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... through Bertha Dudde

The atheists fate ....
It is the adversarys greatest triumh if he tota!!y dissuades a
erso" from havi"g faith i" a God Who #rought the $or!d i"to
e%iste"&e a"d a!so &reated himse!f .... The" he $i!! have a&hieved
$hat he $a"ted' to dis!a&e God &om!ete!y from the huma"
#ei"gs thoughts. The" he "eed "o !o"ger fear to !ose him.
(et a erso" $ho &om!ete!y de"ies a God is ge"era!!y a!so a"
u")i"d erso" i" !ife' therefore the adversary is a#!e to i"f!ue"&e
him' $hi!e a erso" $ith *ust a sar) of !ove !eft &a" sti!! gai" the
rea!isatio" that a siritua!!y ta"gi#!e +o$er e%ists Whi&h
determi"es his desti"y a"d o" Whi&h he is dee"de"t.
The former' ho$ever' is $ho!ehearted!y atta&hed to the $or!d.
,othi"g e!se e%ists for him aart from this earth!y $or!d' a"d he
#e!ieves that he $i!! &ease to e%ist a"d retur" i"to "othi"g"ess
agai" after his hysi&a! death' as a resu!t he $i!! ta)e $hatever
earth!y !ife offers him. -"d a!though su&h a erso" &a" ossess
shar i"te!!e&t he $i!! #e misguided #y Gods adversary' he $i!!
eve" arrogate himse!f to .uote su#sta"tiatio"s $hi&h i"te"d to
shatter the #e!ief i" a God.
/e $i!! try to e%!ai" that a!! &reatio"s arose from a "atura!
o$er .... /o$ever' he $i!! refuse to a&&et the fa&t that this
"atura! o$er must #e a" i"te!!ige"t Being i" ossessio" of $i!!'
a"d his thi")i"g $i!! &o"ti"ue to #e $ro"g a"d &o"fused as !o"g
as he fai!s to )i"d!e a sma!! !ight $ithi" himse!f through )i"d0
hearted a&tio"s .... $hi&h' ho$ever' are &om!ete!y u")"o$" to
him. Thus he $i!! sti!! #e tota!!y e"&hai"ed #y the adversary.
-"d therefore a" atheist $i!! a!most &ertai"!y aroa&h a
re"e$ed #a"ishme"t' for he $i!! &om!ete!y fai! i" his !ast
de&isio" o" earth. /e $i!! sti!! #e as oosed to God as he $as
$he" he aostatised from God' he $i!! #e!o"g to the adversary
a"d i" the e"d $i!! a!so have to share his fate ....
1u&h a erso" &a""ot #e i"te!!e&tua!!y e"!ighte"ed either #e&ause
he does "ot want to #e!ieve a"d $i!! therefore a!so dismiss a!!
siritua! )"o$!edge as imagi"atio" a"d fa"tasy .... Tryi"g to
&o"vey siritua! )"o$!edge to this erso" $ou!d #e e"tire!y futi!e'
for Gods adversary is his !ord a"d he $i!! "ever a!!o$ him to
#e&ome e"!ighte"ed' he $i!! a!$ays )ee him i" rofou"d
dar)"ess a"d !et the $or!ds de&etive !ights aear the more
#right!y to him' so that the erso" $i!! #e tota!!y i"&aa#!e of
a&&eti"g siritua! )"o$!edge. The adversary $i!! have ta)e"
&om!ete ossessio" of him a"d $i!! "o !o"ger !et go of him
But i" earth!y !ife it is o"!y imorta"t that the o"&e fa!!e" origi"a!
sirit $i!! "o$ a&)"o$!edge God i" the stage of a huma"
#ei"g .... that his origi"a! si" $i!! #e ta)e" from him' $hi&h &a"
o"!y hae" through 2esus 3hrist' Whom he must a&)"o$!edge
a"d Whose a&t of 1a!vatio" he has to rofess' the" he $i!! a!so
a&)"o$!edge God /imse!f Who' i" 2esus' a&&om!ished the a&t of
ato"eme"t for his origi"a! si" ....
But for as !o"g as the huma" #ei"g !ives his earth!y !ife e"tire!y
$ithout faith he $i!! remai" #urde"ed #y his gui!t a"d $i!! "ever
ever #e a#!e to e"ter the siritua! )i"gdom #ut $i!! have to
e"dure the ro&ess of deve!ome"t through the &reatio"s of
earth i" horre"dous ai" for a" i"fi"ite!y !o"g time agai".
For eve" i" the )i"gdom of the #eyo"d it $i!! "ot #e ossi#!e to
&ha"ge a" atheists mi"d a"d to ersuade him to surre"der his
resista"&e to God #e&ause' !i)e o" earth' he remai"s &!osed to a!!
i"stru&tio"s' a"d he &a""ot #e e"!ighte"ed agai"st his $i!!.
/o$ever' $ere o"!y a erso" o" earth $ho #e!ieves himse!f to #e
u"a#!e to have faith serious!y i"terested i" )"o$i"g the truth as
to $hether a siritua!!y ta"gi#!e God a"d 3reator e%ists .... the"
the efforts $ou!d tru!y "ot #e i" vai"' for the" he $ou!d )ee
thi")i"g a#out it a"d a!so a&hieve a differe"t resu!t #y i"te!!e&tua!
mea"s' for e"ough evide"&e e%ists $ithi" 3reatio" $hi&h &ou!d
&ha"ge his mi"d ....
But eve" su&h eo!e $i!! time a"d agai" re&eive #!essi"gs' time
a"d agai" they $i!! #e give" sma!! gestures of suort' for Gods
!ove a!so ursues these eo!e a"d tries to $i" them over for
/imse!f' time a"d agai" /e offers /is ha"d to them $hi&h they
"eed o"!y ta)e ho!d of so that they $ou!d su#se.ue"t!y #e a#!e
to re!ease themse!ves from the adversarys &o"tro!.
,everthe!ess' his $i!! sha!! "ever #e for&ed' a"d therefore the
erso" determi"es his o$" future fate a"d $i!! have to ta)e the
ath a&ross earth i" a &o"strai"ed state agai"' #e&ause this
&om!ies $ith the !a$ of eter"a! order ....
+u#!ished #y frie"ds of "e$ reve!atio"s of God 4I"formatio"'
do$"!oad of a!! tra"s!ated reve!atio"s' theme0#oo)!ets at5


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