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Issues with an impact


Holding on to dear life
Know how the typical
Atenean should deal
with suicide.

Suicide by numbers
How affected is every-
one by it?

A student talks about
what she could have
done to help her friend
from ending his life.

The need for sexual

For some, being sexu-
ally liberated may be
about having an active

“Technological lag”
sex life and getting to
talk about it.


COVER PHOTO BY jason c. mariposa

Technologically sound?
artwork by Ellix L. Salvadora
Do the Ateneo’s technological resources have what it takes to
give students an edge?

by Genevieve P. Bueta and into their curricula. Unlike don’t work well. “I’ve noticed He also says that some
Myron T. Dela Paz other commercial programs, that recently, the computers computers do not have a
it allows its programmers and have Open Office installed sound card where he can plug

n an era when Pow- users to learn and improve rather than Microsoft Office. his earphones.
erPoint presentations the code easily. Open Office is supposed to When these things hap-
have replaced manila Though the Ateneo is one load faster than Microsoft pen, he usually resorts to
paper-written reports and of the schools with OSS, stu- but instead, it makes the watching the videos with-
the Internet has won over dents like Gamaliel Clamor computers hang.” out any sound or sleeping
encyclopedias, it can be dif- (I BS CoE) are not satisfied Clamor, who often uses in the laboratory instead.
ficult for the typical Atenean with its technological re- the computers at CTC 112, Says Clamor, students like that some computers contain design. “The Ateneo started
to go to school without using sources. “[I] had to wait for says that these instances him sometimes go there to virus. out with the Americans…
its computers, LCD projec- the [computer] programs to don’t prevent him that much enjoy the cold temperature With many students us- and when it [Rizal Library]
tors, and other technological load,” he says. “Sometimes, from watching videos on You and sleep. “[The computer ing the RSF’s computers, was built and designed, it
resources. the monitor shuts down by Tube or reading the latest laboratory] turned into a Cajucom has no choice but was intended for 110 [volts],”
These resources play an itself.” news on the Philippine Daily mini-library,” he says, re- to make do with the units he says.
important role in a student’s What then is the school Inquirer site. That doesn’t ferring to CTC 112, where she gets. “It really sucks
academic life. In his essay, doing to provide and improve mean, however, that he is students sometimes rest for when you really have to do Freeze to clean
“Can Technology Help Teach on its hardware equipment? fully content with the com- a while after an hours’ worth something and all that are Not all is lost, however, for
for Understanding?” Tufts left are non-functioning some of the school’s withering
University Research Pro- Unit breakdowns computers.” resources.
fessor Raymond Nickerson In the Ateneo, there are And with the growing According to the UPP’s
says, “Technology… opens 240 open access computers “It really sucks when you really number of students bringing Computer and Audio-Visual
up new possibilities for the found in the Rizal Student their own laptops, a shortage Section Head Gerry Laroza,
development of instructional Foyer (RSF), PLDT-Conver- have something to do and all of sockets has also become an students should approach
materials through which gent Technologies Center issue, especially in the Rizal the computer technicians,
understanding might be en- (CTC) 101 and 112, Matteo that are left are non-functioning Library. who will replace the defec-
hanced.” This is despite its
trend of providing people with
Ricci Hall, and the Rizal
Library. computers.” Says Katrina Paras (IV
BS LM) in a mix of Filipino
tive parts.
The school also purchased
resources that they might Isobelle Yambao (IV AB and English, “Most of the 40 LCD screens to replace its
find difficult to understand. Comm), who often frequents Albeth Cajucom time, I don’t get to plug [in discolored computer screens.
With this thinking, schools the computer laboratories the library] because there’s According to him, LCDs con-
in the Philippines are geared and Rizal Library during no free outlet.” She also says sume less electricity and are
towards providing more her breaks, says that she puters he uses. of studying. that there are plugs that cheaper to repair than the
technological resources than encounters computers which “Some computers don’t Meanwhile, Albeth Ca- she can’t use either because old cathode ray tube (CRT)
before. According to the Na- don’t work well. She also sees have the Mozilla Firefox jucom (I BS Bio) finds these they don’t work or aren’t big screens, which most of the
tional Computer Center of the computers sans mouse or key- browser,” he says in Filipino. deficiencies a hassle. Caju- enough to accommodate her school’s computers are cur-
Philippines, universities like boards with missing keys. “Videos don’t work well with com, who frequents the RSF laptop’s plug. rently equipped with.
the University of the Philip- She also says that, de- other browsers, so I had to to check her e-mail, says that University Physical Plant Besides fixing the LCDs,
pines and Mapua Institute of spite the different software download a flash player. But, dialogue boxes keep popping (UPP) Director Leoncio Laroza says that all computer
Technology have integrated installed in some of the the computer wouldn’t allow on some of the computer Miralao Jr., attributes this
open source software (OSS) school’s computers, they still me to install it.” screens. She also observes problem to the library’s old CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
The GU
2 November 2008 inq

With the recent Ateneo suicides and the rising global suicide rate, how is the school coping?
by Katerina D. Francisco and university. According to the include jumping from a height, during her high school senior depression.” ditionally high suicide rates
Kathrine A. Larcia World Health Organization exsanguination (slitting the year. She threw herself over As defined by WHO, de- among the male elderly (about
(WHO), global suicide rates arteries), suffocation, electric objects with hard surfaces. pression is a common mental 52 deaths per 100,000 for

abriella*, like other have increased by 60% in the shock, and carbon monoxide She also didn’t eat so she disorder characterized by white males). Liwag believes
college students, deals past 45 years. Adolescent sui- poisoning. In the late 1990s, would have to get sick and, a “depressed mood, loss of that this is because the youth’s
with academic stress, cides have prompted concern firearms accounted for most thus, wouldn’t have to go to interest or pleasure, feelings coping and problem-solving
family problems, and financial from many school officials youth suicides, followed by school. of guilt or low self-worth, skills are not yet fully devel-
difficulties. She, however, has worldwide. hanging. By 2004, death by “My [friends] left me disturbed sleep or appetite, oped. In dealing with the same
a different way of dealing With cases of student hanging became the most because of a guy,” she says. low energy, and poor concen- problems that an older person
with them. suicide on the rise, the typi- common method because of Liked by a boy that a friend tration.” might face, the younger one
“I locked the door to my cal Atenean is just as at risk its accessibility. was attracted to, Demi found When left untreated, it might not see other options
room and took the key with as any university student in herself shunned by her entire can claim about 850,000 lives in solving them.
me inside. I tied a rope around the world. Tormented soul “When experiencing deep
my neck,” she says. For Gabriella, it is only pain, the young person might
“This was my first suicide Gender-specific normal that when one is tor- “But, if you can’t find something think that the only way to end
attempt, back in grade five.”
Gabriella is just one of
According to WHO’s Sep-
tember 2008 bulletin, suicide
mented by pain, one would
want it to end. “If you can’t to stop the pain, that’s when you that pain is to end [the] life
that bears this pain.”
the many young people who
consider suicide the solution
methods vary according to
gender. Men often use more
find something to stop the
pain, that’s when you realize realize [that] the only way to stop Stress isn’t always the cause
to their problems.
In the first semester of this
lethal forms of committing
suicide, such as the use of
[that] the only way to stop
the torment is to finish off the
the torment is to finish off the Changes in lifestyle over
the years may have also
school year alone, the Ateneo
itself has grieved over three
firearms and hanging. Mean-
while, women prefer methods
tormented soul.”
She recounts how her rela-
tormented soul.” contributed to the increase
in suicide cases. With their
suicides, including one by a
law school graduate. But the
like poisoning by pesticide or
drugs and drowning.
tives have always seen her as
a “strange monstrosity” who Gabriella* fast-paced lifestyles, many
young people could be over-
problem is not unique to this Other methods of suicide can’t do anything right. They whelmed with the burden
would always tell her to be- class. What hurt her, she says, through suicide every year. of possibilities. “The lives of
have in a certain way and be was that she wasn’t given a According to Reuters, it is the young persons today [are]
a different person altogether. chance to explain herself. leading cause of suicide among probably [a] very far [cry] from
But what drove her to the “Being friendless was ab- young people worldwide. the lives of young persons in
edge were comparisons her solutely the last way I wanted Not all cases of suicide, the past,” Liwag says. “There
relatives made of Gabriella to spend my last year of high however, are caused by a psy- are many choices. There are
and her best friend. Unlike school. It was so horrible chological disorder. According more expectations and more
Gabriella, her best friend was and my mom wouldn’t let me to Liwag, the decision to stop pressure.”
an honor student often praised transfer schools. I wanted to living consists of many other One of these challenges
for her good grades and nice die so badly.” complex factors. is academic stress. According
personality. “When placed “We cannot assume that to Ateneo PEERS President
next to me, [she] shone like the Emotional turmoil when a person commits sui- Ella Casas (IV BS CTM),
Virgin Mary,” she says. “[My According to Psychology cide, it was because he was managing academics and
relatives] would always tell Department Associate Profes- mentally ill or emotionally extra-curricular activities is
me, why can’t you be like her?” sor Emma Liwag, Ph.D., many disordered,” she says. “There a common problem among
Being constantly compared cases of suicide are linked to are people with full rational Ateneans.
with other more successful individuals suffering from faculties [who] still make the PEERS, which offers peer
people led her to begin her emotional disorder. “Suicide decision to end their lives.” coaching and counseling
series of suicide attempts. is something that has been According to WHO, young services, often encounters
Suicidal ideation. With the stress that students face, some of them may Though Demi* didn’t at- associated with certain very people are now at the highest students who doubt if they
be driven enough to commit suicide. tempt to commit suicide, she deep-seated emotional or risk of suicide in a third of all are on the right career track.
Photo by EAN L. DACAY deliberately injured herself mental problems, specifically countries, surpassing the tra- “As students, most of the prob-

TechnologicallY sound?
systems will be upgraded. To
it was installed in the school’s
computers during last school
tion. Laroza says that Deep
Freeze specifically tries to
or adaptors that they could
Meanwhile, the remaining
computers will continue to
wireless Internet and more
students bring their own lap-
respond to virus outbreak year’s second semester. solve the virus that may arise “Kung walang nagsasabi run on Microsoft. According to tops to school, she says that
concerns, particularly the With this program, a from the students’ download- sa kanila, walang mangyayari David, computers that run on there isn’t much of a need to
spread of Ccolgatee virus in student just has to reset the ing of plug-ins and inserting (If no one tells them about the Linux have a more stable in- add many units.
the campus two years ago, computer before use, which of universal serial bus (USB) problem, then nothing will ternet connection than those Aside from the possibility
the program Deep Freeze was automatically restores the devices. happen),” he says. “The first running on Microsoft. of adding more computers, the
developed. According to him, unit to its original installa- Besides the security mea- step is [always] to call atten- She adds that it is really a library administration plans
sures for the computers, the tion to this [the problem].” matter of budget. “The school to gear up its seating capacity,
school conducts general check- is already spending millions number of books and journals,
up and cleaning and inventory among others.
audit on its equipment every These efforts will be evi-
semestral break. Office of Ad- “The school is already spending dent in the Ateneo’s new
ministrative Services Director library, which is expected to
Joy Salita says that five audio- millions of pesos for the Internet, start operations during the
visual technicians conduct
rounds throughout the school for Microsoft Office, so we do second semester of the next
school year. According to
year to ensure the facilities’
quality performance. not really put Microsoft Office in David, it will be a five-story
building, which consists of the
The maintenance staff
also acts as a third eye for the
everything.” North and South blocks.
The new building will
technicians. With the staff in
charge of cleaning the class- Lourdes David house the book circulations,
other reference materials,
rooms, among other areas, its and electronic resources.
members report unusual inci- Varying operating systems of pesos for the Internet, for There will also be film view-
dences like overhead projector Regarding the complaints Microsoft Office, so we do not ing rooms, music room, and
screens getting out of place that have risen regarding really put Microsoft Office in study carrels for students.
and wires getting spliced. the Linux operating system, everything,” says David. All computers from the Rizal
Regarding the lack of sock- which runs Open Office, Rizal Library, RSF, and CTC will
ets, however, action has yet to Library Director Lourdes Gearing up also be transferred there. n
be taken as both the library David says that she’s aware According to David, com-
and the UPP are not aware of them. The library admin- puters might be added, al- With a report from Sara Mae
Computer overhaul. The Ateneo recently replaced its computers with LCD of it. According to Miralao, istration, however, targets though only in small quanti- D. Mawis
screens in its commitment to develop its buildings and equipment. students should approach the to have half of the computers ties. Since majority of the
Photo by tata l. yap librarians for extension cords used to be running on Linux. campus is equipped with
quiry November
July 20072008n 33

photo by ean l. dacay

Am I reaching
you now?
by Marian*

lems we encounter are about are also made. The American here are some things in life that are beyond our
school,” says Casas. Psychological Association, understanding. No matter how many questions we
As far as PEERS is con- however, suggests interven- ask and answer, it will never be enough for us to
cerned, however, suicides tion by focusing more on completely grasp their true meaning. It’s like trying to
are emergency situations suicidal thoughts and behav- ally hardy,” she says. has happened. step on our own shadows. We could twist our bodies from
that need to be referred to iors rather than on suicide “However, [the admin- all possible angles, but our shadows will always remain
an authority figure. “We are methods. The WHO likewise Not sufficient istration] might need to beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we encounter these shadows
not to handle the situation says that a multi-sectoral For some students, though, rethink the availability of unexpectedly, lurking behind us or looming over our heads
ourselves,” says Johanna Li- approach—one that involves there is still something lack- means to communicate to like a guillotine, just waiting to strike when we feel that
caylicay (AB Psy ’08), former education, police, media, and ing in the way the adminis- those who might be on the nothing could go wrong.
PEERS president. other non-health sectors—can tration has handled suicide. verge of committing suicide,” At my age, I never thought that I would encounter
Liwag, however, believes be used to improve suicidal Nikki Capinpin (I AB Eco) she says. anything like suicide. For me, it could only happen in
that stress in itself is not the intervention measures. appreciates the effort of the But, for Liwag, all the film and literature, or even to other people that I’m not
trigger for suicides or suicidal Liwag acknowledges the administration in dealing school’s structures to help related to. I felt safe in my cocoon-like world with all its
attempts. She says that the difficulty in setting up pre- with the suicides. She, how- students are already in predictable routines and mundane events. I was assured
sense of failure, hopeless- ventive measures. “When you ever, thinks it isn’t sufficient place. “All the student sup- that everyone around me is happy or at least satisfied
ness, and work-life imbalance talk about suicidal people, because the administration port services that we have… with their lives. They will never think of putting an end
might be the case. it implies that you already speaks about the issue after are very excellent and bear to their lives so suddenly.
The faculty designed the know who they are and that gossip has already spread. the stamp of cura personalis, The way my friend died has been marked by confusing
university’s current curricula which is what the Ateneo is remarks and blown-up gossip. Most people are even add-
with utmost care and consid- all about.” ing fuel to the fire– speculating more controversy to the
eration, she says. “We think “There are people with full rational She also believes devel- already painful event. I hear people say a lot of theories
about the maximum number oping problem-solving skills about how he killed himself. Some even say that he was
of units per [semester], the faculties [who] still make the for all aspects of life, the Ate- murdered and all of this is a conspiracy.
combination of courses [that] neo hopes to develop positive But, none of this has been confirmed nor will it ever
should be taken at every decision to end their lives.” attitudes. “Taken together, be. What I do know is that he hanged himself and even
semester. There are rules for hopefully these are ‘suicide that is shrouded in mystery. I’d rather not know how he
Besides this, Liwag says
Emma Liwag, Ph.D. prevention’ [measures] al-
though it may not seem
really died and I wish for people to stop speculating about
it. Accepting that he is gone is all I could take in for now.
that majority of Ateneans that way.” She adds that the I would prefer to remember how he lived and changed the
manage academic stress very they are telling you that they She says that the lateness of faculty also helps students by lives of the people around him.
well. Those who don’t handle want to end their lives…but the response has lessened the counseling them. When I heard the news of his passing away, I im-
stress well mostly deal with the thing is, there must be a impact it might have had on “Our goal as a university mediately asked someone if he left anything behind, a
cognitive or behavioral issues way by which we can provide the students. is holistic character forma- note, a message, or a symbol—something to make me
that can be remedied, like support for those who are Meanwhile, Eunice Dioni- tion,” she says. “It’s holistic understand why he had to leave so soon. But, there was
improper time management high risk.” sio (II BS Mgt) isn’t satisfied formation which includes nothing and it damaged me somehow when he left a lot of
and bad study habits. “Stress She says, however, that with the administration’s academics and character things unexplained. Questions kept on pounding through
is always a matter of appraisal it is better to prepare young response. She feels that the formation. Hopefully, that my head, demanding definite answers. How can anyone
or perception,” she says. people to deal with the ups guidance office’s routine inter- gives the student a perspec- calmly make a decision like that? How can anyone ever
and downs of life. For her, if view is not enough to address tive on life.” think of that in the first place? Who are we to judge when
Helping the troubled young people learn early to the student’s problems. and how to end our lives?
Current suicide preven- develop the inner strength Ione Salud (IV AB Eu) be- *Names have been changed If there is one thing that I fear the most, it is death.
tive measures often only in- and resilience they need to lieves in the administration’s to protect the individuals. Death is so incomprehensible and the thought of my friend
volve identifying and helping cope with life’s difficulties, way of handling the situation. choosing to end his life is even more so. It hurt me and
troubled students. Attempts then intervention may not This includes maintaining created a dark void inside my heart.
to restrict access to common even be needed. “We’re really close contact with the victims’ I was so angry at him for giving up half way and at
suicide methods, such as the helping children and young families and issuing official myself for being so insensitive to his pain. During his
use of firearms and poison, people grow up to be emotion- statements regarding what wake, I realized that I have never been a good friend to
him. I’ve never thought of running the extra mile for him.
I’ve never been there for him when he needed a shoulder
to lean on. I’ve never taken the opportunity to ask him,

Suicide by Numbers to probe deeper, to insist in knowing if he has a problem

that he cannot face alone.
Could I have done something to stop it from happen-
Many statistics have been gathered and used by various experts to better understand the nature of suicide. Sociologist ing?
Émile Durkheim was first to compile statistics, linking individual acts of suicide as a social phenomenon that needed Honestly, I don’t think anyone could have done anything
attention. He also proposed that suicide existed because of an imbalance between moral regulation and social inte- to stop it. We can never know what a person truly feels
gration. From focusing on these forces, Durkheim then connected cultural and social conditions that increased the and neither can we dictate how they should think. The
tendency of suicide all over the world. only thing that we could stop doing is being so uncaring.
All we can do is to be there for the person and hope that
Below are statistics that show where and how the world understands suicide today. it is enough for them to change their minds.
His death is no one’s fault but everyone’s mistake. Our
• Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people (ages 15-24) after world is so desensitized and we are becoming so numb to
everything around us. We talk but we never speak, we see
accidents and homicides. but we never look, we hear but we never listen. There are
• More than 90% of suicides are associated with mental disorders, particularly depres- two lessons that his death taught me and it is to live every
day as if it is my last. It’s also to never stop reaching out
sion and substance abuse. my hand and to make it available to anyone who needs it,
• One out of four young adults will experience a depressive episode by age 24. even if it means that it will stay outstretched forever.
I know that my friend’s death has triggered a change in
• Approximately one million people died from suicide in 2000; suicide’s global mortality me. I now see the world in a more fleeting and cruel light
rate is one death every 40 seconds. than before. Tragic things will occur unexpectedly, but the
world will continue to move forward as if nothing has hap-
• Most suicides occur in developing countries. Suicides in Asia account for up to 60% of pened. Tomorrow in this world, for him, will never come
all cases. again. But tomorrow, for me, is inevitable. Morning will
• 344 out of 848 suicide cases were in the 15-24 age group, according to a WHO come with a vengeance each day that I continue to breathe
and all I could do is know that all things have to end at
report on the Philippines based on 1993 data. some point. But they don’t have to end that way—seek and
• As of May 2003, WHO data placed Philippine suicide rates (per 100,000) at 2.5% among ask for help and you will receive it unequivocally.
Saying goodbye to a friend because he decided to end
males and 1.7% among females. his life is the most difficult thing that I’ve ever done. I
• According to Gallup Polls in 2005 and 2006, countries that are more religious tend to hope I never have to do it again. n
have lower suicide rates. Suicide rates in the Philippines, which has a religiosity index score Marian is a third year student of the Ateneo’s School
(RIS) of 79, are almost 12 times lower than suicide rates in Japan, with an RIS of 29. of Social Sciences. She was 19 years old when this article
was written.

Data taken from:; http://www.healthy- *Name has been changed to protect the individual.;;
4 INQUIRY November 2008

Despite incessant talk about it and numerous people claiming it, the Filipino
youth may not understand sexual liberation as well as they think they do.
by Patricia A. Santos and Emmanuel D. Delocado

ex is just like an- the Atenean, be geared to- Alampay, Ph.D.
other ordinary story wards? “It is difficult to try and
to share,” says Na- lump all these different
than*, a 17 year-old Atenean Free love sexual attitudes and values
who considers himself sexu- The term “sexual lib- together in one term.”
ally liberated. He also says eration” was predominantly She adds that being sexu-
that, despite the Filipinos’ used during the 1960s, with ally liberated does not always
conservative beliefs on the hippie culture at its peak. translate to being sexually
conjugal act, one is free to Formed as a youth movement active. Unlike a person who’s
choose whether to live by in the United States in the sexually active, one who’s
these practices. late 1960s, the said culture sexually liberated doesn’t
“Hindi na naman [pana- preaches on the power of love necessarily mean that the
hon ni] Maria Clara (It’s no and sex as “part of ordinary person engages in different
longer Maria Clara’s time).” student life.” Along with sexual practices. Instead,
Nathan isn’t the only psychedelic drugs, care for sexual liberation refers to
Filipino who holds these prin- environment, and anti-war that person’s attitude toward
ciples. According to American principles, it promoted sexual the said act.
College of Clinical Sexologists liberation, especially to the This is particularly true
for Licensure Chairperson youth. for Antoinette*, who does not
Dr. Jose Leyson, virginity This gave way to the mind talking about sex but
isn’t upheld as a universal prominence of casual sex, admits that she has not done Playing it safe. In the Philippines, many still believe that couples shouldn’t engage in certain sexual prac-
value in the same way it was the use of contraceptives, it yet. “I think it is okay to be tices until they get married.
before. The University of the group sex, public sex, and sexually liberated,” she says. Photo by tata l. yap
Philippines Population Insti- homosexuality. During this “[But], I know my limitations,
tute’s Young Adult Fertility era, it became acceptable in and I keep a bit of [the Filipino country before entering the religion plays a big role in with peers,” she says. “They
and Sexuality Survey (YAFS- the US to have co-educational beliefs on sex] in me.” university, Antoinette says the development of sexual go to the Internet… watch
II) reveals that 18% of the housing in its colleges. Ac- that Philippine culture is liberation in the country. [the TV show] Gossip Girl,
Filipino youth (15-24 years cording to historian David Casual talk different from the culture she Says Cancio, “Religion is and they get their ideas about
of age) approve of premarital Allyn, Ph.D., with societies Nathan, meanwhile, ad- came from – it doesn’t accept always a factor in culture sex in these venues.”
sex and 2% remain neutral becoming more open-minded mits to being sexually active liberal attitudes toward sex. and, so far, almost all Filipi- Cancio has also observed
toward it. and permissive, discussions and doesn’t mind talking “People [here] think that girls nos believe in God or Allah. a growing thinking that the
Its data also shows that of practices like masturbation about his escapades. Sex should keep their purity and Historically, these religious Church is one that promotes
22% of the single male re- and erotic fantasies became for him and his friends is a be old-fashioned,” she says. values have been interwoven “values not fit to today’s
spondents and 2% of the commonplace. normal topic of conversation. into Filipino culture which society.” Cancio empha-
single female respondents Says Theology Depart- They talk about how they Ambivalent take has been exposed to modern sizes on how erroneous the
have had premarital sex. ment Instructor Angelita are able to convince their Despite the developments Western culture in the last people’s view has become.
Meanwhile, 59% of the mar- Cancio, “The common under- partners to do it, or the places relating to sexual liberation, century.” “The Church does not exist
ried male respondents and standing of sexual liberation they have adventurously at- the Filipino society remains She adds that it has been to conform to man’s world
35% of the married female seems to be the ability to tempted to do it. “Whoever and values, but rather it is
respondents had made love remove all forms of restraints can do it in the most extreme to signify God’s presence and
with their respective spouses or barriers that have even a [places], we’ll pay for all his involvement in the world.”
before marriage. tinge of gender [difference] expenses for a week.” “It’s healthy to acknowledge our She adds that the youth
Despite the number of from behavior to values to He is also able to share his shouldn’t irresponsibly treat
people that engage in pre- sexual preference.” experiences to his parents. sexuality, to have spaces to talk beliefs and practices relat-
marital sex, not many sup- “They know I’m not [a virgin ing to sexual liberation just
port it. The said survey shows Sexually liberated ≠ sexually anymore].” about it and express it.” because of its many mis-
that 80% of the respondents active “It is natural and people understood concepts. Says
still disapprove of intercourse
before marriage. These fig-
Sexual liberation is such
a broad term that it is dif-
enjoy it. There is nothing
bad in talking about it,” says
Liane Alampay, Ph.D Cancio, “I hope that students
understand the true meaning
ures can be attributed to the ficult to categorize people Antoinette. “It just depends of freedom and make the right
Catholic Church’s dominant as such. “You may believe on the context of what you choices.”
influence over the Filipino that it is okay for women are saying.” divided as to which sexual only 30 to 50 years since Despite it being misun-
society. to choose what to do with Antoinette adds that beliefs and practices to up- the Western culture has derstood, being sexual liber-
With the contrasting their own bodies, to be pro- she is not ashamed to be hold. Says Alampay, “On the “dramatically eschewed its ated – if carefully studied
beliefs that have risen re- choice, but that doesn’t mean sexually liberated despite one hand, we have sectors in Christian moorings.” – is healthy. “It’s healthy
garding sex and sexual lib- you’re for promiscuous sex,” belonging to a conservative society that are more liber- Cancio, who believes that to acknowledge our sexual-
eration, where then should says Psychology Department society like the Philippines. ated, but other sectors are sexual liberation is being ity, to have spaces to talk
the Filipino youth, let alone Assistant Professor Liane Having studied in another very conservative.” comfortable and content with about it and express it,” says
“Our young people cer- who a person is, says that Alampay.
tainly cannot talk about it this idea doesn’t go against Although Marie* holds
in their homes, with their any Church teaching. Look- onto conservative beliefs re-
parents,” she says. “There ing at it from the common garding sex, she doesn’t mind
are still a lot of taboos or understanding, however, it when other people share their
unmentionables.” may depend on the issues that more liberated beliefs. “It’s
“When we talk about it people view as “expressions the way they were brought
and there are people around of sexual liberation.” up,” she says. “And I respect
who are naive, they think “For example, if sexual that.”
you’re a pervert,” says Julin*, liberation [strives] for the “You can think about sex
who considers herself sexu- equality of men and women, in a mature way. It depends
ally liberated, in Filipino. [then it doesn’t go against any on how you approach it.”
Gender may also be a teaching],” she says. “But, For Antoinette, her being
factor as to why there are if sexual liberation is taken sexually liberated is some-
contrasting views on sexual to [mean the] women’s right thing she’s very proud of.
liberation. According to a to abort an unwanted preg- She says, “If you are sexually
2006 study conducted by the nancy, [then it goes against liberated and people know
International Family Plan- the Church].” that you are, they don’t have
ning Perspectives, males in the right to judge you.”
the Philippines are encour- Healthy talking Says Alampay, “It is part
aged to engage in sexual ac- With the misconceptions of who we are, and that we
tivities and, thus, are allowed surrounding sexual libera- should have opportunities
more sexual freedom. Mean- tion, Alampay stresses the to discuss, to talk, to think
while, females are expected need for adults to guide the about it without feeling that
to be more conservative than young people in correctly it is wrong, it’s dirty, [that]
the males and controlling as understanding their identity. it’s a sin.” n
A different kind of love. With sexual liberation on the rise, lifestyles like homosexuality are starting to be to setting the limits of their “[The youth] really have no
recognized. sexual acts. other venues to explore sex *Names have been changed
Photo by jason c. mariposa Besides these factors, and sexuality, so they do it to protect the individuals.

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