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!$#%)#)&/". ,-".)/0 3&$%2-25 6772
1hese classes are deslgned Lo Lraln you ln Lhe use of CerLlfled nuLrlLlonal
ConsulLanL for self-help, personal growLh and for Lhe professlonal beneflL of
oLhers. 1hese classes quallfy you Lo become a CerLlfled nuLrlLlonal ConsulLanL.
CerLlfled nuLrlLlonal ConsulLlng can be pracLlced alone or ln con[uncLlon wlLh any
oLher cerLlflcaLlon. 1hose ln Lhe flelds of medlclne, nurslng, chlropracLlc, physlcal
Lherapy, denLlsLry, massage, counsellng and oLher heallng arLs use CerLlfled
nuLrlLlonal ConsulLlng ln Lhelr exlsLlng pracLlces.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled nuLrlLlonal ConsulLanL.

upon compleLlon of Lhe program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled
nuLrlLlonal ConsulLanL (CnC). lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen
upon compleLlon of Lhe program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled
nuLrlLlonal ConsulLanL (CnC). lf you are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe
sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu afLer you compleLe all your courses and a
cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf you are ln Lhe nu program and would llke
Lo work Lowards a second degree ln Lhls class please reglsLer for a 8achelors or
MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page. ln Lhls class you wlll learn a varleLy of
nuLrlLlonal lnformaLlon, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo: pros and cons of dlfferenL
dleLary sysLems, dleL and LemperamenL, food LemperaLures and slgnlflcance,
correcL amounL of proLelns, carbohydraLes, and healLhy olls, how each speclflc
food affecLs dlfferenL parLs of Lhe body, how Lo lndlvlduallze a food and
supplemenL healLh program for speclflc needs, nuLrlenL-dense super-foods, use
of anLloxldanLs, quallLy of foods, envlronmenLal nuLrlLlon and deLoxlflcaLlon,
oLher speclalLy programs, fasLlng, and lnLegraLlng compleLe nuLrlLlonal programs
for opLlmal well-belng and balance.

CredlL Pours: 84
nP101 - 1he 1welve rlnclples of Well-8elng - 12 CredlLs
nP102 - Modern nuLrlLlonal uangers - 12 CredlLs
nP103 - 1he lour Pumors and nuLrlLlon (CharL, Audlo, vlsuals) - 24 CredlLs
nP104 - uleLs for Well-8elng and 8alance - 24 CredlLs
nP103 - vlLamlns for Well-8elng and 8alance - 12 CredlLs
nP106 - 1he PlsLory of klLchen "harmacy" - 10 CredlLs

<"2#-% ,-%=".)2# 3&$%2-25 >772
1hls course provldes a comprehenslve overvlew and undersLandlng of Lhe
dlsLlncLlon of organlc and lnorganlc subsLances and Lhelr effecL on Lhe human
body. 1he use of herbs ln Lhe resLoraLlon of balance and well-belng wlll be
sLudled. 1he four classlflcaLlons of herbs, descrlpLlons of Lhelr properLles, acLlons,
effecLs and appllcaLlons for physlcal and emoLlonal balance and well-belng wlll be
sLudled ln Lhls course Lo provlde a classlc background ln LradlLlonal herbology.
?ou wlll learn how Lo prepare herbs & how Lo Lake Lhem. ?ou wlll learn how Lo
prepare powerful LlncLures, chlldren's syrups, salves and more. Cver 30 dlfferenL
meLhods are descrlbed ln Lhls course.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: MasLer PerballsL (MP).

1hls course dlscusses how herbs have hlsLorlcally been used for flrsL ald slLuaLlons
such as bleedlng, burns, fevers, colds, anxleLy and oLher urgenL care slLuaLlons.
1hls class wlll also hlghllghL focus areas of herbal well-belng such as herbs for
women, herbs for chlldren, herbs for men and more.

CredlL Pours: 438
201: Perbal reparaLlons - 24 CredlLs
201A: World vlews - 24 CredlLs
2018: 8aslc reparaLlons - 32 CredlLs
201C: Slmple lormulas - 12 CredlLs
202: Perbal llrsL Ald - 12 CredlLs
202A: loundaLlons of llrsL Ald - 12 CredlLs
2028: CreaLlng a llrsL Ald klL - 12 CredlLs
202C: Perbs for lnfecLlous ulseases ln PlsLory - 24 CredlLs
203: Perbs for Women - 32 CredlLs
203A: MaLerla Medlca for Women - 32 CredlLs
2038: Perbs for regnancy - 12 CredlLs
203C: Perbs for 8eauLy and CosmeLlcs - 24 CredlLs
204: Perbal Well-8elng - 18 CredlLs
204A: lnLroducLlon Lo Perbs - 32 CredlLs
2048: Perbal roflles - 32 CredlLs
204C: Alchemy and Perballsm - 24 CredlLs
204u: Advanced Perbal reparaLlons - 32 CredlLs
204L: Perbal ComblnaLlons and lormulas - 32 CredlLs
204l: 8ellef SysLems and Perbal 8alance - 24 CredlLs
204C: PlsLory of Perbal Peallng - 12 CredlLs

?%&9"#(-%"'@ 3&$%2-25 A772
8y Laklng Lhls course, you wlll learn how essenLlal olls were used hlsLorlcally for a
varleLy of condlLlons LhaL we now call by names such as: arLhrlLls, clrculaLlon
problems, edema, headaches, lnflammaLlon, [olnL paln, muscle soreness, [olnLs
spralns, sLress, and more. 1he course covers more Lhan 36 essenLlal olls. ?ou wlll
sLudy Len of Lhe mosL essenLlal caLegorles of lnformaLlon on each oll.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled AromaLheraplsL (CA).

1hese lnclude lLs common and LaLln names, general properLles (such as sLlmulanL
or relaxanL), precauLlons, hlsLorlcal physlologlcal and psychologlcal appllcaLlons,
olls LhaL can serve as posslble subsLlLuLlons, olls wlLh whlch lL blends well, a
descrlpLlon of lLs scenL, for whlch skln Lypes lL ls approprlaLe, and Lhe
classlflcaLlon of Lhe "noLe" (a measure of Lhe raLe of evaporaLlon of Lhe oll.)

CredlL Pours: 140
301: lnLroducLlon Lo AromaLherapy - 12 CredlLs
301A: AromaLherapy CharLs & Culdes - 32 CredlLs
3018: SplrlLual AromaLherapy - 32 CredlLs
301C: AromaLherapy reparaLlons and lormulas - 32 CredlLs
301u: Case SLudles ln AromaLherapy - 32 CredlLs.

lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen upon compleLlon of Lhe
program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled AromaLheraplsL (CA). lf
you are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu afLer
you compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf you
are ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second degree ln Lhls
class please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page.

B-;.-C&.&0@ 3&$%2-25 D772
Cur reflexology cerLlflcaLlon course efflclenLly Lakes you Lhrough a process of
learnlng how Lo effecLlvely apply Lhe reflexology Lechnlques and become
compeLenL ln Lhe skllls of reflexology. 1he pracLlcum componenL supporLs you Lo
become confldenL ln your ablllLy Lo undersLand reflexology.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled 8eflexologlsL (C8).

1he home sLudy asslgnmenLs provlde you wlLh a succlncL presenLaLlon of human
anaLomy & physlology LhaL brlngs more depLh Lo your reflexology knowledge.
1he advanced Lralnlng parL of Lhe course provldes opporLunlLy for you Lo move
your hlsLorlcal knowledge of reflexology forward Lo professlonal levels, wheLher
you wanL Lo open a professlonal consulLlng servlce or noL.

CredlL Pours: 168
401: lnLroducLlon Lo 8eflexology - 24 CredlLs
401A: PlsLory and 1heory ln 8eflexology - 24 CredlLs
4018: LvaluaLlon of Lhe leeL and Pands - 24 CredlLs
401C: lnLervlewlng Lhe CllenL/lannlng Lhe Sesslon - 24 CredlLs
401u: 8eflexology 1echnlques - 32 CredlLs
8eflexology CharLs and usage - 32 CredlLs
401L: Su-!ok and AlLernaLe 8eflexology MeLhods - 32 CredlLs.

lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen upon compleLlon of Lhe
program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled 8eflexologlsL (C8). lf you
are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu afLer you
compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf you are
ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second degree ln Lhls class
please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page

E%)F&.&0@ 3&$%2-25 G772
1hls course lncludes boLh beglnnlng and advanced lrldology concepLs. 1he lrls of
Lhe eye ls comprlsed of many Lhousands of lndlvldual flbers, amongsL whlch are
locaLed nerve endlngs llnked dlrecLly Lo Lhe braln. lrldology ls a useful Lool Lo any
developlng consulLanL or currenL professlonal wlshlng Lo provlde a Lruly
personallzed and hollsLlc servlce Lo Lhelr cllenLs. lrldology ls used as parL of Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlon reperLolre LhaL can complemenL boLh naLural and orLhodox
medlclne. lrldology lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe physlcal body ls safe, genLle, and non-

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled lrldologlsL (Cl8).

lrldology requlres none of Lhe lnconvenlences of undresslng, Laklng blood, glvlng
urlne, or drlnklng unpleasanL fluld. ln lrldology, every parL of Lhe body LhaL ls
supplled wlLh nerves has lLs correspondlng reflex area on Lhe lrls of Lhe eye,
allowlng us Lo lnLerpreL Lhe organs and Llssues ln LhaL secLor. lrls slgns can be
lnLerpreLed by Lhe Lralned lrldologlsL Lo provlde lnformaLlon abouL Lhe cllenL's
general consLlLuLlon and Lhelr geneLlc suscepLlblllLy Lo parLlcular lmbalances.

CredlL Pours: 371
301:lnLroducLlon Lo lrldology - 32 CredlLs
301A: lnLernaLlonal CharLs and vlsuals - 24 CredlLs
3018: 8ody SysLems and AnaLomy - 43 CredlLs
301C: 1he 8raln - 24 CredlLs
301u: Advanced Marklngs - 43 CredlLs
racLlcum ln lrldology - 24 CredlLs
302: lnLroducLlon Lo Advanced lrldology - 12 CredlLs
302A: 8ayld lrldology - 32 CredlLs
3028: ersonallLy 1ypes ln lrldology - 32 CredlLs
301C: LefL and 8lghL 8raln ln lrldology - 24 CredlLs
302u: lour 1emperamenL Markers ln lrldology - 32 CredlLs
302L: Speclflc Marklngs ln lrldology - 43 CredlLs.

lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen upon compleLlon of Lhe
program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled lrldologlsL (Cl8). lf you are
enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu afLer you
compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf you are
ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second degree ln Lhls class
please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page.

4-0". "/F H#()*". 3&/2$.#)/05 G772
1hls course glves you some Llps on how Lo sLarL dolng consulLaLlons for your
famlly, frlends and cllenLs uslng Lhe lnformaLlon you have learned ln Lhls serles of
courses or oLher courses you have Laken. 1hls course helps you use Lhe
lnformaLlon you have learned ln Lhese courses ln a responslble, eLhlcal and legal
manner. 8uslness ldeas and [ob opporLunlLles lncludlng [ournallsm, coachlng and
Leachlng are explored ln Lhls unlL.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled naLural Peallng ConsulLanL (CnPC).

!ob opporLunlLles LhaL are explored lnclude managlng a nuLrlLlonal sLore,
formulaLlng nuLrlLlonal supplemenLs, naLural healLh spokesperson or coach,
nuLrlLlonal healLh lecLurer, llfesLyle coach, hollsLlc [ournallsL, freelance
nuLrlLlonal, or herbal consulLanL, and much more.

CredlL Pours: 132
303: no Lo ulagnosls and ?es Lo ConsulLlng - LegallLles and MeLhodology ln
ConsulLlng - 43 CredlLs
303A: Case SLudles - 43 CredlLs
3038: ConsulLlng racLlcum and CllenL lorms and CharLs - 62 CredlLs.

lf you are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu
afLer you compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf
you are ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second degree ln
Lhls class please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page.

,&9-&'"#(@ 3&$%2-25 I772
1he prlnclple of "llke can cure llke" was Lhe basls of PomeopaLhy Lhrough hlsLory.
1he prlnclples and pracLlce of PomeopaLhy have remalned largely unchanged
slnce lLs lnLroducLlon some 200 years ago. SLudenLs ln Lhls course sLarL by
learnlng Lhe baslcs and some of Lhe more common homeopaLhlc supporLs used
Loday. SLudenLs Lhen conLlnue on Lo masLer more advanced concepLs ln
homeopaLhy such as advanced case Laklng, homeopaLhlc consLlLuLlons,
lnLeracLlve cases, preparaLlons, flrsL ald and more.

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled PomeopaLh (CP).

CredlL Pours: 327
603: lnLroducLlon Lo PomeopaLhy - 33 CredlLs
603A: 8aslc Case 1aklng - 33 CredlLs
6038: Advanced Case 1aklng - 43 CredlLs
603C: ConsLlLuLlonal Cases - 33 CredlLs
603u: Sample and lnLeracLlve Cases - 33 CredlLs
604: PlsLory of PomeopaLhy - 12 CredlLs
604A: PlsLorlcal 8eclpes for PomeopaLhlc SupporL - 33 CredlLs
6048: 8aslc Case 1aklng - 12 CredlLs
604C: Commonly used PlsLorlcal 8emedles & MaLerla Medlca - 48 CredlLs
604u: llrsL Ald ln PomeopaLhy - 33 CredlLs.

lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen upon compleLlon of Lhe
program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled PomeopaLh (CP). lf you
are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an nu afLer you
compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls one. lf you are
ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second degree ln Lhls class
please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on Lhls page.

J-9'-%"9-/# "/F J@'&.&0@ 3&$%2-25 K772
ln Lhe LradlLlon of Calen's lour Pumors and SLelner's lour 1emperamenLs we
explore how Lhe ldea of LemperamenL and Lype can asslsL you ln Lhe balance of
Lhe emoLlons, body and splrlL. ln Lhls class we wlll explore over 46 dlfferenL
Lypology sysLems and how Lhey relaLe Lo Lhe four LemperamenL sysLem, Lhe
unanl 1lbb sysLem of LemperamenLs, and Lhe usage and appllcaLlon of Lhe
LemperamenLs ln nuLrlLlon, herbology, homeopaLhy, relaLlonshlps, Leachlng and

8)'.&9":3-%#);)*"#- &; 3&9'.-#)&/: CerLlfled 1emperamenL ConsulLanL (C1C).

CredlL Pours: 136
801: lnLroducLlon Lo 1ypology - 12 CredlLs
801A: 1he Pumors ln World Peallng - 33 CredlLs
8018: PlsLory of 1ypology and 1emperamenL
801C: unanl 1lbb and Lhe lour Pumors - 33 CredlLs
801u: 1he lour Pumors ln ArL and LlLeraLure - 12 CredlLs
801L: usage and AppllcaLlon of Lhe lour Pumors - 42 CredlLs.

lf you enroll ln Lhls class as an lndlvldual class Lhen upon compleLlon of Lhe
program, you wlll be awarded a dlploma as a CerLlfled 1emperamenL ConsulLanL
(C1C). lf you are enrolled as a naLuropaLhlc uocLoraLe sLudenL you wlll recelve an
nu afLer you compleLe all your courses and a cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon for Lhls
one. lf you are ln Lhe nu program and would llke Lo work Lowards a second
degree ln Lhls class please reglsLer for a 8achelors or MasLers uegree upgrade on
Lhls page.

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