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DHCP and TFTP problems with Windows 2000 and CallManage

Solving DHCP and TFTP problems with Windows 2000 and CallManager IP Phones

Table of Contents
Solving DHCP and TFTP Problems with Windows 2000 and CallManager IP Phones..............................1
IP Phone Cannot Identify IP Address......................................................................................................1
Contact Failure Between IP Phone and DHCP Server............................................................................2
Communication Problems Between TFTP Server and IP Phone.............................................................2

Solving DHCP and TFTP Problems with Windows
2000 and CallManager IP Phones
This document addresses the common problems, symptoms and resolutions related to the DHCP Server.

IP Phone Cannot Identify IP Address


IP Phone cannot identify the IP address of the TFTP server.


• IP Phone displays the following:

Copyright 1999 L2.02

Cisco Systems, Inc.

• IP phone does not register with Cisco Call Manager (CCM)

• When displaying the IP phone configuration, the TFTP address field shows, or a wrong IP
address. This can be done by pressing: * # # # # # # # #


• Make sure the following is on the DHCP server:

♦ Option 003: Default Gateway
♦ Option 006 DNS Servers
♦ Option 015 Domain Name
♦ Option 066 Boot Server Hostname (TFTP server) (Not Mandatory)

• Define option 150 if the TFTP Server does not have an entry in the DNS server.
♦ Option 003: Default Gateway
♦ Option 150: TFTP server IP address

• Add a custom TFTP server, option 150, by doing the following:

1. In Microsoft DHCP server, Select the DHCP scope.
2. On the DHCP Options menu, click Defaults.
3. Click New.
4. Type TFTP Server IP address in the name field.
5. Choose IP address in the data type list.
6. Type 150 in the identifier box and click OK.
7. Select Option 150 from the from the Option Name under the Value section, type the IP
address of the TFTP Server in the DHCP Options Default Values window, and click OK.

• Add Option 150 in Cisco Network Registrar (CNR)

1. Select the DHCP cluster.
2. Select the Advanced tab and click on Custom Options.
3. Click Add.

Solving DHCP and TFTP problems with Windows 2000 and CallManager IP Phones
4. Enter Option number 150 and the Option Data Type of IP address. Click OK.
5. Click on the Policies tab and select your policy.
6. Add the custom Option 150.
7. Enter the TFTP IP address under IP address array.
8. Click on Always send to DHCP clients.
9. Enter Yes to commit the changes to the database.

Contact Failure Between IP Phone and DHCP Server


IP Phone fails to contact the DHCP server.


• IP Phone displays the following:

Copyright 1999 L2.02

Cisco Systems, Inc.

• IP phone does not register with CCM

• Status Code on the phone (press * *) returns DHCP problem


• If the DHCP server is not in the same segment:

♦ The default gateway must be configured to forward the broadcast traffic to the DHCP server
• If the default gateway is configured to forward the broadcast traffic or the IP phone and the DHCP are
in the same segment:
♦ Make sure that the DHCP server is up. If you are using the MS DHCP server, go to
Start/Settings/Control Panel/Services/ and make sure that the status of MSDHCP is "Started".
♦ Check the DHCP server scope configuration

• You can also determine if DHCP succeeded by checking the IP received by the phone. Just press * * #
and then # # to view what was received from DHCP. If the IP of the phone is then no DHCP
address was received.

Communication Problems Between TFTP Server and IP


TFTP server not responding to IP Phone.


• IP Phone displays the following:

Solving DHCP and TFTP problems with Windows 2000 and CallManager IP Phones
Copyright 1999 L2.02

Cisco Systems, Inc.

• IP phone does not register with CCM

• Status Code on the phone (press * *) returns TFTP problem


• Make sure the SWTFTP is running

• In case you have more than one NIC in the CCM machine, make sure that SWTFTP is pointing to IP
address of the primary.
• Verify that the LoadID exists in the \TFTPPath\ directory. This is very often a problem.

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Updated: Nov 18, 2002 Document ID: 13943

Solving DHCP and TFTP problems with Windows 2000 and CallManager IP Phones

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