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Bil Syllabus of Co-curricular Unit

1. Name of Subject: Managing Personal Finance

2. Code: USCC 1152
3. Classification: Compulsory
4. Credit Hours: 2
5. Trimester and Year Taught: TBA
6. Prerequisite (if any): Nil
7. Method of Delivery: Lectures and Hands-on assignment
8. Valuation:
- Participation/Team activities: 10%
- Written Assignment (individual): 30%
- Written Assignment (group) : 30%
- Presentation : 30%

9. Teaching Staff:
Lecturer / Assistant lecturer / Experienced trainer

10. Objectives:

To enhance students understanding on the personal financial planning concepts and
financial decision.
To highlight the important events in life which affect ones decision and planning on personal
financial management.

11. Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of the unit, students would be able to:

1. Describe the basic concept of personal financial planning and management
2. Take charge of own finances
3. Plan to build wealth for future
4. Prepare and manage major life events which affect financial status

12. Synopsis :

This course provides students with an operational knowledge of personal financial planning and
management. It combines theory and applications. It begins with basic concepts including the
financial planning process, taxation, investment fundamentals and risk analysis, consumer credit
analysis and the valuation process, and other financial topics of interest. It ends by illustrating how
specific techniques and decision strategies can be used to maximize the personal finance value at
different stages and when facing various events of life.

13. Subject Outline and Notional Hours:

Notional Hours
L* T P/
Group Work
Topic 1: Fundamentals of Personal Finance
Take charge of personal financial planning
Wealth cycle principle (building wealth)
Protect your family and assets through Health,
Disability, Property, Casualty and Auto Insurance
Providing your family through estate planning
Estate taxes and deductions
Estate Liquidity, Powers of Attorney and Living

LO 1
LO 2
5 - 5 15 25
Topic 2: Consumer Credit
Types of credit
Housing loans
Credit cards
Personal loans
Revolving lines of credit
Motor vehicle loans
Leasing finance
Fully drawn advances
Bridging loans
Security of consumer credit
Credit assessment
The pros and cons of credit cards
Choosing source of consumer credit

LO 2 5 - 3 12 20
Topic 3: Life Event Approach to Financial Planning
Getting Married
Raising a family
Handicapped children
Coping with divorce
Being a single parent
Buying and selling a house
LO 3
10 - 5 20 35
Funding a college / tertiary education
Taking advantage of employment benefits
Starting your own business
Dealing with elderly/ sick parents
Losing spouse or life partners
Natural disaster
Planning for retirement : Health Care and Insurance

Total Notional Hours 20 0 13 47 80

Credit Hours 2
14 Condition
This unit is only offered to students in programme not
involving in Personal Finance skills to learn about this

Main References:

1. Frasca, R. (2009). Personal Finance: An Integrated Planning Approach (8
Edition). United state of
America: Pearson prentice Hall

2. Kapoor, J.R., Dlabay, L.R., Hughes, R.J. (2010). Personal finance (9
Edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Additional References:

1. Keown, A. (2007). Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth (4
Edition). New Jersey: Pearson
Prentice Hall

2. Gitman, L.J., Joehnk, M. D. (2008) Personal financial planning. , Mason Oh: Thomson/South-Western

3. Bajelsmit, V., Hoboken, Personal finance : skills for life, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, (2006)

4. Beal, D, McKeown, W. (2006). Personal Finance (3
Edition). Australia: Wiley

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