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Crochet Convertible Cowl

By: Stephanie Swaim from Justess Designs

This free crochet pattern is great for beginners! The cowl can be worn as a scarf or a hood, and can
be made with any buly yarn! "n easy and #uic gift!
$lymouth %arn Baby "lpaca &rande '(() yds*
++) yds, + seins in your choice of color
%arn needle
()mm ',* -oo
Stitch marer
%ou will be crocheting in the round! %ou will .oin but not turn! /ar the beginning of each row
with a row marer!

0f woring with a different yarn than recommended, mae sure that your beginning chain will fit
over your head leaving plenty of e1tra room! 2emember that you want your cowl to be loose
enough to pull up as a hood and still give plenty of coverage around your nec!
Ch 33 and .oin with a sl st into bac of chain 'do not twist chain*!
2ow (: Ch (, 'woring in bac of chain* Sc in same Ch as .oining! /ar stitch! Sc in each chain
around and .oin to mared stitch 'do not twist chain*!
2ow +: Ch +, 'counts as first Dc*, sip st and Dc in each Sc around! Join with sl st to top of Ch +!
'33 Dc*
2ow 4: Ch (, 'counts as first -dc*, sip st and -dc in each around! Join with sl st to top of Ch (!
'33 -dc*
2ow 5: Ch +, 'counts as first Dc*, sip st and Dc in each -dc around! Join with sl st to top of Ch +!
'33 Dc*
2ows 367: 2epeat 2ow 5
2ow 8: 2epeat 2ow 4
2ow 9: 2epeat 2ow 5
2ow :: Ch (, Sc in each Dc around! Join with sl st to Ch (!
2ows ()6(8 2epeat 2ows +6:
2ows (96+4 2epeats 2ows +68
;asten off!
Chain/ch -> Cadeneta
Single Crochet/sc -> punto bajo (utilizado en terminologa de US)
dc -> punto bajo (utilizado en terminologa de UK)
Stitch/st -> punto
Slip Stitch/ss o sl sch -> punto enano
Increase/inc -> aumento
ecrease/dec -> disminuci!n
"al# ouble Crochet/hdc -> medio punto alto (US)
"al# $reble/ht -> medio punto alto (UK)
ouble Crochet/dc -> punto alto (US)
$reble/tr -> punto alto (UK)
%inish &'/%& -> rematar
(ind &'/(& -> rematar
(egining/beg -> comienzo
)epeat /rep -> repetir
)ound/rnd -> *uelta
S+ip/s+ -> saltar
together/tog -> juntos
,arn &*er/,& -> lazada
Seguir- aumentando la lista a medida .ue salgan m/s abre*iaturas

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