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Clash in Taang/Palaung Region & Northern Shan State

(Reported by TNLA/PSLF News & Information Departmen)

From Jne ! to "#$ %&"!

Clarification on Death of Acting Battalion-241Coan!er
'n Jne !$ %&"!$ (yanmar )o*ernment troops p+anned to en,ir,+e and anni-i+ate$ wit- t-ree mi+itary
,o+mns$ troops of TNLA Ta,ti,a+ .ommand/0 and (NDAA (1o2ant Army)$ w-o were a,ti*e in areas between
1t2ai and Tamo Nye-3
T-e +o,a+ 4atta+ion %!" ,ommander (a5or 1yaw 6tin An) was ,ommander of t-e t-ree (yanmar
Army ,o+mns of troops from Di*ision 77$ batta+ions nder ('. "8$ and 4atta+ion %!"3
.ontrary to reports in (yanmar mi+itary offi,ers9 media$ t-e fami+y members of t-e batta+ion
,ommander were not wit- -im3 As ,+as-es too2 p+a,e fre:ent+y in t-e area$ no mi+itary offi,er wo+d brin) -is
fami+y to t-e area3 T-e fami+y of t-e 4atta+ion %!" ,ommander was at 1t2ai/based 4atta+ion %!" .amp3
Norma++y$ t-e troops of 1IA$ TNLA and (NDAA wo+d ,ombine for,e for a,ti*ity in t-e 1IA 4ri)ade !
area$ east of 1t2ai3 'n t-at day$ be,ase of ot-er important matter$ t-e +o,a+ 1IA troops did not 5oin t-e tas2
T-e TNLA/(NDAA mi+itary ,o+mn *an)ard was startin) to ,ross 1t2ai/Tamo Nye- motor road at
a p+a,e w-ere t-e road +ed to t-e area w-ere ; ,o+mns of (yanmar Army troops -ad ta2en position3 At t-at
time$ )ards on t-ree !/w-ee+ S<=s$ bearin) (yanmar army offi,ers on t-e way to sper*ise mi+itary
operations$ si)-ted t-e ,rossin) and started to s-oot3 An e>,-an)e of fire o,,rred and t-e TNLA/(NDAA
troops noti,ed t-e presen,e of (yanmar mi+itary offi,ers in t-e ,ars and fired % RP? ronds at t-em3
'ne rond -it t-e front part of t-e se,ond ,ar and e>p+oded and t-e ot-er e>p+oded on t-e )rond on
t-e side of anot-er ,ar3 T-e front part of t-e ,ar ta2in) dire,t -it was ,rs-ed and t-e TNLA/(NDAA mi+itary
,o+mn -ad reported t-at offi,ers in t-e front part of t-e ,ar wo+d sre+y be 2i++ed3 At t-at time$ it was not 2nown
t-at t-e batta+ion ,ommander was in t-e ,ar and -e was 2i++ed3
@-en t-e RP? rond -it t-e ,ar$ )n fire from (yanmar troops ,eased and$ as t-e TNLA/(NDAA
troops beat a -asty retreat$ t-e fire fi)-t ended3

"uan Rights #iolation (Jne "&$ %&"!)
A,,ordin) to +o,a+ sor,es$ *i++a)ers of Nan) An)$ P-a+in$ 6sain)tan)$ (anan) et,3 *i++a)es in
Nam2-am Towns-ip -a*e been arrested and tortred on f+imsy ,-ar)es of bein) TNLA spies by (yanmar
Army troops from 77 Di*ision3 T-e +o,a+ *i++a)ers are in t-e )rip of fear as t-e (yanmar Army troops$ after
sfferin) se*ere +osses in batt+es a)ainst t-e TNLA Army 4atta+ion !#7$ are arrestin)$ tortrin) and for,in) t-e
*i++a)ers to ser*e as porters$ w-o are wor2in) in t-e ri,e fie+ds and farms$ and w-o are sear,-in) for t-eir ,att+e
in t-e forest3 'n Jne ! and 0$ (yanmar Army troops seiAed and tortred 7 *i++a)ers3 (an/an) *i++a)ers$ #&/
year o+d Ta A)o2 and 1n Ai2 6say$ -a*e to be treated for se*ere in5ries3 Li2ewise$ (an2an *i++a)er$ Ai2 Bain)
Ton$ w-o was for,ed to ser*e as a )ide by troops of (yanmar Army 77 Di*ision$ was 2i,2ed and beaten p
*io+ent+y on t-e way from P-a+in *i++a)e to Nan) An *i++a)e3 T-e *i++a)ers tortred by troops of t-e 77 Di*ision
areC (") Ta A)o2$ (%) 1n Ai2 6say$ (;) An) T-an (!) Ai2+on 1yan Aye$ (0) Ai2 Nyan 1ar$ (8) Ai2 N)ay$ (#) Ai2
Nain) An)$ (7) Ai2 Bain) Ton3

Clash on $une 11% 2&14
'n Jne ""$ %&"! from "00& to "8;& -ors$ a -ead/on ,+as- too2 p+a,e between troops from TNLA
4atta+ion !#7 and (yanmar Army LI4 7 of t-e ## Di*ision at a p+a,e between 1yan2ar and (an2an) *i++a)es
of (anton) Towns-ip$ Ta9an) Re)ion3 T-ere was no ,asa+ty on t-e Ta9an) Army side3 T-ree were wonded
on t-e (yanmar Army side3 T-e wonded were reported+y ta2en to (an2an) *i++a)e for medi,a+ treatment3

Clash on $une 12% 2&14
'n Jne "%$ %&"! a ,+as- too2 p+a,e a)ain$ from "&%& to "&0& -ors$ between troops from TNLA
4atta+ion !7# and (yanmar Army LI4 7 of t-e ##Di*ision$ at a p+a,e between 1yan2ar and (an2an) *i++a)es
of (anton) Towns-ip in Ta9an) Re)ion3 T-ere was no ,asa+ty on t-e Ta9an) Army side3 .asa+ty on (yanmar
Army side is not 2nown3

Clash between TNLA-KIA-MNDAA Combined Force and Myanmar Army Troops
(June 13, 2014)
'n t-e mornin) of Jne ";$ from &#"0 to &7%& -ors$ a -ead/on ,+as- too2 p+a,e near (an 6on)
*i++a)e of (anpyet =i++a)e Tra,t in 1t2ai Towns-ip$ Nort-ern S-an State3 T-e ,+as- was between t-e ,ombined
for,e of troops from t-e TNLA 4atta+ion ;;0$ 1IA 4atta+ion ;7 and (yanmar Nationa+ A++ian,e Army ((NDAA$
or 1o2ant Army) 4atta+ion "# and troops from I4 %D& of t-e (yanmar Army based at Tamo Nye-3 T-ere was
no ,asa+ty on t-e TNLA$ 1IA and (NDAA side3 'ne 2i++ed and % wonded on t-e (yanmar Army side3

Clashes Continue (Jne "!$ %&"!)
.+as-es between (yanmar Army and Ta9an) Army Troops .ontine at p+a,es between N)awt N)art
and 1yayan *i++a)es of 1t2ai Towns-ip$ Ta9an Re)ion on Jne ";$ %&"!$ from ";;& to "!%0 -ors3 It was a
-ead/on ,+as- between troops from TNLA 4atta+ion and (yanmar Army Di*ision ##3 T-ere was no ,asa+ty on
t-e TNLA side3 .asa+ty on (yanmar Army side was not 2nown3

Clashes in 'oei( To)nshi*
Troops from Ta9an) Army 4atta+ion #"# and (yanmar Army ,+as-ed on Jne "!$ %&"! in Pan Sa/
,-ay (Pan S-a/say) *i++a)e of (omei2 Towns-ip$ from "0!0 to "8;& -ors3 T-e ,+as- too2 p+a,e$ be,ase
t-e (yanmar Army troops started to fire on t-e Ta9an) Army 4atta+ion #"# troops$ w-o were patro++in) near
Pan Sa,-ay *i++a)e3

+arlier re*orts
Pre*ios+y$ on Jne "0$ %&"!$ wit-ot any pro*o,ation$ t-e (yanmar Army troops +obbed more t-an
%& ronds of -ea*y weapons into Lon2an *i++a)e in 1t2ai Towns-ip of Nort-ern S-an State3 T-e s-e++in)
destroyed t-e -ose of Lon2an *i++a)er$ Ta 1n 6tay$ and a++ t-e *i++a)ers -ad to f+ee from t-e *i++a)e$ ot of
fear3 T-e *i++a)e -as ""& -ose-o+ds3

T-e PSLF/TNLA news wit- date+ine Jne "0$ %&"! said t-at troops from Ta9an) Army 4atta+ion "&"
and (yanmar Army I4s %!" and %!%$ nder ('./"8 and I4 !"$ ,+as-ed at a p+a,e between Lon2an and
Tonpan *i++a)es in 1t2ai Towns-ip of Ta9an) Re)ion3 .+as-es startin) ear+ier died down at "0&& -ors and
t-ey resmed from "8;& to "#!& -ors3 T-en t-e ,+as-es went on sporadi,a++y3 T-ere was no ,asa+ty on t-e
Ta9an) Army Side and ,asa+ty on t-e (yanmar Army side was not 2nown3

.ontrary to ear+ier report sayin) t-at s-e++in) by (yanmar Army troops brnt down a -ose in Nan)/
sant *i++a)e in Ta/mo Nye- Sb/Towns-ip of 1t2ai Towns-ip$ Nort-ern S-an State$ frt-er in:iry re*ea+ed
t-at t-e (yanmar Army troops brnt down % -oses -it by -ea*y weapon s-e++s3 T-e -oses brnt down
be+on)ed to % 1a,-in et-ni, peop+e$ < Eaw (ya and < Eaw Tan)3 T-e s-e++in) -ad fri)-tened Nan)sant
*i++a)ers and made t-em to f+ee towards Tamo Nye- Sb/Towns-ip for ref)e3

Clash )ith ',anar Ar, Troo*s fro Di-ision .. (Jne "#$ %&"!)

'n Jne "#$ %&"!$ troops from .ompany/; of 4atta+ion ;#8$ Ta9an) Army$ nder Ta,ti,a+ .ommand/
;$ ,+as-ed -ead/on wit- (yanmar Army troops from Di*ision ##$ based at Bebon$ at a p+a,e between Ton2yi
and Lwema2 *i++a)es3 T-e ,+as- too2 p+a,e from "&&& to """0 -ors$ and 0 (yanmar Army troops were 2i++ed3
T-ere was no ,asa+ty on t-e Ta9an) Army side3

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