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SBI PO Model Test Paper with Answers

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given elow it. !ertain words have
een printed in old to help you locate the" while answering so"e of the questions.
#ccording to the $nited %tates &nviron"ental 'rotection #gency ($%&'#)( plastic ags are a etter
option than paper ags fro" the environ"ent)s point of view. *any studies co"paring plastic versus
paper show that plastic ags have less net environ"ental effect than paper ags( requiring less
energy for transport( production and recycling and ecause of all these( plastic generates less
greenhouse gases. +hey cause less air and water pollution and can get co"pressed to a s"all si,e in
landfills. 'lastic ags are sterile and thus are a etter option for the transportation of eatales and
-owever there is another side of using plastic. 'lastics are "anu-factured fro" petroleu". +his rings
a host of other issues e.g. destruction of haitat. +heir "anufacturing invo-lves che"icals( "any of
which have not een sufficiently tested for their to.icological i"pact on hu"ans and ani"als.
&.acerating the prole" is that science has only advanced to detect plastic co"ponents in hu"an
odies and then lin/ it to hu"an ail"ents and diseases.
0here science has een unale to help is that it has largely failed to invent a solution to the ha,ards
caused y it. *a/ing the situation dis"al is the fact that the ha,ard is closer than it appears. +eflon(
'1!( 'olyethylene( polysty-rene in utensils and various silicones in hair and ody care products
accu"ulate in the ody and lead to serious diseases.
'lastic producing co"panies are often che"ical co"-panies or susidiaries of che"ical co"panies(
oth with poor trac/ records when it co"es to their adherence to regulatory co"pliance and their
willingness to perfor" to.i-cological analysis on the products that they "a/e.
'lastics often drain co"ponent che"icals( including ha,ardous che"icals when te"perature changes
eyond a certain point.
2t is for this reason that to.icologists do not reco""end storing very cold food in plastics or heating
food ("icrowa-ving especially) in plastics. #lso( plastics are durale "aterials. +hus( they are hard to
eli"inate once used and create tre"endous waste. 0hile so"e co""on plastics can e recycled the
vast "a3ority cannot e recycled.
%cientists suggest the use of 4io-degradale plastics as an alternative to this persisting prole".
+hese are the plastics that can deco"pose in the natural environ"ent. 4iodegra-dation of plastics can
e achieved y enaling "icroorganis"s in the environ"ent to "etaoli,e the "olecular structure of
plastic fil"s to produce an inert hu"us-li/e "aterial that is less har"ful to the environ-"ent. +hey
"ay e co"posed of either io-plastics( which are plastics whose co"ponents are derived fro"
renewale raw "aterials( or petroleu"-ased plastics. +he use of io-active co"pounds co"pounded
with swelling agents ensures that( when co"ined with heat and "oisture( they e.pand the plastic)s
"olecular structure and allow the io-active co"pounds to "etaolise and neutrali,e the plastic.
1arious countries have een adopting different "ethods to discourage the use of plastic. 5rowing
awareness in the $6 of the prole"s caused y indiscri"inate use of plastic ags is encouraging
retailers to reward custo"ers who ring their own ags or who reuse or recycle e.isting ags. +his is
called the )5reen 4ag %che"e). 2n other countries retailers have stopped providing free plastic ags
with pur-chases and have een selling cloth ags for very "ini"alistic prices.
1. 0hat alternative do the scientists suggest for the prole" asso-ciated with the use of plastics7
1) $se of iodegradale plastics
8) +reat"ent of ha,ards caused y the use of plastics
9) %trict co"pliance of the che"ical co"panies to to.ico-logical tests of their products
:) 4anning the use of plastic throughout the world
;) <one of these
8. 0hy don)t to.icologists reco""-end the heating of food and storing of cold food in plastic7
1) =ood stuff spoils faster in plastic containers
8) +he +eflon coating in such utensils is har"ful
9) 'lastic containers do not undergo reco""ended to.icology tests
:) 'lastic releases har"ful che"icals at very high and low te"perature
;) <one of these
9. #ccording to the author( what is the prole" with "anufacturing plastic products7
1) +hese products are not energy efficient
8) +hese products produce greenhouse gases which are har"ful to environ"ent
9) +he che"icals involved in their production are not tested for i"pact on living eings
:) 2t swells as soon as it co"es in contact with heat and "oisture
;) <one of these
:. 0hat are the author)s views aout the co"panies producing plastic products7
i) +hese co"panies are "ainly responsile for the ha,ards caused to the environ"ent due to plastics.
ii) %uch co"panies are che"ical co"panies the"selves or a susidiary of such co"panies.
iii) %uch co"panies do not perfor" to.icological tests on their products.
1) >nly i 8) 4oth ii and iii
9) 4oth i and iii :) >nly ii
;) <one of these
;. 0hat does the author "ean y )another side of using plastic)7
1) +hese are disadvantages of using plastic
8) $sing iodegradale plastic instead of non-iodegradale plastic
9) 'aper ags are etter option than plastic ags
:) *any retail stores sell cloth ags at lower price
;) <one of these
?. 0hy does $%&'# suggest that plastic ags are a etter option than paper ags 7
1) +he plastic ags are ine.pensive
8) 'lastic ags can e tested for to.ic che"icals
9) 'aper ags do not generate greenhouse gases
:) 'lastic ags require less ener-gy as co"pared to paper for transportation( production and recycling
;)<one of these
@. #ccording to the passage( in which of the following fields has science failed7
1) +o produce iodegradale plastic
8) +o populari,e the use of cloth and paper ags instead of plastic
9) +o strictly i"ple"ent the co"pliance of the che"ical co"panies to to.icological tests of their
:) +o "a/e plastic - free hair and ody care products ;) <one
A. 0hich steps have een ta/en in $6 to encourage the use of alternatives to plastic ags 7
1) +he $6 govern"ent has anned the use of plastic throughout the country
8) +he retailers in $6 have een selling cloth ags at very low prices
9) +he retailers reward the custo"ers who ring their own ags or use the recycled ags
:) +he govern"ent i"poses heavy fine on those using plastic ags ;) <one
B. 0hich of the following is not true in conte.t of the passage7
1) %o"e countries have stopped providing free plastic ags to custo"ers to discourage the use of
8) +he io-active co"pound along with swelling agents ensure that plastic is neutrali,ed in the
presence of heat and "oisture
9) *any plastic products do not undergo to.icological test
:) 4eing durale( plastic creates a lot of waste ;) #ll are true
10. #lthough har"ful at e.tre"e te"perature( why does $%&'# reco""end transport of eatales and
"edicines in plastic ags7
1) 'lastic ag generate less greenhouse gases which would react che"ically with "edicines( thus
producing adverse effect in ody
8) 'lastic ags are "ore sterile than other availale options
9) 'lastic products pass through a nu"er of to.icological testing)s
:) 'lastic ags are easily degra-ded and thus cause less har" to environ"ent ;) <one
Directions (Q. 11-19):
!hoose the word Cgroup of words which is Care "ost si"ilar in "eaning to the word printed in old as
used in the passage.
11. persisting
1) trouling 8) enduring
9) resisting :) da"aging
;) harassing
18. e.acerating
1) e.ecuting 8) influencing 9) worsening :) addressing ;) declining
19. drain
1) sewer 8) waste 9) deplete :) give out ;) outlet
Directions (Q. 1:-1;):
!hoose the word which is "ost opposite in "eaning to the word printed in old as used in the
1:. dis"al
1) &ncouraging 8) 'rosperous 9) 5lad :) 5enerous ;) Respectful
1;. co"pressed
1) &.tended 8) #"plified 9) Diffused :) 2ntensified ;) &.panded
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any gra""atical error in it. +he error( if any will e in
one part of the sentence( the letter of that part will e the answer. 2f there is no error( "ar/ (;) <o
&rror as the answer. (2gnore errors of punctuation( if any)
1?. %he considered herself
(1) C very fortunate to (8) C have had a (9) C very good education. (:)C <& (;)
1) 1 8) 8 9) 9 :): ;) <o &rror
1@. # lot nu"er of people
(1) Cdonate "oney to the organisation(8) Cat this ti"e(9)C of the year.(:)C<& (;)
1A. +he leader of the opposition
(1)C is in the danger(8)Cof lost his seat (9)Cin the ne.t elections(:)C <&(;)
1B. -e is the sa"e
(1)Cice-crea" vendor (8)Cwhich sold ice-crea"s (9)Cwhen we were /ids.(:)C <&(;)
80. +he police received
(1)C tre"en-dous support fro" (8)Cthe general pulic(9)Cover that issue.(:)C <&(;)
81. 2 have ought for "y sister
(1)Ca ottle of perfu"e (8)Con her irthday (9)Cand 2 hope she li/ed it.(:)C<& (;)
88. +hroughout his tenure
(1)Cat the office he(8)C have proven hi"self to e a (9)Ctalented and hard-wor/ing e"ployee.(:)C <&
89. +he co""ittee did not
(1)C approve the plan(8)C since it were(9)Cneither practical nor efficient.(:)C<& (;)
8:. +he us driver drove rashly
(1)Cand we had (8)Ca narrow escape(9)Con a nu"er of occasions(:)C <& (;)
8;. -e never re"e"er
(1)C to pic/ up the (8)C "il/ ottles while (9)C pic/ing up the newspaper(:)C
<& (;)
1) 1D 8) :D 9) 9D :) 8D ;) 1D ?) :D
@) :D A) 9D B) ;D 10) 1D 11) 8D 18) 9
19) :D 1:) 1D 1;) ;D 1?) 8D 1@) 1D
1A) 9D 1B) 9D 80) ;D 81) :D 88) 9D
89) 9D 8:) ;D 8;) 1
0hich of the phrases (1)( (8)( (9) and (:) given elow each state"ent should replace the phrase
printed in old in the sentence to "a/e it gra""atically correct7 2f the sentence is correct as it is
given and )<o correction is required)( "ar/ (;) )<!R) as the answer.
8?. #yesha spent the entire "orning polishing hers new audio syste".
1) 'olishing her new
8) 'olishing she)s new
9) 'olishing her)s new
:) 'olishing #yesha)s new
;) <!R
8@. #s she grows up( she eca"e doutful of the e.istence of fairies.
1) %he grown up
8) %he grews up 9) %he grew up
:) %he growned up ;) <!R
8A. %neha and %hraddha need to uy watches ecause they are always late.
1) +hose are always
8) +hese are always
9) +hey /eep always
:) +here are always
;) <o !orrection Required
8B. <either the local ad"inistration nor the police authorities was aware of the tourna"ent eing held.
1) 0ere aware for
8) 0as aware for of
9) 0as aware for
:) 0ere aware of ;) <!R
90. &veryone have invested a sustantial a"ount in the on going pro3ect ut no one e.pects a profit.
1) did invested a
8) has invested a
9) did investing in a
:) had invested an ;) <!R
Rearrange the following %i. sentenc-es 1)( 8)( 9)( :)( ;) and ?) in the pro-per sequence to for" a
"eaningful paragraphD then answer the questions given elow the"-
1. +he e"peror was i"pressed with "e and rewarded "e suitaly.
8. -e then as/ed "e to "a/e it shorter without erasing its ends.
9. >ne fine day the /ing decided to test "y intelligence.
:. 4y doing so( 2 could "a/e the line shorter without erasing the ends.
;. #fter thin/ing over it for so"e ti"e( 2 drew longer lines on oth the ends of the line that the
e"peror had drawn.
?. -e drew a line on the floor with the help of a chal/
91. 0hich of the following should e the =2R%+ sentence after rearrange"ent7
1) 1 8) 8 9) 9 :) : ;) ;
98. 0hich of the following should e the %&!><D sentence after rearrange"ent7
1) 8 8) 9 9) : :) ; ;) ?
99. 0hich of the following should e the +-2RD sentence after rearrange"ent7
1) 1 8) 8 9) 9 :) : ;) ;
9:. 0hich of the following should e the =>$R+- sentence after rearrange"ent7
1) 8 8) 9 9) : :) ; ;) ?
9;. 0hich of the following should e the E#%+ (%2F+-) sentence after rearrange"ent7
1) 1 8) 8 9) 9 :) : ;) ;
2n the following passage there are lan/s( each of which has een nu"-ered. +hese nu"ers are
printed e-low the passage and against each( five words are suggested( one of whi-ch est fits the
lan/ appropriately. =ind out the appropriate word in each case.
*any far"ers who traditionally (GG9?GG) pulses( "illets and paddy have een lured y seed
co"panies to uy hyrid cotton seeds and other 5* crops( which were (GG9@GG) to "a/e their lives
easier and wealthier. 2nstead they (GG9AGG) an/ruptcy and ruin. +heir native seeds have een
(GG9BGG) with new hyrids which cannot e saved and need to e purchased every year at a high
cost. -yrids are also very (GG:0GG) to pest attac/s. #ll pesticides have to e (GG:1GG) fro" the
co"pany that sold the" the seedsD there have een reports of latant profiteering fro" these
co"panies. 0e are (GG:8GG) told that without genetic engineering and gloali,ation of agriculture the
world will starve( it is constantly pro"oted as the only (GG:9GG) availale for feeding the hungry.
&verywhere( food production is eco"ing a negative econo"y( with far"ers (GG::GG) "ore on uying
costly inputs for industrial production than the price they receive for their produce. +he consequence is
rising dets in oth rich and poor countries. 2n so"e #frican countries it is cheaper to uy foreign
sugar and coffee than it is to uy locally produced goods. +his is ecause of over production and
susidies in the 0est which "eans that they then du"p these goods on #frica (GG:;GG) local
9?. 1) developed 8) cultivated
9) ger"inated :) "ade
;) yielded
9@. 1) proaly 8) specified
9) designated :) supposed
;) thought
9A. 1) undergo 8) disclosed
9) approached :) tac/ling
;) faced
9B. 1) supplied 8) converted
9) replaced :) reduced
;) da"aged
:0. 1) vulnerale 8) tender
9) dangerous :) te"pted
;) li/ely
:1. 1) purchased 8) ried
9) adopted :) uy
;) sprin/led
:8. 1) reiterated 8) repeatedly
9) continuous :) nu"erously
;) "uch
:9. 1) thing 8) food
9) progression :) tendency
;) alternative
::. 1) generating 8) e.panding
9) spending :) consu"ing
;) earning
:;. 1) ruining 8) eradicating
9) helping :) facilitating
;) washing
&ach question elow has two lan/s( each lan/ indicating that so"ething has een o"itted. !hoose
the set of words for each lan/ that est fits the "eaning of the sentence as a whole.
:?. +he state"ent said that the conference would e GGG a considerale ti"e GGG the gloal econo"ic
1) having( thin/ing
8) passing( deating
9) spending( discussing
:) e.pending( arguing
;) e.hausting( analy,ing
:@. #fter eing ta/en away fro" his parents at a GGGGGG age( the oy had a very GGGGGG life.
1) young( difficult
8) early( leisurely
9) s"all( distinction
:) tender( deterrent
;) advanced( restrict
:A. &ven GGG the period of recession( he got a good 3o GGG not having "uch e.perience.
1) on( even though
8) in( instead 9) while( inspite
:) during( despite
;) although( al"ost
:B. #fter having GGG the news of their son)s e.cellent result in e.a"s( they ca"e over as GGGG as
1) en3oyed( earlier
8) heard( quic/ly
9) surprised( running
:) shoc/ed( fast
;) reali,ed hurriedly
;0. #lthough unrecogni,ed GGGG his life( his talent was "uch GGG after his death.
1) entire( adored
8) all( reali,ed 9) whole( worth
:) al"ost( valued
;) throughout( appreciated
8?) 1D 8@) 9D 8A) ;D 8B) :D 90) 8D 91) 9D 98) ;D 99) 8D 9:) :D 9;) 1D 9?) 8D 9@) :D 9A) ;D 9B) 9D :0)
1D :1) 1D :8) 8D :9) ;D ::) 9D :;) 1D :?) 9D :@) 1D :A) :D :B) 8D ;0) ;
5eneral #wareness( *ar/eting
#nd !o"puters
1. # "a3or pulic sector raised interest rates on loans y 8; asis points - was news in so"e "a3or
financial news papers recently. +his "eans an/ has raised inter-est y 8; asis points of GGG7
1) %avings 4an/ 2nterest rate
8) 4ase Eending Rate
9) Repo Rates
:) 'resent Rates on Deposits
;) Discounted Rates of 2nterest
8. +he =inance *inister of 2ndia in one of his press conferences said that inflationary pressure is li/ely
to continue following recent incr-ease in rates of so"e co""odit-ies in international "ar/ets. 0hi-ch
of the following co""odities was he referring to as it gets frequent increase at international levels and
disturs our -o"e &cono"y sustantially7
1) 5old and silver
8) 'etroleu" products
9) +ea and sugar :) %ugar
;) Hute and Hute products
9. 2""ediately prior to change in the "easure of food inflation( which of the following was
eing used for "easuring it7
1) 0hole sale 'rice 2nde.
8) !onsu"er 'rice 2nde.
9) 2nterest Rates offered y an/s on deposits
:) %ense. and <ifty
;) <one of these
:. 0hat is the full for" of )=2<>) a ter" we see frequently in financ-ial newspapers7
1) =inancial 2nvest"ent in networ/ and operations
8) =ar"er)s 2nvest"ent in national >rgani,ation
9) =ar"ers inclusion news and operation
:) =inancial 2nclusion <etwor/ and >perations
;) <one of these
;. 0hich of the following isCare co""odityCies on which susidy is given to far"erCpoor in 2ndia7
1. =ertili,er 8. 6erosene 9. E'5
1) >nly 1 8) >nly 8
9) >nly 9 :) >nly 1 and 9
;) #ll 1(8 and 9
?. )4hagya" >ilfields) which were recently in news are located in which of the following states in
1) Ra3asthan 8) 5u3arat
9) #ssa" :) *aharashtra
;) 6arnata/a
@. +he =inance *inister)s of 2ndia recently decided to review the position of )4ad Dets) in priority
sector. 0hich of the following isCare the reason(s) owing to which =* too/ this decision7
#). 4ad Det in agriculture is still rising sustantially every year despite special treat"ent to it.
4). 4ad Det in other areas of priority sector is al"ost nil now.
!). 5ovt. is planning to disurse another instal"ent of Rs. 1(?0(000 crore which will ring )4ad Det)
al"ost at )<il level) and no special treat"ent will e needed in ne.t fiscal year.
1) >nly # 8) >nly 4
9) >nly ! :) 4oth # and 4
;) #ll #( 4 and !
A. 0hich a"ongst the following countries is not a "e"er of the +#'2 pipe line pro3ect( which was in
news recently7
1) 2ndia 8) #fghanistan
9) 'ortugal :) 'a/istan
;) +ur/"enistan
B. #n agree"ents on #r"s Reducti-on popularity /nown as ) %+#R+) is one of the "a3or issues in the
way of s"ooth relations etween which of the following two countries7
1) 2ndia---- 'a/istan
8) 2ndia - china 9) !hina - Hapan
:) $%# - Russia ;) Russia - 2ran
10. +he international 000 !onference - 8011 was organi,ed in which of the following places in *arch
1) Eondon 8) 'aris
9) 1ienna :) *anila
;) -yderaad
1) 8D 8) 8D 9) 8D :) ;D ;) ;D ?) 1D
@) ;D A) 9D B) :D 10) ;
11. 0hich of the following internati-onal agenciesC organi,ation had initiated an I2nternational
!onvention for the )protection of all persons fro" &nforced Dis-appeared)( which ca"e into effect
1) 0orld -ealth >rgani,ation (0->)
8) 2nternational court of Hustice
9) 2nternational *ariti"e >rga-ni,ation
:) $nited <ations >rgani,ation
;) <one of these
18. )4R2!) which was the >rgani-,ation of : nations na"ely 4ra,il( Russia( 2ndia and !hina has now
eco"e )4R2!%). 0hich is the fifth nation included in it7
1) %outh 6orea 8) %ri Ean/a
9) %ingapore :) %outh #frica ;) 'un3a
19. +he process of acquisition of agriculture land and its co"pensation to far"ers recently ca"e up as
a "a3or issue in which of the following states7 (2t also created law and order prole" in the state)
1) -aryana 8) 5u3arat
9) $ttar 'radesh :) Ra3asthan ;) 'un3a
1:. 0hat does the letter )E) denotes in ter" )E#=) as referred every now and then in relation to
"onetary policy of the R427
1) Eiquidity 8) Eiaility
9) Eeveraged :)Eongitudinal ;) Einear
1;. 4' 'lc which was in news recently is a "a3or international co"pany in field of------
1) -eavy *achinery 8) >il e.ploration 9) #to"ic &nergy
:) 2nfor"ation +echnology ;) <one of these
1?. 0ho a"ongst the following has een appointed as the new coach of the 2ndian !ric/et tea" for a
period of two years7
1) %"art law 8) #llan 4order 9) 5ray 6risten
:) Duncan =letcher
;) #llan Donald
1@. 0hy was 6anishtha Dhan/har)s na"e in news recently7
1) %he was crowned =e"ina *iss 2ndia - 8011
8) %he was ad3usted 4est #ctress - 8010 y fil" fare
9) %he is the new !aptain of 2ndia)s wo"an cric/et tea"
:) %he is the new Dy. *inister +e.tile in place of Dayanidhi *aran
;) <one of these
1A. 6.4alachander( who was awar-ded prestigious Dada %ahe 'hal/e #ward - 8010 is asically aCan
1) #ctor 8) Director
9) 'hotographer
:) *usic Director
;) !horeographer
1B. 4an/s and other financial insti-tutions in 2ndia are required to "aintain a certain a"ount of liquid
assets li/e cash( precious "etals and other short ter" securities as a reserve all the ti"e. 2n 4an/ing
world this is /nown as7
1) !RR 8) =i.ed #sset
9) %ER :) 'ER ;) <one
80. 0hich of the following space agencies recently launched three satellites and placed the" into polar
%un %ynchronous >rit successfully7
1) <#%# 8) R>%!>%*>%
9) !<%# :) 2%R> ;) H#F#
81. #s per the decision ta/en y the 5ovt. of 2ndia recently )4a"oo is a lierated ite" now). 0hat
does it really "ean7
1. 4a"oo henceforth will e treated as a "inor
8. <ow villagers are free to sell a"oo in their co""unity forest areas.
9. 5ra"saha is given right to issue transport the produce.
1) >nly 1 8) >nly 8 9) >nly 9 :) #ll 1( 8 and 9 ;) <one of these
88. $nion !ainet recently passed Rs. @000 crore pro3ect to clean- up which of the following rivers in
1) <ar"ada 8) Raavi 9) 5anga :) !ha"al
;) 6rishna
89. #s per esti"ate of the planning !o""ission of 2ndia the target
growth rate of 18th five year plan is set to GGGG
1) @ to AJ 8) A.0J to A.;J 9) BJ to B.;J :) 10 to 10.;J
;) 11 J
8:. 5ood luc/ Honathan was recently reelected the 'resident of GGG
1) %outh #frica 8) <igeria
9) 6osovo :) -aiti
;) <one of these
8;. 0hich of the following sche"es is not launched y the "inistry of Rural Develop"ent( 5ovt. of
1) <ational >ld #ge 'ension %che"e
8) <ational *aternity 4enefit sche"e
9) <ational =a"ily 4enefit %che"e
:) *id - Day *eal %che"e
;) #ll are launched y *inistry of Rural Develop"ent
8?. 0here you are li/ely to find an e"edded operating syste"7
1) >n a des/top operating syste" 8) >n a networ/ed '!
9) >n a networ/ server
:) >n a 'D# ;) >n a "ainfra"e
8@. #n online discussion group that allows direct )live) co""uni-cation is /nown as GG7
1) 0e crawler 8) !hat group 9) Regional services provider
:) -yperlin/ ;) e - "ail
8A. 0hich of the following is a prog-ra" that uses a variety of different approaches to identify and
eli"inate spa"7
1) Directory speech 8) #nti- spa" progra" 9) 0e server
:) 0e storefront creation pac/age
;) 1irus
8B. !onnection or lin/ to other docu"ents or we pages that contain related infor"ation is called GGG
1) Dial - up
8) &lectronic co""erce
9) -yperlin/ :) e - cash
;) Do"ain na"e
90. 0hich of the following is a progra""ing language for creating special progra"s li/e applets7
1) H#1# 8) !ale
9) Do"ain na"e :) .<et
;) !>4>E
91. +he syste" $nitGG
1) !oordinates input and output devices
8) 2s the container that houses electronic co"ponents
9) 2s a co"ination of hardware and software
:) !ontrols and "anipulates data
;) Does the arith"etic operations
98. %yste" software GGGGGG
1) #llows the user to diagnose and troule shoot the device
8) 2s a progra""ing language
9) 2s part of a productivity suit
:) 2s an optional for" of software
;) -elps the co"puter "anage internal resources
99. !o"puter and co""unication technologies such as co""uni-cation lin/s to the 2nternet that
provide help and understanding to the end user is /nown as GG7
1) 'resentation file
8) 2nfor"ation technology 9) 'rogra"
:) 0or/sheet file ;) =+'
9:. 0hich of the following is contained on chips connected to the syste" oard and is a holding area
for data instructions and infor"ation7 ('rocessed data waiting to e output to secondary storage)
1) 'rogra" 8) *ouse 9) 2nternet :) *e"ory ;) *ode"
9;. *icrosoft)s *essenger allows users to GG
1) +o ypass a rowser to surf the we
8) !reate a log
9) !o""unicate via direct live co""unication
:) 2dentify and eli"inate spa"
;) *a/e graphic presentation
9?. 'ortale co"puter( also /nown as laptop co"puter( weighting etween : and 10 pounds is called
1) 5eneral - purpose application 8) 2nternet 9) %canner
:) 'rinter ;) <oteoo/ co"puter
9@. +he "ain circuit- oard of the syste" unit is the GGG
1) !o"puter progra" 8) !ontrol unit 9) *other oard
:) R#* ;) <one of these
9A. 0hich of the following is illionth of a second7
1) 5igayte 8) +erayte
9) <ano second :) *icro second ;) +erra second
9B. >nline *ar/eting is the function of which of the following7
1) 'urchase section
8) 'roduction Depart"ent 9) 2.+. Depart"ent
:) Design section
;) # collective function of all staff
:0. !usto"i,ation is useful forGGGG
1) Designing custo"er specific products
8) !all !enters 9) 'ulicity
:) *otivating the staff ;) !old calls
:1. +he /ey challenge to "ar/et driven strategy is GGGGG
1) %elling "a.i"u" products 8) &"ploying "a.i"u" D%#s
9) Delivering superior value to custo"ers
:) eing rigid to changes
;) #dopting shot ter" vision
:8. &ffective selling s/ills depends on GGGGGG.
1) %i,e of the sales tea"s 8) #ge of the sales tea"s
9) 'eer strength
:) 6nowledge level of the sales tea"
;) &ducational level of the sales tea"
:9. 5eneration of the sales leads can e i"proved y GGGG
1) 4eing very tal/ative
8) 2ncreasing personal and professional contracts
9) 4eing passive
:) &ngaging Recovery agents
;) 'roduct designs
::. # *ar/et plan is GGGG
1) 'erfor"ance appraisal of "ar/eting staff
8) !o"pany 'rospectus
9) Docu"ented "ar/eting strategies
:) 4usiness targets
;) !all centre
:;. *ar/eting channels "ean GGGGG
1) Delivery o3ects 8) %ales targets
9) Delivery outlets
:) Delivery oys ;) %ales tea"s
:?. %ocial *ar/eting "eans GGGGG
1) %hare *ar/et 'rices 8) *ar/eting y the entire society
9) 2nternet "ar/eting
:) *ar/eting for a social cause
;) %ociety ye - laws
:@. %ervice *ar/eting is the sa"e as
1) 2nternet "ar/eting 8) +ele"ar/eting 9) 2nternal "ar/eting
:) Relationship "ar/eting ;) +ransaction "ar/eting
:A. *ar/et driven strategies include
1) 2dentifying prole"s
8) 'lanning "ar/eting tactics of peers
9) 'ositioning the organi,ation and its rands in the "ar/et place
:) 2nternal "ar/eting
;) %elling old products
:B. 2nnovation in "ar/eting is sa"e as GGGG
1) *otivation 8) 'erspiration 9) #spiration :) !reativity ;) +ea" wor/
;0. 'ersonal Eoans can e canvassed a"ongGGGG
1) %alaried persons
8) 'ensions 9) =oreign <ational
:) <R2 custo"ers
;) <on- custo"ers
11) ;D 18) :D 19) 9D 1:) 1D 1;) 8D
1?) :D 1@) 1D 1A) :D 1B) 1D 80) :D
81) :D 88) 9D 89) ;D 8:) 8D 8;) :D
8?) :D 8@) 8D 8A) 8D 8B) 9D 90) 1D
91) 9D 98) ;D 99) 8D 9:) :D 9;) 9D
9?) ;D 9@) 9D 9A) 9D 9B) ;D :0) 1D
:1) 9D :8) 9D :9) 8D ::) 9D :;) 9D
:?) :D :@) :D :A) 9D :B) :D ;0) 1
2. *inistry should organi,e the consciousness ca"paign for the rules related to traffic.
22. +he licenses of the "en should e cancelled if they disoey the rules of traffic.
8;. %tate"ent: Researchers are feeling agitated as liraries are not equipped to provide the right
infor-"ation to the right users at the right ti"e in the required for"at. &ven the users are not aware
aout the various services availale for the users.
!ourse of #ction:
2. #ll the infor"ation availale in the liraries should e co"puteri,ed to provide faster services to the
22. Eirary staff should e trained in co"puter operations.
Directions (Q. 8? to 90): 2n "a/ing decisions aout i"portant questions it is desirale to e ale to
disti-nguish etween )%trong) argu"ents and )wea/) argu"ents in so far as they relate to the question.
)%trong) argu"ents are those which are oth i"portant and directly related to the question. )0ea/)
argu"ents are those which are of "inor i"portance and also "ay not e directly related to the
question or "ay e related to a trivial aspect of the question. &ach question elow is followed y two
argu"ents nu"ered 2 and 22. Kou have to decide which of the argu"ents a )strong) argu"e-nt is and
which )wea/) argu"ent.
8?. %tate"ent: +he integrated steel plants in 2ndia would no longer have to depend on i"ports for
continuous casting refractories.
2. !ontinuous casting refractories are needed y 2ndia.
22. !ontinuous casting refractories are in de"and
1) if only assu"ption 2 is i"plicit
8)if only assu"ption 22 is i"plicit
9) if either assu"ption 2 or 22 is i"plicit
:) 2f neither assu"ption 2 nor 22 is i"plicit
;) if oth assu"ption 2 and 22 are i"plicit
8@. %tate"ent: <oody can predict as to how long our country would ta/en to contain the unfortunate
and disastrous activities
2. 2t is i"possile to put an end to terrorist activities.
22. &fforts to control the terrorist activities are on.
8A. %tate"ent: 0ars "ust e discouraged vehe"ently even though "a3ority of the victi"s "ight have
een a nuisance to peace loving people.
2. %o"e people create prole"s to peace loving people.
22.0ars /ill "a3ority of the wic/ed people.
8B. %tate"ent: Iplease issue a circular to all the officers to asse"le in the !onference -all for
attending a "eetingI Director tells his %ecretary.
2. #ll the officers will follow the instruction.
22. %o"e >fficers "ay not attend "eeting.
90. %tate"ent: IKou are herey appointed as a progra""er with a proation period of one year and
your perfor"ance will e reviewed at the end of the period for confor"ationI --- a line in an
appoint"ent letter.
2. +he perfor"ance of an individual generally is not /nown at the ti"e of appoint"ent offer.
22. 5enerally an individual tries to prove his worth in the proation period.
Directions (Q. 91 to 9;): %tudy the following infor"ation carefully and answer the question given
#( 4( !( D( &( =( 5( and - are eight e"ployee)s of an organi,ation wor/ing in three depart"ents vi,.
'ersonnel( #d"inistration and *ar/eting with not "ore than three of the" in any depart"ent. &ach of
the" has a different choice of sports fro" footall( cric/et( volleyall( ad"inton( lawn tennis( as/et
all( hoc/ey and tale tennis not necessarily in the order. D wor/s in #d"inistration and does not li/e
either footall or cric/et. = wor/s in personnel with only # who is li/es tale tennis. & and - do not
wor/ in the sa"e depart"ent as D. ! li/es hoc/ey and does not wor/ in "ar/eting. 5 does not wor/
in ad"inistration and does not li/e either cric/et or ad"inton. >ne of those who wor/ in
ad"inistration li/es footall. +he one who li/es volleyall wor/s in personnel. <one of these who wor/
in ad"inistration li/es either ad"inton or lawn tennis. - does not li/e cric/et.
91. 0hich of the following groups of e"ployees wor/ in #d"inistration depart"ent7
1) &5- 8) #= 9) 4!D
:) 45D ;) Data inadequate
98. 2n which depart"ent does & wor/7
1) 'ersonnel 8) *ar/eting
9) #d"inistration :) Data inadequate
;) <one of these
99. 0hat is &)s favorite sport7
1) !ric/et 8) 4ad"inton
9) 4as/etall :) Eawn +ennis
;) <one of these
9:. 0hich of the following co"inations of e"ployee depart"ent favorite sport is correct7
1) &- #d"inistration - !ric/et
8) = - 'ersonnel - Eawn tennis
9) - - *ar/eting - Eawn +ennis
:) 4-#d"inistration-+ale +ennis
;) <one of these
9;. 0hat is 5)s favorite sport7
1) !ric/et 8) 4ad"inton
9) 4as/etall :) Eawn +ennis
;) <one of these
Direction (Q. 9?-9B): %tudy the following infor"ation carefully to answer the given questions.
# word and nu"er arrange"ent "achine when given an input line of words and nu"ers rearranges
the" following a particular rule in each step. +he following is an illustration of input and
rearrange"ent. (#ll the nu"ers are two- digit nu"ers.)
2nput: 9? always fine :@ elow A9
ever shall ;? 19 ice @:
%tep 2: #lways 9? fine :@ elow A9
ever shall ;? ice @: 19
%tep 22: #lways ever 9? fine elow
A9 shall ;? ice @: 19 :@
%tep 222: #lways ever ice 9? fine
elow shall ;? @: 19 :@ A9
%tep 21: #lways ever ice elow shall
;? @: 19 :@ A9 9?
%tep 1: #lways ever ice elow shall
@: 19 :@ A9 9? ;?
%tep 12: #lways ever ice elow shall
19 :@ A9 9? ;? @:
%tep 12: is the last step of the aove input. #s per the rules followed in the aove steps( find out in
each of the following questions the steps for the input given elow.
2nput: BA aove A@ plant new 1B @A of 18 grapes attac/ ;;
9?. 0hich of the following will e the last step of the rearrange"ent7
1) 21 8) 1 9) 12 :) 122 ;) <one
9@. 0hich of the following ele"ents will e the @th ele"ent fro" right 2 step 17
1) 'lant 8) 1B 9)<ew
:) BA ;) <one of these
9A. 0hich step nu"er would e the following output7 #ove attac/ of BA plant new @A 18 grapes 1B
;; A@
1) 22 8) 222 9) 21 :) 1
;) +here will e no such step
9B. 2n step 1 of rearrange"ent( if )attac/) is related to )grapes) in a certain way and )BA) is related to
)1B) in the sa"e way( which of the following would )aove) e related to following the sa"e way7
1) #ttac/ 8) of 9) grapes :) 18 ;) @A
Directions (Q.:0-:;): Read the following infor"ation carefully and answer the questions that follow.
+here are eight "e"ers of a fa"ily - #( 4( !( D( &( =( 5 and -. #ll of the" are sitting around a
circular tale facing the center. +hey elong to three different generations and there are three "arried
couples a"ong the". #lso( four of the" are "ales and four are of the opposite gender (though not
necessarily in the sa"e order) =urther( so"e "ore infor"ation is also given.
+he son - in -law and grandson of - are i""ediate neighors. 5 cannot e an i""ediate neighor of
her sister - in -law
4( a spinster( is sitting two places to the right of her grandfather &. # and his siling D can)t sit
+here are only three persons sitting etween 4 and her aunt D. !( a "arried "ale( cannot e an
i""ediate neighour of either & or 4.
= and 4 are not silings. +here is only one person sitting etween ! and his rother-in-law
:0. 0hat is the relationship of ! with &7
1) =ather 8) %on
9) %on-in-law :)4rother-in-law
;) !an)t e Deter"ined
:1. 0hat is the position of - with respect to her grand-daughter7
1) %econd to the left
8) +hird to the left
9) =ourth to the right
:) +hird to the right
;) <one of these
:8. 0hich of the following is definitely the group of fa"ilies7
1) - 5 = 4 8) 5 D 4 #
9) 4 - D ! :) 5 D 4 -
;) 5 D ! -
:9. 0ho a"ong the following is sitting e.actly etween 5)s daughter and !)s son7
1) #)s father 8) D)s son
9) -)s husand :) 4)s father
;) <one of these
::. -ow "any persons are sitting etween 5 and her 4other-in-law7
1) >ne 8) +wo 9) +hree
:) =our ;) !an)t deter"ined
:;. 2f all the eight persons are seated in the &nglish alphaetical order starting with #( the position of
how "any of the" will re"ain unchanged (e.cluding #)( if counted in anticloc/wise direction starting
fro" #7
1) >ne 8) +wo 9) +hree
:) =our ;) <one of these
Directions(Q.:?-;0): 2n each of the questions given elow( which of the five #nswer =igures on the
should co"e after the prole" figures on the left( if the sequence were continued7
#nswers :
89) 8D 8:) ;D 8;) ;D 8?) 1D 8@) 8D
8A) 1D 8B) ;D 90) ;D 91) 9D 98) 8D
99) 1D 9:) ;D 9;) :D 9?) 9D 9@) :D
9A) 8D 9B) 8D :0) 9D :1) 8D :8) :D
:9) :D ::) 9D :;) 9D :?) 9D :@) :D
:A) 9D :B) :D ;0) 9D
#ll +he 4est
%ource : we source

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