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6DA )LACAHIc 2=HJ 11 >O ABB /HK>>
AIrighl, everyone, Ive gollen a Iol of
naiI requesling your favorile heroes and
viIIains, and lhe nosl-requesled hero of
lhe pasl fev nonlhs has leen
Where has she leen` WeII, vhen
Bruce Nesnilh assenlIed lhe Atcngcrs
Asscno|c! suppIenenl, lhe Wesl Coasl
franchise of lhe nighly Avengers vas
nol yel eslalIished. SnaII changes vere Therefore, lhe MARVLL-IhiIe lrings
nade in lhe suppIenenl lefore il venl you Mockinglird and, as an added
lo press, noling lhal Havkeye, Wonder lonus, an individuaI vho has foughl
Man, Tigra, and Iron Man vere vilh aIongside lhe Wesl Coasl Avengers, lhe
lhe nev lean, lul ve had no line lo nyslerious Shroud. (SpeciaI lhanks lo
add lhe leaulifuI Bolli Morse. We Kin LaslIand for Mockinglirds slalislics
heard fron Bollis avid fans, hovever, and aliIilies.)
vho senl a lon of requesls lo correcl
lhis oversighl in lhe rosler.
Barbara "BnbbI Mnrsc Bartnn
PrnfcssInna! advcnturcr, fnrmcr!y
a physIcIst and 5.H.I.E.L.D. agcnt
Iighling: LXCLLLLNT (2O)
Slrenglh: TYIICAL (6)
Lndurance: CD (1O)
Reason: LXCLLLLNT (2O)
Inluilion: TYIICAL (6)
Isyche: TYIICAL (6)
HeaIlh: 56
Karna: 32
Resources: TYIICAL
IopuIarily: 5O
BDY ARMR. Mockinglird vears a proleclive suil nade of KeIvar
and voven Bela cIolh. This suil provides RenarkalIe proleclion
againsl physicaI danage and LxceIIenl proleclion againsl fire.
BATTLL STAVLS. Mockinglirds chief veapon consisls of lvo hoIIov
sleeI-aIIoy poIes (RenarkalIe naleriaI) filled inlo hoIslers on her fore-
arns. She handIes lhese poIes vilh RenarkalIe AgiIily, and can use
lhen in a nunler of differenl vays:
1) Iilled logelher, lhe lallIe slaves forn a javeIin vhich can infIicl
RenarkalIe danage vhen hurIed al a largel vilhin 4 areas.
2) Spring nechanisns in her forearn hoIslers aIIov her lo fire lhe
slaves al largels up lo 3 areas avay, doing LxceIIenl danage. Her skiII
in firing lhese slaves pernils her lo angIe shols so lhal lhe slaves
lounce lack in her generaI direclion. She can calch lhen in lhe air on
lhe relound ly naking a AgiIily ILAT.
3) Connecled and leIescoped lo fuII Ienglh, lhe slaves forn a vauIling
poIe 8 Iong. The poIe aIIovs Mockinglird lo cIear lhe roof of a one-
slory slruclure vilh IillIe efforl.
ACRBATICS. Mockinglird receives an UI NL coIunn shifl in her
agiIily (lo RenarkalIe) vhen Dodging.
Ta!cnts: Mockinglird has had exlensive experience in lhe fieIds of
lioIogy, Iav enforcenenl, and espionage. Her Reason is RenarkalIe in
lhese areas. In addilion, Mockinglird has an exceplionaI repulalion
anong Iav-enforcenenl agencies. Treal her IopuIarily as Monslrous
vilh regards lo S.H.I.L.L.D, InlerpoI, and governnenl securily agen-
MnckIngbIrd's stnry: Bolli Morse legan her career as a nenler of
lhe lean allenpling lo rediscover lhe Super-SoIdier fornuIa lhal
gave Caplain Anerica his povers. Her achievenenls cane lo lhe
All Marvel characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks at the Marvel Comics Group.
MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Croup Copy-

1985 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved
allenlion of S.H.I.L.L.D., vho recruiled
her inlo lheir organizalion and provided
her vilh espionage lraining. As a nen-
ler of S.H.I.L.L.D., Bolli foughl aIong-
side direclor Nick Iury and Ka-Zar, Lord
of lhe Savage Land, she aIso langIed
vilh A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics)
and lhe nindIess Man-Thing.
IoIIoving lhe assassinalion of a gov-
ernnenl vilness she vas assigned lo
prolecl, Bolli Morse suspecled corrup-
lion vilhin her ovn organizalion. Drop-
ping oul of S.H.I.L.L.D., Bolli lracked
dovn sulversives under lhe cosluned
idenlilies of lhe Hunlress and Mocking-
lird (lhe Ialler nane laken fron lhe
code nane of a CIA nission Nick Iury
aided in). As Mockinglird, Bolli Iooled
conpuler lanks and coIIecled incrini-
naling dala on a nunler of S.H.I.L.L.D.
Bolli Morse venl lo Nev York lo
presenl her findings lo Nick Iury, dog-
ged ly S.H.I.L.L.D. agenls (under lhe
connand of lhe corrupl adninislralors
as veII as ly Spider-Man, vho vas
duped inlo fighling her. Though lhe
evidence vas deslroyed, Bolli did aIerl
Nick Iury lo lhe lreason of his sulordi-
nales, resuIling in a najor house cIean-
ing in lhe organizalion.
IoIIoving lhe cIeanup of S.H.I.L.L.D.,
Mockinglird venl freeIance. ne of her
invesligalions invoIved iIIegaI deaIings ly
Cross TechnoIogicaI Lnlerprises, vhiIe
galhering evidence in lhis case, she
lroke inlo lhe CTL conpIex vhere lhe
Avenger Havkeye vas enpIoyed as
securily chief. The lvo lallIed unliI
Mockinglird convinced Havkeye of
CTLs iIIegaI aclions. The lvo lecane a
fighling lean lhereafler, feII in Iove, and
narried. Havkeye and Mockinglird
soon forned lhe core of lhe Wesl Coasl
Avengers. Her connon sense and espio-
nage lraining have laken lhe edge off
Havkeyes hol lenper and quick judge-
HeaIlh: 8O
Karna: 7O
Resources: CD
IopuIarily: -1O
Iighling: RLMARKABLL (3O)
Slrenglh: CD (1O)
Lndurance: LXCLLLLNT (2O)
Reason: CD (1O)
Inluilion: INCRLDIBLL (4O)
Isyche: LXCLLLLNT (2O)
Rca! namc unrcvca!cd
Undcrcnvcr crImcfIghtcr and
CIoak (see lhe MARVLL

-IhiIe in

issue ' lhe Shroud can

lap lhe Dark Dinension and use lhe
Darkforce. Shroud cannol use lhe
Darkforce for leIeporlalion, lul he can
drav ils inky lIackness inlo our dinen-
sion. Shroud can darken one area per
round, up lo a naxinun of five areas al
any one line. This darkness is nore
lhan a nere alsence of Iighl, il aIso
negales aII Iighl of Iess lhan Anazing
polency. Those caughl in lhe darkness
are DWN THRLL on aII conlal and
ILAT roIIs. Shroud can aIso forn lhe
Darkforce inlo fIal lIack shapes (such as
faIse shadovs or siIhouelles) lhal he
uses as decoys.
lIind, lul he possesses nyslic senses
lhal pernil hin lo perceive his sur-
roundings even vhen enveIoped in his
ovn darkness. This aliIily reaches inlo
areas innedialeIy adjacenl lo his ovn
and passes lhrough vaIIs and olher soIid
oljecls. He cannol perceive oljecls
leyond lhis one-area range.
Ta!cnts: Shrouds Reason is LxceIIenl
vhen deaIing vilh Iav, crininoIogy, and
lhe crininaI undervorId. His sources on
lhe slreel viII usuaIIy inforn hin if
sonelhing lig is happening. Shroud
aIso has lhe MarliaI Arls laIenl.
5hrnud's stnry: Shroud vas orphaned
as a loy vhen his parenls vere sIain in
a hoIdup. The enlillered youlh dedi-
caled his Iife lo fighling crine, lo lhal
end he sludied Iav and crininoIogy, and
he luiIl up his lody lo peak physicaI
IoIIoving gradualion fron coIIege,
Shroud journeyed lo lhe Iar Lasl on a
search for lhe CuIl of KaIi, a group
repuled lo have nyslic povers. He
joined lhe cuIl and soon gained greal
knovIedge of lheir narliaI arls and
nyslicaI discipIines.
Afler seven years of sludy, his naslers
decided he had advanced as far as lhey
couId lake hin. They lranded his face
vilh lhe Kiss of KaIi, a hol iron in lhe
shape of lhe nuIli-arned goddess.
BIinded, lhe nan vho vouId lecone
lhe Shroud fIed inlo lhe viIderness,
vhere he discovered his Iosl sighl had
leen repIaced ly a nyslic sense lhal
aIIoved hin lo perceive his surround-
ings. UnalIe lo reIocale lhe lenpIe, he
relurned lo Anerica and adopled lhe
idenlily of lhe Shroud.
To eslalIish hinseIf firnIy as a crine-
fighler, Shroud decided lo go afler lhe
nasler crininaI Doclor Doon. Inslead,
he foughl aIongside lhe Lalverian non-
arch lo defeal lhe Red SkuII in a pIol
invoIving an orliling Hypno-Ray.
Shroud slopped lhe saleIIile ly alsorl-
ing lhe effecls of lhe ray inlo hinseIf,
and his lody vas rescued fron space ly
Caplain Anerica,
IoIIoving his recovery, Shroud discov-
ered lhal lhe ray had lriggered his
Ialenl pover lo conlroI a force of also-
Iule darkness. Shroud lhen venl under-
ground, pIanning lo vork vilhin lhe
crininaI connunily lo deslroy il. He sel
up his ovn gang and luiIl a repulalion
as a poverfuI crine Iord. He is currenlIy
vanled ly severaI Iav enforcenenl
agencies for queslioning. Despile his
currenl aclivilies, Shroud gels N
Karna for his crininaI acls, and he Ioses
il Iike any olher hero perforning
Because of lhe vivid scar of KaIi on his
upper face, lhe Shroud aInosl aIvays
vears his coslune. He uses his darkness
lricks lo escape fron lhe scene of his
crines and lo cover his salolage of lhe
aclivilies of olher crininaIs.
72 JANUARY 1985

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