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... through Bertha Dudde

Everyone would be able to hear God spea!ng ....
"ust as # or!g!nally spoe to the be!ngs hav!ng e$erged %ro$ &e
!n order to reveal &ysel% to the$ as 'reator and Father( so #
spea today to you hu$ans( who are these very be!ngs ....
)he l!ght o% real!sat!on you possessed !n the beg!nn!ng( be*ause
you were per%e*tly *reated( !s no longer yours !n your hu$an
state( %or you on*e separated yourselves voluntar!ly %ro$ &e and
there%ore stepped out o% the state o% l!ght !nto that o%
darness ....
But you are wret*hed !n your darened state and # want to help
you be*o$e bl!ss%ully happy aga!n and $ust there%ore enl!ghten
you aga!n .... F!rst # $ust spea to you and !n%or$ you o% &y w!ll
so that you as hu$an be!ngs *an l!ve a**ord!ng to th!s w!ll o%
&!ne. For the po!nt !s( that you w!ll adapt yourselves to the law o%
eternal order aga!n( that you w!ll l!ve a**ord!ng to &y w!ll( wh!*h
re+u!res you to %ul%!l the *o$$and$ents o% love ....
,!n*e( at the start o% your earthly l!%e( you are ent!rely w!thout
nowledge you need to be !nstru*ted about the $ean!ng and
purpose o% your earthly l!%e .... But you also need to be !n%or$ed
o% the %ull truth( th!s !s why # spea to you &ysel% as the eternal
Father-,p!r!t by address!ng the sp!r!tual spar w!th!n yourselves(
wh!*h *onveys &y Word to your !ntelle*t %or you to th!n about !t
and thus( a**ord!ng to your w!ll( e!ther *o$ply w!th !t or oppose
!t on*e aga!n.
#n the beg!nn!ng( &y Word $ade you very happy s!n*e you
thereby re*ogn!sed &y love wh!*h t!$e and aga!n e.pressed !tsel%
!n the Word. When you were no longer able to hear &y Word(
be*ause you *losed yourselves to &y !llu$!nat!on o% love( you
also lost all nowledge and your state be*a$e dar and wea
and there%ore wret*hed.
/owever( !% you( as a hu$an be!ng( be*o$e re*ept!ve to &y
!llu$!nat!on o% love aga!n( then you w!ll be !n%or$ed o% &y w!ll
wh!*h you only need to l!ve up to so as to be spoen to by &e
through the sp!r!tual spar and thus( through &y Word( re*e!ve
the nowledge aga!n wh!*h w!ll $ae you happy be*ause you
enter the state o% l!ght aga!n.
&y Word *an always be heard w!th!n you !% your w!ll allows %or !t(
%or the *onne*t!on between &e and you w!ll %orever re$a!n on &y
part( only you yourselves *an del!berately d!s*onne*t !t by
*ons*!ously turn!ng away %ro$ &e .... )hus !t w!ll always be up to
you as to whether you allow yourselves to be addressed by &e(
but the poss!b!l!ty to hear &e &ysel% e.!sts %or every one o% you
hu$ans( and every one should use !t( %or w!th &y Word he also
re*e!ves the strength to l!ve h!s l!%e on earth a**ord!ng to &y w!ll.
Due to your vast d!stan*e %ro$ &e( wh!*h you asp!red to o% your
own %ree w!ll( you have lost the nowledge and understand!ng
that you are able to *o$$un!*ate w!th your God and Father
d!re*tly( that you *an enter !nto a d!alogue w!th /!$( that /e w!ll
answer your +uest!ons and that you *an present all your
thoughts to /!$ and *o$$un!*ate w!th /!$ at all t!$es. 0nd yet(
!% people !n%or$ you o% !t( you won1t bel!eve and r!d!*ule the$ as
%antas!sts and thereby you %or%e!t every g!%t o% strength wh!*h !s
guaranteed to you by &y Word.
0nd only !% you try !t %or yourselves( !% you( a%ter heart%elt prayer(
+u!etly l!sten w!th!n( w!ll the vo!*e gently spea !n you and you
w!ll be happy( %or then you w!ll be tou*hed by &y Fatherly love
wh!*h wants to reveal !tsel% !n order to ga!n your love as well. 2et
only a %ew put th!s to the test( only a %ew des!re &y
*o$$un!*at!on( and only a %ew bel!eve that # &ysel% draw *lose
to people !n order to de$onstrate the d!re*t bond w!th the$
aga!n( be*ause they should re*ogn!se &e as the!r God and Father(
Who !s supre$ely per%e*t and also !ntends to gu!de people
towards per%e*t!on.
But th!s nowledge o% &y d!re*t *o$$un!*at!on has to be
a**epted w!th %a!th( %or !t *an only be e%%e*t!ve !% a person(
through l!v!ng a l!%e o% love( has ga!ned the %a!th that the Father
speas to /!s *h!ld. Only then w!ll he also be able to re*ogn!se
the results o% &y Words as truth( and only then w!ll h!s soul $ae
use o% the$ and advan*e !n !ts develop$ent.
/owever( you hu$ans should always *ons!der that &y Words w!ll
always be $ore *red!ble than a *o$plete s!len*e by your eternal
Father .... For &y %unda$ental nature !s love( and you e$erged
%ro$ th!s love .... 3ove( however( always sees to $ae *onta*t
w!th that wh!*h or!g!nated %ro$ !t. )h!s !s why the sound of My
Word will always be more credible than shroud!ng &ysel% !n
s!len*e and never reveal!ng &ysel% as a lov!ng Father ....
For &y per%e*t!on would have to be doubted were # not to have
$er*y upon all &y l!v!ng *reat!ons who dwell !n darness( and
th!s $er*y there%ore shows !tsel% by the %a*t that # let a l!ght
sh!ne !nto the darness .... 0nd th!s l!ght !s &y Word wh!*h !s
*onveyed to you %ro$ above( !t !s the e$anat!on o% &y love
wh!*h only re+u!res an open heart !n order to be able to tae
e%%e*t !n you ....
4ubl!shed by %r!ends o% new revelat!ons o% God 5#n%or$at!on(
download o% all translated revelat!ons( the$e-boolets at6


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