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Dr Niess~ Wed 5/28/14~

2 pm~ Carl Smith dob: 10/23/1935 ; 6 mo f/u~ last OV 11/20/13

w/Vanessa~last EKG 9/1/13~echo done 11/2013~ ef45-50% nothing on
browser, ekg at ov??

215pm~ Elizabeth Raz dob; 12/28/1925; f/u +2 yr f/u~ last ov with
Dr Niess 2009~ NEEDS EKG~ last ekg 10/2006~ EPW/PAD DONE to
be scanned, records from eccis printed, finish abstracting chart} ckto
see ck to see if any records from ecis already in epic ~nothing on

245pm~ James E Butler dob; 7/28/1953; f/u~Needs ekg?? last ekg
2/24/14~ but recent episodes of angina per nurse note~ last oc with
GSN was 3/21/14} per ov note f/u in 6 mos unsch not well?? see
attached nurse note ~ Cindy spoke to pt ob 4/24/14~ pt c/o severe
angina at rest pain an 8 on pain scale~ , he was sitting/resting when had
episode~ took 1 nitro and had pain resolved within 4-6 mins ?? reason
for ov?? ~ nothing on browser.

3pm~ Evelyn Williams dob: 7/1/1938; 1 yr f/u?? NEEDS EKG?? last
ekg?? ck epic and ecis?? doesnt look like ever seen in epic~ ck ecis~
ONLY appts on epic just device cks?? request recent lipids from PCP Dr
Angela Barron?? double ck epic?? and ecis?? too. ** Pt had appt
scheduled for 5/19/14~ cx and resch but looks like ch was abstracted
on 5/15/14, double ck ecis, and epick for records, etc, and browser,
also may ck appt box for 5/19 date??

315pm~ Catherina Tedeschi dob; 10/09/1936; 1 yr f/u~ last EKG
3/4/13?? ~ NEEDS EKG ??~last ov date?? ck epic maybe 5/13?? ~ ck
ov, see if orders, and if complete?? ck browser, ck for EPW ?PAD if not
seen in epic evere, RECENT LIPIDS?? last on file 2/2013} pcp Dr
330 pm~ Joseph Tedeschi dob: 4/26/1936; 1 yr f/u ~ NEEDS EKG??
~ last ekg? ck epic, also ck last OV 5/16/13~ make sure if orders placed
are done, ck browser,RECENT LIPIDS?? ck with PCP double ck epic, pcp
still Dr Blount?? ~ need to update chart when did he quit smoking??

345pm~ Joyce Champions dob: 12/18/1930; f/u?? last ekg?? NEEDS
EKG??appt note states f/u pacer clinic pt??~ ck ECIS, see if ever seen
by MD , or GSN, is his just 1 yr pacer f/u?? only visits in epic look like
device cks, and need to add device to probem list*** ABSTRACT
CHART***** ck browser, ck if EPW/PAD DONE?? RECENT LIPIDS??
ck EPIC/ECIS, NO PCP listed in epci??

4pm~ Carol Davis dob: 3/18/1943; ever seen in offic?? last ekg
3/28/14} like maybe hosp f/u or seen in hosp by GSN~ NEED
ABSRACT} pt needs to complete PAD and EPW} *** see sppy notes
from Dr Andrews, req appt and pt needs op cardiac rehab ordered
if ok per Dr Andrews?~ s/p CABG 3/2014, ck brower, ck ECIS

415pm~ Sara Myers dob; 5/4/1937; NP dx?? CAD?? ref ?? Dr Kane,
NEEDS EKG?? ck EPIC , ABSTRACT CHART~ ck epic and ecis~ recent
lipids 4/14 in epic records, ck browser, print EPW?PAD for pt to

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