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13 May 1986

Resource Dept.
Mission Services Assoc
Box 2427
Knoxv ille , TN 37901
Dear Fr lends ,
h /
Greetings from the Couches in Ghana. Ule want to tell you about
developments here and inform you of our plans. First, we thanK God
that we are healthy and have had no serious problems. Uie hope you are
well and that God is blessing you.
The second term of the school year began in January as scheduled
and was completed in March. The students spent at least two ueeKs
worKing with various churches to put into practice what they ha.e been
studying at the college. On April 7 Christian Adjei left Ghana to
study at Cincinnati Christian Seminary. He will be gone until January,
1987. The arrangements for this trip went exceptionally well. The
Lord answered our prayers in this matter. The third term of the school
year began two weeKs ago and will end with graduation July 19.
Dorothy Eunson is preparing to return to Ghana in July. She has
been gone for two years in order to complete her Master's degree. In
June Ron and Doris Rife will arrive. They have agreed to come for a
few weeKs to help arrange various aspects of the college so we will
function better. Ule plan to leave Ghana at the end of July, following
graduat ion.
When we visited with you three years ago we thought this would be
the end of our work in Ghana. Now, we feel the Lord leading us to
commit more time to Ghana. Our decision is based upon needs of the
college during this time of transition to local leadership. It is our
plan to return to Ghana in January, 1987 and to stay until July, 1988,
if our supporters agree to continue helping us.
We are sharing this with you so you can pray with us that we are
taking the right steps. We want to return to the U.S.A. now for two
reasons! to report to those who have been supporting us and to have
Jeremiah checked by doctors. He is doing very well, but we want to
make sure there are no problems in extending our stay in Ghana.
Please contact our Forwarding Agents in order to schedule a time
for us to visit with you. Our time will be limited, but we would like
to report to you how the work is growing. We have the following
tentative plans:
AUGUST! Indiana, Kentucky
SEPTEMBER! Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania
OCTOBER: Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio
NOVEMER! Ohio, Pennsy1 vania, Tennessee, North Carolina,
F1or ida
DECEMBER: Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania
We will be able o visit churches -from August 10 to December 14, with
the exceptions of August 28 and November 23 and 30. If you could fill
out the form below and send it to our Forwarding Agents, it will help
us to maKe the best use of our time and be able to report on our worK.
ThanK you for your prayers and faithful support. We hope to see
you in a few months.
In Chr ist ,
Th e Co u c h e s
phone: 312-825-2711
CHURCH/NAME: Mission Services Assoc.
We will be able to continue supporting the Couches.
We are NOT able to continue supporting the Couches.
We would 1iKe the Couches to visit us and report on the worK of
Ghana Christian College and Seminary on:
1st choice A.M., P.M, Both
2nd cho ice__ A.M., P.M., Both
JJe would liKe the Couches to visit us, but we will contact them
at a 1ater date.
J=*lease have the Couches contact us to schedule a speaKing date
when they arrive in the U.S.A.
David and Deborah Couch
Field Address:
Box 5722
Accra, Ghana
Forwarding Agent:
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Couch
5106 S- Harmony Rd.
Bioomington. IN 47401
phone 812,825-2711
June 1986
Number 1
David, Deborah, Faith and Jeremiah
We never intended to stay this long! We have
said that before, but not in this context. When
we decided to come to Ghana in 1979, our plans
were to stay for two years. Then we decided to
return in 1983forathreeyearterm. Ouroriginal
plans were to terminate our work in Ghana this
August. However, once again, we plan to return
to Ghana. After much thought and prayer, we
have decided to take a five month furlough
(August to December) and return to Ghana
until August, 1988. Our decision was based on
the present needs of the College and our ability
to meet those needs. Once we arrived at this
decision, the Lord has given us great peace
about it.
There are several ways we feel we can still
contribute to help the College during this time
of transition to more local involvement and
leadership. These ways include teaching,
development of public relations and local
support, and administrative assistance. Since
coming to Ghana in 1980, we have gained some
experience working with the College. At such
an important time of transition, we feel that our
experience should be put to use here.
Such a statement does not satisfy Faith when
she asks, "Why is it so long until I see my
Grandma?" However, when referring to
compressing a furlough Into five months, It is
not a very long time. Two reasons compel us to
return to the USA at this time. We would like to
have Jeremiah reevaluated. He has grown quite
a bit in the last year, and he is able to
Faith and Jeremiah
communicate in many ways, even saying some
words. However, we feel he should be
reevaluated concerning his hearing and motor
skills, so we will know there wilt be no problem
with extending our stay in Ghana.
We also want to report to our supporters
concerning the work of the College. Although
we have not kept up a consistent reporting of
our work here, many churches and individuals
have faithfully upheld us in our work. We want
to give all of you a firsthand report of what is
happening with the College. We also look
forward to spending some time with our
Our plans are to arrive in Indiana the first
week of August and begin visiting our
supporters soon after. If you would like us to
report on the work of Ghana Christian College
and Seminary, please contact our Forwarding
Agent as soon as possible. We hope to return to
Ghana in early January, 1987, in orderto begin
teaching classes for the second term.
Development Plans: Our facilities are full.
There is nowhere to keep any more students,
our classrooms are too small for the present
classes, and we do not have enough office
space. Renting facilities in our area requires an
advance payment of two to five years, even if we
could find adequate accommodation. The
College would like to buy property, but no
financial preparations have been made in that
area. The present program and facilities have
served the College well for its first twenty years.
However, with recent growth, and the prospects
for more growth, these are no longer adequate.
As a result of these circumstances, the Board
of Directors has taken steps to plan the long-
term development of the College. This includes
all areas of the College's ministry: Personnel,
programs, administration, curriculum, and
campus. This is a major undertaking, but it is
considered necessary for the College to
continue to expand its ministry of training
leaders for the churches of Ghana.
Local Support; In the last year the College
has made an effort to raise local support for its
ministry. A Public Relations Office was
established with the responsibility to make
known the ministry of the College and the need
for local support of that ministry. Not
everything that has been tried has been
successful, but valuable experience is being
gained. One of the results of the efforts of the
Public Relations Office has been an increase in
local support. Since July, 1985, the College has
received about 10% of its operating income
through local contributions. It may not seem
like much, but this is substantially more local
support than in the past. It shows that local
Christians are willing to support the College
when they know of its ministry and needs.
Graduation: On July 19 four students will
graduate, bringing the total number of
graduates In the College's twenty years to 117.
These four graduates are already involved in
various ministries to churches, All of them will
have completed three years of study with the
College. Their persistence in continuing their
studies, even while the country was suffering
through very difficult times, is to be
commended. The graduation ceremonies will
be held in the College chapel.
Chapel Construction: You have seen
pictures of the chapel as it was being built. The
walls are up and the roof is on. Work on the
chapel has been suspended recently because
of the development plans. An architect has
agreed to study the campus layout and
recommend changes which will allow the
College to accomodate more students. These
changes will include adding more floors to the
chapel for offices, library, and classrooms.
Therefore, work has been stopped on the
chapel until the new plans are worked out.
Expansion: In the early 1970s, the College
operated extension classes in the coastal city of
Takoradi. Due to a shortage of personnel in
1977 these classes were discontinued. One of
the graduates from last year, Patric Mensah, is
heading up efforts to establish extension
classes in the city of Koforidua, where he
ministers to the Christian Church. Plans have
been approved by the Board of Directors which
will allow him to teach some of the College
courses to church leaders in the area. They
could then come to Accra and complete their
studies at the College, if they desire to do so.
This work will be principally financed by local
Personnel: In April CHRISTIAN ADJEI left
Ghana to complete his M.A. at Cincinnati
Christian Seminary. Christian has been a
teacher at the College since his graduation in
1970, and he has served as Principal since 1983.
In his absence, JOSEPH NSIAH has added the
work of Principal to his responsibilities.
three children arrived in Ghana April 19. They
shared special treats, such as letters from
home, Oreos, hot dogs, and M&Ms, to name a
few. They stayed in Accra until their shipment
was cleared from the harbor. They are now
getting settled in their home in Sunyani, where
they are working with local church leaders
through Theological Education by Extension.
RON AND DORIS RIFE, missionaries to
Ghana from 1967 to 1974, will visit Ghana from
June 16 to August 11. Ron and Doris had a large
part in initially organizing the College. Theirs
will be a working visit. We hope they will be
involved in teaching, visiting churches and
graduates, updating the curriculum and
administration, and advising on the
development of the College.
DOROTHY EUNSON plans to arrive in Ghana
in July after two years of furlough and study.
She has received an M.S. degree in the area of
Library Science. We look forward to her return.
Living conditions: Ghana's improved
economy is a real blessing. Many more things
are now available on the market. Last furlough
we tried to buy a three year supply of whatever
we might need. This time we will only have to
shop for a few items that are still unavailable. It
will be nice not to worry if we remembered to
purchase everything we might need for our next
stay in Ghana. The government has remained
in power since 1981, providing stability to the
The constant flow of water in the pipes is
wonderful. When we have to replace pipes
which are rusted and worn out, we remind
ourselves to be thankful by thinking back to
those many months when we had to haul every
cup of water we used. The electricity goes off
from time to time, but it too is much more
dependable than in the past. All of these things
make our life easier. We have more time to give
to the actual work we are here to do. Pray that
Ghana will continue to improve.
Family news: Jeremiah continues to
progress. He runs (or walks fast), trying to keep
up with his friends playing outside. He
becomes sidetracked at the sight of water.
After getting mud from head to toe. he comes
into the house to bathe, only to return to the dirt
and repeat the cycle. He is ail boy, finding any
way possible to do what he should not, then
acting so innocent. He has learned to say
several words, and some we have yet to discern.
Faith and Jeremiah and Friends
His best teacher is Faith, whom he loves to
mimic. She is most often patient with her ornery
Deborah has been helping with a Good News
Club for four to six year olds (mainly expatriate
children). Faith and Stephani (Fulton) enjoy
learning the Bible stories, memory verses, and
songs. At four. Faith enjoys drawing and
writing. Besides Stephani and Sarah Fulton,
the children play constantly with their
Ghanaian friends Suzah, Yaw, and James.
They never lack other children to play with.
Sometimes Mom and Dad wish they did.
Besides the work of wife and mother,
Deborah teaches a Sunday evening class of
about ten children. She has also been helping
David this term by teaching four hours of
Christian Education.
good health
Jeremiah's progress
Ghana's improved economy
the coming of the Hostetters, Rifes,
Dorothy Eunson
development plans
local support
travel plans
Jeremiah's growth
Before yuu move, please send ihe mailing label below, along wiin a copy of your new address lo:
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. P.O. Box 2427. Kiioxville. TN 37901-2427
Mission Services
PO Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901-2427
Non Profil Org
U S Postage
Knoxville. TN
Permit 374
Volume 2
David and Deborah Couch
Field Address:
Box 5722
Accra, Ghana
October 1986
Forwarding Agent
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch
5106 S. Harmony Rd.
Bloomington. IN 47401
phone 812,825-2711
Number 2
David, Deborah, Faith and Jeremiah
We arrived in Bloomington, Indiana on
August 4 to begin a five month furlough. On our
way home from Ghana we spent five restful
days at Chalet Edelweiss near Interlaken,
Switzerland. This allowed us a few days to rest
after the last hectic weeks in Ghana and before
our furlough travels. Since our arrival in the
USA we have been able to spend time with our
families. We enjoy being able to shop in a
variety of stores and have so many items from
which to choose. Faith and Jeremiah are
fascinated by the bubble-gum machines and
horse rides at the stores. Both of them enjoyed
the Morgan County Fair with its rides. We plan
to return to Ghana on January 10.
GRADUATION; On July 19 four men
received the Diploma in Religious Education
and Pastoral Ministries at the College's
twentieth graduation ceremony. This raised the
total number of College graduates to 117 in
twenty years of operation. The speaker for the
graduation was Dr. Ronald Rife, principal of
GCC/S from 1967 to 1974.
A surprise presentation was made at
graduation. David's Master's hood was
presented to him in recognition of his
graduation from Cincinnati Christian Seminary
in May. David received his M.A. in Church
History. David's parents sent the hood to
Ghana with Dorothy Eunson so the
presentation could be made.
Faculty, staff, graduates, and Directors of
GCC/S at the 20th graduation.
David receiving his /^aster's Hood.
LOCAL SUPPORT: The College continues
its efforts to raise support for its ministry from
local sources as well as receiving support from
Christians in America. A transportation
business is being set up. All profits from this
business will be used by the College in its
operation. The business itself will be underthe
control of the Board of Directors of the College.
This business, along with the contributions of
local churches and individuals and fees
charged by the College, will help the College
become more dependent on local funds. This
does not in any way mean that the College is
able to do without support from Christians in
America. Now. more than ever, GCC/S needs
the support of churches and individuals in
America. The College will be able to grow and
train more leaders for Ghana's churches only if
it continues to enjoy expanded financial
a crossroad in its ministry. More students than
ever desire training at the College, but our
facilities are not adequate for the number who
desire training. (The latest word we have from
Ghana is that there will be about 55 students
studying at the College this year.) There is a
shortage of housing for the students and the
classroom space is too small.
To deal with this problem, the Board of
Directors of the College purchased a piece of
property one block from the College. The
existing buildings on this property can house
three faculty/staff families as well as about
thirty students. This will ease our housing
problems for a few years, but it does not
address the problem of classroom space. In
order to deal with the problems posed by the
anticipated growth of the Colleges program of
Campus Development is being pursued. This
will include the renovation of present facilities,
the addition of housing for faculty and students,
and the building of a multipurpose building to
be known as Restoration House. Although
most of these plans are in the initial stages, we
would like to begin receiving financial
contributions to allow us to pursue our goals.
How can you help? Pray for the leadership of
the College, that we will know the direction the
Lord wants to lead us in. You can also help by
contributing financially toward the work which
needs to be done. Here are some of the needs.
1. Repairs and renovation to the existing
-bookshelves for the library - $50.00 ea.
-bunkbeds for dormitory - $50.00 per set.
-mattresses for beds - $25.00 ea.
-study tables - $20.00 ea.
-chairs - $5.00 ea.
-doorlocks - $15.00 ea.
-window glass - $4.00 each pane
-doors for the chapel - $75.00 each set
For more information on these and other
projects to help the College, please
contact our Forwarding Agents.
2. The purchase of additional housing for
faculty and students: The newest property
needs to be paid for. The College still
owes about $20,000.00 on the property. A
loan h^s been arranged to buy the
property, but the College needs help in
paying off the loan. In addition, we would
like to raise funds to be able to purchase
additional property, should the
opportunity arise in the future.
3. The buiiding of Restoration House:
Sketches have been drawn of a
multipurpose building which can contain a
chapel, offices, classrooms, and a library.
This building can be built on existing
property on top of the Chapel.
Funds for any of these projects can be sent to
our Forwarding Agent. Please specify the
project for which you are contributing. All
funds will be used entirely for the project
PERSONNEL: During the last three months a
number of people have come and gone at the
College. This was a bit unusual, but welcome
all the same. One reason for the many visitors is
the work being done to improve the ministry of
the College.
CHRISTIAN ADJEI has completed summer
classes at Cincinnati Christian Seminary. He
continues his studies this semester. Christian
hopes to complete the classroom requirements
for his degree during this semester and return
to Ghana in January. If you would like to have
him speak to your church, he can be contacted
at CBS, 2700 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, OH
45204-3200. It would be necessary to make
arrangements for his transportation.
DOROTHY EUNSON arrived safely in Ghana
on July 12. She is the only missionary working
with the Oollege in Accra until we return in
January. The JEFF HOSTETTER family
continues their work in Sunyani.
PAT METZ, who has served as
secretary/treasurer for African Mission
Evangelism since 1974,arrivedwith Dorothyfor
a two week visit. We enjoyed her visit and were
happy that Pat was able to have a first-hand
look at the work she has been assisting for these
Pat Metz presenting awards at graduation.
RON AND DORIS RIFE, missionaries to
Ghana from 1967 to 1974, returned to Dallas in
August after spending two months in Ghana.
During their stay the Rifes were involved in
College work in many ways. They also visited a
number of churches and former students. Ron
taught two classes and Doris helped in the
library. Ron also reviewed the structure of the
College and suggested a number of ways
to upgrade it. His suggestions led to many
discussions on the role of the College and an
evaluation of its program. Ron also played a
key role in the purchase of the new property.
They plan to return to Ghana in June, 1987 for
two months to continue what was started this
(From left to right) The Couches, Dorothy
Eunson. The Rifes and the Fultons.
ENOCH NYADOR, a 1982 graduate of
GCC/S, was hired by the College to begin
teaching this academic year. Enoch received
his M. Div. from Emmanuel School of Religion
in May.
America in August after two and one-half years
in Ghana. They will not be returning to Ghana
at this time.
DAVID KALB, missionary to Ghana from
1972 to 1978, will return for one month October
25. He will help out the faculty by teaching an
intensive class in Corinthians and visiting a
number of churches.
TRAVEL PLANS: While we are In the USAwe
hope to visit our supporters. We will be
traveling from two places, Bloomington,
Indiana and McConnelsville, Ohio. We like to
stay around these two places as much as
possible because we are able to stay with our
parents. We have already visited some of our
supporters. In October we will visit and speak in
Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. In November we
will visit and speak in Pennsylvania, North
Carolina, and Florida. In addition to these trips,
we will continue to make numerous weekend
trips to visit supporters in Indiana, Ohio,
Kentucky, and Tennessee. Almost eve^
weekend until our departure to Ghana in
January, 1987 is booked. We wish to thank all of
our supporters for responding so well to our
request to make arrangements for visiting.
JEREMIAH: About two months before we left
Ghana, Jeremiah lost his hearing aid. We were
unable to find it, but have been able to replace it
since our return. Examinations and testing at
Riley Hospital in Indianapolis have shown that
he is catching up with other children his age,
except for his speech and hearing. Due to
Jeremiah's deficiency in hearing, he is behind
in his speech. He will need special attention in
this area, especially during the next two years.
We are very thankful to the Lord that Jeremiah
has experienced no other complications. We
thank you for your prayers on his behalf. Please
continue to pray for us, that we will be able to
provide the attention necessary to help
Jeremiah learn how to talk. Another speech
evaluation is to be done before we return to
Ghana in January.
That graduation went well
For the many discussions and
evaluations of the College
program, and the improvement
they will bring
Our safe trip to the USA
Jeremiah's good progress
The growth of the local support for
Development of the campus and
the program of the College
Payment for the new property
Christian Adjei and his studies
Dorothy Eunson and the Jeff
Hostetter family
David Kalb's visit
Our work with Jeremiah
Our travel plans
Before you move, please send the mailing label below, along with a copy of your new address to:
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. P.O. Box 2427. Knoxville. TN 37901-2427

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Mission Services
PO Box 2427
Knoxville. TN 37901-2427
Non Profit Org
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Permit 11374

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