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Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only system today able to show user the exact
position on Earth at anytime, anywhere, and in any weather. GPS satellites orbit 11,
nautical miles abo!e Earth. They are monitored continuously at ground stations located
around the world. The satellites transmit signals that can be detected by anyone with a GPS
The "irst GPS satellite was launched in 1#$%. The "irst 1 satellites launched were
de!elopmental satellites, called &loc' (. )rom 1#%# to 1##$, *% production satellites, called
&loc' ((, were launched+ the last 1# satellites in the series were updated !ersions, called
&loc' ((,. The launch o" the *-th GPS satellite in 1##- completed the primary system. The
third.generation satellite, &loc' ((/, was "irst launched in 1##$. These satellites are being
used to replace aging satellites in the GPS constellation. The next generation, &loc' ((), is
scheduled "or its "irst launch in late *0112.
GPS was de!eloped by the 3nited States 4epartment o" 4e"ense as a reliable means "or
accurate na!igation. (t is based on an intricate networ' o" *- satellites orbiting the earth at a
!ery high altitude. These satellites "unction *- hours a day and are designed to be resistant
to 5amming and inter"erence. GPS allows e!ery s6uare meter o" the earth7s sur"ace to ha!e a
uni6ue address, which o""ers limitless application possibilities when coupled with today7s
ad!anced systems 1*2.
The GPS program pro!ides critical capabilities to military, ci!il and commercial users around
the world. (t is an engine o" economic growth and 5obs, and has generated billions o" dollars
o" economic acti!ity. (t maintains "uture war "ighter ad!antage o!er opponents and is one o"
the "our core military capabilities. (n addition, GPS is the bac'bone "or moderni8ing the global
air tra""ic system.
,d!ances in technology and new demands on the existing system ha!e now led to e""orts to
moderni8e the GPS system and implement the next generation o" GPS ((( satellites and 9ext
Generation :perational ;ontrol System (:;<).1*2 ,nnouncements "rom the =ice President
and the >hite ?ouse in 1##% initiated these changes. (n *, 3.S. ;ongress authori8ed the
moderni8ation e""ort, re"erred to as GPS (((.
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
2.1 Elements of GPS
GPS has three parts@ the space segment, the user segment, and the control segment. The
space segment consists o" a constellation o" *- satellites plus some spares, each in its own
orbit 11, nautical miles abo!e Earth. The user segment consists o" recei!ers, which you
can hold in your hand or mount in a !ehicle, li'e your car. The control segment consists o"
ground stations ("i!e o" them, located around the world) that ma'e sure the satellites are
wor'ing properly. The master control station at Schrie!er ,ir )orce &ase, near ;olorado
Springs, ;olorado, runs the system 1A2.
Figure 1: Element of GPS om!rises " ontrol# s!"e# "n$ user segments.
2.1.1 T%e s!"e segment &' Constell"tion of S"tellites(
,n orbit is one trip in space around Earth. GPS satellites each ta'e 1* hours to orbit Earth.
Each satellite is e6uipped with an atomic cloc' so accurate that it 'eeps time to within three
nanoseconds, thatBs .A, or three.billionths o" a secondCto let it broadcast signals
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
that are synchroni8ed with those "rom other satellites. The signal tra!els to the ground at the
speed o" light. E!en at this speed, the signal ta'es a measurable amount o" time to reach the
recei!er. The di""erence between the time when the signal is recei!ed and the time when it
was sent, multiplied by the speed o" light, enables the recei!er to calculate the distance to
the satellite. To calculate its precise latitude, longitude, and altitude, the recei!er measures
the distance to "our separate GPS satellites1A2.
Figure 2: S!"e segment of GPS s"tellites
The space segment consists o" a *% satellite constellation out o" which *- satellites are
acti!e satellites and the remaining "our satellites are used as in.orbit spares. The satellites
are placed in six orbital planes, with "our satellites in each plane. The satellites orbit in
circular medium Earth orbits (DE:s) at an altitude o" * * 'm, inclined at 00E to the
e6uator as shown in )igure *. The orbital period o" each satellite is around 1* hours (11
hours, 0% mins). The DE: was chosen as a compromise between the FE: and GE:. l" the
satellites are placed in an FE:, then a large number o" satellites would be needed to obtain
ade6uate co!erage. Placing them in a GE: would reduce the re6uired number o" satellites,
but will not pro!ide good polar co!erage. The present constellation ma'es it possible "or "our
to ten satellites to be !isible to all recei!ers anywhere in the world and hence ensure
worldwide co!erage.
These satellites transmit signals, synchroni8ed with each other on two microwa!e
"re6uencies o" 10$0.-* D?8 (Fl) and 1**$.G D?8 (F*). These signals pro!ide na!igation and
timing in"ormation to all users worldwide. The satellites also carry nuclear blast detectors as
a secondary mission, replacing the H=elaB nuclear blast sur!eillance satellites. The satellites
are powered by solar energy. They ha!e bac'.up batteries on board to 'eep them running in
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
the e!ent o" a solar eclipse. The satellites are 'ept in the correct path with the help o" small
roc'et boosters, a process 'nown as Hstation 'eepingB.
2.1.2 T%e user segment &Reei)ers(
GPS recei!ers can be carried in your hand or be installed on aircra"t, ships, tan's,
submarines, cars, and truc's. These recei!ers detect, decode, and process GPS satellite
signals. Dore than 1 di""erent recei!er models are already in use. The typical hand.held
recei!er is about the si8e o" a cellular telephone, and the newer models are e!en smaller.
The commercial hand.held units distributed to 3.S. armed "orces personnel during the
Persian Gul" >ar weighed only *% ounces (less than two pounds). Since then, basic recei!er
"unctions ha!e been miniaturi8ed onto integrated circuits that weigh about one ounce1A2.
The user segment includes all military and ci!il GPS recei!ers intended to pro!ide position,
!elocity and time in"ormation. These recei!ers are either hand held recei!ers or installed on
aircra"t, ships, tan's, submarines, cars and truc's. The basic "unction o" these recei!ers is to
detect, decode and process the GPS satellite signals. Some o" the recei!ers ha!e maps o"
the area stored in their memory. This ma'es the whole GPS system more user."riendly as it
helps the recei!er to na!igate its way out. Dost recei!ers trace the path o" the user as they
mo!e. ;ertain ad!anced recei!ers also tell the user the distance they ha!e tra!elled, their
speed and time o" tra!el. They also tell the estimated time o" arri!al at the current speed
when "ed with destination coordinates. Doreo!er, there is no limit to the number o" users
using the system simultaneously. Today many companies ma'e GPS recei!ers, including
Garmin, Trimble, Eagle, Forance and Dagellan.
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
Figure *: ' t+!i"l GPS reei)er.
GPS recei!ers comprise three "unctional bloc's@
Radio frequency front end. This comprises one or more antennas to recei!e
the GPS signal, "ilters and ampli"iers to discriminate the wanted signal "rom noise and
a down. con!erter to remo!e the carrier signal. Simple recei!ers process one GPS
signal at a time using multiplexing techni6ues. Sophisticated recei!ers comprise
multiple channels "or processing the signal "rom !arious satellites simultaneously.
Digital signal processing block. This correlates the signal "rom satellites with
signals stored in the recei!er to identi"y the speci"ic GPS satellite and to calculate
pseudo ranges.
Computing unit. This determines position, !elocity and other data. The display
"ormat is also handled by the computing unit.
2.1.* T%e ontrol segment &Groun$ St"tions(
The GPS control segment consists o" se!eral ground stations located around the world1A2@
, master control station at Schrie!er ,ir )orce &ase in ;olorado
)i!e unsta""ed monitor stations@ ?awaii and Iwa5alein in the Paci"ic :cean+ 4iego
Garcia in the (ndian :cean+ ,scension (sland in the ,tlantic :cean+ and ;olorado
Springs, ;olorado.
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
)our large ground.antenna stations that send commands and data up to the
satellites and collect telemetry bac' "rom them.
)igure - shows the locations o" the stations o" the control segment.
Figure ,: T%e lo"tions of t%e st"tions of t%e ontrol segment.
Each o" the monitor stations is pro!ided with high "idelity GPS recei!ers and a caesium
oscillator to trac' all GPS satellites in !iew continuously. 4ata "rom these stations is sent to
the D;S which computes precise and updated in"ormation on satellite orbits and cloc' status
e!ery 10 minutes. This trac'ing in"ormation is uploaded to GPS satellites through ground
antenna stations once or twice per day "or each satellite using S band signals. This helps to
maintain the accuracy and proper "unctioning o" the whole system. The ground antenna
stations are also used to transmit commands to satellites and to recei!e satellite telemetry
2.2 Prini!le of t%e GPS
The basis o" GPS is triangulation "rom satellites.
Position is calculated "rom distance measurements
(ranges) to satellites. Dathematically we need "our
satellite ranges to determine exact position. Three
ranges are enough i" we re5ect ridiculous answers or
use other tric's1-2.
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Global Positioning System (GPS)
To triangulate, a GPS recei!er
measures distance using the tra!el
time o" radio signals. 4istance to a
satellite is determined by measuring
how long a radio signal ta'es to reach
us "rom that satellite. To ma'e the
measurement we assume that both
the satellite and our recei!er are
generating the same pseudo.random
codes at exactly the same time. &y
comparing how late the satellite7s
pseudo.random code appears
compared to our recei!er7s code, we
determine how long it too' to reach
us. Dultiply that tra!el time by the
speed o" light and you7!e got distance.
To measure tra!el time, GPS needs !ery
accurate timing which it achie!es with some
tric's. ,ccurate timing is the 'ey to measuring
distance to satellites. Satellites are accurate
because they ha!e atomic cloc's on board.
/ecei!er cloc's don7t ha!e to be too accurate
because an extra satellite range
measurement can remo!e errors.
,long with distance, you need to 'now exactly
where the satellites are in space. ?igh orbits
and care"ul monitoring are the secret. To use
the satellites as re"erences "or range
measurements we need to 'now exactly where
they are. GPS satellites are so high up their
orbits are !ery predictable. Dinor !ariations in
their orbits are measured by the 4epartment o"
4e"ense. The error in"ormation is sent to the
satellites, to be transmitted along with the timing
7 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
)inally, correct "or any delays the signal
experiences as it tra!els through the
atmosphere. The earth7s ionosphere and
atmosphere cause delays in the GPS
signal that translate into position errors.
Some errors can be "actored out using
mathematics and modeling. The
con"iguration o" the satellites in the s'y
can magni"y other errors. 4i""erential
GPS can eliminate almost all error.
2.3 GPS Ser)ies Offere$ / '!!li"tions
2.*.1 Person"l Tr".ing &C%il$# Teens# El$erl+(
Personal Trac'ing is a system, where a person or a commodity can be trac'ed using de!ices
that are integrated with Global positioning System (GPS) and Global Ser!ice "or Dobiles
(GSD). The person can carry it in their poc'et li'e mobile phone or can install it in car to get
the location on SDS or web based ser!ices pro!ided by GPS (ntegrated. (t allows trac'ing
GPS location o" person or !ehicle carrying GPS de!ice or GPS system. ,ll GPS de!ices
include some sort o" transmitter that ultimately sends this data bac' to the end user102.
Personal GPS Trac'ing is the ability "or any person to locate another person, ob5ect or thing
with the use o" a GPS de!ice that recei!es in"ormation "rom the GPS satellite networ' in
space. >hether you are concerned about the well being o" your small children, or would li'e
to monitor elderly relati!es, would li'e to o""er additional layers o" security "or your lo!ed ones
or "amily members, a personal GPS trac'ing de!ice has many uses in today7s world. Jou can
use this trac'ing system "or teen trac'ing, asset trac'ing, pet trac'ing, car trac'ing,
e6uipment trac'ing, as a spy e6uipment etc.
8 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
2.*.2 0e%ile Tr".ing &C"r# 1o"t# Pi.u!(
=ehicle trac'ing is one o" the "astest growing satellite na!igation applications today. Dany
"leet !ehicles, public transportation systems, deli!ery truc's and courier ser!ices use GPS
and GF:9,SS recei!ers to monitor their locations at all times. These systems combined
with digital maps are being used "or !ehicle na!igation applications. These digital maps
contain in"ormation li'e street names and directions, business listings, airports and other
important landmar's. Such units pro!ide use"ul in"ormation about the carBs position and the
best tra!el routes to a gi!en destination by lin'ing itsel" to a digital map.
2.3.3 Polie# S!+ 'ti)ities "n$ S")ing 2i)es
Dany police, "ire and emergency medical ser!ice units employ GPS recei!ers to determine
which a!ailable police car, "ire truc' or ambulance is nearest to the emergency site, enabling
a 6uic' response in these critical situations. GPS e6uipped aircra"t monitor the location o"
"orest "ires exactly, enabling the "ire super!isors to send "ire "ighters to the re6uired spot on
2.*., Fleet m"n"gement &1us# Tru.(
)leet management is the management o" a company7s !ehicle "leet. )leet management
includes commercial motor !ehicles such as cars, !ans and truc's. )leet (!ehicle)
management can include a range o" "unctions, such as !ehicle "inancing, !ehicle
maintenance, !ehicle telematics (trac'ing and diagnostics), dri!er management, "uel
management and health K sa"ety management. )leet Danagement is a "unction which allows
companies which rely on transportation in their business to remo!e or minimi8e the ris's
associated with !ehicle in!estment, impro!ing e""iciency, producti!ity and reducing their
o!erall transportation costs, pro!iding 1L compliance with go!ernment legislation (duty o"
care) and many more. These "unctions can be dealt with by either an "leet.
management department or an outsourced " pro!ider
GPS )leet Trac'ing is an ,ll.(n.:ne Danagement Solution That Fets Jou Donitor, Danage,
,nd /eco!er ,ssets E""ecti!e management can be a daunting tas', especially "or
businesses who deal with employees or assets in transit. )leet trac'ing management uses
GPS technology to e""ecti!ely trac' !ehicles, employees, and assets. &y trac'ing your
!aluables, you can better manage and monitor their whereabouts, cutting down on wasted
9 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
time or unnecessary "uel. >ith GPS )leet Trac'ing in"ormation, you can e!aluate
per"ormance and cut down on extra costs. This enhances your company7s !alue by
impro!ing the le!el o" ser!ice pro!ided, leading to higher pro"its and customer satis"action.
:ur automatic )leet Trac'ing reports are graphs that let you identi"y operational
trouble spots and impro!e "leet management.
)leet Danagement system uses satellite technology to pro!ide real.time !ehicle location and
record historical !ehicle acti!ity. :ur highly s'illed team o" pro"essional technicians will install
a !ehicle trac'ing unit into each o" your !ehicles. There are no exposed wires or antennas,
ma'ing the e6uipment !irtually tamper proo", and allowing "or co!ert installation. The !ehicle
trac'ing units transmit data to our ser!ers !ia GP/S wireless networ's. This in"ormation can
then be accessed *- hours a day through any internet connection around the world.
2.*.3 P"t% N")ig"tion
>hether na!igating along a ri!er, trail, or roads, there is a similarity to the na!igation problem
in that the GPS is not needed to steer along the route. ,ctual na!igation along the path is
done by re"erence to the ri!er ban's, trail, or road. , GPS route can be !ery use"ul to gauge
progress along the route e!en i" it is not needed "or steering.
)igure 0 shows an example o" boating along a ri!er. The put in point to the destination is a
!ery short distance as the crow "lies, but is a considerably longer distance along the ri!er. ("
you are paddling this in a canoe or 'aya', this is a signi"icant distance. There are times that
path na!igation may be used in combination with two.dimensional na!igation. ,n example
that comes to mind is a long canoe trip. Jou paddle down a ri!er using path na!igation, then
come to a la'e and use two.dimensional na!igation to cross the la'e.
10 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Figure 3: GPS !"t% n")ig"tion m"!
2.*.4 5"!!ing# Constrution "n$ Sur)e+ing.
Dapping, construction and sur!eying companies use satellite na!igation systems extensi!ely
as they can pro!ide real time submetre and centimetre le!el positioning accuracy in a cost.
e""ecti!e manner. They are mainly used in road construction, earth mo!ing and "leet
management applications. )or these applications, recei!ers along with wireless
communication lin's and computer systems are installed on board the earth mo!ing
machines. The re6uired sur"ace in"ormation is "ed to this machine. >ith the help o" real time
position in"ormation, an operator obtains in"ormation as to whether the wor' is in accordance
with the design or not. ,s an example, the tunnel under the English ;hannel was constructed
with the help o" a GPS. The tunnel was constructed "rom both ends. The GPS recei!ers were
used outside the tunnel to chec' their positions along the way and to ma'e sure that they
met exactly in the centre. These systems are also used "or telecom power placement, laying
o" pipelines, "lood plain mapping, oil, gas and mineral exploration and in glacier monitoring.
2.3.7 En)ironment"l 5onitoring.
GPS.e6uipped balloons monitor holes in the o8one layer across the globe. &uoys trac'ing
ma5or oil spills transmit data using the GPS to guide clean.up operations. GPSs are also
used in wildli"e management and insect in"estation. They are also used "or determination o"
"orest boundaries.
11 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
2.3.8 5onitoring Strutur"l Deform"tions.
9a!igation systems are used "or measuring de"ormations on the EarthBs crust. This helps in
the prediction o" earth6ua'es and !olcanic eruptions. Geophysicists ha!e been exploiting the
GPS since the mid l#%s to measure continental dri"t and the mo!ement o" the EarthBs
sur"ace in geologically acti!e regions. They are also used "or monitoring the de"ormation o"
dams, bridges and T= towers.
Figure 4: Use of N")ig"tion S"tellites in 'ir Tr"ffi Control
2.3.9 'r%eolog+ "n$ 'r%eologists
&iologists and explorers are using the system to locate ancient ruins, migrating animal herds
and endangered species.
2.*.10 Utilit+ in$ustr+
These systems are o" tremendous help to the utility industry companies li'e electric, gas,
water companies, etc. maps pro!ided by the na!igation systems help these
companies to plan, build and maintain their assets.
2., User E6ui!ment "n$ 7"r$8"re
2.,.1 G"rmin
12 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Garmin designs, manu"actures, and mar'ets leading.edge Global Positioning System (GPS)
technology and other na!igation and communication products. &elow are a "ew ad!antages
o" Garmin products112@
, wide !ariety o" products to "it your needs
3ser."riendly products
Products that ha!e rugged exteriors built to handle tough situations
)ree product manual and latest operating so"tware "or your unit download
, !ast selection o" maps and charts
)ree product support assistance, e!en a"ter the product warranty period ends
Figure 9: One of G"rmin !ro$ut &Nu)i 1*00 Series(
2.3 GPS 'ur"+
Dost people 'now that GPS is pro!en to be a !ery !aluable tool "or the purposes o"
Sur!eying, Trac'ing and 9a!igation. ?owe!er its users must be aware o" its characteristics
13 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
and cautious o" its limitations. &e"ore discuss the detail about the limitation in terms o"
accuracy in GPS satellite, we need to 'now meaning o" GPS accuracy.
GPS "ur"+: The accuracy re"ers to the degree o" closeness the indicated readings are
to the actual position. The accuracy o" a position determined with GPS depends on the type
o" recei!er. Dost consumer GPS units ha!e an accuracy o" about MN.1 to MN.1meter.
,ctually, GPS accuracy is a complex topic in!ol!ing a !ariety o" technical "actors. ,mong the
technical "actor that in"luences their limitation in term o" accuracy include@.
Selecti!e ,!ailability (S,)
>ide ,rea ,ugmentation System (>,,S)
4i""erential GPS (4GPS).
2.3.1 Seleti)e ')"il":ilit+
>ith Selecti!e ,!ailability on, the GPS recei!er doesn7t 'now what time it really is at the
satellites, because the S.,. ma'es the satellite send the wrong time. The time the satellite
sends is usually pretty close to the real time, but not exact. >ithout 'nowing the exact times
at the satellites when they create their time message, the recei!er cannot tell you the exact
location you are trying to measure. This means the GPS recei!er gi!es you a less accurate
position because o" S., too as show in )igure %112
Figure ;: GPS 'ur"+ 1efore "n$ 'fter S' Remo)"l
2.5.2 -i$e 're" 'ugment"tion S+stem &-''S(
14 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The images compare the accuracy o" GPS 8it% "n$ 8it%out seleti)e ")"il":ilit+ &S'(.
Each plot shows the positional scatter o" *- hours o" data ( to *A0# 3T;) ta'en at one
o" the ;ontinuously :perating /e"erence Stations (;:/S) operated by the 9;,4 ;orp. at
Erlanger, Ientuc'y. :n Day *, *, S, was set to 8ero. The plots show that S, causes
#0L o" the points to "all within a radius o" -0. meters. >ithout S,, #0L o" the points "all
within a radius o" G.A meters.
Figure <: GPS 'ur"+ 1efore "n$ 'fter -''S Remo)"l
The abo!e diagrams illustrate GPS accuracy with and without >,,S. The points represent
1 recordings o" the exact same spot on earth o!er an extended time period such as the
same time o" day each day "or 1 days. E!en the position is exact+ a GPS recei!er will
report slightly di""erent positions due to "actors such as atmospheric ionospheric inter"erence
and satellite geometry. Satellite geometry di""erence occurs because o" the angle o" each
satellite in relationship to the position being recorded. 'ur"+ is "l8"+s :est 8%en "t
le"st one s"tellite is $iretl+ o)er %e"$ of t%e reor$e$ !osition. Dost time, the satellites
are not directly o!erhead K slight !ariations are due to the angles measured. =ariations in
location reporting can also be due to such things as re"lected signals such as occurs in
downtown areas o" ma5or cities where many high buildings bloc' the direct line between
satellites K the recei!er.
15 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Figure 10: 1"si om!onent of DGPS.
2.3.* Differenti"l GPS &DGPS(
4GPS(4i""erential GPS) uses two or more GPS recei!ers. >ith a base station whose
accurate position has already been 'nown, we can compare the 'nown position with the new
GPS measurement. The di""erence means the error in the new obser!ed data. This error
in"ormation is then transmitted to a remote GPS recei!er as calibration (/T;D) to the
obser!ed position there. The remote recei!ers recei!e this, correct the directly obser!ed
position, and impro!e accuracy. This technology is called di""erential GPS (4GPS).11*2
, typical 4GPS architecture is shown in )igure 1. The system consists o" a /e"erence
/ecei!er (//) located at a 'nown location that has been pre!iously sur!eyed, and one or
16 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
more 4GPS 3ser /ecei!ers (3/). The // antenna, di""erential correction processing
system, and data lin' e6uipment (i" used) are collecti!ely called the /e"erence Station (/S).
&oth the 3/ and the // data can be collected and stored "or later processing, or sent to the
desired location in real time !ia the data lin'. 4GPS is based on the principle that recei!ers in
the same !icinity will simultaneously experience common errors on a particular satellite
ranging signal. (n general, the 3/ (mobile recei!ers) uses measurements "rom the // to
remo!e the common errors. (n order to accomplish this, the 3/ must simultaneously use a
subset or the same set o" satellites as the re"erence station. The 4GPS positioning e6uations
are "ormulated so that the common errors cancel. /e"erence stations with precise 'nown
locations can calculate the errors associated with each satellite and ad!ise the users o" the
corrections necessary to reduce the errors in the location calculation. The accuracy o" users7
GPS recei!ers e6uipped with di""erential correction recei!ers is impro!ed to less than 1
meters error.11A2
The accuracy 6uoted by many GPS manu"acturers is o"ten done using a statistic 'nown as
CEP &Cirul"r Error Pro:":le( and are usually tested under ideal conditions. The accuracy
expected to be obtained using a GPS recei!er will !ary according to the o!erall system used.
>hile accuracy le!el actually achie!ed will depend upon many "actors, typical estimations o"
the le!el o" GPS accuracy can be gi!en. Table 1 shows the comparisons o" accuracy using
se!eral systems o" GPS
T":le 1: Com!"risons of "ur"+ using se)er"l s+stems of GPS
GPS s+stem E=!ete$ GPS "ur"+ &metres(
GPS with SN, acti!ated O1
GPS without SN, acti!ated O10
4i""erential GPS (4GPS) O0
GPS with >,,S OA
Figure 11: GPS 'ur"+
17 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
,ccuracy (closeness to truth) o" di""erential systems is relati!e to the accuracy o" the
re"erence points used. >hen used in less than ideal conditions, the accuracy and precision
o" any GPS system can be degraded signi"icantly
There are many other "actors that a""ect the accuracy o" GPS recei!ers. The atmosphere is
one. ,s the radio signal passes through the ionosphere and troposphere, the water !apour
and particles can slow a signal down, there"ore a""ecting the time. ,nother error called signal
multipath is caused by the satellite signal re"lecting o"" o" buildings, roc's, water, trees, etc.
,ccuracy tends to be better in open areas where the li'elihood o" re"lection is decreased.
;ommon )actors a""ecting the accuracy o" GPS are@.
Figure 12: T%ere "re m"n+ "uses for !osition errors or lo8 sign"l
Ionos!%ere "n$ tro!os!%ere $el"+s C The satellite signal slows as it
passes through the atmosphere. The GPS system uses a model that
calculates an a!erage amount o" delay to partially correct "or this type o" error.
Sign"l multi !"t% C This occurs when the GPS signal is re"lected o"" ob5ects
such as tall buildings or large roc' sur"aces be"ore it reaches the recei!er.
This increases the tra!el time o" the signal, thereby causing errors.
Reei)er lo. errors C , recei!er7s cloc' is not as accurate as the
atomic cloc's onboard the GPS satellites. There"ore, it may ha!e !ery slight
timing errors.
Or:it"l errors C ,lso 'nown as ephemeris errors, these are inaccuracies o"
the satellite7s reported location.
Num:er of s"tellites )isi:le C The more satellites a GPS recei!er can
Psee,P the better the accuracy.
18 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
1uil$ings# terr"in# eletroni interferene, or sometimes e!en dense
"oliage can bloc' signal reception, causing position errors or possibly no
position reading at all. GPS units typically will not wor' indoors, underwater or
Intention"l $egr"$"tion of t%e s"tellite sign"l C Selecti!e ,!ailability (S,)
is an intentional degradation o" the signal once imposed by the 3.S. 4o4. S,
was intended to pre!ent military ad!ersaries "rom using the highly accurate
GPS signals. The go!ernment turned o"" S, in Day *, which signi"icantly
impro!ed the accuracy o" ci!ilian GPS recei!ers.
2.4 Future of S"tellite N")ig"tion S+stems
Satellite.based na!igation systems are being "urther moderni8ed in order to pro!ide more
accurate and reliable ser!ices. The moderni8ation process includes the launch o" more
power"ul satellites, use o" new codes, enhancement o" ground systems, etc. (n "act, satellite.
based systems will be integrated with other na!igation systems to increase their application
potential. The GPS has been moderni8ed to pro!ide more accurate, reliable and integrated
ser!ices to the users. The "irst e""orts in moderni8ation began with the discontinuation o" the
selecti!e a!ailability "eature, in order to impro!e the accuracy o" the ci!ilian recei!ers. (n
continuation with this step, &loc'.((/D satellites will carry a new ci!ilian code on F*
"re6uency. This will help in "urther impro!ing the accuracy by compensating "or atmospheric
delays and will ensure more na!igation security. Doreo!er, these satellites will carry a new
military code (D code) on both the F1 and F* "re6uencies. This will pro!ide increased
resistance to 5amming. This new code will be operational by the year *1.
The satellites will also ha!e more accurate cloc' systems. &loc'.(() satellites (to be launched
a"ter the &loc'.(( satellites) are planned to be launched by the year *11 and will ha!e a third
carrier signal, F0, at 11$G.-0 D?8. They will also ha!e a longer design li"e, "ast processors
with more memory and a new ci!il signal. The GPS.((( phase o" satellites is in the planning
stage. These satellites will employ spot beams. 3se o" spot beams results in increased
signal power, enabling the system to be more reliable and accurate, with precision accuracy
approaching a metre. ,s "ar as the GF:9,SS is concerned, an e""ort is being made to ma'e
the complete system operational in order to exploit its true application potential11A2.
,nother satellite na!igation system being de!eloped is the European Galileo system. The
"irst Galileo satellite was launched on *% 4ecember *0. (t is planned to launch another
19 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite in the near "uture. These satellites will characteri8e the critical technologies o" the
system. ,"ter the characteri8ation, "our operational satellites will be launched to complete the
!alidation o" the basic Galileo space segment and the related ground segment.
:nce this in.orbit !alidation ((:=) phase has been completed, the remaining operational
satellites will be placed in orbit to reach "ull operational capability. , "ully operational Galileo
system will comprise A satellites (*$ operational and A acti!e spares), positioned in three
circular medium Earth orbit (DE:) planes at *A *** 'm altitude abo!e Earth, and with each
orbital plane inclined at 0GE to the e6uatorial plane. ,ll these de!elopments will expand the
hori8on o" their applications to newer dimensions. (n "act, the "uture o" satellite na!igation
systems is as unlimited as oneBs imagination.
2.9 'ltern"ti)e to GPS
There should be an alternati!e positioning ser!ice besides GPS. Dany country concern o"
what will happen in the time o" war or international con"lict when 3S suddenly stop the GPS
ser!ice. )or examples, when :bama !isits (ndia, 3S, changed the GPS timings without
in"orming to other countries "or security reasons. ,t the same time, (ndia testing its own build
&/,?D:S missile, the missile was not correctly shoots the target due to the "a'e GPS
timings and the test was "ailed. 4ue to this, (ndia had huge losses. (tBs a real incident which
shows the important o" owning a local GPS system "or homeland de"ence11-2.
The European ;ommission (E;) estimates that G.$L o" European G4P Q around % billion
by !alue Q is already dependent on satellite na!igation. &ut European users ha!e no
alternati!e today other than to ta'e their positions "rom 3S GPS or /ussian Glonass
satellites. Satellite positioning has already become the standard way o" na!igating. (" the
signals were switched o"" tomorrow, many ship and aircra"t crews would "ind it incon!enient
and di""icult to re!ert to traditional na!igation methods.
Dany utility networ's are also more and more dependent on the precise time synchronisation
pro!ided by the satellite na!igation systems. ,s the use o" satellite na!igation spreads, the
implications o" a signal "ailure will be e!en greater, 5eopardising not only the e""icient running
o" transport systems, but also human sa"ety.
2.9.1 G2ON'SS&Russi"(
GF:9,SS stands "or RGlobalnaya na!igatsionnaya sputni'o!aya sistemaS or Global
9a!igation Satellite System. (t is a /ussian e6ui!alent o" the 3.S Global Positioning System
(GPS) which is designed "or both military and ci!ilian use, and allows users to identi"y their
positions in real time. GF:9,SS is intended to pro!ide an unlimited number o" nautical, air,
20 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
space, and ground users with na!igation data and precise time signals at any moment and at
any point on the Earth and the near.Earth space en!ironment102.
4e!elopment o" GF:9,SS began in the So!iet 3nion in 1#$G. &eginning on 1* :ctober
1#%*, numerous roc'et launches added satellites to the system until the PconstellationP was
completed in 1##0. )ollowing completion, the system "ell into disrepair with the collapse o"
the /ussian economy. (n the early *s, under =ladimir Putin7s presidency, the restoration
o" the system was made a top go!ernment priority and "unding was substantially increased.
GF:9,SS is currently the most expensi!e program o" the /ussian )ederal Space ,gency,
consuming a third o" its budget in *111G2. &y *1, GF:9,SS had achie!ed 1L co!erage
o" /ussia7s territory and in :ctober *11, the "ull orbital constellation o" *- satellites was
restored, enabling "ull global co!erage. The GF:9,SS satellites designs ha!e undergone
se!eral upgrades, with the latest !ersion being GF:9,SS.I. S+stem $esri!tion
The GF:9,SS system is composed o" "our main elements (see )igure 1A)@
T orbital constellation o" GF:9,SS satellites
T Ground ;ontrol Segment
T roc' complex
T users.
The orbital constellation o" the "ully deployed system is composed o" *- GF:9,SS satellites
orbiting in three orbital planes. The operational orbit parameters are@
T altitude . 1#1 'm
T inclination . G-.% degrees
T period . 11 hours 10 minutes.
21 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Figure 1*: G2ON'SS s+stem "r%iteture
:rbital planes are spaced at 1* degrees in longitude. There are eight satellites in each
plane, which are e!enly spaced at -0 degrees in phase. Doreo!er, the planes themsel!es
are phase.shi"ted 10 degrees with respect to each other. Such an orbital con"iguration
enables continuous and global co!erage o" the EarthBs sur"ace and near.Earth airspace, as
well as an optimal spatial location o" the satellites that increases position determination
The Ground ;ontrol Segment pro!ides GF:9,SS satellite control. (t is composed o" the
System ;ontrol ;enter (S;;), located in Doscow Territory, and se!eral Telemetry, Trac'ing,
and ;ontrol stations (TTK;) distributed throughout the /ussian territory. G;S per"orms the
"ollowing tas's@
T monitoring o" the orbital constellationBs normal operation
T continuous ad5ustment o" satellite orbit parameters
T generation and uploading o" time.tagged programs, control commands, and special
22 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
)or normal operation o" the na!igation satellite system, it is !ery important to synchroni8e all
the processes ta'ing place during system operation. That is to say, these processes shall
ta'e place on the single time scale. To satis"y this re6uirement, the Synchroni8ation System
contains a ;entral Synchroni8er Q a stationary ultra.stable hydrogen "re6uency standard,
which is used as the basis "or GF:9,SS time scale generation. ,ll onboard time scales are
synchroni8ed with the system time scale. The ;entral Synchroni8er is synchroni8ed with the
State Time and )re6uency /e"erence, located in ;. Dendelee! (Doscow Territory).
4eployment and maintenance o" the orbital constellation is pro!ided by two roc'
systems@ one based on the RProtonS launcher and one based on the RSoyu8S launcher. Each
roc' system includes@
T a launcher system
T a booster system
T a satellite system. Sign"ls
GF:9,SS satellites transmit two types o" signal@ a standard precision (SP) signal and an
ob"uscated high precision (?P) signal. The signals use similar 4SSS encoding and binary
phase.shi"t 'eying (&PSI) modulation as in GPS signals. ,ll GF:9,SS satellites transmit
the same code as their SP signal, howe!er each transmits on a di""erent "re6uency using a "re6uency di!ision multiple access ()4D,) techni6ue spanning either side "rom
1G*. D?8, 'nown as the F1 band. The centre "re6uency is 1G* D?8 M n U .0G*0 D?8,
where n is a satellite7s "re6uency channel number (nVW$,WG,W0,...,...,G, pre!iously
nV,...,1A). Signals are transmitted in a A%E cone, using right.hand circular polari8ation, at an
E(/P between *0 to *$ d&> (A1G to 0 watts). 9ote that the *- satellite constellation is
accommodated with only 10 channels by using identical "re6uency channels to support
23 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
antipodal (opposite side o" planet in orbit) satellite pairs, as these satellites will ne!er be in
!iew o" an earth based user at the same time11$2.
The ?P signal (F*) is broadcast in phase 6uadrature with the SP signal, e""ecti!ely sharing
the same carrier wa!e as the SP signal, but with a ten times higher bandwidth than the SP
signal. The F* signals use the same )4D, as the F1 band signals, but transmit straddling
1*-G D?8 with the center "re6uency determined by the1clari"ication needed2 e6uation 1*-G
D?8 M nU.-A$0 D?8, where n spans the same range as "or F1.:ther details o" the ?P
signal ha!e not been disclosed.

, combined GF:9,SSNGPS Personal /adio &eacon,t pea' e""iciency, the SP signal o""ers
hori8ontal positioning accuracy within 0Q1 meters, !ertical positioning within 10 meters, a
!elocity !ector measuring within 1 cmNs, and timing within * ns, all based on
measurements "rom "our "irst.generation satellites simultaneously+ newer satellites such as
GF:9,SS.D impro!e on this. The more accurate ?P signal is a!ailable "or authori8ed users,
such as the /ussian Dilitary, yet unli'e the 3S P(J) code which is modulated by an
encrypting > code, the GF:9,SS P codes are broadcast in the clear using only 7security
through obscurity7. 3se o" this signal bears ris' howe!er as the modulation (and there"ore the
trac'ing strategy) o" the data bits on the F*P code has recently changed "rom unmodulated
to *0 bitNs burst at random inter!als. The GF:9,SS F1P code is modulated at 0 bitNs
without a manchester meander code, and while it carries the same orbital elements as the
;, code, it allocates more bits to critical Funi.Solar acceleration parameters and cloc'
correction terms.
;urrently, an additional ci!il re"erence signal is broadcast in the F* band with an identical SP
code to the F1 band signal. This is a!ailable "rom all satellites in the current constellation,
except satellite number $#0 which is the last o" the in"erior original GF:9,SS design, and
one partially inoperable GF:9,SS.D satellite which is broadcasting only in the F1 band.
(See "or daily updates on constellation status.)
GF:9,SS uses a coordinate datum named PPX.#P (Earth Parameters 1## Q Parametry
Xemli 1##), in which the precise location o" the 9orth Pole is gi!en as an a!erage o" its
position "rom 1# to 1#0. This is in contrast to the GPS7s coordinate datum, >GS %-,
24 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
which uses the location o" the 9orth Pole in 1#%-. ,s o" September 1$, *$ the PX.#
datum has been updated to di""er "rom >GS %- by less than - cm (1G in) in any gi!en
2.9.2 G'2I2EO&Euro!e(
Galileo is EuropeBs own global na!igation satellite system,
pro!iding a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning
ser!ice under ci!ilian control. (t is inter.operable with GPS and
Glonass, the two other global satellite na!igation systems. &y
o""ering dual "re6uencies as standard, Galileo will deli!er real.
time positioning accuracy down to the metre range. (t will
guarantee a!ailability o" the ser!ice under all but the most
extreme circumstances and will in"orm users within seconds o" any satellite "ailure, ma'ing it
suitable "or sa"ety.critical applications such as guiding cars, running trains and landing
ES,Bs "irst two na!igation satellites, G(:=E., and Q&, were launched in *0 and *%
respecti!ely, reser!ing radio "re6uencies set aside "or Galileo by the (nternational
Telecommunications 3nion and testing 'ey Galileo technologies. Then on *1 :ctober *11
came the "irst two o" "our operational satellites designed to !alidate the Galileo concept in
both space and on Earth. Two more will "ollow in *1*. :nce this (n.:rbit =alidation ((:=)
phase has been completed, additional satellites will be launched to reach (nitial :perational
;apability ((:;) around mid.decade.
Galileo ser!ices will come with 6uality and integrity guarantees which mar' the 'ey di""erence
o" this "irst complete ci!il positioning system "rom the military systems that ha!e come be"ore.
, range o" ser!ices will be extended as the system is built up "rom (:; to reach the )ull
:perational ;apability ():;) by this decadeBs end.
The "ully deployed Galileo system consists o" A satellites (*$ operational M A acti!e spares),
positioned in three circular Dedium Earth :rbit (DE:) planes at *A *** 'm altitude abo!e
the Earth, and at an inclination o" the orbital planes o" 0G degrees to the e6uator11#2.
Therea"ter, "our operational satellites . the basic minimum "or satellite na!igation in principle .
are being launched in *11 to !alidate the Galileo concept with both segments@ space and
related ground in"rastructure. :nce this (n.:rbit =alidation ((:=) phase has been completed,
25 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
additional satellites will be launched to to reach the (nitial :perational ;apability around mid.
,t this stage, The :pen Ser!ice, Search and /escue and Public /egulated Ser!ice will be
a!ailable with initial per"ormances. Then along the build.up o" the constellation, new ser!ices
will be tested and made a!ailable to reach the )ull :perational ;apability ():;).
The "ully deployed Galileo system consists o" A satellites (*$ operational M A acti!e spares),
positioned in three circular Dedium Earth :rbit (DE:) planes at *A *** 'm altitude abo!e
the Earth, and at an inclination o" the orbital planes o" 0G degrees with re"erence to the
e6uatorial plane.
:nce this is achie!ed, the Galileo na!igation signals will pro!ide good co!erage e!en at
latitudes up to $0 degrees north, which corresponds to the 9orth ;ape, and beyond. The
large number o" satellites together with the optimisation o" the constellation, and the
a!ailability o" the three acti!e spare satellites, will ensure that the loss o" one satellite has no
discernible e""ect on the user.
Two Galileo ;ontrol ;entres (G;;s) ha!e been implemented on European ground to
pro!ide "or the control o" the satellites and to per"orm the na!igation mission management.
The data pro!ided by a global networ' o" Galileo Sensor Stations (GSSs) will be sent to the
Galileo ;ontrol ;entres through a redundant communications networ'. The G;;s will use
the data "rom the Sensor Stations to compute the integrity in"ormation and to synchronise the
time signal o" all satellites with the ground station cloc's. The exchange o" the data between
the ;ontrol ;entres and the satellites will be per"ormed through up.lin' stations. )i!e
up.lin' stations and 1 ;.band up.lin' stations ha!e been installed around the globe "or this
,s a "urther "eature, Galileo is pro!iding a global Search and /escue (S,/) "unction, based
on the operational ;ospas.Sarsat system. To do so, each satellite will be e6uipped with a
transponder, which is able to trans"er the distress signals "rom the user transmitters to the
/escue ;o.ordination ;entre, which will then initiate the rescue operation1*2.
,t the same time, the system will pro!ide a signal to the user, in"orming him that his situation
has been detected and that help is under way. This latter "eature is new and is considered a
ma5or upgrade compared to the existing system, which does not pro!ide "eedbac' to the
,ltogether Galileo will pro!ide "i!e le!els o" ser!ices with guaranteed 6uality which mar's the
di""erence "rom this "irst complete ci!il positioning system.
26 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS) G"lileo s"tellites s+stem
A in.orbit spacecra"t (including A spares)
:rbital altitude@ *A,*** 'm (DE:)
A orbital planes, 0GE inclination, ascending nodes separated by 1*E longitude (#
operational satellites and one acti!e spare per orbital plane)
Satellite li"etime@ Y1* years
Satellite mass@ G$0 'g
Satellite body dimensions@ *.$ m U 1.* m U 1.1 m
Span o" solar arrays@ 1%.$ m
Power o" solar arrays@ 1.0 '> (end o" li"e) Ser)ies
The Galileo system will ha!e "i!e main ser!ices@
:pen access na!igation
This will be 7"ree to air7 and "or use by the mass mar'et+ Simple timing and positioning
down to 1 metre.
;ommercial na!igation (encrypted)
?igh precision to the centimetre+ guaranteed ser!ice "or which ser!ice pro!iders will
charge "ees.
Sa"ety :" li"e na!igation
:pen ser!ice+ )or applications where guaranteed precision is essential+ (ntegrity
messages will warn o" errors.
27 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Public regulated na!igation (encrypted)
;ontinuous a!ailability e!en in time o" crisis+ Go!ernment agencies will be main
Search and rescue
System will pic' up distress beacon locations+ )easible to send "eedbac', con"irming
help is on its way.
2.9.2.* T%e one!t
Each satellite will ha!e - atomic cloc's o" * types (* rubidium "re6uency standards and *
passi!e hydrogen masers)+ critical to any!igation system and a number o" other
components. These cloc's will pro!ide an accurate timing signal "or a recei!er to calculate
the time that it ta'es the signal to reach the target. This in"ormation is used to calculate the
position o" the recei!er by trilaterating the di""erence in recei!ed signals "rom multiple
Figure 1,: G"lileo l"un% on " So+u> 21 Ot 2011
2.9.2., Intern"tion"l in)ol)ement
28 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
(n September *A, ;hina 5oined the Galileo pro5ect. ;hina was to in!est Z*A million (3S4
A* million, G&P 100 million, ;9J *.A- billion) in the pro5ect o!er the "ollowing years. (n [uly
*-, (srael signed an agreement with the E3 to become a partner in the Galileo pro5ect. :n
A [une *0 the E3 and 3'raine signed an agreement "or 3'raine to 5oin the pro5ect, as
noted in a press release. ,s o" 9o!ember *0, Dorocco also 5oined the programme. :n 1*
[anuary *G, South Iorea 5oined the programme. (n 9o!ember *G, ;hina opted instead
to independently de!elop the &eidou na!igation system satellite na!igation system.1A12
>hen Galileo was !iewed as a pri!ate.sector de!elopment with public.sector "inancial
participation, European ;ommission program managers sought ;hinese participation in
pursuit o" ;hinese cash in the short term and pri!ileged access to ;hinaBs mar'et "or
positioning and timing applications in the longer term. ?owe!er, due to security and
technology.independence policy "rom European ;ommission, ;hina was, in e""ect, dis.
in!ited "rom Galileo and without a return o" its monetary in!estment, a decision that was
rein"orced by ;hinaBs mo!e to build its own global system, called &eidouN;ompass. ,t the
Dunich Satellite 9a!igation Summit on Darch 1, a ;hinese go!ernment o""icial bluntly
as'ed the European ;ommission why it no longer wanted to wor' with ;hina, and when
;hinaBs cash in!estment in Galileo would be returned 1**2.
:n A 9o!ember *$, the *$ member states o" the European 3nion unanimously agreed to
mo!e "orward with the pro5ect, with plans "or bases in Germany and (taly. Spain did not
appro!e during the initial !ote, but appro!ed it later that day. This greatly impro!es the
!iability o" the Galileo pro5ect@ PThe E37s executi!e had pre!iously said that i" agreement was
not reached by [anuary *%, the long.troubled pro5ect would essentially be dead.P
:n A ,pril *#, 9orway too 5oined the programme pledging ZG%.# million toward
de!elopment costs and allowing its companies to bid "or the construction contracts. 9orway,
while not a member o" the E3, is a member o" the ES,.
2.9.* CO5P'SS &C%in"(
The CO5P'SS system, which is also 'nown as 1ei$ou?2, &4* is a pro5ect by ;hina to
de!elop an independent global satellite na!igation system. ;:DP,SS is a new G9SS
similar that posses similar principle with GPS, GF:9,SS, and Galileo.
2.9.*.1 Gener"l s+stem
29 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The new system will be a constellation o" A0 satellites, which include 0 geostationary
orbit (GE:) satellites and A medium Earth orbit(DE:) satellites, that will o""er complete
co!erage o" the globe. The ranging signals are based on the ;4D, principle and ha!e
complex structure typical to Galileo or moderni8ed GPS. Similarly to the other G9SS, there
will be two le!els o" positioning ser!ice@ open and restricted (military). The public ser!ice
shall be a!ailable globally to general users. >hen all the currently planned G9SS systems
are deployed, the users will bene"it "rom the use o" a total constellation o" $0M satellites,
which will signi"icantly impro!e all the aspects o" positioning, especially a!ailability o" the
signals in so.called urban canyons. The general designer o" ;ompass na!igation system
is Sun [iadong, who is also the general designer o" its predecessor, &eidou na!igation
)re6uencies "or ;ompass are allocated in "our bands@ E1, E*, E0&, and EG and o!erlap with
Galileo. The "act o" o!erlapping could be con!enient "rom the point o" !iew o" the recei!er
design, but on the other hand raises the issues o" inter.system inter"erence, especially within
E1 and E* bands, which are allocated "or Galileo7s publicly.regulated ser!ice.
under (nternational Telecommunications 3nion ((T3) policies, the "irst nation to start
broadcasting in a speci"ic "re6uency will ha!e priority to that "re6uency, and any subse6uent
users will be re6uired to obtain permission prior to using that "re6uency, and otherwise
ensure that their broadcasts do not inter"ere with the original nation7s broadcasts. (t now
appears that ;hinese ;ompass satellites will start transmitting in the E1, E*, E0&, and EG
bands be"ore Europe7s Galileo satellites and thus ha!e primary rights to these "re6uency
ranges. ,lthough almost nothing has yet been o""icially announced by ;hinese authorities
about the signals o" the new system, the launch o" the "irst ;ompass satellite permitted
independent researchers not only to study general characteristics o" the signals but e!en to
build a ;ompass recei!er.
;ompass.D1 is an experimental satellite launched "or signal testing and !alidation and "or
the "re6uency "iling on ,pril 1-, *$. The role o" ;ompass.D1 "or ;ompass is similar to the
role o" G(:=E satellites "or Galileo. The signals o" ;ompass.D1 are to a great extent
unra!eled by independent research. The orbit o" ;ompass.D1 is nearly circular, has an
altitude o" *1,10 'm and an inclination o" 00.0 degrees.
;ompass.D1 is transmitting in A bands@ E*, E0&, and EG. (n each "re6uency band two
coherent sub.signals ha!e been detected with a phase shi"t o" # degrees. These signal
components are "urther re"erred to as P(P and P\P. The P(P components ha!e shorter codes
and are li'ely to be intended "or the open ser!ice. The P\P components ha!e much longer
codes, are more inter"erence resisti!e, and are probably intended "or the restricted ser!ice.
30 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The in!estigation o" the transmitted signals started immediately a"ter the launch o"
;:DP,SS.D1 on ,pril 1-, *$. ,lready in [une engineers at ;9ES reported the spectrum
and structure o" the signals. 9ext month researchers "rom the Stan"ord 3ni!ersity reported
complete decoding o" the R(S signal scomponents. The 'nowledge o" the codes allowed a
group o" engineers at Septentrio to build the ;:DP,SS recei!er and report trac'ing and
multipath characteristics o" the R(S signals on E* and E0&.
2.9., IRNSS &In$i"(
(ndia is de!eloping its own !ersion o" the Global Positioning System. (/9SS, stands "or The
(ndian /egional 9a!igation Satellite System is expected to be "ully "unctional by *1* and
will be used "or sur!eillance, telecommunications, transport, identi"ying disaster areas and
public sa"ety. The IRNSS is an autonomous regional satellite navigational system that is
de!eloped by the (S/:, which would be controlled directly by the (ndian go!ernment.The
satellites will be placed at a higher geostationary orbit to ha!e a larger signal "ootprint and
lower number o" satellites to map the region, he said. The "irst satellite o" the proposed
constellation, de!eloped at a cost o" /s 1,G core, is expected to be launched in *#.
The (ndian regional 9a!igational Satellite System ((/9SS) is a constellation comprising o"
se!en other satellites with an ob5ecti!e o" pro!iding access to the Global 9a!igation Satellite
System at the most hostile situations too. The pro5ect had been de!eloped with an intention
to enhance the 6uality o" (ndian security system, as it can trac' the accuracy o" the position
within a region o" * 'm. The (S/: had decided to launch in all the se!en satellites by the
year *1- with a gap o" G months between each launching acti!ities, the "irst one o" the
satellites has yet to be launched in the year *11 and it is being de!eloped with a cost
estimation o" around ]A-* million. The signi"icant "eatures o" the (/9SS ha!e been portrayed
as "ollows@
:n the completion status, the (/9SS would be co!ering all weather conditions o!er
the (ndian landmass, round the cloc' and "urther up to extended distance co!erage o"
about 1!! km.
(" compared with the existing constellations, the (/9SS would be superior in the
sense o" its independent "unctioning "eatures and thus it would be under the direct
control o" (ndian central go!ernment.
The (/9SS on its accomplishment would enter into the competiti!e ground with the
two space na!igation system in the world, i.e. the "#S# $lobal %ositioning System and
the Russian $lobal Navigation Satellite System, which would be another success"ul
milestone in the (ndian space history.
31 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The system can operate independently without any necessary in"luences "rom other
satellite systems, besides transmitting continuous na!igation signals, which are
powered with power"ul electronic e6uipment and atomic cloc's.
(t could be o" much help in acting as the best surveillance system, trac'ing in the
border acti!ities that are happening through the mountains, terrains, and deep under
the sea^ Thus, it can be e6ui!alent in its "unctions to the security personnel,
especially in tracing down the in"iltration acti!ities across the boundaries.
)urther, the ground center o" the IRNSS consists o" &aster Control Center to
estimate the satellitesB orbits, their 6uality, in addition to "ollowing up the health o" the
The (/9SS signals are said to consists o" precision strength and special positioning ser!ice
attributes and both the signals are said to be on the HFB and HSB bands. )urther the
na!igational signals are said to be transmitted in the HSB band "re6uency, which are then
broadcasted through the array type antenna to achie!e the maximum strength and signal
co!erage. The ground "unctionality o" the (/9SS comprises o" the user segments with dual
"re6uency recei!er, which helps in recei!ing the signals "rom the other constellations o" the
system and will be ha!ing a minimum o" $'( of )* d+'k which would be similar to that o" the
2.9.3 @u"si?Aenit% S"tellite S+stem &B"!"n(
[apan has started a new pro5ect o" \uasi.Xenith Satellite System (\XSS) in *A. \XSS
consists o" three satellites and will pro!ide a regional satellite positioning ser!ice as well as
communication and broadcasting ser!ices. Each satellite is in three di""erent orbit planes,
which are obtained by inclining the geostationary orbit (GE:) by about -0 degree. (n this
system, at least one satellite stays around the 8enith "or about eight hours and is !isible with
a higher ele!ation angle in mid.latitude area (e.g. at least % deg. in To'yo) than in case o"
using a satellite in GE:. This characteristic is !ery bene"icial in large cities where there are
many tall buildings which bloc' the signal "rom satellites in GE:. Thus, satellite a!ailability
"or satellite positioning and mobile communication ser!ices is expected to be greatly
impro!ed. Se!eral organi8ations "rom go!ernment and pri!ate sectors cooperate to de!elop
\XSS. The pri!ate sector has established a 5oint company, the ,d!anced Satellite &usiness
;orporation (,S&;), which will de!elop and operate the communications and broadcasting
system as well as satellite bus system. )rom the go!ernment sectors, "our Dinistries and
32 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
their relating research institutions participate in the pro5ect and de!elop the satellite
positioning system. @ASS "n$ !ositioning "ugment"tion
\XSS can enhance GPS ser!ices in two ways@ _rst, a!ailability enhancement, whereby the
a!ailability o" GPS signals is impro!ed, second, per"ormance enhancement whereby the
accuracy and reliability o" GPS deri!ed na!igation solutions is increased.
&ecause the GPS a!ailability enhancement signals transmitted "rom \uasi.Xenith Satellites
are compatible with moderni8ed GPS signals, and hence interoperability is ensured, the
\XSs will transmit the F1;N, signal, F1; signal, F*; signal and F0 signal. This minimi8es
changes to speci"ications and recei!er designs.
;ompared to standalone GPS, the combined system GPS plus \XSS deli!ers impro!ed
positioning per"ormance !ia ranging correction data pro!ided through the transmission o"
submeter.class per"ormance enhancement signals F1.S,() and FE< "rom \XS. (t also
impro!es reliability by means o" "ailure monitoring and system health data noti"ications.
\XSS also pro!ides other support data to users to impro!e GPS satellite ac6uisition.
,ccording to its original plan, \XSs was to carry two types o" space.borne atomic cloc's+ a
hydrogen maser and a /b atomic cloc'. The de!elopment o" a passi!e hydrogen maser "or
\XSs was abandoned in *G. The positioning signal will be generated by a /b cloc' and an
architecture similar to the GPS time'eeping system will be employed. \XSS will also be able
to use a Two.>ay Satellite Time and )re6uency Trans"er (T>ST)T) scheme, which will be
employed to gain some "undamental 'nowledge o" satellite atomic standard beha!ior in
space as well as "or other research purposes. @ASS!ing "n$ remote s+n%roni>"tion
,lthough the _rst generation \XSS time'eeping system (TIS) will be based on the /b cloc',
the _rst \XS, will carry a basic prototype o" an experimental crystal cloc' synchroni8ation
system. 4uring the _rst hal" o" the two year in.orbit test phase, preliminary tests will
in!estigate the "easibility o" the atomic cloc'.less technology which might be employed in the
second generation \XSS.
The mentioned \XSS TIS technology is a no!el satellite time'eeping system which does
not re6uire on.board atomic cloc's as used by existing na!igation satellite systems such as
GPS, GF:9,SS or the planned Galileo system. This concept is di""erentiated by the
33 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
employment o" a synchroni8ation "ramewor' combined with lightweight steerable on.board
cloc's which act as transponders re.broadcasting the precise time remotely pro!ided by the
time synchroni8ation networ' located on the ground. This allows the system to operate
optimally when satellites are in direct contact with the ground station, ma'ing it suitable "or a
system li'e the [apanese \XSS. Fow satellite mass and low satellite manu"acturing and
launch cost are signi"icant ad!antages o" this no!el system. ,n outline o" this concept as well
as two possible implementations o" the time synchroni8ation networ' "or \XSS were studied
and published in )abri8io Tappero7s Ph4 wor'.
34 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS has become a widely deployed and use"ul tool "or commerce, scienti"ic uses, trac'ing,
and sur!eillance. GPS7s accurate time "acilitates e!eryday acti!ities such as ban'ing, mobile
phone operations, and e!en the control o" power grids by allowing well synchroni8ed hand.
o"" switching. >hile originally a military pro5ect, GPS is considered a dual)use technology,
meaning it has signi"icant military and ci!ilian applications.
,ll GPS na!igation and sur!eying techni6ues ha!e limitations that may not permit desired
accuracies in a gi!en en!ironment. The cause "or poor accuracy is not always ob!ious but is
usually attributable to one o" the "ollowing source o" error is multipath N signal corruption, Fow
number o" satellites N poor satellite geometry and erratic (onospheric acti!ity. These errors
can lead to position errors as large as se!eral o" meters or more.
;omparison between >,,S, S, and 4GPS that attributable to accuracy o" GPS satellite
system+ conclude that the best techni6ue or "actor that the best reducing the accuracy is
>,,S is MN. Am.
GPS moderni8ation has now become an ongoing initiati!e to upgrade the Global Positioning
System with new capabilities to meet growing military, ci!il, and commercial needs. The
program is being implemented through a series o" satellite ac6uisitions, including GPS &loc'
((( and the 9ext Generation :perational ;ontrol System (:;<). The 3.S. Go!ernment
continues to impro!e the GPS space and ground segments to increase per"ormance and
(n addition to GPS, other systems are in use or under de!elopment. The /ussian GF:bal
9,!igation Satellite System (GF:9,SS) was in use by only the /ussian military, until it was
made "ully a!ailable to ci!ilians in *$. There are also the planned European 3nion Galileo
positioning system, ;hinese ;ompass na!igation system, and (ndian /egional 9a!igational
Satellite System.
35 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
112 http@NNwww.gpsintegrated.comN
1*2 http@NNwww.gpsintegrated.comNSer!icesNGPSPassenger(n"ormationSystem.aspx
1-2 http@NNwww.gpsintegrated.comNSer!icesNPersonalGPSTrac'ing.aspx
102 http@NNwww.gpstrac'ingser!ice.netN
1G2 Satellite Technology Q Principles and ,pplications (,nil I. Daini, =arsha ,grawal)
1$2 Satellite System Engineering in (P=G En!ironment (4aniel Dinoli)
1%2 [ohn &ell, ,+asic $%S Navigation- . %ractical $uide to $%S Navigation/, [anuary
1#2 ,$lobal System for &obile Communication 0$S&1/, :nline.Education Tutorial,
(nternational Engineering ;onsortium, #th September *0.
112 http@NNwww.una!co.orgNedu`outreachNtutorialNsa.html
1112 http@NNproceedings.esri.comNlibraryNusercon"Nproc#$Nproc#$Nto-0Npap-*%Np-*%.htm
11*2 ;ell.(4 location techni6ue, limits and bene"its@ an experimental study. Emiliano
Tre!isani 4ipartimento di (n"ormatica e Sistemistica 3ni!ersitaa di /oma RFa
Sapien8aS !ia Salaria 11A, 1#% /ome, (taly tre!
11A2 http@NNwww.gps.go!NtechnicalN
11-2 http@NNwww.beacon.egypt.comNdgps.htm
1102 P\XSS in *1P. &aga2ine article. ,sian Sur!eying and Dapping. *#.0.$.
11G2 RThe SystemS. GPS >orld :nline, 9o!ember *$.
11$2 P(ndia to de!elop its own !ersion o" GPSP. www./edi"".com.
36 | P a g e
Global Positioning System (GPS)
11%2 S. ,nandan (*1.-.1). PFaunch o" "irst satellite "or (ndian /egional 9a!igation
Satellite system next yearP. & /etrie!ed *1.1*.A.
11#2 P;ompass due 9ext yearP. &aga2ine article. ,sian Sur!eying and Dapping.
1*2 $alileo3 Compass on collision course, GPS >orld, ,pril *%, p. *$
1*12 T. Grelier, [. 4antepal, ,. 4elatour, ,. Ghion, F. /ies, Initial observation and analysis
of Compass &45 satellite signals, (nside G9SS, DayN[une *$
37 | P a g e

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