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Vol XYXV TIss4w 6 "Itfs Hard To Break The S nirit Of Volunteers" December 11,2003

VWe're Mitch ele . Annother

Mad as Hell, and Cohen VV /rites Tuition Hike?
We're Not Gonna Again! Thre,e pages Read All About it on
Take It Any More! worth! Start,s on Page Page 10! The other
-All over 16 pages are good
By Dustin Herlich
The Wav Seet
The way I see it, there really are a lot of prob- for us. even space aliens should they feel the need to attend
lems in the university today, particularly in the form The meetings for the formation of the gov- class (I'm almost convinced a few actually teach
of student government. Every issue has two sides, ernment have been called illegal and improper. The class). Wait, there's more, they also are the ambulance
and I'm sure some of the issues I bring up today are general consensus is that these meetings violated the service for the veteran's hospital, and parts of the sur-
hotly debatable, and I'll try and be fair in my view- New York State open meetings laws. On my show, In rounding community, and members of SBVAC are
points. Also, unless absolutely necessary, or I'm giv- Focus, my co-host and I were able to ask Norm often called on to help fill shifts for fire departments
ing praise, I'm not going to use anyone's names, just Goodman about these allegations, and his response and other ambulance companies. Next time a mem-
their positions. In the past I have been accused of was that the closed meetings, they felt, were simply ber of USG, student or staff, falls, or in any way
printing falsities about individuals, and I've also been organizational and planning meetings, and did not requires ambulatory care, maybe it won't be avail-
attacked personally, my ability as a leader, my convic- fall under open meetings laws. This may be true, but able, because they have not gotten a check from USG
tions to media and my overall sense of morals and no one I've spoken to has heard of any meetings that since June. As of right now, they will be closing their
ethics have come under question. Oh, yeah, and I was were open, like he claimed there were. I don't know doors at the end of semester. They were trying to get
called Willy-nilly. of any student, parent, faculty, staff or professor input a new ambulance (the one they have currently is in
There are some instances where members of into the new constitution other then those present at serious need of replacement) but instead have had to
the university community deserve high praise and the closed-door meetings. It's possible that there were pay out of pocket for their expenses.
thanks for doing the right thing, or at least trying to open meetings, but as a member of the university No, not enough evidence they deserve their
set up systems so that correct courses of action can be community, and as a member of media, I saw no money? How about the fact that they were named
taken. I'd like to commend and congratulate both notices, e-mails, flyers, posters, smoke signals or the best EMT corps in the state? That would put them
Sandy Curtis, and Norm Goodman for their appear- chalked sidewalks regarding the dates and times of among the best in the nation, and maybe in the world
ance on my show, In Focus, which was broadcast live the meetings. I didn't even get messages beamed into even. No, I guess that means nothing. Let's do some
on the television and radio stations. They fielded my brain. math then. SBVAC costs the students about three dol-
tough questions, and even took questions from the Now, Assuming that Polity was decertified lars each this year [They had been voted for a referen-
surrounding community. If nothing else, that took properly, and assuming that the new constitution was da increase of an extra three dollars a student, but
guts, and I admire them for it. created properly, the ratification of the constitution USG claims their referenda was not worded properly.
I'm thankful for the new relationship that was pitiful at best. One of the biggest criticisms of It seems to me though that the student activity fee has
The Press has with people such as Pat Calabria and Polity was how few students voted. When less then increased accordingly to allow for their extended
Doug Little, who have been very prompt in their 1/7 of the students voted in favor of the constitution, budget.] From what I understand, their total operat-
responses to Press questions, and very cooperative in and many more than that raise questions and express ing costs come to about $8,500 a month. This comes
covering student related issues, particularly when it dislike in the government, doesn't that say some- from various monies that the student government
comes to campus crimes and alleged crime. I've also thing? Even better, a student could vote as many gives the corps, and from a limited amount of fund-
got to give Doug Little and Chief Richard Young cred- times as he or she wanted, so long as they kept going ing given by the state to each ambulance company. To
it for coming on my show, and taking questions from to different computers. Yes, this is true; we've spoken hire an independent company after SBVAC closes will
the audience, so to speak. Past criticism has included to several students who voted more than once, and cost much more than that. All of the equipment
question dodging and using a lot of words to say we received confirmation from the information tech- SBVAC has will be sold off or scrapped, and their
nothing, but I think in these cases the responses were nologies people on campus that this was possible. offices closed. Either a new company will have to
well thought out and truthful. However, the claim is that these multiple votes were form, or an existing company will have to come in.
All of that being said, it's time to move on to trackable and were deleted. I personally am not so This new company will be private, and will need new
what issues I see need attention. The Press has been sure that they really did delete the multiple votes, and offices built for them. That's going to cost a lot of
called a lot of things, both good and bad. Recently, we am upset that they did not fix the problem, nor hold a money. Oh, and the smallest estimate that I have got-
were given the label that we've never said anything new election. We don't really know how fair the elec- ten for how much it will cost a month for a private
positive, and that we are constantly critical for no rea- tions are now. Do you really trust that it was done company, $30,000 a month, and then charges on top of
son. A notable administrator in the university gave fairly? Even better, with so many people voting more that of $500 per call. In the mean time, the already-
this label. We feel this to be unfair. Besides this arti- than once, we still had less we should have to ratify stressed local companies will have to figure out a way
cle, we have complimented many a staff member or the constitution. It is really, really sad when you think to service the more than 20,000 people that SBVAC
administrator. Often, we are the only ones who care about it. has taken care of. I asked a member of SBVAC if she
enough to say a few good words. How about the case Maybe this constitution really should not be has ever personally saved a life, and she answered
of Penny The Pasta Lady? We were given praise from considered acceptable. We can go even a step further. that in fact she has, not only recently, but several times
students for weeks for doing a write-up of her award, Assuming that the constitution was ratified properly, in the past. Imagine how many lives get saved in
and not only did no one else even mention this as a and that the votes were fixed properly, then how do total, considering that she works less then ten hours a
congratulations, but no one even thanked us for what you feel about the fact that the constitution was week for the core? Imagine what full time members
we did (except for Penny). How about our editorial changed AFTER ratification? I don't see a way that accomplish.
about the Dave Chappelle show, in which we con- act can be .considered legal under the laws of the Moving along in our review of what's been
gratulated John Neman on a job well done? How nation we live in, let alone on the state and local lev- happening, we ask the question "maybe USG has
about our article regarding the Ashley Schiff pre- els. Even if this is allowed, I think that morally, a STU- very little money this year?" Nope, they have more
serve? What about the correction we printed because DENT government should feel some responsibility to then ever. Enrollment is up, as well as the activity fee.
we printed'the incorrect name of a police officer? I the STUDENTS and at least let them know changes Then why is a club like the Kumdo club (which may
think we've been more than fair. Part of the media's are being made. Kind of reminds me of a certain SAB have the single largest active membership on cam-
job is to expose problems. I don't hate everyone and meeting that press members were kicked out of dur- pus) getting about a third of what they did last year?
anyone connected to the university, and I don't hate ing the summer. Oops, I guess open meeting laws Why has even The Statesman not gotten a single
the school itself. I'd like to see changes made, only don't mean anything. check from USG? Are they not supposed to be the
because I believe that the school could improve dra- Moving on with our history lesson, we come paper friendly with administration? Something is
matically, and it's frustrating when you see so many to this semester, where all the real problems begin. definitely wrong here.
SIMPLE opportunities for improvement that are not Many clubs, The Press in particular, did not receive USG now also wants to cut funding to any
taken. notification of their budgets until far further into the group they feel expressed a viewpoint, and is investi-
I believe the new student government, now semester than acceptable. How can you spend gating their continued funding of any organization
called USG, to be an absolute failure thus far. Further money when you don't know how much you have, or that is affiliated with a religion. At least they are cut-
to the point, I don't see any improvement whatsoever in our case, don't have? Well, The Press had their ting all groups equally in this regard... Or are they?
in the time USG has been around. For those of you budget cut by 71.6%. Not only is that absolutely ille- No other SUNY school feels the need to do this, why
unfamiliar with the situation, here's a briefing: gal to do to a media group with no notification or Stony Brook? USG itself might have to remain view-
The old student government was called prior review, but many other clubs have been unfair- point neutral, but the way to do that is to fund all
Polity (some referred to it as Polshitty) and absolutely ly targeted for budget cuts as well. groups equally, not to cut funding. Again, no other
was wrought with problems at the end. The govern- Let's go over a few of these clubs that have school feels the need to do this, what makes Stony
ment was apparently decertified by the administra- seen their budgets evaporate. Most importantly is the Brook so special? The Gospel Choir apparently isn't
tion of the university, and many allege that this entire SBVAC, or Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps. under any kind of review, because they got a 33%
process was not done properly, and in fact, was done Isn't it enough that they service the students of this increase in their budget this year. I won't say they
illegally. Now, assuming that this was not done legal- campus? Does that not make them worthy of having don't deserve it, and I don't doubt they perform often,
ly (from the information I have seen, this may actual- a budget? Well, let's throw in a few more facts. Like and improve the quality of many events, but they
ly have been done improperly) then we need to have how about that SBVAC services not only all the stu- absolutely express a viewpoint and are religiously
a new student government. Along comes a commit- dents, but also all persons on university grounds. based. A Gospel choir by definition sings songs based
tee to form a new constitution and a new government That includes staff, students, faculty, and visitors and on Christian values. When I see them in full force
Page 2
:Th Way Sit (Con
singing Hanukkah songs, and songs for Muslim holi- under the guise they be used for a USG newsletter any statements about him or her personally
days and Buddhist mantras, I'll no longer label them thatno one has ever seen. So where is that computer? 3) Anyone who feels that they are being threatenedor treat-
a Christian organization, but I've seen no such thing. What's it really being used for? Do you feel good that ed unfairly or that any information is untrueshould either
I don't want them to lose any money, I'm sure they are now you are preventing Shelanu from existing? submit to us a letter or an article in rebuttalwhich will be
a great organization and they do improve many other Yes, the claim is that there will be a commit- printed. Failureto do so will be taken as an admission of
smaller club events, but that means other clubs tee formed to oversee the disbursement of the remain- guilt.
deserve their money as well. The Presshelps sponsor der of the student media referenda money this year, Where have our university president and
events and support clubs with everything from free but so far we've seen little activity regarding this. vice president of student affairs been this semester?
ad space to small allocations to help with program- We're supposed to have this committee set up by the Do they care? Maybe they'll care when Middle states
ming, and we're told that's a bad thing. I don't think end of the semester... We're still waiting, and we're gets a packet of information regarding the situation.
you really want to hear me sing, but if my organiza- not patient any more. I've been saying for years now I'm sure that the chancellor of SUNY will at least be
tion can help put on free events for the campus com- that I support what is often called a publications interested in this. Maybe he has some views he'd like
munity, in conjunction with other campus media board in other schools. This is a board that receives a to share publicly.
organizations, is that really bad? Do we deserve large lump sum for all media, and disburses it accord- I could go on and on, and bring in more
money taken away for that? ingly. This.way, needed increases come not from one examples, like the absolute absurdity of the financial
In the footnotes to the budget, there are con- group, but from all media groups as a unified voice. policies and procedures, and the bylaws of different
stant references to a budget committee. Who is on Just so everyone knows, this article, along parts of USG which were written in secret by parties
this committee besides the current Vice Treasurer? with supporting documentation and some other unknown and apparently subject to no scrutiny or
How can the committee be valid considering that the paperwork will be sent to the President of the univer- approval process. It's kind of funny to get a copy of
Senate wasn't full until about two weeks ago? How sity, the Vice President of student affairs, the State documents in which the statutes limiting powers of
about the fact that there is no Judiciary? Is that not a Attorney General, the State Comptroller, the Student office members were not deleted, but simply crossed
red flag? Is that not illegal? Our council tells us so. Press Law nutiTf nri1're

"I'd like to
. LL

Decisions made prior to full formation of the Senate, Center, and

Judiciary AND Executive Council are technically other legal ;ee changes I going to vio-
late rules, or
invalid. Should we talk about the fact that at a recent change them
executive council meeting, the executive council was We'll also be
told by an administrator "Do not let the constitution filling paper-
made, Sbecause I o L so you're no
longer violat-
get in the way of our mission"? Should that worry work regard-
anyone? I think so. How about the fact that all these ing the recent
beli e th
elleVt the school LILId
ing them, don't
let us see the
decisions again were made behind closed doors, and Freedom of rules you don't
we really don't know who made them. Informaation
The Press'battle has been long and bitter. We Law violations
could improv e dramatical- T like.
We ' d
still firmly believe that we never had anything called by members of l like to see
a "Double Referenda". We received $3,500 from the USG. Asofthe ly,and it s fru strating when change and
media referenda if anything at all, close to $5,000 from writing of this improvement.
our own referenda, and the rest from a line budget. article, the five
All the documents we have submitted to date reflect days they had
you see so rr1any SIMPLE I'd like to see
people held
this, and as of the printing of this article, more docu- to respond in accountable for
ments, namely copies of vouchers that show our some manner OpportunitieS for improve- their mistakes.
money coming from a line budget have been submit- to or request 1 1 ') The current
ted to USG for their amusement. I'm sure this wave have expired, vice treasurer,
of paperwork will be rejected as well. We were given and we have ment that ar e not taken." whose position
a little less then $11,000 for the entire year. That's heard nothing, itself should be
simply not even enough to cover printing costs. At a yet we know they got the request. There is no way under question, WAS the treasurer last year. ANY
meeting with USG council members and an advisor out of at this one. You didn't respond to a Freedom of decisions and budget indiscrepancies from last year
for USG and an advisor for Student Media, it was Information Law request. That's going to hold up in should fall on his head. If he is investigation last
agreed on that our printing costs for the year come a court of law, and we're probably going to take it year's financial decisions, that means he is investigat-
out to over 20,000. That's just printing alone. Let's there. ing his own decisions, and "forgot" what he did.
not mention the costs of printing and paper within the The Press isn't alone in our gripes. We're just I really could go on forever, and say so much
office, equipment upkeep and replacement, software the ones who print, so we come out as the most out- more, but I think at this point you've all gotten my
upkeep, phone bill, office supplies, mailings, etc, etc, spoken (or according to USG the whiners). Not only point. If you're really interested in more than what I
etc. We really do need our full budget, and we use it are we not alone, but the case is being brought to the have here, contact the paper. I'll be happy to respond.
completely. How many times do we have to keep attention of the media, legal groups, and governmen- In the mean time, take an interest, read the campus
submitting the,same papers in different forms? The tal officials. So far, people have jumped at what we've papers, go to council and senate meetings, demand a
first information I brought to USG after I found out told them and can't wait to publicize. judiciary be set up, don't just sit back and take it. If
that our budget was cut was information regarding Our demands are not unreasonable. We you're a club and you feel you've been treated unfair-
what we use our money for. If you want proof that want to see a better accounting of USG funds, and we ly, contact us. We won't even tell anyone you spoke
we need money for printing, then look no further want to know why the money is being spent in such to us if you feel anonymity is better. You have our
than what is in your hands. This paper costs money. a stingy manner. We'd like to see our budget given support. You're not alone. Stand up for yourselves,
End of story. We are contracted to be a bi-weekly back to us, and we'd like to see those responsible for stand with us. We won't stop fighting until this mat-
newspaper, and anything less is a violation of our improper and/or illegal actions removed from office ter is resolved one way or another.
constitution, which USG accepted and must support. and punished to the full extent of applicable laws. To sum up, I'd like to thank certain people
This may very well be the last issue of the Press that The Press, its members and its editors will for their support, and even a few others for doing a
you read. USG likes to tell us we have plenty of never get any credit or recognition for what we really good job. I'd like to thank the members of the USG
money in our account, but as of the writing of this are, and what our readers see us as. Other papers win senate who are willing to hear our case, and at least
article, the company that prints our issues is owed awards and get congratulatory letters from the presi- consider what we have to say. I'd like to thank also all
several hundred dollars, not to mention our distribu- dent of the university. We get more awards, and get of the legal organizations and lawyers we have been
tion person, our mailings that have never gone out our budget cut. Our editors go on to win Pulitzer in contact with for their support and information on
because they have not been paid for, memberships to prizes, and work in media and make a difference in the matter. The staff and editorial board of the news-
organizations like the Associated College Press, the the world. We improve the campus community, and paper deserve my personal congratulations and grat-
list goes on and on. I think that if USG would actual- each and every day I get compliments from adminis- itude for sticking together through this, and never
ly pay the bills we have, and properly allocate for, we trators, staff, students and even people from the com- giving up hope that what's right will come to pass.
would not have so much money left in our account. munity telling us that we are an excellent paper, and There are a few people, students and administrators
By not paying our bills you really don't make us look we have done a phenomenal job this semester. and staff who have helped us more then we could
bad, you make USG look bad, and this is why most Since I've been called a liar amongst other ever thank you for, but most likely wish to remain
companies won't take checks from student govern- things in the recent past, let me re-iterate the follow- unnamed. You know who you are, and we appreci-
ments. ing points: ate all that you've done for us.
There are certain groups in the media that 1) All information is considered correct and has been veri-
have it even worse than us, like Shelanu which had fied to the best of our abilities at the time of printing
its' computers taken by a member of the USG council 2) I am not attacking anyone personally, nor am I making

Page 3
,I .
Stony Brook Manifesto I

We, The Students, have for too long them, causing us to reflect on our impo-
labored under the repressive bureaucracy tence to achieve them. The enemy did not Mismanaging Editor
Sam Goldman
and fascist rule of student government. A account for the will of the people, the
time for revolution is at hand, as the blood enemy did not account for the will of the Associate Editor
of patriots have sown the seeds of free- meek. Michael Prazak
dom, so shall our lives go down in the So, with pen, with ink, with
Business Manager
annals of Stony Brook history. The enemy, strength of print, attack, bring down their Jackie Hayes
conceited, fastidious and displaying com- empire around their heads and crown
plete non-adherence to reason leave us no them kings of nothing but rubble. The News Editors
Joe Filippazzo
other option than revolution. Our deaths only kingdom fit for those who dream of Amberly Timperio
will be many, our losses great. But, do not nothing but oppression.
fear death, brave soul, for in dying you We, The Students, will then seize control Features Editor
inspire the dreams of generations to come. of the government. We will rule with Ana Maria Ramirez
See the faces of your enemy, know understanding and courtesy, we will
that it is they that do this to you, and let adhere to our rules as equally as those we Photo Editor
Mike Fabbri
that anger grow. Erupt into a roar and govern, for we will be those we govern.
eliminate the need for talking, let the roar We will eliminate inefficiency and redun- koppi edetur
grow to a wave and let it speak to the dancy; we will not exist for the sake of Andrew Pemick
hearts of us all. We, The Students, will existence. We will concern ourselves more
understand, we, The Students, will take with quality of life than with quality of Production Mngr.
our lives. We will be the Students, and we Adam Schlagman
arms; we, The Students, will be the libera-
tors of our own souls. will want for nothing more than that. Webmaster
Dreams only die when denied the Daniel Hofer
will to dream them. That is the purpose of
our enemy. To take our dreams and invert
-oIIOH IlassnI

_ -- __ __ ___

_ _, _- _ - , ~J Annw Dn7Re
eLa ~~r II
F Mike Billings, Jeff Blanch, Anthony
Brancato, Bev Bryan, Tim Connors,
pen to own one of these gas-guzzling Steve Chao, Melanie Donovon, Rich
Drummond, Ceci Norman, Aaron
behemoths does not give you the right to Feingold, Chris Genarri, Rob Gilheany,
go 40 mph at night during blizzard condi- Bill Gioconda, Glenn "Squirrel" Given,
tions, as we saw time and time again on David K. Ginn, Pam Gradowitz, Emily
Gustafson, Adam Keamey, Gregory
Nicplls Road. The fact that you own an Knopp, Rob Kruper, Brian Libfeld,
Escalade with dub-deuces does not mean Jamie Mignone, Walter Moss, Ejima
Oyibo, Natalie Parker, ScottTPerl,
that you should throw caution to the Derrick Prince, Jessica Worthington,
wind; in fact, the fact that your SUV can Brian "Scoop" Schneider, Ralph
roll over more easily means there are situ- Sevush, Chris Sorochin, Merve Tuncel,
Gary Lubrat, Meri Wayne, Rob
ations where you should be even more Cooper, Doug Williams, Jon
careful than usual. Vaillancourt, Nina Zakharenko
Lastly, we'd like to scold the
University and the Town of Brookhaven
for both failing to watch the Weather
Channel like normal folks. The roads both
inside and outside the campus were
devoid of rock salt in the hours leading up
to the snowfall, and then the roads were
not plowed for quite some time, making
travel even more impossible. In fact, the
Managing Editor's street was only cleaned
up just Wednesday. Both the city and cam-
pus agencies responsible should have
been ready to clean up at the sign of the
first snowflake.
..... . r . #.....o

Page 4
A N-•~r-
-Lttir" w
AL· t-ivf-
Dear Stony Brook Press: make themselves look good or think of themselves of superior to
I like how the SBU Press publishes pretty much any arti- their peers. I am not special, at all, may G-D correct me, I am his
cle of substance (insane and nasty substance included). To servant, but I now have the responsibility to represent the will of
quote one of my fellow students, "that paper is weird". the students of stonybrook concerning the student activity fee
Sometimes people like to deny that there are a lot of weird peo- and the funds it procures.
ple, asserting that weird people are a minor anomaly among the I must consider the opinions of all students regardless of
masses of normal people. Your paper pours gasoline on those religion or creed as equal. That is my number one priority for
people and sets them on fire. Well not the actual people, but
the next year as far as my relationship to this institution.
their hugely false assertions. I'd like to address the recent arti-
Already a committee has been initiated to address the griev-
cles written in the stonybrook press concerning the USG and ances students have brought against the USG; firms step in a
offer a new perspective, having recently been appointed a direction that ensures the integrity of the institution. G-D will-
Senator of the College of Arts and Sciences. ing the government will be able to show all students that it is
From those with an opinion to voice I have heard nega-
efficiently distributing the student activity fee in a manner that
tive things about our new student government. Some claimed maximizes its benefit to all students.
the executive body did not adequately represent the interests of I think the newly formed USG has the potential to play
the student body. There was talk of monies spent on the execu-
this role effectively in the year to come and hope I will not find
tive council going to splish splash and one member having a reason to think otherwise. Regardless, I will not assume the best
parking ticked at said trip paid for. Some thought the non-stu-
in people and I will be vigilant in my scrutiny of those who hold
dent advisors of the government were corrupt and pocketing the reigns of an organization that controls the distributing of
money. Well, liking trips to splish splash, I decided to be a sen-
well over a million dollars. On a final note, I'd like to commend
ator and as far as corruption in the USG government there isthe Stony Brook Press for continuing to motivate students to
none, at least that I know of. become more involved in their Student Government as well as
Yes, I'm a senator, a word with so much nasty luggage their local and national community.
these days. When one thinks politicians there is a sense of sincerely,

M bno 0I- I- E k.M
It-I- A U. L- LAL L---UmmF E--- LM -X
Class LJt -M&LM-LA" I-

Dear Press:
I am a senior here at SBU and the majority of students are not happy about the
school's plan to not publish the booklets with the course days, times, rooms, etc..
It was a lot easier to make a schedule using them rather than having to search on the
Solar System. What really bothers me is that the Registrar's office, the Office of Student
Accounts, the Office of Academic Advising and the Omnbuds (I'm not sure if that's how you
spell it) Office all were no help in getting information on who the student body should com-
plain to; but worst of all the Solar System says the no booklets will be printed for the Spring
semester and just the other day I was a student in SAC with one!! We scanned a copy of the
cover page it prove it and I am enclosing a copy. I think you should download it and put it
on the front cover of the paper.

YOU Wanna Know Where YOU Ban

S. ir kI ,
1c lIIUI Io F
(hint: It Rhymes With "Stained-Glasshole")

Page 5
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By Jackie Hae
Orgniztios HavngBud t Erb m L YJ
The SB Press' devastating budget cut at the closer look at religious groups meaning Baptism which are also unclear at this point, will not be able
beginning of this semester seemed to open our eyes Campus Ministry, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to put on the Vagina Monologues in February.
to a broader campus-wide problem. After talking Campus Crusaders for Christ, Chi Alpha Christian On top of budget issues, many clubs have
with a multitude of club and organization represen- Fellowship, Chinese Christian Fellowship, and other problems with USG, including the overbear-
tatives we realized many groups are experiencing Hillel, among others, could be denied funding. ing amount of paperwork. Current CSA
budget problems. This was confusing given the fact MSA or the Muslim Student Association was denied (Commuter Student Association) President, Jim
that enrollment has increased this semester, causing funding by USG from its inception based on reli- Driscoll, stated, "The major problems we've
a $40,400 increase in USG's budget, making their gious reasoning. This is not a SUNY-wide standard, encountered with USG is switching rules and regu-
working budget close to $2.3 million. in fact SUNY Albany's Muslim Student Association, lations about paperwork without telling us. They're
As mentioned in previous articles, the along with their College Republicans, College making the whole system really difficult to do pro-
Stony Brook Press received a 71% budget cut this Democrats, and Campus Greens, are student gov- gramming. You have to know 5 weeks ahead of
semester. Clayton John, the previous interim ernment funded. The USG Constitution's Preamble time." The deadlines for much of the paperwork are
Treasurer and current Vice Treasurer, made this states that it intends to, "foster a spirit of communi- required up to a month before the actual event.
decision. Under Article VII of the USG Constitution, ty, diversity and fellowship, to create programs and This, in turn, stifles a lot of events on campus.
entitled "Budget Process" it stipulates that the treas- services for the benefit of all members of the campus Although a small amount of paperwork might help
urer is supposed to initiate a budgetary process to community." Apparently USG doesn't realize that in planning the details of the event, an overbearing
plan the yearly budget. The process is supposed to political and religious groups carry out much of amount results in an increased administrative over-
take about two semesters and is formulated in con- USG's aforementioned goal. sight and less events on campus. Security expenses
junction with a Budget Committee. The Budget USG is not just talking about denying also become overbearing and eat up large portions
Committee drafts a budget after holding Budgetary groups funding under political or religious justifica- of the event's budget. For most events requiring
Hearings with the clubs and organizations. The tions; they are implementing it. On Wednesday, security, security costs a minimum of about $600 per
final budget is presented to the Senate where it must November 12, SJA organized a panel to discuss the night. Organizations must hire CSS (Concert
pass a majority vote. Under Section I of the US' current occupation of Iraq. They had asked Security Specialists), since they are contracted
Treasure's duties it states that the Treasures must, USG for funding but were denied under the justifi- through the University, and they must pay a five-
"communicate to all the USG funded groups' treas- cation that the panel would be expressing a partisan hour minimum. They also must hire SPA, or events
urers of any changes in budgetary policies and pro- view. In order to get USG funding, SJA would have staff, which costs about $500 on average and also
cedures." The fact that Clayton made major to bring another panelist expressing an opposing receives a $10,000 line budget from USG. Concerts,
changes in our budget without a working Senate or viewpoint. In a sense USG is financially censoring parties, certain comedy shows, and a multitude of
Budget Committee and without contacting the SB SJA by denying them funding on the basis of their other events usually require security. Last semester
Press' treasurer is unconstitutional. It is also stipu- event's content. It's also important to point out that USG (then Polity) required Students for Choice to
lated in Section 3 of USG's Financial, Managerial on October 29 the US army was on Stony Brook's pay security for the Vagina Monologues perform-
Policies and Procedures that a Budget Committee campus, along with reps from Source magazine, to ances they coordinated. Earlier this semester USG
must be formed to draft the budget. So the budget recruit minorities, all funded by USG. A few groups also required CSA to pay about $1500 in security for
was drafted not only in violation to the constitution, also attended this USG event including SJA and a Bluegrass concert. Just in case there is any doubt,
but also in violation to USG policies. Yet the SB Students for Peace and Humanity. They passed out riots did not break out during either of these events.
Press is not the only group on campus experiencing flyers expressing reasons why not to join the army, USG is only a few months old and is
budget problems. along with their view on the current war. Yet they attempting to break itself away from Polity's cor-
At the second, informal Senate meeting on were asked to remove their flyers from the doors rupt past. Yet confusion over the budget and gener-
November 11, Sam Goldman, SB Press' Managing and tables. Apparently expressing the other side of al discontent among many clubs and organizations
Editor, was told by USG President, Sandy Curtis, the coin is not welcome during USG planned events. could potentially challenge their legitimacy. The
that, "No political groups on campus will receive Some other groups currently experiencing budget changes made early in the semester were
funding." If this is the case then College budget problems include SBVAC and Students for made under an interim Treasurer and without a
Republicans, Social Justice Alliance, Enduring Choice. SBVAC, the University's Ambulance Core, working Senate or Budget Committee. USG also
Freedom Alliance, Students for Peace and has been experiencing budget problems since the seems to be getting away from their goal of fostering
Humanity, University Democrats, Students for beginning of the semester. It is unclear as to the jus- diversity by ostracizing religious and political
Choice, and NYPIRG could possibly be denied tifications behind their budget problems with USG, groups. Perhaps their first goal should be to adhere
funding in the future. It is unclear how USG will which includes withholding funds, yet we hope to- to their own constitution.
decide which groups are political and which are not. include more information about this in other arti-
In the meeting they also said they would be taking a cles. Students for Choice, due to budget problems,

SBU-TV, WUSB, The Statesman and the Stony Br T<

a LIVE program discussing the pressing issues of student life today

SBU-TV Ch.30
WUSB 90. 7FM
ell .
By Joe Filippazzo
The Undergraduate Student Government
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give them any funding whatsoever, the Corps has

omney e!
umentation and has since been waiting for a
(USG) never ceases to appall me. I have never seen been forced to use their surplus fund to compensate response. I attended the Executive Council Meeting
a group of people so fastidious when it comes to for the missing $8,400. With this fund almost on Friday, December 5th, which was days after the
keeping up their image yet so incredibly explicit in exhausted, SBVAC can no longer purchase the addi- form had been sent to the USG offices. After the
their disregard for propriety. In fact, USG's Interim tional ambulance they were saving up to buy in an meeting, I confronted Mr. Albano as to the status of
Administrative Director Santo Albano said, "We are effort to increase campus coverage as well as the SBVAC's money and he claimed that he was still
not going to let the Constitution get in the way of general operating efficiency of their organization. waiting for them to send the form.
Td .
our mission." This was at the Executive Council it is un It makes sense
meeting on November 21 where Fredrick Preston, standable for su< e best ambulance
the Vice President for Student Affairs, agreed to cer- large business as n New York State
tify USG. The new student government justifies its Undergradu efficient, well
lack of concern for legality in two ways. The first is Student Governr ized, and aware
to brush it off with the excuse that they are newly to want to protect :he angles it must
formed and just getting started. The second is to (lit- assets (or should to fulfill the emer-
erally!) cross out anything in the constitution, be asses?) but medical needs of
bylaws or policies that indicate they are doing some- seem to lose their thousand Stony
thing illegal. For, in the words of USG President, sense of purpose, residents.
Sandy Curtis, "We are just trying to create legitima- serve the undergr rly, it makes
cy once again." In this student's opinion though, ate student body, ih for an
several dozen wrongs do not make a right. It has extraneously repel graduate Student
been made fairly clear to this student that a constitu- paper work. Whe nment that is try-
tion is merely an inconvenience to this $2.3 million organization "get on its feet"
organization that is trying to "get on its feet". SBVAC deals with have a [explica-
fA ,
One group on campus that has threatened adsesitive topic a stu- GANCY THUMBS UI }:), ' Courtesy of Joe Flip.
l. 4
iiveJ LAxpuicaivej ui a
USG's coveted squeaky-clean image and has there- dent health, it is logical C [explicative] idea as to
fore been denied funding, is the Stony Brook that liability will become a major issue. Since what is going on! (My apologies.)
Volunteer Ambulance Corps, also known as SBVAC. SBVAC is such a reliable and competent institution, I can maybe understand freezing the budget of the
As a side note, SBVAC was named the New York it has provided USG, and specifically Santo Albano, Equestrian Team if they don't provide receipts of
State 2002 Emergency Medical Services Agency of with everything it has been asked for but still has not their pony comb expenditures, but we're dealing
the year by the NYS Department of Health. Santo received its funding. with the people that keep our innards working and
Albano however has named SBVAC merely a "sub- Some of the paperwork SBVAC needed to drive those noisy, flashing trucks! It isn't even the
ordinate club". One wo ild think that an organiza- provide includes a detailed review of their expenses case that SBVAC has been AT ALL delinquent in
tion that provides such an essential service to the as well as their Proof of Corporation, which states their responsibilities. They have done everything
campus community deserves a certain amount of that the Ambulance Corps is not just a club. Mr. they were supposed to but the shambles of a gov-
_ _ _ -1 - 1 - 'd
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respect ana g s demands ernment we give our money to has its head too far
but I remind net but still up its ass (or should that be assets?) to be effective.
we are dealil lent. Next he This lackadaisical process of "keep sending us forms
USG and they SBVAC's Proof until we think you deserve your money," especially
ing to "get urance, even when it relates to such an important organization as
feet." SBVAC has its SBVAC, is a disgrace to this university and wholly
Apparently, SE surance policy inefficient. Not to mention that if SBVAC complete-
not received al doesn't even ly exhausts it funds and can no longer operate, USG
money allotted concern USG. will have to pay over $30,000 per month (in lieu of
through the esponded with SBVAC's $8,400) to hire an independent corporation
activity referer ropriate forms. to supply emergency care to the campus.
means that we paperwork so At the Executive Council Meeting on
dents, voted >ws that USG December 5th, I asked the Interim Administrative
SBVAC a porti not be liable for Director Mr. Albano personally why there was such
Student Actih 's actions but a delay in action on USG's part when clubs were
bt--j- TCr hk,
UV..k Jllas icllt U LU
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v*' 1 being so compliant. Mr. Albano responded with the
deliver the Ambulance Corps' very much needed appetite for red tape lingered. The most recent form usual excuse that USG has many different clubs to
funding. I had a chance to speak with Ted Teng, that the Corps was asked to provide was a more organize and deal with and they are trying to get on
who is the treasurer of the ambulance corps, about detailed explanation of SBVAC's entire insurance their feet. I responded by asking if, given the club
his dissatisfaction with USG's actions so far.. Mr. policy. We have now approached the final week of involved, the same courtesy involving forms and
Teng says that SBVAC is typically granted $8,400 per classes in the semester and SBVAC has still not deadlines could be extended. Mr. Albano laughed in
month from the student activity referenda to operate received a penny from USG. Within a reasonable my face.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since USG refuses to amount of time, Ted Teng faxed the appropriate doc-

iage /
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By David K. Ginn
Fuck· Bush
::.:. Arno P ·- ·- - . i
and the
: ... .·

I'm glad that I fially came out with it. I on to Arnold. This one will b)e short, since I can't people read and think. The Statesman is a perfectly
think a lot of people are trying to find the right words bring myself to spend a lot oftiime on this new dose good source of news reporting oncampus. We can
to describethepeople that hav screwed things up so of bulshit. Really the underly ing point here is that flush out The Press, noproblem
badly but Ijust couldn't hold back anymore. Now it's California named its prom king;and Arnold was the What's our biggest disadvantage? Were not
plain, out there, and said. winner. They still havethe prol blem of trying to find even a certified student government. That meain that
George W. Bush has given the whole world a governor, but at least they have their prom king. every action and every decision we make is com-
a whole lot of shaft. We've been taking it in every way I can't comment on how good of a job pletely null and void until we become a real govern-
imaginable. George W. Bush is giving us the Kama Arnold might do. He might tumn out to be the best ment.
Sutra of power-shafting. Not that it's any surprise. governor that any state has eveirhad. I'm not saying Well, fuck them too. They are, as Joe Flip so
Power-shafting has been around for a long time. fuck Arnold as governor. I'm saying fuck Arnold aptly put it just a few issues ago, giving us the shaft in
Power-shafting, first of all, should not be being elected to governor. I can l't say fuck Arnold as so many ways. Power-shafting, baby Tool of the
confused with any term used to describe pornogra- governor because, unlike Bush, he has not yet done past, wave of the future. Can you dig it?
phy, although it has its connections. Power-shafting is anything to exercise his political character one way or
the use of one's power to give everyone else the shaft.
Sound familiar? Of course it does.
another. Maybe in time we
will all come to hate him as we
Nixon did it. CEOs are still doing it. The hate Bush, but then again
court systems have done it, ever since the founding of
our lovely nation. O.J. did it. Record companies just
maybe not. First Fuck: George W. Bush
But the election! Oh,
did it big time. Saddam did it, but if anyone really
believes that's the reason we went over there, I would
dear me. Let's all elect Arnold
because he's famous. It's all sc
Sloppy Seconds: USG
surely like to hear that argument.
Which brings us right back to our original
ridiculous that it's actually
funny. Bush isn't funny. This
Third Fuck: Art Censorship
point. Bush and power-shafting: the way to victory.
It's amazing that for nearly eight or nine seconds after
Arnold situation is.
And lastly, the third
Fourth Fuck: P2P Shutdowns
the September 11th attacks I almost thought of him in
a high regard. Yikes!
and final fuck for this article:
The USG.
Fifth Fuck: Arnold
He has certainly proved his merit since then.
You can almost feel bad for him, too. The poor guy
Hmm... I have an
idea. Let's start a new student Sixth Fuck: Taco Bell (see past arti-
decides out of nowhere that he wants to start a war government where we don't
with Iraq, tells everyone that Iraq is withholding a give anyone the chance to run cle)
mass of weapons that they plan to use on us, and then for office. Then, the few people
the leaders of Iraq do everything in their power to try who do make it will band Seventh Fuck: Michael Jackson
to prevent the war. How could they? What kind of together to plot some seriously
evil corruption is that? Trying to prevent war! Ha!
And then they send thousands of signed and regis-
fucked up shit. And let's not Eighth Fuck: Jessica Simpson
let anyone witness these meet-
tered documents proving that they have no weapons,
just as Bush requested. How horrified he must have
ings. That would be terrible. Ninth Fuck: Iraq
That would be suicide. If we
been to see that! It was probably the last thing he
expected. But no bother, he can just go on saying that
actually abided by federal law
then people might actually
Tenth Fuck: National Security
it doesn'tmatter, we're going to kill you anyway. And
so we did.
find out that we're merely
dancing merrily on the grave
Eleventh Fuck: Excessive
And poor Bush once again. After what
seems like a quick war, everyone is happy. But then
of Polity.
One of our first orders
we learn that the war never ended. We find out that
what at first was billed as post-war was actually still
of business will be to give and
take student funding. After all,
Twelfth Fuck: Hollywood
part of the original war. That's why we have a stag-
gering number of "post-war KIAs" - because there
it isn't real money. It's just on
paper. They don't actually use
Thirteenth Fuck: Reality T.V
was no post-war. that money. Secondly, let's tar-
And then we don't find any weapons, after get The Press. They are open Fourteenth and Final Fuck:
all. What a shame. All that work for nothing. But and free and serve absolutely
we're close to Americanizing Iraq, and that's one hell no purpose here on campus. Patriotism and the American Sense
of an accomplishmuent. After we take all of Iraq's We, like the federal govern-
power and resources we can move on to somewhere ment, need to control what of Self-Importance.
else. The future certainly appears bright.
But what will happen in 2004?
won't be re-elected, that much is plain. Bu
n't it just as plain that he wouldn't be ele(
2000? Maybe not quite as plain, but no oa
deny the shock they felt when they found
won. This includes the people who vot
So he can alter the votes in 2004 ji
same, can't he? Of course he can. But
about in 2008, when a federal law prohibi
president to serve more than two terms
into effect? No problem. We'll be at war th
doubt. But by that time the war might 1
with the people we're attacking but instea<
the opposition. The rebellion. France v
there, and maybe half of the rest of Eur(
well. At this time I can't predict whether
Britain will stay at our side. I really hop
So, since we'd be at war, Bush
just have to pull a few strings in the Juc
Branch to get an amendment that makes cl
substantial power of the war and provic
exception to the two-term law.
Then Bush will be President for L
That's Bush. Fuck him. Nowlet's
Page 8
Coul. Uam
I-t Bn de eta
s y ro a
By Nicklaus J Misiti
Everyone with a driver's license under- like symptoms leaving in body bags to nurses com- Swango is an exceptional case of bureaucratic fail-
stands the frustration and annoyance bureaucracies plaints that in the middle of the night they found ure; yet, on a certain level, it exemplifies the prob-
cause. They seem like big government agencies Doctor Swango in the dark next to his patients bed lems associated throughout and raises serious ques-
where hopes, dreams, and purpose turn into lines, staring over them. Still he maintained his status as tions as to whether anything has changed in the
forms, processing fees, public employees, apathy a University employee. Dr. Swango wasn't dis- bureaucratic process since Dr. Swango's conviction.
and depression. All of this takes time which is sure- charged from USB until one of his previous jobs Bureaucracies are cold, inhuman agencies where
ly going to waste in attempting to satisfy the seem- exhumed a patient's body and found it had natural human interactions are turned into paper-
ingly insatiable need for the state to redundantly extremely high doses of epinephrine while another work, memorandums, and computer filings. All of
register you, find out your address and phone num- had elevated levels of Succinyl Chloride, a warrant this is extremely boring and frustrating for both the
ber, place you with an identification number, tell was sworn for. his arrest. Mr. Swango fled to citizen and bureaucrat, creating a natural antago-
you what part of the form you filled out wrong, and Zimbabwe where he got another medical job. When nism because everything must follow a certain pro-
take your money. Bureaucracies inevitably produce Zimbabwean officials asked how come he came to tocol and no protocol encompasses all of life's bit-
cold, disdainful atmospheres which provide a serv- Zimbabwe when he could earn so much more tersweet circumstances. There is no incentive for
ice that is not only inefficient but also inept in pur- money as a Doctor in the United States Doctor bureaucrats to do their jobs except those that are
pose. An extreme example of this is how a man Swango's reply was typical of his charming nature absolutely required of them. And if they can get
could get a job practicing medicine in spite of the "All my life," Swango told him, "I have dreamed of away with not doing those, why not? For instance,
fact that he was a suspected murderer, convicted helping the poor and the disadvantaged." He said I'm sure someone was supposed to do a background
violent felon, and did not even have a medical America had plenty of doctors, but in Africa, he check or reference call on Dr. Swango or at least
license at the time of his application. Here is the would be truly needed. Here is an account of one of make sure he had a valid medical license (since he
tragic and horrific story of that man and how Dr. Dr. Mike°0s disadvantaged patients who survived was, after all, applying for a medical position). This
Michael Swango was hired by Stony Brook under his care in Zimbabwe, Keieas Mzezewa had could not possibly have been done to any reason-
University to save lives and ended up taking them, dozed off for a nap that May afternoon, but was able degree in this case. What motivates the
becoming perhaps the most prolific serial killer in awakened at about two p.m. when he felt someone employee to do so? He is not held responsible for
the history of the United States. removing his loose-fitting pajama trousers. He lifted hiring a serial killer, pedophile, terrorist or
Michael Swango started off his career, like hJL s hoad
LDk.IMa ,
ill A11hi
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cL/il./,U L.

most doctors, in medical school; it was here his groggy from sl is held responsible
classmates gave him the nickname "Double-O- and saw that it a bureaucracy. The
Swango." This nickname was given to him because Dr. Mike. The h re inept it is and the
a significant number of his patients died under mys- some American re angry it makes
terious circumstances; peculiarly, this even included tor had a syring i, the more you are
patients who came in for routine physical exams. his hand, cated and turned
His classmates jokingly decided that, similar to seemed about to iy; if you dare
James Bond (aka Double-O-seven) and his license to him an injectior de any sign of anger
kill, giving "Double-O-Swango" his license to per- Mzezewa, eage Sare labeled crazy
form medicine would be on par with giving him a help, pulled d( Sunable to under-
license to kill. In 1984, Dr. Swango was terminated his trousers id that everyone's
from Ohio State University Hospital because it was turned on his L doing their job. Yet
suspected he was, in fact, murdering patients. A Then the do it job is that and is it
patient there accused Dr. Swango of injecting a mys- plunged the unl rth the hassle a
terious substance into her; this injection was con- ally large needle eaucracy creates are
firmed by two sources including a registered nurse his right butt >ortant questions
working at the time. The medical establishment Mzezewa saw ays left unan-
investigating concluded all three accusers were after he finished ?red. Additional
a 11 11 - 11 . . _1 •
delusional in their accusations of Mr. Swango. This injection, tne doctor concealec tne used syringe in important questions wtuch must be asked at this
delusional claim is strange enough but when you tie the pocket of his white medical coat. University are how the bureaucracy can reduce the
in the fact that a coroner had concluded the cause of "Good-bye," Dr. Mike said softly, pausing anger-apathy-depression iron triangle so firmly
death in another patient of Mr. Swango's to be briefly to look back at Mzezewa. Then he left the entrenched in its officialdom. Better yet to what
homicide you have to ask who is really delusional in hospital ward. extent can they make red tape nonexistent or at least
this situation. "Double-O-Swango" was let go Dr. Swango was shown on America's Most bearable? The SOLAR system is an example of bear-
reluctantly by the hospital and no charges were Wanted and was eventually caught when he able bureaucracy, if it's going to be cold and callous
pressed. He went on to get another job at another returned to America visiting Chicago. He was con- why not turn it into a computerized machine? Also
hospital where he was terminated, charged, convict- victed and is now serving four life sentences with- SOLAR saves time on lines while at the same time
ed, and served time for poisoning his co-workers. out the possibility of parole. He is suspected of reducing environmental waste in terms of paper
In this case, Dr. Swango not only murdered patients killing upwards of 60 people but no one knows the consumption. You can listen to nice peaceful music
but would also periodically bring in donuts for his true figure. The real story is that he was hired while you hand your vital statistics and money to
co-workers which were laced with his special ingre- repeatedly in spite of numerous and blatant black the University. The best thing about it is that you
dient: rat poison or arsenic. After the employees got marks against him. Marks so obvious it begs the don't have to go into that hellacious administration
sick from eating them, Dr. Swango was arrested and question of what does it take to be filtered out of the building where the workers are behind bullet proof
served two years for assault. So now on his official bureaucratic hiring process, a swastika carved into glass apparently in direct knowledge of the rage the
record, or his resume if you will, he already had a your head? How about blood stains on your system produces (they claim its because of the
number of discharges under mysterious circum- resume? If he looked in the mirror and had no money they have behind the counter but you don't
stances, a felony conviction, his medical license had reflection would that suffice to render you disquali- see this in banks, do you?). They should really put
been revoked, and something tells me Dr. Swango's fied in this process? I'm sure, almost 20 years later, multiple punching bags in that building just to
letters of recommendations weren't all that positive that there are deeply held emotions and angers con- relieve tension on both sides of the glass. I have
either. He applied to a number of residency pro- cerning what happened here at the University seen 65 year-old bureaucrats with, in my opinion,
grams in spite of this and the one that called him involving Dr. Swango. I am not in any way bringing every right to punch out pretentious little students
back was, of course, SUNY Stony Brook. They hired this up so those involved in this horrific crime have crying for supposed answers. The point is everyone
him as a full time doctor and accepted his phony to relive the great suffering caused; rather, I am try- hates the bureaucracy. The University can reduce it
excuse for his felony conviction for poisoning co- ing to point out its roots and how to prevent a future by first looking at if its actually needed (in some
workers. He claimed in his interview that it wasn't "Double-O-Swango" or even something less cases it's not or can at least be reduced), second
a poisoning but a barroom brawl with co-workers extreme such as a pedophile or rapist being hired. looking at reducing its redundancy, and third con-
that caused his conviction for assault. Either way, I'm sure after Swango happened the University tinue turning it into a computerized system you can
this is not something that normally gets you hired came out with all sorts of statements calling for use at home I think you will see the quality of life on
when you are being interviewed but Dr. Swango reforms. They probably fired the Dean or chief campus improve proportionately. Who knows,
seemed to be an anomaly in every way, in every sit- executive involved in Swango's hiring. But 15 years maybe Michael Swango was sent from the registrar
uation throughout the hiring process. "Double-O- later, the bureaucracy here survives and, in fact, to the bursar to financial aid than back to the regis-
Swango" was now back in action, and hospital thrives. It is perhaps the most powerful force effect- trar when after two hours of this he finally snapped.
complaints ranged from patients coming in with flu- ing campus life or lack there of. Of course, Dr.
Page 9
Collepge Tuitfions
By Beverly Bryan
College tuitions nationwide have Robert King presented a budget proposal to the One of the financial pressures New York
climbed sharply throughout the economic ups Board of Trustees calling for a "rational tuition public colleges must respond to is declining gov-
and downs of the 80's and 90's. Relatively stable policy," which allows for regular, yearly tuition ernment support. Adjusted for inflation state
during the 60's and 70's tuition and fees for both increases. These increases would not affect com- support for higher education in New York has
state and private universities began rising in the munity colleges. fallen 12% after 1995.
early 80's at a rate that outstripped consumer A press release from the chancellor's Sudden jumps in tuition clearly affect
prices. During that time, tuition costs for a pri- office quotes King as saying, "a rational tuition the ability of students to finish their educations.
vate university education have grown to three policy would enable families and the university Before this year 1995 was the last time tuition
times that of public schooling. Public school to plan for the future. It would help the univer- was raised. By 1997, enrollment in the state and
prices have also risen steadily from their lowest sity respond to financial pressure, support its city university systems had gone from 538,123 to
point 1980. enrollment growth and fund quality improve- 509,019. The loss of 29,104 undergraduates was
According to The College Board, the ment initiatives. Most importantly, a tuition pol- the largest 2-year enrollment drop since 1976.
national average for tuition at four-year public icy will enable us to preserve and enhance the The cost of fewer New Yorkers receiving
colleges this year is $4,694. This is an increase of quality of the education we provide to our stu- degrees has been estimated by the CUNY system.
$579 from the average in 2002 or 14%. dents." CUNY estimates that the city and state of New
Most universities, Stony Brook included, The same press release lists the financial York receive $708 million more in taxes from res-
are larger than they once were and provide more pressures facing the SUNY system as "enroll- idents who gradiated between 1970 and 1997
services for students such as computer labs, ment growth, contractual salary increases, infla- than they would have had those residents had
which may account for the increase in the cost of tion in energy costs and other budget items." not finished college. The graduates spend $4.6
higher education. Stony Brook economics pro- It goes on to state that SUNY is less billion more instate each year than they would
fessor John Hause suggested that the larger expensive than New England, Mid- have without their degrees.
administrative staffs and increased benefits for Atlantic and Mid-western state systems In its report on trends in college pricing
employees over the years have contributed to the and that its' Tuition Assistance is the most gener- The College Board reminds prospective con-
costs of tuition. "Package health benefits have ous in the country. The College Board reports sumers of higher education that, "Over a lifetime
been jumping along at a high rate of annual that public tuition and fees are the lowest in the the gap in earnings for those with a high school
increase," he said. American West averaging $1,007 at a four-year diploma and those with a B.A. or higher exceeds
Hause also pointed out the large salaries school. $1,000,000. While the cost of college-may-be
that the best professors command today, espe- According to a report written by imposing to many families, the cost associated
cially at a research university. "Colleges also are NYPIRG activist Miriam Kramer, the average with not going to college is likely to be much
among places that are looking for the super- cost of public college in New York is $556 above greater."
stars," he said. But these alone, he said, w ere not the average nationwide, $1,000 above the annu- These words follow their revelation that
enough to account for the rate of increase. al tuition and fees at the large state public uni- while college enrollment is up among all minori-
Speaking to the cost of public higher versities of Florida, Texas and California. Since ty groups and all economic backgrounds a per-
education, Melissa Morahan, project coordinator 1990 tuition and fees at SUNY's four-year schools son's chances of completing a degree remains
for Stony Brook University's NYPIRG office, rose by 156% compared to the national average of "closely correlated" with his or her economic
said, "the reason for increased tuition and fees is 86% during those years. background. White students are still more likely
that the state has not been investing in public Over the past decade the portion of their to enter college than Black or Latino students
universities." income that New York families paid for school although enrollment among women has passed
"Tuition goes up in times of prosperity. rose from 4% to 6%. This figure would continue that among men.
Even in times of prosperity the state is not invest- to grow whether the tuition policy instituted This year the State University of New
ing in the system," she said. This, she said, were "rational" or not. The NYPIRG report York raised annual tuition by $950 for resident
reflected poorly on the state's supposed commit- points out that the gap is partially due to the fact students and $2,000 for out-of-state undergradu-
ment to the affordability and accessibility of that tuition has risen more and faster than the ates. It was the first time tuition had been raised
higher education. limited rise of 9.2% in average income for New in seven years. The long-term effects of this
On December 3rd, SUNY Chancellor Yorkers. increase remain to be seen.

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Whu the student vote is o imvortadt



By Tyler Burke, Project Coordin .orNYPIRG at Stony Brook

Apathy - such a nasty little word. By it's your ding-letter postings is your cup 'o' tea, something about it." Good thinking, my friend.
harshest definition, it denotes an uncaring and please don't vote. While voting may not get you a Sponge-Bob
indifferent attitude toward the issue at hand. Let's say, for instance, that you're not a Band Aid and stale cookies, it will give'you a
Sadly, when legislators see that 18-25 year olds student, but a business owner in a college town. voice, and maybe a little extra bling-bling in
have the lowest voter registration rate in the "Oh well," the business owner may say, "as long your pocket as well.
nation, onily one word comes to mind. A com- as sales at my combinatior
mon misconception amongst young voters is Ramen Noodle, futon and over-
that very few political issues actually affect priced textbook store are good
them. However, quite the opposite is true. tuition hikes don't bother me.'
When our elected officials in Albany are feeling Ah, how wrong you are, my
the crunch come budget time, they look to the friend. Businesses in college
path of least resistance to cover their programs, communities feel the pinch too
and student aid is the first program on the With universities bringing ir
proverbial chopping block. fewer students, and the stu
Now, as we gaze deeper into our educa- dents attending these universi
tional funding crystal ball, we see the future of ties having less money, tuitior
the New York economy. As of now, New York's hikes can severely damage the
"brain drain" is not the serious problem it is in economy of college communi
other states. Simply put, New Yorkers educated ties.
at New York universities tend to stay here. As a So, long story short
result, if New York students are priced out of when you're headed off tc
higher education, New York will retain a larger donate blood to keep youi
uneducated populace, thereby stifling the long- tuition check from bouncing
term economy and creating a glut in the job sec- think to yourself, I shoulc
tor that needs the most opportunity. So if an probably register to vote, Sc
ongoing decline in the state economy, and hav- that the next time a tuition hike
ing to erect another wall in your room to hang comes around, I'll try to dc

Page 10
____ ____ServinR Your Country U J
By Lauren A. Trankle
Have you ever wanted to serve your According to the Veterans and even when men and women share the same
country and stand up for the ideals that our Administration, less than half of eligible veterans job title, women are made to do filling and typing,
founding fathers established, for example, the are using their educational benefits. This means while men get the more "stimulating" jobs.
right to liberty, equality, and justice? Many high' the military takes in a lot of money that will not be: In 1990 and 1995, the armed forces sur-
school seniors and college students alike enlist in paid back. In other words, it's really the military veyed female members and found that 64% report-
the US Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force each that profits, not veterans. Colleges can help you ed sexual harassment. This was twice the rate of
year. Young women and men decide at an early find ai
age that they want to devote part and, for some schola
individuals all, of their life to their country. These to st
devoted and honorable young individuals learn that
about disciple, respect, and working coopera- de cr
tively. tuition
Seventeen year old Private Jessica Alleyne pays t<
just completed 12 weeks of boot camp. She joined tigate
the US Marines with the hope of making a differ- opt
ence, to help other countries with peacekeeping before
and poverty relief. And she wants to help keep our ing ti
nation free. Alleyne enlisted in the Marines in away
April and now she is in boot camp handling and your
using her M16A2 rifle, ready to take on combat the mi
drills. The Crucible, the last test of boot camp, is 54
hours of war simulation, during which she tests Many
the skills she has learned. Senior recruits say it's join ti
the part that can make or break you. You have to tary
be able to endure this to graduate. ing to
So what is Ms. Alleyne thinking, exactly? job tr
"In the background they play tapes of g~uns being But 1
fired, so it really feels like war. I'm exhausted. At ber, r
times I want to give up. So far, the hardest part of trainir
the Crucible was climbing a giant log-I'm terrified desigr
of heights. But it's a team effort; I'm not alone. militar
Since no one gives up on me, I won't give up on not t(
them." yuu tge da
Is it really worth it to enlist like Ms. civilian job later. Even in the technically-oriented a 1990 Harris poll. And in 1993, when women vet-
Alleyne? Many people join the military expecting Air Force, most jobs require particular military erans under the age of 50 were questioned at the
to receive job training or tens of thousands of free skills that will not do you any good in the civilian Veterans Affairs Military Center in Minneapolis,
dollars for college. Although the military does pay world. 90% of them reported that they had been sexually
for partial or all college tuition, there are many fac- According to the Veterans harassed while in the military. If part of the mili-
tors to keep in mind. You must work for it and Administration, unemployment among young tary motto is "unit of one", why is there such a
possibly risk your life for it. And it is not automat- male veterans is about 31% higher than among division among the men and women who enlist?
ic. Unless you qualify for special jobs through a non-veterans in the same group. Young female Many individuals that enlist in the mili-
testing process or sign up for an extra-long term, veterans face a 58% higher unemployment rate. As tary think they will never have to face war. The
you will never see the higher amounts of money. stated by former Defense Secretary Richard reality of being called to war in Iraq and elsewhere
To qualify for any aid at all, you have to pay a Cheney, "The military is not a social welfare is very real. Many of the United States soldiers
$1,200 nonrefundable deposit to the military agency; it's not a jobs program." who fought in Vietnam, Germany, Panama, the
( If you receive any- Another factor to keep in mind before Persian Gulf and Afghanistan never thought they
thing less than an honorable discharge (as one in enlisting in the military is that there is a great deal would be the ones to see combat. The ultimate
four people do), leave the military early (as one in of sexual discrimination and harassment. Women purpose of the military is to fight wars. This
three people do), or later decide not to go to col- often join the military to gain job training and includes support units, reservists and National
lege, the military will keep your deposit and give break out of traditional roles. However, women Guard members who may not see combat but still
you nothing. are still limited in the jobs they actually perform, face extended and unknown amounts of time
away from friends, families, and jobs.
Men and women of all ages continue to
fight overseas to help keep peace with other
nations. The Army Vision consists of three interde-
pendent elements: people, readiness, and transfor-
mation. People will remain the centerpiece of all
we do - soldiers, civilians, retirees and veterans.
Nonnegotiable readiness, the foundation of our
contract with the American people to fight and
win the Nation's war, hinges on the well-being of
our people. The process of transformation defines
how we change the way we think and fight in
order to develop the capabilities required in the
21st century. Men and women alike sacrifice their
lives each day to better our nation. It is because we
have such specialized military that we are able to
face the eyes of danger and go about our lives
"The Army Reserve we have today- an
Army Reserve more ready, more prepared arid
stronger than at any time since World War II- is
due to the hard work, uncompromising dedication
and selfless sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of
men and women who serve today, around the
world, wherever and whenever needed," stated,
LTG James R.Helmly.

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Page 11
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Page 12
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DnD Nevwinter Ni s an a ar e
By mike fabbri
_Coco ate i Shake Pea e
First I will be reviewing Dungeons and Atari, a long lasting game developer, and Master thing that I mentioned before. The
Dragons, then Neverwinter Nights, and finally, BioWare, a decently new gaming company, have Dungeon Master can make their own worlds,
what we've all really been waiting for...THE teamed up to create Neverwinter Nights, an have their friends play in it, all the while the dun-
CHOCOLATE MILK SHAKE!!! Right back to the award winning computer game. I say award win- geon master can watch over them and generate
point at hand or to the foot, matters if you're on ning as a very large understatement, I can't even monsters on the spot, give bonuses to individual
the ground or not. Dungeons and Dragons is an begin to describe or even list the number of players, add narrative, and quite easily keep that
old, old game; many of you have no idea how to awards this game has won. Being that BioWare entire storyteller/judge role that is important to
play it, but it's probably been around longerthan has just released their 2nd expansion for the game all the old school players.
you've been driving, possibly even longer than as well as a gold edition that is also for sale these This game definitely appeals to the old
your momma's been driving, possibly even vcys, 1s a ecii LLIJ
yl c» 1
longer than your baby's momma's been driving, say it is a decej ose that used
hell even longer than Driving Miss Daisy has been ly popu] play DnD in
driving. (One of these days, I'll be able to keep game. Nv ,ir younger
my thoughts on one track and not run away like (another one irs have been
mad men, but 'til then, VIVA LOS VEGAS!!) those dar >arated from
So, Dungeons and Dragons was devel- acronyms) is ,ir friends
oped and produced by a company called Tactical game that u er the years
Studies Rules, way back in the early 70's. This lizes DnI d can now
company has subsequently changed names to rules, grant .y online with
TSR Hobbies, which than became just TSR and minor adju 'mwhenever
eventually was bought out by Wizards of the ments needed is convenient
Coast, Inc. Wizards is the company that brought be made to t them. My
about the Magic: The Gathering card game, which laws that gove ggestion to
has been around since July 1993. So, why do we the game, bei yone that
need this great backstory to DnD? Well in short, that it is close :ually read
BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING AWESOME GAME!! impossible s far into the
(DnD is short for Dungeons and Dragons for all make a dir icle: go
you gangstas out there that don't know about the transfigurati wnload the
ghetto style slang yo, word up to yo mamma). from pen al mo for this
Not that I play the real DnD at all. The nanpr 1to n c me Play it
F ai -Courtesy Of BioWare.
real DnD involves pen, paper, dice, a Dungeon board and Courtesy lEnjoy the rich
Master, and a whole lot more patience then I can mouse. BioWare also did something else that was story that BioWare has carefully developed for the
muster (the Dungeon Master is somebody who very important that other DnD computer games single player aspect of the game. You probably
makes up the world that the players travel have tried and failed to do; I speak of none other won't enjoy the crappy path finding algorithms
through, somewhat of a storyteller/judge). I have than making your own games from their game that they use, but you have to expect some bad
tried, and I thought it was as boring as a bunch of engine. Now I realize that this doesn't really hold with the good. One other thing you might not
punctuation marks all in a row like this much appeal to many housewives out there, but if enjoy, especially if you do not like reading, is
L*%@@#*$. Pretty lame right? Well guess what, you're a big geek like me, than you like to make well.....all the reading involved. Overall I give
there is hope! Thanks to Atari and BioWare, we stuff. Especially stuff that you canplay with - like this game a 9 out of 10, on what rating chart I do
now have the next topic of discussion, and hope- cheese and cookies and stuff. But much more not's about 9 out of 10 large choco-
fully the actual point of the article. importantly, this retains the entire Dungeon late milk shakes.
n )1 N
Ways The Press
is Spending its
StnrLknipcl rach *1 rW~

...... I:..;_..
I p

?ssional disposal of the bodies

of all those dead whores

bills to roll up and snort coke

yeah, and lots and lots of coke
(which is expensive)
SNietzsche's ageless wis-
A new accent for Russians...
Fucking Pinko Cossack Sluts

Monkeys and arachnopho-

bic howler monkeys

Funding subversive militant movements in South

America... wait that's Coke... and the US govern-
aent... and Nike... wait, why haven't WE done this?
·-. tee
___ __
- --;1;-i-
: II..--'.--I·I- . · ·- ·-
~-i :-·:·.; ·-; =- ;

Braces for the whole staff

i -
A murderous, cyborg anti-Preston sent back
trough time to right the wrongs of the past...
Dico Style!
- --·-- -- __
Paae 15
By Mitchel Cohen
I Hate Thanksgivin
The year was 1492. The Taino-Arawak and Massachusetts to the Powhatans and the In 1636 an armed expedition left Boston
people of the Bahamas discovered Christopher Pequots. Literally millions of native peoples were to attack the Narragansett Indians on Block
Columbus on their beach. slaughtered. And the gold, slaves and other Island. The English landed and killed some
Historian Howard Zinn tells us how resources were used, in Europe, to spur the Indians, but the rest hid in the thick forests of the
Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full growth of the new money economy rising out of island and the English went from one deserted
of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the feudalism. Karl Marx would later call this "the village to the next, destroying crops. Then they
island's beaches and swam out to get a closer primitive accumulation of capital." These were sailed back to the mainland and raided Pequot
look at the strange big boat. When Columbus and the violent beginnings of an intricate system of villages along the coast, destroying crops again.
his sailors came ashore, carrying swords, speak- technology, business, politics and culture that The English went on setting fire to wig-
ing oddly, the Arawaks ran to greet them, would dominate the world for the next five cen- wams of the village. They burned village after
brought them food, water, gifts. Columbus later turies. village to the ground. As one of the leading the-
wrote of this in his log. Here is what he wrote: All of this were the preconditions for the ologians of his day, Dr. Cotton Mather put it: "It
"They brought us parrots and balls of first Thanksgiving. In the North American was supposed that no less than 600 Pequot souls
cotton and spears and many other things, which English colonies, the pattern was set early, as were brought down to hell that day." And Cotton
they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' Columbus had set it in the islands of the Mather, clutching his bible, spurred the English
bells. They willingly traded everything they Bahamas. In 1585, before there was any perma- to slaughter more Indians in the name of
owned. They were well-built, with good bodies nent English settlement in Virginia, Richard Christianity.
and handsome features. They do not bear arms, Grenville landed there with seven ships. The Three hundred thousand Indians were
and do not know them, for I showed them a Indians he met were hospitable, but when one of murdered in New England over the next few
sword, they took it by the edge and cut them- them stole a small silver cup, Grenville sacked years. It is important to note: The ordinary
selves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their and burned the whole Indian village. Englishmen did not want this war and often,
spears are made of sugar cane. They would make The Jamestown colony was established very often, refused to fight. Some European intel-
fine servants. With 50 men we could subjugate in Virginia in 1607, inside the territory of an lectuals like Roger Williams spoke out against it.
them all and make them do whatever we want." Indian confederacy, led by the chief, Powhatan. And some erstwhile colonists joined the Indians
And so the conquest began, and the Powhatan watched the English settle on his peo- and even took up arms against the invaders from
Thanotocracy -- the regime of death -- was inau- ple's land, but did not attack. And the English England. It was the Puritan elite who wanted the
gurated on the continent the Indians called began starving. Some of them ran away and war, a war for land, for gold, for power. And, in
"Turtle Island." joined the Indians, where they would at least be the end, the Indian population of 10 million that
You probably already know a good piece fed. Indeed, throughout colonial times tens of was in North America when Columbus came was
of the story: How Columbus's Army took thousands of indentured servants, prisoners and reduced to less than one million.
Arawak and Taino people prisoners and insisted slaves -- from Wales and Scotland as well as from - The way the different Indian peoples
that they take him to the source of their gold, Africa -- ran away to live in Indian communities, lived -- communally, consensually, making deci-
which they used in tiny ornaments in their ears. intermarry, and raise their children there. sions through tribal councils, each tribe having
And how, with utter contempt and cruelty, In the summer of 1610 the governor of different sexual/marriage relationships, where
Columbus took many more Indians prisoners Jamestown colony asked Powhatan to return the many different sexualities were practiced as the
and put them aboard the Nina and the Pinta -- runaways, who were living fully among the norm -- contrasted dramatically .with the
the Santa Maria having run aground on the Indians. Powhatan left the choice to those who Puritan's Christian fundamentalist values. For
island of Hispafiola (today, the Dominican ran away, and none wanted to go back. The gov- the Puritans, men decided everything, whereas
Republic and Haiti). When somre refused to be ernor of Jamestown then sent soldiers to take in the Iroquois federation of what is now New
taken prisoner, they were run through with revenge. They descended on an Indian communi- York state women chose the men who represent-
swords and bled to death. Then the Nina and the ty, killed 15 or 16 Indians, burned the houses, cut ed the clans at village and tribal councils; it was
Pinta set sail for the Azores and Spain. During down the corn growing around the village, took the women who were responsible for deciding on
the long voyage, many of the Indian prisoners the female leader of the tribe and her children whether or not to go to war. The Christian idea of
died. Here's part of Columbus's report to Queen into boats, then ended up throwing the children male dominance and female subordination was
Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain: overboard and shooting out their brains in the conspicuously absent in Iroquois society.
"The Indians are so naive and so free water. The female leader was later taken off the There were many other cultural differ-
with their possessions that no one who has not boat and stabbed to death. ences: The Iroquois did not use harsh punish-
witnessed them would believe it. When you ask By 1621, the atrocities committed by the ment on children. They did not insist on early
for something they have, they never say no. To English had grown, and word spread throughout weaning or early toilet training, but gradually
the contrary, they offer to share with anyone." the Indian villages. The Indians fought back, and allowed the child to learn to care for themselves.
Columbus concluded his report by asking for a killed 347 colonists. From then on it was total And, they did not believe in ownership of land;
little help from the King and Queen, and in war. Not able to enslave the Indians the English they utilized the land, lived on it. The idea of
return he would bring them "as much gold as aristocracy decided to exterminate them. ownership was ridiculous, absurd. The European
they need, and as many slaves as they ask." And then the Pilgrims arrived. Christians, on the other hand, in the spirit of the
Columbus returned to the New World -- When the Pilgrims came to New emerging capitalism, wanted to own and control
"new" for Europeans, that is -- with 17 ships and England they too were coming not to vacant land everything -- even children and other human
more than 1,200 men. Their aim was clear: Slaves, but to territory inhabited by tribes of Indians. beings. The pastor of the Pilgrim colony, John
and gold. They went from island to island in the The story goes that the Pilgrims, who were Robinson, thus advised his parishioners: "And
Caribbean, taking Indians as captives. But word Christians of the Puritan sect, were fleeing reli- surely there is in all children a stubbornness, and
spread ahead of them. By the time they got to gious persecution in Europe. They had fled stoutness of mind arising from natural pride,
Fort Navidad on Haiti, the Taino had risen up England and went to Holland, and from there which must, in the first place, be broken and
and killed all the sailors left behind on the last sailed aboard the Mayflower, where they landed beaten down; that so the foundation of their edu-
voyage, after they had roamed the island in at Plymouth Rock in what is now Massachusetts. cation being laid in humility and tractableness,
gangs raping women and. taking children and Religious persecution or not, they imme- other virtues may, in their time, be built thereon."
women as slaves. Columbus later wrote: "Let us diately turned to their religion to rationalize their That idea sunk in.
in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all persecution of others. They appealed to the Bible, One colonist said that the plague that
the slaves that can be sold." The Indians began Psalms 2:8: "Ask of me, and I shall give thee, the had destroyed the Patuxet people -- a combina-
fighting back, but were no match for the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost tion of slavery, murder by the colonists and dis-
Spaniard conquerors, even though they greatly parts of the earth for thy possession." To justify ease -- was "the Wonderful Preparation of the
outnumbered them. In eight years, Columbus's their use of force to take the land, they cited Lord Jesus Christ by His Providence for His
men murdered more than 100,000 Indians on Romans 13:2: "Whosoever therefore resisteth the People's Abode in the Western World." The
Haiti alone. Overall, dying as slaves in the mines, power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they Pilgrims robbed Wampanoag graves for the food
or directly murdered, or from diseases brought to that resist shall receive to themselves damna- that had been buried with the dead for religious
the Caribbean by the Spaniards, over 3 million tion." reasons. Whenever the Pilgrims realized they
Indian people were murdered between 1494 and The Puritans lived in uneasy truce with were being watched, they shot at the
1508. the Pequot Indians, who occupied what is now Wampanoags, and scalped them. Scalping had
What Columbus did to the Arawaks of southern Connecticut and Rhode Island. But they been unknown among Native Americans in New
the Bahamas and the Taino of the Caribbean, wanted them out of the way; they wanted their England prior to its introduction by the English,
Cortez did to the Aztecs of Mexico, Pizarro to the land. And they seemed to want to establish their who began the practice by offering the heads of
Incas of Peru, and the English settlers of Virginia rule firmly over Connecticut settlers in that area. their enemies and later accepted scalps.
Page 16
Why Hate Thanksgiving (cont')
"What do you think of Western on TV). They were arrested. The shout went out to defeat the growing proletarian insurgency at
Civilization?" Mahatma Gandhi was asked in the to mobilize, and 700 workers stormed the jails, home as well.
1940s. To which Gandhi replied: "Western throwing bricks, hot water, stones. The prisoners Although translators of the Bible were
Civilization? I think it would be a good idea." were freed. A French capitalist's house was burned, its last book, Revelation, became an anti-
And so enters "Civilization," the civilization of trashed. authoritarian manual useful to those who would
Christian Europe, a "civilizing force" that could- Then came the repression: Cannons were turn the Puritan world upside down, such as the
n't have been more threatened by the beautiful fired into the city. Three hundred were impris- Family of Love, the Anabaptists, the Diggers,
anarchy of the Indians they encountered, and so oned, soldiers patrolled the streets, and a procla- Levellers, Ranters, and Thomas Morton, the man
slaughtered them. mation was made that no women were allowed who in 1626 went to Merry Mount in Quincy
These are the Puritans that the Indians to meet together, and that all men should "keep Mass, and with his Indian friends put up the first
"saved", and whom we celebrate in the holiday, their wives in their houses." The prisoners were Maypole in America, in contempt of Puritan rule.
Thanksgiving. Tisquantum, also known as brought through the streets tied in ropes. Some The Puritans destroyed it, exiled him,
Squanto, a member of the Patuxet Indian nation. were children. Eleven sets of gallows were set up plagued the Indians, and hanged gay people and
Samoset, of the Wabonake Indian nation, which throughout the city. Many were hanged. The Quakers. Morton had come over on his own, a
lived in Maine. They went to Puritan villages authorities showed no mercy, but exhibited boat person, an immigrant. So was Anna Lee,
and, having learned to speak English, brought extreme cruelty. who came over a few years later, the Manchester
deer meat and beaver skins for the hungry, cold Thus the dreaded Thanatocracy, the proletarian who founded the communal living,
Pilgrims. Tisquantum stayed with them and regime of death, was inaugurated in answer to gender separated Shakers, who praised God in
helped them survive their first years in their New proletarian riot at the beginning of capitalism. ecstatic dance, and who drove the Puritans up
World. He taught them how to navigate the The May Day riots were caused by expropriation the wall.
waters, fish and cultivate corn and other vegeta- (people having been uprooted from their lands The story of the Maypole as a symbol of
bles. He pointed out poisonous plants and they had used for centuries in common), and by revolt continued. It crossed cultures and contin-
showed how other plants could be used as medi- exploitation (people had no jobs, as the monar- ued through the ages. In the late 1800s, the Sioux
cines. He also negotiated a peace treaty between chy imported capital). Working class women began the Ghost Dance in a circle, "with a large
the Pilgrims and Massasoit, head chief of the organizers and healers who posed an alternative pine tree in the center, which was covered with
Wampanoags, a treaty that gave the Pilgrims to patriarchal capitalism -- were burned at the strips of cloth of various colors, eagle feathers,
everything and the Indians nothing. And even stake as witches. Enclosure, conquest, famine, stuffed birds, claws, and horns, all offerings to
that treaty was soon broken. All this is celebrated war and plague ravaged the people who, in los- the Great Spirit." They didn't call it a Maypole
as the First Thanksgiving. ing their commons, also lost a place to put their and they danced for the unity of all Indians, the
My own feeling? The Indians should Maypole. return of the dead, and the expulsion of the
have let the Pilgrims die. But they couldn't do Suddenly, the Maypole became a symbol invaders on a particular day, the 4th of July, but
that. Their humanity made them assist other of rebellion. In 1550 Parliament ordered the otherwise it might as well have been a Mayday!
human beings in ne Wovoka, a
And for that beautil da Paiute, start-
human, loving conn Expropriated, he
tion they -- and those iis hair. To buy
us who are not Indian rmelon he rode
well -- paid a terri irs to work in the
price: The genocide on hop fields for
the original inhabita wages, exploit-
of Turtle Island, wha he Puget Sound
now America. ns had a new
Let's look at ( on -- they
example of the Puri >ed drinking
values -- which were r ol, became
I repeat, the values of need, and
English working cl hd for five days,
values that we "g ig twitching,
thanks for" on this h( g for their land
day. The example of just like the
Maypole, and Maydax ers! Wovoka took
In 1517, 25 ye )ack to Nevada:
after Columbus fi Indians must
landed in the Baham e, everywhere,
the English worki on dancing."
class staged a ht they were.
revolt. This was de ipine took the
through the guilds. K e across the
Henry VIII brou; .es to the Sioux.
Lombard bankers fr iloud and Sitting
Italy and mercha idvanced the left
from France in order following with
undercut wages, leng ight, hardly lift-
en hours, and break he feet from the
guilds. This alliai ad. The Federal
between internatio: ts banned the
finance, national capi t Dance! They
and military aristocr ed it was a cause
was in the process e last Sioux out-
merging into. the impt ;, just as the
alist nation-state. ans had claimed
The young workers of London took their destruction of Maypoles (just as, during the the Maypole had caused the May Day proletarian
revenge upon the merchants. A secret rumor said Vietnam war, the U.S.-backed junta in Saigon riots, just as the Shakers were dancing people
the commonality -- the vision of communal soci- banned the making of all red cloth, as it was into communality and out of Puritanism.
ety that would counter the rich, the merchants, being sewn into the blue, yellow and red flags of On December 29 1890 the Government
the industrialists, the nobility and the landown- the National Liberation Front). (with Hotchkiss guns throwing 2 pound explo-
ers -- would arise on May Day. The King and In 1664, near the end of the Puritans' war sive shells at 50 a minute -- always developing
Lords got frightened -- householders were against the Pequot Indians, the Puritans in new weapons!) massacred more than 300 men,
armed, a curfew was declared. Two guys didn't England abolished May Day altogether. They had
hear about the curfew (they missed Dan Rather defeated the Indians, and they were attempting Continued on page 22
Page 17
ating Your fe Awa s7
By Lauren Ashley Trankle
Turkey dinners with dressing, cakes and pies, Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans all untreated, can result in amputation. In fact, dia-
bread and butter, onion rings, sweet potatoes, have a higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes), betes is a leading cause of foot amputations in
glazed walnuts, cappuccinos and hot chocolate a family history of Type 2 Diabetes (parents, this country.
with fluffy whipped cream will make anyone's brothers, and sisters), inactive lifestyle or hyper- After reading all of the complications
taste buds tingle. Sweets and treats will leave tension. that Type 2 Diabetes may cause to your body, you
people with even the smallest appetites anticipat- If one is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, may wonder what you can do to lower the risk of
ing seconds. It is rather challenging to turn one's there are many complications the future may complications of diabetes or prevent yourself
back on devilishly delicious buffets. Next time have in store for one's body. Diabetes is a serious from getting Type 2 Diabetes. The best ways to
when your hand is reaching for another helping disease and is life threatening! Over time, dia- lower your risk for diabetes complications are: eat
of food filled with sugar and carbohydrates, betes can damage the blood vessels that supply a balanced diet, be physically active, take medica-
remember this: Type 2 Diabetes is spreading blood to the eye. The condition, called diabetic tions as prescribed by your doctor, stop smoking,
quickly and affecting seventeen million people in retinopathy, is the leading cause of new cases of get regular checkups and keep your scheduled
the United States alone. And of those 17 million, blindness in adults in the United States. In addi- appointments with your health professional. 99%
approximately 90% to 95% have Type 2 Diabetes. *irtn r\t1o -L-1 fomanar__ fiinr diabetes re cissef
Lwithout mr-r a
The harmful foods that tempt you to even have without diabetes, ] management!
firsts may result in a lifetime nightmare. with diabetes are Expanding your knowl-
If you have Type 2 Diabetes, you have likely to develop g edge is your key to self-
insulin deficiency (your body makes too little ma, a disorder that managing your Type 2
insulin) and most likely insulin resistance (your pressure to build up Diabetes. Management of
body doesn't properly use the insulin it makes). eye. This can result i Type 2 Diabetes requires
Amazingly, as many as 92% of the people with tial or complete 14 nutritional counseling,
Type 2 Diabetes have insulin resistance. vision. weight reducation as need-
Normally, insulin is produced by the pancreas Diabetes ma ed, and exercise. When diet
and it serves as the key that unlocks your body's cause kidney dam. and exercise are not
cells to allow glucose in. However, if your cells condition enough, ACTOS may be
are resistant to the effects of insulin, the pancreas nephropathy. In a h used alone or in combina-
will produce more and more in an effort to "force person, the kidney: tion with sulfonylureas,
the lock." But no matter how much insulin is pro- the body filter wastg metformin, or insulin to
duced, your cells still can't use it well. Since the the blood. Howevel improve blood sugar con-
glucose in your blood isn't able to enter the cells, blood glucose level I trol, For more information
those cells begin to run out of energy. Eventually, eventually cause tiny go to:
the pancreas tries and loses its ability to produce blood vessels in the kidneys to become blocked
enough insulin. At that point, glucose is locked and leaky. As a result, the kidneys lose their abil- Next time you feel like slouching on your
out of the cells and getting higher by the minute ity to filter waste from the blood. Blocked blood sofa and spending the day watching television
in your blood. vessels cause harmful waste to stay in the blood, consider your health and well being. It is certain-
If you aren't sure whether you have Type while leaky vessels may cause the loss of many ly not worth the damage to your physical and
2 Diabetes, or if you are at risk for developing proteins and nutrients that should stay in the mental well being. After watching close loved
Type 2 Diabetes, keep in mind that Type 2 blood. ones go through the agony that diabetes causes, it
Diabetes has its own set of risk factors. The fol- Another problem that Type 2 Diabetes really is worth it to watch one's diet and take care
lowing risk factors have been identified by the may cause nerve damage. As many as 70% of peo- of themselves. Diabetes is increasing throughout
American Diabetes Association (ADA): being ple with diabetes have some form of nerve dam- the United States. Don't let yourself become one
overweight (a BMI of 25 kg/m^2 or higher), eth- age, or diabetic neuropathy. In combination with of the statistics!
nic background (African Americans, Asian poor circulation, severe nerve damage, when left

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Page 18
FRA the Unifinn ut re of
. lin. ar .nctle
B Ana Maria Ramirez
" a way we've done ourselves a big the new experimentations with other media. linear lines to create curves not to depict the
favor by picking a name like that, we are allowing When the layout was finally completed, female form, but rather to create still-lifes of wine
ourselves a lot of freedom," Grady Gerbracht said what became most evident is how Fragments bottles and guitars. In Coalescence of Light on
to his students in the Senior Seminar class as they truly was the ideal title. The works can be divid- Guitar and a Bottle and Fragments of the Essence
began to lay out the floor plan of their upcoming ed into the use of strong linear devices opposing of a Guitar and a Bottle, Zepeda creates diffused
exhibit, Fragments. Fragments, starting Tuesday, the softer curvilinear techniques of the others. color atmosphere that becomes the primary sub-
December 9th and ending on the 12th with the The following artists emit this contrast, but their ject matter.
closing reception from 4-7pm, will display the differences are what also bring each work togeth- Brad Calkins brings into the exhibit a
works of these graduating students. er. series of litho-prints of pomegranates. Calkins
Students Maxie Buchanan, Brad Calkins, Ha Na Lee, is another student that makes uses two and three plates to produce a lush, full
Megan Hoffmann, Peter Jauquet, Ha Na Lee, up Fragments with her diptych paintings. In the figure. Autumn colors like sienna, cranberry red
Jacquelyn Lipp, Charles Rivera, Helen Morgan diptychs, as well as other works shown in previ- and dark browns generate a texture that results in
Scott, Melissa Was, Yukito Yoneyama and Juan ous exhibits, Lee displays scenes of urban life the fruit becoming quite sensual and evoking
Luis Zepeda, make up the ARS 490 Senior with bright vibrant colors, capturing the pulsat- characteristics of a forbidden fruit, that when
Seminar class. ing life of the city. However, Lee is seemingly compared with the rest of the female figures, pro-
The studio classroom, 4222, was given to concerned with grids and boundaries, evident duce a vaginal representation.
the members of the course as their own studio with lines that break up her scenes. With these Peter Jauquet uses acrylic to combine
space, where they would have 24-hour access in grids, one can compare her work to Piet mechanical and organic features in his work
order to have place where they can work and fur- Mondrian's New York Boogie Woogie, with the called Structural Study. A diptych piece, both
ther develop their styles and techniques. This use of a grid structure which acts as the container paintings echo the form of the other, both carrying
was, however, after the Art Department had that holds that vitality of every city. rich color palettes.
revoked the previous studio spaces that were nor- In her diptych, Lee uses telephone cables In her black and white images, Megan
mally reserved yearly for senior students and to cut up the landscape giving depth to the piece Hoffmann uses shadow to depict a female break-
turned them into offices. The studio was then by creating both a foreground and background. ing through the darkness behind her and who
given to the students enrolled in the seminar class The telephone cables also give a sense of bound- looks unyielding and fearlessly towards the view-
to replace them. The ultimate goal for the course aries and parameters; one can't seem to go in or er. Framing the central image of the woman are
was to find a space around campus to bring get out. Besides this, Lee distorts the viewers per- vertical images torn on the left side. Both side
together a show for the end of the semester. The spective by displaying an urban view that is images record the glistening light over a stream of
administration building and the library gallery seemingly created in a vertical stance and rotates water.
were the first spaces considered. it to a horizontal view. Coming back to Buchanan, we see her
One of the students in studio class, who Helen Morgan Scott is another painter strong handle on sculpture that is evident in her
was one of the leading forces for bringing togeth- who, with female figures, also plays with per- two works in the show. In Flux, Buchanan joins
er Fragments, was Maxie Buchanan. After the spective. Two female figures are seen in a barren two 8 foot tall, 6x6 pieces of wood with thick
advice of a Stony Brook alumnus, Maxie landscape. Splayed out in the background is the pieces of steel bolted onto each side; the joining of
Buchanan realized that all the time she had been body of a lifeless figure. The scene is set up to both materials produce a ladder-like form, but she
looking for-a space, the best one was right under give the illusion that we have just come across the argues that she doesn't want her piece to be
her feet. Studio 4222, which has housed several minute of the figure's passing. This absence of thought of as a ladder. Perhaps, as the title sug-
student-organized exhibitions, but had fallen into life is accentuated with the pale off-white colors gests, it is an embodiment of the unification of the
hibernation over the last three years. It was soon that describe her body, the parts of which are two mediums.
to be reawakened and again transformed into a touching the floor and are interestingly outlined Her second piece in the exhibit is made
gallery space. "We've had classes for three years in a deep blood red. The red symbolizes both the life-sized and is solely made out of thick steel
in them and done nothing with it and it is just blood and also the draining of the female's own plates. The plates extend outwards at opposing
such an amazing space," Buchanan said. life force. The red is echoed by the mountains in angles like a set of wings at the top. By the mid-
The show was titled Fragments to the background. The other figure sits in the fore- section of the sculpture, the plates pierce through
describe the combination of painting, sculpture, front, clasping her knees and covering her head, each other when they connect to a diamond
photography, lithography and mixed media from in a strong image of grief and mourning. shaped axis until finally reaching the floor. When
the diverse conglomerate of students. "We Jacquelyn Lipp also concentrates on the lightly touched, the wings move from side to side,
named the show Fragments to describe the pieces female form with her works, which use a free- imitating the flight of a bird.
of all our work and work styles all of the different hand brushstroke and free-flowing drip as she Buchanan's pieces bring the whole room
styles and media," Buchanan explained. develops her own style to create these figures in together by combining the rigidity of her linear
Each of the pieces represents the devel- color field backgrounds. The drip creates curves steel and wood with the fluidity of movement.
opments these eleven students have taken that are instinctual and hold no lines.
throughout their undergraduate years, as well as Juan Luis Zepeda, like Lipp, uses curvi-
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Page 20
Video ae Revie-H: The
By Mike Billings
Reckonin g-Rmdempr . : , ;. . </ ......^^^: • .... •
As you sit on your bed with that creepy sass, and a barely legal girl whose hardly-con- appointing as well. The quick and unsatisfying
and overly-excited grin that all serious video tained breasts draw more attention that her 4- conclusion leaves you feeling a liittlebitter, but
game aficionados have developed due .to a lack foot broad sword. you soon realize that the game itself makes up
of interaction with the opposite gender, there are At this point, you're ready to start. If you're a for it.
a few things that become immediately apparent fan of games that are cognitively challenging, Overall, this amalgamation of Gauntlet
at the commencement of this game. Mainly, the emotionally provoking, or otherwise innovative, and Diablo is a fantastic game. Every level and
sheer absurdity that is the driving force for the this is not the game for you. For everyone else, character is stunningly designed, and the sound-
game as a whole makes the entire experience a there are few things in life that compare to the track only amplifies the dark tone of the game. If
worthwhile escape from a society that frowns on simple pleasures of individually murdering you have an X-Box, you need to be playing
wandering the streets in leather chaps while car- upwards of 3000 undead creatures. This seems Hunter: The Reckoning-Redeemer. If you don't
rying a battle-ax. Beginning with the story, like it would get boring and repetitive at first have an X-Box, find someone who does, pretend
Hunter: The Reckoning-Redeemer sets the stage glance, but that turns out not to be the case. In to be their friend, and convince them to let you
for days of mindless fun. fact, you end up paying such unnecessarily play this game. You won't regret it.
The story begins in Ashcroft, a century meticulous attention to thea evisceration of each
old prison where countless acts of torture, atroc- creature that the game temporarily pE
ities, and wrongful deaths have taken place. In meates all aspects of your life. You start
accordance with video game logic, those tor- imagine how easy it would be to sli
mented souls have come back from the dead in your way through the morning crowd
zombie form and are now roaming the streets. the Union Deli if you only had access tc
Now, an evil corporation is plotting to turn the katana blade. You lie in bed while tryil
general populace into the same aforementioned to ignore the images of a teenager blastil
zombies. This is where you come in. a demon with a flare gun that have be
You choose from one of five hunters, or scorched onto your retina. And yes, ye
people with various powers and weaponry fit for will dream about it.
slaughtering the undead. The greatest aspect of Despite this, there are some neg
this idea is that the developers of the game cov- tives. The story could have been flesh(
ered as many ridiculous stereotypes as possible. out a little more, and the game itself
You choose from a miniscule Japanese rave girl, over before you really get a chance
a seven-foot homoerotic biker, an Hispanic appreciate how it has affected your li:
priest, a black female cop with just a pinch of On top of this, the ending was pretty dis-I Courtesy of Microsoft.

page d1
...... Why IHate Thanksgiving
Continued from page 17 the name of privatization of property and the lust "Gathered in this place of meeting they
women and children at Wounded Knee. As in the for gold and labor. were attacked by mercenaries and Dutch and
Waco holocaust, or the bombing of MOVE in Yes, I am an American. But I am an English. The Indians were ordered from the
Philadelphia, the State disclaimed responsibility. American in revolt. I am revolted by the holiday building and as they came forth they were shot
The Bureau of Ethnology sent out James Mooney known as Thanksgiving. I have been accused of down. The rest were burned alive in the build-
to investigate. Amid Janet Reno-like tears, he wanting to go backwards in time, of being ing," he said.
wrote: "The Indians were responsible for the against progress. To those charges, I plead guilty. Newell based his research on studies of
engagement." I want to go back in time to when people lived Holland Documents and the 13 volume Colonial
In 1970, the town of Plymouth Rock, communally, before the colonists' Christian god Documentary History, both thick sets of letters
Massachusetts held, as it does each year, a was brought to these shores to sanctify their ter- and reports from colonial officials to their superi-
Thanksgiving Ceremony given by the townspeo- rorism, their slavery, their hatred of children, ors and the king in England, and the private
ple. There are many speeches for the crowds who their oppression of women, their holocausts. But papers of Sir William Johnson, British Indian
attend. That year -- the year of Nixon's secret that is impossible. So all I look forward to the agent for the New York colony for 30 years in the
invasion of Cambodia; the year 4 students were utter destruction of the apparatus of death mid-1600s.
massacred at Kent State and 13 wounded for known as Amerika -- not the people, not the "My research is authentic because it is
opposing the war; the year they tried to electro- beautiful land, but the machinery, the State, the documentary," Newell said. "You can't get any-
cute Black Panthers Bobby Seale and Erica capitalism, the Christianity and all that it stands thing more accurate than that because it is first
Huggins -- the Massachusetts Department of for. I look forward to a future where I will have hand. It is not hearsay."
Commerce asked the Wampanoag Indians to children with Amerika, and ... they will be the Newell said the next 100 Thanksgivings
select a speaker to mark the 350th anniversary of new Indians. commemorated the killing of the Indians at what
the Pilgrims' arrival, and the first Thanksgiving. In memorium. Lest we forget. The First is now Groton, Ct. [home of a nuclear submarine
Frank James, who is a Wampanoag, was Thanksgiving From the Community Endeavor base] rather than a celebration with them. He
selected. But before he was allowed to speak he News, November, 1995, as reprinted in Healing said the image of Indians and Pilgrims sitting
was told to show a copy of his speech to the Global Wounds, Fall, 1996 around a large table to celebrate Thanksgiving
white people in charge of the ceremony. When The first official Thanksgiving wasn't a Day was "fictitious" although Indians did share
they saw what he had written, they would not festive gathering of Indians and Pilgrims, but food with the first settlers.
allow him to read it. rather a celebration of the massacre of 700 Pequot Mitchel Cohen is co-editor of "Green
First, the genocide. Then, the suppres- men, women and children, an anthropologist Politix", the national newspaper of the
sion of all discussion about it. says. Due to age and illness his voice cracks as he Greens/Green Party USA,,
What do Indian people find to be talks about the holiday, but William B. Newell, and organizes with the NoSpray Coalition,
Thankful for in this America? What does anyone 84, talks with force as he discusses Thanksgiving. and the Brooklyn Greens.
have to be Thankful for in the genocide of the Newell, a Penobscot, has degrees from two uni-
Indians, that this "holyday" commemorates? As versities, and was the former chairman of the
we sit with our families on Thanksgiving, taking anthropology department at the University of
any opportunity we can to get out of work or off Connecticut.
the streets and be in a warm place with people "Thanksgiving Day was first officially
we love, we realize that all the things we have to proclaimed by the Governor of the
be thankful for have nothing at all to do with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1637 to commemo-
Pilgrims, nothing at all to do with Amerikan his- rate the massacre of 700 men, women and chil-
tory, and everything to do with the alternative, dren who were celebrating their annual green
anarcho-communist lives the Indian peoples led, corn dance-Thanksgiving Day to them-in their
before they were massacred by the colonists, in own house," Newell said.

.. of Ball Room in the SAC
By David K. Ginn
It seems that due to some unique plan- ing" project. I suppose that many people associate the
ning there is a considerable amount of ball room Perhaps I can ask the USG to hold my SAC with simple fun and games. I'm all for that
in the SAC. I took it upon myself to find out balls for me while the other people continue to too, mind you, but perhaps there's something
what kind of balls were in the SAC and exactly work on the Wang. This seems like a perfect else we're overlooking. As much as we'd like to
who was holding them. idea. This sort of cultural phenomenon calls for play with the SAC we must realize that there are
It turns out that holding balls in the SAC immediate group action. I'm all for that. always balls that need to be held. This is becom-
is a perfect way to get people together for a com- But if they don't find some new tech- ing increasingly evident throughout the campus.
mon cause. Many events have taken place in one nique in handling the Wang , there's a strong Just look around. Everyone has balls they'd like
of the two ballrooms since their installation. possibility that much of the attention is going to to be held, but no one speaks out. Maybe with
Upon investigation, I learned that the be drawn away from it. It could become forgot- the erection of the Wang people will start to real-
unique nature of the SAC had some relation to ten, unused, and even limp. There are many ize the importance of the SAC. This would be a
the recently-erected Wang center. Indeed, any- techniques that those working on the Wang can phenomenal breakthrough in the dying tradition
one interested in holding balls in the SAC would try, but even I understand that a new technique that seems to have neared its end here on cam-
probably want to hold something in the Wang as might only make it harder than it already is. And pus.
well. The Wang is big, and if you've ever been up the Wang is hard enough now. There's no need If there's anyone who's interested in
close you'd know that it's fancy. But hey, it's like for added pressure. holding balls, whether it be in the SAC or else-
I always say: A fancy Wang yields fancy balls. But I still believe that a good way to where, please take the time now to learn about
I was considering having a ball or two make the Wang stronger is to make a strong con- how you can hold the best set of balls this cam-
myself this semester, possibly as part of a show nection between the erected structure and all the pus has ever seen. Not ready to fiddle with the
or some other project I'll be working on. The balls that are in the SAC. I love balls, as I'm sure balls yet? No problem. Just go to the Wang and
problem is that I'll probably be too busy to attend almost everyone else does. Well, maybe not most see if there's any action you can take there. Let's
every event. . This shouldn't be a problem, of the guys, but definitely the ladies. Part of a face it: we all knew the Wang was coming, but
though. There's plenty of people on campus who good campus date should always involve going when it did we all turned our faces. I think it's
love to hold balls. down to the balls, and maybe now the girls might about time we swallowed it whole and at last
One thing that disappoints me about consider a good time with the Wang, too. turned it to our advantage.
these campus attractions is the mysterious nature A big problem that I have concerns the Not sure how to get started with that?
of the Wang. If you think about it, the Wang has- lack of events taking place in the ballroom lately. Well, if there's anyone who's afraid they might
n't seen much action since its erection recently. It The SAC can hold up to two balls, but most of the choke on the pressure of the Wang, there's
makes you wonder if the people in charge really time there's only one, if any at all. The SAC. always the SAC to look at. Remember: the more
have a firm grasp on the Wang. But I'm pretty should always have two balls, no matter what. balls we have in the ballroom, the better off we
sure there'll be people'helping out to make sure We need to start speaking out to people so that are.
the Wang maintains its status as an "up and com- we can have a steady flow of balls in the SAC.
Page 22
A0.·l·,--i- Uww" Am

... ···- · · (S)Elf Cenfterd- __I I ;r L~L

By Gregory Aiello
So the choices this week were The Cat in This movie is mildly funny at best. alongside the dancing Will Ferrell would make
the Hat, Elf, Looney Toons, and Gothika. So the Mildly funny due to a midget, a kid getting Elf that much better.
choices were really Elf and The Cat in the Hat. pegged in the face with a snowball, and a few Oh, and the Santa in the movie was
Though choice. Realistically, it means seeing the animated North Pole natives. Will Ferrell drunk form start to finish. In the beginning he's
self centered, ego driven, not funny at all Mike parades around in the middle acting like a child a slow and edgy drunk and his mind doesn't
Myers play six or seven parts in the same movie and, as always, brings the comedic plot absolute- catch onto the fact that there's a moose of a baby
and speak like an idiot, or the two bit routine ly nowhere. Elf is more like a Saturday Night in his toy bag. At the end, he's a drunk driver,
Will Ferrell does with one of his... two bits. I Live sketch that has gone on for too long. About and I think he shared a little of the hooch with his
should have skipped the movies this week. I 45 minutes too long to be exact. Yes indeed, they magical reindeer. And why not? Will Ferrell gets
chose Elf. could have ended that entire movie within 30 himself drunk too so why not Santa and the rein-
It had a lot of good reviews. A lot. Cute, minutes or less and gotten the same thing accom- deer? Safe flying? Who cares! Throw safety out
funny, hilarious, charming, and all that. What plished. the window and lets crash into shit! Santa was a
movie did they see? The reviews are misleading. Or perhaps it should have been kept as a reckless S.O.B., too holiday-impotent to get his
Surprise, surprise the critics are wrong again. I SNL skit. Oh wait, good ol' Will left that show own sled off the ground!
suggest that all of you die-hard Will Ferrell fans years ago to pressure his "movie career" (and I I have an idea. Let's all get drunk to the point
stop reading now because none of the following stress the quotation). Great job, Will. People that we've passed out on the tile floor of the bath-
will be in any way pleasing to you. should know that if it was an SNL skit, it would room and forget to spend money on this movie
As a rule, Will Ferrell's routine comes in have been better than the movie you shit out into because it's simply not worth it!
two forms. 1) Man acting like a kid and doing theaters. It could have been short and sweet and
silly things. 2) Man acting like a kid, gets drunk, to the point. There would even be a celebrity! If
and doing silly things. Same shit, different it features some mainstream actor or musician or
movie. Elf was no exception to this rule and this athlete, who cares if they can act? Just having
time he even covers both grounds. someone less stiff than a morningv boner to IplavJ


Night Arrow and.Time LinesadTOh

-- c----------------
--·-- --
Mi! 1J,
By Gregory Aiello
What exactly is a night arrow? An arrow You know .
of the night? A night of the arrow? A fuckaroo wrote this sci
or a fuckaree? Good question. According to the play? Jeff Mag
movie Timeline, they are a secret weapon, so is his name. Y
"shhhhhhhh!" Apparently, after thousands of same guy i
years of warfare, the night arrow is still a well- wrote the sci
kept secret, but I'll tell you what they are if you play for three o
promise not to leak the information to the movies that suc
French. It's a regular arrow used at night when something fie
no one can see them fly! Isn't that just amazing? Ridiculous!
Does it blow your mind? The French had no should have d
clue, so remember, it's our secret. more research
Timeline sucked. Plain and simple. DO this movie befc
NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. Night arrows are just committed to ge
one idiotic example of that fact. Come on peo- to see it. Wast
ple, night arrows?! Did they have a fucking time, effort, ar
cloaking device? Were they painted black with want a refund
stars on them? It's just a freakin' arrow! all the brain (
Some of you readers might have read the book, that V
Timeline. Well, I'll tell you that the only thing destroyed du
the movie and the book have in common is the the 116 minut
title. In fact, the book wasn't even that great. sat for it. Ther
The movie was so bad that it makes the book no redeeming c
look like it's about brain surgery. I didn't think ities about
a movie could be as idiotic as that, but I was movie. Not a d
wrong. Then again, what was I expecting? My one. Any critic
fortune cookie said, "It never rains every day," says otherwis
maybe that's why I went. I couldn't possibly see either lying or
two shitty movies in one week. Right? ing something.
I do believe the director was either a this case,
monkey or a flaming ant. That's got to be an would be sel
explanation for this movie sucking so hardcore. 2003's most
They claim it was directed by Richard Donner, cious movie.
the same man who directed the entire Lethal Wo r
Weapon series! I don't think so! Then again, all movie ever.
the blame couldn't land just on him. The actors
blew just as hard. Perhaps harder. Paul Walker,
yeah your buddy from the Fast and Furious fail-
ures, SUCKS! I think he could definitely stamp a
marker of "not gonna make it real far" on his
resume because of this. Not like it wasn't clear
already from his 19 pieces of shit movie history.
By the way, his co-stars suck just as hard.
By Jackie Hayes
USG Budgpt Released
The USG budget was finally released on and procedures, only his personal discretion. It is $6,000 for advertising. Also Specula, SB's year-
Thursday, December 4 to Senate members (and also confusing that he refers to a "budget com- book, received an enormous budget of $66,500,
will be formally released on Tuesday December 9 mittee" in the Foot Notes when multiple USG higher than any other media group, including
to all students) after much anticipation. The reps have already admitted there was no budget SBU-TV. According to Michelle Morris since
budget, along with its attached footnotes, reflects committee helping Clayton draft the budget. Specula receives a referendum budget and USG-
the plan for USG's $2.3 million spending for the Another point of question is the media cannot touch budgets voted on by students. Yet
2003-04 academic year. Many details are still referendum, which is the first item on the second this didn't stop USG from freezing SBVAC's ref-
unclear and will hopefully be answered in the page and is one point of dispute amongst USG erendum budget or "reallocating" SB Press'
few weeks remaining before the semester's end. reps and SB Press staff. As a SB Press member apparent referendum budget.
Just as a point of information, the USG and previous treasurer of the Press, I don't Note 19 on the Foot Notes is also slightly
Budget details three fiscal years 2001-02, 2002-03, remember at any time voting or knowing a media disconcerting. It allocates $4,000 to the
and 2003-04, in order to show budget changes in referendum existed, although the USG treasurer President's Discretionary fund "in the event of
comparison with previous years. There are two claims most media groups receive a double refer- emergency spending or spending that would
types of budgets a club, program, or service can endum (individual and media). The media refer- come as a result of the President's directive."
receive, a referendum budget or a line budget. A endum on the budget does not have an account This new addition to the budget gives the presi-
line budget is a budget guaranteed each year by number to the left of it, as opposed to every other dent the power to spend money without council
USG after a club has made a formal budget pro- item on the budget. This either means this is a approval. This translates to giving USG
posal to USG and the Senate has approved their typo or it means it is not currently in an account, President, Sandy Curtis, $4,000 of student money
proposal. A referendum budget is voted on by which would be a cause for concern, since $29,075 at her disposal, with the only check being after
the students every three years. Clubs rotate has not yet been distributed. I informally brought the fact. This was also brought up in the
which year they go up for referendum and can this question up in a USG Executive Council Executive Council meeting, USG reps claimed
propose to ask for more money when it is their meeting on December 5 and Michelle Morris, Vice that this was NOT a new addition, Clayton was
turn for referendum. For example, if one group is President of Clubs and Organizations, comment- just clearly specifying an account which had pre-
currently receiving .25 of every student's activity ed that Student Accounting has not assigned the viously existed in an attempt to clarify vagaries of
fee they can propose to ask for another .25 or account a number yet, but assured me that it was the past. Yet my concern lied in the fact that it
more when they go up for referendum. The in a designated account. Yet how come an existed, not in the length of its existence.
budgets are divided up under 12 main headings account, which has supposedly been around for a On top of previously stated confusion,
depending on their content; for example, SB Press long time, has no assigned account number? And Senate Projects costing $600, and Stipends receiv-
is under the "Media" heading. There are nine how come the Interim Treasurer had no knowl- ing $52,000 also raise a multitude of questions.
columns after the club's name the first is the edge of the account number since he is the one Again, these are only questions and none of these
club's budget for the 2001-02 fiscal year. The sec- claiming the media referendum exists? questions have been formally brought before USG
ond through fifth are a breakdown of the 2002-03 The Statesman's share of the budget is to clarify. If you, too, have questions about the
fiscal year detailing funds from either referendum also confusing. They have a different relationship budget you can bring them either before the USG
or line budgets. The sixth through ninth are a with USG than all other media groups because Senate (meetings every Tuesday at 8pm in SAC
breakdown of the 2003-04 fiscal year. they are a separate corporation, generating the ballroom B), the USG Executive Council (meet-
The budget was drafted, as stated in the majority of their budget from advertising. Yet ings every Wednesday and Friday at 1pm on the
right hand corner of each page, by Clayton M. they receive a portion of the media referendum third floor of the SAC), or you can ask Clayton
John, current, appointed Vice Treasurer of USG bringing their total to $30,475 and on the last page himself (his office is on the second floor of the
and previous, appointed Treasurer. The "Foot of the budget they are given an additional $6,000 SAC in the USG suite).
Notes for FY 03-04 Budget" seem confusing since for "advertising." It is unclear why they would
they don't seem to reflect any concrete.policies be the sole media group to get an additional

SG Thinkin dentt Consolidatin

Asian tAbo rganizatio
By Sam Goldman
The Undergraduate Student Government has thousand at CASB's Asian Night program alone. -Korean American Student Association (KASA):
been considering taking the various Asian student What bothered Chao, more than anything, is the $4,583.33
organizations and forcing them to consolidate way the Undergraduate Student Government -Philippine United Students Association (PUSO):
into a single pan-Asian organization that would relayed the news to them. In a development that $5,083.33
command the combined budgets of all Asian seems to sound somewhat familiar, they simply -Vietnamese Students Association (VSA):
organizations, according to two important leaders didn't inform them of any such plans. Chao $2,083.33
of Asian student organizations. reports that he heard the news from an Asian -Based on these numbers, it can be figured that a
The various Asian organizations have cried foul, Students Alliance ex-president in the first week of consolidated pan-Asian organization would have
stating that the various ethnicities and missions of November. "We're not happy with how the gov- a budget of approximately $38,000. This number
the different groups make their consolidation a ernment went about it; the passing of information does not include the Asian-American E-Zine,
terrible idea. "Every Asian club's credo is so dif- was nonexistent", he says. "None of the Asian Dunk Duk Koong Yee, the Hong Kong
ferent", according to the Chinese Association at presidents knew." When the petition was brought Association, or the Taiwanese Student
Stony Brook's Vice President, Steven Chao, that it to USG offices, Chao reports that they declined Association; these clubs are receiving funding
would be impossible to represent them all fully in comment, while Na states that USG told the E- from the Special Services Council this year.
a new Asian super organization. Zine that the consolidation plan was just a However, most of these organizations would
Chao does not believe USG had an ulterior motive thought, and that no definitive steps to combine most likely also be folded into the new super
for this. "We don't feel that it's a blatant act the Asian organizations were taken in any direc- group.
against Asian cultural clubs, but we can't under- tion. In addition, some organizations, like CASB, fund
stand why this is happening." The Asian- The USG list of clubs and organizations, dated various events, like Asian night, where money is
American E-Zine's News Editor, Leo Na, howev- September 3rd, 2003, lists eleven various Asian collected in an attempt to recoup costs. According
er, struck a much harsher tone. "They don't student organizations, including the Asian- to Chao, the money raised from these events goes
understand...they probably think Chinese people American E-Zine, which are recognized by USG. back into the club's Transfers & Allocations
are the same as Korean people. That's racist." According to a draft of USG's 2003-2004 budget account.
In response to this threat, the various Asian compiled by Vice Treasurer Clayton John, the fol- In an interview, USG Interim Administrative
organizations have mobilized to combat this. lowing clubs received USG monies from a line Director Santo Albano stated that the idea was
According to Na, the organizations have banded budget or USG referendum, or a combination indeed briefly discussed but it is being scrapped.
together to create a petition protesting the ban. thereof: According to Albano, there are no plans to con-
Among the signatures taken, says Na, are those of -Asian Students Alliance (ASA): $5,583.33 solidate the various Asian organizations now or
every Executive Board member of every single -Chinese Association at Stony Brook (CASB): in the future.
Asian student organization, including the E-Zine. $10,583.33
According to Chao, the petition also includes well -South Asian Students Alliance (SASA): $4,283.33
over a thousand other signatures, including a -Japanese Students Society: $5,583.33

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Grek Life

By Lauren Ashley Trankle

Devotion, loyalty, leadership, unity, and ories will be developed through social interac- pledge schedule.
life long friendships are all components of Greek tion. Greek organizations provide the chance for Many individuals question the possibili-
life. There are a variety of Fraternities and you to make new friends and enjoy yourself. ty of encountering hazing during the pledge
Sororities offered on the Stony Brook campus for Examples of activities include chapter retreats, process. Hazing is defined as any action taken
the student body. During Rush Week, which fraternity/sorority exchanges, all-Greek events, which produces bodily harm or danger, mental or
takes place at the beginning of the Fall and Spring formal dances, uncountable parties, winter and physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment,
semesters, students have the opportunity to learn spring break trips, and Homecoming. fright, or ridicule. Once a common tradition, haz-
about the diverse Fraternities and Sororities on The most important thing for someone to ing has been banned by all national fraternal
campus. Several students turn to Greek life in do before pledging a fraternity or sorority is organizations and institutions of higher educa-
hope of finding a group of people with whom research the organization that most interests you. tion.
they feel comfortable and an organization that It would be devastating to join a brotherhood or A recent article in a Buffalo newspaper,
allows them to get involved in a mixture of activ- sisterhood that completely contradicts your inter- entitled "Hazing Ritual Suspected in Fatal Crash"
ities, ranging from community service to campus ests and overall college goals. Whether you join a by Kate McCann, made it clear that hazing still
fun. large or small chapter, a culture-based group or a takes place at numerous universities. Kelly
Memberships in Greek organizations general fraternity or sorority, a newly formed Nester, 20, died after she was thrown from a sport
offer students many opportunities to develop chapter or one that has been around for fifty utility vehicle that was packed with 10 other col-
their leadership potential. Greek organizations years, is simply a matter of personal preference. lege women when the vehicle slid off a wet road
not only provide training in the principles of Each organization has its own advantages. during an unsanctioned sorority hazing ritual.
leadership, they are laboratories in which these Selecting a fraternity or sorority bout six of the passengers from
principles can be tested. Each member is actively like choosing friends. Pick a grot lymouth State University were
involved in the decision-making process, teach- with which you feel most comfo: .indfolded at the time of the crash.
ing and encouraging students to utilize their able. Once you join, there is i he blindfolded girls were pledging
leadership talents in the chapters and on campus. turning back! >r a place in the Sigma Kappa
Greeks are leaders in many major campus organ- There are numerous ben )megasorority.
izations, ranging from Student Government to fits that Greek life provides; howe Like most other extra-curricular
Media Leadership. er, Greek membership can certain :tivities, how much you get out of
For many individuals, the most impor- leave a hole in your piggy bar our Greek membership is related to
tant component of Greek life is the lifelong friend- You certainly should, consider t] ow much you put in. On average,
ships. The fact that members call themselves "sis- costs of Greek life when plannih cpect to contribute four hours per
ter" and "brother" demonstrates the sense of fam- your personal budget. The cost reek for meetings and mandatory
ily that the groups provide. In this often-over- live in an on-campus residence ha :tivities. Optional activities such as
whelming university environment, Greek women with meal plan (varies accoraing to eating com- noiamg an ornce, attendimg social events, playing
and men find that a sorority or fraternity offers a pensation) is about $3250 per semester. Dues are on an intramural sports team, or helping out with
place to be comfortable and feel at home. to be paid at the beginning of each semester. The various projects will of course take additional
Contrary to the typical myth that frater- amount of money that is due changes from time. With good time management, your Greek
nities and sororities are all about partying, a semester to semester; this can cause anyone a activities will easily fit into your weekly schedule
major goal of Greek life is to encourage and assist headache when living on a tight college budget. and allow plenty of time for classes, studying,
members in attaining their academic potential. Besides the excessive amount of money work, and participation in other campus activi-
Each Greek organization offers academic support Greek membership costs, membership indoctri- ties.
programs including national and local scholar- nation process is another factor you should keep Many students swear that Greek life is
ships and grants, incentives and awards, study in mind before pledging for a fraternity or sorori- the best part of their college experience, while
skills workshops, tutoring programs, established ty. Most organizations require their members to other students never think twice about pledging a
study sessions, and grade-point requirements. complete a probationary period, sometimes called fraternity or sorority. Greek life is not for every-
One of the benefits of Greek life is the "pledging" prior to initiation for the purpose of one! Fraternities and sororities cannot promise
connections beyond Stony Brook. Greek organi- orientation and member development. During you happiness or success in your future. Yes, you
zations maintain alumni relations programs that this time you'll learn the history, traditions, and will have a network of alumni connections and
offer possibilities for career networking and men- operating procedures of the organization and par- lifelong friendships. However, there are numer-
toring. Many groups have active alumni and ticipate in activities to get to know the members ous internships available for students not part of
graduate chapters providing opportunities for better. The duration of the new member period Greek organizations and there are several clubs
continued involvement. This is a key factor that varies from four weeks to an entire semester. and organizations on campus that will allow you
encourages many people to join a fraternity or While you pledge you also have to juggle your to interact with various individuals. Just remem-
sorority. school work, job, family life, and prior obliga- ber: once you are a "brother", or a "sister", you
Social and recreational involvement can- tions. It does not matter what is going on in your have made a life long commitment!
not be escaped if you are involved in a Greek life, when you begin the pledge process you are
organization. Many of your fondest college mem- then committed to the fraternity or sorority

Page 26
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Death Zone

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