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The meaning of integrity differs from one person to the next. We all develop our own
ideas of what makes a person of integrity through our life experiences, readings, and from what
we learn from others. Integrity, as stated in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the quality of
being honest and fair. However according to the Oxford Dictionary it is the quality of being
honest and having strong moral principles. These two definitions though they are similar can
be interpreted into having two different meanings. Nevertheless, they are still defining the same
word. I used to wonder which definition of integrity is the right one? And how would I know,
because in school though the word integrity is often used there was never a clear definition, there
was always room for personal interpretation. Then I was introduced to more complex novels,
short stories, and biographies and had the opportunity to develop my own criteria of what makes
a person of integrity. So now, I think that there are many traits like honesty, respect, and kind
heartedness that a person must possess for me to consider them a person of integrity
A person of integrity must do remarkable things and make a difference in lives of others;
Steve Jobs is one man of integrity who went on to change all of our lives. Steve Jobs, is the co-
founder of the company Apple which was voted one of the worlds most admired companies
because of its innovative and creative new product and technologies that they have introduced to
the world Jobs learned about keeping promises and being truthful at a young age, he was adopted
at birth; his new parents assured his birth mother that he would attend college. They were
determined to uphold this promise and taught Steve Jobs how to fix cars at a young age to help
earn his way to college. Through this he learned many new life skills and lessons that he would
need later on in his career. After maintaining this promise and attending his first semester of
college, Jobs left Reed University, upon the decision that college was not right for himself. He
went on to find a job and raise money to fund his own trip to India. On this trip he saw many of
the Indian people living in poverty and had a difficult time and was surprised by this experience.
He then returned home and used his intelligence and skills that he had acquired among his many
journeys to find new jobs which led him to co starting his company Apple. He tried to do what
was best for everyone and at time he would clash with other employees and would work the
night shift to avoid conflicts. His trustworthiness and work ethic from a young age, led him to
success and to becoming a person of integrity.
Reading helps determine what makes a person of integrity, specifically in short stories
and their characters. In a story like Kabuliwala the Kabuliwala, can be analyzed to decide
what makes them as notable as they become. In this case his honesty and kind heart make the
story feel true and honest. At the end of the story, the reader learns that he visited and became
friends with the young girl because he missed his own daughter back home. The kind heart and
honesty of the kabuliwala make him integral. Then in stories like The Scarlet Ibis we learn about
Doodles traits that make him integral, though these traits are not the same ones that stand out in
other characters like the kabuliwala they are both persons of integrity. Doodle is disabled from
birth until death, and had a strong will power that he uses to try his hardest to be to do what the
other boys can do. He often falls down and struggle to continue and try again but he always
seems to do so when he has the strength to. Though these two characters have many different
traits in the end they both are considered persons of integrity because of their willpower, kind
hearts, and truthfulness.

The novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding is one of the many books that has
multiple persons of integrity. Ralph, the main character is a go getter and always wanted the
best for all of the boys; he was the hard working leader. Throughout the novel Ralph wants the
boys too work together and function in a civilized manner to help the rescue come quicker. The
other main character of positive integrity is Piggy, Ralphs closest companion. Piggy was able to
use his wits and knowledge to guide and assist Ralph while leading the group. Lord of the Flies
contained many characters that portrayed different character traits of a person of integrity.
All of the people and characters mentioned above were chosen as persons of integrity
because of their will power, honesty, truthfulness, and respect towards themselves and others. It
can be argued that a character like Jack in Lord of the Flies is also a person of integrity because
he possesses a very strong will power, determination, and intelligence. Jack is a great leader like
many other people mentioned, but he does not use these skills in a positive manner like a person
on integrity should. He chooses to use his skills against Ralph and therefore uses them against
the best interest of all the boys. Though there is a clear and concise argument on whether Jack is
a person of integrity, it is clear from of the way he uses these powers against the best interest of
the group, that he is not a true person of integrity like the other characters mentioned above. The
definition of a person of integrity can differ through different interpretations. There is always
room for disagreement and there is no dichotomy. One person may consider a character or
another person integral because they possess certain traits while another person may think deeper
and analyze their life before they can make a decision.
There is no set dichotomy on integrity that determines whether a person is one of
integrity or not, but we each make our own definition. Through different stories and the lives of
others integrity is determination, a kind heart, truthfulness, respect, and honesty. Heres to the
crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes The
ones who see things differently theyre not fond of rules You can quote them, disagree with
them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you cant do is ignore them because they change
things They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we
see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are
the ones who do. This famous quote by Steve Jobs, a man of true integrity, can be used to
support the fact that there is no one right definition of integrity and people can disagree on
whether a person possess integrity or not. They may argue that they are the crazy ones while it
can be argued that they are integral and will go on to change the world. Integrity does not have
one set definition, but it has many similar definitions about honesty, respect, truthfulness, and
kindheartedness, that leave room for personal interpretation.

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