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Name Family Signs and Symptoms

Respiratory Syncytial
Similar to common cold with sig.
rhinorhea, respiritory difficulty,
wheezes are a common sign.
Affects most kids before the age
of two
Characterized by a
maculopapular rash that starts
on face and spreads. Initial
symptoms 2-3days before rash
(prodrome) includes coldlike
symptoms, fever >40, Koplik
2-3 week incubation leading to
generalized malaise and fever.
Swollen parotid glands
Similar to RSV, but often
associated with Croup (swelling
of the throat that interferes
with breathing and causes
cough, stridor, hoarseness).
Affects boys more than girls
Rubella Togavirus
mild fever, pink rash, swollen
lymph nodes, 2 week incubation
Human Bocavirus Parvoviridae
cold symptoms, diarrhea, rash,
conjunctivits (similar to
human metapneumonia
Paramyxoviridae similar to RSV
Pathology Diagnosis Complications
Affects lower respiratory tract, F ptn
facilitates cell fusion, can cause
necrotizing bronchilitis due to immune
response and peribronchial infiltration
resulting in intersitial pneumonia.
Observation of Syncytia in
cultured cells
Can cause long term problems
with respiratory system
infection at portal of entry (respiratory
tract or eye mucosa) --> lymph --> blood-
-> systemic. Rash is caused by CTLS.
Virus is shed in body fluids. Syncytia are
found in lymph and epithelia. F,G,M are
primary targets of immune response
Croup, -itis's, giant cell
pneumonia, SSPE, generalized
immune suppression
portal of entry is mouth, leads to high
viremia, with secondary infection of
Orchitis leading to sterility,
meningitis, encephalitis
four types: PIV1,2,3,4.
Primary concern is infection of the fetus-
cardiovascular and CNS defects, liver
enlargement, sight asnd hearing
defects, bone defects, insulin
dependent diabetes, mental
retardation. Severity depends on stage
of pregenancy when infected
ELISA, may be difficult to
diagnose without tests
encephalitis and polyarthritis
Supportive care with O2 and
fluids. Infected children must be
isolated. Ribavirin works for some
reason for kids with pre-existing
conditions. Palivizumab is a
monoclonal antibody that binds F
ptn and prevents fusion
Maternal antibodies protect until
6 mos. Effective live attenuated
vaccine (MMR) that should be
given between 12-15 mos and
then again around 4-6 yrs. Doesn't
count if it is before 12 mos. Give
immunogobulin to exposed kiddos
who haven't been vaccinated.
live attenuated vaccine, but living
with immune suppressed is not a
contraindication (being immune
suppressed still is)
Nebulized steam helps with the
live attenuated vaccine

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