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1. Are you still a frm candidate (if we ofer you the post, will you accept
2. What are your impressions about the school after your mornin tour?
!. Why did you decide to become a teacher?
". Why ha#e you decided to become a teacher of $rench%&panish%'erman
in this country rather than teach (nlish in your own country?
). What *ualities do you possess and are you loo+in in others for an
efecti#e ,$- team?
.. What is your biest strenth? Wea+ness?
/. What is your opinion about the ,$- department0s accommodation and
1. 2hin+ of a ood lesson you ha#e tauht in the recent past3 describe it
(years /, 14, 12).
5. 2hin+s of a lesson you ha#e tauht that didn0t o so well. 6escribe it
and analyse causes and possible remedies (78f 8 tauht this lesson aain,
8 would90)
14. 8maine a ,$- classroom which is a model of ood practice. What
does it loo+ li+e and what sort of acti#ities ta+e place?
11. Why do you thin+ ,$- has a #ery important place in the curriculum?
12. &hould $rench be the main lanuae tauht?
1!. 6o (uropean lanuaes still ha#e a place still at the centre of the
1". $rom 241", all primary school children will ha#e to learn a ,$- at :&2.
What is your opinion of this initiati#e?
1). What lanuae should a . year old learn and why?
1.. 8maine 80m a parent tellin there is no point in studyin ,$- 9 What
would you say to me?
1/. What are the main issues facin ,$- teachers, do you thin+?
11. What is your opinion of the role of taret -anuae?
15. 6o you thin+ that a teacher can teach ,$- lessons solely in the taret
24. At the end of :&!, most pupils are e;pected to be at le#els )%.. What
does this tell us?
21. <ow often do you mar+ boo+s?
22. <ow do you assess classroom learnin?
2!. What is the place for new technoloies in ,$-? 'i#e e;amples.
2". <ow would you use computers to moti#ate yr 5?
2). What are your #iews on pupil=centred approaches such as resource=
based learnin % >e;ible learnin % carousel acti#ities % supported=self=
2.. What are the main problems a comprehensi#e school faces when
teachin lanuaes?
Bernard Lien, University College Plymouth - St Mark & St John
2/. What strateies would you employ to enhance the imae of ,$- in
this school and the community it ser#es?
21. What would you say to a pupil who says lanuaes are useless?
25. <ow important are lin+s, study #isits and e;chanes?
!4. 8n your opinion, what is the best way to introduce ,$- in the
!1. 2en years ao, new A&%A2 e;aminations were introduced. 2hey ha#e
?ust been re#ised. What is your opinion about them?
!2. 6o you subscribe to a communicati#e or rammatical approach to
lanuae teachin?
!!. Would you teach rammar in the taret lanuae?
!". 6o you thin+ literature has a place in the new post=1. courses?
!). What do you thin+ of the new (2445) '@&(s e;aminations for ,$-
(fourth #ersion since '@&( was launched in 151.)?
!.. ,$- are no loner compulsory at :&". What is your opinion about this?
!/. What strateies do%would you employ to moti#ate reluctant learners?
!1. What strateies do you employ to control poorly beha#ed pupils?
!5. <ow would you deal with a pupils who stops your from teachin
efecti#ely%the others from learnin?
"4. What strateies do%would you use to support the teachin of pupils at
both ends of the ability rane?
"1. <ow would you ma+e pro#ision for ifted and talented pupils in a
class? What type of e;tension tas+s would you utilise?
"2. What do you percei#e, as a ,$- teacher, as the main pros and cons of
,ichael 'o#e0s (AA@ proposals?
"!. 2ell us about 7(#ery @hild ,atters0.
"". What is a ood scheme of wor+?
"). What is the ood thin about wor+in with teenaers9 and what is
the bad thin?B
".. Can+ yourself on scale 1 to 14 on how strict you are and why.
"/. 8f a pupil +eeps tal+in what do you do?
"1. 8f a pupil +eeps roc+in on their chair what do you do?
"5. What are the diferent roles and responsibilities of a form tutor?
)4. What *ualities does a ood tutor possess?
)1. <ow is the role of the tutor diferent from that of the teacher?
)2. <a#e you e#er had any contact with parents?
)!. 2his is a community school%collee. What ma+es it so?
)". What constitutes a ood secondary 11=11 curriculum model
)). What +ind of e;tra=curricular acti#ities would you be in#ol#ed in?
).. <ow would you be in#ol#ed with lin+s abroad?
)/. 8f you could o anywhere in the world, where would it be?
)1. <ow would your pupils describe you?
)5. <ow would your colleaues describe you?
Bernard Lien, University College Plymouth - St Mark & St John
.4. <ow do you thin+ those teachers who can0t or won0t should be
handled by the school0s manaement?
.1. What ma+es you anry?
.2. 8f you were a biscuit, what +ind would you be?
.!. 8n your opinion what is not neotiable?
.". <ow do you rela;?
.). What are your needs%areas for de#elopment as a trainee teacher?
... What are the frst three thins you will do if we ofer you this post?
./. What will your main ob?ecti#e be by @hristmas if we ofer you the
.1. <ow%where do you see yourself in !%) years0 time?
.5. 8s there anythin you0d li+e to add in support of your application?
/4. 8s there a *uestion you0d li+e us to as+ you?
/1. Are there any *uestions you would li+e to as+ us?
Aernard -ien Danuary 2411
Bernard Lien, University College Plymouth - St Mark & St John

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