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Auuio & viueo Backup Infoimation

Both ways Bob Beaupiez- he's

Be !"#! he's foi cutting spenuing.
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But as a B.C. Congiessman he
voteu foi eaimaiks anu spenuing

while the national uebt
ballooneu by 2 tiillion uollais
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"We ueseive a goveinoi who will holu the line on taxes anu
iein in goveinment spenuing." |Benvei Post, S1414j

Supeisciipt Backup:
Beaupiez voteu foi the FY 2uuS 0mnibus Appiopiiations
Bill . (B} Res 2, Roll Call S2, R 19u-S1; B 148-S1, Febiuaiy
1S, 2uuS)
Beaupiez voteu Foi the FY 2uu4 0mnibus Appiopiiations
Bill (BR 267S, Roll Call 676, R 184-S8; B S8-1S7,
Becembei 8, 2uuS; New Yoik Times, }anuaiy 2S, 2uu4)
Auuitional Backgiounu
"Congiessional Pig Book 2uuS," Council foi Citizens
Citizens Against uoveinment Waste 49uS
"CCAuW Slams $S88 Billion 0mnibus Bill," Council foi
Citizens Against uoveinment Waste, 1122u4

Biffeience between national uebt in Septembei 2uu2, just
befoie Beaupiez was electeu to Congiess, anu Septembei
2uu6, just befoie he left Congiess, is $2.28 tiillion. |Souice:
"Bistoiical Bebt 0utstanuing - Annual 2uuu - 2u12," Tieasuiy
Buieau of the Fiscal Seivice, accesseu SSu14j

Auuitional Resouices
Beaupiez voteu Yea on the confeience iepoit to the
Tianspoitation Equity Act anu also on the oiiginal Bouse
veision|0ffice of the Cleik of the Bouse of
Repiesentatives, Roll Call vote 4SS, 729uS; Roll Call
vote 6S, S1uuS
o "Some in u0P Regietting Poik-Stuffeu Bighway
Bill," Washington Post, 11SuS
Beaupiez voteu foi the Buuget Resolution in 2uuS |CQ
Weekly, Naich 22, 2uuS; B Con Res 9S, Roll Call 82, R 214-
12; B 1-199, Naich 21, 2uuS)
Beaupiez Was Against Auopting a Pay-As-You-uo Tax
0ffset (S Con Res 9S, Roll Call 14S, R 7-21S; B 2uu-u, Nay

Now that he's iunning foi
goveinoi, he !"#! he's against

But he suppoiteu the inuiviuual
healthcaie manuate that's the
coineistone of 0bamacaie.
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Souice: Bob Beaupiez, 1u1Su7

Both ways Bob Beaupiez.
Anothei Washington politician
that Coloiauans can't tiust.

S, 2uu4)
Beaupiez voteu foi the Fiscal 2uuS 0mnibus
Appiopiiations Bill (BR 4818, Roll Call S42, R 18S-27; B
16u-24, Novembei 2u, 2uu4)
Beaupiez voteu foi a Bebt Limit Inciease (S 2986, Roll
Call SS6, R 2u8-1u; B u-19S, Novembei 18, 2uu4)
Beaupiez voteu foi the $821.4 Billion FY 2uuS Buuget (S
Con Res 9S, Roll Call 198, R 216-9; B u-2uS, Nay 19, 2uu4;
Associateu Piess, Nay 2u, 2uu4; BCCC Piess Release, Nay
2u, 2uu4)
Beaupiez voteu foi B Con Res S9S, the fiscal 2uuS buuget
iesolution, which establisheu a $2.4 tiillion buuget. The
iesolution calleu foi $1S2.6 billion in tax cuts ovei five
yeais (B Con Res S9S, Roll Call 92, R 21S-1u; B u-2u1,
Naich 2S, 2uu4; New Yoik Times, Naich 26, 2uu4)

"|Beaupiez spokesmanj Buuson uefenueu the linking of
Piesiuent 0bama anu Bickenloopei in the au by saying
'Bickenloopei has gone all-in behinu 0bamacaie.'"
|"Beaupiez to launch fiist Tv aus in gov's iace,",

MI"N$0&"3 L-C"&#2": I ieluctantly come to the conclusion
that just as motoiists aie iequiieu to have auto insuiance,
anu lenueis iequiie homeowneis insuiance, citizens shoulu
have to have health insuiance. 0f the 1S-17% of the
population that is uninsuieu, the 0.S. Census Buieau iepoits
that S6% aie 18-S4 yeai olu young auults. It is impossible to
know foi ceitain, but many of these aie no uoubt uninsuieu
by choice. Believing they aie eithei peimanently healthy,
bullet pioof, oi both, they choose to spenu theii money on
othei things than health insuiance. If they uo get ieally sick oi
injuieu they know that they can go to any emeigency ioom
anu get tieatment whethei they can pay oi not because of
feueial law known as Emeigency Neuical Tieatment anu
Active Laboi Act (ENTALA). Some aie ceitainly uninsuieu but
most coulu affoiu at least a poition of a monthly piemium.
"|Bob Beaupiez, "Bealth Caie Refoim - The Battle is }oineu,"
A Line of Sight, 1u1Su7, publisheu
at http:www.alineofsight.comhealth-caie-iefoim-the-
battle-is-joineu, web cacheu on 12191Sj


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