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16 ASHRAE Jour nal ashr ae.

or g November 2006
About the Author
Steven M. Miller, P.E., owns HVAC Design Solu-
tions in San Diego.
Calculation Tools for the
Ventilation Rate Procedure
Standard 62.1
Screenshot from the 62MZCalc spreadsheet included with the Standard 62.1-2004 Users Manual.
NSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 has made signicant ad-
vancements in calculations and directives to help improve
outdoor air delivery to the occupants. These changes and additional
calculations, especially for multizone systems, have made it more
difcult for engineers to determine the required outdoor air quanti-
ties. In the past, it was easy for the engineer to apply the 5 cfm
(2.4 L/s), 10 cfm (4.8 L/s), or 15 cfm (7.1 L/s) times the number
of occupants to arrive at the recommended outdoor air quantity.
However, it has become evident that this simplistic approach is not
adequate to provide good indoor air quality.
To improve ventilation air delivery,
HVAC engineers should incorporate
the calculations and directives of the
standard into the normal design pro-
cess. Several tools exist to make the
ventilation rate procedure calculations
less difcult.
Ventilation Air Delivery Problem
During the evolution of the current
standard, the Standing Standards Project
Committee (SSPC) 62.1 and researchers
quantied several factors that added to
the degradation of indoor air quality.
As indicated in Figure 1, the delivery
of outdoor air (OA) from the air-handling
By Steven M. Miller, P.E., Member ASHRAE
2006, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ( Published in ASHRAE Journal Vol. 48, Nov. 2006. For personal use
only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.
November 2006 ASHRAE Jour nal 17
unit to the breathing zone can be reduced signicantly, due to
a combination of operating conditions:
The reduction of primary airow by the variable air vol-
ume terminal unit decreases the supply air quantity to the
zone and consequently reduces the amount of outdoor air
delivered to the zone. The energy saving with VAV systems
has often been at the cost of indoor air quality.
Delivery of the primary air to the breathing zone is de-
pendent on the performance of the air diffusers. If the
diffusers are not selected to drive the primary air down to
the breathing zone at a sufcient velocity, less OA will be
available at the occupied level.
Even if the diffusers are selected to deliver the recommend-
ed 150 fpm (0.8 m/s) velocity at the breathing level, based
on cooling air quantity, the delivery can be signicantly
changed when the supply air system switches to heating
mode. This can happen when a heating coil at the VAV
terminal is activated, which creates a buoyancy effect and
short-circuits the supply air back to the return register at
the ceiling level. (ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals,
Chapter 33, recommends limiting the heating discharge
temperature differential of ceiling mounted diffusers to
approximately 15F (8C). At higher temperatures, the
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2004, Thermal Environ-
mental Conditions for Human Occupancy, maximum
temperature gradient of 5F [3C] in the occupied zone
could be exceeded.)
A short-term occupancy increase in a zone, such as an
extended meeting in an ofce or in conference rooms,
reduces the per-person OA quantity for that zone.
SSPC 62.1 and ASHRAE researchers have addressed the
problems associated with delivery of ventilation air to the
breathing zone, and have revised the standard to account for
these problems. The results of the calculations included in
Standard 62.1-2004 will provide a minimum value for outdoor
air quantity that we can use as the required outdoor air quantity
for each air-handling system. In the past, we did not have a
good tool to quantify the recommended outdoor air volume. As
a result, we have seen several instances of building occupant
complaints and sick building syndrome. By complying with the
directives in the standard, we can start with reliable baseline
values for ventilation air quantities. From this baseline, we can
(optionally) make changes to our system designs that improve
the ventilation air delivery efciency and consequently improve
the indoor air quality even further.
A common complaint from engineers is that Standard 62.1-
2004 is too time consuming and difcult to apply. However, new
tools are available, including the new 62.1 Users Manual with
its associated practice spreadsheet, and a third-party compliance
software package (both available at
These tools help with application of the standards procedures,
and make the process less time consuming. The engineer can use
these tools to optimize the ventilation air quantity. Optimization
can help avoid the potentially excessive air quantities that can
occur using other direct calculation methods.
Outdoor Air Calculation Procedures
Standard 62.1-2004 includes two alternatives for determining
the recommended OA quantity: the ventilation rate procedure
and the IAQ procedure.
The ventilation rate procedure is a prescriptive procedure
that determines OA intake rates based on the occupancy
category, number of occupants, and oor area. The oor area
OA requirement is based on contaminant sources and source
strengths typical for the occupancy category. The procedure
also accounts for system ventilation efciency (including the
fraction of outdoor air discharged to the zone), as well as the
ventilation effectiveness of the air-distribution devices.
The IAQ procedure is a design procedure that determines OA
intake requirements and other system design parameters based
on analysis of contaminant sources, contamination concentra-
tion targets, and perceived acceptability targets. Compliance
through this procedure is not within this articles scope.
In most cases, the ventilation rate procedure is the more
straightforward method of determining the recommended
OA rate. Typically, the engineer does not have all of the in-
formation needed to perform the IAQ procedure at the early
design stages.
To improve ventilation air delivery, HVAC engineers should incorporate
the calculations and directives of the standard into the normal design
process. Several tools exist to make the ventilation rate procedure
calculations less difcult.
18 ASHRAE Jour nal ashr ae. or g November 2006
Outdoor Air Quality
Prior to completing ventilation design using either design
procedure, the engineer is required to investigate the local
outdoor air quality and review the ndings with the building
owner or representative. This requires three steps of investiga-
tion and documentation.
1. Regional Air Quality. The status of compliance with
national ambient air quality
standards shall be determined
for the geographic area of the
building site for a status of
either attainment or non-at-
tainment for each pollutant
listed in the standard, Table
4-1. Compliance status for the
region can be found at www.
2. Local Air Quality. An
observational survey of the
building site and immedi-
ate surroundings shall be
conducted to identify local contaminants that could enter the
building. The survey should include items listed in the standard
and the 62.1 Users Manual, including date, time, area surveyed,
description of nearby facilities, observation of odors or irritants,
visible plumes or air contaminants, sources of vehicle exhaust,
and prevailing wind.
3. Documentation. The information gathered during outdoor
air quality investigation must be documented in a report and
reviewed with the building owners or their representatives.
The documentation must include a conclusion by the engineer
relative to the acceptability of outdoor air quality.
If the investigation indicates non-attainment for one or more
of the applicable pollutants or if a local source of contamina-
tion exists, the engineer should consider remedial measures
including air-cleaning devices for the specic pollutants and
using appropriate air intake locations.
Ventilation Rate Procedure
The ventilation rate procedure addresses essentially three
types of air-handling systems for the purpose of determining
required OA ventilation.
1. Single-Zone Systems. One air handler supplies a mixture
of outdoor air and recirculated air to only one zone.
2. 100% Outdoor Air Systems. One air handler supplies
only outdoor air to one or more zones.
3. Multizone, Single Supply Recirculating Systems. One
air handler or central system supplies a mixture of outdoor air
and recirculated return air to more than one zone from a single
location (e.g., reheat, single-duct VAV, single-fan dual-duct, and
Simplied OA Calculation Tasks
Calculation of the Standard 62.1-2004 outdoor air quantity
typically can be reduced to eight to 10 tasks.
1. Establish the ventilation zones and tabulate the associ-
ated oor areas. Ventilation zones are one or several occupied
spaces that have a similar occupancy category, similar occupant
density, similar air-distribution effectiveness, and similar zone
primary airow per unit area. Ventilation zones are not neces-
sarily the same as thermal control zones that are used in load
calculations, but they can be the same in many cases.
2. Select the appropriate
occupancy category for each
of these ventilation zones
from the list in Table 6-1 of
the standard.
3. Determine the occupan-
cy of each ventilation zone.
Standard 62.1-2004 includes
an estimated default value
based on the zone oor area
and the occupant density for
the occupancy category. If the
number of people expected to
occupy the zone during typi-
cal usage cannot be accurately predicted, these default values
can be used to calculate the required outdoor air quantities. If
the number of people can be determined (e.g., by using the
architects programming, by counting the number of chairs
or desks in a zone, or other means), the actual number should
be used in the calculations. (If the engineer is using the 2003
International Mechanical Code, which takes its table from the
pre-Addendum n version of the standard, the engineer must use
the default values as minimums, not defaults.) If the occupancy
is expected to increase at times, such as for extended meetings
in an ofce, in conference rooms, or other areas within the
zone, the anticipated peak occupancy for the zone should be
included in the calculations, along with a time-related multiplier
to allow for the short-term occupancy.
Engineering judgment
is needed to establish the anticipated number of people as ac-
curately as possible.
4. Calculate the outdoor air required in the breathing zone,
based on the combination of occupant-related requirements and
area-related requirements. These calculations are performed
automatically with the 62.1-2004 Users Manual spreadsheets or
with the available third-party compliance software programs.
5. Determine the correct air distribution effectiveness
value from Table 6-2 of the standard for each ventilation
zone. The correct selection should be based on the expected
worst case for each zone. For example, if a zone could have a
supply air temperature more than 15F (8C) above the room
temperature when a terminal reheat coil is energized, then the
corresponding effectiveness number should be selected. This
has a smaller effectiveness number (0.8), which will require a
larger quantity of outdoor air than if ceiling supply of cool air
had been selected.
6. Establish the design primary airow to the zone from
load calculations. This includes outdoor intake air and recircu-
lated air from the air-handling system, but does not include air
Intended Ventilation Air Delivery
to Occupants
Effective Ventilation Air
Decit at the Breathing
Zone Due to Combination
Of Operating Conditions
1. Application of VAV,
Reduction to Minimum
Primary Air Quality
2. Less Than Optimum Air
Diffusion Effectiveness
3. Air Buoyancy Effect (Warm Air
Short-Circuiting to Return at Ceiling)
4. Short-Term Increase
In Occupancy (Meeting or
Figure 1: Effective ventilation diagram.
20 ASHRAE Jour nal ashr ae. or g November 2006
transferred or air recirculated to the zone by other means (such
as locally recirculated airow). Also, establish the minimum
primary airow to the zone, which is the minimum expected
primary airow when a variable volume device is at minimum
design ow rate.
7. If the air-handling system includes secondary recirculation
at the zone, it is necessary to perform additional calculations to
determine the outdoor air requirements, as shown in Appendix
A of the standard. This provision is for systems that provide part
of their ventilation by recirculating air from other zones without
directly mixing it with outdoor air (e.g., dual-fan dual-duct,
fan-powered mixing box, fan-powered VAV box, and transfer
fans for conference rooms). The quantity (cfm or L/s) of sec-
ondary recirculation airow to zone should be determined
by the airow volume of the secondary system fan or blower.
Figure 2 shows a diagram describing the secondary recircula-
tion system.
With secondary recirculation systems, it is also
necessary to determine the estimated portion of secondary
recirculation air from the common return. This air quantity
will be a portion of the previously established quantity of sec-
ondary recirculation airow to zone. This air quantity should
be based on engineering judgment and depends on whether the
air-handling return system is ducted or is a ceiling plenum type
of return system.
8. Calculate the system ventilation efciency, based on the
ventilation zone with the minimum value of zone ventilation
efciency. This will require calculating the zone ventilation
efciency of several zones (or possibly all zones) to determine
the one with the minimum ventilation efciency, also described
as the ventilation-critical zone. This ventilation-critical zone
is the zone that requires the largest fraction of outdoor air in
the primary airstream. Since this zone determines the outdoor
air requirement for the associated air-handling system, the
Appendix A calculations should be used, rather than using the
less accurate Table 6-3 values. If the ventilation efciency of
this ventilation-critical zone is unnecessarily low, the outdoor
air requirement of the air-handling system can be unnecessar-
ily high, which could result in wasted energy and construction
costs. (Appendix A calculations can be simplied by using the
previously mentioned tools.)
9. If the ventilation-critical zone has a zone ventilation ef-
ciency that is signicantly lower than the next lowest zone
ventilation efciency, the engineer should provide the extra
time and effort to optimize the zone ventilation efciencies.
As noted in Standard 62.1-2004, The designer may increase
the zone supply ows during the design process, particularly to
the critical zones requiring the highest fraction of outdoor air,
and thereby reduce the system outdoor air intake requirements
determined in the calculation, sometimes dramatically.

Typically during design, the VAV minimum is set by factors
such as minimum controllable operating point of the VAV box,
by ofce standards that may dictate a minimum air change
rate; by minimum air quantity per unit area; or by air volumes
required for building heating, depending on the system type.
In some instances, the minimum for one zone might be signi-
cantly smaller, proportionally, than minimums for other zones.
This can create an unnecessarily large outdoor air requirement
at the air-handling unit.
Optimization improves the ventilation efciency of the
ventilation-critical zone and can signicantly reduce the out-
door air requirement of the associated air-handling system.
Analysis of the ventilation-critical zone(s) should include trad-
eoff comparisons between energy saved at the air-handling unit
with lower outdoor air quantity, vs. the potential of increased
heating required at the zone level to avoid overcooling when
the minimum airow is increased.
See the Optimization Process sidebar for an example.
timization involves an iterative (multiple-trial) procedure to
arrive at the most economical outdoor air quantity, while still
complying with the requirements of Standard 62.1-2004.
With experience, the optimization process can be completed
in a short time. As can be seen from this small example, im-
proving the ventilation efciency of the ventilation-critical
zone has reduced the required OA from the original 3,046 cfm
(1438 L/s) to the nal required OA of 1,638 cfm (773 L/s).
And, the requirements of the ventilation rate procedure are
still being met.
10. Calculate the design outdoor intake quantity based
on the uncorrected outdoor air intake and the nal system
ventilation efciency. This value will be used as the outdoor
air intake quantity for the air-handling system. The previously
mentioned tools perform these calculations automatically.
Ensure Outdoor Air Will Be Provided to Occupants
After completing the ventilation calculations and establish-
ing the outdoor air quantity for each air-handling system, it is
essential that the engineer make provisions to ensure the HVAC
equipment actually provides the required outdoor air quantity.
Outdoor Air
Fully Mixed Fraction of Secondary
Recirculation (Where Applicable)
) (1 E
) (V
) = (E
) (V
(1 E
) (V
Secondary Refrigeration
(Where Applicable)
(1 E
) (V
) = (R
+ R
Directly From
Zone (Where
(1 E
)(1 E
) (V
Figure 2: Ventilation system (Figure A.1 in Standard 62.1-2004).
November 2006 ASHRAE Jour nal 21
Original Condition. To begin the
process, the user inputs the design
information, including design airow
and minimum airow to each zone
(six zones in this example). The
row for Zone Primary Outdoor
Air Fraction (Z
) shows the third
zone (third column) highlighted in
yellow. This indicates it is the ventila-
tion-critical zone, determined by the
associated calculations: 0.76(Z
) in
this example,
= 0.76(Z
. The other zones (Z
Optimization Process
values are signicantly lower, indicating that optimization
would be advisable. To improve the ventilation efciency of
this ventilation-critical zone, the minimum airow (V
) can
be increased. The original design minimum for this zone is
First Step. The minimum airow
for the ventilation-critical zone has
been increased to 1,800 cfm (850
L/s). This reduces the zone primary
OA fraction (Z
) to 0.59 and reduces
the required OA intake to 2,173 cfm
(1026 L/s).
Second Step. The minimum has
been increased to 2,150 cfm (1015
L/s) for the ventilation-critical zone.
This reduces the (Z
) to 0.49 and re-
duces the required OA to 1,868 cfm
(882 L/s). Notice also that the color
of the Minimum VAV airow cell for
the third zone has changed to orange
(from the original red). This indicates
that the zone is not as critical for op-
timization as it was with the original
minimum VAV airow values.
Note: the two values in the rows labeled For optimization, add to key minimum VAV airow to zone (cfm) and OA quantity is optimized when reqd OA intake change
is less than are guideline optimization quantities. They are based on tradeoff calculations between decreased OA intake heating load at the air-handling unit vs. zone-level
reheat penalty, when zone minimums are increased.
1,400 cfm (661 L/s). The results of the original input values
(before optimization) indicate a Required OA Intake Flow
(cfm) (V
) of 3,046 cfm (1438 L/s), shown in the column
labeled Calc in this example.
22 ASHRAE Jour nal ashr ae. or g November 2006
Third Step. The minimum has
been increased to 2,450 cfm (1156
L/s) for the third zone. The Z
now 0.43 and the required OA is
reduced to 1,717 cfm (810 L/s). The
Required OA Intake Flow (cfm)
) reduction from the previous
step is 151 cfm (71 L/s), which is still
above the calculated 37.7 cfm (17.8
L/s) shown in the row, OA Quantity
is Optimized When Reqd. OA Intake
Change is Less Than. Therefore,
another step of optimization should
be completed.
Fourth Step. The minimum for
the third zone has been increased
to 2,700 cfm (1274 L/s). This re-
duces the associated Z
to 0.38 and
reduces the required OA to 1,638
cfm (773 L/s). Note also that the
ventilation-critical zone indication
(yellow highlight) has shifted to the
fth zone (0.40 in this example). The
Required OA reduction from the
previous step is now only 79 cfm
(37.3 L/s), so further optimization is
not necessary. (If further optimiza-
tion had been indicated, the user
would now switch to the fth zone
and increase the minimum airow
] to that zone.)
The mechanical ventilation systems are to be designed and
controlled to maintain at least the required minimum outdoor
airow under any load condition. Standard 62.1-2004 states,
VAV systems with xed outdoor air damper positions must
comply with this requirement at minimum supply airow.
In the interest of energy conservation, this requirement would
indicate that OA dampers on VAV systems should be controlled
rather than xed. Otherwise, the OA quantity at full-load
operation could be excessive. OA damper control should include
airow measurement devices to ensure the required air quan-
tity is being provided under all load conditions. Specications
should include provisions for initial test and balance of OA
quantities. Operations and maintenance manuals should include
prescribed schedules for periodic testing and adjustment of the
OA dampers and controls over the life of the systems.
Strategies to Improve Ventilation Efciency
Standard 62.1-2004 has pointed out several areas that cause
reduced ventilation efciency. The engineer has the opportunity
during the design phase to create the most favorable conditions
for effective ventilation air delivery.
Select diffusers and registers to deliver the primary air
to the breathing zone at recommended velocities, and at
worst-case conditions. This could include using diffusers
that automatically adjust discharge-free areas to maintain
distribution patterns as air volume is decreased.
Revise the method of building heating (such as hydronic
baseboard heating), so it is not necessary to provide ceiling
supply of heating air. Alternately, if using ceiling supply,
limit the heating air differential temperature by increasing
the heating airows.
Use underoor air systems and oor supply of cooled air
with ceiling return systems.
Revise VAV minimums based on optimization of ventilation-
critical zones. The engineer also should verify that ad-
equate heating is available for zones that are increased
during optimization to avoid overcooling of the spaces.
Add heat/cool energy recovery equipment, so even larger
24 ASHRAE Jour nal ashr ae. or g November 2006
amounts of outdoor air can be introduced without a ma-
jor increase in operating costs. This issue is addressed
further in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
2004, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings.
Consider using zone-level recirculating systems, such as
fan-powered mixing boxes, which can essentially borrow
unused outdoor air from adjacent zones.
Apply sound engineering judgement on each project to es-
tablish the nal outdoor air quantities for each air-handling
system. The OA quantity that is calculated using the Stan-
dard 62.1-2004 procedures is to be considered a minimum
or baseline quantity. Any additional OA introduced into
the primary airstream likely will improve indoor air qual-
ity even more than the standard has prescribed. Balancing
the operation and energy costs with indoor air quality is
still a consideration. However, when
Standard 62.1-2004 is used, we can be
reasonably confident that our projects
will be afforded the standard of care that
they deserve.
Using Standard 62.1-2004 requires ad-
ditional work by the engineer. The old 10
cfm (4.8 L/s) per person rule is history.
Engineers depend on organizations like
ASHRAE to provide design recommen-
dations based on extensive research and
on the expertise of technical committee
members. Ventilation calculations are no
less important than heating and cooling
calculations, and should be a standard
part of the design process.
By using the tools and guidelines
discussed here, the calculations and
documentation can be reduced to an
easily manageable list of tasks. These
tasks are further simplied once heating
and cooling load calculations have been
performed because they use many of the
same input values.
1. Chamberlin, G.A., et al. 1999. VAV
systems and outdoor air. ASHRAE Journal
2. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,
Section 6.
3. ASHRAE. 2004. 62.1 Users Manual
for ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004,
Section 6.
4. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,
Appendix A.
5. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,
Appendix A, Design Process.
6. Miller, S.M. 2005. 62.1-2004 Comply:
Ventilation Compliance Software: example,
Multiple Zone Systems. San Diego: HVAC
Design Solutions.
7. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,
Section 5.
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