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: 1800-103-3854)
This Maintenance Contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract/ Agreement) is entered on between
FUJIFILM INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED having its registered office at C-1/114 G!"#$ %&!!'
(ana)*+ri' #ew $e,hi 11--./' 0ndia' hereinafter referred to as "FUJIFILM India1 (which e2*ression
+n,ess re*+gnant to the conte2t or the meaning thereof sha,, inc,+de its re*resentatives' s+ccessors'
affi,iates and *ermitted assigns) of the %03T 4AT
A#$ PRITI Hospital(A unit of Piti M!di"al R!s!a"# and C#aita$l! Tust% here in after ca,,ed
&t#! Custo'!( (which e2*ression +n,ess re*+gnant to the conte2t and the meaning thereof' sha,,
inc,+de the s+ccessors' re*resentatives' affi,iates and *ermitted assigns) of T56 36C!#$ 4AT7
8)FUJIFILM India* and )Custo'!* are hereinafter individ+a,,9 referred to as a :Pat+; and <oint,9 as
A> %"(0%0&M 0ndia is engaged in the b+siness of sa,e' s+**,9 servicing and re*air of %"(0 ma)e
4rod+ct/6@+i*ment s+ch as Ca*s+,a-A'$B40A-40MA'$B40AC--- etc>(5ereinafter ma9 be
referred to as 4rod+cts/ 6@+i*ment/0tem/"nits) inc,+ding its accessories/cons+mab,es>
D> The C+stomer is desiro+s of entering into Maintenance Contract with %"(0%0&M 0ndia for their
4rod+ct/6@+i*ment as mentioned in c,a+se E of the Agreement) siteF,--C./. CHINTAMANI
ROAD01EOR1E TO2N0ALLAHA3AD450PIN4566775 4rod+ct of C+stomer(here in after referred
to as C+stomer 4remises)>
C> %"(0%0&M 0ndia is desiro+s to carr9 o+t the Contract at C+stomer;s 4remises or at an9 other *,ace
which %"(0%0&M 0ndia thin)s fit for service of 4rod+ct>
1> T!'s of Conta"t<
1>1> This Contract sha,, remain in force initia,,9 for a *eriod of !#6 Bear starting from 6.7=.576>
and !ndin? on ,7.7>.576=(the Conta"t P!iod) with an o*tion to a+tomatica,,9 renew the
Contract for one 9ear on the same terms and conditions and simi,ar *eriod as mentioned in
C,a+se 1>1 above +n,ess s*ecifica,,9 notified in writing to the contrar9 b9 either 4art9 at ,east
one month *rior to the d+e date of s+ch renewa, and s+b<ect to receiving of *a9ment
consideration b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia from the C+stomer for the renewed term of the Contract>
1>E> The %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, carr9 o+t the 3ervices as *er C,a+se E d+ring b+siness wor)ing
ho+rs as mentioned +nder Anne2+re -1 of this Agreement>

E> 8"op! of 8!@i"! duin? t#! Conta"t P!iod<
E>1 An9 f+nction/s of %"(0%0&M 0ndia covered +nder C,a+se E is/ are referred to as 3ervices>

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)
E>E The 3ervices covered +nder this Contract sha,, be as fo,,owsF
(i) Maintenance 3ervices in res*ect of 6@+i*ment/"nits and Accessories sha,, mean %"(0 ma)e
6@+i*ments/"nits/0tems/Accessories' which are s*ecifica,,9 covered +nder this Ann+a,
Maintenance Contract> The 4rod+cts/e@+i*ments covered +nder this Contract areG0FCR
CAP8ULA4AB8N4CDE555>-0 DR/PIA4C777/3#-CD6,DE67
(ii) 4M (46H6#T0H6 MA0#T6#A#C6 36H0C6)/A44&0CAT0!# CA&&3
C,eaning' testing and ca,ibrating e,ectronic I mechanica, *arts of the "nit> A**,ication ca,,s
wi,, be attended on,9 in 6MA 3+*er o*tion> %or rest other 6MA o*tions' C+stomer wi,, have to
*a9 in e2tra for the A**,ication ca,,s>>
(iii) A,, 0tems and Accessories covered +nder this Ann+a, Maintenance Contract' which are
mechanica,,9 or e,ectronica,,9 o*erated' sha,, be ins*ected and ad<+sted as one o*erating
+nit' to *ro*er,9 diagnose and correct ma,f+nctions to achieve contin+ed *ro*er o*eration> 0f
an9 items of 6@+i*ment or accessories are covered b9 this Agreement' a,, other inter-
connected 0tems of %"(0 ma)e sha,, a,so be considered to be covered +nder this Agreement>
(iv) The Agreement inc,+desF
(a) %o+r *reventive maintenance ca,,s
(b) A,, brea)down ca,,s
J> 8!@i"! L!@!ls
J>1 %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, +se its best endeavor to satisf9 the c+stomer b+t wi,, not be res*onsib,e
for an9 ,osses' costs or e2*enses arising direct,9 or indirect,9 from an9 de,a9 in so doing>
J>E 4reventive Maintenance services sha,, be carried o+t as *er re@+isition of C+stomer *rovided
in c,a+se . of this Agreement>
J>J %or !# CA&& service' %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s engineer/s/*ersonne, wi,, visit the C+stomer !n
Ca,, and wi,, carr9 o+t re@+isite re*air and maintenance of the 4rod+cts as and when
re@+ired b9 the C+stomer d+ring b+siness ho+rs mentioned in Anne2+re-1 of this Agreement
as *er sched+,e be,ow7
Ca,, received before J*m K Ca,, sha,, be attended same da9 (if wor)ing da9) or before 1E*m
of ne2t wor)ing da9>
Ca,, received after J*m K Ca,, sha,, be attended before 1E*m of ne2t wor)ing da9>
J>4 %or 3ervices +nder this Contract' the C+stomer can contactF

Mo$il!< 7-C56>=ED,= 6>Mai,> )am,esh>9adavLf+<ifi,mindia>com
J>. e*,acement' re*air and maintenance of 4rod+cts/Accessories etc not covered +nder this
Contract sha,, be cond+cted on,9 on *a9ment of re@+isite charge as agreed with the
C+stomer se*arate,9>
J>M e*,acement of *arts' either b9 a new one or *arts of e@+iva,ent in *erformance sha,, be
done at the so,e discretion of %"(0%0&M 0ndia>
J>C 0n case of re*,acement of a *art/s' the defective *arts which are re*,aced sha,, become the
*ro*ert9 of %"(0%0&M 0ndia>

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)
J>/ This Contract is va,id to carr9 o+t maintenance and re*air wor) at above mentioned
C"3T!M6;s 4remises> 0n case of maintenance and re*air wor)s are to be carried o+t at
%"(0%0&M 0ndia;s *,ace' the C+stomer agrees to fo,,ow the *rocess of disconnecting' *ac)ing
and trans*orting the 4rod+ct at his own costs and ris)s> An9 damages ca+sed to the 4rod+ct
d+ring disconnecting' *ac)ing and trans*orting sha,, be not covered either in this Contract or
an9 other agreement or contract inc,+ding b+t not ,imited to sa,e or warrant9 agreement
sbetween the C+stomer and %"(0%0&M 0ndia> After *erforming the re@+ired maintenance and
re*air wor)s and +nder intimation b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia' the C+stomer +nderta)es to *ac) and
trans*ort the 4rod+ct within a reasonab,e time from the time of s+ch intimation to its 4remises
at its C+stomer;s own costs and ris)s>
4> Pa+'!nt T!'s

4>1 %or *rovision of 3ervices' the C+stomer sha,, *a9 an amo+nt R8. THIRT/ EI1HT
THOU8AND ONL/. (the Conta"t Valu!) inc,+des Ha,+e 3ervice Ta2 L1E>JMN sha,, be
*a9ab,e 1--N in advance at the time of e2ec+tion of this Contract' b9 wa9 of che@+e /*a9
order/demand draft *a9ab,e in the name of FUJIFILM INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.
4>E An9 ta2 ded+ctib,e at so+rce sha,, be ded+cted from the Contract Ha,+e and the net amo+nt
sha,, be *aid b9 the C+stomer> The C+stomer sha,, iss+e T$3 Certificate to %"(0%0&M 0ndia>
3ervice Ta2 or ?or)s Contract Ta2/an9 other ta2/,ev9 of simi,ar nat+re on the Contract Ha,+e
d+ring the Contract 4eriod sha,, be borne b9 the C+stomer and the same sha,, be over and
above the Contract Ha,+e>
.> R!sponsi$iliti!s of t#! Custo'!
.>1 The C+stomer sha,, advise' as *er its convenience' to %"(0%0&M 0ndia' the dates of visits of
%"(0%0&M 0ndia;s engineer/*ersonne, for 4reventive Maintenance' at ,east 1. da9s in
.>E The C+stomer sha,, *rovide to %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s engineer/s or service *ersonne,/s' free of
charge' with s*ace for s*are *arts' wor)ing s*ace' ,ight' venti,ation' te,e*hone and e,ectric
c+rrent o+t,ets' other basic amenities for the +se d+ring the *eriodica, 4reventive
Maintenance and !n Ca,, 3ervice>
.>J 4ro*er o*eration of the 4rod+ct m+st be ens+red b9 the C+stomer as advised in the 4rod+ct
o*eration man+a, (b9 whatever name ca,,ed)>
.>4 6ns+re *ro*er e,ectrica, *ower s+**,9 as advised b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia *rod+ct man+a,>
.>. 0n case of an9 fa+,t in the 4rod+ct insta,,ed at the 4remises' the C+stomer sha,, not *ermit an9
third *art9 to attend to s+ch fa+,ts and the same sha,, be attended on,9 b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia or
its a+thoriOed re*resentatives> 0n case of breach of this condition' the ob,igations of
%"(0%0&M 0ndia to *rovide 3ervices +nder this Contract sha,, forthwith stand discharged>
.>M The C+stomer hereb9 +nderta)es to )ee* the 4rod+cts c,ean' correct,9 re*orting an9
*rob,ems re,ating to it>
.>C %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, not be he,d res*onsib,e and the C+stomer sha,, be f+,,9 res*onsib,e and
,iab,e to *a9 additiona, charges to %"(0%0&M 0ndia for ma<or re*air or overha+,ing done on an9
6@+i*ment b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia for reasons/fai,+res ca+sed direct,9 or indirect,9 b9F
(i) #eg,igent or wi,,f+, act of the C+stomer' its em*,o9ees or third *arties>

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)
(ii) !missions b9 the C+stomer' its em*,o9ees or third *arties inconsistent with ob,igations of the
C+stomer or with the norma, care and o*eration of the 6@+i*ment and the Accessories>
(iii) 6vents not +nder %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s contro, as s*ecified in this Ann+a, Maintenance Contract>
(iv) Modifications of the 6@+i*ment not a+thoriOed b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia or not recommended b9 the
man+fact+rer of the 6@+i*ment>
(v) $amage res+,ting o+t of s*i,,age of chemica,s or ,i@+ids or corrosive materia,s on the vita,
mechanica, or e,ectrica, com*onents of the 6@+i*ment>
(vi) Connection of the 6@+i*ment b9 mechanica, or e,ectrica, means to devices not recommended
b9 the man+fact+rer of the 6@+i*ment' +n,ess s+ch connection is s*ecifica,,9 a+thoriOed b9
%"(0%0&M 0ndia>
(vii) ?or) e2terna, to the 6@+i*ment>
(viii) e*air' damage or re*,acement of *arts or increase in service time ca+sed b9 neg,ect'
accident or mis+se b9 the c+stomer inc,+ding witho+t ,imiting the genera,it9 of the foregoing'
fai,+re of e,ectrica, *ower' *ro*er gro+nding of the e,ectrica, insta,,ation or an9 other fai,+re not
attrib+tab,e to the 6@+i*ment>
(i2) C+stomer re,ocates the 6@+i*ment or add or remove the Accessories' attachments or other
devices witho+t %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s *ermission>
(2) C+stomer +ses cons+mab,e materia,s s+ch as fi,ms and chemica,s other than that
recommended b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia>
(2i) e*air of damage or increase in service time ca+sed b9 the +se of the 6@+i*ment for
*+r*oses other than that for which it was designed>
M> Conta"t EF"lusions
M>1 The 6@+i*ment is com*,e2 6@+i*ment consisting of Mechanica,' 6,ectrica,' 6,ectronic and
!*tica, s+bs9stems> %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, not entertain an9 c,aims for conse@+entia, or
incidenta, damages res+,ting from down time before or d+ring servicing of the 6@+i*ment>
M>E %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, not be res*onsib,e to *rovide an9 bac) +* 6@+i*ment> %"(0%0&M 0ndia
sha,, not *rovide service man+a, to the C+stomers at site>
M>J %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, not be res*onsib,e for software errors>
M>4 The 4arties c,ear,9 +nderstands that a,, warranties' conditions or other terms' ora,' written'
e2*ressed' im*,ied' stat+tor9 or otherwise in res*ect of the 6@+i*ment or an9 *arts thereof
(inc,+ding an9 warrant9 on its condition' @+a,it9 or fitness for an9 *+r*ose) or of an9 *arts'
s+**,ies or maintenance *rovided +nder the terms and conditions herein are hereb9 e2c,+ded>
M>. A,, Cons+mab,es s+ch as 04 *,ates' screens' Cassettes' fi,ms' *rinter in)s' C$/$H$' AH sw for
web c,ients etc are e2c,+ded
C> Li'itation of Lia$ilit+ and Fo"! MaG!u!
"nder no circ+mstances sha,, %"(0%0&M 0ndia be ,iab,e either in contract or tort or otherwise for
an9 ,oss or damage inc,+ding b+t not ,imited to ,oss of data' information' b+siness' *rofit or other
incidenta, or conse@+entia, ,osses howsoever ca+sed (and whether ca+sed b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s
neg,igence or breach of d+t9) arising from or incidenta, to the +se or o*eration of the e@+i*ment
or *rovision of maintenance *+rs+ant to the terms and conditions herein (inc,+ding de,a9 or
fai,+re in *roviding *arts' s+**,ies or maintenance) or an9 non-*erformance d+e to Act of God'
%orce Ma<e+re conditions which sha,, inc,+de witho+t ,imitation fire f,ood' act of terrorism'
accidents' thefts' riots' environmenta, conditions' circ+mstances be9ond %"(0%0&M 0ndia;s
contro, etc> This c,a+se sha,, s+rvive termination of this Contract>
/> Assi?n'!nt and 8u$"onta"tin?

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(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)
/>1 #either *art9 ma9 assign this Agreement' an9 3ched+,e and/or an9 rights and/or ob,igations
here+nder witho+t the *rior written consent of the other *art9' po@id!d0 however' no s+ch
consent sha,, be re@+ired for an9 assignment b9 either *art9 of this Agreement' an9 3ched+,e'
and/or an9 of its rights and/or ob,igations here+nder to an9 (i) s+bsidiar9 or affi,iate of that
*art9' or (ii) s+ccessor *+rs+ant to a merger' conso,idation' sa,e of a,, or s+bstantia,,9 a,, of its
assets' or a,, or a s+bstantia, *ortion of either *art9Ps b+siness and/or b+siness +nit to which
the Agreement or 3ched+,e(s) re,ate(s)> An9 attem*ted assignment in vio,ation of this C,a+se
/ sha,, be void>
/>E %"(0%0&M 0ndia can s+bcontract this Agreement with *rior written intimation to the C+stomer>
5owever' %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, be res*onsib,e for the acts or omissions of the 3+bcontractor
whi,e rendering the services +nder this Contract>
Q>1 %"(0%0&M 0ndia sha,, have an o*tion to forthwith terminate this Agreement if there is a change
of ownershi* of the 6@+i*ment>
Q>E 6ither 4art9 can terminate this Agreement' witho+t assigning an9 reason for termination' b9
giving J- da9s *rior written notice to the other 4art9>
Q>J "*on termination' the 4arties sha,, ref+nd/sett,e their acco+nts +*to the date of termination>
Q>4 "*on termination' either 4art9 sha,, ret+rn an9 doc+ment' s*ares' etc be,onging to the other
4art9 which is re@+ired to be ret+rned on e2*iration or termination of contract>
1->1> #on e2c,+sive +seF #othing contained in this Agreement sha,, *revent the C+stomer +sing the
*rod+cts not distrib+ted b9 %"(0%0&M 0ndia>
1->E Governing &aw and (+risdiction < This Agreement sha,, be governed' constr+ed and
inter*reted +nder the ,aws of 0ndia> The Co+rts at #ew $e,hi sha,, have e2c,+sive (+risdiction>
1->J Confidentia,it9F 6ach of the 4art9 to the *resent Contract sha,, (i) safeg+ard and *rotect the
other;s confidentia, information' anci,,ar9/re,ated to *resent Contract and received and/or
obtained d+ring the co+rse of service being *rovided +nder the *resent Contract (ii)
3egregate materia, containing confidentia, information from the materia,s of others (obtained if
an9 d+ring the co+rse of the *resent Contract) and to ret+rn the confidentia, information in
case it is no ,onger needed to *erform the ob,igation or the other;s re@+est> 6ach 4art9 to the
Contract sha,, ma)e *ro*er disc,os+re and inform the other immediate,9 on becoming aware
of an9 +na+thoriOed +se or disc,os+re of the confidentia, information obtained>
1->4 e*resentations and ?arrantiesF 6ach of the 4arties re*resents and warrants as +nderF
0t is ,ega,,9 com*etent to enter into and has the f+,, right' *ower and a+thorit9 to e2ec+te and
de,iver this Contract' to *erform its ob,igations here+nder and that this Contract constit+tes
va,id and ,ega,,9 binding ob,igations on it' enforceab,e against it in accordance with the terms
contained herein> 0t is not a *art9 to' or s+b<ect to or bo+nd b9 an9 agreement or an9
<+dgment' order' writ' *rohibition' in<+nction or decree of an9 co+rt or other governmenta,
officia, or entit9' or a contract' whether ora,' e2*ress or im*,ied other than this Contract or an9
other deed or instr+ment' which *revents it from entering into this Contract> 0t has neither fi,ed
for nor has been invo,ved in an9 ban)r+*tc9' ,i@+idation or winding +* *roceeding whatsoever>

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)

(LOG YOUR CALL AT TOLL FREE NO.: 1800-103-3854)
62ec+tion of this Contract does not vio,ate the *rovisions of its *artnershi* deed/ constit+tion
doc+ments/ b9e ,aws etc' artic,es of association and memorand+m of association and to the
e2tent a**,icab,e' it has a,, re@+isite cor*orate *ower and a+thorit9 and abi,it9 to enter into this
Contract and *erform the ob,igations created here+nder> D9 virt+e of this Contract' either
4art9 do not act in an9 other ca*acit9 and/ or manner other than the *+r*oses cited in this
Contract whatsoever>
1->. 6ntire ContractF #otwithstanding an9thing contained to the contrar9 +nder an9
*revio+s Agreement whether verba, or written' wor) order etc' this Contract with a,, its
a**endices sha,, constit+te the entire Agreement between the 4arties as to the s+b<ect matter
hereof and it cance,s and re*,aces an9 *rior ora, or written agreement on the same s+b<ect>
A,, amendments to the contract sha,, be made in writing>
1->M ?aiverF "n,ess e2*ress,9 *rovided to the contrar9 herein' fai,+re or de,a9 of an9 4art9
to enforce an9 of the *rovisions of this Contract or assert an9 rights here+nder sha,, in no wa9
be constr+ed as a waiver of s+ch *rovision(s) or rights and sha,, not affect the right of the
s+ch 4art9 to enforce each and ever9 *rovision of this Contract in accordance with its terms>
1->C emediesF 6ach 4art9 hereto agree that an9 remed9 or right conferred +*on either 4art9 for
breach hereof sha,, be in addition to and witho+t *re<+dice to a,, other rights and remedies
avai,ab,e to it' whether +nder ,aw or otherwise>
1->/ 3everabi,it9F An9 *rovision of this Contract which is *rohibited or +nenforceab,e in an9
<+risdiction sha,,' as to s+ch <+risdiction' be ineffective to the e2tent of s+ch *rohibition or
+nenforceabi,it9 witho+t inva,idating the remaining *ortions hereof or affecting the va,idit9 or
enforceabi,it9 of s+ch *rovision in an9 other <+risdiction>
1->Q ArbitrationF 0f an9 dis*+te or difference arises between the 4arties hereto d+ring the
s+bsistence of this Contract or thereafter' in connection with the va,idit9' inter*retation'
termination' im*,ementation or a,,eged breach of an9 *rovision of this Contract or regarding
an9 @+estion re,ating hereto the 4arties hereto sha,, endeavo+r to sett,e s+ch dis*+te or
difference amicab,9> 0n the event that 4arties are +nab,e to agree to an amicab,e so,+tion to
the dis*+te or difference the 4arties hereto sha,, refer s+ch dis*+te or difference for arbitration
before so,e arbitrator to be nominated b9 the 4arties <oint,9> The arbitration *roceedings he,d
in accordance with the r+,es +nder the Arbitration and Conci,iation Act' 1QQM> The *,ace of
the arbitration sha,, be #ew $e,hi> The *roceedings of arbitration sha,, be in the 6ng,ish
,ang+age> The arbitra, award sha,, be s+bstantiated in writing and the arbitra, trib+na, sha,,
a,so have the right to decide on the costs of arbitration *roceedings>
1->1- Co+nter*artsF This Contract sha,, be e2ec+ted in two origina, co+nter*arts>
1->11 #oticesF The #otices +nder this Contract sha,, be addressed to the A+thoriOed
3ignatories of the Com*an9 at the address mentioned above and sent thro+gh registered
*ost/ s*eed *ost/ co+rier>
%or %"(0%0&M 0#$0A 40HAT6 &0M0T6$
A+thoriOed 3ignator9

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A+thoriOed 3ignator9
Thro+gh 8 =
1> #orma, wor)ing ho+rs of %"(0%0&M 0ndia 4rivate &imitedF
?ee)da9sF Q>E. am to .>-- *m
E> 3at+rda9 I 3+nda9s 5o,ida9 0n addition to 3at+rda9 I 3+nda9s other ho,ida9s dec,ared as
*er the ,ist of ho,ida9s of %"(0%0&M 0ndia anne2ed hereto>

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