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hone: (932) 224-6081 ! L-Mall: elashley21[ ! 9248 ?ukon Avenue SouLh, 8loomlngLon, Mn 33438
Drake Un|vers|ty - Des Mo|nes, IA May 2014
8achelor of ArLs ln Lngllsh and 8achelor of Sclence ln Secondary LducaLlon CA 3.8 on a 4.0 scale
LndorsemenLs ln Lngllsh (3-12) and LLL/LSL (k-12) Magna Cum Laude
CerLlflcaLe of CompeLence ln Spanlsh Language and CulLure resldenL's LlsL: 2011 - 2013
Study Abroad Lxper|ence
Spaln (lall 2012), ScoLland (Summer 2012), and uganda (Summer 2011)
Academ|c nonors
8ruce Campbell Memorlal Award of Lxcellence ln Lngllsh Sprlng 2013
resldenLlal Scholarshlp 8eclplenL AugusL 2010 - May 2014
Southeast o|k Commun|ty Schoo| D|str|ct: SL o|k n|gh Schoo| - LSL Student 1eacher March - May 2014
CollaboraLed wlLh Leachers ln all deparLmenLs Lo monlLor sLudenL progress
Modlfled assessmenLs Lo provlde scaffoldlng for sLudenLs wlLh low Lngllsh proflclency
ulfferenLlaLed acLlvlLles uslng vlsuals and organlzers Lo accommodaLe varlous learnlng sLyles
MenLored and moLlvaLed aL-rlsk sLudenLs Lo earn lmproved flnal grades
Des Mo|nes ub||c Schoo|s: kooseve|t n|gh Schoo| - LLA Student 1eacher !anuary - March 2014
Culded dlscusslons ln rofesslonal Learnlng CommunlLles Lo creaLe engaglng lessons
Applled Lngllsh conLenL knowledge Lo make currlculum relevanL Lo adolescenLs
CulLlvaLed a safe and lnLellecLually sLlmulaLlng learnlng envlronmenL for sLudenLs
lncorporaLed Lhe undersLandlng by ueslgn framework for sLandards-based lesson plannlng
8eflecLed lndlvldually and Lhrough peer observaLlons Lo lmprove Leachlng pracLlce
Iohnston Commun|ty Schoo| D|str|ct - Ch||d Care rov|der SepLember 2011 - !anuary 2014
Cared for and managed a group of 33 elemenLary sLudenLs Lhrough organlzed acLlvlLles
CommunlcaLed wlLh boLh managers and coworkers Lo malnLaln a safe envlronmenL
uLlllzed Llme managemenL Lo work Len hours a week as a full-Llme sLudenL
L|fetouch Nat|ona| Schoo| Stud|os - Interna| Commun|cat|ons Intern !une - AugusL 2013
LducaLed sLaff members ln Lhe fleld and home offlce abouL Lhe LranslLlon Lo Coogle+
CreaLed dynamlc presenLaLlons for sLaff and senlor leadershlp uslng medla and Lechnology
Led a Leam ln Lhe successful compleLlon of Lhe Lechnology launch pro[ecL
Inst|tuto Mar|ana |neda: Granada, Spa|n - Student 1eacher CcLober - uecember 2012
1aughL Lngllsh speaklng, readlng, and llsLenlng skllls Lo secondary sLudenLs
repared lesson plans LhaL lncorporaLed acLlve learnlng and LSL Lechnlques
V|ce res|dent of rogramm|ng and Lducat|on for A|pha h| at Drake Un|vers|ty !anuary 2013 - november 2013
Supervlsed Len dlrecLors wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL, lncludlng academlcs, programmlng, and member developmenL
Dona|d V. Adams Leadersh|p Inst|tute - Adams Academy lall and Sprlng 2012
Worked wlLh oLher college sLudenLs Lo develop skllls ln communlcaLlon, eLhlcal declslon-maklng, and leadershlp Lheory
eer Mentor and Academ|c Consu|tant (MAC) at Drake Un|vers|ty lall 2011
SupporLed a group of LwenLy sLudenLs Lhrough Lhelr flrsL semesLer ln college
roflclenL ln speaklng, readlng, and wrlLlng Spanlsh
Lxperlenced ln MlcrosofL Cfflce, Adobe CreaLlve SulLe, lMovle, lhoLo, and rezl
LxperL ln soclal medla, lncludlng Llnkedln, lacebook, 1wlLLer, lnLeresL, lnsLagram, and Coogle+

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