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>> The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer

> Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan.

> 15, !!". #t doesn$t ta%e &uch i&agination to e'trapolate the &essage
> to the rest of (urope ) and possibly to the rest of the world.
> R(*(*+(R ,S -./ R(,0 )) #T 1,S #2 , S3,2#S4 3,3(R
> 0ate5 Tue. 15 January !!" 1657!
> ,88 (/R.3(,2 8#9( 0#(0 #2 ,/S:41#T; +y Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez
> # wal%ed down the street in +arcelona , and suddenly disco<ered a
> terrible truth ) (urope died in ,uschwitz ... 1e %illed si' &illion
> Jews and replaced the& with ! &illion *usli&s. #n ,uschwitz we burned
> a culture, thought, creati<ity, talent. 1e destroyed the chosen people,
> truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who
> changed the world.
> The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life5 science,
> art, international trade, and abo<e all, as the conscience of the
> world. These are the people we burned.
> ,nd under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to pro<e to
> oursel<es that we were cured of the disease of racis&, we opened our
> gates to ! &illion *usli&s, who brought us stupidity and ignorance,
> religious e'tre&is& and lac% of tolerance, cri&e and po<erty, due to an
> unwillingness to wor% and support their fa&ilies with pride.
> They ha<e blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities
> into the third world, drowning in filth and cri&e.
> Shut up in the apart&ents they recei<e free fro& the go<ern&ent, they
> plan the &urder and destruction of their nai<e hosts.
> ,nd thus, in our &isery, we ha<e e'changed culture for fanatical
> hatred, creati<e s%ill for destructi<e s%ill, intelligence for
> bac%wardness and superstition.
> 1e ha<e e'changed the pursuit of peace of the Jews of (urope and their
> talent for a better future for their children, their deter&ined
> clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for
> people consu&ed by the desire for death for the&sel<es and others, for
> our children and theirs.
> 1hat a terrible &ista%e was &ade by &iserable (urope ..
> ===================================
> The >lobal #sla&ic population is appro'i&ately 1,!!,!!!,!!!? that is
> .2( +#88#.2 T1. 4/20R(0 *#88#.2 or !@ of the world$s population. They
> ha<e recei<ed the following 2obel 3rizes5
> 8iterature5
> 1A"" ) 2aBib *ahfooz
> 3eace5
> 1AC" ) *oha&ed ,nwar (l)Sadat
> 1AA! ) (lias Ja&es :orey
> 1AA6 ) -aser ,rafat5
> 1AAA ) ,h&ed ;ewai
> (cono&ics5
> DzeroE
> 3hysics5
> DzeroE
> *edicine5
> 1AF! ) 3eter +rian *edawar
> 1AA" ) 9erid *ourad
> T.T,85 C S(V(2
> The >lobal Jewish population is appro'i&ately 16,!!!,!!!? that is
> 9./RT((2 *#88#.2 or about !.!@ of the world$s population. They ha<e
> recei<ed the following 2obel 3rizes5
> 8iterature5
> 1A1! ) 3aul 4eyse
> 1AC ) 4enri +ergson
> 1A5" ) +oris 3asterna%
> 1AFF ) Sh&uel -osef ,gnon
> 1AFF ) 2elly Sachs
> 1ACF ) Saul +ellow
> 1AC" ) #saac +ashe<is Singer
> 1A"1 ) (lias :anetti
> 1A"C ) Joseph +rods%y
> 1AA1 ) 2adine >ordi&er 1orld
> 3eace5
> 1A11 ) ,lfred 9ried
> 1A11 ) Tobias *ichael :arel ,sser
> 1AF" ) Rene :assin
> 1AC7 ) 4enry Gissinger
> 1AC" ) *enache& +egin
> 1A"F ) (lie 1iesel
> 1AA6 ) Shi&on 3eres
> 1AA6 ) -itzha% Rabin
> 3hysics5
> 1A!5 ) ,dolph Von +aeyer
> 1A!F ) 4enri *oissan
> 1A!C ) ,lbert ,braha& *ichelson
> 1A!" ) >abriel 8ipp&ann
> 1A1! ) .tto 1allach
> 1A15 ) Richard 1illstaetter
> 1A1" ) 9ritz 4aber
> 1A1 ) ,lbert (instein
> 1A ) 2iels +ohr
> 1A5 ) Ja&es 9ranc%
> 1A5 ) >usta< 4ertz
> 1A67 ) >usta< Stern
> 1A67 ) >eorge :harles de 4e<esy
> 1A66 ) #sidor #ssac Rabi
> 1A5 ) 9eli' +loch
> 1A56 ) *a' +orn
> 1A5" ) #gor Ta&&
> 1A5A ) (&ilio Segre
> 1AF! ) 0onald ,. >laser
> 1AF1 ) Robert 4ofstadter
> 1AF1 ) *el<in :al<in
> 1AF ) 8e< 0a<ido<ich 8andau
> 1AF ) *a' 9erdinand 3erutz
> 1AF5 ) Richard 3hillips 9eyn&an
> 1AF5 ) Julian Schwinger
> 1AFA ) *urray >ell)*ann
> 1AC1 ) 0ennis >abor
> 1AC ) 1illia& 4oward Stein
> 1AC7 ) +rian 0a<id Josephson
> 1AC5 ) +enBa&in *ottleson
> 1ACF ) +urton Richter
> 1ACC ) #lya 3rigogine
> 1AC" ) ,rno ,llan 3enzias
> 1AC" ) 3eter 8 Gapitza
> 1ACA ) Stephen 1einberg
> 1ACA ) Sheldon >lashow
> 1ACA ) 4erbert :harles +rown
> 1A"! ) 3aul +erg
> 1A"! ) 1alter >ilbert
> 1A"1 ) Roald 4off&ann
> 1A" ) ,aron Glug
> 1A"5 ) ,lbert ,. 4aupt&an
> 1A"5 ) Jero&e Garle
> 1A"F ) 0udley R. 4erschbach
> 1A"" ) Robert 4uber
> 1A"" ) 8eon 8eder&an
> 1A"" ) *el<in Schwartz
> 1A"" ) Jac% Steinberger
> 1A"A ) Sidney ,lt&an
> 1AA! ) Jero&e 9ried&an
> 1AA ) Rudolph *arcus
> 1AA5 ) *artin 3erl
> !!! ) ,lan J. 4eeger
> (cono&ics5
> 1AC! ) 3aul ,nthony Sa&uelson
> 1AC1 ) Si&on Guznets
> 1AC ) Genneth Joseph ,rrow
> 1AC5 ) 8eonid Gantoro<ich
> 1ACF ) *ilton 9ried&an
> 1AC" ) 4erbert ,. Si&on
> 1A"! ) 8awrence Robert Glein
> 1A"5 ) 9ranco *odigliani
> 1A"C ) Robert *. Solow
> 1AA! ) 4arry *ar%owitz
> 1AA! ) *erton *iller
> 1AA ) >ary +ec%er
> 1AA7 ) Robert 9ogel
> *edicine5
> 1A!" ) (lie *etchni%off
> 1A!" ) 3aul (rlich
> 1A16 ) Robert +arany
> 1A ) .tto *eyerhof
> 1A7! ) Garl 8andsteiner
> 1A71 ) .tto 1arburg
> 1A7F ) .tto 8oewi
> 1A66 ) Joseph (rlanger
> 1A66 ) 4erbert Spencer >asser
> 1A65 ) (rnst +oris :hain
> 1A6F ) 4er&ann Joseph *uller
> 1A5! ) Tadeus Reichstein
> 1A5 ) Sel&an ,braha& 1a%s&an
> 1A57 ) 4ans Grebs
> 1A57 ) 9ritz ,lbert 8ip&ann
> 1A5" ) Joshua 8ederberg
> 1A5A ) ,rthur Gornberg
> 1AF6 ) Gonrad +loch
> 1AF5 ) 9rancois Jacob
> 1AF5 ) ,ndre 8woff
> 1AFC ) >eorge 1ald
> 1AF" ) *arshall 1. 2irenberg
> 1AFA ) Sal<ador 8uria
> 1AC! ) Julius ,'elrod
> 1AC! ) Sir +ernard Gatz
> 1AC ) >erald *aurice (del&an
> 1AC5 ) 4oward *artin Te&in
> 1ACF ) +aruch S. +lu&berg
> 1ACC ) Roselyn Suss&an -alow
> 1AC" ) 0aniel 2athans
> 1A"! ) +aruB +enacerraf
> 1A"6 ) :esar *ilstein
> 1A"5 ) *ichael Stuart +rown
> 1A"5 ) Joseph 8. >oldstein
> 1A"F ) Stanley :ohen HI Rita 8e<i)*ontalciniJ
> 1A"" ) >ertrude (lion
> 1A"A ) 4arold Var&us
> 1AA1 ) (rwin 2eher
> 1AA1 ) +ert Sa%&ann
> 1AA7 ) Richard J. Roberts
> 1AA7 ) 3hillip Sharp
> 1AA6 ) ,lfred >il&an
> 1AA5 ) (dward +. 8ewis
> 1AAF) 8u Rose#aco<ino
> T.T,85 1AK
> The Jews are 2.T pro&oting brain washing children in &ilitary training
> ca&ps, teaching the& how to blow the&sel<es up and cause &a'i&u& deaths
> of Jews and other non *usli&s. The Jews don$t hiBac% planes, nor %ill
> athletes at the .ly&pics, or blow the&sel<es up in >er&an restaurants.
> There is 2.T one single Jew who has destroyed a church. There is 2.T a
> single Jew who protests by %illing people.
> The Jews don$t traffic sla<es, nor ha<e leaders calling for Jihad and
> death to all the #nfidels.
> 3erhaps the world$s *usli&s should consider in<esting &ore in standard
> education and less in bla&ing the Jews for all their proble&s.
> *usli&s &ust as% $what can they do for hu&an%ind$ before they de&and
> that hu&an%ind respects the&.
> Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between #srael and the
> 3alestinians and ,rab neighbors, e<en if you belie<e there is &ore
> culpability on #srael $s part, the following two sentences really say
> it all5
> $#f the ,rabs put down their weapons today, there would be no &ore
> <iolence. #f the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no
> &ore #srael ..L +enBa&in 2etanyahu
> >eneral (isenhower 1arned /s #t is a &atter of history that when the
> Supre&e :o&&ander of the ,llied 9orces, >eneral 0wight (isenhower,
> found the <icti&s of the death ca&ps he ordered all possible
> photographs to be ta%en, and for the >er&an people fro& surrounding
> <illages to be ushered through the ca&ps and e<en &ade to bury the dead.
> 4e did this because he said in words to this effect5
> $>et it all on record now ) get the fil&s ) get the witnesses ) because
> so&ewhere down the road of history so&e bastard will get up and say
> that this ne<er happened$
> Recently, the /G debated whether to re&o<e The 4olocaust fro& its
> school curriculu& because it $offends$ the *usli& population which
> clai&s it ne<er occurred. #t is not re&o<ed as yet. 4owe<er, this is a
> frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how
> easily each country is gi<ing into it.
> #t is now &ore than F! years after the Second 1orld 1ar in (urope
> ended. This e)&ail is being sent as a &e&orial chain, in &e&ory of the,
> F &illion Jews, ! &illion Russians, 1! &illion :hristians, and 1,A!!
> :atholic priests who were $&urdered, raped, burned, star<ed, beaten,
> e'peri&ented on and hu&iliated$ while the >er&an people loo%ed the
> other way.
> 2ow, &ore than e<er, with #ran , a&ong others, clai&ing the 4olocaust
> to be $a &yth,$ it is i&perati<e to &a%e sure the world ne<er forgets.
> This e)&ail is intended to reach 6!! &illion people. +e a lin% in the
> &e&orial chain and help distribute this around the world.
> 4ow &any years will it be before the attac% on the 1orld Trade :enter
> $2(V(R 4,33(2(0$ because it offends so&e *usli& in the /nited States M
> 0o not Bust delete this &essage? it will ta%e only a &inute to pass
> this along.

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