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Motorway Bridge D1, Povask Bystrica, Slovakia

Cost-effective forming and shoring of ridges with P!"# mod$lar systems

With the Centrum D1 motorway junction, a 767-metre long bridge structure, the cross-
sections as well as its longitudinal and lateral inclinations change continuously. During
construction, single and twin-spaced hollow bo cross-sections with !ariable
superstructure widths were to be "ormed whereby two separate superstructures merged
to "orm one distinct bridge structure. #lanning and eecution were based on rentable
modular construction systems$ construction o" the hollow bo cross-sections "or the
superstructure was carried out using #%&' (# "alsewor), the eternal web "ormwor) and
cantile!er "ormwor) were created by means o" !ariable raised "ormwor) units using
*+&',-'. system components.
#%&' (# supporting sca""old trans"erred the !ertical and hori/ontal loads "rom a height o"
o!er 10 m sa"ely into the ground, and the re1uired access means was also integrated.
.hrough its modular structure and metric grid arrangement, the load-bearing system
could be optimally adapted to deal with all "orces. With 102, 70 and 30 cm standards, the
indi!idual loadbearing capacities o" 42 )5 per leg were combined to deal with higher
loads - and !irtually multiplied at will. %!en "or concentrated load points as "ound in the
web areas, se!eral standards could be bundled together using system components.
.he hollow bo superstructure was realised in two casting segments with the help o"
*+&',-'. raised "ormwor) units. 'n the "irst cycle, the bottom plate complete with webs
were "ormed and concreted whilst the carriageway slab and cantile!ers were constructed
in the second cycle. (sing hinged and "riction-loc)ed connections with articulated walers
and uni!ersal couplings, the latticed "ramewor) consisting o" 6. 34 "ormwor) girders,
7&( steel walers and 787 hea!y-duty spindles could be accurately adapted to the
structure9s geometry and "alsewor).
P!"# Systems #n %se
&aised :ormwor) (nits
#%&' (# &osett 7hear :rame +rrangement
"aised &ormwork %nits

Due to their high "leibility, the *+&',-'. raised "ormwor) units can be mounted on
di""erent load-bearing systems. .hus, the same raised "ormwor) units are used on
launched tra!ellers, incremental launching e1uipment as well as light to hea!y load-
bearing sca""old. +dapting to the wide range o" bridge geometries ta)e place continuously
than)s to the *+&',-'. engineering construction )it.
.ime-sa!ing and cost-e""icient construction site assembly can be reali/ed due to
standardi/ed connecting components such as the (- 72 coupling and bolt connections.
.he "ormwor) can be adapted at any time to structural changes by means o" 787
spindles. .hrough this, *+&',-'. "rame construction "ormwor) pro!ides a !ery "leible
and economical solution "or all con!entional load-bearing systems and a broad range o"
building geometries.
'he fle(ile shoring for engineering str$ct$res
(ni!ersal shoring systems are re1uired to e""ecti!ely handle the wide range o" tas)s on
construction sites
.he #%&' (# &osett shear "rame arrangement supplements the #%&' (# &osett shoring
tower and has been specially de!eloped "or "ree-standing use in the construction o"
bridges. 'ndi!idual towers are connected with one another to "orm a shear "rame
arrangement which, "or the ci!il engineering sector, creates a !ery cost-e""ecti!e
combination o" shoring towers and birdcage sca""olding.
.he spacing between the shear "rame arrangements along the longitudinal direction o" a
bridge is !ariable and allows optimal adjustment to suit the geometry as well as e""ecti!ely
handling the load e""ects o" the superstructure. 'n addition, using the #%&' (# &osett
shear "rame arrangements allows large sa!ings to be made on material re1uirements
compared to con!entional birdcage sca""old.
.he calculation method "or the #%&' (# &osett shear "rame arrangement has been type
tested. .his ma)es comple system modelling "or static proo" no longer necessary.
*ightweight individ$al com+onents
:ast and sa"e assembly due to the low weight o" the indi!idual system components ;(*&
322 7tandard 12.1 )g, (<7 7horing <race 102=102 6.1 )g>
!asy and ,$ick erection
+ll system components are connected by means o" wedge and push-"it connections.
-igh level of safety d$ring assemly
+ll #%&' (# system components are compatible. .hus, wor)ing plat"orms, access and
guardrails are easy to reali/e.
Movale y crane
+ssembled units can be mo!ed in one crane li"t using couplers and spindle sa"ety straps.
#ara menopang "le)sibel untu) stru)tur
?enopang sistem (ni!ersal diperlu)an untu) secara e"e)ti" menangani berbagai tugas di
situs )onstru)si
#ara #%&' (# bing)ai &osett suplemen pengaturan geser #%&' (# &osett menopangmenara
dan telah secara )husus di)embang)an untu) berdiri bebas diguna)an dalampembangunan
jembatan. ?enara indi!idu yang terhubung dengan satu sama lain untu) membentu) suatu
pengaturan bing)ai geser yang, untu) se)tor te)ni) sipil, mencipta)an)ombinasi yang
sangat biaya-e"e)ti" menopang menara dan perancah )andang burung.
@ara) antara pengaturan bing)ai geser sepanjang arah memanjang jembatan adalah !ariabel dan
memung)in)an penyesuaian optimal sesuai geometri serta e"e)ti"menangani e"e) beban
pada suprastru)tur. 7elain
itu, mengguna)an #%&' (# pengaturanbing)ai &osett geser memung)in)an penghematan
besar harus dila)u)an pada)ebutuhan bahan dibanding)an dengan )andang
burung perancah )on!ensional.
?etode perhitungan untu) pengaturan bing)ai #%&' (# &osett geser telah diuji tipe. Aal ini
membuat pemodelan sistem )omple)s untu) bu)ti statis tida) lagi diperlu)an.
B )omponen indi!idu &ingan
-arena berat badan rendah dari )omponen sistem
indi!idual ;(*& 322 7tandar 12,1 )g,(<7 menopang <race 102=1
02 6.1 )g> Cepat dan aman pera)itan
B ?udah dan cepat ere)si
7emua )omponen sistem yang terhubung melalui wedge dan
push-"it )one)si.
B .ingginya ting)at )eamanan selama pera)itan
7emua )omponen sistem #%&' (# yang )ompatibel. @adi,
be)erja plat"orm, a)ses danpagar yang mudah untu)
B ?o!able oleh dere)
(nit dira)it dapat dipindah)an dalam
satu ang)at dere) mengguna)an s)rup dan
taliporos )eselamatan.

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