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Lesson Plan

Jigsaw Technique

School : SMAN I Kediri
Subject : English
Class/Semester : XI/2
Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes
Meeting : Second Meeting
Topic : Hortatory exposition

I. Standard Competency:
To understand the meaning of functional text of simple essay in the form of narrative,
hortatory exposition and spoof in daily life context and to access knowledge.
II. Basic Competency:
To respond meaning formally and informally in functional text accurately and fluently
which use various written language in daily life context.
III. Indicators:
1. Find the main idea of the text
2. Obtain the general and specific information from the text
3. Make the interference of the text
4. Understand the word meaning based on the text
5. Find the meaning of textual references of the text
IV. Objectives:
1. Students are able to find the main idea of the text
2. Students are able to obtain the general and specific information from the text
3. Students are able to make inferences of the text
4. Students are able to understand the word meaning based on the context
5. Students are able to find the meaning of textual references of the text
V. Learning Materials:
Reading comprehension text entitled :
- Watch your Kids While Watching TV
- Complain about Ads in TV

VI. Teaching Method:
- Explanation
- Discussion
VII. Teaching Activities
I. Pre Activities
- The teacher greets the students
E.g Good Morning students, how are you?
- The teacher checks the students attendance
E.g. who is absent today? Is there any letter or information about him/her?
- The teacher checks the cleanliness of the class and make sure about the condition of
the classroom.
- The teacher reminds the students about the topic in the previous day by asking
some questions
E.g. Students, do you still remember about the topic in the previous meeting?
II. Whilst Activities
a) Exploration
- The teacher explains about purpose, element and generic structure of hortatory
exposition text
- The teacher Build the students knowledge about the topic by giving some
question related to the topic
- Teacher give example of Hortatory exposition text and ask one of student read
that text.

b) Elaboration
- The teacher asks the students to form a group (jigsaw group), teacher divides
students into 4 groups. Each of which must be a master group which must be
an expert in the given topic.
- The teacher distributes handout reading text to each group entitled Complain
about Ads in TV to the students
- The teacher asks the students to discuss and answer the questions based on the
information from the text.
- The teacher asks the students to form expert team which will share the answer
that they get in Jigsaw group.
- The teacher asks the students each expert team to share their answer base on
group discussion and make a note.
- The teacher asks students to back to their home or base team to report the result
of discussion.
- The teacher chooses some students randomly to report the result of discussion.
c) Confirmation.
- The teacher gives feedback to the students about the material that they have
- Giving Quiz related to the topic given
III. Post Activities
- The teacher reviews the important point of hortatory exposition text.
- The teachers closes the class by say goodbye
VIII. Learning Strategy : Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Technique

IX. Sources of Learning:
English Textbook Entitled Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

X. Evaluation Sheet : Attached
XI. Assessment: From ten questions provided for the text, each item will mark 2. The total
score will be 20 and it will be divided by two as the final score. It can be
calculated as follows:

Final Score = total score : 2

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