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Department of Otolaryngology, The University of Tokushima School of Medicine, Tokushima, Japan ;

and Department of Otolaryngology, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan

Abstract: Threekindsof neurotransmitters:histamine,acetylcholineandnoradrenaline,
play important rolesin theneural processesof motion sickness, becauseantihistamines,
scopolamineand amphetamineareeffectivein preventingmotion sickness. Histamine
H1-receptorsareinvolvedinthedevelopment of thesymptomsandsignsof motionsickness,
includingemesis. On provocativemotion stimuli, aneural mismatch signal activatesthe
histaminergic neuron systemin thehypothalamus, andthehistaminergicdescendingim-
pulsestimulatesH1-receptorsin theemetic center of thebrainstem. Thehistaminergic
input totheemetic center through H1-receptorsisindependent of dopamineD2-receptors
in thechemoreceptor trigger zonein theareapostremaand serotonin 5HT3-receptors in
thevisceral afferent,whicharealsoinvolvedintheemeticreflex.Antihistaminesblockemetic
H1-receptorstoprevent motionsickness.Scopolaminepreventsmotionsicknessbymodifying
theneural storetoreducetheneural mismatchsignal andbyfacilitatingtheadaptation/habituation
processes. Thenoradrenergic neuron systemin thelocuscoeruleusissuppressed by the
neural mismatchsignal.Amphetamineantagonizesmismatch-inducedsuppressionof noradrenergic
neural transmission, resultingin preventingmotion sickness. J . Med. Invest. 48: 44-59,
Keywords : motion sickness, space motion sickness, histamine, antihismamine, acetylcholine, scopolamine,
noradrenaline, amphetamine
TheJ ournal of Medical Investigation Vol. 48 2001

1. Emetic linkage and histamine

TheJ ournal of Medical Investigation Vol. 48 2001 TheJ ournal of Medical Investigation Vol. 48 2001
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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
in vivo
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in vivo
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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
2. Mismatch signal and acetylcholine
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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
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3. Sensory processing and noradrenaline
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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
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1. Blockade of the emetic linkage
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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
2. Reduction of mismatch signal size
3. Modification of sensory input
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Suncus Murinus
in vivo
N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness

in vivo

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N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness N. Takeda et al. Neural mechanismsof motion sickness
TheJ ournal of Medical Investigation Vol. 48 2001 TheJ ournal of Medical Investigation Vol. 48 2001

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