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Type: Adverbial clause

Subordinators Functioning as..
1) Time

Time AFTER: after - once since - when -
whenever now (that) - as soon as immediately
(that) directly (that) The moment/minute (that)

Time BEFORE: before by the time that till until

SAME Time: as when whenever as long as
so long as while whilst now (that)

To inf: outcome of a situation (time+result) Final

Verbless: only introduced by: as soon as, once, till,
until -- when , whenever, while, whilst + prep ph

Initial or Final Position

Most of them are
Sentence Adjunct
BUT unless, as long as,
so long as are
Predication Adjunct;
BUT when
now that
(time+reason), no
sooner than are
Content Disjunct.
2) Place

Where (specific) wherever (non-specific)

Remember place+contrast: When a did this, b did

Archaic forms: whence (from where) whither (to

When Initial position is
Sentence Adjunct,
when Final position
Predication Adjunct.
3) Direct Condition

clauses in
general may
have S-OP
inversion without
a subordinator if
the operator is:
As long as, provided (that), providing (that), so long
as: mean if and only if, condition+exception:
Content Disjunct.

Assuming that, given that, if, in case, in the event
that, just so (that), on condition that, supposing

Unless: except if (a menos que).

Only if: a will not happen unless b happens.

In case: the meaning is different according to:
BrE means: if it should happen that.
AmE means: on condition that.

Non-finite: if, unless.
Verbless: if, unless, with, without.
Verbless and ed participle clauses with exp. Subj.
Are introduced with with/without.
Mainly Initial position
and Sentence Adjunct.


4) Indirect
Condition not related to the situation in the matrix

In case: (si acaso)

Initial or Final position.
Style Disjunct.
5) Concession

(Says the contrary of what one might expect).

Although, though, when, whereas, while,
If can be replaced by
Formal style:
Subordinator THOUGH, the predication or C.S. may
be fronted.
Subordinator AS, the predication or C.S. must be
Subordinator THAT, the C.S. must be fronted.

Subordinator MUCH AS to talk about a strong
feeling or desire.

Non-finite: although, though, while, whilst.
Initial position as a
tendency. Content
6) Condition and
Finite: even if, even though (if: when it means even
if, even though).

6.1. Alternative (uno o el otro) conditional
concessive clauses:
Whether or (whether), it doesnt matter whether
(initial), no matter whether

Verbless: with... or without... NP or (no) NP.

6.2. Universal ( Indicate a free choice from any
number of conditions) conditional concessive

-WH words combined with EVER. The
subordinator (a rel pron or adv) has a function and
must have initial position.

No matter+WH element.

Sentence Adjunct.

Initial or Final position
Sentence Adjunct

Initial position
7) Contrast

Convey a contrast bet 2 situations and compares
them when dissimilar to show differences.

Whereas, while, whilst

Initial as a tendency or
Final position. Content


8) Contingency
(Siempre que)

Denote habitual contingency expressed in clauses
Time: whenever, once.
Place: wherever.
Condition: if+past participle.

Non-finite: -ing or ed part.
Verbless: once+adj.
Adj ph

Initial position.
Sentence Adjunct.
9) Exception

Except that, excepting that, except: solo que, si no
fuera porque.

Except for the fact that, apart from the fact that.

Save that, but for (both formal): sub. Cl. take
obligatory should.

Non-finite: to inf, -ing part
But for (a no ser porque, a menos que)

Final position. Content
10) Reason:
a- Direct
b- Indirect
A- Direct reason:
1. Because, because of +NPh.

2. Because, since.

3. For

4. Circumstances and consequence:
premise in the sub, conclusion in the
matrix. Used to say why a statement
you just have said is true.

5. As: predication/C.S. may be optionally

6. In case: introduces a possibility against
which a precaution is needed in
advance, which is the reason why sth
else is done. (Por si, caso que).

7. In that: reason+point of view.

Final position.
Predication Adjunct.

Initial position. Cont
Disjunct/Sent Adjunct

Final position. Content

Content Disjunct.

Final position.
Predication Adjunct.

Predication Adjunct.


8. That: the matrix is normally a neg
exclamation or a rhetorical quest. C.S.
obligatory fronted.

9. While: time+reason.

Non-finite: -ing part & to infinitive.
If only: (aunque ms no sea para) to introduce that
what you think is a fairly good reason for doing sth.
It means roughly: even if the only reason is.

Verbless: subordinate introduced by WITH to
mention only one circumstance or WHAT WITH
(Entre una cosa y la otra) to mention one or more
circumstances of an unspecified set.

B- Indirect reason:
The reason not related to the situation in the
matrix, but a motivation for the implicit speech act
of the utterance to explain how is that you come
to know sth.

As, as long as
Because, For

Content Disjunct.

Content Disjunct.

Content Disjunct.

Initial position.
Final position.
Initial or Final position.

11) Circumstance
(Reason given in
circumstances, in
occasions; not at
any time. El
hablante le da
matiz de
una situacin

Express reason + fulfilled condition (contains a
premise in the sub cl. and a conclusion drawn for it
in the matrix.

As, as long as, seeing that (formal informal usage).

Since introducing a particular situation.

Inasmuch (formal): por cuanto. (In the degree that,
in view of the fact that). Used to introduce a clause
in which you mention sth relevant to the truth of
the preceding or following statement, e.g. sth that
gives a reason for it.

Now that: (ahora que) reason+temporal meaning.
May be used to indicate simultaneity.

Content Disjunct.

Content Disjunct.

Content Disjunct.
Initial and Final

Content Disjunct.

12) Purpose

The result is yet to be achieved. Therefore they
generally take a modal.

Final position.
Sentence Adjunct.


These clauses introduce a negative purpose and
therefore take non-assertive form (para que no).

For fear that, in case, in order that... not, lest.

She turned her face, lest he should see her tears.

If+ be (going) to: If I am to be there on time, Id
better leave at once.

In order that

So (that): Go quietly so no one can hear you.

That: He eats that he may live. (Come para vivir.)

To infinitive - with subordinators: in order (not), so
as (not)
-without subordinators
Both can have their expressed subject of the to inf
introduced by FOR.

13) Result

Factual. The result is achieved.

So that
So (formal)
Such that: result+manner (de modo tal que)
Until: result+time

Non-finite: -ing participle (and). He died, leaving 3
fatherless children.

Content Disjunct.

14) Manner -

When the verb is dynamic theres a blend with

As: in a way that is similar to the way that.
The sub can be intensified by just & exactly.
When the clause is in Final or Mid position, there is
S-Op Inversion. He was a lawyer, as were several of
his brothers.

Initial or Final position.
Predication Adjunct.
Sentence Adjunct.

Can be obligatory
Predication Adjunct: It
was just as I imagined
it would be.

Makes it obligatory.


As... so+matrix in literary style. The Cl. can express
an analogy.

How: Do it how I tell you.

Like: inf AmE.

In (the-any) way (that): free syntactic
constructions. (In such a way that).

Non-finite: -ed part introduced by As.
-ing part.

Verbless: He sauntered down the lane, (with) his
hands in his pockets.

15) Comparison

As if, as though
Like (inf. AmE)

If the comparison is factual, the verbs in the
comparison follow the normal rules of temporal
reference and are indicative. (Cuando el tiempo se
mantiene son factual: pr+pr, past+past).

If the comp is hypothetical (lack of reality) a
subjunctive or hypothetical past may be used as an
alternative. (pr+past, el tiempo cambia).

Non-finite: to-inf., -ing part, -ed part
As if, As though

Verbless: As if, As though.
She shivered as though with cold.

Final position.
Predication Adjunct.

16) Proportion

Cl. involves a kind of comparison: proportionality
or equivalence of a tendency or degree bet 2

Finite: (matrix cl.) formal
The+comp... the+comp. The sub is the 1
The more she thought about it, the worse she felt.

Non-finite: The+comp... the+comp. The sub is the
The less said about that, the happier I will be.
Initial or Final position.
Sentence Adjunct.


Verbless: The+comp... the+comp. The sub is the 1
The simpler the business, the better off you are.

17) Extent or degree

Inasmuch as: formal,(en tanto y en cuanto hasta
Insofar as
Insofar that: formal, rare.
These subord are used to introduce a clause in
which you mention sth that is relevant to the truth
of the preceding or following statement, for
example sth that gives extent.

Only to the extent that.

Initial or Final position.
Sentence Adjunct.

18) Preference

The matrix expresses the preference.
The sub expresses the rejected alternative.

Non-finite: The y are usually non-finite bare inf.
With or without expressed subject.

Rather than + bare infinitive.
Sooner than

A preposition meaning instead of.

Finite: rare and formal, with obligatory should.

Rather than she should feel lonely, her friends
arranged to take her with them on the trip.

Before: They would starve before they would
surrender unconditionally.

Initial or Final position.
Sentence Adjunct.


Can be Initial or Final
A- Like the matrix of the main clause:
contains a transitive verb or adjective
which elsewhere is followed by a that-
clause as complementation.
He never actually took the money, I
I believe that he... (Comment cl. + that-cl.)

B- Introduced by As: like an adv finite cl.
I am a good writer, as you know.

Style Disjunct.

Style Disjunct.


C- Introduced by What: like a nom-rel cl.
Whats more, weve lost all our belongings.
What is even more remarkable, ...

D- Like a to-infinitive Cl.:
I dont know what to do, to be honest.

E- Like an ing-part Cl.:
Putting it at its lowest terms, it has little
market value.

F- Like an ed part. Cl.:
Stated bluntly, he had no chance of


Style Disjunct.

Style Disjunct.

Style Disjunct.


- They modify the whole clause, and are like
a comment of the matrix in which the
writer/speaker shows an opinion but still
refers to what it is said in the matrix.
ALWAYS introduced by a WH
pronoun/adverb (element).

Content Disjunct.

- The Cl. refers to an attribute of the subject.
(Clauses realised by adjective phrases).
- The clause is mobile. (I-M-E position).
- Its implied subj. is the subj. of the matrix,
unless the clause contains additional clause
constituents, and therefore the clause can
be related to a NPh other than the subj.

Attribute of the subject
Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called
for a vote.
implied subject

She glanced with disgust at the cat, now quiet in
her daughters lap.
implied subject
Attribute of the

- The implied subj. can be the whole of the
matrix clause.
Strange, it was she who initiated divorce

Modifier of the
subject of the matrix.


A proposition expressed in the matrix is compared
with a proposition expressed in the subordinate.


Las Comparative Clauses
tienen que ser FINITE
para que sean clauses,
sino son prepositional

Comparative Element: COMP element: the clause
element that specifies the standard of comparison
and is the hinge (nexo) bet the matrix and the
Comparative Clause.

Basis of comparison expressed in the Comparative

The Comparative Cl. is the complement to the
Comparative element.

Comparative Clauses of:
a- Equivalence:
- as... as ...
- Not so/as... as ...

b- Of Non-equivalence:
- To a higher degree: more / -er... than ...
- To a lower degree: less/ -er... than ...

c- Of Sufficiency: enough... to infinitive

d- Of Excess: too... to infinitive


Introduce constructions that combine the notion of
sufficiency or excess with that of result. They
express a high degree in the matrix and the
subordinate clause conveys a notion of result.
Degree in the matrix, result in the subordinate.

SO: adverb premodifier of an adverb or adjective.
SUCH: predeterminer.

SUCH + a + noun... that ...
SO + adj./verb... that ...

SUCH + (as) to-infinitive

He was such a fool to doubt you.

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