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Steep a pair of Earl Grey teabags in boiling water, run them under a
tap and place over eyes for 10 minutes before night out.
se four bags of chamomile tea. !eave them to steep for " minutes
then hold your face over the bowl.
#ree$e cooled chamomile tea in an ice%cube tray. &hen set, remove
cubes and run over your face.
Soa' some gau$e in cooled green tea and apply on s'in the way you
would a toner.
(!)*E ()!
+eat a cup of olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds. ,assage
onto dry areas of your s'in.
+eat enough olive oil to -ll half a small clothes basin. Soa' your hands
in the oil for about 10 minutes, followed by the feet.
se it as a conditioner by leaving warmed olive oil on your hair for 1"
minutes before shampoo.
.emove all traces of mascara by dipping an overused mascara wand
into some olive oil and use it to apply on your lashes the way you
would mascara.
/hop up a cucumber and dri$$le a few drops of lemon 1uice in the
mi2ture. Apply on your face.
Soothe tired eyes by cutting two rounds and place them on the eyelids.
.ub down hot s'in with a mi2ture of chopped cucumber, olive oil and
plain yoghurt.
#or spar'ling teeth, mi2 one teaspoon of fresh lemon 1uice with one
teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and half teaspoon of salt. se li'e
toothpaste 4 once a wee'.
!ighten the s'in and smoothens rough edges of elbows and 'nees. /ut
a lemon into two halves and rest your elbows in each half for 1"
minutes. (r s5uee$e 1uice of lemon and apply on your 'nees.
6eel a tomato and chop it -nely before spreading on face. &or' as an
e7ective cleanser and gentle astringent to tighten pores.
S5uee$e 1uice of an orange and mi2 with a tablespoon of plain yoghurt.
Apply on face, avoiding the eye area. .inse o7 after 10 minutes and
splash face with cold water.
A great way to get rid of dar' undereye circles. .un a large potato in a
blender. S5uee$e the pulp to get rid of e2cess 1uice and form two
patties from it. 6lace the patties over your eyes and 'eep them there
for 10 minutes.
6ound the 'ernel and add body lotion to blend into smooth paste. se
it as a gentle e2foliator for face. 3ote the pip is the rough 8seed9 and
the ivory 'ernel is what you need when split open the pip.
,assage mayonnaise into your hair after shampoo. !eave it on for a
few minutes before rinse o7. :ou can also use mayonnaise as a lip
mas'. !eave it on for 10 minutes before removing with cold water.
,ash a ripe one and use it as a facial mas'< rinse o7 after 10 minutes.
To get rid of pu7y eyes< use a linen cloth, ma'e a 8moneybag9 -lled
with mashed avocado. ;ab it gently on eyes.
/hop ginger and mi2 it with body lotion for a facial scrub. Avoid the
sensitive eye area.
Soa' a cotton pad with cool fresh mil' and press it gently all over your
face. 0esides protein to feed your face, it gets rid of dirt thoroughly.
/hill a cup of mil' in the fridge before pouring the contents into a
clothes spray. se it li'e a sprit$er over in>amed s'in.
&arm a bowl of mil' in the microwave for half a minute and pour
contents into a clothes basin. Soa' your feet for half an hour and then
give it a good hard brush to remove dead s'in.
,i2 two teaspoons of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey with
1ust enough warm water to ma'e a thic' paste. Spread the mi2ture all
over your face and leave it on for 1" to ?0 minutes. .inse o7 with
#or a three%in%one pre%bath treatment< blend two tablespoons of brown
sugar with one teaspoon of fresh lemon 1uice and two to three drops of
olive oil. .ub the paste over rough areas li'e the 'nees and elbows.
/itric acid from the lemon unclogs the pores, s'in%polishing sugar gets
rid of surface dirt and olive oil moisture the s'in.
.un about 10 unripe cherries in a blender. ,i2 the 1uice with a
tablespoon of dry oatmeal and use as a -ve%minute facial mas'.
#or the body< mi2 cherry 1uice with a tablespoon of sea salt and
massage over damp s'in.
;ilute one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of water then heat it
in the microwave for 10 seconds. &hen it@s cooled, apply on your lips
and leave for 10 minutes.
To dry out pimples, pour out a teaspoon of honey into a bowl. ;ip a
cotton bud into the honey and apply on the spots.
#or a temporary facelift, use 1ust the eggwhite. ,i2 it with a tablespoon
of honey and spread over face and throat in an upward motion. !eave
on for 1" minutes and rinse o7 with warm water.
&his' egg yol' with a tablespoon of olive oil and leave on your hair for
a few minutes before your shampoo. )t ma'es a great hair conditioner.
,ash half a ripe papaya with two teaspoons of honey. Apply to areas of
face that are prone to wrin'les such as between the brows and along
the sides of the nose. !eave on it for 10 minutes.
.ecommend below are the secret recipe for healthy drin'ing.
/arrot A Ginger A Apple
B 0oost and cleanse our system.
Apple A /ucumber A /elery
B 6revent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and
Tomato A /arrot A Apple
B )mprove s'in comple2ion and bad breath.
0itter gourd A Apple A ,il'
B Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
(range A Ginger A /ucumber
B )mprove s'in te2ture and moisture and reduce body heat.
6ineapple A Apple A &atermelon
B To dispel e2cess salts, nourishes the bladder and 'idney
Apple A /ucumber A =iwi
B To improves s'in comple2ion.
6ear C 0anana
B To regulates sugar content.
/arrot A Apple A 6ear A ,ango
B /lear body heat, counteracts to2icity, decreased blood pressure and
-ght o2idi$ationD
+oneydew A Grape A &atermelon A ,il'
B .ich in vitamin / A *itamin 0? that increases cell activity and
Strengthen body immunity.
6apaya A 6ineapple A ,il'
B .ich in vitamin /, E, )ron. )mprove s'in comple2ion and metabolism.
0anana A 6ineapple A ,il'
B .ich in *itamin with nutritious and prevent constipation
!emon%Egg Shampoo for 0ouncy and Shiny +air
1 egg
1 tsp. lemon 1uice
E tbs. unscented shampoo
#ragrance oil of your choice
/ombine all ingredients in a bowl. Shampoo into your hair and rinse
The egg will act as a conditioner and the lemon 1uice will bring shine to
(atmeal 0ath or #acial Scrub
1 small bar castile or baby soap, grated For ;ove soap for dry s'in
? cups oatmeal, blended or processed into powder
1 small pac'age blanched almonds, blended with the oatmeal
,i2 the ingredients well. 6ut in a pretty 1ar with a plastic spoon. se ?
to E tablespoons in bath water, or use 1 teaspoon to scrub face.
Almond .osewater 0ody !otion
1HI cup rosewater Fcan be purchased at some health food stores or
1HI cup glycerin
? tbs. witch ha$el
1 tbs. almond oil
,i2 together rosewater and glycerin. Add witch ha$el and almond oil.
Stir completely to dissolve. 6our into a pretty bottle.
Home Made Bath Salts fo Nat!al "lo#
+ome ,ade ,il' 0ath Salt
? cups of powdered mil'
1 cup of cornstarch
0lend together ? cups of powdered mil' with 1 cup of cornstarch.
Then add appro2imately 10 drops of the essence oil of your choice for
fragrance. :ou can store this mi2ture in a non%porous container for
about 1 wee'.
.omantic 0ath Salts
? cups Epsom salts
1 cup Sea salt
10 drops red
10 drops of sandalwood essential oil
" drops of ylang ylang essential oil
10 drops of rose essential oil
)n a large bowl mi2 salts -rst, and then adds the other ingredients
slowly. Then add E%I tablespoons to hot running bath water.

+oney and ,il' 0ath .ecipe
1HI cup honey
1HI cup powered or whole mil'
Add ingredients to running hot bath water. +oney and mil' will
soothe, soften, and moisturi$e your s'in.
plifting 0ath Salts
? cups Epsom salt
1 cup Sea salt
#ood coloring FI drops red, K drops yellowG
L drops of orange essential oil
K drops of neroli essential oil
K drops of lavender essential oil
E drops of lemon essential oil
,i2 salts in a large bowl and then add the other ingredients slowly.
Then add E%I tablespoons to hot running bath water. This bath salt
will surely uplift your spirit.
Energi$ing 0ath Salts
? cups Epsom salts
1 cup Sea salt
K drops eucalyptus oil
10 drops green food coloring, " drops blue
10 drops rosemary oil
1" drops peppermint oil
,i2 salts in a large bowl and then add the other ingredients slowly.
Then add E%I tablespoons to hot running bath water. This bath salt
will surely energi$es you with freshness.
Nat!al Ha$ Co%d$t$o%es a%d Sham&oos
+ome ,ade +air Sprays
1 lemon or orange
/hop one lemon into four pieces. )f you have dry hair, you can
do the same with an orange. 6lace the lemon or orange in a pot
with ? cups water. 0oil until half of the initial amount of water
remains. /ool, strain, and place in a spray bottle.
3oteJ Store it in the refrigerator. :ou can also add one ounce of
rubbing alcohol as a preservative. ;oing this will allow you to
'eep the spray for two wee's un%refrigerated. )f you -nd the
hairspray too stic'y, 1ust add more water.
+ome ,ade +air /onditioner
E%I tablespoons of :ogurt
/oconut (il
Egg &hite 0eaten
,ashed soft banana
+air henna
,i2 all the ingredients and apply on your hair for about 1"
minutes to E0 minutes depending upon the amount of
conditioning re5uired. ,a'e sure that you have covered the
roots and the tips. &ash well with water and if wanted shampoo
as you usually do. An instant shine and freshness is seen in your
3atural ;andru7 Treatment
1H? cup &ater
1H? cup of &hite *inegar
Add both the ingredients together and then apply directly to the
scalp. se before shampoo. #or better result, apply it twice a
+ome ,ade Anti ;andru7 #ormula
? tablespoons cornmeal
1H? cup grape seed oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 plastic bag that will -t over your hair
6our the grape seed oil into a bowl, and add the cornmeal and
vinegar. Stir well to ma'e pasty oil. #irstly rinse hair with warm
water. ,assage the oil into the scalp using your -ngertips in a
circular motion gently. .epeat until the entire scalp has been
massaged. 3ow place a plastic bag over your hair, secure with a
hair clip or clothespin, and allow oil to remain on for at least
1H? hour. #inally rinse well, with shampoo as you normally
+ome ,ade Soaps for Soft and Smooth S'in
.ose 6etals Soap
1H? cup of clear glycerin soap base
rose petals
?0 drops of scent of your choice
,elt about 1H? cup of clear glycerin soap base. &hen melted,
add appro2imately ?0 drops of scent Ffor better fragrance, add
.ose Garden fragranceG. sing a pair of twee$ers, dip rose
petals in the melted glycerin soap. ;ip one at a time, sha'ing
o7 the e2cess soap, and place the petal on wa2ed paper to dry.
As they start to dry, gently turn them over to 'eep them from
getting a glob of soap underneath them.
+ome ,ade Soap for 3atural Glow
0ars of natural fragrance or color free soap
Essential oil
#ood coloring
Almond oil
*itamin E oil
Grate soap in a blender and boil a pot of water and put a glass
bowl over the pot. Add some almond oil into the bowl and then
add soap into the bowl. Ta'e the water from the pot and add it
into the bowl until soap changes into paste. Add oils, color, and
vitamin E as desired. !et cool in molds of your choice. Air out
on wa2 paper for a day or two.
3atural #acial ,as's .ecipes
Apple or /arrot #acial ,as' .ecipe
1 apple or a large carrot
Grate an apple -nely and then add about I tablespoons of
honey. ,i2 it well apply the mas' to your face wait 10 minutes
and rinse. This recipe wor's very well for oily s'ins. )f your
s'in is not oily you can substitute raw carrots for the apple. )
tend to use the apples most of the time but if ) am having an
acne problem ) use carrots for my facial mas' that wee'.
#acial ,as' .ecipes for 3ormal combination, oily and
blemished s'in
1 egg white
1H? cup coo'ed instant oatmeal
1 teaspoon olive oil
few drops of lemon 1uice
,i2 one egg white, 1H? cup coo'ed instant oatmeal, a teaspoon
olive oil and a few drops of lemon 1uice until smooth. Spread
on your face and nec', leave on for 1" 4 E0 min then rinse with
lu'ewarm water. #ew drops lemon 1uice will help to reduce
blac'heads while egg white will leave your s'in feel 8tight9
after this mas' application.
0anana, :ogurt and +oney #acial ,as'
1H? banana
? tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
,ash the banana with a for' then mi2 in honey and yogurt. Apply
to your face evenly. !eave it on for 1"%?0 minutes. .inse o7 with
cool water and get soft and smooth s'in.
(range and :ogurt #acial ,as'
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
Muice of 1HI of an orange
,ash the above ingredients properly and apply on your face
gently. The sensation is both cool and rela2ing. !eave on for a
-ve minutes and then rinse. )f you are feeling sluggish, this is the
perfect mas' for you. The yogurt will cleanse and nourish.

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