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iII Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ -í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 2 °∂œ-v•-´-J 2006

Priya: Hi Divya, We really enjoyed the movie c) No one has the formula to make a movie a
yesterday, didn't we? runaway success -
(E†omovie Eïçí¬enjoy î˨»ç, éπü∆?) ã *vû√Eo ņ÷-£æ«u-K-A™ ÅA ûªy®Ωí¬ Nï-ߪ’-
Divya: Certainly. Chitrasri's performance as the ´çûªç îËߪ’-í∫© Ææ÷vû√©’ á´-J-´ü∆l ™‰´¤.
heroine was really superb. Formula Ææ÷vûªç. Flop, Runaway success èπ◊
(Eïç-í¬ØË í¬ *vûªX †ô† Åü¿’s¥ûªç) ´uA-Í®éπç.
Heroine £«®Ó-®·Ø˛– £« ØÌéÀ\-°æ-©’-èπ◊û√ç 3) Story line
Superb: Ææ÷u°æ¶¸ – °æ ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç. éπü∑∆ ÆæçN-üµ∆†ç – ã *vûªç éπü∑¿†’ ü¿®Ωz-èπ◊úø’
Priya: The movie will be a runaway success.
(Ñ *vûªç ¶«í¬ Nï-ߪ’-´çûªç Å´¤-ûª’çC) îª÷°œçîË B®Ω’. DEÍé ÉçéÓ-´÷ô Plot
a) His movies have the same basic story but
Divya: It can't be otherwise with that kind of
the story line differs
story line, brilliant action and clever Team up: äéπ movie N≠æ-ߪ’ç-™ ØË é¬èπ◊çú≈, Yasvanth: ÉC Çߪ’† ¢Á·ü¿öÀ flop à¢Á÷? Åûª-úÕ-éÀ
ÅûªúÕ *vû√© ´‚©-éπü∑¿ äéπõ‰, é¬F éπü∑∆ ÆæçN-üµ∆- à °æE îËߪ’-ö«-E-ÈéjØ√ éÌçûª-´’çC éπLÊÆh, They -É*a† §ƒvûªèπ◊ Åûªúø’ suit Å´-úøE Ø√
(Å™«çöÀ éπü∑¿, ´’ç* †ô†, ûÁL¢Áj† ü¿®Ωz-éπ- †¢Ë’ ûËú≈ team up. ÅGµ-v§ƒßª’ç.
b) The movie failed because of its weak story Srikanth: Çߪ’† à §ƒvûª-ÈéjØ√ ÆæJ-§Ú-û√úø’, à
ûªyçûÓ ÅC ÉçéÓ Nüµ¿çí¬ Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ ™‰ü¿’) The three boys teamed up to decorate the
Priya: The main characters brought out the tal- line
room §ƒvûª®·Ø√ Ææ’Ø√-ߪ÷-Ææçí¬ îËߪ’-í∫-©úø’.
ent of the lead pair. éπü∑¿™/ éπü∑∆ ÆæçN-üµ∆-†ç™ °æô’d™‰éπ-§Ú-´-úøç -´-™‰x Ç í∫CE Å©ç-éπ-Jç-îª-ú≈-EéÀ ¢√∞¡Ÿx ´·í∫’_®Ω’ äéπ ïô’dí¬ b) Vinitha: Hi Sunitha, E†o ؈’ TV™ 'àN’öÃ
(´·êu-¢Á’i† §ƒvûª©’ v°æüµ∆† ïçô v°æA-¶µº†’ ÅC N°∂æ-©-¢Á’içC. à®Ωp-ú≈f®Ω’. N*vûªç— îª÷¨»†’. áçûª ¶«í∫’çüÓ!
c) Weak story line is the cause of most
8) Cast opposite: äéπ †öÀ (≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ heroine) Sunitha: ؈C á°æ¤púÓ îª÷¨»†’. §Ú®·† ØÁ©
Character: é¬u®Ωéπd – é¬ ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç; failures
äéπ †ô’úÕ (hero) Ææ®Ω-Ææ† †öÀÊÆh Å°æ¤púø’ they are ņ’-èπ◊çö«, ¢Ájñ«-í˚™.
é¬, ¶«uçé˙™ ¶«u ™«í¬ = ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç – î√™« *vû√©’ °æô’-d™‰E éπü∑¿ ´©x üÁ•s-Aç-ô’- cast opposite each other Åçö«ç. Vinitha: î√™« ¶«í∫’çC éπü∆. Åçü¿’™ hero,
Q©ç/ í∫’ù-í∫-ù«©’/ Ææy¶µ«´ç. é¬F Ééπ\úø Å®Ωnç– Ø√o®·. heroine © Ê°Í®xçöÀ? ¢√Rx-ü¿l-Jéà ¢Á·ü¿öÀ
a) Vikram is cast opposite Sada/ Sada is cast
ã éπü∑¿™, Ø√ô-éπç™ ÆœE-´÷™ §ƒvûª. opposite Vikram/ Vikram and Sada are
*vûªç ņ’-èπ◊çö«.
Lead Pair = v°æ´·ê ïçô – ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ Sunitha: Å´¤†’. ¢√∞¡x ¢Á·ü¿öÀ Å´-é¬-¨¡ç-™ ØË ´’ç*
éπü∑¿™/ Ø√ô-éπç™/ *vûªç™ Ø√ߪ’-é¬-Ø√-®·-éπ©’. cast opposite each other in Aparichitudu
Å°æ-J-*-ûª’-úÕ™ Vikram, Ææü∆ Ææ®Ω-Ææ†/ Ææü∆, Vinitha: É°æ v°æA¶µº éπ†-•-®Ω-î√®Ω’.
Divya: They have been a hit pair - chitrakumar
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 106
¤púø’ ¢√Rx-ü¿l®Ω÷ È®çúø’ ´‚úø’ *vû√™x
and chitrasri. Their combination has Nvéπ¢˛’ Ææ®Ω-Ææ† / Nvéπ¢˛’, Ææü∆ äéπJ Ææ®Ω-Ææ† äéπ®Ω’ ´·êu ïçôí¬ -†-öÀÆæ’h-Ø√o®Ω’.
been successful. †öÀç-î√®Ω’.
(¢√R}-ü¿lJ – *vûª-èπ◊-´÷®˝, *vûªX ïçô –
heroine hit.

He made his debut in..

í¬ Â°ü¿l ¢√∞¡xC Nï-ߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’i†
ïçô Éçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊)
Priya: They are teaming up again in the next
movie 'premikulugane vundam'
(®√¶-ûª’†o *vûªç 'vÊ°N’-èπ◊-©’-í¬ØË Öçü∆ç—™
èπÿú≈ ¢√∞¡Ÿx éπLÆœ †öÀÆæ’hØ√o®Ω’)
Divya: They show themselves at their best d) The movie flopped/ flopped at the box b) Surya and Asin are
when they are cast opposite each other Sunitha: ´·êuçí¬ Ç heroine ´’ç* †öÀí¬
office/ The movie was a flop, because of its cast opposite each
í∫’Jhç°æ¤ ûÁa-èπ◊çC.
(¢√∞¡Ÿx ïçôí¬ / Ø√ߪ’-é¬-Ø√-®·-éπ-©’í¬ †öÀÊÆh thin story line
¢√∞¡x v°æA¶µº î√™« ¶«í¬ îª÷°œ-≤ƒh®Ω’) ¢√∞¡Ÿx äéπJ Ææ®Ω-Ææ† äéπ®Ω’ Answers:
ü∆E •©-£‘«† éπü∑¿/ éπü∑∆ ÆæçN-üµ∆†ç ´©x Ç *vûªç a) Yasvanth: Your favourite lead pair has not
Priya: I think she made her debut in nee
üÁ•s-AçC. Thin èπ◊ Ééπ\úø Å®Ωnç weak ÅE. †öÀ-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’.
been very successful this time,
kosame. She hasn't had a failure in her 9) Debut: ¢Á·ôd-¢Á·-ü¿-öÀ-
ü∆E ÅÆæ©’ Å®Ωnç– Ææ†oE/ °æ©aE.
career has it?
4) Character: éπü∑¿™ / Ø√ô-éπç™/ *vûªç™ §ƒvûª. ≤ƒ-Jí¬ ÆæGµ-èπ◊© ´·çü¿’
(Ç¢Á’ ÆœF-®Ωçí∫ç v°æ¢Ë¨¡ç FéÓ-Ææ¢Ë’ *vûªçûÓØË Ø√ôuç îËߪ’úøç/ ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ- M. SURESAN Srikanth: The movie has a weak story line.
o ´’†ç role ÅE-í¬F part ÅE-í¬F ņ-´îª’a.
ņ’-èπ◊çö«, Éçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ à *vûªç èπÿú≈ N°∂æ-©- a)DØËNTR played the character/ role/ part of ≤ƒ-Jí¬ *vû√™x †öÀç- They have acted well.
´’-´y-™‰ü¿’) Karna in the drama îªôç/ ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ-≤ƒ-Jí¬ ®Ωçí∫-v°æ-¢Ë¨¡ç (¨»Æ‘Yߪ’ †%ûªu Yasvanth: You are their fan. What else can you
Her action in "Aunantara, Kadantara?" is say?
really memorable
Ç Ø√ô-éπç™ NTR éπ®Ω’gúÕ §ƒvûª ¢Ë¨»úø’/ †öÀç-î√úø’. Ææçv°æü∆-ߪ’ç™ DEo Ç®Ωç-Íívôç Åçö«ç)
b) One of the main characters in the movie is Debut- pronunciation - úÁß˝’•÷u – úÁ ØÌéÀ\ Srikanth: Whatever you say- the movie is
(å†ç-ö«®√, é¬ü¿ç-ö«®√? *vûªç™ Ç¢Á’ †ô† Lord Venkateshwara played by Suman °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç. atleast that good because they have
´’®Ω-°æ¤-®√-EC) Ç *vûªç™ ´·êu-¢Á’i† §ƒvûª™x äéπöÀ Suman  ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ-≤ƒ-Jí¬ ®Ωçí∫-v°æ-¢Ë¨¡ç îËߪ’ôç acted in it. Otherwise it would have
Divya: Ok. I must be going Priya. Meet you
†öÀç*† ¢Ëçéπ-õ‰-¨¡y-®Ω-≤ƒyN’ §ƒvûª. Make a debut/ Have a debut. been an utter flop.
tomorrow. Bye
c) He played his part well a) She made her debut in this movie. (utter =
(ØË ¢Á∞«xL. Í®°æ¤ éπ©’-≤ƒh†’. Bye) °æ‹Jh)
Priya: Bye
ÅûªúÕ §ƒvûª†’ Åûªúø’ ¶«í¬ †öÀç-î√úø’. -É-C Ç¢Á’ ûÌL-*vûªç. Ñ *vûªç™ Ç¢Á’ ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ- Yasvanth: The movie is a flop because of their
Play ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË Çúøôç, Ééπ\úø †öÀç-îªúøç. action. That's what people say.
éÀçü¿öÀ Lesson ™ -†-*-vû√-©èπ◊ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*† ≤ƒ-Jí¬ †öÀç-*çC.
´÷ô©’ î√™« îª÷¨»ç éπü∆? É°æ¤púø’ ´’J-éÌEo 5) lead pair= ´·êu-ïçô– Ø√ߪ’é¬ Ø√®·-éπ©’. (the b) His debut wasn't very successful Srikanth: I don't agree. They are a hit pair.
îª÷ü∆lç. É´Fo ´’†ç ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’ hero and the heroine) ÅûªúÕ ¢Á·ü¿öÀ †ô† Åçûª Nï-ߪ’-´çûªç 鬙‰ü¿’. Their last movie was a runaway suc-
¢√úø’-ûª÷çõ‰ Conversational English î√™« a) NTR and Anjali Devi are the lead pair in  Debut ´·êuçí¬ Ø√ôuç, Ø√ôéπç ™«çöÀ éπ∞¡© cess. The hero hasn't had a failure
¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC. ÉN îª÷úøçúÕ. N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ØË áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’. äéÓ\-≤ƒJ N’í∫û√ since his debut.
1. Superb 2. A runaway success 3. storyline ©´-èπ◊¨¡ *vûªç™ ¢√Rx-ü¿l-JD ´·êu-¢Á’i† ïçô ®Ωçí¬-©èπ◊ èπÿú≈ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’. Yasvanth: This might be his first flop. I feel that
4. characters 5. lead pair 6. hit pair 7. team- (Hero, heroine).
 He made his debut in politics in 1999 he doesn't suit the role/ the charac-
ing up 8. cast opposite 9. debut b) The lead pair in the movie is Rajanikanth
1999 ™ Çߪ’† ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ’-®Ωçí∫ v°æ¢Ë¨¡ç î˨»®Ω’. ter.
1) superb= Åü¿’s¥ûªç/ Å¢Á÷°∂æ’ç = àüÁj-Ø√-ÆæÍ® – and Jyothika
Now Practise the following in English: Srikanth: He suits any role. He can do any
Movie 鬴a, ã íÌ°æp °æ¤Ææhéπç 鬴a, äéπJ ®Ωï-F-é¬çû˝, ñuAéπ Ç *vûªç™ v°æüµ∆† §ƒvûª-
üµ∆-®Ω’©’, ïçôí¬. a) Yasvanth: Hi Srikanth, F favourite hero, role with ease.
†ô†/ véÃúø/ äéπ®Ω’ ≤ƒCµç-*çC – É¢Ë-¢ÁjØ√ ÆæÍ® b) Vinitha: Hi Sunitha, yesterday I watched the
Åü¿’s¥-ûªçí¬ Öçõ‰ Superb Åçö«ç. c) They have proved a hit pair heroine © ïçô Ñ≤ƒJ Åçûª Nï-
a) It is a superb hattrick by Irfan Pathan = Nï-ߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’i† ïçô. ߪ’-´çûªç 鬙‰üËç? movie, 'Emitivichitram' on the TV.
hattrick. Hattrick
É®√p¥Ø˛ °æ®∏√-Ø˛C Åü¿’s¥-ûª-¢Á’i† 6) Hit pair Srikanth: Ç éπü∑¿™  °æô ’d-™‰ü¿’. ¢√∞¡Ÿx ¶«í¬ØË What a movie it is! / How good it is!
Åçõ‰ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éπü∆ – ´‚úø’-≤ƒ®Ω’x ´®Ω-Ææí¬ Nïߪ’ç *vû√-EéÀ Nïߪ’ç îËèπÿÍ®a/ Nï-ߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’i†/ †öÀç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆? Sunitha: I saw it long ago. I think it was last
≤ƒCµÊÆh, ´·êuçí¬ véÃúø™x, ÅD äÍé Player vÊ°éπ~-èπ◊© ÅGµ-´÷†ç §ÒçC† ïçô (´÷´‚-©’í¬ Yasvanth: †’´¤y ¢√∞¡x ÅGµ-´÷-EN éπü∆. Åçûª-éπçõ‰ month, in Vizag.
Å®·ûË, hat-trick Åçö«ç. hero, heroine §ƒvûª™ x) à´’ç-ö«´¤? Vinitha: Isn't it good? What are the names of
b) The movie is superb= a) They make a hit pair Srikanth: †’¢Ëy- ¢Á ’iØ√ îÁ°æ¤p, ¢√-R}-ü¿l®Ω’ éπ-LÆœ the lead pair, I think they made their
Ç *vûªç î√™« íÌ°æpí¬ ÖçC. ¢√Rx-ü¿l-JD Nï-ߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’i† ïçô. Åçõ‰ ¢√∞¡Ÿx †öÀç-î√®Ω’ 鬕öÀd Ç ´÷vûª-¢Á’iØ√ ÖçC Ç debut in the movie.
c) Tendulkar's was a superb century †öÀç-*† *vû√-©Fo hits ÅE. *vûªç. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ °æ‹Jhí¬ üÁ•s-A-ØËüË. Sunitha: Yes. Even in their debut they dis-
ÅûªúÕ Åü¿’s¥ûªç. 7) Teaming up played their talent.
Yasvanth: ¢√∞¡x †ô† ´™‰x *vûªç üÁ•s-Aç-ü¿-E
2) A runaway success ïûª éπ©-´ôç, ïçôí¬ †öÀç-îªúøç– ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ (Display = v°æü¿-Jzç-îªôç)
hero, heroine.
Vinitha: They are acting as the lead pair in two
ûªyJ-ûª-¢Á’i† Nïߪ’ç
a) The movie was a runaway success. a) They are teaming up again in the next Srikanth: ØËØÌ-°æ¤p-éÓ†’. ¢√-∞¡x-C Nï-ߪ ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á ’i†
or three movies.
Ç *vûªç Núø’-ü¿-™„j† ¢ÁçôØË Nïߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’içC. movie ïçô. ¢√∞¡x í∫ûª *vûªç ņ÷-£æ«u-¢Á’i†
Nïߪ’ç ≤ƒCµç-*çCéπü∆? Ç hero ®Ωçí∫-v°æ- Sunitha: The heroine especially has won
b) Missamma was a runaway success. ®√†’†o *vûªç™ ´’Sx ¢√Rx-ü¿l®Ω’ éπLÆœ †öÀ-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’.
¢Ë¨¡ç îËÆœ-†-°æp-öÀ-†’ç* flop ÅØËC ™‰ü¿’ recognition as a good actor/actress.
N’Ææq´’t ÅA ûªy®Ωí¬ Nï-ߪ’-´ç-ûª-¢Á’içC b) They have teamed up again
Ü£œ«ç-îªE KA™. ´’Sx ¢√∞Ïx éπLÆœ †öÀ-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. éπü∆?
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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