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Committee: Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme

Topic: Action plan for safeguarding governance in armed conflict situations

Country: State of Japan.
Region area: Central African Region.
Case studies: Sudan, Central African Republic, Somalia.
Located in the heart of the African Continent, the Central African Region comprehends a sum
of eleven countries that enclose the geographical subdivision established by the United
Nations. In spite the overwhelming amount of territory and potential regarding this region, it
is an open secret that the social, political and economical context are determined by a
permanent state of instability and misbalanced control of their interstate and transnational
In order to address the complexity that surrounds this region, it is imperative to highlight the
nature of the events that have been taking part within it. As the core of this case of study, the
weakness of the political and diplomatic practices has been escalating as a result of the
continuous struggles for power and complete dominium of the region. Regardless of the
geographic boundaries among the countries as such, the most powerful linkage concerning the
area, is the geopolitical conflict that approaches to be a continuation of a war by other means,
leaving the States either with a dispute with one another or with criminal groups backed from
several quarters.
The social profile that characterizes the Central African Region brings upon to discussion a
wide background of failed relationships among neighbor states. It is evident that any dispute
that comes from ethnical or cultural derived causes shall definitely spill over and impact on
the official relations of the region. In similar vein, the existence of various groups of African
tribes increases somehow the vulnerability of boarders and socio-political realities of each.
Bearing in mind that the boarder demarcation process inborn from the colonial period was
never completed, the continuous disputes over lands, along with the expansion of territory and
population, have fan the flames of the core of conflict.
In regards of apprising each one of the features that compile this territory, the State of Japan
considers imperative to underscore and reconsider the sequels left by the deplorable situations
that remain to be unsolved and poorly attended. On this matter, the appalling foundations of
local and transnational government are the primary characters that crave for transformation
and rebuilding; having as a primary task the reinforcement and evaluation of governance in
Central Africa, its imperative to determine the most vulnerable points to be attended. In order
to have a reference relating the dreadful condition of governance and development within this
territory, the Ibrahim Index of African Governance
provides a detailed study of
circumstances through a series of statistics and especial indicators that locates Central Africa
in the lowest regional average regarding: Safety and Rule of Law, Participation & Human
Rights, Sustainable Economic Opportunity and Human Development.

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Alongside the evidence contemplated inside international overview, the work developed by
the United Nations Development
program has significantly increased its compromise to
maintain and reinforce the safeguarding of nations and every socio-political substance that
might be endangered or damaged as a result of interstate and transnational conflicts.
Case of Study 1: Conflict Situation in Sudan.
It is highly important to reconsider that the boarder demarcation it is not a limit in regards of
the expansion and discussion of conflicts; it is why the situation in Sudan, being an Arab State
who belongs to the North African Region, represents the merging of an innumerable amount
of breakdowns that are yet to be unraveled.
The key element regarding the historical background of this nation, finds its core in the
religious, political and cultural differences among the parts involved
. The predominately
Muslim North and Christian/Traditional South were kept separate by their Anglo-Egyptian
rulers until Sudan met independence in 1956; from this period on, the nation went through the
first military coup, and a couple of conflicts conducted by South Sudan which included a
rebellion and a civil war.
The environment of instability remained until the establishment of the first Peace Agreement
signed in the city of Addis Ababa
in 1972, which provided the South with partial-self
governance. In spite the efforts to maintain the fragile steadiness within territories, the
pretended imposition of the Sharia Law by Nimeiris Government upon the whole territory,
set up the foundations for one of the longest and most critical confrontations between South
and North Sudan. After 22 years and an approximately of 2 million deaths, the Sudanese
population went through a Transitional Military Council, two electoral procedures and a
further military coup. As a result of these eventualities, Omar al-Bashir conquered the
presidency and the mandate of the National Congress Party of Sudan between 1989 and 1993.
It is to be highlighted that such National Congress became the only legalized party in Sudan
that ruled the nation under the guidelines of Islamic Law, Pan-Arabism, nationalism and
With a brand new constitution established by a referendum in 1998
along with the opposition
of the population of South Sudan, the confrontations seemed to have met a new beginning. As
a consequence of a the long-lasting conflict, the Government of Sudan by the side of Sudan
Peoples Liberation Army
, agreed on several applications
that intended to promote peace
and the end of belligerent acts. The static and dreadful conditions regarding the nation, craved

4 (Conflict Profile)
for a prompt termination of such costly war, thereby, the establishment and adoption of the
power-sharing protocols
promised an autonomous government for the South.
After a wide amount of altercates, elections were held in 2010, returning Omar al-Bashir to
the power of Sudan and rising Salva Kiir as the president of South Sudan. Given the electoral
results, the population of South Sudan expressed their desire for independence with a 99 per
cent of advantage; being so, admitted by the General Assembly as 193
member of the UN.
The wide timeline of altercates surrounding this divided territories, has definitely split the
consequences and actions to be taken upon the social and political panorama. Considering as
a first substance of analysis; the geographic boundaries between South Sudan and the
Republic of Sudan, clearly determine the main misbalance of dominant powers and the lack
of control over populations needs during the conflict period endured over years. Having this
as a main example of decentralization, Japan would consider advisable the implementation of
any measure that attempts to reinforce the damaged relationship among such State Parties and
certain neighbor countries that might, somehow, contribute to the voluntary exportation of
It is also one the concerns of the Japanese Delegation, the importance of religious and cultural
differences that characterize each one of the parts involved. Recalling the implementation of
Shariah law
as the mandatory principle to be followed inside the Republic of Sudan, the
consequently discontent arisen from this action was one the main roots of the conflict that
resulted in the separation of Sudanese territory. Situation that could and must be prevented in
countries that undergo through the same radical impositions.
As one of the issues that call for the deliberation of this Executive Board, and being the main
topic of discussion; the fragility contemplated inside the governmental entities that represent
the Republic of Sudan, has continued as a result of the permanence in power of Bashirs
regime, which has seem to eclipse the uncountable efforts of international community to
safeguard the brittle peace inside the nation through the establishment of peacekeeping
from the United Nations and the African Union. As matter of fact, the continuous
disagreements derived from religious and cultural causes, have given the government an
opportunity to control and sustain power through the extensive weapon supply provided to
different tribes, increasing the dreadful humanitarian conditions that surround the nation.
The challenges to be faced inside the socioeconomic and humanitarian sphere constitute
another matter to consolidate in regards of the future plan to be elaborated; given the
imminent effects of uninterrupted civil wars all over the region, and the recently acquired
independence of South Sudan, the common flaw to be attended must guarantee the merging of
necessities coming from both sides of the conflict. In order to so, we consider advisable to
bear in mind the amount of refugees and Internal Displaced Persons inside Sudanese territory
and neighbor countries, which, according to the UNHCR
rises to more than 200.000
Sudanese civilians. These facts, along with the human rights and humanitarian law violation
reported by the United Nations Human Rights Council Independent Expert
on the situation
in Sudan, have strongly substantiate our decision of suggesting the discussion and approach of

10 (Conflict Timeline)
the fragile situation previously mentioned. It is of our concern that every decision to be taken
upon this matter, compiles the implementation of the main guideline manuscript enduring this
conflict, recognized as the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement; and also, the respect for
each one of the principles and attributions of the United Nations Development Program.
Case of Study 2: Central African Republic.
Being one of the major examples of instability and poverty within the African territory, the
Central African Republic has been marked by several factors that call for immediate
endorsement; the volatile context surrounding the Governance within the region has been the
primary aspect craving for attention ever since the French Equatorial Africa gained
independence as the Central African Republic in 1960
; alongside the misdirection of State
entities, it is the concern of Japan the fact of having witnessed at least four presidential
mandates that were removed throughout unconstitutional means. As a vital example to
understand the fragility of the events that have overcome this African region, the Japanese
delegation shall highlight the regime of Jean-Bdel Bokassa
; a presidential mandate
characterized as a corrupt, violent and chaotic period which ended with any vestige of
democracy all over the Nation.
This African Region, reminiscent of the other two cases of study, has met a social and
political past leaded by military coups and ruthless dictatorial mandates that have contributed
to decrease the poorly achieved institutional equality. It was not until year 1990, that
democracy reached the Nation through an electoral process where an electoral government
took the power. Regardless of this democratic hint, the discontent of African tribes erupted in
a coup and interstate armed conflict in 2001; the only difference regarding this movement
from other confrontations, was the involvement of Libya and rebels from the Democratic
Republic of Congo, situation that described the untrustworthy and fragile relation to be
strengthen among neighbor States.
Besides the political disruptions with reference to the roots of Central African Conflict, the
ethnical profile constitutes a boarder to achieve a possible balance and permanence of
. As a matter to be considered, the existence of more than 80 ethnical groups
specific dialects and cultures might somehow interfere with the process of wide spreading the
resources to improve the education and capacity of citizens to recognize, understand and
demand the due procedures to achieve good governance, respect for human rights and
economic development. On the other hand, the participation of military and rebel groups
inside the confrontations, has been one of the main forces that control and regulate each one
the movements and decisions of government and population, either under the mandate of
Head of States, or self-inflicted interest derived causes.
The establishment and adoption of the Constitution in 2004, called upon the population and
Heads of Government to precede its mandate through a brand new and recognized State that
claimed to be sovereign, indivisible, secular and democratic. One detail in particular that
discomforts our delegation is the lack of democracy protection agencies provided by the
; circumstance that somehow mitigates the pretended effect of political and

institutional stability offered by this fundamental principal. The reflection of this minimum
but remarkable grievance inside this supreme law might represent a vital structure to be
attended and evaluated by the board of the UNPD.
In aims of providing a realistic approach of the panorama, we shall conduct the analysis of the
situation from the actual conflict attempting against the Central African Republic, which has
been determined by the latest report of the United Nations Security Council
, as state of
anarchy and total disregard for international law, making reference to the past coup dtat
leaded by the Slka rebel group, that ended the government of Franois Boziz, and turned
out into a direct harassment against the civilian population. The persistent confrontations have
the international community running out time to stop the social, political and economical
casualties inside the nation. Being so, we find it essential the establishment and
accomplishment of the principles to resolve the crisis and security situation contemplated in
the so called Libreville Agreements, which might serve as a guideline to determine the
actions and intervention processes to achieve through the action plan to be elaborated during
our meeting.
Case of Study 3: Somalia
Officially recognized as the Federal Republic of Somalia; this divided and continuously
disrupted nation is considered by the Japanese Delegation, as the most critical model of a
failed state. This African territory, victim of a strained division as a result of British and
Italian mandates, met its independence in 1960, and consequently congregated to witness the
seize of power by Mohamed Siad Barre; said governmental period constituted the Somali
Democratic Republic and was abruptly ended in 1991 as a result of the eruption of the Somali
Civil War.

The neighbor countries and boundaries surrounding this nation constitute one of the key
elements of the actual conflict being endured. Let us recall that the initial distribution of
territories inside Somalia, comprised an amount of countries that at some point, belonged to
the geographical extension of this country as a whole; the civil confrontations and
disagreements with government, led to the independent search for autonomy. The relations
among said independent administrations being so: Somaliland and Puntland, have reborn our
worries regarding the fragile situation that has been tearing apart the population and territory
of Somalia, having into consideration that the action plan to be elaborated, must endorse each
one of the particularities that impede the conciliation of peace and accomplishment of the
Rule of Law.
Alongside the unbalanced situation among state parties involved, it is highly disturbing the
fact of evaluating the development achieved by Somalia on the subject of governance. In
order to have an approach of the situation, it is imperative to observe and analyze, once again,
the statistics provided by the Ibrahim Index of African Governance
, where Somalia is
ranked bottom in the continent overall, indicating the poorest achievement related to progress
of governance. In addition, it is to be considered the recently establishment of the Transitional
Federal Government along with its respective constitution
, which declares the federal,
sovereign and democratic nature of the country; but also states certain radical and mandatory

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guidelines that establish the Shariah as the supreme law and root of every law and principle
to be enacted.
As another challenge regarding the possible ethnical and religious boundaries; it is vital to
review the participation of the different clans within the government which somehow, control
the decisions taken by Somalia and the previously mentioned independent states
; meaning
that a mediation process and reconstruction of confidence among parts involved, must be one
of the goals to be achieved and maintained. This objective, along with the merging of States
ideals and international policies, should be the north of every action to be taken upon the
damaged territory.
The consequences of the conflicts erupting in Somalia have represented an important amount
of civil displacements, human rights violations and economical casualties. Based on the
revisions provided by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, it has been
confirmed the subsistence of more than one million Somali refugees and Internally Displaced
Persons (IDPS)
. As a further illustration of the crisis facing this nation; a preliminary report
was provided by an independent expert of the United Nations Human Rights Council
, which
states as an emergency situation the constant insurgence of Islamists groups against the
Federal Government, the rapid and disturbing arise of food insecurity and most important, the
denial of humanitarian assistance by rebel groups controlling the territory. Addressing other
substantial matters, it is highly important to recall the human and economical cost of piracy
practice in Somalia, which, according to the reported submitted by the Commercial Crime
Services department of the International Chamber of Commerce
, the attack and human right
violations committed by Somali pirates as a result of the persistent search for financial gain.
It is clear to the delegation of Japan that the duty engaged by the UNDP, constitutes a vital
sequence of procedures that look for the achievement and improvement of measures to be
applied in situations of weakened and almost absent governance, which in the case of
Somalia, represents an incredible amount of social, political and poor legislation grievances
that claim for immediate humanitarian intervention. Being so, we shall always support and be
part of any effort that attempts to build and restore the fragile foundations of governments that
by conflict related reasons might endanger the peace and stability that every citizen deserves
to live with.

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