as posted to Changi ith
211 ,.dn '() and or$ed on 2nd line #aintenance.
Army units,
' Bn Royal <ew Gealan% $nantry Regiment. Based Terenda$% *alaysia Nove#&er 61.
co##anded &y Colonel '.*. Aurr% Borneo tours *ay-Octo&er 1961% *ay-,epte#&er 1966.
,econd tour of 1 'NNI' to Borneo in 1966 as co##anded &y 3t Col Brian 4oananga ho as
later to &eco#e *aB Aen% (r#y Aeneral staff% and later NN ;igh Co##issioner to 4apua Ne
6 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (n advance party sent to Terenda$ +uly 1961% &efore
the ca#p as co#pleted &ut active. Our Co##ander as 3t Aen (.B.,tretton.
0 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment% Based at Terenda$% *alaysia +uly 1965. "eployed to
Borneo *arch- +uly 1961 in Bau area% 1st "ivision% ,araa$
1 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment% Based at Terenda$% *alaysia ,epte#&er 1961.
"eployed to Borneo (pril - (ugust 1966. "eparted fro# 0uching to ,ingapore in (ugust or
,epte#&er 1966 a&oard ,, (u&y. The ship as ru#oured to have &een raised after &eing sun$
&y the +apanese in orld ar II.
I as a 7#edic7 attached fro# 11 )ield (#&ulance '(*C to r'(' at Bo$ah ca#p in the Bau
district fro# I thin$ +une to Octo&er 1966% they ere nor#ally &ased in *alacca and had
recently returned fro# 8ietna#. !/ lost = #en hile I as there 1 on a &order patrol as 8ic
'ichards e2 British (r#y on the 'ia 'idge in an a#&ush hich resulted in the ene#y patrol
&eing $illed and another (ussie &eing shot in the right tricep ith the (' 11 round passing
around his ri& cage and e2iting via his right nipple. Bo$ah as often referred to as 7)ort Bo$ah7
Than$s to (lan !isely for this entry.
'st Ranger S&ua%ron <GSAS 1 'anger ,.uadron. "etach#ents deployed to Borneo )e& 61
:CO *aBor !+" *eldru#< and Oct 61 :CO *aBor ', "earing<. "eparted ,ingapore :and
*alaysia +une 1966<% via Nee ,oon Transit Ca#p
:5 "et< under co##and of *aBor "avid Ogilvy. 5 "et arrived in +anuary>)e& 1966 and departed
in +une 1966. 5 "et as &ased in 3a&uan.
SAS Regiment5 Australia% 1 ,(, ,.uadron deployed fro# (ustralia. Operated in Bau% Te&edu%
3undu% ,tass% ,erian% Balai 'ingin areas of ,araa$ 1st "ivision. Tour )e&ruary-+uly 1961.
'eturned to (ustralia.
2 ,(, ,.uadron deployed fro# (ustralia. Operated in ,apulot% 4ensiangan% 3ong 4a ,ia% 3ong
,e#ado% ,aliliran areas of ,araa$ 1th "ivision and ,a&ah Interior 'esidency. Tour )e&ruary-
+uly 1966. 'eturned to (ustralia.
0r% ?alaysian Briga%e. )or#ed the ;J for /ast Brigade located at Taau% ,a&ah. Its tactical
area of responsi&ility :T(O'< as the Taau and ,anda$an :and possi&ly part of Interior<
'esidencies of ,a&ah. It had under co##and the folloing unitsD
0 ?alaysian $nantry Briga%e $ntelligence Platoon# Intelligence personnel in *alaysian (r#y
&elonged to 0or 'ise$ :Intelligence Corps<.
British Battalion :;J 0ala&a$an% ith co#panies at ,erudong -lu% ,erudong 3aut<% included
The Aordon ;ighlanders and 1st ,cots Auards at ti#es.
?alaysian Battalion :;J - Taau<
?alaysian Battalion :;J - ,e&ati$ Island<
-awau Assault .rou! :;J - !allace Bay<% By 1961% this as a Boint British (r#y>*alaysian
(r#y>*alaysian Navy>*alaysian 4olice grouping under tactical co##and of ;J /ast Brigade
:5rd *alaysian Brigade ith ;J at Taau<.
?alaysian Armoure% Car S&ua%ron :,anda$anE<
?alaysian Artillery Battery :,e&ati$ Island% ,erudong -lu% ,erudong 3aut<
1 S&n ?alaysian @ngineers ;o#e &ase Taiping. Built the road fro# Taau to 0ala&a$an and
/2tended the airfield at Bario in ,araa$ 1966>66. *i2ed British C *alaysian Officers and
A Fiel% Battery5 Royal Australian Artillery. I(I Battery '(( as stationed at Terenda$
attached to =1 3t 'egt '(. (rrived Oct 1961 left ,ept 1966. (&out +anuary 1966% 6 3t 'egt '(
replaced =1 3t 'egt '( .
';6 Fiel% Battery5 Royal Australian Artillery. (ttached to =1 )ield 'egi#ent '( at Terenda$
Aarrison *alacca *alaysia during 1965 to 1961. /.uipped ith 1@1## guns. !as the last
(ustralian unit to leave Borneo in (ugust 1961 after a 5 #onth tour. 'eturned to Terenda$%
*alaya on &oard the 3anding vessel I*a2ell BranderI. *any Than$s to Terry !al$er for the
detailed infor#ation.
A Battery5 Royal Austrlian Artillery#
' Fiel% S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers#
6 Fiel% -roo! Royal Australian @ngineers5 '' $n%e!en%ent Fiel% S&ua%ron5 Royal
@ngineers# 2 )ield Troop '(/ as an (ustralian su&-unit of 11 Independent )ield ,.uadron%
'/ as part of 2? Co##onealth Brigade &ased at Terenda$. 2 Troop served alongside 5 '(' in
Bau% ,araa$ fro# *arch to +uly 1961. ,.uadron Co##ander as *aBor +ohn ,tevens% '/M
Troop Co##ander Capt (lan ;odgesM Troop Officer 3T Barry 3ennon. Troop as located at
B(- in ,araa$ fro# +an 61 to +un 61% Involved in engineering support for 5rd Bn '(' at
Ca#&rai Ca#p in Bau. 'eturned to Terenda$ in +uly 1961. *any Than$s to (lan ;odges and B
B 3ennon for this entry.
1 Fiel% -roo!5 Royal Australian @ngineers# C.O. Capt 'ay +ohnson 2Ic 3t N.Ariffiths. Troop
as stationed at 0ota Belud as responsi&le for construction of "ou&le>"ou&le &ailey Bridge
over Te#pasu$ 'iver. )ro# +uly1962>Nove#&er1962 !ere never aarded A,* Clasp
BO'N/O and should have &een.
( Fiel% S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers#
6' Construction S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers# Borneo- 4andean area-*aB.,tein
o.c. Our unit as in ,a&ar and ,araa$ in 19-61-66.
66 Construction S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers# 22 Construction :fro# its &ase in
!estern (ustralia< as the last of the (ustralian s.uadrons to or$ on the ,epulot - 4andean -
Ta#pussison road :approaching the Indonesian &order<. On station hen I0onfrontasiI ended%
re#aining until Nove#&er>"ece#&er 1966% fro# #e#ory. In addition to the '(/*/ 3ight (id
"etach#ent there ere '( ,igs and *edical Corps attach#ents% as usual. Co##anding officer
as *aB 4eter I. 4ell :retired and living on the Jueensland Aold Coast% last I heard<% 2IC Capt
A.0. :Chris< Ta#pi. The s.uadron has since &een dis&anded. Than$s to ,tephen ,heen for this
22 const s.n rae and a sig troop ere in ,a&ah north &orneo in 1966. Base ca#p as 4andaan.
CO as *aB 4ell. "uration of tour as +une to "ec 1966. 22 const s.n as the last -nit in
60 Construction S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers#
61 Construction S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers# (s part of 5 Co#pany '(,C 6
"rivers ere attached to a&ove unit ho ere &uilding a road near 0eningau ,a&ah N. Borneo to
open up the re#ote villiges deep in the Bungle during 1961 here I spent #y 1?th Birthday
06 Small Shi! S&ua%ron5 Royal Australian @ngineers# 3anding ,hips *ediu# (81515 ;arry
Chauvel and (81511 8ernon ,turdee ere deployed to Borneo in 196= during the Indonesian
Confrontation. They assisted in the discharge of stores% e.uip#ent% plant and vehicles fro#
;*(, ,ydney :for#er aircraft carrier converted to a logistics supply vessel<% and also
perfor#ed other ship-to-shore% coastal and inland ater operations as ell as controlling the
#ove#ent of cargo and vehicles &y rail and ater.
' Bn ?alaysia Rangers5 for#ed fro# for#er ,araa$ 'angers.
6 Bn ?alaysia Rangers5 recruited fro# ,a&ah.
0 Bn ?alaysia Rangers#
(ll three of the a&ove &attalions ere stationed initially at ,ungei 4atani :N! *alaya<% then
#oved to Ipoh. In Octo&er 1961% deployed to Taau> 4ulau ,e&ati$ area of ,a&ah% Borneo until
end of confrontation.
0r% Royal ?alay Regiment% "eployed to Taau area.
3th Royal ?alay Regiment% "eployed to )irst "ivision ,araa$ area.
Ath Royal ?alay Regiment &ased on ,e&ati$ Island. On 11 ,epte#&er 1961% there as a
contact &eteen ele#ents of ?th Battalion% 'oyal *alay 'egi#ent :? '*'< and Indonesian
*arine :Korps Kommando -KKO< special forces unit :Kompi Intai Para Amphii - KIPAM< on
,e&ati$ Island.
>=0 Signal -roo! HRoyal Australian SignalsI 695 ,ig Tp K'oyal (ustralian ,ignalsL as
detached fro# its parent ,.uadron 2@1 ,ig ,.n K'oyal (ustralian ,ignalsLin ,ingapore. It as
&ased on 3a&uan island and provided ,ignals Intelligence K,IAINTL to the "irector of Borneo
Operations K"OBO4,L during Confrontation.
Fe%eration o ?alaya Artillery:2 &tys<
Fe%eration Reconnaissance Regiment
?alayan Police Fiel% Force
<orth Borneo Fiel% Force
Sarawa2 Scouts (ctive in ,araa$ 1961 6? Batangg (i (rea
Sarawa2 Police Fiel% Force
Singa!ore .uar% Regiment at 0uching
Singa!ore $nantry Regiment
Cross Bor%er Scouts# *anned &y personnel recruited fro# the 'oyal *alaysian 4olice Border
,couts. (lso $non as the 0u&a7an ,couts &y the local population. Operated ith>or part of
Co##onealth ,(, Aroup.
<aval vessels,
H?AS Curlew
H?AS Derwent
H?AS Duchess
H?AS .ull
H?S Hic2leton:'NNN #anned<% Coastal #ineseeper. Co##anding officers ere 3t>Cdr
*.N. !ay#outh% 3t>Cdr 4.N. !right then 3t>Cdr ".A. Ba#field. 3t Cdr !right as aarded
",C folloing an action on 2? +une 1966. (B C.0. Taylor as aarded a ",*. 4aid off at
4orts#outh on 9th "ece#&er 1966.
H?AS Haw2
H?AS $:is ( '(N Bird Class *ine !arfare 8essel K(lso referred to as Bird :Ton< Class
*ineseepersL No *11?5 I&is. Transferred fro# 'N on 6 ,epte#&er 1962% e2 ;*, ,ingleton.
4arent unit as 16 *C* ,.n '(N. The Auard ,hip :'(N< in the /ast Brigade :Taau< area.
,erved on &oard as part of an e2change progra##e &eteen T(A and the Auard ,hip.
H?AS ?ores:y
H?<GS Otago% (ttached to the Co##onealth ,trategic )ar /ast )leet.
H?AS Parramtta
H?AS Queen:orough
H?<GS Royalist% (ttached to the Co##onealth ,trategic )ar /ast )leet in 1961.
H?<GS Santon% Co##issioned 1@>=>1961% 3t 3.+. Te#pero then 3t>Cdr A Alyde. 4aid off ?th
Nove#&er 1966 at 4orts#outh.
H?<GS -arana2i% (ttached to the Co##onealth ,trategic )ar /ast )leet.
H?AS ?el:ourne
HA?S Sni!e
HA?S Su!!ly
HA?S Sy%ney
H?AS -eal
H?AS Eam!ire too$ over guardship duties fro# ;*, "ido off ,ipadan island on *onday
2@th +une 1966. "uring her ti#e as guardship 8a#pire carried out 51 operational &oarding at
night in the approaches to Taau% during daylight civil aid proBects ere carried out.,ala$an
Island :&uilding of a Betty co##enced &y ;*(, "erent< Tanyong 3a&ian in "arvel Bay
:&uilding of a schoolhouse co##enced &y ;*NN, Tarana$i< 3arapan Island :construction of
ater tan$< *edical tea# also landed to provide health care to the villagers during the &uilding
proBects. 8a#pire turned over guardship duties to 0" ;ang Tuah on 15th +uly 1966. Than$s to
Billy Bacon for this entry.
H?AS Een%etta ,he as transporting soldiers fro# ,ingapore to 0uchin Borneo during
"ece#&er 1962. 8edetta too$ part in the ,/(TO e2ercise ,ea "evil that included the carriers
(r$ royal% Bennington and *el&ourne that finished in *anila. 8endetta then proceeded to +apan%
Aua#% *anus Is arriving in ,ydney21>6>62 for #aintenance. This as folloed &y a visit to
Nou#ea then in ,epte#&er /2ercise Tuc$er&o2 at +ervis Bay south of ,ydney. Other ships
included *el&ourne% 8a#pire% Jueen&orough and ;*, Caprice and 3och 0illisport. In
Nove#&er 8endetta as in )ree#antle for the Co##onealth Aa#es then ent into a four
#onth refit. Than$s to Arae#e ;anisch for this entry.
I as in 8endetta in 61>66 as a 3,'4 and later posted &ac$ as a 4O &ut got #ade up to Chief and
five #onths later ent to the "/ ,an and &ac$ to ,ingapore as ,an7s deploy#ent as the last
under (NN-0. Than$s to Arae#e ;anisch for this entry.
H?AS Eoyager
H?AS 8arra 'iver Class "estroyer /scort. Oneti#e Auard ,hip :'(N< in the /ast Brigade
:Taau< area. Harra anchored off Taau at @?@@; ,aturday 19th +une 1961 and during the day
too$ over as guardship fro# ;*, Carysfort. Other ships in the area ere ;*, ;oughton and
"ufton ')( Aold 'anger 0" Negri ,e#&ilan and *ela$a. Carysfort "eparted for ,ingapore at
19@@; ,aturday 19th. Harra handed over guardship duties to 0" ;ang Tuah on Tuesday 15th
+uly 1961. ,hips in the Taau area at the &eginning of the #onth ere ;*, "ufton ho as
relieved &y ;*, 3aton on ,aturday 1@th +uly and ;*(, Teal ')( Aold 'anger 0" ,ri
*ela$a and 0" Negri ,e#&ilan ho as relieved &y the 0" ,ri 4era$ on ,aturday 5rd +uly.
4D Hang -uah
4D ?ela2a
4D <egri Sem:ilan
4D Petrel# The ;J ship of T(A as previously the Aovernor of North Borneo7s yacht%
co##issioned in the 'oyal *alaysian Navy :'*N< as 0" 4etrel. It as &erthed alongside T(A
;J at !allace Bay% ,e&ati$ Island. T(A personnel ere luc$y enough to see fil#s shon hen
#ade availa&le on sane days.
4D Sri ?ela2a
4D Sri Pera2

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