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II Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ -¨¡Ÿ-véπ¢√®Ωç 21 -à-v°œ-™¸ 2006

Udai: These books are really wonderful. Where No. verb verb form
are they sold? 5. have been supplied have been (be form) +
(Ñ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ Eïçí¬ ¶«í∫’-Ø√o®·. áéπ\úø PP of supply
üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-û√-ߪ’N?) 6. is going to be held is going to be
Vijai: Where else? At Books, Books 'n Books. (be form) + PP of hold
Name the book you need, and it is found 7. is closed is (be form) +
PP of close
(ÉçÈé-éπ\úø?Books, Books 'n Books ™. 8. has been declared has been (be form) +
Fé¬\-¢√-Lq† °æ¤Ææhéπç îÁ°æ¤p, ÅC Féπ-éπ\úø PP of declare
Udai: Yes. Now I remember. Certain varieties of
í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆, °j verbs ÅFo èπÿú≈ 'be' form 1) Where are the books sold?
+ past participle (PP) í¬ ÖØ√o®· éπü∆. (be í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç: Verb, 'be' form + pp
books were offered by them last month at Å®·ûË ÅC Passive voice. ´’†ç, Ñ Spoken
forms Åçõ‰ í∫ ’®Ω’hç-C-éπü∆. ´’®Ó≤ƒ-J í∫ ’®Ω’h
áéπ\úø Å´’t-•-úø-û√®·?
discount of 15% to 50%. 2) ... It is found there English course ™ -¢Á·ôd-¢Á·-ü¿ô ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-†oC –
-îË-Ææ’èπ◊ç-ü∆ç. am, is, are, was, were; *´®Ω 'be'
(Å´¤†’. í∫’®Ìh-*açC. §Ú®·†ØÁ© ¢√∞¡Ÿx ´îËa shall be, should be, will be, would be, Åéπ\úø îª÷úø-•-úø’-ûª’çC. English ™ Verb èπ◊ 6 Forms Öçö«-ߪ’E, ¢√öÀ™ x
éÌEo ®Ω鬩 °æ¤Ææh-鬩 O’ü¿ 15% †’ç* can be, could be, may be, might be, must 'be' from + pp, passive voice ÅE, N’í∫û√ 5
3) Certain varieties of books were offered at
50% ´®Ωèπ◊ discount Éî√a®Ω’) forms active voice ÅE.
be, *´®Ω been ´îËahave been, has been, discounts
Vijai: Such discounts will be given next month had been, will have been, would have been,
Discount offer English ™ Passive voice ¢√úøéπç áèπ◊\¢Ë
too. They have all varieties of books. shall have been, should have been, can
éÌEo ®Ω鬩 °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ O’ü¿
Infact all books in our college library have îËߪ’-•-ú≈f®·. 鬕öÀd ü∆E í∫’Jç* ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-¢√Lq† Å´-Ææ®Ωç
have been, could have been, may have áçûª-®·Ø√ ÖçC.
been supplied by them. been, might have been, must have been 4) Such discounts will be given next month too
(Å™«çöÀ discounts ´îËa ØÁ© èπÿú≈ É´y- English ™ passive voice ´·êuçí¬ newspa-
™«çöÀN– É´Fo 'be' forms. ) ´îËa ØÁ© èπÿú≈ Å™«çöÀ Discounts É´y-•-úø-û√®·.
pers reports ™ áèπ◊\-´í¬ éπE-°œ-Ææ’hçC. (ûÁ©’-í∫’™
¶-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’. ¢√∞¡x ü¿í∫_®Ω ÅEo ®Ω鬩 °æ¤Ææh- 5) ...all books in our college have been supplied
鬩÷ üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-û√®·. ÅÆæ©’ ´’† college passive voice ÅÆæ-£æ«-ïçí¬ éπE-°œ-Ææ’hçC 鬕õ‰d, Ñ
by them
library ™ Ö†o books ÅFo ¢√∞¡Ÿx sup- lesson v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µºç-™ E conversation ûÁ©’í∫’ ņ’-
ply îËÆ œ-†¢Ë)
ÅEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ ¢√∞¡x-îËûª Ææ®Ω-°∂æ®√ îËߪ’-•-ú≈f®·. ¢√ü¿ç active voice ™ îª÷°œçî√ç.)
6) A book exhibition is going to be held
Udai: A book exhibition is going to be held in -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 145 English ™ passive voice, äéπ °æE á´®Ω’ îËÆœçD
town next month. A wide variety of books °æ¤Ææhéπ v°æü¿-®Ωz† E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îª-•-úø’-ûª’çC. (Future) ûÁL-ߪ’-†-°æ¤púø÷, îÁ°æpôç É≠æd癉†-°æ¤púø÷ áèπ◊\´ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’.
will be on display and sold at discount.
(´îËa ØÁ© °æ¤Ææhéπ v°æü¿-®Ωz† Öçô’çC ´’†
Ü∞x. î√™« ®Ω鬩 °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ v°æü¿-Jzç-îª-ô¢Ë’
é¬èπ◊çú≈, discount èπÿú≈ É≤ƒh®Ω’)
Vijai: OK, let's start for college now.
(college éÀ •ßª’-™‰l-®Ω’ü∆ç °æü∆.)
When was this road laid?
Udai: Vijai, what are you talking? Don't you
know that college is closed today? All the verbs above are 'be' form + past par- 7) The College is closed = 1) The college has been closed
(àç ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤? É¢√∞¡ college ticiple. ´‚ߪ’-•-úÕçC college ´‚ÊÆ-¨»®Ω’ (English - college ´‚ߪ’-
™‰ü¿E ûÁL-ߪ’ü∆ Fèπ◊?) Important: Verb, 'be' form + past participle 8) Vinai has been •-úÕçC. á´®Ω’ ´‚¨»®Ó îÁ°æp™‰ç é¬-•-öÀd)
Vijai: Really I don't know. But what for? Å®·ûË Å°æ¤púø’ ÅC PASSIVE VOICE ™ declared the man of
2) The man was killed yesterday (Passive)
(Ø√èπ◊ ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’. áçü¿’èπ◊?) Öçô’çC. Åçõ‰ °j† list ™E 8 verbs èπÿú≈ the match
Åûªúø’ E†o îªç°æ-•-ú≈fúø’. (á´®Ω’ îªç°œçC
Udai: The college cricket team has won the passive voice ™ Ö†o-õ‰x-éπü∆? (English ™ Man of the match í¬
finals of the cricket tournament, and our
ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’, So passive)
î√™« verbs èπ◊ past tense, past participle v°æéπ-öÀç-îª-•-ú≈fúø’.
M. SURESAN 3) He was elected MP
classmate Vinai has been declared Man English Passive
of the Match.
äéπõ‰ éπü∆. Åçü¿’-´©x be form °æéπ\† Ö†oC past ™
tense ™ Öçü∆, past participle Å´¤-ûª’çü∆ ÅØË voice Ææ®Ωy-≤ƒ-üµ∆-®Ωùç. Å®·ûË ûÁ©’-í∫’™ ´·êuçí¬ á†’o-éÓ-•-ú≈fúø’ (á´-È®-†’o-èπ◊-Ø√o-®Ω-ØËC ´·êuç é¬ü¿’)
(´’† college team cricket tourna- Conversations Passive voice
ÆæçüË£æ«ç ®√´îª’a. äéπõ‰ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓçúÕ. English ûÁ©’í∫’ ™ ¢√úøç. 4) Students will be given bus passes
ment finals friend
™ ÈíL-*çC. ´’†
Vinai Man of the Match
†’ í¬ v°æéπ-öÀç- ™ be form °æéπ\† -á°æ¤p-úø÷ èπÿú≈ past tense ´’†ç ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Ñ Road á°æ¤p-úË-¨»®Ω’? Åçö«ç é¬F Students èπ◊ bus passes É´y-•-úø-û√®·.
î√®Ω’.) form ®√ü¿’. 鬕öÀd be form °æéπ\† ´îËa-üÁ-°æ¤púø÷ Ñ Road á°æ¤púø’ ¢Ëߪ’-•-úÕçC ņç éπü∆? Å™«Íí (á´-J-≤ƒh®Ω’ ÅØËC ´·êuç é¬ü¿’)
Vijai: So no classes today. How happy I am! past participle ´÷vûª¢Ë’.) ´’† Éçöx, ņoç ´çúø-•-úÕçü∆? ÅE Åúøí∫ç éπü∆? Active voice ™ verb ûÁLÊ° °æE á°æ¤púø’ ïJ-TçC
May our college win many more matches. Å®·ûË English ™ ÅC î√™« Common. ÅØË-ü∆Eo •öÀd tense (verb form) ´÷J-†ô’x, pas-
Verb passive voice ™ Öçõ‰, Åçõ‰ verb be
(Å®·ûË É¢√∞¡ classes ™‰´-†o-´÷ô. áçûª form + pp Å®·ûË ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Å®Ωnç '•úø’— ÅE i) When was this road laid? sive voice ™ èπÿú≈ verb form ´÷®Ω’-ûª’ç-ô’çC.
ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ ÖçüÓ! É™«Íí ´’† college
î√™« matches Èí©¢√L.) ´Ææ÷hç-ô’çC. îª÷úøçúÕ: ii) Has the food been cooked.

t t t t t
EXERCISE Varun: Only the Inter Board and the University ANSWER
Ñ lesson †’ç* ´’†ç English conversation can say that. They are usually declared
™ éÌûªh N≠æߪ’ç îª÷úø-¶-ûª’Ø√oç. Ééπ\úÕ †’ç* Ñ éÀçC sentences ™ passive voice verbs, Active passive Telugu Translation
in the 1st week of May. This time too,
é¬Ææh ñ«ví∫ûªh Å´-Ææ®Ωç. active voice verbs, identify îËߪ’çúÕ / was closed?
they can be expected about the same ´‚ߪ’-•-úÕçC?
°j conversation ™ Ñ sentences îª÷úøçúÕ: í∫’®Ω’h-°-ôdçúÕ; passive voice verbs èπ◊ time. will be reopened? ûÁ®Ω’-´-•-úø’ûª’çC?
1) Where are they sold? ûÁ©’í∫’ ņ’-¢√ü¿ç v°æߪ’-Aoç-îªçúÕ.
2) ... and it is found there. (Inter board, University ´÷vûª¢Ë’ îÁ°æp-í∫- will be held E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îª-•-úø-û√®·?
Tarun: When was your college closed? ©´¤. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË May ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ-¢√-
3) Certain varieties of books were offered by will start Ç®Ω綵º-´’´¤-û√®·
(O’ college á°æ¤púø’ ´‚¨»®Ω’)
them... ®Ωç™ ÅN ¢Á©’-´-úø-û√®·. Ñ≤ƒJ èπÿú≈ ÅüË college reopens AJT v§ƒ®Ω綵º-´’´¤-ûª’çC
4) Such discounts will be given next month too. Varun: On 15th March Time ™ ¢Á©’-´-úø-û√-ߪ’E ÇPç-îª-´îª’a) will be declared v°æéπ-öÀç-îª-•-úø-û√®·
5) ... all books in our college have been sup- Tarun: And when will it be reopened? Tarun: Seats in your college are said to be in can say îÁ°æp-í∫-©´¤
plied by them. demand
(á°æ¤púø’ ûÁ®Ω’-≤ƒh®Ω’?) are declared v°æéπ-öÀç-îª-•-úø-û√®·
6) A book exhibition is going to be held in town. Varun: In the 3rd week of June (O’ college ™ seats èπ◊ T®√éà áèπ◊\-´ç-ö«®Ω’) can be expected ÇPç-îª-•-úø-´îª’a
7) ... the college is closed today? Tarun: So no classes will be held till then. Varun: That's why they are offered on merit, (possibility)
8) ... our classmate Vinai has been declared the When will the admissions start? so only merited students are admitted are said to be îÁ°æp-•-úø-û√®·
Man of the Match. into the college.
(Åçõ‰ Åçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ classes Öçúø-´-†o- are offered
Look at the verbs in the sentences above.
´÷ô. Admissions á°æ¤púø’ v§ƒ®Ω綵ºç?) (Åçü¿’-éπØË v°æA¶µº Çüµ∆-®Ωçí¬ seats É≤ƒh®Ω’, are admitted
No. verb verb form îË®Ω’a-éÓ-•-úøû√®Ω’
Varun: As soon as the college reopens. 鬕öÀd v°æA-¶µº-í∫© Nü∆u-®Ω’n™‰o îË®Ω’a-èπ◊ç-ö«®Ω’) wants
1. are sold are (be form) + éÓ®Ω’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’
(college ûÁJ-*† ¢ÁçôØË.) Tarun: My cousin wants to join let him apply apply îËߪ’F
past participle (PP) of sell
Tarun: Any idea when the results will be cousin
2. is found is (be form) + PP of find
(´÷ îË®√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’) Passive voice ûÁ©’-í∫’™ (ņ’-¢√-ü¿ç™) áçûª
3. were offered were (be form) + PP of offer declared? Varun: Well, let him apply ÅÆæ-£æ«-ïçí¬, äéÓ\-≤ƒJ Å®Ωnç鬴ôç -áç-ûª éπ≠dçæ í¬
4. will be given will be (be form) + PP of give (°∂æL-û√©’ v°æéπöÀçîËüÁ-°æ¤úÓ ûÁ©’≤ƒ?) (apply îËߪ’-´’†’) Öçô’çüÓ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ.
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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