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6/18/14 4:19 PM RE: Request for your signatures regarding : Policy for N...

- Heinke, Pamela S
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l approve Lhls pollcy. 1hank you, !en

From: Heinke, Pamela S
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 6:41 AM
To: Smith, Clayton; Buffington, Annsley J; Hammond, Kyle R; Wenger, Barbara; Zwink, Jennifer; Heinke, Pamela S
Subject: FW: Request for your signatures regarding : Policy for Neutropenic/Immunocompromised Management for
Hematologic Malignancies and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients

Hi All,
I still have not received your approval signatures. Please advise if you would like me to change anything! This
goes to the PPPPC on the 18th and they won't approve this without all of the Stakeholders approval.
Thanks so much,
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units
!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% Sunday, May 23, 2014 2:34:43 M
*#% SmlLh, ClayLon, eLerson, Clen, Zwlnk, !ennlfer, Wenger, 8arbara, ScoLL, 8obln, SLohner, Lrln k, kalser, !eff,
Pammond, kyle 8, 8ufflngLon, Annsley !
+,% Pelnke, amela S
&-./',)% 8equesL for your slgnaLures regardlng : ollcy for neuLropenlc/lmmunocompromlsed ManagemenL for
PemaLologlc Mallgnancles and PemaLopoleLlc SLem Cell 1ransplanL aLlenLs

uear Cllnlcal SLakeholders:

My name ls amela Pelnke. l am a ermanenL Charge 8n on Lhe Cnc/8M1 unlL and worklng Loward
credenLlallng Lo a 8n lll. l am currenLly ln Lhe process of creaLlng a ollcy for
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6/18/14 4:19 PM RE: Request for your signatures regarding : Policy for N... - Heinke, Pamela S
Page 2 of 2
neuLropenlc/lmmunocompromlsed ManagemenL for PemaLologlc Mallgnancles and PemaLopoleLlc SLem Cell
1ransplanL aLlenLs.

lease revlew Lhe ollcy and rocedure aLLached. l am looklng for elLher your approval as ls or your
suggesLlons/raLlonale for change. lf you approve, please slgn Lhe Screenlng lorm elecLronlcally or send me an
emall conflrmaLlon.

lease have all feedback Lo me by !une 7Lh, 2014. lf your commenLs are noL recelved by Lhls daLe LhaL your
approval ls undersLood.


Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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