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TPC Health Check

Version 1.6.0
Install and User Guide

TPC Health Check

Version 1.6.0
Install and User Guide
This is the first release of this manual for TPC Health Check 1.6.0. This manual provides technical and editorial updates and replaces all previous editions. Please refer to the Summary
of Changes for complete revision history.
The TPC Health Check 1.6.0 software iis about two things, configuration backup and Health Checking. These two functions have been combined in a single tool that performs this
automatically based on inventory from TPC.
If you wish to obtain further information about TPC Health Check, please contact your Account Executive.
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Document History
Document History
This is a snapshot of an on-line document. Paper copies are valid only on the day they are
printed. Refer to the author if you are in any doubt about the accuracy of this document.
Revision History
Summary of Changes
1.0.0 11/30/2011 First Release of Document N
1.0.1 12/02/2011 Changed Alert Parameter N
1.1.0 12/23/2011 Added Support for Windows
1.1a 03/28/2012 Updated Install Section with more
step by step details
1.2.0 04/25/2012 New Install Scripts N
1.2.1 05/10/2012 Minor Updates N
1.3.3 08/17/2012 New Release, support for DS8000,
Brocade, and additional features
1.3.4 10/01/2012 New release, new embedded links
in policy file, and new debug tool.
1.4.0 12/17/2012 H New release
H New Health Check
H Support for new device
H Reports updates, and
security enhancements.
1.5.0 03/30/2013 H New release
H Support for new device
H Collect support files and
policy files updated
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Document History
Authors of this document
Michael ONeill/Manassas/IBM
Per Lutkemeyer/Denmark/IBM
Development Team
Christian Soender/Denmark/IBM
Nicolai Kildal/Denmark/IBM
Per Lutkemeyer/Denmark/IBM
Thomas Lindgaard/Denmark/IBM
1.6.0 06/23/2013 H New release
H Topology info are loaded
from devices and used
for new balancing
H Support for Mainframe
attached DS8000
H TPC 5.1 is now
H New check type named
H New Brocade checks for
error counters.
Summary of Changes
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Summary of Changes
Summary of Changes
This section lists technical updates and new material added to the TPC Health Check Install and
User Guide, for each release of TPC Health Check.
Whats New in TPCHC Release 1.6.0
This release includes a number of improvements and additional features shown below.
Component Additional Features
Physical load balancing D New Check that verifies connections from a storage
device to 2 switch fabrics are balanced, meaning an
equal number of connections to each fabric. When this
connectivity is in place, TPCHC can state that
connections for this device are balanced.
D Reason for this check is to ensure that the storage
devices have redundancy and that workload is spread
evenly between the 2 fabrics.
D Id for check is 2.42 for all supported device types, which
currently are SVC, DS8000, XIV, and Storwize V7000.
Check type
D Custom check to investigate number and type of
connections a given storage device has to the SAN
D For each device:
1.if device is not connected to any fabrics, then device is
2.check if device is connected to exactly 2 fabrics
3.check device is connected to equal number of switches in
each fabric
4.check device has the same number of connections to each
D Note: For SVC and V7000 each node will be checked
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Summary of Changes
Support for mainframe
attached DS8000
D Access to a mainframe attached DS8000 is the same as
to an open systems attached DS8000. To add support for
mainframe attached DS8000 checks have been changed
in the DS8K policy file.
ds8k.2.9 Now allows SCSI-FCP, FICON and FC-AL
ds8k.2.10 Check name updated. If fixed blocks are not
used, check will return compliant.
ds8k.2.11 Check name updated. If fixed blocks are not
used, check will return compliant.
D Enhancements to existing policies to ensure they dont
generate false positive alerts.
D Following DS8000 policies have been changed:
ds8k.1.4 Check name updated
ds8k.2.14 Changed to use output from lsarray. If arrays
are not used, check will return compliant.
ds8k.2.15 If no hosts are connected, check will return
ds8k.2.19 If no hosts are connected, check will return
D Output from Ishostconnect have been reformatted using
| as delimiter between columns; any checks in local
policy files must be updated to avoid false
ds8k.2.15 and ds8k.2.19 are updated to use new delimiter
in lshostconnect.
TPC support D TPC 5.1 is now supported by TPCHC
Check type matchvalue D New check type called matchvalue to capture a numeric
value in stanza, and comparing it against either
minimum, maximum, exact (equal) or range specified
in policy.
D Matchvalue are used for new Brocade error counter
Component Additional Features
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Summary of Changes
Brocade policy changes D New check (2.33) to verify that trunking is enabled on
This new check will in combination with existing check
3.4 ensure that un-trunked E-ports are flagged
2.33 Trunking must be enabled on all ISLs
3.4 If trunking is enabled, trunking license must be
D Threshold lowered
Check 5.1 Thresold is lowered from 50 to 30 on
recommendation of Brocade
D New error counter checks
The following new policies have been added for brocade,
checking various error counters
5.19 CRC errors per port must be below 5 per minute
5.20 Encoding errors outside of frame per port must be
below 25 per minute
5.21 Encoding errors inside of frame per port must be
below 25 per minute
5.22 Er_bad_os per port must be below 5 per minute
5.23 Er_rx_c3_timeout per port must be below 5 per
5.24 Er_tx_c3_timeout per port must be below 5 per
5.25 Er_c3_dest_unreach per port must be below 5 per
New command line option
D Files from another installation can be copied to the
server where TPCHC is installed. When TPCHC is run
with the localfiles option backup functionality is
disabled and TPCHC uses the specified location instead
as input to be health checked.
Component Additional Features
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TPC Health Check Install and User Guide
Support Information
If you have a technical issue that you cannot answer with the provided resources, please contact
the Support Center.
" By Email:
D Send email requests to to:
H Open cases for Severity 2, 3, or 4 problems;
H Track the status of open problem cases;
H Ask questions;
H Submit enhancements requests.
" By Phone:
D For Severity 1 problems - system production down caused by SAT tools, contact the Support
Center using the following toll-free phone numbers:
H North America: 1-800-667-6383
H Europe:
D Germany, Ireland, Italy, and UK: 00-800-6676-3835
D All Other European Countries: +1-303-354-5280
H Asia-Pacific Region:
D Australia: 0011-800-6676-3835
D Hong Kong: 001-800-6676-3835
D Japan: 010-800-667-63835
D South Korea: 002-800-6676-3835
D Philippines: 00-800-6676-3835
D China: 800 810 1818-5174
H Other Countries: +800-667-6383
H Alternate number: +1-303-354-5280
For information about deployment policy and program management;
D Kevin McQuillan/Ireland/IBM
D Stanley Wood/Austin/San Jose/IBM
D BJ Klingenberg/San Jose/IBM
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1.1 This Document
This document describes how to use TPC Health Check and the requirements that must be fulfilled
in order to get a successful result.
In this document you can also find information on how to use TPC Health Check and how to
create your own Health Check policies.
TPC Health Check is also named TPCHC.
TPC Health Check is installed and distributed via the SAT (Storage Automation Tools) package
or installed from the TPC server or on a separate workstation, see Section 2 Install Scenarios.
1.2 Introduction
TPCHC is about two things, configuration backup and Health Checking. These two functions
have been combined into a single tool that performs this automatically based on inventory from
What is Automated Backup?
D Automated collection of configuration settings from storage devices
D Automated means that it is run without user intervention
D Archive configurations to disk
D Number of versions to archive can be configured
D Alert if backup failed
What is Automated Health Check?
D Verify that configuration settings on a storage subsystem are set according to
recommendations or standards
D Health Check policy files are used to describe criteria
D A storage subsystem can be verified with one or more policies
D Automated means that it is run as a service without user intervention
D Alert if checks has failed
D Generate summary report (.xls) and send via email
D The output of TPCHC is generally used by the PDT (Problem Determination Tool) GUI
wizard to quickly identify the devices in error (see the PDT tool available in the SAT package).
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1.3 Health Check Overview
Health check engine compares configuration settings with policies based on best practice.
Configuration settings are pulled from each storage device and archived on disk. Report and
alerts are generated based on results of the health check.
D Daily schedule will kickoff Health Check engine
D Health Check Engine
1. Pull subsystem inventory list from TPC using ODBC.
2. Connect to storage subsystems and pull configuration settings.
a. ) Reset counters on Brocade Switches
3. Archive configuration settings on disk (Backup)
4. Compare configuration from each subsystem with one or more policies.
5. Report results
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1.4 Device Types Supported
TPCHC v1.6 supports the following device types:
H Brocade
H Cisco MDS
H IBM DS8000 - Open systems
H IBM DS8000 - Mainframe attached
H IBM Storwize V7000
H IBM Storwize V7000 Unified
Devices with firmware levels supported by TPC 4.2.x or 5.1.x are also supported by TPCHC.
The TPC support matrix can be found at this link:
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check

Table 1.1:
TPC 4.2.x
TPC 5.1.x
Brocade 200E
Cisco MDS MDS 9120
MDS 9124
MDS 9134
MDS 9140
MDS 9148
MDS 9216
MDS 9216i
MDS 9216A
MDS 9222i
MDS 9506
MDS 9509
MDS 9513
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
DS8700 R.6.3*
R5.1.6 (R5.1.5++)
DS8800 R6.3*
DS8870 R7.0* R7.0*
V7000U 1.3* 1.4*
IBM XIV 2810-A14
V7000 6.4
Table 1.1:
TPC 4.2.x
TPC 5.1.x
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1.4.1 Brocade SAN switch
To collect configuration settings from a Brocade switch, we are using Secure Shell (SSH) which
is installed together with TPCHC, so no extra programs needs to be installed.
To access a Brocade switch from TPCHC server, we need port 22 open in firewalls, from TPCHC
to the Brocade.
Access to Cisco MDS requires an account with admin privileges.
Connection to a Brocade switch only using username/password. SSH key connection is not
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
1.4.2 CISCO MDS SAN-OS Systems
To collect configuration settings from a Cisco, TPCHC are using Secure Shell (SSH) which is
installed together with TPCHC.
To access Cisco MDS from TPCHC server, port 22 must be open in firewalls, from TPCHC to
the Cisco MDS.
Access to Cisco MDS requires an account with admin privileges.
Connection to a Cisco MDS is currently only using username/password. SSH key connection is
not supported.
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
1.4.3 IBM System Storage DS8000
To collect configuration settings from a DS8000, TPCHC are using the DSCLI driver. DSCLI
must be installed on the same server as TPCHC. If DSCLI is not installed, the DS8000 function
will not be activated. To activate DS8000 support, you must run ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
The program dscli can be downloaded from:
Access to DS8000 requires an account with admin privileges to collect user account settings.
If an account with fewer privileges than admin is used, security checks cannot be executed.
Devices are loaded from TPC or added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
1.4.4 IBM Storwize V7000 Disk Systems
To collect configuration settings from a V7000, TPCHC are using Secure Shell (SSH) which is
installed together with TPCHC.
To access V7000 from TPCHC server, port 22 must be open in firewalls, from TPCHC to the
Access to V7000 requires an account with admin privileges.
Connection to a V7000 is currently only using username/password. SSH key connection is not
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
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1. Introduction to TPC Health Check
1.4.5 IBM Storwize V7000 Unified Disk Systems
To collect configuration settings from a V7000, TPCHC are using Secure Shell (SSH) which is
installed together with TPCHC.
To access V7000 from TPCHC server, port 22 must be open in firewalls, from TPCHC to the
Access to V7000 requires an account with admin privileges.
Connection to a V7000 is currently only using username/password. SSH key connection is not
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
1.4.6 IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller (SVC)
To collect configuration settings from a SVC, TPCHC are using Secure Shell (SSH) which is
installed together with TPCHC.
To access SVC from TPCHC server, port 22 must be open in firewalls, from TPCHC to the SVC.
Access to a SVC requires an account with admin privileges.
Connection to a SVC uses a SSH key connection.
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
1.4.7 IBM XIV Storage System series
To collect configuration settings from a XIV TPCHC are using the XCLI driver. XCLI must be
installed on the same server as TPCHC. If XCLI is not installed before the TPCHC install, the
XIV function will not be activated. To activate after TPCHC install, you must run
The program xcli can be downloaded from:
NOTE: There is a known issue with XCLI version 4.1 do not use this version.
Access from TPCHC server to XIV requires some firewall ports to be opened.
Proprietary protocols are used to manage the XIV system from the IBM XIV Storage
Management GUI and IBM XIV command-line interface (XCLI). This management
communication is performed over TCP port 7778. The XIV GUI and XCLI act as the client and
initiate the connection. The XIV system acts as the server.
Access to XIV requires an account with monitor privileges, currently no commands that
require admin privileges are used on the XIV.
Devices are added using the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
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2. Install Scenarios
2. Install Scenarios
TPCHC can be installed in three ways, local on the TPC server, remote, or standalone. Below is
the three scenarios described.
2.1 Local
TPCHC is installed locally on an existing TPC server. See requirements section Hardware and
2.2 Remote
TPCHC is installed on another server with connectivity to the TPC server and storage
subsystems. See Pre-installation requirements all sections.
2.3 Standalone
TPCHC is installed standalone on another server with no connectivity to TPC and configured
direct to the devices.
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3 Pre-Installation
3 Pre-Installation
3.1 Hardware Requirements
Requirements to hardware
D Memory 1GB
D Disk space requirements 2-3 GB free space
D Temporary space needed during installs - 300MB
D Program space - 700MB
D Data space estimates - 1MB per day per device
Daily backups (Default = 30 days)
Monthly backups (Default = 12 months)
10 SVC: (10 x 30) + (10 x 12) = 420MB disk space
3.2 Software Requirements
3.2.1 Operating System
TPCHC can run on the following operating systems:
D Windows Server 2003 r2 (32 and 64 bit)
D Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64 bit)
3.2.2 TPC Version support
TPCHC supports the following TPC versions:
H TPC 4.2
H TPC 5.1
NOTE: The DB2 ODBC driver v9.7 fp4 is included in the install package.
3.3 DS8000 Support
TPCHC connects to DS8000 devices using the DSCLI driver. DSCLI must be installed on the
same server as TPCHC. If DSCLI is not installed before the TPCHC install, the DS8000 function
will not be activated. To activate after the TPCHC install, you first need to install DSCLI.
The URL to download the DSCLI tool is
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3 Pre-Installation
NOTE: You must know what version to use depending on the DS8000 code bundle.
3.4 XIV Support
To collect configuration settings from a XIV we are using XCLI. It needs to be installed on the
same server as TPCHC, just like the DSCLI for the IBM DS8000 system.
The program XCLI can be downloaded from:
Program default location: C:\Program Files\XIV\GUI10\xclisession.exe
3.5 Environment Requirements
3.5.1 Generate Windows Account
A Windows account needs to be created with administrative privledges. This account will allow
that privileged user to install, run, and administer TPCHC.
NOTE: The account used to install TPCHC must be the same as the one that will be used to execute it (from a
command line and from the Windows scheduler).
3.5.2 Third Party Software Requirements
The Problem Determination Tool (PDT) is installed with TPCHC as part of the SAT package.
It is highly recommended to use the JAR as provided in the SAT package:
For x86 - \\ProblemDeterminationTool\Redist\IBMJRE\ibm-java-jre-
For x64 - \\ProblemDeterminationTool\Redist\IBMJRE\ibm-java-jre-
The Third Party software included in the SAT package are .NET (4.0) and Java 6 JRE. This
software requires no need to download but they must be installed.
NOTE: These third-party installation package are available under ProblemDeterminationTool\Redist folder.
3.5.3 Reboot Requirements
The installation of the .NET 4.0 may require a reboot.The .NET 4.0 install process will ask for a
reboot at the end of the .NET 4.0 install in some circumstance.
Not rebooting the server at that time has no impact on the installation and on TPCHC
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3 Pre-Installation
The reboot of the server can be done later and does not prevent the execution and install test of
It will prevent the PDT GUI tool to start until a reboot is done.
3.6 DB2 User Credentials
TPCHC connects to DB2 in order to pull the list of storage devices to be checked and only
applicable when TPCHC is configured to work with TPC.
The DB2 user credential is needed to install TPCHC.
The Local Administrator will also have access to DB2.
Use an existing user account or create a new account in DB2. Make sure that the user is able to
execute the following SQL statements:
select * from tpcreport.storagesubsystem;
select * from tpc.t_res_registered_napi
3.6.1 How to add a DB2 User called tpchc with limited privileges to
1.) You must be logged in as administrator on the server where DB2 is installed.
2.) Create a user tpchc in Windows
3.) Start DB2 CLI
4.) Enter the commands below:
GRANT SELECT ON tpcreport.storagesubsystem TO USER tpchc
GRANT SELECT ON tpc.t_res_registered_napi TO USER tpchc
3.7 SVC Certificate (SSH key)
During installation of a SVC, a .ppk SSH key is generated. This is used by TPC when connecting
to the SVC. TPCHC also needs this certificate.
To allow for TPCHC to connect to a SVC the key must be converted to OpenSSH format.
Converting .ppk key is described in Section 5 Post-Installation of this document.
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3 Pre-Installation
3.8 Connectivity
The DB2 Perl modules communicate with TPCDB.
If you connect through a firewall, opening from server running TPCHC to the TPC Server
(running TPCDB) is needed on port 50000 for both UDP and TCP protocol.
Port 50000 is the default port used when connecting to DB2, if this is changed in your
environment please enter the correct number during the install process.
TPCHC uses SSH protocol to connect to SVC controllers.
The table below shows connectivity from TPCHC to each device type
Server Protocol / port(s) Device
TPCHC SSH > (tcp port 22) SVC
TPCHC SSH > (tcp port 22) V7000
TPCHC SSH > (tcp port 22) V7000U
TPCHC SSH > (tcp port 22) Brocade
TPCHC SSH > (tcp port 22) Cisco MDS
TPCHC via DSCLI TCP port 1718, 1719, 1750,
1755, 8451-8455
TPCHC via XCLI TCP port 7778 XIV

Port 50000, tcp & udp
SSH, port 22 tcp
Mail (SMTP)
port 25 tcp
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3 Pre-Installation
3.9 Checklist
Use the checklist below to verify you can answer YES to all questions.
NOTE: DSCLI downloaded and installed (needed for DS8000 support) and XCLI downloaded and installed
(needed for XIV support).
3.9.1 Install on local server (Where TPC is installed)
Check Answer
User credentials with administrative privileges on TPC
server available

Available disk space > calculated in section 3.1
Extract TPCHealthCheck component from SAT package
to local/remote server.

DSCLI downloaded or installed (DS8000 support)
Operating System listed in install matrix
TPC version listed in install matrix
DB2 version listed in install matrix
DB2 user credentials available
Certificates available for each SVC
Connectivity as described in section 3.5 is available

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3.9.2 Install on remote server
Check Answer
User credentials with administrative privileges on remote
server available

Available disk space > calculated in section 3.1
Extract TPCHealthCheck component from SAT package
to local/remote server.

DSCLI downloaded or installed (DS8000 support)
Operating System listed in install matrix
TPC version listed in install matrix (only required with TPC

DB2 version listed in install matrix (only required with TPC

DB2 user credentials available
Certificates for each SVC copied to remote server
Connectivity as described in section 3.5 is available
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4 Installation
4.1 Overview
There is a prerequisite to download the Storage Automation Tool package zip file at http:// The install of TPCHC 1.6.0 installed from
the SAT package differs from the previous version of TPCHC.
For a fresh install or an upgrade, the TPCHC tool will now as default be installed under
c:\IBM\tpchc and it is possible to change install destination. To start installation launch the
batch file InstallTPCHC.bat that you will find under the folder TPC HealthCheck where the
SAT package has been unzipped.
NOTE: Support files for DS8000 and XIV must be installed before proceeding with installation.
If a previous instance of the tool is installed, the install process will install TPCHC and apply the
previous configuration with no user interaction.
NOTE: There is a prerequisite to download the Storage Automation Tools package zip file 1) Unzip to the server
where TPCHC is to be installed (e.g. into c:\SAT150). 2) Locate the InstallTPCHC.bat under
TPCHealthCheck subfolder in the Storage Automation Tools zip file unzipped location (e.g.
c:\SAT150\tpchc). 3) You would be prompted to install a Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
package unless the package is already installed, then 4) Follow the prompts and provide the
appropriate information.
NOTE: On Windows 2008R2 with user not administrator, but member of administrator group, all programs
must be run with clicking right mouse button on the InstallTPCHC.bat file, and select run as
administrator. If run from command line (CMD), cmd.exe must be started with elevation of rights.
4.2 TPC Health Check Installation - Fresh Install
To begin installation, whether a fresh install or upgrade, run InstallTPCHC.bat from the
TPCHealthCheck directory.
You will be prompted to enter TPC server details. If the username, password, or server are left
blank, TPC server interaction will be disabled. It can be re-enabled (and settings can be changed)
using the reconfiguration utility. For more details on reconfiguration, see the Reconfigure
TPCHC section.
You will also be prompted to enter e-mail notification details. If any of these fields are left blank
( as shown in the following screen) e-mail notification will be disabled. It can be re-enabled (and
settings can be changed) using the reconfiguration utility.
In addition to TPCHC, the following packages will be installed if necessary: IBM JRE 6, and
.NET 4.0 Client Profile,
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NOTE: Installing the SAT Integrated Package (SATIP) is recommended during initial deployment. Please refer to
the SAT page - SATIP Installation Guide.
A TPC database connection will be tested during the installation process. If this connection fails,
an error message will be displayed with more information. If no suggestions are given by the
installation script, please contact support.
NOTE: You can reconfigure database connection settings and test the connection using the reconfiguration
utility - ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
NOTE: The install is captured in the installLog.txt located in the install directory where the SAT package was
4.3 TPC Health Check Installation - Upgrade from
Previous Version
If upgrading from a previous version of SAT, cygwin may already exist. You will be asked
whether or not you wish to overwrite cygwin; it is not necessary to do so.
Old settings and certificate files will be saved and imported into the new version.
Licensed Material Property of IBM Corporation
If upgrading from TPC Health Check 1.2/SAT 1.0.0, you will be prompted about enabling
DS8000 support. See the documentation section for DS8000 support for more details. If
upgrading from TPC Health Check 1.3/SAT 1.2.0 or earlier, you will be prompted about
enabling XIV support. See the documentation section on XIV support for more details.
If upgrading from a standalone version of TPC Health Check (or you are changing the
installation path) and if you previously scheduled checks, you will be prompted to reschedule
due to the installation path change.
Database settings will be tested during the installation process. If the database connection fails
during installation, you can reconfigure these settings using the reconfiguration utility. See
Reconfigure TPCHC in the post-install section.
NOTE: If upgrading from a standalone version of TPC Health Check, the old c:\cygwin\opt\IBM\tpchc path will
be renamed to tpchc.OLD. You may remove this path as well as the c:\cygwin directory (unless you are
using it for something else on the system) or save it as a backup.
4.4 Reconfiguration
If you need to reconfigure the TPC Health Check installation, you may do so by running
c:\IBM\tpchc\ReconfigureTPCHC.bat in the install directory.
See Reconfiguring TPCHC in the post-install section.
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4.5 Copy Certificate Files
The certificate files for each SVC need to be placed in C:\IBM\tpchc\conf\certs.
Depending on how TPCHC is installed, select appropriate section below:
4.5.1 TPCHC installed local on TPC server
Run the reconfiguration utility and select to add SVC devices from the TPC server will
automatically copy (and convert, if necessary) the certificate files.
4.5.2 TPCHC installed on remote server
If TPC Health Check is installed on remote server, then you must copy the certificate files to
Transfer the SSH keys from the TPC server to the server hosting the TPC Health Check. Files
are typically found under;
C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\device\cert
After copying the files, run the reconfiguration utility and have it add the SVC devices from the
TPC server. It will automatically find the certificates in the import directory and copy/convert
as necessary.
How to Determine the Correct SSH Key on the TPC server
To make sure you copy the correct key (i.e. the key in the TPC server that correspond to the
storage device you want to manage), connect to the TPC then go to Storage Subsystems to
identify the storage device
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5. Post Installation
5. Post Installation
TPCHC is now installed and you have to go through some steps described in this section.
5.1 Reconfiguring TPCHC
Once TPCHC has been installed and/or configured, you can run the c:\IBM\tpchc\
ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script. This script allows you to perform several administration tasks
such as:
D Reconfiguring TPC settings, such as Database information, and TPC server IP.
D Check and test the DB2 database connection for debug purposes.
D Adjust devices configuration and support including adding manually some device, and enable
or disable DS8000 and/or XIV support. This function is to be used when you need to define a
device not registered in the TPC database.
D Change email notification configuration: enabling/disabling and email settings.
D Changing schedule for automatic TPCHC launch.
To run the reconfiguration utility, run by double clicking on
c:\IBM\tpchc\ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script. You will be presented with a menu as depicted in
the screenshot.
How to add devices.
Type of install Add devices
Integrated with TPC DS8000 and SVCs are imported/updated from TPC
every time TPCHC is run. See additional device types
supported in section 1.4.
DS8000 credentials must be added using Reconfig-
Brocade must be added using ReconfigureTPCHC.bat
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5. Post Installation
How to get SVC certificate files.
5.1.1 Reconfiguration: Manually Adding and Removing Devices
1) Run the c:\IBM\tpchc\ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script to manually add a device. It will update
the adequate configuration files and allow TPCHC to perform a test against the device even if
the device is not registered in TPC database.
2) To do so, choose the Adjust device configuration and support sub menu from the
Reconfiguration menu
Stand alone All devices must be added using ReconfigureTCHC.bat.
Type of install Certificate files
Local on same server as TPC ReconfigureTPCHC.bat will pull information from TPC,
copy and convert to openssh format.
Remote server Copy certificate files for all SVCs manually to this
directory C:\IBM\tpchc\import
Then add devices using ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
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5. Post Installation
3.) And proceed as follows by providing IP address of the SVC device and device name
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5. Post Installation
In the example shown above, a dummy DS8000 device has been added manually and
subsequently removed.
5.1.2 Reconfiguration: Adding Devices from the TPC Server
The reconfiguration utility can also add devices that it finds on a configured TPC server (SVC
and DS8000 devices). See section 1.4 - Device Types Supported.
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5. Post Installation
If adding a SVC device from the TPC server, there are three ways to get the certificates. If TPC
Health Check is being run on the TPC server, the certificate files will be automatically taken
from the TPC server directory. If TPC Health Check is on an external server, you can place the
certificates in C:\IBM\tpchc\import and the utility will use it there. Otherwise, the utility will
show instructions on-screen.
5.1.3 Reconfiguration: Getting and Converting keys
Use the ReconfigureTPCHC.bat to copy and convert the ssh keys. The prerequisite is that keys
are copied locally under C:\IBM\tpchc\import if the TPCHC install is remote. There is nothing
to do prior to executing ReconfigureTPCHC .bat execution if TPCHC is installed on the TPC
server itself. ReconfigureTPCHC .bat will convert the key to the correct format.
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5. Post Installation
5.1.4 Reconfiguration: Adjusting Locally Defined Device Policies
You can adjust what locally defined policies are associated with which devices. Using the
ReconfigureTPCHC.bat, you can select devices and then add or remove locally defined policy
files (located in tpchc\conf\policies\local) from them. Devices may be selected individually; you
may also select multiple devices and add or remove policies from all selected devices at once. See
the section on local policies for more information.
5.2 Running TPCHC manually
Run script
Look in the tpchc.log file to view result.
Licensed Material Property of IBM Corporation
5. Post Installation
Type c:\IBM\tpchc\log\tpchc.log
Tue Nov 29 08:15:03 2011: #######################################################################
Tue Nov 29 08:15:03 2011: # bin/
Tue Nov 29 08:15:03 2011: #######################################################################
Tue Nov 29 08:15:03 2011: Starting check of all devices in TPC
Tue Nov 29 08:15:03 2011: Connecting to TPC
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: got 3 device(s) from TPC
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: skipped devices with types ds8000 as they have no default policy defined in
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: writing new devicefile
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: processing central policy file
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM not found in policy file, adding it with default policy
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_E1_01-IBM not found in policy file, adding it with default policy
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_P2_02-IBM not found in policy file, adding it with default policy
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: writing new policy file
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: Running checks of 3 device(s)
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM: Starting check
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_E1_01-IBM: Starting check
Tue Nov 29 08:15:04 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_P2_02-IBM: Starting check
Tue Nov 29 08:15:06 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM: Health check succesful
Tue Nov 29 08:15:06 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_P2_02-IBM: Health check succesful
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_E1_01-IBM: Health check succesful
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: All devices was checked
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: Creating healthcheck report
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: Create an email with subject 'Healthcheck report for TPC for Carlsberg' for 'Per
Lytkemeyer <>, Nicolai Kildal <>'
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: attach body part
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: attach file : /opt/IBM/tpchc/tmp/tpchc-report.2011-11-29.xls
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: send email
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: Copied results to daily log directory: /opt/IBM/tpchc/results/daily/2011-11-29
Tue Nov 29 08:15:14 2011: Creating monthly archive zip: /opt/IBM/tpchc/results/monthly/

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6. Scheduling
6. Scheduling
To configure scheduling of TPCHC, run the utility ReconfigureTPCHC.bat.
When TPCHC have been run manually with success as described in section 5.2, you are ready
to start scheduling.
It is recommended to schedule a daily run of TPCHC.

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7. Results from TPC Health Check
7. Results from TPC Health Check
Results from the daily run are stored in a subfolder for each day.
Each month, the first run of TPCHC will result in a copy of the daily files to be stored in a zip
file for that day.
The number of daily and monthly generations to keep is a setting you can change to your need,
see configuration.
Content of the result folders is described in below sections.
7.1 Configuration backup
TPCHC pulls configuration settings from storage subsystems and saves output in a .out file for
each system. The .out file is in plain text and can be used during recovery or fail-back.
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7. Results from TPC Health Check
77.1 Configuration backup
Example, small extract from beginning of .out file:
$ more /opt/IBM/tpchc/results/daily/2011-11-30/devices/SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM.out
#### <lsiogrp>


id 0
name io_grp0
node_count 2
vdisk_count 226
host_count 37
flash_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
flash_copy_free_memory 19.8MB
remote_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 15.5MB
mirroring_total_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 0.0MB

id 1
name io_grp1
node_count 2
vdisk_count 248
host_count 18
flash_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
flash_copy_free_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 19.8MB
mirroring_total_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 0.0MB

id 2
name io_grp2
node_count 2
vdisk_count 223
host_count 28
flash_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
flash_copy_free_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 16.9MB
mirroring_total_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 0.0MB

id 3
name io_grp3
node_count 2
vdisk_count 312
host_count 18
flash_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
flash_copy_free_memory 19.2MB
remote_copy_total_memory 20.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 17.1MB
mirroring_total_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 0.0MB

id 4
name recovery_io_grp
node_count 0
vdisk_count 0
host_count 0
flash_copy_total_memory 0.0MB
flash_copy_free_memory 0.0MB
remote_copy_total_memory 0.0MB
remote_copy_free_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_total_memory 0.0MB
mirroring_free_memory 0.0MB

#### /
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7. Results from TPC Health Check

id 000002006020B6DC
name CB_SVC_B6_03
location local
total_mdisk_capacity 393.7TB
space_in_mdisk_grps 393.7TB
space_allocated_to_vdisks 196.41TB
total_free_space 197.3TB
statistics_status off
statistics_frequency 5
required_memory 8192
cluster_locale en_US
time_zone 522 UTC
code_level (build 18.2.1009060000)
FC_port_speed 2Gb
id_alias 000002006020B6DC
gm_link_tolerance 300
gm_inter_cluster_delay_simulation 0
gm_intra_cluster_delay_simulation 0
email_state invalid
inventory_mail_interval 0
total_vdiskcopy_capacity 196.41TB
total_used_capacity 196.41TB
total_overallocation 49
total_vdisk_capacity 196.41TB
iscsi_auth_method none
auth_service_configured no
auth_service_enabled no
auth_service_pwd_set no
auth_service_cert_set no
relationship_bandwidth_limit 25
gm_max_host_delay 5

id 0000020064604756
name CB_SVC_P2_02
location remote
partnership fully_configured
bandwidth 800
statistics_status off
statistics_frequency 0
required_memory 8192
cluster_locale en_US
time_zone 522 UTC
code_level (build 18.2.1009060000)
FC_port_speed 2Gb
id_alias 0000020064604756
gm_link_tolerance 300
gm_inter_cluster_delay_simulation 0
gm_intra_cluster_delay_simulation 0
email_state invalid
inventory_mail_interval 0
Licensed Material Property of IBM Corporation
7. Results from TPC Health Check
7.2 Log files
TPCHC generates three types of log files: A main log file (tpchc.log) and two with details for
each subsystem (devicename.log and devicename_noncompliance.log).
Content from latest run in tpchc.log is copied to the daily folder.
The subsystem log files shows in details, how configuration is pulled from the storage
subsystem, health check steps performed, and details for noncompliant checks.
iscsi_auth_method none
auth_service_configured no
auth_service_enabled no
auth_service_pwd_set no
auth_service_cert_set no
relationship_bandwidth_limit 25
gm_max_host_delay 5

id 0000020064604756
name CB_SVC_P2_02
location remote
partnership fully_configured
bandwidth 800
statistics_status off
statistics_frequency 0
required_memory 8192
cluster_locale en_US
time_zone 522 UTC
code_level (build 18.2.1009060000)
FC_port_speed 2Gb
id_alias 0000020064604756
gm_link_tolerance 300
gm_inter_cluster_delay_simulation 0
gm_intra_cluster_delay_simulation 0
email_state invalid
inventory_mail_interval 0
iscsi_auth_method none
auth_service_configured no
auth_service_enabled no
auth_service_pwd_set no
auth_service_cert_set no
relationship_bandwidth_limit 25
gm_max_host_delay 5

#### </lscluster>

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7. Results from TPC Health Check
Noncompliance log files are described in section 7.2.1
Below are listed examples of main log file and subsystem log files.
Example 1, main log file:
Wed Nov 30 08:12:06 2011: #######################################################################
Wed Nov 30 08:12:06 2011: # bin/
Wed Nov 30 08:12:06 2011: #######################################################################
Wed Nov 30 08:12:06 2011: Starting check of all devices in TPC
Wed Nov 30 08:12:06 2011: Connecting to TPC
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: got 3 device(s) from TPC
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: skipped devices with types ds8000 as they have no default policy defined in
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: writing new devicefile
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: processing central policy file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Running checks of 3 device(s)
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM: Starting check
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_E1_01-IBM: Starting check
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_P2_02-IBM: Starting check
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM: Health check succesful
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_P2_02-IBM: Health check succesful
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_E1_01-IBM: Health check succesful
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: All devices was checked
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: Creating healthcheck report
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: Create an email with subject 'Healthcheck report from TPC for Carlsberg' for
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: attach body part
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: attach file : /opt/IBM/tpchc/tmp/tpchc-report.2011-11-30.xls
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: send email
Wed Nov 30 08:12:17 2011: Copied results to daily log directory: /opt/IBM/tpchc/results/daily/2011-11-30

Licensed Material Property of IBM Corporation
7. Results from TPC Health Check
7.2.1 Log file for noncompliant checks
A log file named <devicename>.noncompliant.log is stored in same place as the other 2 log files,
in tmp\device (latest run) or results\daily\<date>\device (stored results).
To recap the log files and their functions
Example 2, detailed log file for a subsystem:
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: ###############################################
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: # Device: SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: ###############################################
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Starting backup
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Running script: 'cd /opt/IBM/tpchc/bin/expect;
/opt/IBM/tpchc/bin/expect/get_config.exp SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM 2>&1'
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: devicename SVC-2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: type: SVC ipaddress:
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: SSH Key file exist, continue
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Writing svcinfo lsiogrp collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Writing svcinfo lscluster collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:07 2011: Writing svcinfo lscontroller collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsnode collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsmdiskgrp collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lshost collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsvdisk collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsfabric collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsrcrelationship collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsuser collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsmdisk collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsemailserver collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lssyslogserver collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lssnmpserver collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: Writing svcinfo lsquorum collected data to file
Wed Nov 30 08:12:08 2011: [OK]
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: Backup status: OK
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: Finding policies to check:
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: svc_standard_v1.0.pol
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: Starting health check
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: Running script: '/opt/IBM/tpchc/bin/healthcheck/ /opt/IBM/tpchc/tmp/devices/SVC-
2145-CB_SVC_B6_03-IBM.out /opt/IBM/tpchc/conf/policies/svc_standard_v1.0.pol 2>&1'
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: [Policy: svc_standard_v1.0.pol]
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 1.1 - Firmware level: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 1.2 - Hardware level: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.1 - Max 2000 vdisks in any IOgrp: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.2 - Max 200 hosts in any IOgrp: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.3 - Quorum disk aktive state is no: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.4 - Quorum disk aktive state is yes: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.5 - Configured Quorum disk must be online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.6 - All Vdisks must be stribed: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.7 - Vdisks max. size 2.0TB: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.8 - Vdisks max size 2000GB: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.9 - Email (SMTP) configured: Noncompliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.10 - SNMP configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.11 - SNMP community configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.12 - NTP configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.13 - Intra Cluster Delay timing configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.14 - Inter Cluster Delay timing configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.15 - Mdisk max. 4095 configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.16 - Mdiskgrp. max 127 configured: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.17 - Hosts must have more than 1 connection: Noncompliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.18 - SVC total capacity max. 300TB: Noncompliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 2.19 - More than 1023 hosts defined: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.1 - Configured Nodes are online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.2 - Disk Controllers online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.3 - Configured Disk controllers are not degraded: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.4 - Configured mirrored vdisk are const_sync.: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.5 - Configured vdisks are online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.6 - Configured Mdisks are online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: 3.7 - Configured mdiskgrps are online: Compliant
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: # Noncompliant TOTAL: 3
Wed Nov 30 08:12:09 2011: Healthcheck status: Noncompliant

Licensed Material Property of IBM Corporation
7. Results from TPC Health Check
D <devicename>.log, used for general logging, like connection to device, which commands have
been run, how did each policy check go, and last summary of number of Noncompliant
checks, and overall status of device
D <devicename>.out, used for storing output from each command run, separated with XML-like
tags in separate stanza's
D <devicename>.noncompliant.log, used for storing which lines failed to comply with the basic
match check, or for more complicated checks, explanation of reason for failure.
To illustrate see example below.
Cisco policy check 2.1
id: cisco.2.1
checkname: Timeout must be set to 10 min. Or less
type: match
segment: terminal
stanzastart: ^Session\sTimeout:
stanzastop: $
stanzacriteria: include:^Session\sTimeout:\s+(?:[0-9]|1[0-9])\s+
stanzaempty: Noncompliant
severity: minor
.out file from Cisco device
#### <terminal>
TTY: /dev/pts/16 Type: "xterm"
Length: 0 lines, Width: 80 columns
Session Timeout: 30 minutes
Event Manager CLI event bypass: no
Redirection mode: ascii
Accounting log all commands (including show commands): no
Vlan batch mode: no
#### </terminal>
From policy check cisco.2.1 we see that checkname is Timeout must be set to 10 min. Or less
- and examing the above data we see the session timeout is set to 30 minutes, which is
noncompliant for this check.
The corresponding .noncompliant.log for the device is:
#### <cisco.2.1>
Id: cisco.2.1
Name: Timeout must be set to 10 min. Or less
Type: match
Segment: terminal
Severity: minor
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7. Results from TPC Health Check
This check was noncompliant because of the following line(s), which did not meet the check
Session Timeout: 30 minutes
#### </cisco.2.1>
We can see the id, name, type, segment and severity for this check, because it is a match check,
we will see which lines conflicts with this check ,highlighted above.
For this simple example there is little difference, between opening the .out file and the log fil, but
if several checks fails, we have to go back and forth between the .log file and .out file, with the
new .noncompliant.log file all noncompliant checks and the reason are gathered in one file.
Example of a .noncompliant.log check of type count
#### <svc.2.21>
Id: svc.2.21
Name: Check for more that 5 mdisk groups
Type: count
Segment: lsmdiskgrp
Severity: info
Reason for noncompliance:
The number of lines matched was 6 which is above 5
The lines counted were:
0 C05_DS83_P4_0 online 12 57 20.1TB 512 8.0TB
12.04TB 12.04TB 12.04TB 59 0
1 C05_DS83_P4_1 online 12 100 20.1TB 512 9.1TB
10.93TB 10.93TB 10.93TB 54 0
2 C05_DS83_P4_2 online 18 77 27.8TB 512 9.3TB
18.56TB 18.56TB 18.56TB 66 0
3 C05_DS83_P4_3 online 18 38 32.4TB 512 17.1TB
15.33TB 15.33TB 15.33TB 47 0
4 C05_DS83_P426_0 online 12 26 18.5TB 512 7.3TB
11.22TB 11.22TB 11.22TB 60 0
5 C05_DS83_P426_1 online 12 6 21.6TB 512 17.5TB
4.08TB 4.08TB 4.08TB 18 0
#### </svc.2.21>
Now it is easy to see why this is noncompliant: The number of lines matched was 6 which is
above 5
Then the exact lines where matched, now it is easier to start correcting the issue.
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7. Results from TPC Health Check
7.3 Health Check report
The report generated is a Excel format spreadsheet. The report contains the result of the device
configuration backup and the Health Check runs.
The report is organized in a dashboard, summary sheet, noncompliant checks sheet and one
sheet for every policy checked.
Below you can see an example report.
7.3.1 Example dashboard
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7. Results from TPC Health Check
7.3.2 Example summary report
Summary Sheet
7.3.3 Example Noncompliance report
Noncompliant report checks
Note the column Link to guide, it contains links to guides on GSA website for each check.
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7. Results from TPC Health Check
7.3.4 Example Policy report
Policy report example
Result of all checks in a policy for each device.
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8. TPCHC command line options
8. TPCHC command line options
TPCHC can be called with a number of options when started. Below are each option explained.
In the explanations are <tpchc base dir> used to locate path to TPCHC. Default path when
installing TPCHC is C:/Program Files/IBM/tpchc.
8.1 Oneshot
This option allows for multiple runs of TPCHC without sending alerts, mails, or archiving
results. Output from running TPCHC with this option will only be stored in <tpchc base dir>/
tmp. Note: content of <tpchc base dir>/tmp will be deleted every time TPCHC is started.
Syntax: oneshot
8.2 Collect support files
TPCHC is able to collect files from a range of device types. Different methods are used to collect
the support files from each device type, this is managed by TPCHC.
Device types supported: Cisco MDS, SVC, V7000
Collected files are stored at this location: <tpchc base dir>/results/support/<device name>
Note: running TPCHC will delete any existing support files for the specified device.
Syntax: support <device name>
8.3 Enable debugging
In situations where TPCHC returns unexpected results or backup fails without a meaningful
error message, debugging can be turned on. This will make TPCHC log all details during
execution. Debug can also be used in combination with other options like oneshot and
Syntax: debug
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8. TPCHC command line options
8.4 Local files
Files from another installation can be copied to the server where TPCHC is installed. When
TPCHC is run with the localfiles option backup functionality is disanled and TPCHC uses the
specified location instead as input to be health checked.
Syntax: localfiles c:\temp\files from server1\results
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9. Alerting and Notification
9. Alerting and Notification
TPCHC can be configured to alert the administrator(s) in case of failures or compliance issues
detected during execution of the scripts. Alerts are divided into two categories, system and
compliance alerts - each can be sent to different receivers. TPCHC can also notify
administrator(s) about the result of last run by sending an email with the Health Check report.
9.1 System alerts
If an error occurs during execution of TPCHC, a system alert can be sent. Examples of errors
that cause sytem alerts are:
H Wrong access rights to files used by TPCHC
H Missing credentials or SSH-keys to log on to a device
H No connectivity to TPC database
Settings for system alerts are configured in tpchc.cfg. For more details about this see
Configuration section in Section 9.
9.2 Compliance alerts
If a device does not comply with health checks defined in a given policy, a compliance alert can
be sent.
A device with two or more noncompliant checks will only result in one alert per device. An alert
is generated based on the check with the highest severity.
Settings for system alerts are configured in tpchc.cfg. For more details about this see
Configuration section in Section 9.
9.3 Threshold based alerting
When an alert is being generated a severity is assigned. TPCHC can be configured to only send
alerts that have a certain severity level or higher.
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9. Alerting and Notification
List of severities:
Threshold settings for compliance alerts are configured in tpchc.cfg. For more details about this
see Configuration section in Section 9.
9.4 Notification via email
The health Check report that is generated by TPCHC can be sent to a list of mail recipients via
This functionality is especiallly good when starting to use Health Checking, because it provides
an updated overview and makes keeping track of progress easy.
Settings for email are configured in tpchc.cfg. For more details about this see Configuration
section in Section 9.
Severity Level
Fatal 6 (High)
Critical 5
Major 4
Minor 3
Warning 2
Info 1 (Low)
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10. Configuration
10. Configuration
Configuration settings for TPCHC are stored in c:\IBM\tpchc\conf. The sections below describe
each file.
NOTE: A new debug flag has been added to both as a command line option, and in the global
configuration file below. When enabled, all communication beteen the scripts and the storage devices
are logged in the device log files. (ex.debug: 1 enables debug output from device drivers and can
be used to enable debug output for scheduled runs of
10.1 Configuration file (tpchc.cfg)
# tpchc.cfg
# TPCHC version
# -------------
tpchc_version = 1.6
# TPCHC parameters
# ----------------
# Description and unique identifier for this TPCHC instance
tpchc_description =
tpchc_identifier = 1
debug = 0
doc_url =
# TPC parameters
# --------------
# Description of the TPC instance and DB2 connection parameters
#tpc_db_user =
#tpc_db_pass =
# Default policies
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10. Configuration
# ----------------
# Naming syntax is "policy_<device type>"
# Controls which health check policies are used as default for a given device type
policy_svc = svc_standard_v1.6.pol
policy_ds8000 = ds8k_standard_v1.6.pol
policy_brocade = brocade_standard_v1.6.pol
policy_xiv = xiv_standard_v1.6.pol
policy_cisco = cisco_standard_v1.6.pol
policy_v7000 = v7000_standard_v1.6.pol
# Expect settings
# ---------------
# Username used to log on to SVC devices
expect_svc_username = admin
#dscli =
#xcli =
# Parallelism
# -----------
# Maximum number of devices checked in parallel by
num_concurrent_workers = 5
# Results archive
# ---------------
# Number of daily and monthly results to keep in the results archive
num_daily_results = 31
num_monthly_results = 12
# Mail configuration
# ------------------
# Mail address to receive the Healthcheck report and name of the sender
# mail_recepients can be a comma separated list of mail addresses
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10. Configuration
#mail_sender =
#mail_recipients =
#mail_smtpserver =
# Alert configuration
# -------------------
# User configurable alertscripts:
# alertscript_compliance: command to run when a device is found to be Non-Compliant
# alertseverity_compliance: minimum compliance alert severity we send compliance alerts for
# alertscript_system: command to run when the engine detects a runtime problem
# The alertscript settings can contain the following parameters, which are then set by at
# <message> : a text describing the alert
# <severity> : INFO, WARNING or ERROR
# <device> : name of the device if applicable (only for compliance alerts)
# If script lines are commented out, no alerts will be sent
#alertscript_compliance = /bin/sh <device> <severity>
#alertseverity_compliance = critical
#alertscript_system = /bin/sh <severity> <message>
10.2 Certificate files
Logging on to SVCs requires SSH certificate key files.
These files are stored in a sub-folder called certs.
The certificate filename must be the SVC cluster IP address.
Refer to section 5.1 for how to add devices.
10.3 Policy files
TPCHC is supplied with a standard policy for each device type that is supported. This is also
listed in the TPCHC configuration file (tpchc.cfg) as default policy.
You can create as many policy files as needed and copy them to the policy folder.
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10. Configuration
If TPCHC is not installed in the default directory, the substitute C:\IBM with the path you
10.4 Activate local policies
To activate a policy it must be assigned to one or more storage devices. This is done using
10.5 Run as stand alone or integrated with TPC
TPCHC is able to run based on input from TPC, local configuration file or a combination of
The table below show the combinations.
TPC integration Local configuration file Result
Yes No Storage subsystems
known by TPC will be
added to TPCHC and
checked when TPCHC is
Brocade must be added
to local configuration file
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10. Configuration
How to enable/disable TPC integration
During installation, see section 4.5 in this guide, you setup the integration. To enable TPC
integration after install is complete run the ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script . Do you want to
enable TPC support? (Y/n) is displayed, answer Y to enable TPC support.
To disable TPC integration after install is complete, run the ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script and
answer n to integration.
How to edit local configuration file
In section 5.1 in this guide you can see how to use the ReconfigureTPCHC.bat script to manage
the local configuration file.
No Yes Devices added using
utility locally will be
checked by TPCHC
Yes Yes Both device from TPC
and local configuration
file will be checked by
If a device with same IP
address exists both in
TPC and locally then
both devices will be
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11. Health Check Engine
11. Health Check Engine
TPCHC v1.4 is shipped with a new health check engine, allowing for numerous new
possibilities, for matching and counting.
The next sections will describe each enhancement and a use case provides an example on this.
11.1 Global and Local policies
It is possible to have both global and local policy files. Difference is that global policy files are
shipped with TPCHC and based on IBM SSA Best Practices.
Local policies are :
D extensions of Global policies, ie. checking for other/more things special for the local
environment, example might be a special naming convention
D overwriting global Policies. Reason for overwriting might be different security policies
compared to Global or special design in the local environment. Global policies are enforcing
Global and local policies are stored differently in the file system.
D Global policies tpchc\conf\policies\global
D Local policies tpchc\conf\policies\local
The file extension in which the policies are stored must end with .pol, from the name of the
file it should be self evident what it contains, ex. svc_standard_v1.4 which is the Global Policy
file for TPCHC v1.6.
All Global policy files are under revision control and they should not be edited, if they are, the
Excel report will show this as a critical change.
The right way to make changes to Global policies are by making a local policy containing checks
with same check id and change parameters here. This will be highlighted in Excel report as a
minor change. Reason for highlighting is to make it easy to spot deviations from SSA Best
Practices. It is valid to use local policies when SSA Best Practice conflicts with local rules for the
When running all the policy files stored in global and local directory are read. This
means that Global policies will always be run for all devices, regardless of local policies.
Overwriting checks are based on the id of the check. This means that if a local check has the
same id as a global check then the local check will overwrite, and be run instead of the global
check. Below is an example where check svc.3.1 is overwriting a global policy check.
From the general log file (devicename.log) for our SVC device.
Global checks are listed first in the log file:
svc.3.1 - Firmware level 4.4 or higher: Disabled by local check : critical
svc.3.2 - Check SVC node same hardware in cluster: Noncompliant : info
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11. Health Check Engine
Normal log syntax, as seen in svc.3.2, is id name: status of check: severity?. For svc.3.1 the
status of the check is Disabled by local check. Scrolling further down in the log file we see the
local checks:
[Policy: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/IBM/tpchcv/conf/policies/local/svc_codelevels.pol]
svc.3.1 - Firmware level 4.4 or higher: Compliant : info
svc.9.1 - Golden Firmware level Noncompliant : critical
In the local check section, we see the result of the custom check svc.3.1.
See Excel report updatedsection for changes to report re. Global and Local policies.
To create a local policy, like svc.9.1, see use case section.
Checks are divided into 5 categories
The check id is a combination of device type, category number and a sequential number.
There are 5 categories of policy checks:
D 1's security related checks, ie. password length
D 2's settings related checks, ie. have a SMTP server been added
D 3's Hardware/Software version related checks,
ie. is the device running the Golden Firmware level
D 5's status checks, ie. are all the disks or ports online
D 9's reserved for custom checks
id: svc.3.1
checkname: Golden Firmware level
The id says the check is for storage type SVC, it is Hardware/Software related check 3, and
it is the first check in this category 1. When reading the check name, it should be clear what
the check is doing.
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11. Health Check Engine
11.2 Check Types
Prior to TPCHC v1.4 all checks where based on matching values, from TPCHC v1.6 new types
have been created. In each check the type must be specified.
When the type is chosen there is some specific syntax to be aware of for each check. Required
parameters when writing checks consist of:
D id <checkid>
D checkname <the check name describes what the check performs>
D type <the type of the check can be a wide range of predefined check types>
D segment <segment name to check in backup file>
D stanzastart <regex> regular expression for start of the stanza that must match,
example ^\d+
D stanzastop <regex> regular expression for end of the stanza that must match,
example $
D match <regex> regular expression capturing the value to check using one set of
D criteria <min|max|equal|range>:<value> min,max, and equal takes a single
numeric value, range takes 2 numeric values seperated by dash as arguments
Examples of the match andcriteria parameters:
match: ^temperature\:\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s*(captures a temperature value
specified as a decimal value)
criteria: min:10(temperature must minimum 10 degrees)
criteria: max:50.01 (temperature must maximum be 50.01 degrees)
criteria: range:5-25.3(temperature must be between 5 and 25.3 degrees, both
included) Other possibilities for criteria, can be a metric value to compare number of
captured lines against, ie. check type count; or check type countcompare_balance
D stanzaempty < compliant|noncompliant> result of the check, when either the stanza is
empty or if no matches are found.
D severity < info|warning|minor|major|critical|fatal> describes how critical the check
Some checks are more complicated and can contain 2 segments, 2 stanzastart, 2 stanzastop and
maybe 2 criteria.
Examples of Check types
The type of the check defines how to check for something in the output files from the devices.
A check type can be a comparison of text, counting of something, a match of text or even
mathematical calculations. Some types are so specialized that they only support one or very few
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11. Health Check Engine
The match check is a simple match of text or patterns. It could also be numbers greater or lower
than a specific value. The syntax can be seen below.
id: svc.2.5
checkname: All vdisks must be striped
type: match
segment: lsvdisk
stanzastart: ^\d+.*
stanzastop: $
criteria: include:^\d+?:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:(striped|many):
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: info
What is special about this check is that the criteria can include the provided regular expression
or exclude it. In the example above an include is used. The type attribute contains the value
match as it is a match check. In the example above the lines captured by stanzastart and
stanzastop must contain either the word 'striped' or 'many' at a specific location of the line.
Multimatch is based on the same principles as match. Its just done in 2 segments, which can be
the same. The reason to do it in 2 segments is because of dependencies between these segments.
This means that:
D For the entire check to be compliant, means the check in segment 1 is Compliantand
segment 2 is Compliant
D If the check in either segment 1 or in segment 2 is Noncompliant then the entire check is
The syntax for the check is the same as for match just with 2 segments, 2 stanzacriteria and 2
stanza start/stop:
id: brocade.3.3
checkname: SFP vendor on DCX switch must be Brocade
type: multimatch
segment_1: switchshow
stanzastart_1: ^switchType:
criteria_1: include:62.3
segment_2: sfpshow
stanzastart_2: ^Slot\s+\d+(?:[^\s]*)\s+\d+\:\s+id\s+(?:[^\s]*)\s+\Vendor\:\s+BROCADE
criteria_2: include:BROCADE
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: major
Here the multimatch check is used for a dependency check, where if we are checking a Brocade
DCX (type 62.3 in segment switchshow) then the SFP vendor must be BROCADE in segment
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11. Health Check Engine
sfpshow. If we are checking another switch type, we will not match anything, and check will be
empty, resulting in Compliant, due to stanzaempty: Compliant.
The count check type counts something and compares it according to a predefined value. In
some checks it is needed to count the number of lines. For this purpose the type count is very
useful. Sometimes it is also needed to count number of lines consisting of a given text or pattern.
The syntax can be seen below.
id: svc.2.41
checkname: Max 5 controllers pr. cluster
type: count
segment: lscontroller
stanzastart: ^\d+:
stanzastop: $
criteria: max:5
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: info
The type attribute contains the value count. In this example we want to count the number of
lines in segment lscontroller, which starts with a number, and this must be no more than 5. The
stanzastart attribute captures lines starting with a one or more number (\d+). The criteria
defines that there must be max 5 of these lines. The criteria can contain the following values:
criteria: max:5
criteria: min:5
criteria: equal:5
criteria: range:5-10
The countcompare check is a more advanced version of the count check. It is based on matching
1 value for each line in the stanza. This value MUST be captured by parentheses, () in stanzastart
or stanzastop. Countcompare will count number of times the value occurs in the stanza. All
these counted values is compared against a value in the same way as in the count check type. The
syntax can be seen below.
id: svc.2.37
checkname: max. 450 vdisks per host
type: countcompare
segment: lshostvdiskmap
stanzastart: ^\d+:(\w+)
stanzastop: :
criteria: max:450
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: info
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11. Health Check Engine
The type is countcompare. What the regular expression for stanzastop states is that:
There is one or more words(which is the value we want to capture) ? (\w+)
The criteria states that we want a maximum of 450 occurrences of each word captured. In the
criteria of countcompare it is possible to write:
criteria: max:5
criteria: min:5
criteria: equal:5
criteria: range:5-10
The comparetext check type is based on comparing values captured in stanza start/stop. These
captured values must meet the stanzacriteria which can only contain the value allequal. This
means that all the captured values are equal. The syntax can be seen below:
id: svc.3.2
checkname: Check SVC node same hardware in cluster
type: comparetext
segment: lsnode
stanzastart: ^hardware\s+(\w+)
stanzastop: $
stanzacriteria: allequal
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: info
In this check stanzastart states that all lines must start with the word hardware, followed by
one or more spaces \s+. Finally the value to compare is captured (\w+).
Stanzacriteria states that all these values must be equal.
Multisum is like multimatch a check in 2 segments because of dependency between these
segments. It is based on a sum_1 extracted from segment 1 and a sum_2 extracted from segment
2. The stanzacriteria compares sum_1 and sum_2 which validates the check to compliant or
noncompliant. The syntax can be seen below:
checkname: 1.3
type: multisum
segment_1: lshost
stanzastart_1: ^(\d+)
stanzastop_1: :
segment_2: lsiogrp
stanzastart_2: ^\d+?:[^\:]+?:\d+?:(\d+)
stanzastop_2: :
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11. Health Check Engine
stanzacriteria: sum_1 < sum_2
severity: info
stanzaempty: Compliant
The values to summarize is captured by parenthesise in stanza start/stop. The stanzacriteria
states that sum_1 < sum_2: Stanzacriteria for multisum can also contain the following values:
stanzacriteria: sum_1 < sum_2
stanzacriteria: sum_1 > sum_2
stanzacriteria: sum_1 = sum_2
stanzacriteria: sum_1 != sum_2
This check is based on a balance between 2 captured values. For each second captured value
there must be a maximum of 2 different values of the first captured value and there must be the
same amount of each of these 2 different values. The syntax can be seen below:
id: svc.2.20
checkname: Controller balancing
type: countcompare_balance
segment: lsfabric
stanzastart: ^
stanzastop: \w+:(\w\w)\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:active:(\w+):\w*:controller$
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: major
Stanzastop is responsible for capturing the values to check for balance. (\w\w) is the first
captured value and (\w+) is the second captured value.
This check type allows a numeric comparison of a captured value. Implemented are min, max,
equal, and a range check. The check type uses a regular expression to capture the value that
needs to be checked using parentheses. Required parameters when writing checks based on this
id: <checkid>
checkname: <name of check>
type: matchvalue
segment: lsfabric
stanzastart: ^
stanzastop: \w+:(\w\w)\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:\w*:active:(\w+):\w*:controller$
match: ^temperature\:\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s*
criteria: min:10
criteria: max:50.01
criteria: range:5-25.3
stanzaempty: Compliant
severity: major
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11. Health Check Engine
11.3 Creating custom check types
If you have identified needs for additional check types, request for new check types can be sent
by mail to support. Pls. Include explanation and examples in request.
11.4 Renumbered existing policies
Some checks from rel. 1.3.4 and been renumbered in rel. 1.4, but check name remains the same.
This is due to enforcing the 5 categories of policy checks:
D 1's security related checks, ie. password length
D 2's settings related checks, ie. have a SMTP server been added
D 3's Hardware/Software version related checks,
ie. is the device running the Golden Firmware level
D 5's status checks, ie. are all the disks or ports online
D 9's reserved for custom checks.
id: svc.3.1
checkname: Golden Firmware level
The id says the check is for storage type SVC, it is a Hardware/Software version related check
3, and it is the first check 1.
Reason for renumbering is alignment and in coming versions of TPCHC, the possibility for
filtering and reporting on the number of failed checks pr. category, or pr. device type etc.
In general policy check 3.1 and 3.2 will be used for Golden Firmware level and Acceptable
Firmware level for all devices. The Firmware Levels comes as Best Practice from IBM SSA Team.
Below the list of checks that have been renumbered,
D Enclosure status must be normal, to 5.8 from 5.24
D IOport masking must be set to "all" for LUNs, to 2.19 from 5.4
D Email notify enabled, to 2.6 from 5.14
D Email address entered, to 2.8 from 5.15
D Check for none expiring Password, to 1.4 from 5.16
D Password expired, to 1.5 from 5.17
D Failed login, to 1.6 from 5.18
D IO Port status must be online, to 5.9 from 5.19
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11. Health Check Engine
D Topology must be set for all IO ports, to 2.9 from 5.20
D Type must be DS, to 2.10 from 5.5
D Unknown wwpn must be = 0, to 2.2 from 5.12
D LUNs must be assigned to a volume group, to 2.11 from 5.13
D Acceptable Firmware level, to 3.2 from 3.1
D Check for serialnumbers on each PDU, to 3.4 from 2.19
D Each cp must have an ipaddress configured, to 2.27 from 5.2
D Remaining buffers must be greater than 100, to 2.28 from 5.9
D Check that mixed zoning are not used, to 2.34 from 5.12
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12. Editing Policy files
12. Editing Policy files
This section describes the syntax of a policy file and how it is used with the Health Check script.
A Health Check can be scheduled to run as a part of TPCHC or it can be run locally on your own
laptop to syntax check the policy files while updating them.
The policy files are located in directory C:\tpchc/conf/policies.
Description of the file types:
The content of a policy file is in readable text format where each file contains a set of checks.
Each check has a set of attributes where the text patterns for stanzastart, stanzastop, and
stanzacriteria attributes are described using regular expressions.
File types:
H Health Check script (
H Policy file (policyname.pol)
H Text file to be checked (devicename.out)
The device output files are generated using expect scripts. Line starting with #### are defined
by the programmer, the rest comes from the device configuration. The segments in the device
output files are defined using the XML sysntax. An example would be the segment ishost, where
start and stop fields for the segment are written #### <ishost> (start of segment) and ####
</lshost> (end of segment). If a segment lists a set of entities, the entities attributes will be
seperated by a : or whitespaces. An example could be (from lshost segment):
The first line displays the headers for each entity, making it easier to read. The lines following
represents the entities, seperating the attributes with a : as described.
How the script works.
When the script is run, it first indexes the entire .out file and splits it up into segments. This
happens again when the script subsequently indexes the policy files.
Next the script applies each check to all stanzas in relevant segments (or to files if check is not
limited to a specific segment). Depending on whether a stanza matches a check and whether the
stanzacriteria is set to Include or Exclude, value of either COMPLIANT or NONCOMPLIANT
is returned.
An important note to remember is that if a segment has multiple stanzas, all of them must pass
the stanzacriteria in order to get a successful check.
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12. Editing Policy files
12.1 Regular expressions - examples
Below are given examples on statements that are very useful.:
12.2 Guide to create a check
A check can be created in an existing policy file or in a new policy file. The policy files always
have the extension .pol. The following sections explain how the example below was created.
id: svc.5.2
checkname: Host ports are online
segment: lsfabric
stanzastart: ^
stanzastop: (host)$
stanzacriteria: include:^[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:active
stanzaempty: COMPLIANT
severity: critical
This is a real example for the SVC.
RegEx Explanation
^ Start of a line.
$ End of a line.
^car Line must start with car.
.* 0 or more of any characters (wildcard).
.+ 1 or more of any characters.
\d Digit (0-9).
\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ Any IP-address.
[0-9][a-z][A-Z] The first character have to start with a digit from 0 to 9,
the second character have to be a letter from a to z (case
sensitive) and the last character have to be a capitalized
letter from A to Z.
\w Word character.
? Match 1 or 0 times.
[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4} Email validation.
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12. Editing Policy files
12.2.1 Defining check
The first thing to do is to define the name of the check. In the name of the check is:
checkname: Host ports are online
NOTE: Check names must be unique.
12.2.2 Segment to search
Next step is to define where the check should search. Defining the segment attribute will limit
the search to that segment. To search the entire file and not just a single segment then the
segment attribute can be removed.
In this example the segment lsfabric is used.
segment: lsfabric
The segment to check is located in the device output file. The segment lsfabric can be seen below.
The goal here is to make sure that all hosts are active.
12.2.3 Stanza start/stop conditions
The stanzastart attribute should be matching the start of the lines to check and the stanzastop
attribute should match the end of the lines. Both are described using regular expressions.
If you want to check the entire segment instead of the individual stanzas, you can leave out thye
stanzastart and the stanzastop attributes. This option is also possible when searching through
the entire file (when the segment attribute is left out as described above).
Both stanzastart and stanzastop is defined in this example.
stanzastart: ^
stanzastop: (host)$
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12. Editing Policy files
In previous section (5.2.2), the segment lsfabric is shown. The stanzastart attribute states that all
lines within the stanza must end with the word host. This identifies all hosts which leads to the
next attribute, the stanzacriteria.
12.2.4 Stanzacriteria definition
The stanzacriteria must be defined to include or exclude the match provided by the regular
expression. This is done by defining include or exclude in front of the stanzacriteria. This is
afterwards followed by a colon : and then the stanzacriteria itself written as a regular
stanzacriteria: include:^[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:active
In previously section (5.2.4), the stanza was reduced by stanzastatr/stanzastop to only contain
lines ending with host. The next step is to check if these hosts are active. This is done using an
included followed by a regular expression that matches the word active at the correct location
of the line.
What the stanzacriteria (and stanzastart/stanzastop) matches can be seen below:
12.2.5 Stanzaempty definition
Stanzaempty is an attribute telling whether the check should be COMPLIANT or
NONCOMPLIANT if there is no stanza matched by stanzastart and stanzastop. In the example
the check should be compliant if the stanza is empty.
stanzaempty: COMPLIANT
12.2.6 Severity definition
The severity attribute describes how critical the check is. The severity must be defined according
to some predefined words (given below). These words are found by a multiplication of impact
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12. Editing Policy files
and probability. Both impact and probability consist of a number ranging from 1 to 3. This gives
us the following severities:
1 = info
2 = warning
3 = minor
4 = major
6 = critical
9 = fatal
Impact and probability are found by the SMEs (Subject Matter Experts)
In the example the severity is set to critical
severity: critical
12.2.7 Putting it all together
The check now looks like this:
checkname: Host ports are online
segment: lsfabric
stanzastart: ^
stanzastop: (host)$
stanzacriteria: include:^[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:[^\:]+:\d+?:[^\:]+:active
stanzaempty: COMPLIANT
severity: critical
In the example there has been a name defined. The segment of where to check has been defined.
The beginning and the end of the lines to check has been defined (the stanza) by the attributes
stanzastart and stanzastop. Within the stanza there has been a stanzacriteria and based on this
the check is COMPLIANT or NONCOMPLIANT. If there was nothing to check in the stanza
then the check is COMPLIANT which is defined using the stanzaempty attribute. Finally the
severity of the check has been set to critical.
12.3 Running the file correctly
In order to execute the script, an installation of Perl is required. The script uses normal text
analyzing, driven by regular expressions. It is therefore not necessary to install any Perl add-ons
or packages - only the device output file and one or more policy files. These files will be supplied
as arguements to the Health Check script ( in the command line running the script.
C:\tpchc\conf\policies\ SVC-2145-01-IBM.out policy1.pol policy2.pol policy3.pol
It is also possible to set flags in order to debug policy files.
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Stanza debug mode:
flag: -s
Setting the stanza debug mode flag will make the script run through the segment files and output
all the stanzas delimited by the stanza start/stop attributes. This is a way to manually ensure that
the stanza start/stop attributes capture the stanzas correctly ( i.e. thai it captures all stanzas and
that each stanza is complete). The stanza debug mode will also output the stanzastart, stanzastop
conditions, include (exclude-flag = 0) or exclude (exclude-flag = 1) and the criteria.
Example command for running the script in stanza debug mode:
./bin/ -s expect/backup/SVC-2145-DB_SVC_E2_06-IBM.out conf/policies/
Match mode:
flag: -m
Setting the match mode flag will make the script output every stanza which matches the
stanzacriteria defined in the check.
Example command for running the script in match mode:
./bin/ -m expect/backup/SVC-2145-DB_SVC_E2_06-IBM.out conf/policies/
Setting both flags:
flag: -sm
It is also possible to set both flags. This will make debug mode and stanza match mode active.
NOTE: This will output a lot of text, and is best used on single checks in test policy files and
not a complete policy file with multiple checks.
12.4 Reporting
The end result of the Health Check will be a printed list of all the checks and their status. These
will be formatted so the checkname is printed first followed by a colon :, then result of the
check followed by a colon : and finally the severity.
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13. Uninstall
13. Uninstall
To uninstall TPCHC run the program C:\tpchc\UninstallTPCHC.bat.

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