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anuary 2013
hang nga, 1halland
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1he Leam wlLh Lhe chlldren aL Lhe Camllllan Soclal CenLre

SunseL on beauLlful koh 8a lsland !ack & Alex play wlLh chlldren aL school

Cn 12
!anuary Lhe Cvl Leam ln 8aan nam khem, hang nga, flnally welcomed ln our flrsL group of
volunLeers! AfLer monLhs of preparaLlon, meeLlng parLners and maklng arrangemenLs, lL was Llme Lo sLarL
harvesLlng Lhe frulL of our labours.

1he 1eachlng Lngllsh Lo CommunlLles and 1eachlng lnLernshlp volunLeers, !ack & Pannah, sLarLed Lralnlng for
Lhelr 1eachlng Lngllsh as a lorelgn Language (1LlL) cerLlflcaLes and meL Lhelr sLudenLs aL Lhe non-lormal
LducaLlon CenLre ln 1akua a.
1eachlng Chlldren volunLeers Alex and lredrlk have been dolng a greaL [ob wlLh Lhelr classes aL 8aan nam
khem school and aL 8aan 1han namchal loundaLlon klndergarLen.
1he all-new PealLh program began, wlLh volunLeer !ulla spendlng Llme aL Lhe Camllllan Soclal CenLre for
chlldren wlLh speclal needs and also provldlng healLh educaLlon classes aL loundaLlon for LducaLlon and
uevelopmenL's school for 8urmese chlldren.
Cur oLher new pro[ecL, CoasLal ConservaLlon, had a greaL sLarL wlLh volunLeer !ackle geLLlng Lo know Lhe
LurLles aL Lhe hang nga CoasLal llsherles 8esearch and uevelopmenL CenLre, as well as maklng frlends wlLh
sLaff aL Lhe khao Lak naLlonal ark SLaff and vlslLlng Lhe eplcally beauLlful koh 8a lsland Lo help reduce Lhe
envlronmenLal lmpacL of a new eco-camp Lhere
lL has been a busy monLh buL we're happy Lo flnally be up and runnlng and geLLlng more lnvolved wlLh Lhe
communlLy here. lor more lnformaLlon on our pro[ecLs and parLners follow us on LwlLLer, llke our facebook
page and check ouL our webslLe for more lnformaLlon.

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