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What We Stand For

A vote for UKIP is a vote to leave the EU and recover power over our national life. UKIP is
a patriotic party that believes in putting ritain first. !nly UKIP will return self"govern#ent
to the ritish people.
Protect !ur orders
$ %egain control of our borders and of
i##igration " only possible by leaving the EU.
$ I##igrants #ust financially support
the#selves and their dependents for & years.
'his #eans private health insurance (e)cept
e#ergency #edical care*+ private education
and private housing " they should pay into the
pot before they ta,e out of it.
$ A points"based visa syste# and ti#e"li#ited wor, per#its.
$ Proof of private health insurance #ust be a precondition for i##igrants and tourists to
enter the UK.
-ore policies
$ .o votes for prisoners " that/s what losing your liberty #eans.
$ .o to Political 0orrectness " it stifles free speech.
$ Prioritise social housing for people whose parents and grandparents were born locally.
$ -a,e welfare a safety net for the needy+ not a bed for the la1y. enefits only available to
those who have lived here for over & years.
Useful words
2 borders a the official line that separates two countries+ states+ or areas
3 dependent b a physical or #ental condition that #a,es it difficult for so#eone to
use a part of their body or to learn
4 political
c i#portant+ given a lot of status
5 far"right d so#eone+ especially a child+ who depends on you for food+ clothes+
#oney etc
& under#ine e racist or fascist
6 ban f language+ behaviour+ and attitudes that are carefully chosen so that
they do not offend or insult anyone (negative connotations*
7 disability g an official order that prevents so#ething fro# being used or done
8 high"ran,ing h to gradually #a,e so#eone or so#ething less strong or effective
Reading questions
2. What is the ,ey policy for the UK Independence Party9
a* .o vote for prisoners
b* UK to leave the EU
c* 0ut benefits
3. :ow long would #igrants need to be in the UK before receiving benefits9 ;;;;;;;;;;
4. What three things would #igrants need to pay for when they arrived in the UK9
5. %ephrase this sentence to e)plain what it #eans< =Prioritise social housing for people
whose parents and grandparents were born locally.>
Listening questions
2. Which language does .igel Farage prefer9 %o#anian ?er#an
3. When did he feel unco#fortable9
a* on a train when the toilet was bro,en
b* on a train when people were spea,ing different languages
c* on a train when it bro,e down
4. .igel Farage says that the #a@ority of school children in East Aondon =donBt spea,
English>. 'his is not true. Why9
5. .igel Farage says he wants i##igration rules to be about =;;;;;;;;;;;; as well as
Cuantity>. Fill in the gap.

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