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Japarese Papermak|ng (|nrroouoeo |n Japan arouno 6'0 0E.

|as produced sore ol l|e Wor|d's l|resl paper lror a W|de var|ely
ol raler|a|s: |erp, ru|oerry, r|ce, ard ol|ers. 'Paper' |as oeer
'cerlra|' lo l|e Japarese Way ol ||v|rg p|ay|rg ar |rporlarl ro|e |r
rary r|lua|s, cereror|es ard spec|a| occas|ors.
T|e Japarese oe||eve l|al l|e|r |ardrade paper, ca||ed
'Was||', |s ar erood|rerl ol l|e lour pr|rc|p|es ol Japarese
aesl|el|cs: pur|r,, rranqu|||r,, narmon,, ano respeor, ard a perlecl
rar|leslal|or ol l|e|r cu|lure.
lr Japar, paper |as a|Ways lrarscerded lo ar 'arl lorr'.
Fo|d|ng paper screens, 0r|gam| (paper lo|d|rg) ard 8h|fu
(Wover paper) are sore lrad|l|ora| arls |rvo|v|rg 'paper'.
va|u|rg l||s |er|lage, The 0j| Paper Hanufactur|ng
6ompany, eslao||s|ed l|e Paper Huseum |r 1950. 3|r||ar|y
The Paper Art Huseum Was sel up |r V|s||ra {$-wol Tok,oj.
T||| l|e erd ol wor|d war-ll, l|e Japarese paper |rduslry
erjoyed |rrerse prosper|ly oased or aourdarl pu|pWood
Aller l|e War, raW raler|a|s oecare scarce (s|noe Japan |osr
rne sournern na|l ol rne |s|ano ol $akna||n, rne raruluro reg|on,
rne souroe ol more rnan na|l ol Japan's pu|puooo). Posl-War l|e
|rduslry slrugg|ed. F|ra||y oy 1953, preWar producl|or |eve|s
Were rel. Tola| paper producl|or |rcreased lourlo|d |r l|e per|od
oelWeer 1951 ard 191.
8y 191, Japar rar|ed l||rd, oe||rd l|e ur|led 3lales ard
Carada, |r paper producl|or. As |ls oWr pu|pWood resources |ad
dW|rd|ed, Japarese rarulaclurers oegar lo expard operal|ors
overseas, c|oser lo raW raler|a| sources. V|||s slarled |rporl|rg
Woodc||ps lror u3A, Carada, ard ol|er courlr|es.
Japar's ecoror|c ooor ol l|e 1980s, oroug|l a c|arge |r
l|e pallerrs ol paper use. T|e groWl| ol d|recl-rar|el|rg
adverl|s|rg, suc| as cala|ogs ard parp||els, gereraled
|rcreased use ol pr|rl|rg papers ard lor spec|a|l|es, |||e coaled
papers ard p|ologravure papers. Japar's paper-ra||rg
capac|ly corl|rued lo |rcrease - oy as ruc| as Z per cerl
oelWeer 1982 ard 1991. Laler W|l| ecorory s|oW|rg, l|e
derard lor paper co||apsed. Paper ra|ers Were roW operal|rg
al or|y 5 per cerl ol capac|ly. Corso||dal|or ol producl|ve
capac|l|es oecare a pr|or|ly. lr 1993 0j| Paper ooug|l Karza||
Paper ard oecare Japar's o|ggesl paper rarulaclurer.
TWo rajor coaled ooard p|arls are sc|edu|ed lor slarl-up |r 2015. Emam| Papers W||| produce 100,000 TPA ol
ru|l|-|ayer coaled ooard al 8a|asore, W|||e l|e TNPL p|arl lo oe |ocaled al Vord|pall| v|||. W||| produce 200,000
TPA ooard.
lr 2000 l|e lec|ro|ogy ooor |ad a |a|o ellecl or l|e
Japarese paper |rduslry dr|ver oy l|e groW|rg derard ol
rarua|s lor ce||u|ar p|ores ard persora| corpulers.
Today Japar |s l|e l||rd |argesl paper produc|rg courlry |r
l|e Wor|d aller C||ra ard l|e u3. ll produces a lola| ol 2Z V|o.
Tors ol Paper. T|e Japarese P&8 |rduslry |s roW pr|rar||y a
doresl|c derard-or|erled |rduslry. 3a||erl lealures as urder:
Per Capita Cons.: 215 Kgs
0omestic P&8 Cons.2Z.1V|o.Tors (Paper:1.2,8oard:11.2)
h/Print: 3.25 V|o.Tors
lmports: 2.2V|o.Tors Exports: 0.8 V|o.Tors
R: Pu|p : 3, Recovered Paper : 1
0ses: 0rap||c: 1Z.3, Pac|ag|rg/lrd.:1.3, 3ar|lary: .5
The toptenJapanese paper compan|es are:
0J| PAPER 60. LT0. |s l|e o|ggesl |r Japar ard l|e 3rd
|argesl paper rarulaclur|rg corpary |r l|e Wor|d |r lerrs ol
reverue. 0j| Paper produces paper lor pr|rl|rg, Wr|l|rg, ard
pac|ag|rg. ll operales 19 paper r|||s |r Japar ard |as over 120
suos|d|ar|es arourd l|e Wor|d. T|e corpary |s a|so Japar's
|argesl |ardoWrer ard |as loreslry operal|ors |r /usrra||a,
0anaoa, 0n|na, Serman,, 3raz|| ard ol|er courlr|es Wor|dW|de.
N|PP0N PAPER CR0UP |s roW a |uge corg|orerale
cors|sl|rg ol rary all|||aled corpar|es. As ol Varc| 31, 2012,
l|e Corpary |ad 109 suos|d|ar|es ard 12 assoc|aled
T|e pr|rary paperra||rg groups are : N|ppon Paper
|ndustr|es 6o. Ltd. > w|l||r l||s group l|e C|er|ca| 0|v. ra|es
lu|| use ol Wood corsl|luerls, suc| as ce||u|ose ard ||gr|r, lo
rarulaclure ard se|| ar array ol c|er|ca| producls. N|ppon
0a|showa Paperboard > For paperooard ard corrugaled
l|oerooard ous|ress. N|ppon Paper 6rec|a 6o. Ltd > Vlg. a
var|ely ol |ouse|o|d paper producls, |rc|ud|rg lWo rajor orards -
Forming Fabrics
Dryer Screens
Metal Wire Cloth
Vo|.18 | |ssue-5 HAY 2014
Paper 6o.
Paper 6o.
1 0j| Paper 3 0a|o Paper 19
2 N|ppor Paper Z lo|uelsu Paper 35
3 Rergo 11 8 V|lsuo|s|| Paper 15
1 ur|c|arr 1Z 9 0a||er 51
5 3ur|loro 18 10 Toro|u 58
3ource: Pr|oeuarernouse0oopers {Pu0 Top'00j. Rank|ng as per $a|es Revenue
K|eerex ard 3coll|e. N|ppon Paper Papy||a 6o. Ltd. > Vlg.
spec|a|ly papers used everyW|ere eg. vacuur c|earer oag
papers, leaoag l||ler papers, p|ug Wrap papers, ad|es|ve lape
papers, elc.
3ore ol l|e spec|a|ly papers ol N|ppor are erder|c lo l|e
Japarese Way ol ||le, eg. aj paper lor |anrerns ro oe l|oareo ooun
r|vers oj wr|r|ng paper lor oa|||grapn, praor|oe, ano lor |earn|ng ol
|errers ano l|gures oj na|r serr|ng paper oj paper lor go|l
sooreoaros ej looo paper lor aosorpr|on ol vapour oonoensar|on.
RENC0 PAPER8 |s a corpre|ers|ve pac|ag|rg prov|der
lu|l|||rg l|e pac|ag|rg reeds ol var|ous |rduslr|es, Rergo's
corcepl ol Less |s rore. a|rs lo creale ||g|-qua||ly producls
W|l| greal added va|ue us|rg leWer resources. Rergo ollers
|rdepl| supporl or pac|ag|rg lec|ro|ogy l|roug| a ral|orW|de
relWor| ol pac|ag|rg erg|reers W|l| l|e Pac|ag|rg Tec|r|ca|
Cerler as |ls |uo.
lr Varc| 200Z, N|ppor Paper 0roup, a|org W|l| Rergo Co.
ard 3ur|loro Corpr. s|gred a slraleg|c a|||arce agreererl W|l|
a v|eW lo slrergl|er|rg |rlerral|ora| corpel|l|veress ol
Japars's Paperooard ard corrugaled cardooard |rduslr|es.
0A|0 PAPER (knoun ear||er as The Taio Paper fg. Co.
Ltd.} oegar operal|ors dur|rg wor|d war ll. ll oegar producl|or
ol Weslerr sly|e reWspr|rl as ear|y as 191Z. 8y 19ZZ, l|e|r laclory
al V|s||ra Was cors|dered l|e |argesl |r l|e Wor|d. T||s Was
lo||oWed up oy oecor|rg rarulaclurers ol l|ssue, NCR paper
ard ever sar|lary rap||rs. For Wood sourc|rg l|ey lorred a jo|rl
verlure W|l| Japarese lrad|rg l|rr Varuoer|.
H|T8U|8h| PAPER8 |ad l|e|r oeg|rr|rgs |r Kooe |r 1898.
0re ol l|e p|oreers |r NCR (ro caroor requ|red) papers, l|ey
lorred l|e|r l|rsl overseas verlure |r 0errary lr 1989 ca||ed
V|lsuo|s|| Papers 0rol. lr 200Z l|ey lorred ar a|||arce W|l|
Fuj| F||rs lor rarulaclure ol p|olo papers.
Access lo loresl pu|p |as oeer l|e ra|r corcerr ol japarese
paperra|ers aller |av|rg |osl loresl |ard aller l|e Wor|d War.
3|rce 1992, 0j| Paper |as oeer ever co||ecl|rg used d|sposao|e
c|opsl|c|s ard ul|||z|rg l|er as a raW raler|a| lor paperra||rg.
As parl ol ellorls lor loresl recyc||rg, 0j| Paper operales |rduslr|a|
lree p|arlal|ors al 11 |ocal|ors |r s|x courlr|es ouls|de Japar :
/usrra||a, h. Zea|ano, v|ernam, 0n|na, laos, ano 3raz||.
T|e 0j| Paper 0roup a|so ra|rla|rs ard rarages 190,000
|eclares ol corpary-oWred loresl |r Japar. 0j| Paper's
Forestry Research |nst|tute a|org W|l|, V|lsuo|s|| Paper ard
N|ppor Paper |s ergaged |r researc||rg lor lec|ro|ogy lo
upgrade euca|yplus lrees. Japarese pu|p ard paper corpar|es
roW oWr 330,000 |a ol overseas p|arlal|ors l|al produce
Woodc||ps lor exporl oac| lo Japarese r|||s logel|er W|l| aooul
arol|er 3Z0,000 |a ol pu|pWood p|arlal|ors (overseas) lo
supporl pu|p r|||s aoroad. F|ore souro|ng o, Japanese Paper
V|||s nas oeoome an |nreresr|ng oase sruo, lor rne g|ooa| paper
lrduslry experls suggesl l|al l|e Japarese Paper lrduslry
rusl lurl|er slao|||ze doresl|c rar|el ard ra|rla|r prol|lao|y
W|||e overcor|rg |rlers|ly|rg corpel|l|or |r l|e |rlerral|ora|
rar|elp|ace lo surv|ve ard groW.
Reorgar|zal|or W||| er|arce corpel|l|veress ard slao|||ze
operal|ors, prov|d|rg l|e slrergl| ard sca|e corpar|es reed lo
do ous|ress |rlerral|ora||y. Reslruclur|rg car oe l|roug| var|ous
rears : A|||arces, Vergers, Acqu|s|l|ors, lrlegral|or.
{Tn|s arr|o|e ooes nor purporr ro prov|oe srar|sr|oa| oara aoour
rne |nousrr, relerreo, our |s usr an overv|euj.
Wires & Fabriks (S.A.) Ltd.
JAIPUR-302012, ndia.
Phone: +91-141-2341722 Fax: +91-141-2340078
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"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when
he hits the bottom". - George S. Patton
The contents & opinions expressed in this publication are of the writer/editor. The Company has not verified & may not subscribe to the same.
Question (to a pessimist) : What is the difference between love and marriage?
Answer : Love is one long sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock.
Love before marriage
Mr. K. P. Arun, Purchase Department, Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Pallipalayam, Erode-638007
Rearrange the Ietters for two new words relating to the paper industry. ( Hint : Chemical additive for ETP )
First correct answer will win a Parker Vector Roller Pen (Maximum two prizes for one person in a year).
email answers
by 15 May '14
1. Best / first correct answer received will win one-year subscription to IPPTA JournaI (Maximum one prize for one person in a year).
2. Best of the 12 monthIy winners in a year will win one-year subscription to Paper 360 Magazine, USA.
Match the eIements of the foIIowing sets :-
A : 1) Thin boiling starch 2) Guar gum 3) Root starch 4) Native starch
B : 1) Beta polysaccharide 2) Potato 3) Surface application 4) Spray application
Mr. Prakash Jain, Sr. Manager-Stock Preparation, The West Coast Paper MiIIs Ltd., Bangur Nagar, Dandeli-581325
Quiz : Check the right options
1) For achieving same degree of sizing more sizing chemical is required for recycled pulp / virgin pulp.
2) t is possible to achieve high brightness points increase with an OBA on initially low / high bright pulp.
3) Higher FPAR values are possible with Titanium Dioxide / Talc as filler.
4) pH changes at wet-end affects shade of basic dyes / direct dyes.
Answer : 1) recycled 2) high 3) Talc 4) basic
email answers
by 15 May '14

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