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Robert M. Kleinman
The Four Faces of the Universe:
An Integrated View of the Cosmos
Twin Lakes, WI: Lots Press, !""#
$%! &&, Pa&er Ba'k, I(B): "*+,"+*-%+1*-
&&. !!-*!%1
P.iloso&.ies o/ E0oltion
1/ter 2arwin, man3 e//orts were ma4e to &la'e e0oltion in a lar5er 'onte6t o/
natral sele'tion wit. its (&en'erian o0ertones. le4 to t.e re0i0al o/ evolutionary cos-
mology, w.i'. is an attem&t to a''ont /or t.e ni0erse as a w.ole in terms o/ t.e i4ea o/
e0oltion. 7E0oltion8 means an nrollin5 or n/ol4in5 in an or4erl3 &ro'ess o/ 4e0elo&9
ment t.ro5. s''essi0e sta5es to a more inte5rate4 w.ole. 1s se4 in s'ien'e, it 'on9
notes little more a me'.ani'al '.an5e /rom sim&le to 'om&le6 /orms. Bt t.e term
also 4es'ribes 4e0elo&mental t.eories o/ li/e an4 'ons'iosness, s55estin5 an inner &o9
tential mo0in5 towar4 some / reslt or 5oal. Conse:entl3, it alrea43 'arries a tele9
olo5i'al sense makes its a&&li'ation to t.e &ro'ess o/ natral sele'tion :estionable.
T.ere is an ambi5it3 in t.e meanin5 o/ e0oltion 'ontribtes to wi4es&rea4 misn9
4erstan4in5 o/ its im&ort. Besi4es a &rel3 2arwinian &i'tre o/ 'om&le6 s&e'iation
risin5 ot o/ &rimor4ial slime, it 'an also s55est t.e 'mlati0e 4es'ent o/ 4i0init3 in a
s''ession o/ a40an'in5 or5ani' /orms. We will a44ress in 5reater 4etail later in
P.iloso&.i'all3, e0oltion im&lies an ener5eti' ni0erse 4e0elo&in5 in time. Man3 'os9
molo5ies 'ol4 a''ont /or, bt t.e s'ienti/i' sitation is more restri'te4. Biolo5ists
are &rimaril3 intereste4 in t.e me'.anisms res&onsible /or t.e a&&earan'e o/ new s&e9
'ies o/ li0in5 t.in5s on eart.. 2arwin;s i4ea o/ natral sele'tion is one kin4 o/ me'.an9
ism, bt it is /ar /rom a 'osmolo5i'al t.eor3. or not its limite4 s''esses in
biolo53 <sti/3 t.e a&&li'ation o/ a non9teleolo5i'al &.iloso&.3 to t.e entire ni0erse 4e9
1 Re&blis.e4 wit. &ermission. = !""# Robert M. Kleinman. >(ome re/eren'es to
'.a&ters o/ t.e book are omitte4 /rom e6'er&t.?
!"! 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
&en4s &on .ow 'ommitte4 we are to a materialisti' worl40iew.
2arwinists /in4 materialism a se/l .3&ot.esis /or &rsin5 biolo5i'al resear'.. T.e3
are /as'inate4 b3 t.e en4less &roli/eration o/ li/e9/orms )atre seems to &ro4'e so
in4is'riminatel3. 2arwin .imsel/ be'ame l3ri'al o0er a 7tan5le4 bank8 in t.e woo4s:
It is interestin5 to 'ontem&late a tan5le4 bank, 'lot.e4 wit. man3 &lants o/ man3 kin4s,
wit. bir4s sin5in5 on t.e, wit. 0arios inse'ts /littin5 abot, an4 wit. worms
'rawlin5 t.ro5. t.e 4am& eart., an4 to re/le't t.ese elaboratel3 'onstr'te4
/orms, so 4i//erent /rom ea'., an4 4e&en4ent &on ea'. in so 'om&le6 a
manner, .a0e all been &ro4'e4 b3 laws a'tin5 aron4 s.
In a materialisti' worl40iew, 7)atre8 is merel3 a meta&.or /or t.e natral worl4 aron4
s. Bt it 'an also be 0iewe4 as an as&e't o/ t.e Areat, w.o looms so lar5e in
m3t.i'al 'osmolo53. In t.e 5ise o/ )atre, s.e is '.ar5e4 s&e'i/i'all3 wit. t.e
e0oltion o/ li/e on eart.. Ber manner, .owe0er, .as been tentati0e an4 e6&erimentalC
s.e e0i4entl3 en<o3s t.e &la3 o/ &ossibilities in t.e &roli/eration o/ li/e, w.ile 'arin5 little
abot t.e ma'abre 'onse:en'es o/ t.e str55le /or e6isten'e. T.e mean4erin5 wa3s o/
)atre lea4 into man3 blin4 alle3s, w.i'. are eliminate4 w.en t.e3 'an no lon5er a4a&t
s''ess/ll3. One wol4 not e6&e't to 4is'o0er nambi5os e0i4en'e o/ an e0oltionar3
&r&ose b3 &a3in5 e6'lsi0e attention to .er w.imsi'al &la3 wit. t.e trans/ormations o/
1 4ee&er sear'. is ne'essar3 i/ we wis. to /in4 a teleolo5i'al /a'tor at work in e0oltion.
To be5in wit., t.e s'o&e o/ e0oltion mst be broa4ene4 to in'l4e more a biolo5i'9
al interest in t.e mtabilit3 o/ s&e'ies. Matter, Li/e, an4 Min4 are t.e 5eneral 'ate5ories
o/ &.iloso&.i'al 4is'orse abot e0oltion. T.e3 4esi5nate t.e basi' &rin'i&les bein5
em&lo3e4 in t.e &.iloso&.ies o/ e0oltion we are abot to e6amine. 1lt.o5. some
&.iloso&.ers maintain t.e3 are mere abstra'tions /rom e6&erien'e, i5nores
t.eir role as e//e'ti0e &owers a'tin5 in t.e worl4. 1s (ri 1robin4o &oints ot in an earl3
essa3, 7)ot Matter alone, bt Li/e an4 Min4 workin5 &on Matter .el& to 4etermine
Be 'ontines:
T.s t.e w.ole 0iew o/ E0oltion be5ins to '.an5e. Instea4 o/ a me'.ani'al, 5ra4al, ri9
5i4 e0oltion ot o/ in4eterminate Matter b3 )atre9Dor'e we mo0e towar4s t.e &er'e&9
tion o/ a 'ons'ios, s&&le, /le6ible, intensel3 sr&risin5 an4 'onstantl3 4ramati'
e0oltion b3 a s&er'ons'ient Knowle45e w.i'. re0eals t.in5s in Matter, Li/e an4 Min4
ot o/ t.e n/at.omable In'ons'ient /rom w.i'. t.e3 rise.
1n3one o/ t.ese 'ate5ories 'an be taken as a /n4amental &rin'i&le in t.e 4e0elo&ment
o/ e0oltionar3 'osmolo53. 2arwinists &re/er to assme li0in5 t.in5s e0ol0e4 ot o/
&rimor4ial Matter, bt some &.iloso&.ers seek to a0oi4 t.e materialisti' im&li'ations o/
2arwinism b3 /in4in5 'osmi' roles /or Li/e an4 Min4 in t.e ni0erse.
! C.arles 2arwin, On the Origin of !ecies "y #eans of $atural election: Or the %reservation of Fa-
voured &aces in the truggle for 'ife >Lon4on, 1+,@?, &. ,#!.
$ (ri 1robin4o, (volution, (ri 1robin4o Birt. Centenar3 Librar3 >(1BCL?, Eol. 1#, &. !$".
, Ibi4., &&. !$"9!$1.
(&e'lati0e 'osmolo5i'al t.eories abot an e0ol0in5 ni0erse 'an be 4i0i4e4 into two
'lasses. One 'lass 'onsists o/ materialisti' t.eories e6em&li/3 a me'.anisti' a''ont
o/ natral &ro'esses. T.e3 in'l4e (&en'er;s e0oltionar3 i4eas as well as ot.ers, like
t.ose &ro/esse4 b3 t.e Aerman biolo5ist Ernst Bae'kel, w.o &blis.e4 an immensel3
&o&lar book, )ie *eltr+tsel >T.e Ri44le o/ t.e Fni0erse?, in 1-++.
T.e 'lass is ma4e
& o/ 0arios t3&es o/ nonme'.anisti' t.eories attem&t to a''ont /or e0oltion in
less materialisti' terms. 1/ter re0iewin5 se0eral o/ t.ese t.eories, we will 'onsi4er (ri
1robin4o;s marke4l3 4i//erent 0iew o/ e0oltion. )onme'.anisti' &.iloso&.ies o/ e0ol9
tion were 4e0elo&e4 b3 Benri Ber5son, (amel 1le6an4er, an4 Pierre Teil.ar4 4e
C.ar4in in t.e /irst .al/ o/ t.e twentiet. 'entr3. 1ll t.ree a''e&t e0oltion as a /a't, bt
4i//er in re5ar4 to its inter&retation. T.e3 re&resent a new an4 more 'om&re.ensi0e
/orm o/ 'osmolo53 base4 on t.e i4ea o/ e0oltion t.e laws o/ &.3si's. 1l9
t.o5. ea'. en<o3e4 a brie/ &erio4 o/ &o&larit3, none 5aine4 wi4es&rea4 &.iloso&.i'al
a&&ro0al. In &assin5, note a 'om&re.ensi0e e0oltionar3 'osmolo53 allows t.e laws
o/ &.3si's to '.an5e wit. time, sin'e t.e3 wol4 t.en be sbor4inate to t.e &rin'i&le o/
e0oltion. T.ese laws ma3 be 0iewe4 as 'on4itions re:ire4 /or ma6imm 0ariet3 an4
'om&le6it3 to e0ol0e in t.e ni0erse.
Creative (volution
T.e Dren'. &.iloso&.er Ber5son o//ere4 a t.eor3 o/ creative evolution base4 on t.e i4ea o/
a 'osmi' li/e /or'e, or 0ital im&lse >,lan vital?, w.i'. is 4ri0in5 t.e ni0erse /orwar4 in
an e0er95rowin5 'om&le6it3 o/ /orms.
It re0eals itsel/ 43nami'all3 in li0in5 t.in5s, s&r9
rin5 t.e e0oltion o/ instin't an4 intelli5en'e in t.em. Contrar3 to 2arwinism, .e sees
e0oltion as a 'reati0e &ro'ess 'ontinall3 &ro4'in5 new /orms in a s&ontaneos an4
n&re4i'table wa3. Li/e im&ro0ises as it 5oes, its a'tion bein5 'om&arable to a ro'ket
brstin5 into nmeros s&arks w.ose s&ent 'in4ers /all ba'k as 4ea4 matter. In wa3,
matter is a &ro4't o/ t.e li/e /or'e, 'ontera'tin5 its &war4 t.rst wit. a 4ownwar4
inertial ten4en'3. Dor Ber5son, t.e ni0erse is a 'ontinos, nonre&etiti0e mo0ement o/
li/e wit.ot an3 stati' ba'k5ron4 or ltimate &r&ose. Li/e is i4enti/ie4 wit. &re 4ra9
tion an4 'an onl3 be known t.ro5. intiti0e /eelin5. Intition is o&&ose4 to intelle't,
w.i'. 'ts realit3 into &ie'es an4 is nable to 5ras& t.e worl4 as a 'ontinos w.ole.
Onl3 intition, a kin4 o/ intelle'tal s3m&at.3, 'an enter into t.e ine6&ressible .eart o/
t.in5s an4 i4enti/3 wit. t.e &re /low o/ 4ration.
Ber5son re<e'ts teleolo53 as well as me'.anism, be'ase .e inter&rets t.e /ormer in a /i9
nalisti' sense: t.e en4 determines t.e 4ire'tion o/ e0oltion. (in'e bot. teleolo53 an4
me'.anism are 4eterministi' /or .im, 4etermination b3 t.e /tre >/inalism? is <st as re9
stri'ti0e as 4etermination b3 t.e &ast >me'.anism?. I/ me'.anism an4 teleolo53 are bot.
4eterministi', t.en no s'o&e wol4 remain /or /ree4om an4 no0elt3 in t.e worl4.
Ber5son 4ismisses t.em bot. in /a0or o/ .is i4ea o/ creative e0oltion. In .is 0iew, e0ol9
% T.ere is an En5lis. translation b3 Gose&. M'Cabe >)ew Hork an4 Lon4on, 1+""?.
# Benri Ber5son, Creative (volution. Tr. 1rt.r Mit'.ell >)ew Hork, 1+11?.
!", 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
tion is a 'ontinos mar'. towar4 no0el 'reations w.i'. are not 4etermine4 b3
t.e &ast or t.e /tre. Bt, a5ain, /inalism is onl3 one wa3 o/ inter&retin5 teleolo53. 1n
en4 or &r&ose nee4 not be somet.in5 im&ose4 on t.e ni0erse /rom otsi4e. E0en an
internal &r&ose 4oes not im&l3 absolte ne'essit3C on t.e 'ontrar3, it 'an s55est
some or4erl3 nonme'.ani'al &ro'ess o/ 4e0elo&ment is at work in t.e worl4. C.an5e
wit.ot an3 or4erin5 &rin'i&le is not.in5 more an in4is'riminate 4is&la3 o/ ener53 lea4s now.ere. T.s, Ber5son;s attem&t to intro4'e &re /ree4om an4 s&ontaneit3
into t.e e0oltionar3 &ro'ess /ails to o//er a reasonable alternati0e to 2arwinian me'.9
anisti' i4eas. Bt .is t.eor3 stresses e0oltion is a 'mlati0e &ro'ess in.erent in
time itsel/. Be sees realit3 as t.e stea43 a40an'e o/ t.e ,lan vital in0ol0in5 &er&etal no09
elt3 me'.ani'al re&etition. W.ile .is ni0erse la'ks a ni0ersal &r&ose to
5i4e it, am&le room remains /or t.e attainment o/ lesser 5oals in Li/e;s blin4, n:en'.9
able t.irst /or /l/illment.
(mergent (volutionism attem&t to 4e0elo& a nonme'.anisti' t.eor3 o/ e0oltion was t.e emergent evol-
utionism o/ t.e En5lis. &.iloso&.er (amel 1le6an4er. Be &resente4 .is i4eas in a
massi0e book entitle4 !ace, Time and )eity.
1le6an4er 'alle4 t.e ltimate realit3 7(&a'e9
Time,8 ar5in5 s&a'e an4 time are inter4e&en4ent an4 'annot e6ist as se&arate en9
tities. ori5inal 'osmi' st// is &rior to matter, bein5 i4enti/ie4 wit. &re motion.
Matter is 'om&ose4 o/ motions ma4e & o/ t.e &oint9instants o/ (&a'e9Time. Matter, Li/e,
an4 Min4 are ni0ersal :alities emer5e s''essi0el3 /rom (&a'e9Time, in/len'e4
b3 a 'reati0e r5e >$isus? 'arries t.e ni0erse &war4 t.ro5. 0arios emer5ent
le0els. E0oltion is e6&e'te4 to 'ontine be3on4 Min4 to a le0el 'alle4 72eit3.8 is a relati0e term, .owe0er, sin'e it alwa3s re/ers to t.e ne6t le0el is still to
emer5e. Gst :alit3 2eit3 will &ossess is n&re4i'table be/ore it a&&ears. Ea'.
emer5ent :alit3 in e0oltion is t.e reslt o/ t.e 'om&le6ities attaine4 at t.e &re0ios
le0el, bt 'annot be re4'e4 to it. T.ere is t.ere/ore a 4is'ontinit3 amon5 t.e le0els ren4ers new :alities 5eninel3 no0elC is t.e meanin5 o/ 7emer5ent e0oltion,8
w.i'. stan4s in 'ontrast to 2arwinian me'.anism.
Emer5en'e o/ a new :alit3 in t.e ni0erse is not t.e 4ire't ot'ome o/ &re'e4in5 'on4i9
tions bt an entirel3 nanti'i&ate4 e0ent seems to ren4er e0oltion ine6&li'able.
Dor 1le6an4er, t.e &ro'ess is sai4 to be5in wit. (&a'e9Time, t.e basi' st// o/ realit3,
t.o5. 4e0oi4 o/ li/e an4 'ons'iosness. Bow t.en s.all we n4erstan4 t.e emer5en'e
o/ &rin'i&les like Li/e an4 Min4 /rom itI 1le6an4er;s 'on'e&tion o/ $isus as an
e0oltionar3 r5e in.erent in (&a'e9Time is also ss&e't. T.eir relations.i& is not 'lear,
sin'e an insentient realit3 like (&a'e9Time 'ol4 not .a0e 'reati0e r5es. 1le6an4er t.s
4oes not a''ont /or t.e m3sterios $isus is s&&ose4l3 res&onsible /or e0oltion.
T.e /ailre to o//er an e6&lanation /or t.e 4is'ontinos <m&s between s''essi0e
le0els seems to a4mit an irrational element into .is &.iloso&.3 o/ e0oltion. )e0ert.e9
@ (amel 1le6an4er, !ace, Time and )eity: The -ifford 'ectures at -lasgow ./.0-./.1 >)ew Hork,
less, .e raise4 an im&ortant isse wit. t.e 'on'e&tion o/ an e0oltionar3 &ro5ression 4oes not en4 wit. t.e emer5en'e o/ Min4 in t.e ni0erse.
(volutionary Theism
Or last e6am&le o/ a nonme'.anisti' t.eor3 is t.e t3&e o/ evolutionary theism /on4 in
t.e writin5s o/ Teil.ar4 4e C.ar4in.
Be was not a &ro/essional &.iloso&.er like Ber5son
an4 1le6an4er, bt a &aleontolo5ist an4 Cat.oli' &riest. 4al 0o'ation le4 .im to a
li/elon5 en4ea0or to re'on'ile t.e 'laims o/ biolo53 an4 C.ristianit3 in an all9embra'in5
e0oltionar3 s3nt.esis. Be a''e&te4 e0oltion as a /n4amental /a't, w.ile 4i//erin5
/rom 2arwinism b3 'laimin5 e0er3t.in5 in t.e ni0erse .as 4al as&e'ts, t.e inner
&s3'.i' an4 t.e e6ternal material. 1''or4in5l3, t.ere is an e0oltion o/ 'ons'iosness
5oin5 on simltaneosl3 wit. &.3si'al e0oltion. T.e entire ni0erse, /rom elementar3
&arti'les to man, is 5o0erne4 b3 a 7law o/ 'om&le6i/i'ation8 'arries it in t.e 4ire'9
tion o/ 5reater 'om&le6it3 an4 in'reasin5 'ons'iosness.
Like Ber5son, .e saw a s&e'ial nonme'.ani'al a5en'3 at work in e0oltion, w.i'. .e
'alle4 7ra4ial ener53.8 It is an internal &s3'.i' /or'e intensi/ies wit. t.e 4e0elo&9
ment o/ more 'om&le6 /orms. Ra4ial ener53 'ases t.in5s to be'ome more inte5rate4,
bot. 7wit.in8 an4 7wit.ot,8 bein5 res&onsible /or t.e ma<or transitions /rom matter to
li/e an4 min4. W.en a &.3si'al s3stem be'omes more .i5.l3 or5aniJe4, its &s3'.i' in9
terior will be more /ll3 4e0elo&e4. Man is t.e most re'ent /orm to a&&ear in t.e e0ol9
tionar3 &ro5ression o/ natre. Bis 'a&a'it3 /or sel/9'ons'ios t.o5.t an4 t.e /ormation
o/ 'ltres .as a44e4 a new la3er to t.e eart.;s ambian'e K t.e 7noos&.ere,8 or la3er o/
re/le'ti0e t.o5.t. T.e noos&.ere is a ni:e en0ironment sets man a&art /rom 'reatres, '.ara'teriJin5 t.e 7&.enomenon o/ man.8 T.ro5. t.e noos&.ere, all
.man so'ieties are &ro<e'te4 to nite in a sin5le worl4 'ltre.
Teil.ar4 belie0e4 e0oltion 'on0er5es towar4 a &oint 'alle4 7Ome5a8 w.ere it
rea'.es its /inal 5oal. T.e 7Ome5a Point8 is a m3sti'al 'on'e&t, bt it is not w.oll3 n9
worl4l3, sin'e t.e &.3si'al an4 t.e &s3'.i' as&e'ts o/ t.e ni0erse are inse&arable.
Ome5a is t.e /o'al &oint o/ t.eir 'on0er5en'e, 'orres&on4in5 to Ao4 in so /ar as it 4e9
termines t.e 4ire'tion o/ 'osmi' e0oltion. T.e &ro'ess is ort.o5eneti', t.o5. not in a
/inalisti' sense, be'ase Teil.ar4 makes some allowan'e /or '.an'e e0ents. T.e 'lmina9
tion will be rea'.e4 w.en all in4i0i4als nite in a sin5le 'ommnit3 t.ro5. lo0e. Be
in0ests .is 0ision wit. reli5ios si5ni/i'an'e b3 i4enti/3in5 it as t.e 72i0ine Milie,8 4r9
in5 w.i'. t.e s&irit o/ t.e 7Cosmi' C.rist8 be'omes /ll3 mani/este4 in t.e ni0erse. In wa3, .e .o&e4 to nite .is &ersonal reli5ios 'on0i'tions wit. s'ien'e.
Teil.ar4;s inter&retation o/ e0oltion K a 0iew .e .o&e4 to 5ron4 in s'ien'e K /ails to
'onne't wit. mainstream s'ienti/i' &ra'ti'e, w.i'. knows not.in5 o/ a &s3'.i' interior
o/ &.3si'al matter. I4eas like 7ra4ial ener538 an4 t.e 7Ome5a Point8 seem to be more /i'9
- T.e /n4amental e6&osition o/ .is i4eas is The %henomenon of #an >)ew Hork, 1+%+?.
writin5s, s'. as The )ivine #ilieu >)ew Hork, 1+%@? an4 The Future of #an >)ew Hork, 1+#,?,
/ill ot .is e0oltionar3 0ision.
!"# 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
tion s'ien'e. T.e3 ma3 .a0e been inten4e4 to s&&ort .is belie/ t.e s'ienti/i'
0iew o/ e0oltion was not in 'on/li't wit. Cat.oli' t.eolo53. On t.e reli5ios si4e,
.owe0er, t.ere was some neasiness abot Teil.ar4;s em&.asis &on Ao4 as t.e en4
>Ome5a? o/ 'osmi' .istor3 its initiator >1l&.a?. Bis i4eas also 'on/li'te4 wit.
t.eolo5i'al 4o5mas re5ar4in5 t.e /all o/ man an4 ori5inal sin. 1s a 'onse:en'e, t.e3
were not wi4el3 a''e&te4 in ort.o4o6 Cat.oli' 'ir'les. Teil.ar4;s 0ision o/ an e0ol0in5
ni0erse remains &rel3 s&e'lati0e wit.ot .a0in5 m'. s&&ort /rom s'ien'e
or t.eolo53. Bt .is o&timisti' /ait. in t.e /tre &ro5ress o/ .manit3 is &raisewort.3
an4 still .as man3 a0i4 a4.erents.
T.e work o/ Gean Aebser, &arti'larl3 in The (ver-%resent Origin, 5oes e0en /
Teil.ar4 in stressin5 t.e emer5en'e o/ a new t3&e o/ 'ons'iosness on eart..
to Aebser, .manit3 a40an'es 'ltrall3 t.ro5. s''essi0e sta5es, or 7mtations,8 to9
war4 an arational an4 a&ers&e'ti0al inte5ral 'ons'iosness. is not 'on'ei0e4 as a
linear &ro5ression in w.i'. later sta5es re&la'e earlier ones. Instea4, t.e s''essi0e
sta5es are 'mlati0e, re&resentin5 'om&re.ensi0e inte5rations o/ all &re'e4e4
t.em. T.e 0arios mtations t.ro5. w.i'. .manit3 &asses are re5ar4e4 as &artial
mani/estations o/ a sin5le 7e0er9&resent ori5in.8
Aebser was 'on'erne4 wit. a 4etaile4 e6amination o/ t.e 4i//erent str'tres o/ 'on9
s'iosness wit. 'osmolo53 !er se. Be s&&orte4 .is t.esis b3 a wealt. o/ et39
molo5i'al, literar3, an4 artisti' e0i4en'e. 1lt.o5. .is book 4is&la3s remarkable
ori5inalit3 an4 &enetrati0e insi5.t, it is onl3 tan5ential to or &resent 'on'ern wit. 'os9
molo53. To re'a&itlate: t.e .eart o/ 'osmolo53 is a 4istin'ti0e mo4e o/ awareness i4en9
ti/ie4 b3 (ri 1robin4o as 'osmi' 'ons'iosness, w.i'. &ermeates all /or /a'es o/ t.e
(ri 1robin4o
T.e e0oltionar3 'osmolo5ies <st 'onsi4ere4 are t.e s&e'lati0e &.iloso&.i'al t.eories
o/ in4i0i4al t.inkers w.o stret'.e4 t.eir mental &owers as /ar as t.e3 'ol4. We now
e6amine a 4i//erent kin4 o/ e0oltionar3 0ision 4eri0e4 /rom s&irital resor'es or4inar9
il3 na0ailable to &.iloso&.ers. It ori5inates wit. (ri 1robin4o, w.ose mlti/a'ete4
5enis makes it im&ossible to 'lassi/3 .im in 'on0entional s'.olarl3 terms. Be was not a
&.iloso&.er, 3et in The 'ife )ivine .e wrote an elaborate &.iloso&.i'al treatise on e0ol9
tion. )ot a s'ientist, .is a&&roa'. to t.e 3o5i' li/e was nonet.eless s'ienti/i' in s&irit. Be
was, t.o5., a &oet o/ e6traor4inar3 abilit3 w.o wrote a ma5ni/i'ent e&i' &oem, avitri2
Cosmolo53 was a /ra'tion o/ .is enormos ot&t, bt it &ro0i4es a broa4 'onte6t /or n9
4erstan4in5 .is treatment o/ e0oltionar3 trans/ormation.
(ri 1robin4o saw e0oltion as a s&irital &ro'ess .a0in5 as its 5oal t.e trans/ormation
o/ or &resent e6isten'e into a 4i0ine li/e. In .is 0iew, eart. is a ni:e s'ene /or t.e
emer5en'e o/ 4i0init3 /rom its en'asement in matter.
It is im&ortant to em&.asiJe at
t.e otset was not t.e reslt o/ mere s&e'lation. It was t.e ot'ome o/
+ Gean Aebser, The (ver-%resent Origin >1t.ens: Fni0ersit3 Press, 1+-%?.
a li/etime 4e0ote4 to an intensi0e in0esti5ation o/ t.e natre o/ 'ons'iosness. 1lt.o5.
.is 0ision o/ an e0ol0in5 ni0erse .ol4s its own as a &rel3 &.iloso&.i'al t.eor3, to re9
4'e .im to a &.iloso&.er wol4 miss (ri 1robin4o;s stats as a 5reat seer an4 /ll3 a'9
'om&lis.e4 3o5i. Bis s&irital 'ollaborator an4 'om&eer, t.e, was instrmental in
5i0in5 a &ra'ti'al /o's to .is 0ision. Dollowin5 an earlier meetin5 in Pon4i'.err3, s.e
<oine4 .im t.ere &ermanentl3 in 1+!". (bse:entl3, s.e or5aniJe4 t.e (ri 1robin4o
1s.ram to a''ommo4ate a 5rowin5 nmber o/ as&irants /rom allo0er t.e worl4. Ber 'ol9
le'te4 works are a s&irital treasr3 an4 &resent &ra5mati' insi5.ts into t.e &ra'ti'e o/
trans/ormati0e 3o5a.
(ri 1robin4o was born in In4ia in 1-@!, bt was sent to En5lan4 as a '.il4 to be e49
'ate4 in En5lis. s'.ools. Be st4ie4 'lassi'al literatre at Cambri45e Fni0ersit3, winnin5
&riJes in &oetr3 an4 &assin5 e6aminations wit. .i5. .onors. W.ile in En5lan4, .e /amili9
ariJe4 .imsel/ wit. t.e 'ltral a'.ie0ements o/ Western 'i0iliJation. 1/ter lea0in5 Cam9
bri45e, .e retrne4 to In4ia an4 be5an a serios st43 o/ In4ian 'ltre. Drom t.e
moment o/ .is arri0al t.ere, a 4ee& &ea'e 4es'en4e4 &on .imC a 5reat lo0e /or In4ia
blossome4. Later, (ri 1robin4o be'ame a lea4er in t.e nationalist mo0ement /or in4e9
&en4en'e /rom Britis. rle.
Be took & 3o5a as a means o/ 5ainin5 inner stren5t. /or
.is &oliti'al work. Fn4er t.e 4ire'tion o/ a tea'.er name4 Lele, .e :i'kl3 realiJe4 )ir9
0ana, t.e e6&erien'e o/ t.e (ilent o/ Ee4anta. establis.e4 .im in a tran9
s'en4ent 'ons'iosness ne0er le/t .im t.erea/ter. Bt it was onl3 a be5innin5,
lea4in5 ltimatel3 to t.e workin5 ot o/ a new 3o5a o/ .man an4 worl4 trans/ormation.
2rin5 a 3ear o/ im&risonment b3 t.e Britis. /or .is re0oltionar3 a'ti0ities, .e .a4 a
&ower/l realiJation o/ t.e Cosmi' 2i0ine. 'on0in'e4 .im t.e a'.ie0ement o/
In4ian in4e&en4en'e was onl3 &art o/ a lar5er work to be 4one. Release4 /rom &rison, .e
e0entall3 settle4 in t.e Dren'. 'olon3 o/ Pon4i'.err3 on t.e Ba3 o/ Ben5al, w.ere .e
remaine4 /or t.e rest o/ .is li/e. In Pon4i'.err3, .e ori5inate4 t.e ni:e /orm o/ 3o5a le4 .im to an n4erstan4in5 o/ s&irital e0oltion an4 t.e writin5 o/ .is ma<or
1" P.iloso&.ers sometimes ar5e it is lo5i'all3 im&ossible /or eternal bein5 to '.an5e.
&res&&oses t.e In/inite is limite4 b3 t.e terms o/ or mental lo5i'. It ma3 be in
t.e In/inite, a&&arent 'ontra4i'tories are reall3 'om&lementar3. Drom &ers&e'ti0e, it
'ol4 not onl3 '.an5e bt also e0ol0e wit.ot losin5 its eternal natre. E0oltion 'ol4 be
t.e reslt o/ an in.erent &ower o/ sel/9'on'ealment an4 re4is'o0er3.
11 T.e n4ertook t.e &ra'ti'al /l/illment o/ (ri 1robin4o;s 0ision /or t.e /tre o/
mankin4. Ber writin5s t.row li5.t on e0er3 as&e't o/ li/e an4 3o5a. (ee t.e Collected *or3s of
the #other >1@ Eolmes, Pon4i'.err3: (ri 1robin4o 1s.ram Trst, 1+-%?.
1! was be/ore Aan4.i arri0e4 to lea4 In4ia to /ree4om /rom Britis. 4omination. Aan4.i be9
'ame immerse4 in t.e &oliti'al str55le, bt 4i4 not /oresee t.e lar5er im&li'ations o/ In4ian
in4e&en4en'e /or t.e s&irital 4estin3 o/ t.e worl4.
1$ 1 'on0enient s.ort bio5ra&.3 &resents t.e salient /eatres o/ .is li/e is Peter Bee.s, ri
Auro"indo: A 4rief 4iogra!hy >2el.i, 1+-+?. Dor an at.enti' a&&re'iation o/ .is work b3 a lea49
in5 4is'i&le, see M.P. Pan4it, ri Auro"indo >T.e Bil4ers o/ In4ian P.iloso&.3 (eries?, Pon4i9
'.err3, 1++-.
!"- 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
In 1+1,, (ri 1robin4o be5an a mont.l3 <ornal, Arya, in w.i'. t.e sbstan'e o/ .is later
books /irst a&&eare4. (ome o/ work was 'on'erne4 wit. t.e 'i0iliJation o/ an'ient
In4ia. In Foundations of Indian Culture, .e re0iewe4 t.e w.ole ran5e o/ tra4itional In4ian
reli5ion, art, literatre, an4 &oliti's /rom a s&irital &oint o/ 0iew. Besi4es, .e wrote
a brilliant e6&osition o/ t.e 4hagavad -5t6 >(ssays on the -ita?, as well as translations an4
'ommentaries on se0eral F&anis.a4s. Be ma4e a 'are/l st43 o/ t.e 7g Veda, t.e /on9
tain.ea4 o/ In4ian 'ltre, translatin5 man3 o/ its .3mns into En5lis. an4 o//erin5 an il9
lminati0e inter&retation o/ t.eir m3sti'al 'ontent.
In a44ition, .e a'.ie0e4 a
master/l inte5ration o/ t.e tra4itional 3o5i' 4is'i&lines o/ In4ia in The ynthesis of 8oga.
Ho5a was /or .im t.e &ra'ti'al basis /or inte5ratin5 s&irit an4 matter on eart., onl3 a means /or liberatin5 t.e sol. books, s'. as The 9uman Cycle an4 The
Ideal of 9uman Unity, were 4e0ote4 to an e6amination o/ t.e 4e0elo&ment o/ .man so'i9
et3 an4 its &ro5ress towar4 worl4 nit3. In The Future %oetry, .e 'onsi4ere4 t.e role o/ &o9
etr3 as an e//e'ti0e instrment /or t.e e0oltion o/ t.e sol. )otewort.3 amon5 .is
s.orter works are The #other, 4es'ribin5 t.e /or &owers an4 &ersonalities o/ t.e 2i0ine, an4 The u!ramental #anifestation u!on (arth >&blis.e4 in 1meri'a as The #ind of
'ight?, a series o/ arti'les e6&lorin5 t.e &ossibilit3 o/ a &er/e'te4 .manit3 e0ol0in5 &rior
to t.e mani/estation o/ a s&ramental bein5.
T.e two books best e6&ress .is 'om&re.ensi0e a&&roa'. to t.e ni0erse are The 'ife
)ivine an4 .is e&i' &oem avitri. In The 'ife )ivine, .e &resents a s3nt.esis o/ t.e &.ilo9
so&.i'al s3stems o/ East an4 West base4 &on t.e i4ea o/ s&irital e0oltion. .e
/on4e4 on an ins&ire4 0ision o/ t.e 4i0ine natre o/ e6isten'e. T.e 'lmination o/ .is
enormos literar3 ot&t was avitri, w.i'. in/se4 a sstaine4 intensit3 an4 &ro/on4
s&iritalit3 into t.e tra4itional /orm o/ t.e e&i'. T.e &oem rns into nearl3 !,,""" lines
o/ blank 0erse. 1/ter 1+!#, (ri 1robin4o 5a0e in'reasin5 attention to its 'om&osition, re9
0isin5 it o0er an4 o0er w.ene0er &ossible to mat'. .is 4ee&enin5 realiJations. Be also
answere4 innmerable letters 4ail3, /or .ors at a stret'., re5ar4in5 all as&e'ts o/ s&ir9
ital li/e. Or 'on'ern in '.a&ter is wit. t.e 0ision o/ e0oltion .e 4e0elo&e4 in
The 'ife )ivine.
The 'ife )ivine
(ri 1robin4o;s ma5nm o&s, The 'ife )ivine, is an in0ol0e4 an4 'om&le6 work wit. a
'lear met.o4olo53. Be &resents a series o/ to&i's in t.e 'onte6t o/ a 4e0elo&in5 ar59
ment, e6amines se0eral 0iew&oints relatin5 to ea'. to&i', an4 alwa3s 'on'l4es wit. .is
own &osition. (in'e .e smmariJes ea'. &ers&e'ti0e /airl3 an4 'on0in'in5l3, we mst
4istin5is. .is 0iew /rom t.e ot.ers. 1 /a0orite &lo3 o/ &.iloso&.ers /or sol0in5 4i//i'lt
&roblems is to o//er a soltion lo5i'all3 eliminates &ossible alternati0es. Bt 't t.e Aor4ian Knot in wa3, (ri 1robin4o 'are/ll3 nra0els its 0arios
stran4s. Be t.en inte5rates t.e &artial trt.s t.e3 re&resent into a more 'om&re.ensi0e
s3nt.esis. Bis &r&ose was not to a44 one more t.eor3 to t.ose alrea43 a0ailable bt to
1, In &arti'lar, see The ecret of the Veda an4 9ymns to the #ystic Fire >(1BCL, Eolmes 1" an4
4ee&en or n4erstan4in5 o/ t.e 4estin3 o/ t.e sol >&s3'.i' bein5? an4 e6&lain .ow we
'an 'ontine to e0ol0e. 1 /inal statement o/ .is t.o5.t 'omes in t.e last si6 '.a&ters,
a/ter a lon5 win4in5 4e0elo&ment like t.e 'orse o/ e0oltion .e 4es'ribes. In t.ese
'.a&ters, (ri 1robin4o em&.asiJes a 4i0ine li/e is a li/e li0e4 in an4 /or t.e 2i0ine
an4 s&irital e0oltion mst take &la'e in worl4.
T.e /irst '.a&ter o/ The 'ife )ivine son4s t.e ke3note /or e0er3t.in5 /ollows. It mer9
its or 'are/l attention be'ase t.e 5eneral &rin'i&les intro4'e4 are 4e0elo&e4 more
/ll3 later in t.e book. C.a&ter I, 7T.e Bman 1s&iration,8 be5ins wit. a re/eren'e to t.e
a5e9ol4 lon5in5 o/ t.e .man s&irit /or a more &er/e't li/e on eart.:
T.e earliest &reo''&ation o/ man in .is awakene4 t.o5.ts an4, as it seems, .is ine0it9
able an4 ltimate &reo''&ation,K /or it sr0i0es t.e lon5est &erio4s o/ s'e&ti'ism an4
retrns a/ter e0er3 banis.ment,K is also t.e .i5.est w.i'. .is t.o5.t 'an en0isa5e. It
mani/ests itsel/ in t.e 4i0ination o/ Ao4.ea4, t.e im&lse towar4s &er/e'tion, t.e sear'.
a/ter &re Trt. an4 nmi6e4 Bliss, t.e sense o/ a se'ret immortalit3.
(ri 1robin4o &oints ot, e0en t.o5. t.ese i4eals seem to 'ontra4i't or normal
e6&erien'e, t.e3 'an be realiJe4 b3 an e0oltionar3 mani/estation o/ (&irit in Matter.
)atre;s met.o4 is to seek .armon3 amon5 o&&osin5 /or'es: t.e 5reater t.e a&&arent
4is'or4s, t.e more t.e3 a't as a s&r towar4 more sbtle an4 &ower/l .armonies. Bt i/
e0oltion is t.e means /or a'.ie0in5, t.ere mst be somet.in5 4ee&er lies be9
.in4 it:
We s&eak o/ t.e e0oltion o/ Li/e in Matter, t.e e0oltion o/ Min4 in MatterC bt e0ol9
tion is a wor4 w.i'. merel3 states t.e &.enomenon wit.ot e6&lainin5 it. Dor t.ere
seems to be no reason w.3 Li/e s.ol4 e0ol0e ot o/ material elements or Min4 ot o/ li09
in5 /orm, nless we a''e&t t.e Ee4anti' soltion Li/e is alrea43 in0ol0e4 in Matter
an4 Min4 in Li/e be'ase in essen'e Matter is a /orm o/ 0eile4 Li/e, Li/e a /orm o/ 0eile4
Cons'iosness. 1n4 t.en t.ere seems to be little ob<e'tion to a / ste& in t.e series
an4 t.e a4mission mental 'ons'iosness ma3 itsel/ be onl3 a /orm an4 a 0eil o/ .i5.9
er states w.i'. are be3on4 Min4.
T.e re/eren'e to states be3on4 Min4 is si5ni/i'ant, sin'e e0oltion &ro'ee4s in 4ire'tion. T.e te6t 'ontines: 7Dor i/ e0oltion is t.e &ro5ressi0e mani/estation b3
)atre o/ w.i'. sle&t or worke4 in .er, in0ol0e4, it is also t.e o0ert realisation o/ w.i'. s.e se'retl3 is.8
To seek t.e 5reater mani/estation o/ 4i0init3 in worl4 is (ri 1robin4o 'onsi4ers to be or .i5.est an4 most le5itimate en4. (in'e 7t.e
se'ret will o/ t.e Areat Mot.er8 will not allow s as a ra'e to re<e't t.e e0oltionar3
str55le, it is better to a''e&t or 4estin3 in t.e 'lear li5.t o/ reason to be 4ri0en b3
blin4 instin't. T.e '.a&ter en4s wit. a re/eren'e to a s&ramental stats o/ bein5, w.i'.
is i4enti/ie4 as t.e 5oal towar4 w.i'. we s.ol4 as&ire:
1% (ri 1robin4o, The 'ife )i
1# Ibi4., &. $.
1@ Ibi4., &. ,.
1. vine, (1BCL, Eol. 1-, &.
!1" 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
Dor it is likel3 s'. is t.e ne6t state o/ 'ons'iosness o/ w.i'. Min4 is onl3 a
/orm an4 0eil, an4 t.ro5. t.e s&len4ors o/ li5.t ma3 lie t.e &at. o/ or &ro5ress9
i0e sel/9enlar5ement into w.ate0er .i5.est state is .manit3;s ltimate restin59&la'e.
T.e rest o/ The 'ife )ivine works ot t.e 4etails o/ 0ision. Or /o's is on t.ree to&i's
'om&risin5 t.e essential /eatres o/ (ri 1robin4o;s 0ision o/ e0oltion. T.e3 are 're9
ation an4 e0oltion, t.e &rin'i&les o/ bein5, an4 s&irital e0oltion.
Creation an4 E0oltion
(ri 1robin4o arri0e4 at t.e meta&.3si'al &rin'i&les ne'essar3 /or n4erstan4in5 e0ol9
tion b3 a 3o5a took .im 4ee& t.e so9'alle4 7n'ons'ios8 o/ t.e &s3'.olo9
5ists, w.i'. .e /on4 to be a'tall3 /ll o/ 'ons'iosness. Bis 3o5i' e6&erien'es re0eale4
t.e 'om&le6 str'tre o/ or inner bein5 an4 rea//irme4 t.e Ee4anti' 'on'e&tion o/ t.e
(el/ re'or4e4 in t.e F&anis.a4s.
T.e an'ient seers .a4 e6ten4e4 sb<e'ti0e knowle45e
o/ t.e (el/ to in'l4e t.e ni0erse in a''or4an'e wit. t.eir intition o/ t.e 'orres&on49
en'e between t.e ma'ro'osm an4 t.e mi'ro'osm.
1s we saw in C.a&ters II an4 III,
intition was t.e ori5inal sor'e o/ 'reation m3t.s tra'e t.e be5innin5 o/ t.e worl4
ba'k to an nmani/este4 4arkness 0eilin5 t.e 4i0ine sor'e o/ t.in5s:
2arkness L Fnmani/este4 Realit3
Li5.t L Mani/este4 Fni0erse
In Aenesis, /or e6am&le, Ao4 sai4: 7Let t.ere be li5.t,8 bt .e remaine4 .i44en in t.e
4arkness abo0e. (imilarl3, t.e (tanJas o/ 2J3an re/er to t.e nmani/este4 stats o/ abso9
lte Bein5 as t.e 7)i5.t o/ t.e Fni0erse.8 Bot. o/ t.ese m3t.s im&l3 an intan5ible
bon4ar3 se&aratin5 t.e 4arkness /rom t.e li5.t. In realit3, t.ere is no 4arkness abo0e,
<st as t.ere is no 4arkness /or t.e sn, w.i'. is s.inin5 e0en w.en .i44en /rom s.
s55ests 'ons'iosness alwa3s e6ists e0er3w.ere, t.o5. we ma3 not be aware o/ it,
be'ase in m3t. li5.t re&resents 'ons'iosness an4 4arkness n'ons'iosness.
1robin4o trns t.e relations.i& between li5.t an4 4arkness aron4 b3 &ttin5 t.e li5.t
>i4enti/ie4 wit. Cons'iosness? abo0e t.e 4arkness re&resentin5 Matter:
Li5.t L Cons'iosness
2arkness L Matter
1- Ibi4., &. %. is es&e'iall3 t.e 'ase /or vi:;6na, a 'on'e&t mentione4 bt not /ll3 4e0elo&e4
in Ee4anti' te6ts. (ri 1robin4o o/ten e:ates it wit. (&ermin4 >see below?.
ir5 i< > 9
1+ Dor e6am&le, see t.e 4o'trine o/ t.e /i0e in t.e Taitt ya U!an ad (wami )
anan4a, The U!anishads, Eol. IE, &&. $+ %"?. 'lminates in t.e &anis.a4i' i4enti/i'ation
o/ 1tman an4
!" Ibi4., &&. #@9@,.
!1 T.e relation between li5.t an4 'ons'iosness is not arbitrar3, /or bot. are sel/9re0ealin5. s55ests t.eir n4erl3in5 'onne'tion.
Be also 4is'o0ere4 >or .a4 re0eale4 to .im? somet.in5 else abot s&irital li5.t
seems ne0er to .a0e been noti'e4 be/ore. In .is 0iew, light is !ressing down into the world in
res!onse to an as!iration from the dar3ness "elow. T.e /llness o/ (&irit mani/ests 5ra4all3
in an e0oltionar3 a40an'e wit. man3 trnin5s, bt mo0es /orwar4 an4 &war4 be3on4
t.e &re0iosl3 attaine4 sta5es.
E0oltion is better re&resente4 b3 a s&iral t.e strai5.t/orwar4 linear &ro9
5ression is 5enerall3 s&&ose4. Dor t.ere are e6&lorator3 b3wa3s 4i0er5e /rom
t.e main 'orse, an4 also man3 retrns to take & was le/t be.in4 b3 t.e &sr5e
o/ a new lea& /orwar4. 1n3t.in5 rea43 to be assimilate4 at a 5i0en sta5e will be li/te4 &
to a le0el. In kin4 o/ e0oltion, a 4es'ent o/ (&irit into its a&&arent o&&osite
>Matter? lea0es not.in5 'om&letel3 ntrans/orme4. 1 5ra4al n/ol4ment is ne'essar3,
sin'e an imme4iate 4es'ent o/ t.e in/inite li5.t wol4 s.atter t.e material /on4ation in
w.i'. it is to be mani/este4.
Wit. t.e a40ent o/ li/e, e0oltion be'ame a rt.less an4
bloo43 a//air so 0iolent t.e min4 re'oils /rom it in .orror. T.e Ei'torian &oet
Tenn3son e6&resse4 it as 7)atre, re4 in toot. an4 'law.8
Be trie4 to re'on'ile
5rim 0iew o/ natre wit. /ait. in a lo0in5 Creator, bt /aile4 to &enetrate into t.e 4ee&er
roots o/ t.e m3ster3: .o&e o/ answer, or re4ressI
Be.in4 t.e 0eil, be.in4 t.e 0eil.
We are /a'e4 wit. a 5risl3 s&e'ta'le o/ t.e immense str55le an4 ntol4 s//erin5
li/e .as n4er5one in t.e lon5 'orse o/ its e0oltion on eart.. In (ri 1robin4o;s 0iew,
'reation is t.e /ree &la3 o/ 4i0ine 4eli5.t an4 nee4s no <sti/i'ation /or its a'tion. (till, i/
e0oltion is t.e n/ol4ment o/ a 2i0ine Realit3, it s.ol4 not be an arbitrar3 mo0ement
wit.ot a 5oal. Min4 an4 li/e are limite4 &rin'i&les, an4 o/ t.em 'ol4 be t.e /i9
nal 5oal o/ s&irital e0oltion. )o mental attem&t to <sti/3 s//erin5 'an remo0e all o/
t.e &roblems it raises, bt min4 is not t.e ltimate arbiter o/ trt. in t.ese matters.
Onl3 t.e &ower o/ 2i0ine Knowle45e, 'ons'ios o/ t.e total trt., 'ol4 remo0e t.e last
0esti5es o/ m3ster3 n4erl3in5 t.e worl49&ro'ess.
)e0ert.eless, we ma3 ask .ow e0oltion is relate4 to 'reation. (ri 1robin4o s55ests 7a Cons'iosness9Dor'e, e0er3w.ere in.erent in E6isten'e, a'tin5 e0en w.en 'on9
'eale4, is t.e 'reator o/ t.e worl4s, t.e o''lt se'ret o/ )atre.8
E0oltion mst t.en be
&art o/ a 'ontinos a't o/ 'reation is &ro4'in5 /orms o/ bein5. Creation an4
e0oltion, /ar /rom bein5 anta5onisti', are reall3 'om&lementar3 means /or /l/illin5 t.e
4i0ine &r&ose. Contrar3 to t.e 0iews o/ 'ontem&orar3 7'reationists8 an4
7e0oltionists,8 t.e3 are not w.oll3 4i//erent &ro'esses. E0oltion 'ontines t.e a't o/
!! Com&are t.e stor3 o/ Mes an4 (emele in Areek m3t.olo53.
!$ 1l/re4 Lor4 Tenn3son, In #emoriam, (e'tion %#. The elected %oetry of Tennyson, e4ite4, wit. an
intro4'tion, b3 2o5las Bs. >)ew Hork, 1+%1?, &. 1-!.
!, Ibi4., &. 1-$. T.e 70eil8 is most likel3 a re/eren'e to t.e (aiti' Isis, w.o is all4e4 to se0eral
times in Tenn3son;s writin5s.
!% (ri 1robin4o, The 'ife )ivine, (1BCL, Eol. 1-, &. !+%.
!1! 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
'reation, /or (&irit /irst be'omes absorbe4 in an ab3smal in'ons'ien'e an4 t.en re9
emer5es to 4is'o0er itsel/ in se:ential /as.ion. 1ll t.e &owers o/ t.e 2i0ine are mani/es9
te4 in wa3. E0oltion /ollows /rom t.e in0oltion o/ &rin'i&les into matter,
instea4 o/ bein5 t.e blin4 natral &ro'ess &res&&ose4 b3 2arwin. T.e mo0ement is not
arbitrar3 or .a&.aJar4, sin'e it 4e0elo&s in an or4erl3 manner b3 re0ersin5 t.e &at. o/
in0oltion. Instea4 o/ bein5 restri'te4 to a momentar3 a't at t.e be5innin5 o/ t.e worl4,
'reation is a 'ontinos &ro'ess o/ 4i0ine mani/estation in w.i'. we are all takin5 &art.
(ri 1robin4o sms & t.e w.ole 'on'e&tion:
T.e mani/estation o/ t.e Bein5 in or ni0erse takes t.e s.a&e o/ an in0oltion w.i'. is
t.e startin59&oint o/ an e0oltion,K Matter t.e net.ermost sta5e, (&irit t.e smmit. . . .
In t.e 4es'ent into t.e material &lane o/ w.i'. or natral li/e is a &ro4't, t.e la&se 'l9
minates in a total In'ons'ien'e ot o/ w.i'. an in0ol0e4 Bein5 an4 Cons'iosness .a0e
to emer5e b3 a 5ra4al e0oltion.
T.e mani/estation o/ (&irit is bein5 bro5.t to a /o's on eart., w.i'. is 0iewe4 as a mi9
'ro'osm w.ere t.e e0oltionar3 im&lse is now &ressin5 /orwar4. Bt to n4erstan4
&ro'ess more /ll3, t.e essential &rin'i&les o&eratin5 in it mst be 'learl3 i4enti/ie4. Dor &r&ose, Bein5 'an be ima5ine4 as a 5reat s&.ere 'ontainin5 t.em.
T.e Prin'i&les o/ Bein5
1''or4in5 to (ri 1robin4o, Bein5 is 4i0isible into two .emis&.eres, t.e &&er .emi9
s&.ere re&resentin5 (&irit an4 t.e lower, Matter. T.e terms 8(&irit7 an4 8Matter7 are
em&lo3e4 as 5eneral 'ate5ories to 4esi5nate t.e ma<or 4i0isions o/ Bein5C t.e3 are /r9 4i//erentiate4 into a nmber o/ 4istin't &rin'i&les. T.e .emis&.eres are se&arate4
b3 a 7Aol4en Li4.8
T.e im&lie4 s&.eri'al ima5e is an analo5e o/ t.e linear C.ain o/ Be9
in5 /on4 in tra4itional 'osmolo53, wit.ot t.e s55estion im&li'it in t.e latter t.e
material worl4 is an in/erior /orm o/ e6isten'e. In (ri 1robin4o;s 0iew, e0en Matter is
im&li'itl3 4i0ine, bein5 an as&e't o/ (&irit. T.e Aol4en Li4 'onsists o/ s&irital li5.t,
w.i'. is masse4 at t.e inter/a'e between t.e two .emis&.eres an4 e//e'ti0el3 'o0ers e6ists abo0e it. Conse:entl3, t.ere is an intensel3 bri5.t bon4ar3 between t.e
mani/este4 ni0erse an4 t.e trans'en4ent realms .a0e 3et to be'ome or5aniJe4 in
matter. 1s e0oltion as'en4s /rom below, t.e Aol4en Li4 will 5ra4all3 o&en to a 4own9
war4 /low o/ li5.t into t.e 4arkness, e0entall3 nitin5 t.e two .emis&.eres in a lmin9
os sea o/ Cons'iosness. In or &resent 'on4ition, we 'annot &enetrate be3on4 t.e Li4
into t.e &&er re5ions wit.ot losin5 'onta't wit. t.e lower .emis&.ere, bt e0oltion
is brin5in5 t.e li5.t 4own into t.e material 4arkness in t.e 'orse o/ time.
T.ere is a 5ra4e4 series o/ &rin'i&les, /or trans'en4ent abo0e t.e Aol4en Li4 an4 t.ree
'osmi' le0els below it. T.e trans'en4ent &rin'i&les are E6isten'e, Cons'iosness9Dor'e,
Bliss >or 2eli5.t?, an4 (&ermin4. T.e3 are essentiall3 one in/inite an4 eternal Con9
!# (ri 1robin4o, The 'ife )i
!@ 7T.e /a'e o/ Trt. is 'o0ere4 wit. a brilliant 5ol4en li4 N.iraO3ama3a &PtraQ.8 7Is.a F&an9
vine, (1BCL, Eol. 1+, &&. ##!, ##$.
#@. is.a4,8 The U!anishads, (1BCL, Eol. 1!, &.
s'iosness, t.o5. in t.e s''essi0e sta5es o/ in0oltion. Ea'. a&&ears in
trn, w.ile t.e ot.ers are 'on'eale4 be.in4 it. (=istence is t.e &rin'i&le be5ins t.e
series o/ trans/ormations. 1s 1bsolte Bein5 wit. nlimite4 &ossibilities o/ e6istin5, it is
'om&arable to in Ee4anti' t.o5.t.
Consciousness-Force emer5es ne6t as t.e 'reati0e ener53 >>a3ti? brin5s /ort. t.e ni9
0erse an4 'arries e0oltion onwar4 t.ro5. time. ener53 /n'tions as t.e 2i0ine bearin5 an4 nrtrin5 all bein5s. (ri 1robin4o 'alls t.e 'on'entrate4 /or'e b3
w.i'. Cons'iosness a'ts &on itsel/ to 'reate t.e Fni0erse ta!as >7.eat8?.
)elight is t.e t.ir4 trans'en4ent &rin'i&le, sstainin5 t.e 4i0ine &la3 o/ sel/9mani/esta9
tion in a 0ast mltit4e o/ worl4s. In or ni0erse, t.e 4i0ine Lila .as taken an e0oltion9
ar3 &at. to 'osmi' /l/illment. Or4inaril3, &rin'i&le is i4enti/ie4 as t.e bliss a
liberate4 sol e6&erien'es w.en release4 /rom bon4a5e to t.e worl4. T.s, t.e :estion
w.3 t.e ni0erse was bro5.t /ort. in t.e /irst &la'e is le/t nresol0e4. (ri 1robin4o
sees t.e answer to :estion in t.e 'onte6t o/ 4i0ine 4eli5.t mani/estin5 'reati0el3 in
t.e worl4.
!1, 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
T.e last &rin'i&le in t.e &&er .emis&.ere, u!ermind, is t.e ke3 to (ri 1robin4o;s n9
4erstan4in5 o/ t.e ni0erse. Be 5a0e a 5reat 4eal o/ attention to it, be'ase its ni:e
stats as t.e link between t.e &&er an4 lower .emis&.eres .a4 not been /ll3 re'o59
niJe4 be/ore.
(&ermin4 is t.e &rin'i&al sor'e o/ sele'tion an4 or5aniJation in t.e
'osmos. Dor e6am&le, t.e e6:isite .armon3 an4 0ariet3 o/ t.e &.3si'al ni0erse, /rom
t.e ma<esti' w.irl o/ t.e 5ala6ies to t.e mintest 4etails o/ sbatomi' str'tre, are
/on4e4 on its a'tion. Wit.ot it t.ere 'ol4 not be an or4ere4 worl4 an3w.ere.
(ri 1robin4o t.ree &oises o/ t.e (&ermin4. T.e3 are as&e'ts o/ one tran9
s'en4ent Cons'iosness are ne'essar3 to /a'ilitate its 4e&lo3ment in s&a'e an4 time.
T.ere is a com!rehending consciousness .ol4in5 all t.in5s in t.eir &otentialities,
an a!!rehending consciousness b3 w.i'. 'ons'iosness 'ontem&lates itsel/ /rom mlti&le
'enters wit.ot losin5 its awareness o/ t.eir nit3, an4 a !ro:ecting consciousness t.ro5.
w.i'. it be'omes in0ol0e4 in ea'. o/ t.em to e6&erien'e t.e ni0erse /rom a 0ariet3 o/
4i//erent stan4&oints. RealiJation o/ t.eir ltimate nit3 wol4 be t.e /l/illment, as well
as t.e /on4ation, o/ t.e 'osmi' &ro'ess. In essen'e, t.e 4eli5.t o/ 4i0ine &la3 wol4 be
t.e ob<e't o/ it all. (i5ni/i'antl3, .e likens to takes &la'e ima5inati0el3 in a &o9
et;s min4. T.e latter 'ontains 0arios mental ima5es o/ t.in5s, sees t.eir mtal rela9
tions wit. one, an4 i4enti/ies wit. t.em in or4er to 'reate a ni/ie4 &oem.
(&ermin4 &resi4es o0er t.e 'orse o/ e0oltion an4 also re&resents an im&ortant sta5e
in its 'onsmmation. It s&&orts t.e a&&earan'e o/ mlti&li'it3 in t.e ni0erse, w.ile
.ol4in5 t.in5s in an interlo'kin5 nit3. (ri 1robin4o re/ers to (&ermin4 as
t.e s&reme 7Trt.9Cons'iosness,8 or 7Real9I4ea,8 be'ase it 'om&rises bot. 2i0ine
Knowle45e an4 2i0ine Will. s.ol4 not be 'on/se4 wit. t.e Intelle't, or Fni0ersal
Min4, w.i'. was 4is'sse4 &re0iosl3. Intelle't belon5s to t.e le0el o/ t.e 4i0isi0e an4
'onstr'ti0e Min4, an4 lies in t.e re5ion below t.e Aol4en Li4. T.e 4ele5ate4 li5.t o/ (9
&ermin4 &oise4 in 'on'entration at t.e Aol4en Li4 is 'alle4 O0ermin4. Drom t.ere it
trne4 awa3 /rom its 4i0ine sor'e, &ln5in5 in a series o/ 4es'en4in5 le0els into 4ee&9
enin5 4arkness an4 i5noran'e.
T.e t.ree 'osmi' le0els o/ Min4, Li/e, an4 Matter e6ist below t.e Aol4en Li4. T.e3 be9
lon5 to t.e lower .emis&.ere, w.ere Min4 an4 Li/e .a0e alrea43 entere4 into t.e e0ol9
tion o/ material /orms. T.ese le0els are relate4 to t.e s&irital &rin'i&les, sin'e
Matter is t.e in0erse o/ E6isten'e, Li/e o/ Cons'ios9Dor'e, an4 Min4 o/ (&ermin4. Min4
!- Re/eren'es to (&ermin4 are s'attere4 t.ro5.ot The 'ife )ivine. (ee es&e'iall3 C.a&ters
XIE9XEI, (1BCL, Eol. 1-, &&. 1!!*1,+.
!+ T.ere is a relate4 stor3 tol4 b3 t.e abot /or 5reat Bein5s w.o were emanate4 at
t.e be5innin5 o/ 'reation. T.e sense o/ &ossessin5 tremen4os &ower le4 ea'. to a't in4e9
&en4entl3, t.s intro4'in5 4i0ision an4 4isor4er into t.e ni0erse. mistake was t.e
ori5inal 'ase o/ i5noran'e an4 .ostilit3 in t.e material worl4. To o0er'ome it, a 5reater 'on9
s'iosness an4 lo0e .a4 to 4es'en4 t.ro5. t.e inter0ention o/ t.e 2i0ine to .el&
brin5 t.e worl4 ba'k to its s&reme ori5in in Dree4om an4 2eli5.t >Collected *or3s of the
#other, Eol. +, &&. !"%*!"@?. 1lt.o5. .er stor3 resembles t.e Kabbalisti' m3t. abot 14am
Ka4mon an4 t.e breakin5 o/ t.e 0essels ne'essitate4 t.e work o/ 4i0ine restoration, it
&robes more 4ee&l3 into t.e roots o/ t.e worl4 m3ster3.
an4 Li/e e6ist on t.eir own le0els &rior to be'omin5 or5aniJe4 in &.3si'al matter. 1l9
t.o5. t.ese le0els are not in t.emsel0es e0oltionar3, t.e3 &la3 an im&ortant role in
e0oltion be'ase &owers 4eri0e4 /rom t.em enter into matter at 'riti'al <n'tres o/
t.e &ro'ess.
1t t.e o&&osite &ole /rom t.e 2i0ine is t.e In'ons'ient, w.i'. lies /ar be9
low e0en Matter. It re&resents t.e total obli0ion, or tran'e, into w.i'. Cons'iosness
sinks &rior to 'reation. T.e In'ons'ient >as its name im&lies? 'on'eals Cons'iosness,
<st as li/e lies .i44en in t.e see4 o/ a /lowerC all e6ists on t.e le0els is latent it. 1s s55este4 in C.a&ter IE, it a&&ears in t.e e:ations o/ &.3si's as t.e notori9
os sin5larit3 w.ere t.e laws o/ &.3si's break 4own.
W.en matter /irst s&rin5s into mani/estation in t.e 7bi5 ban5,8 it is alrea43 imbe4 wit.
a 4mb, obs're im&lse to e0ol0eC t.o5. not o0ertl3 'ons'ios, its a'ti0it3 is 4es'ribe4
as somnamblisti'. Dar /rom bein5 a barren wastelan4 wit.ot re4em&ti0e 0ale, as
maintaine4 in some tra4itions, it is 0iewe4 .ere as a ri'. soil &re&are4 /or t.e release o/
.i44en &oten'ies in res&onse to t.e nrtrin5 in/len'es /rom abo0e., in'i4entall3,
re0eals t.e inner relation between t.e &.3si'al worl4 an4 t.e 2i0ine. 1s we saw earlier, m3t.i'al 'osmolo53 nor t.e tra4itional 0iew 5i0es a satis/a'tor3 a''ont o/ t.e
e6isten'e o/ matter in a worl4 issin5 /rom a s&irital &rin'i&le. ('ienti/i' 'osmo9
lo53, on t.e .an4, a''e&ts matter as real bt 'annot 4eri0e t.e &s3'.i' 'osmos
/rom it. In (ri 1robin4o;s 0ision, matter is a /orm o/ (&irit &la3s a ne'essar3 role in
t.e 'om&lete mani/estation o/ t.e 2i0ine.
(&irital E0oltion
1ll o/ t.ese &rin'i&les are im&li'ate4 in t.e e0oltion o/ (&irit on eart.. To :ote /rom
(ri 1robin4o;s 4es'ri&tion o/ t.e &ro'ess o/ in0oltion an4 e0oltion:
T.e 2i0ine 4es'en4s /rom &re e6isten'e t.ro5. t.e &la3 o/ Cons'iosness9Dor'e an4
Bliss an4 t.e 'reati0e me4im o/ (&ermin4 into 'osmi' bein5C we as'en4 /rom Matter
t.ro5. a 4e0elo&in5 li/e, sol an4 min4 an4 t.e illminatin5 me4im o/ (&ermin4 to9
war4s t.e 4i0ine bein5. T.e knot o/ t.e two, t.e an4 t.e lower .emis&.ere, is
w.ere min4 an4 (&ermin4 meet wit. a 0eil between t.em. T.e ren4in5 o/ t.e 0eil is t.e
'on4ition o/ t.e 4i0ine li/e in .manit3C /or b3 ren4in5, b3 t.e illminin5 4es'ent o/
t.e into t.e natre o/ t.e lower bein5 an4 t.e /or'e/l as'ent o/ t.e lower bein5
into t.e natre o/ t.e, min4 'an re'o0er its 4i0ine li5.t in t.e all9'om&re.en4in5
(&ermin4, t.e sol realise its 4i0ine sel/ in t.e all9&ossessin5 all9bliss/l 1nan4a, li/e re9
&ossess its 4i0ine &ower in t.e &la3 o/ omni&otent Cons'ios9Dor'e an4 Matter o&en to
its 4i0ine libert3 as a /orm o/ t.e 4i0ine E6isten'e.
$" 1''or4in5 to (ri 1robin4o, t.ere are 0arios mental re5ions abo0e t.e or4inar3 min4 bt
beneat. (&ermin4C in as'en4in5 or4er t.e3 are Min4, Illmine4 Min4, Intition, an4
O0ermin4. In a44ition, t.ere is a 7sbliminal8 natre srron4in5 or sr/a'e 'ons'iosness is in 'lose 'onta't wit. t.e ni0ersal t3&al le0els. )one o/ t.ese &owers is /ll3 o&erati0e
in or li0es at &resent, t.o5. t.e3 'an a't &on s in sbtle wa3s. Bt to&i' belon5s
more to s&irital &s3'.olo53 to 'osmolo53.
$1 (ri 1robin4o, The 'ife )ivine, (1BCL, Eol. 1-, &&. !#,*!#%.
!1# 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
T.e le0els abo0e matter are ty!al >not e0oltionar3? an4 ea'. &ossesses &owers '.ara'9
teristi' o/ its own natre. 1s t.e e0oltionar3 as'ent &ro'ee4s, somet.in5 /rom t.e ne6t le0el 4es'en4s into t.e e0ol0in5 bein5 an4 raises it to a new stats. T.e &ro'ess is
not a me'.ani'al one, sin'e as&iration to e0ol0e mst also be &resent. &res&&oses t.e &otential /or t.e is alrea43 in0ol0e4 at t.e lower le0el. Li/e 4es'en4e4
into /ertile matter an4 li0in5 or5anisms were bro5.t /ort. on eart.. Later, min4 4es'en9
4e4 into a /ew a40an'e4 or5anisms to en5en4er mental bein5s >o/ man is now t.e
lea4in5 re&resentati0e?. In The u!ramental #anifestation u!on (arth, (ri 1robin4o s&eaks
o/ a 7Min4 o/ Li5.t8 is in t.e &ro'ess o/ bein5 mani/este4. It is a s&e'ial a'tion o/ (9
&ermin4, a''essin5 trt.9'ons'iosness bt e6&ressin5 onl3 in mental terms.
T.e ot'ome o/ &.ase o/ e0oltion wol4 be a &er/e'te4 /orm o/ .manit3 interme9
4iate between man as .e now is an4 a /ll3 s&ramental bein5. Dor all o/ its &romise, t.e
Min4 o/ Li5.t is onl3 a &re'rsor o/ t.e s&reme 'reati0e an4 or4erin5 Intelli5en'e be9
.in4 t.e 'osmos. E0oltion .as reslte4 in t.e a&&earan'e o/ 'om&le6 /orms, /rom &lants
an4 animals to .man bein5s, an4 is &ro<e'te4 to e6ten4 be3on4 man to (&erman. It
&ro'ee4s /rom abo0e, t.o5. initiate4 b3 an as&iration /rom belowC t.s it wol4 be
/ritless to look /or biolo5i'al me'.anisms 'ol4 a''ont /or 4e0elo&ment. (ri
1robin4o is t.ere/ore not reall3 'on'erne4 wit. t.e biolo5i'al trans/ormations o/ s&e9
'ies, bt anti'i&ates t.e 4es'ent o/ 5reater &owers o/ (&irit 3et to mani/est in t.e ni9
Man is 0iewe4 as a transitional /orm, .al/9animal an4 .al/94i0ine, on t.e wa3 to a s&ra9
mental or 5nosti' bein5. T.e ke3 to .is e0oltion is t.e sol, or &s3'.i' bein5, /or t.e
'on0entional wor4 7sol8 is too ambi5os to 'on0e3 t.e &re'ise meanin5 inten4e4. T.e
&s3'.i' bein5 is t.e tre 'enter o/ a &erson;s e6isten'e. E0er3t.in5 we e6&erien'e is
mirrore4 in it. Fnlike t.e a55ressi0e e5o, it is not in0ol0e4 in t.e or4inar3 mi6 o/ or
'onta'ts wit. t.e worl4. W.ile not o0ertl3 a'ti0e, it be'omes in/lential w.en 'learl3 re9
'o5niJe4. Its essen'e is 4i0ine lo0e, w.i'. 'an swallow & t.e w.ole worl4 in its 0ast
s'o&e. Dor, a''or4in5 to (ri 1robin4o, t.e worl4 is t.e 2i0ine in t.e a't o/ &ro5ressi0e
(el/9mani/estation. (ol is t.e in4is&ensable means /or, be'ase it is a /orm o/ t.e
2i0ine en<o3in5 its own n/ol4in5 s&len4or.
T.e &s3'.i' bein5 is t.e tre Immortal resi4in5 in t.e se'ret re'esses o/ t.e .eart. On'e
it .as been i4enti/ie4, or awareness be5ins to wi4en, e0entall3 embra'in5 t.e entire
ni0erse. It is t.e 4i0ine see4 in )atre, born into t.e worl4 to e0ol0e t.ro5. man3
li0es into a /ll3 mani/este4 4i0init3 on eart..
T.e 0ast s'ale o/ s&irital e0oltion im9
$! 1 :estion arises as to e0oltion 'an o''r on &lanets or own. 1stro9
nomers 'ontine to 4is'o0er new &lanets be3on4 t.e solar s3stem, an4 t.e '.an'es are
some o/ t.em mi5.t .arbor li/e. W.ere t.ere is li/e, me'.anisms like natral sele'tion will
no 4obt o&erate to brin5 abot t.e trans/ormation o/ s&e'ies. Bt s!iritual e0oltion is a 4i/9
/erent matter, sin'e it re:ires t.e &resen'e o/ t.e &s3'.i' bein5 'omes /rom t.e 2i0ine
itsel/. 1''or4in5 to (ri 1robin4o, this kin4 o/ e0oltion is onl3 takin5 &la'e on eart.. Ben'e
t.e eart. still retains a ni:e stats in t.e 'osmos.
$$ T.ere is an ins'ri&tion on a 5ol4en tablet /on4 in an Or&.i' 5ra0e in Petelia, (ot. Ital3
>/ort.Rt.ir4 'entr3 B.C.E.?. T.e sol is bein5 5i0en instr'tions abot .ow to &ro'ee4 on
&lies re&eate4 rebirt.s, bt t.e &s3'.i' bein5 is m'. more a &erson;s tem&orar3
&ersonalit3. In itsel/ it does not go anywhere, t.o5. &ttin5 /orwar4 a s''ession o/ 4i//er9
ent &ersonalities b3 w.i'. it e0ol0es. Like a see4, it 5rows &war4 b3 assimilatin5 t.e e69
&erien'es o/ &ast li0es. W.ile we 5i0e somet.in5 o/ orsel0es to it, t.e sol will
e0entall3 e0ol0e be3on4 or .man mo4e o/ e6isten'e. 1s e0oltion 'ontines, it will
ot5row t.e &s3'.o&.3si'al 0e.i'les t.ro5. w.i'. it now /n'tions, a':irin5 a more
s&&le material en0elo&e w.oll3 trans&arent to t.e s&irit T.ere are also rea'.es
o/ 'ons'iosness abo0e it 'an 4es'en4 like snli5.t w.en we are &re&are4 to re'ei0e
t.em. Moreo0er, t.e 5rowt. e6&erien'e4 as t.e sol e0ol0es 'an s&ark t.e inner &oten9
tial o/ ot.ers as well, sin'e e0er3one is linke4 in an all9embra'in5 nit3.
(ol is .i44en s >t.o5. we 4o not 7'ontain8 it?, bt w.en its in/len'e is /elt in
or li0es an as&iration is awakene4 to e0ol0e / It is 4rawn towar4 t.e worl4,
w.ere it a&&ears a5ain an4 a5ain in 4i//erent 5ises, mo0e4 b3 a se'ret will to mani/est
t.e 2i0ine in resistant an4 seemin5l3 n'ons'ios matter. 2i0ine 4eli5.t .as in/se4 it9
sel/ into matter as t.e sol, w.i'. is meant to e0ol0e in the world lea0e it n9
T.e 'on0olte4 mar'. towar4 trans'en4en'e is &ro&elle4 b3 'osmi' lo0e,
t.e sstainin5 &ower o/ or e//orts. is t.e sol;s lo0e o/ t.e ni0erse in w.i'. t.e 2i9
0ine is mani/estin5 more an4 more o/ itsel/.
T.e link between t.em is lo0e, be'ase t.e
sol;s lo0e o/ t.e 2i0ine in its mltit4inos mani/estation is i4enti'al wit. t.e 2i0ine;s
4eli5.t in its own 'osmi' /orm.
Lo0e resol0es t.e m3ster3 o/ or e6isten'e in an otwar4l3 im&ersonal worl4, w.ere li/e
sometimes seems 4oome4 to en4less /rstration an4 4es&air. It 'arries s be3on4 all
mental 4obts an4 reser0ations abot w.o we reall3 are an4 w.3 we are .ere. )o eart.l3
&ower or ner0os re'oil 'an im&e4e its 'orse /ore0er. 2eli5.t in mani/estation is t.e l9
its a/ter94eat. &at. in t.e n4erworl4. W.en it rea'.es t.e .ol3 s&rin5 otsi4e El3sim, it is
a40ise4 to tell t.e 5ar4ians o/ t.e s&rin5:
(a3, 7I am a '.il4 o/ Eart. an4 starr3 Bea0enC
Bt m3 ra'e is o/ Bea0en >alone?.8
W.K.C. At.rie, Or!heus and -ree3 &eligion: A tudy of the Or!hic #ovement >)ew Hork, 1+##?,
&. 1@$.
$, 1n interestin5 &arallel to 'an be /on4 in t.e Bermeti' treatise, %oimandres, w.ere t.e
'osmi' Man >Anthro!os? saw .is 2i0ine Dorm re/le'te4 in )atre an4, /allin5 in lo0e wit. it,
wille4 to 4well t.erein as t.e sol >9ermetica, e4ite4 an4 translate4 into En5lis. b3 Walter
('ott, &&. 1!1*1!!?. In t.e 9ermetica, t.e ob<e't is to release t.e sol so it 'an retrn to
t.e Bea0enl3 Realm /rom w.i'. it /ell. Dor (ri 1robin4o, on t.e .an4, t.e 2i0ine .as
'ome into t.e ni0erse as t.e sol in or4er to establis. itsel/ .ere t.ro5. e0oltion.
$% (&inoJa, in an entirel3 4i//erent 'onte6t, .a4 an inklin5 o/ t.e natre o/ lo0e. In t.e (th-
ics, near t.e en4 o/ a lon5 &.iloso&.i'al e6&osition on t.e ni0erse as a sin5le sbstan'e, .e
arri0e4 at .e 'alle4 7t.e intelle'tal lo0e o/ Ao4.8 Be states: 7The intellectual love of the
mind toward -od is the very love with which 9e loves 9imself, not in so far as 9e is infinite, "ut in so
far as 9e can "e manifested through the essence of the human mind, considered under the form of
eternity2 2 2 that is to say, the intellectual love of the mind toward -od is !art of the infinite love with
which -od loves 9imself28 Bene4i't 4e (&inoJa, (thics and On the Im!rovement of the Understand-
ing >)ew Hork, 1+%%?, Part Di0e, Pro&osition XXXEI, &. !@,.
!1- 1)TIM1TTER( 1 >1? !""@
timate raison 4;Stre /or t.e e6isten'e o/ ni0erses, bt it is e6&resse4 in one as a 'os9
mi' &la3 o/ sel/9'on'ealment an4 re4is'o0er3. 1s /or t.e /tre, we will .a0e to wait an4
see takes &la'e, /or t.ere are man3 obsta'les still to be worke4 ot, in4i0i4all3 an4
'olle'ti0el3. W.ate0er or 4estin3 ma3 be, (ri 1robin4o rea//irms .is 0ision o/ s&irital
e0oltion in t.e 'on'l4in5 &ara5ra&. o/ The 'ife )ivine:
I/ t.ere is an e0oltion in material )atre an4 i/ it is an e0oltion o/ bein5 wit. 'on9
s'iosness an4 li/e as its two ke39terms an4 &owers, /llness o/ bein5, /llness o/ 'on9
s'iosness, /llness o/ li/e mst be t.e 5oal o/ 4e0elo&ment towar4s w.i'. we are
ten4in5 an4 w.i'. will mani/est at an earl3 or later sta5e o/ or 4estin3. T.e (el/, t.e
(&irit, t.e Realit3 is 4is'losin5 itsel/ ot o/ t.e /irst in'ons'ien'e o/ li/e an4 matter,
wol4 e0ol0e its 'om&lete trt. o/ bein5 an4 'ons'iosness in li/e an4 matter. It
wol4 retrn to itsel/,K or, i/ its en4 as an in4i0i4al is to retrn into its 1bsolte, it
'ol4 make retrn also,K not t.ro5. a /rstration o/ li/e bt t.ro5. a s&irital
'om&leteness o/ itsel/ in li/e. Or e0oltion in t.e I5noran'e wit. its '.e:ere4 <o3 an4
&ain o/ sel/94is'o0er3 an4 worl494is'o0er3, its .al/9/l/ilments, its 'onstant /in4in5 an4
missin5, is onl3 or /irst state. It mst lea4 ine0itabl3 towar4s an e0oltion in t.e Know9
le45e, a sel/9/in4in5 an4 sel/9n/ol4in5 o/ t.e (&irit, a sel/9re0elation o/ t.e 2i0init3 in
t.in5s in tre &ower o/ itsel/ in )atre w.i'. is to s still a (&ernatre.
1t &oint, we &ass be3on4 'osmolo53 as &resentl3 n4erstoo4 an4 sim&l3 note
e0oltion 'an .a&&en onl3 in a ni0erse &ossessin5 &ro&erties &ermit it9w.i'. is wa3 o/ statin5 t.e' &rin'i&le. It im&lies t.e laws o/ &.3si's are
&re'isel3 t.ose ne'essar3 at t.e 'rrent sta5e o/ 'osmi' 4e0elo&ment. 'ol4 mean t.e ni0erse was 4eliberatel3 4esi5ne4 to allow e0oltion to o''r, or t.e
sin5lar &ro&erties o/ or ni0erse &ro0i4e4 t.e o&&ortnit3 /or an in/l6 o/ (&irit into
Matter. 1s we saw earlier, is not an isse 'an be /inall3 4e'i4e4 b3 t.e min4.
$# (ri 1robin4o, The 'ife )ivine, (1BCL, Eol. 1+, &&. 1"#+*1"@".

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